#self ship tag:sunflower
goatslovers · 10 months
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(we are going to pretend that Ballbreaker was shown earlier in sbr even tho that wouldn't make sense) Since Gyro feels genuine stuff towards Serena he would be in denial and act like the jerk he is,but Ballbreaker betrays him all the time bc it acts all touchy feely with Wonderwall,Serena's stand.Like right after a fight against an enemy ends,Ballbreaker and Wonderwall just hug each other before Gyro and Serena stop using them.Gyro and Serena do this subconsciously,but the thing stopping them for acting the same way their stands do is bc at that time they're still in the phase where like I said before,Gyro is in denial and Serena dosen't want Gyro to break her heart.
Gyro and Serena blame each other every time this happens."Tell your damn goat to stop squeezing Ballbreaker,it makes me feel like i'm choking in it's fucking fur" "i'm pretty sure it's YOUR stand the one that throws itself at MY stand".They're blushing like crazy while saying this.Johnny just looks at them like they just said the earth is flat "Both of you know that's NOT how it fucking works"
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goatslovers · 10 months
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The joke here is that they didn't fall in love at first sight (Serena did feel attracted to Gyro the moment she saw him and wanted to know more about him but that's it),because at the start Gyro finds her weird and kind of annoying but he still respects her abilities as a stand user (but he wouldn't admit that for a long time).
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