virvendir · 1 year
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Drawtober 2023 - Day 2
With Sekaret, you always want to make sure you pay her the best. This bounty hunter might turn on you, if her target offers a better price.
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roqfahshere · 3 months
🥙🍰🥘 Banduuuung! 🍲🍡🥨
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Seneng banget ke Bandung! Kota yang penuh makanan enak dimana-manaaa😆🤤
Masih banyak banget dari list yang belum dicobain tapi mau gimana lagi ternyata perutku dan Mba Dita tidak sekaret itu untuk makan banyak🤔
Mana kalau udah makan banyak langsung kepikiran gula, kolesterol & kalori🫠
Ofc we were happy & spent our 524111 well~🥰
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meselelermemleketi · 4 years
Şâtırlar mı ki Şâdan
Özellerin İsmet'in neden kalmamış saygısı buğday saplarına. Eşref-i mahlukat nedir bilen İsmet'in. Demirden sağanaklar altında uyku tutmuyor,  Yaşayan insanlara bir yük bırakarak yaşamak, tek iz bırakmama hürriyetini güderek kırlarda kırılan bir ruh evhamını baştan çıkaran adlî bir yoklama varsayım ya da berhava edilecek değil halkın uğultusu. Gün turuncu bir hayalet gibi yükselmiyorken, Tesisleri kendinden içre bir buhur uyanışına hapseden yangın, koku ile yersiz avuntu bulacak. Av köpeği yetiştiren avcı elinde silahın gölgesini dahi görmemiş. Evine hekim mi girecek önce yoksa imam mı, sekaret mevsimi ne zamandır. Beklenir mi cemre düşmesi yahut ekin kalkması borcun ödenip kahvede çaya iki şeker atılıp konudan komşudan konuşması. Bir hayatı, ısmarlama bir hayatı bırakamıyorum, Düz hesap, siz hesap, büyük hesap kefe ne kadar ağırlık çeker. Belli midir karşısında ne durur ki kefenin. Yola baş koymak yürümeye imkan verir mi biri basıp geçer mi üstünden, sizden önce yahut sonra. Gençtim ya, ne farkeder deyip geçemedim, Devran döner, yağmur diner, genel geçer. Dönmez devran, dinmez yağmur, geçmez gelen. Mü mümkün mü.
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virvendir · 2 years
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Drawtober 2022 - Day 8
Can't forget about Sekaret, the bounty hunter. Her moral compass always points towards the person who pays best.
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virvendir · 1 year
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Drawtober 2023 - Day 7
Why does Piedro always look spooked or upset when I draw him...
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virvendir · 2 years
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Drawtober 2022 - Day 5
Please don't yell, Piedro is very sensitive and regrets his life choices.
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virvendir · 5 years
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Inktober ‘19 - Day 24
Smoll angery birb Sekaret
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virvendir · 6 years
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Ink OCtober Day 16 - Angery Birb
Don’t make her mad, you will regret it. Sekaret doesn’t have the best of tempers.
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virvendir · 6 years
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Ink OCtober Day 6 - Bountyhunter
This lady is a harpy tiger mix gryphon, who’s morale code is usually the same as the ones paying her the most/best.
She is currently looking for the thief of the tartary seeds, her last trace was sort of a dead end, since Piedro didnt have them in his possesion anymore.  Stolen right form under her beak. The best she could shake out of poor Piedro is tha tit was a one winged bat. Huh.
Interestingly enough a grumpy errandboy from one of the shady alley shops bailed from work lately. And rumors has he had a bad wing...
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virvendir · 6 years
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Ink OCtober Day 19 - Shitty Batson
Faluthei is the main reason I wanted to do an OC Inktober this year, so maybe I should actually draw him. He got ‘employed’ as an errandboy after he injured his wing and was found unconcious. His boss makes sure it doesn’t heal up properly, so Faluthei is more or less forced to stay and keep working  to get by.
During one of his jobs he overhears Sekaret talking to a shopkeeper that was robbed of something very valuable: Tartary Seeds, they posses almost limitless healing powers.
He sneaks out later that night, tailing her and as she is busy confronting the thief, Piedro, he grabs the seeds, vanishing before the two gryphs can get a good look on him.
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