seldompathic 3 months
one night I was complaining to my mom about how difficult Shadow is to draw compared to Sonic and she goes "They're the exact same, it's just that the other one's tentacles go up instead of down."
Every time I think about that sentence I'm left borderline hysterical
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seldompathic 26 days
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Whoops :'))
On a serious note, I'll be back very soon 馃憖 Just had to get my EVERYTHING together and it took a while lmao. Been drawing the blorbos again these last few days though, so hedgehog shenanigans are certainly on the horizon! Man, I missed you guys 鉂わ笍
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seldompathic 3 months
I never thought I'd have to say this, but here I am, doing exactly that 馃拃
Do not upload my art to other sites without permission.
I decided to look my username up on Google for shits and giggles, only to find that my doodles are on Reddit and some back-alley sites as well. Like sure, credit is given and that's a small mercy, but still. I dooooon't like that :')) Please don't make me have to design a watermark. That's boring :((
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seldompathic 2 months
I know this is unrelated to hedgehog shenanigans, but I started Adderall today and my brain is so?? Quiet?? This is so NICE- IS THIS SILENCE SERIOUSLY NORMAL??
Because dude, if I can think this clearly all the time, I might actually be able to open commissions and NOT forget to do them or feel paralyzed 馃檶鉁笍
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seldompathic 2 months
Not even gonna lie, this Sonadow fic is COOKIN RIGHT NOW 馃 I'm so excited to share this one FBWJD
I don't know how long it's gonna end up, but considering I'm only just now getting to the actual dialouge 1k words in, we might be in for a 3-5K silly fest ((Not a lot, I know, but it seems to be my word count comfort zone 馃))
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seldompathic 5 months
YA BOY JUST TURNED 21 TODAY >:))) Later tonight, I will wander into an unsuspecting bar and make a total ass of myself. Nothing will save me now- not even the power of friendship. Sorry Sonic, but I can do this legally now >:))))
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seldompathic 2 months
Therapy isn't enough; I'm looking for a full frontal lobotomy. Gather your best and make me smooth brain. Give me ignorance. Give me peace.
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seldompathic 1 month
If I punched you would you cry
No- I'd give you a 10 second head start to get some distance before the "fuck around" meter dipped into "find out" territory :DD
Also using this as an excuse to apologize for my absence. It's warm out now, so I've been blowing up pianos 馃
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seldompathic 4 months
I've never, in all my goofy days spent hopelessly posting my silly doodles, reached 500 followers on anything before today! My heart is SO FULL RN I LOVE YOU GUYS 馃槶鉂わ笍 Thank you for the endless support and encouragement! This community makes me smile every single day! 馃馃憫
Here's to new doodles, new friends, and brighter horizons! 鉁婏笍馃専
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seldompathic 2 months
I apologize for the inactivity lately :')) Between work, home life, goober time with the homies and other responsibilities, I've been mega busy and it hasn't left a lot of time to draw.
In other news, the gayhog fic I'm working on is slooowly growing, so hopefully I'll have something to throw into the void here soon! Much love <3
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seldompathic 2 months
When I abruptly understood how "line of action" works all my dumb ass did was go
An artist's rite of passage moment
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seldompathic 3 months
Was scrolling through Ao3 and saw a content warning for "Major Hand Holding"
It's probably just a lack of sleep, but that might be the funniest thing I've ever read in my entire life
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seldompathic 3 months
Sonic doodle requests are open! :))
Not gonna be first come first serve, sorry, but I'm big tired. Bored though, so I'd love some doodle ideas to pick through 馃憖
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seldompathic 2 months
Why did I make the writing poll a day long
I crave writing TONIGHT
Maybe I'll do a secret third option to tie myself over for the time being >:))
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seldompathic 3 months
Sorry I've been MIA. Spring is when seasonal big sad hits the hardest, so I've been kinda rotting lately. Will be back soon, but for now, I think its safe to say I will be taking a small break. Much love!! 馃専
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seldompathic 4 months
Apologies for the lack of art posts lately! I don't know what it is about February, but around this time of year, I get into a really intense writing mood. I'll be back to doodling soon, promise! 馃専
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