#self defense is all about losing the guilt smart bullies will try to put on you so you dont fight back
clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 years
Hi! Could I request the V3 boys reactions to their s/o becoming the blackened because they were trying to save them.
Yesssss more angst! These were fun to write!
TWs: Blood, Death, Suicide Mentions, and Major DRV3 Spoilers
No..it couldn’t be true..could it?
Ryoma couldn’t believe you’d actually kill someone, though your reason came as a shock: It was to save his life.
Kirumi was plotting to murder him after the second motive came out. And she obviously panicked when you showed up instead of him, so she tried attacking you.
But you retaliated, leaving her body in the bathroom and altering the crime scene to make it look like she slipped while cleaning it.
You didn’t want to kill anyone, but you were terrified she might target him some other time if you didn’t stop her.
Yet Ryoma vehemently denied you did anything, arguing with Shuichi up until he pointed out incriminating evidence.
He was crushed, knowing he’s going to lose another loved one.
He can’t understand why a criminal like him was worth saving.
But the deed was done. And as your final wish before being executed, you plead for him to survive and see that life’s worth it.
While he’s never been good with promises, he’ll try to keep this last one...for your sake.
He learned the truth earlier than anyone else.
Someone knew he was too smart, always leading the trials and making the swift deductions.
So they believed eliminating him would guarantee them escape from the academy, as everyone would arrive to wrong conclusions without him.
However you put a stop to their plot, accidentally killing them with their own weapon they prepared.
Shuichi didn’t want it to be you--not you, of all people--so he’s far more reluctant to accuse you of murder. 
He’s pretty much mute throughout the trial, but you take notice fast and see him slipping back into that cowardly detective persona.
“Shuichi, don’t you dare go back into hiding. Don’t you dare look away from the truth again.”
He just absolutely refuses to. He can’t....not this time.
So instead, you reveal the truth about your crime. Every last detail--from when the motive came out to how you disposed of the evidence.
By the end of your explanation, he’s in tears--realizing you saved his life..in exchange for your own.
Every night since then, he cries as he hugs the Helping Yacchi plush you gave him the day before the body was discovered.
It hurt so much to condemn you, someone he truly loved.
You learned very quickly that Miu was plotting to kill Kokichi, after noticing her put a bottle of poison in his seat before returning to hers and logging in.
That made you livid. But more scared than anything else.
So you formulated a plan after learning everything (or almost everything) about the virtual world.
You overheard Miu and Kokichi planning to meet on the mansion rooftop, and you didn’t like that idea one bit.
Little did you know, he and Gonta were conspiring to murder her, too, but you beat them to the punch.
Obviously he was pissed someone foiled his plans....but imagine his shock when it turned out to be you.
The two were suspects for a long time as they explained the “Killing Game Busters” scheme.
But since Miu died by your hands--their names were cleared.
Kokichi was in frustrated tears, yelling at you for not telling him sooner.
But he ultimately breaks down when your punishment was announced.
He clings to you, crying and begging you not to leave him--he even pleads with Monokuma to let him die with you.
This time it’s not an act.
He feels genuine sorrow and heartache for a long time after the trial.
It’d be impossible to think anyone would try to kill him.
But someone tried taking advantage of his gullibility. And you happened to be there at the exact same time, attacking the assailant while your entomologist boyfriend ran off in fear.
You cleaned as much evidence as you could before finding and consoling him, lying that you just talked to them.
He believes you and is relieved---until the body discovery announcement plays later on.
Even though you lied, he doesn’t blame you. Not even during the trial where you made up an alibi.
But when Gonta himself is questioned...he clams up, knowing exactly what happened and being too scared to say the truth.
He doesn’t want to condemn you! Gentlemen don’t-
You reassure him it’s okay. Shuichi has you in a corner and there’s no point in letting the trial drag on.
So he eventually admits what he saw, and he can only cry as he votes you as the Blackened.
You two share one last hug, and he says he’ll never ever call you a killer, thanking you for protecting him even if he failed to protect you.
It doesn’t come as a surprise that someone would try murdering him. He could see the hatred in their eyes whenever he looked at them.
His menacing appearance seems to be more than enough of a reason to target him.
However, after finding their body and signs of a struggle surrounding the crime scene, he arrives to the conclusion that the culprit knew he was in danger and killed to protect him.
Ah...how beautiful that realization was.
Or so he thought.
When it’s revealed you carried out that deed, using his golden sword to swiftly kill the victim, his heart is completely shattered.
‘No..no, no, no, no, no!!’
He feels anger, sorrow, confusion, and..so many other unpleasant things at once as you confess to the crime.
Not even Sister calms him down. He becomes belligerent, trying to steer everyone away from the truth and claim he killed the victim in self-defense.
You have to step off your podium to console him, as he was screaming his head off and scaring everyone.
When the trial is over, he just holds you close, begging Monokuma not to take you--his one true love--away from him.
But alas, it’s all for nothing as you’re sentenced to your execution.
Though you remind Korekiyo of what he’s taught you about death, as you didn’t fear it, and you promise you’ll watch over him in the afterlife.
He’s incredibly outraged when everyone suspects you as the culprit in spite of the evidence that piles up.
“Shuichi, you're not actually gonna believe their crap, right?! Stop screwing around--!”
“He’s not, Kaito. It's the truth."
Stunned, he looks at you. Since your podium was conveniently next to his, he didn’t have to look far to see the guilt in your eyes.
Learning your motivation, however, is what ultimately crushed him.
You killed...to protect him?
That couldn’t be right! He was suppose to protect you! Didn’t he always tell you how killing was wrong and-?!
But the truth was you did try talking some sense into the victim...but they attacked you instead, and you retaliated in self-defense. So it was purely accidental.
Kaito is pissed when Monokuma jests that “murder is murder” no matter what and he actually tries fighting the Exisals.
You insist he doesn’t interfere, and plead for him to use that strength to help protect everyone else instead.
His spirit is broken for a while, but...he’ll recover and keep fighting on. For your sake.
Something in you snapped when you overheard Kokichi taunt your robot boyfriend for the last time, actually hurting him physically as well as emotionally.
K1B0 went to you in tears, not understanding why he hated him so much.
After comforting him, you’ve finally had enough. You were sick of him being harassed nonstop.
So you sent him to see Miu while you met with Kokichi to “talk”. 
While the Ultimate Supreme Leader seemed suspicious, he let his guard down...sealing his fate as you strangled him with his own scarf.
Then you inflicted numerous wounds on his corpse to disguise the true cause of death.
But when the truth was revealed, K1B0 was in total shock at your motive.
He couldn’t believe you’d do something so barbaric.
Even if Kokichi bullied him relentlessly, there’s no reason you had to go as far as murder him!
However he understands anger can be a powerful emotion--one that throws any and all sense of logic out the window.
Still..it hurt to watch you get executed. He went into shutdown for the rest of the day/night.
And here he was, thinking you two had finally torn down the wall of “forbidden love” between human and robot for good.
You managed to kill Tsumugi before she had a chance to murder Rantaro and Kaede’s final part of her plan went into motion.
The shot put ball’s sudden appearance startled him into forgetting about the hidden room and running out of the library..
And up the stairs as the obnoxious music stops and one of the girls yelled for everyone to come into the bathroom--where Tsumugi’s body was.
At that point, the game should’ve ended since you actually killed the mastermind.
But of course, Team Danganronpa had backup plans and thus the game kept going.
You had rearranged the crime scene to make it look like a suicide, leading everyone to assume the time limit’s pressures are what killed the cosplayer.
But eventually your crime was unraveled and Rantaro was utterly devastated.
You’re the first Blackened in yet another killing game he was forced to participate in.
You only killed Tsumugi because you found it suspicious she suddenly ran off on her own near the time limit’s end.
In doing so you unknowingly saved Rantaro’s life in exchange for your own.
He was upset you did something so rash when he clearly told everyone not to, but...at the same time he’s grateful to be alive because of you.
He swears your death won’t be in vain. He’s gonna escape this game with everyone else.
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