#self indulgent wish fullfillment by lil
mihrsuri · 5 years
Okay tumblr won’t let me format the ask properly so I’m reposting it. So a prompt from @allegoriesinmediasres :  Ot3verse multimedia: bad “hot takes” about this timeline’s Tudor era, the OT3/Queen Mihrimah/Other nobles/etc. and people taking them apart.
CN: Biphobia, Homophobia, Anti-Semitism, Racism. Also the awesome responses are inspired by my friends @star-anise​ and @findingfeather​
If I see one more person say that my TEXTUALLY BISEXUAL aren’t bisexual I am actually going to explode into a gay super villain who drops themed glitter on my enemies.
#they are BISEXUAL even if they didn’t have the word bisexual #ffs #like h8 being like ‘i love my wife and i love my husbands’ and the duke being like ‘i love the king and the queen’ and the queen being like ‘i love my husbands and also here is some evidence of romantic feelings for ladies as well’ #they are all like I LOVE BOTH OF THEM
Just because you want to make everything about you doesn’t mean it is. They were gay, like shut up karen just because you want to make everything comp het and bullshit it doesn’t mean it was. They were each others beards like, get over yourself and stop thinking you are entitled to representation from real people.
#i fucking hate the way people want to be special
Okay firstly I’ve tagged this because there are so many biphobic slurs in this comment that I do not want people to have to deal with and secondly I’m a lesbian. Get In The Sea. Thirdly can I just say that the fact that the poster above is a pretty serious anti-semite on top of everything else is Super Fucking Great. I haven’t got the spoons right now to deal with this so I’m passing this on - @ani-sadia and @snowyswansofcastallen if you are up to it?
#disk course #one day since our last bullshit #tw: biphobic #tudortriadthings
I want to ask the people who are So Invested In Making These Three Into Something They Explicitly Did Not Want To Be Cast As how you’d feel if future historians did that to you - if they insisted that the people you explicitly said you love, you cherish, you desire and you have built a life with didn’t exist, that you Were Clearly Something Else despite the evidence. Because that’s what you are doing here.
None of these three were straight (read Queen Anne’s poetry and letters to Princess Renee and you can’t not see a baby wlw with A Giant Crush) but they were bisexual and yes, that is true even if they did not have the word bisexual.
The love letters. The extremely explicit about all three of them and their love love letters (like Henry talking about ‘how I have missed the three of us in our bed in my absence for I long to kiss your pretty dukkeys and to see our Duke pleasuring you as I am inside him’ is Pretty Damn Clear.
The Rings. The clear description of the marriage ceremony they undertook and Henry & Anne’s ‘We would crown you before the world, my love’ to Cromwell.
The ‘Shared A Bed Every Night’
The fact that Henry said ‘I have loved both men and women but truly, my heart and soul belongs only to you both my dark haired loves’
I would just like to hear why it’s so so terrible that these three were actually bisexual. They are not straight still.
I hate the fact that we have to listen to this “duchess” talk about her supposedly special heritage like can’t you let us traditionalists have something when the royal family is diminished enough and then this bitch comes along and now we’ve got another one.
#i hate her #anti-catherine #yeah whatever we get it ur a jew and u are brown #fuck off #why can’t we just have something for once #i wish arthur tudor hadn’t died and then england could have been an empire #why can’t i be proud of being white anymore
Oh. Oh. Royal fandom it’s been zero days since our last Fucked Up Nonsense. Usually I don’t respond to things like this because I Am Tired but I have so many anons in my inbox talking in this tone and I just…I AM DONE. It was the best thing that Thomas I and Mihrimah happened because it has made our world which is kind and fucks like the one above are genuinely a minority. They are still there and it’s still painful (as a non white person I just…it’s painful. I hate how they talk about how England Should Have Been An Empire And Also Why Did We Have To Not Do Imperialism It’s The Jews Fault is still a discourse) but yes, Catherine is allowed to talk about being biracial, about being jewish about being not straight.
I’m so glad she’s thriving and you are here, being A Fucking Sad Nonsense. Also Arthur Tudor is going to haunt your ass for the way you are speaking about his relatives just fyi.
I don’t see what she said that was wrong - Catherine is really pushy about everything, like okay be whatever  but you don’t have to go on about it all the time and make people feel bad about who they are. I’ve noticed Meghan does that too - they are both just really annoying and loud.
Fuck Off. And Then Fuck Off Some More.
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