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mainsstrategic · 2 years
Winter candy apple lotion
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“The platform’s degree of acerbity helps bear anytime of the further aloof genitalia of aroma and takes it bottomward a notch.” “It’s a little bit asperous all over the edges, the alteration is awkward and the green-screen aftereffect is absolutely horrible, about everyone uses it,” she tells me in a video call. Wan herself thinks the address of TikTok is which its agreeable is not conveyed in a glossy package. There was once anything about her music choices, agreeable articulation and although tful, blunt storytelling, commutual with pictures of aroma bottles and their ingredients, which fabricated me really-feel like I was once in an affectionate tête-à-tête with a aroma connoisseur. While all added methods of trying to “sell” me on aroma didn’t work, I was once absolutely awash by Wan. I would booty agenda of which perfumes she recommended, alpha with the aficionado ones and again activity alfresco of my comfort area into anytime alien aroma families. Each instalment acquainted like a mini-lesson which broke bottomward a aroma ancestors like chypre, answer its origin, what which description evokes and assorted perfumes I could try which absolute which scent. I anon gravitated to her Decoding Perfume alternation on TikTok. She’s a biographer and aroma drillmaster in Canada, and her bio reads “making aroma and perfumery accessible.” She became my aroma guru. With which one video, I capital to apperceive what abroad Wan could acquaint me about scents. achievement which helps! #perfumetiktok #balsamicvinegar #decode #fragrance #explained ♬ She Share Story (for Vlog) – 山口夕依 Reply to on balsamic and adhering perfumes. It acquainted like spot-on assessments from addition who is a agog eyewitness and actual abreast about a specific affair (my two favourite qualities in a person). In her calm and agilely amusing manner, Wan akin the fragrances to oft-seen burghal types, including Chloé by Chloé for “the quiet autist with The New Yorker tote reading on the subway” and Santal 33 as the actionable aroma of the west end of Toronto. It was once a TikTok by Tracy Wan on four perfumes you aroma consistently in Toronto. But fast-forward to and a apathetic acquaintance of the aroma apple came to me in a many abrupt place: on my For You Page on TikTok. After all, this is an industry which uses “Oriental” to assort a accomplished adenoids grouping. Perfume acquainted too expensive, too adamantine to grasp, too white and insular, with the acclaimed noses of aroma abiding in specific French families. Did I like sandalwood? Or bergamot? Or none of the above? I hesitated about advance in a 100-millilitre canteen of anything I wasn’t abiding I would like or alike wear. Offerings from the big architecture houses acquainted too affluent for my blood, too far out of my understanding. I spent a afflictive amount of time tracking bottomward Bath & Body Works holiday specials so I could acquirement Winter Candy Apple-scented anatomy lotion, aroma brume and duke soap all through sales. When I did buy fragrance, it came from accessible spaces. So those gorgeous bottle bottles were agilely in my ambit about never my destination. The few times I went to acquirement aroma was once at those stores’ adorableness counters, which I never acquainted wholly adequate approaching I was once generally larboard cat-and-mouse too continued for service, and I assigned this agnosticism to how I presented as a darker-skinned Mohawk woman. Rather, it came to me.įragrance would generally waft from my appearance magazines and discharge out of my online beauty adjustment bales alien and unsolicited, alone like the aroma wielders aggressive to aerosol me at department stores. But afterwards those years, I chock-full gluttonous out perfume in a austere way. As an ’80s kid, I was once alien to aroma via the iconic arenaceous Love’s Baby Soft the aroma was once everywhere - it was once advertised in the boyhood magazines I apprehend and beat by all my friends.
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0 notes
notebooknebula · 4 years
Matt McKeever, BRRRR Investing
https://www.jayconner.com/matt-mckeever-brrrr-investing/ Matt McKeever is a CPA & Real Estate Investor. He implements the BRRRR investing strategy in London Ontario. https://www.youtube.com/c/MattMcKeever/ You'll learn how to analyze multifamily properties and how to maximize your return on investment through strategic renovations that will allow you to increase rents, your equity and your cashflow!
Jay Conner (00:10): Well, hello there and welcome to another episode of real estate investing with Jay Conner. I'm Jay Conner, your host, and also known as the Private Money Authority. If you're brand new here to listening on iTunes or Google play, or you may be watching and listening to the live stream right now on one of our YouTube channels or Facebook and you're new to Real Estate Investing with Jay Conner show. We talk about all things, real estate, how to find deals, how to get them funded, how to sell them fast, how to automate your business. So you're actually running your business and it's not running you. And since we launched the show back in June of 2018, I've had some very, very amazing guests here on the show with me, and today's no different, but before I bring my guest on, I want to let you know about what one big thing that we do here on the show. And that's talking about funding for your deals.
Jay Conner (01:04): Well, the short version of my story is, my wife, Carol Joy and I started investing in single family houses here in Eastern North Carolina, back in 2003. And the first six years that we were doing business, I relied on the local banks and mortgage companies. But in January of 2009, I was cut off from a funding, but no notice like the rest of the world. And so I was introduced to this wonderful world of private money. How to get funding for your deals that has nothing to do with your credit. Nothing to do with your verification of income. Nothing to do with your experience and how you can actually set your own rules to get funding for your real estate deals. So I've been using private money for funding ever since 2009. We've got 49 private lenders right now, funding our deals.
Jay Conner (01:55): And if you would like to learn as well about how you can get funding for your deals, the same way I do without relying on banks, then I've got a free online class for you to check out after the show. You go over after the show to www.JayConner.com/MoneyPodcast. That's JayConner.com/MoneyPodcast. There, I will teach you and reveal the five easy steps as to how you can quickly have zero funding for your deals, and very quickly having the hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars in funding.
Jay Conner (02:37): So with that, I'm just so excited to introduce to you my guest today. My guest is a CPA and a real estate investor. You don't find too many of those combinations inside the same head. So anyway, he implements this thing called the BRRRR investing strategy. And we're going to dive on that and find out what in the world that strategy is. So he primarily focuses on small apartments and commercial deals. Now he has got a very, very popular YouTube channel. That right now has over 60,000 subscribers. And we're going to tell you here in a moment, how to get over that YouTube channel and you can check him out, but on his YouTube channel, he teaches you how to analyze multifamily properties and how to maximize your return on investment through strategic innovations and renovations. That will show, that will allow you to increase your rents, increase your equity and how to increase very quickly your cash flow and these properties. And own this same YouTube channel, you'll find videos where he's teaching this ranging from renovating properties, duplexes, triplexes of all sizes, as well as dealing with student rentals his best practices for buying properties, how to manage your tenants and your portfolio of properties.
Jay Conner (04:02): So he's also going to show you on his YouTube channel, how he structures joint venture deals. How he gets funding for his deals. How he negotiates with banks, refinances properties, and of course, much more. So be sure to subscribe to his channel when we tell you about it here in a moment, and you'll be able to follow him in his pursuit of financial independence and how you can get it also as well. With that, I'm so excited to bring onto the show right now, Mr. Matt McKeever. Hello, Matt! And welcome to the show, my friend.
Matt McKeever (04:35): Thanks, Jay. Appreciate the warm introduction.
Jay Conner (04:38): Absolutely! Glad to hear you. So, you're up in Canada. Well, whereabouts in Canada?
Matt McKeever (04:43): So located London, Ontario, about two hours from Toronto, which is our big city here in Canada.
Jay Conner (04:49): I got you. Now is all of your investing these days taking place in Canada?
Matt McKeever (04:54): Yep. So right now my portfolio is exclusively in Southwestern Ontario. So within right now, actually it's pretty much all clustered in London, Ontario, which is a market with a 500,000 Metro population area. Just to kind of give you guys a rough idea. Median house price is around 350 to 400.
Jay Conner (05:14): So with everything that we're going to be talking about here on the show today, and also on your YouTube channel, do all or most of the strategies apply to doing this type of business the way you do it in the United States?
Matt McKeever (05:29): Yeah, absolutely. So if anything, the United States has maybe more friendly investor regulations in most States. So everything we do here in Canada can absolutely be replicated in the States. And in fact, sometimes it's easier because you guys have nifty little tricks, like the 10 31 exchange, which is completely nonexistent here in Canada.
Jay Conner (05:50): I got you! And that comes into play more often in the world of commercial than it does in single family homes. Right?
Matt McKeever (05:58): Absolutely! So here in Canada, unfortunately we don't have that 10 31 exchange. We can find a handful of other innovative ways to try and, you know, help us speed up the velocity of our money. But really for myself, when I first joined like a lot of investors, my biggest thing was either limited amounts of resources, right? The limited amount of my own money. And like a lot of people I had discovered private money like yourself. So we're constantly focused on how can I stretch the little bit of money I have to control the most amount of real estate as possible. And that's what really led me into that BRRRR investment strategy, where you buy a property, renovate it, you know, fix it up, bring it up to its highest, best most efficient use, then rerent it out at a higher amount, then go back to your lender and refinance and pull out the money. And I started originally doing that on small single family homes and small multi-families. And now I've just graduated to doing the exact same business model, but just with small apartment buildings, rather than like a triplex or a fourplex,
Jay Conner (06:56): I got you. Well, just in case some people aren't able to stay to the end of the show. Let's go ahead and let everybody know right now how they can find your YouTube channel. That's got all the trainings on it and et cetera, where can they go for that?
Matt McKeever (07:09): Yeah. So if you hit me up on YouTube, it's just Matt McKeever. That's M C K E E V E R. And anywhere social media, you'll find me on those platforms. So if you're not on YouTube, I'm everywhere else as well.
Jay Conner (07:24): Well, what I want us to talk about. Well, thank you for sharing that, Matt. What I want us to talk about today here on the show are really three topics. First I want to hear about your personal journey in real estate. Secondly, I want to, I want you to talk about the power of social media and how you use social media to leverage success in your business. And then thirdly, you got an interesting concept that you talk about. You don't talk that much about ROI, Return On Investment or Return On Cash. You talk about this thing talking to call return on time. So those are the three topics let's start with your personal journey, Matt, and your story.
Matt McKeever (08:03): Absolutely. So like a lot of real estate investors you know, my gateway into real estate investing the gateway drug, as I like to say it, Rich Dad, Poor Dad. That's what really started my entire journey. And in my fourth year at university, you know, I was going through for business. I was going to get my CPA license and really the reason I wanted to get into business or become an entrepreneur was to, you know, get rich. Like a lot of people. But I didn't really know what get rich meant and had no idea how to actually achieve it. And so I was speaking with one of my roommates at the time we lived in a six bedroom student rental house and I was like, Jake, your dad's rich. He owns like a big company with hundreds of employees. I was like, go ask him how we get rich.
Matt McKeever (08:49): Cause we both know we want to get rich, but we have no idea. And he actually gave us the book, Rich Dad Poor Dad. And ever since reading that book in the back of it and a list of other books to go read, I went and read every book from that as well. And just really got addicted to this idea of real estate investing and being able to build up a, you know, passive cash flowing investment portfolio. I didn't end up jumping into real estate until age 25. So from kind of 2021 discovering real estate to 25 and actually executing that I was just consuming information, trying to save up money. But also I was trying to get outside my comfort zone because all my friends and family thought I was crazy for wanting to get into real estate investing when I was already on, you know, the corporate path to that white collar job with the corner office.
Matt McKeever (09:37): At the age of 25 is when I bought my first rental property. And on my 25th birthday, I ended up making a commitment to myself. So I downloaded an app on my phone that would count down the days to my 35th birthday. And I decided to make a commitment that I would retire by the age of 35 because of real estate investing. And so I was the guy at different parties or networking events, people would say, Hey, Matt, what's new with you? What's up? I'd pull out the phone and be like, Oh 2,465 days until my 35th birthday. When I get to retire. Long story short, kept buying real estate, kept in asking them that. And instead of having to wait 10 years, I actually retired from being a CPA, a chartered accountant at the age of 31 and just went all in to real estate investing at that point.
Matt McKeever (10:22): And then from that I found like a lot of people, once I left the corporate 9-5 behind, my success in real estate actually really started hockey sticking because I had all this extra time and energy now to deploy into my real estate investing business. And in that first year of quitting my day job, I think I acquired 32 additional units that year. And then continued just to, you know, focus on different unique investment opportunities, started teaching other people about real estate investing as well. Because when I quit my day job at 31, I found it's kind of lonely. There's not a lot of other 31 year old retirees out there. And so I didn't really have a peer group to hang out with. So I decided to start writing these really long emails to my friends, you know, like 5,000 word emails, trying to explain to them how they could quit their day job in five years, if they would just invest in real estate like I did.
Matt McKeever (11:15): And I'm sure as you can imagine, your audience can imagine. No one responded to those 5,000 word emails because that's a small novella. Thankfully at the time I happened to be reading a book and the books that speak to your audience in the language they wish to be spoken to. And immediately clicked for me, the reason that I love real estate and the reason so many people are drawn to real estate investing is because it's such a tactical, you know, real investment, right? Like it's a physical thing. Unlike say paper stock or paper assets. So immediately started documenting on my YouTube channel, just how I was going about investing in real estate. So if you go back to like my very first video, you can see, I was still swinging a hammer. Like I was still sweating up in the attics, re-insulating, running duct work, stuff like that.
Matt McKeever (12:01): So really have been exposed to almost every aspect of the real estate investing journey. But at this point now what the day to day looks like is I've got a wholesaling business with five full time employees just wholesaling real estate. I've got a company that just BRRRRs apartment building. So in the last eight months or so we've acquired about 70 units in that entity and have just been BRRRRing those apartments and then also have my education and just networking, which is, you know, my YouTube channel, social media presence and a couple other little education companies. So definitely just, you know, constantly trying to level up and surround myself with like minded individuals when it comes to real estate.
Jay Conner (12:43): Now you just said, that particular entity you've been BRRRRing properties. First of all, how do you spell that? Secondly, what does it mean?
Matt McKeever (12:53): Absolutely. So B R R R R. And so it stands for Buy, Renovate, Rent, Refinance, and Repeat. And so really what that looks like is simply finding, to me the best way to explain it is you're just looking for under utilized assets and you're going to try and bring them up to their highest, best, most efficient use. So oftentimes what that looks like for me these days is we're buying an apartment building here in Ontario that maybe is being rented out for 50% of fair market value. And the landlords owned it for 10, 20 years. There's not a lot of equity and they're no longer motivated to operate it at a hundred percent efficiency or anywhere close to it. They're often approaching retirement age. So we go in there, buy the property. Then we implement strategic renovations, which again, unlike, you know, on HGTV, a lot of my YouTube fans would love to see me blowing out walls, you know, doing open concept this, that, and the other, but most of my renovations are really boring.
Matt McKeever (13:52): It's like, let's clean out all the junk. Let's paint the property. And maybe we'll put a new kitchen and bathroom tops. And so really we're just focused on what creates the highest return on investment from those dollars we're investing into the property. So in my market here in London, Ontario, specifically usually adding dishwasher to a kitchen that can increase not only the rent we can charge every month, but also in general increases the quality of tenant that we're going to be drawing from as well as say, adding laundry. If you can put in suit laundry, oftentimes in my market, I can charge between a $100 and $150 more per month in rent. And yet the cost of actually, you know, installing that laundry, depending upon the layout of the unit might be $2,500. So a very fast payback period in regards to when we can earn back that initial investment. But because we've increased the rent amounts.
Matt McKeever (14:44): Now the actual capitalization rates of the property, you know, is going to revalue the property at a higher amount as well, if we the same cap rate. So again, what I'm really focused on is just taking underutilized assets, bringing them them up to their highest, best, most efficient use. Then re-renting them out for top dollar. And once we've re-rented it out for top dollar, you know, our income statement looks a lot more attractive, which means the lender and the appraiser is going to reappraise the property and refinance the property a much higher value. And ideally with our business model, if you're doing it right, once you're done this BRRRR and with the larger apartment buildings, it's usually taken us about 18 months to do it from start to finish. What you're going to end up doing is being able to extract all the initial capital you invested in. So the idea here is, you know, if I can refinance at a 75% loan to value, I maybe buy the property for, let's say a million dollars, put 500,000 renovations, but then get it to reappraise at 2 million. Well at a 75% loan to value, I actually will get $1.5 million in new financing, right from the property, which means I can pay off the entire acquisition costs. So that's really the base model here is to implement what we call a perfect BRRRR.
Jay Conner (15:58): I love it! I never heard of the BRRRR strategy. I love it! Now, one thing you were just talking about was buying the properties. That's the first letter in the BRRRR strategy. So here in the US there's a popular website called LoopNet. What are, what are some of your favorite strategies these days for locating these under you know, these underperforming assets?
Matt McKeever (16:26): Yeah, so there's a lot of different strategies. One thing that is very different about the U S market and the Canadian market is, in the U S market, you guys have the freedom of information act. Here in Canada, we've got the protection information. It's so like, it's literally the exact opposite. So you guys are all about free information. We're all about keeping it all secluded and hidden and private. So honestly my best way is like personal networking. So I'm happy to share some tips here, but it's something that doesn't seem to resonate with a lot of people my age or my generation, which actually makes for a great opportunity for anyone that's willing to actually just build relationships, build rapport. And so, like, we actually target a certain type of realtor even to network with. Like the realtor I want to network with is he's like, realistically, they're above the age of 55.
Matt McKeever (17:21): They've been in business for at least 15 years. And what we're doing is we're approaching those realtors and being like, Hey, who have you sold the property to? Like a large apartment building to 10 years or longer ago? They're sitting on a ton of equity. I want to go make them an offer and make them a ton of money and make that offer through you and have you make commission off of it. So we're very focused on trying to structure win-win opportunities when possible, and make sure that everyone eats because we find when make sure that everyone else profits from a deal we'd done, they get addicted to that cycle and they want to get us more deals. But again, we're very boots on the ground and often focused on doing things that our competition won't do. So everyone loves the idea of hiring a VA out of the Philippines and hitting them, them hitting the phones for a thousand calls a day.
Matt McKeever (18:10): But what we'll do is I'll literally send one of my employees to stake out an apartment building, and they'll just park in front and literally talk to every person going in that building, being like, who's the owner? Can I get the owner's phone number? And we find that usually, you know, we ask enough, we will get that owner's phone number. And a lot of the apartment buildings I buy are literally through that process of, originally it was myself or a business partner just taking it out. Now we have employees taking out the apartment buildings, but we found that that's the best way to really get deals. Because if an owner has already thought about selling the property, contacted a realtor and listed on the market, they're now focused on just getting top dollar. And if they're solely focused on getting top dollar, that's fine for them, but it's usually not going to work for me and my business model. So we're often focused on not finding sellers, but actually creating sellers by making what we call blind offers. I don't even really know what their motivations are, but I know that they've owned it for so long that they're probably sitting on massive amounts of equity. And so I'm hoping that I can present them with a unique offer that they haven't even really considered. And, you know, then we can get that conversation rolling.
Jay Conner (19:17): So do you have your people stake out properties that looks just on the outside like it could use, you know some rehab and renovations and really be brought up to increase, you know, rents or whatever, or do you approach it differently? By again, looking for someone that probably has owned this property for a long time or which comes first? They've owned it for a long time or it looks like it could use some renovations or both?
Matt McKeever (19:47): Yeah, we're definitely open to either. In general, the way we're usually going to like again, because we don't have like easy databases of information. It can be very cumbersome to really figure out who's owned what property for how long on a grand scale. I can definitely look it up individually, but there's no way for me to like print off, you know, a giant data set. So in general, we're more focused on the building first and then doing our research afterwards. So literally what I'll do, and again, nothing fancy here, but I'll go to my local cities, zoning map, look at the zoning, look for a high density residential. And then I'll go on Google satellite and look just from the satellite view and find apartments, buildings, right? Identify the apartment buildings. Then literally go on Google street view. Sometimes on Google street view, you can see the property manager sign on the building.
Matt McKeever (20:40): So we'll immediately just call the property management firm then. If we can't find that, that's when I'm probably going to send someone to stake out the building. Get in contact with the tenants and find out who manages it and how. But at the same time, we've got a lot of other strategies. So here in Canada, Kijiji is really popular in the States. I think it's more often Craigslist is the, you know, the online classifieds the people are going to use. But I also love going on Kijiji, looking through the for rent ads. And you just look for the landlords that are beaten down and they're just sick of it, right? So like there's no good photos taken. And sometimes I don't know what it's like in the States, but in Canada you can read it like, the landlord will write all in caps, like no debt deeds. And that's like the title of their Ad. And like, this guy doesn't want to be a landlord anymore. This guy wants to sell to me, even if he doesn't know it yet.
Jay Conner (21:31): I love it! When you said a moment ago, something really, really important to your, the success of your business is networking and relationships. Well, that ties right into how you're able to leverage social media. So would you share with my audience here strategies and tips that you're doing these days to leverage social media and to really how you harness the power of it?
Matt McKeever (21:57): Yeah. And so the first thing I think that we need to really discuss is why even care about social media, right? And I find a lot of investors think that it's simply a distraction. And if you use it as a distraction, it absolutely is if you use it as a business tool, it absolutely is. So you're right. Either way, it really just comes down to how you use it. But for me, what's really powerful about social media is having that one to many conversation before the advent of social media and online networking and things of that nature. Realistically, the only one to many conversation we could have as real estate investors is going out to your local real estate investment group. Right. And you could maybe go, and if you were lucky, you could get up on stage and maybe talk for half an hour, give a little presentation or breakdown about what you're doing.
Matt McKeever (22:44): And that group maybe met once a month. So maybe once a year, you could get in their lineup, get up on stage and talk, or you had to become the host of the meet-up group in order to have that one to many conversation on a reoccurring basis. Whereas on my YouTube channel. And again, like my YouTube channel, isn't massive by YouTube standards, but it's important for what I'm focused on. And what I'm focused on is really talking to my core audience, which is Canadian real estate investors, and then just real estate investors in general. And so even with just like 60,000 subs on my YouTube channel, any given day, I'm averaging 4,000 to 5,000 views on my YouTube channel. The average view on my YouTube channel is about seven minutes long. So I view that as myself being able to have, you know, 4,000 to 5,000 conversations that are seven minutes long, every single day.
Matt McKeever (23:33): Well, that's more minutes than there already is available on the day. So right away that one to many conversations, extremely powerful. But even more so as real estate investors, it's not like we necessarily have to go, you don't need millions of followers or millions of views in order to have a very effective business model. You really just need, like for a lot of real estate investors, their business would be changed if they had five good private money partners, right? Or five private money lenders. And you can really build up a relationship with those people through social media. So a lot of people, they decide that they want to lend their money to me before I ever even make an ask. And that's simply because they're able to watch and see my projects. They get to see me interact on interviews or go live on Instagram or Facebook and just have conversations.
Matt McKeever (24:20): And they get to build a personal relationship with you. And something that we all need to remind ourselves as people like doing business with people they like. And so if you're not putting yourself out there on social media, if you're not trying to present, you know, your story, your image, your business model, you're not giving anyone even the chance to fall in love with you and your story and want to invest in you or your business. So for me, there's just so much power when it comes to social media, but I know I've just been kind of talking high level. So specifics. If any of your listeners here are brand new to social media, they're intimidated by the idea. They don't have a lot of time to invest into social media, pick one platform and spend at least 80% of your social media efforts on that one platform.
Matt McKeever (25:03): Now, if you're a small investor and you're looking just to get a couple money partners or finding say two or three money partners with six figures or more to invest would be a game changer. I personally would focus on LinkedIn and I would literally just write one or two blog posts a week about my business model. Understand that's never going to go viral. You'll probably be lucky to get more than a couple of dozen views, but that's all it takes. All you really want to do is really cultivate a strong relationship with a handful of money lenders. Now, for myself, there's value in the education and email list and all that stuff. But for a lot of beginner, real estate investors, you don't need that. You just need to build a handful of relationships and still social media is going to be a faster means to that end. Than going out to your local real estate investing group.
Jay Conner (25:49): That's awesome! And then to wrap up Matt, I want us to hang out a few minutes on your view and your take on return on time versus return on instead of ROI, et cetera. So what's your take on return on time and why is that so important?
Matt McKeever (26:08): Yeah, it's something that I think a lot of investors are looted by at the start. And so in general, I kind of view this evolution of real estate investors and their sophistication based upon the metrics they talk about. So CPA by nature. So kind of a numbers nerd and, you know, a ratio nerd to begin with. But in general, when brand new people come to real estate investing, I find they talk about ROI, you know, return on investment. And they're really impressed by the return on investment real estate can generate. Then once they get a little bit more sophisticated, they really start appreciating and understanding leverage. And we hear them talking about things like cash on cash returns, and really then it's about the velocity of their money. Then as people continue to graduate and evolve as investors, maybe they start looking at larger multifamily properties.
Matt McKeever (26:55): At which point in time, they usually start talking about cap rates or IRR. The internal rate of return. And again, all of these metrics are useful, but at the end of the day, what really draws us to real estate investing in my opinion, is the ability to have a high return on time. And that's what I'm really focused on these days as an investor and I'd encourage anyone else that's in real estate investing to start viewing things through that lens. And so one of the best examples I can give is wholesaling real estate. Here in Canada, it's still a relatively new concept. It's maybe only five years old that people have really been doing it to any serious capacity. And so it's got a little bit of a negative stigma still here in Canada. However, if you look at what you can accomplish with say, wholesaling versus flipping a property, usually the return on time, even if the total profit is lower on that wholesale deal, let's say you can wholesale a deal for $10,000, or you could flip the same property and make $50,000.
Matt McKeever (27:52): Well, the bigger question to me is how long does it take to wholesale assign that piece of paper versus actually flipping it. Well for the average person here in Canada, assigning it, you're probably going to assign it in one to two weeks. So your return on time, let's say it took you even a month. Well, your return on time is $10,000 per month. Whereas if we're going to flip the property, well again, we have to tie up the property. We have to wait for it to close. Then we close on it. Then we have to do our renovations, fix it up. Then we have to put it up for sale. Then we have to sell it. Then we have to wait for it to close. Well, oftentimes even if you're going to make $50,000, that entire process from start to finish, it might be five or six months.
Matt McKeever (28:31): Well, at that point in time, you're looking at very similar return on time, but your perception of risk is higher as well because with the wholesale deal, we make the money before ever even closing on the deal. While we're flipping there's a speculative piece to it because we don't really know what's going to sell for, until it sells. So for myself and a lot of people that I'm trying to help level up as real estate investors these days. I really want them to focus on the highest return on time investments. And this is also really important because a lot of us, when we first get started as investors, a lot of us swing the hammers ourselves. We clean up the units ourselves. We paint the units ourselves. But oftentimes those are the lowest value skills, right? Like you could probably find someone to pay $10, $15, $20 an hour to clean up or paint the unit. Whereas you, as the investor would likely be better served going and finding the next deal or going and talking with your next private money partner. And really building those relationships and send yourself up to do more deals rather than trying to squeeze every deal for every penny. We're better off to go find more deals. So this idea of return on time is just really being cognizant and not getting distracted by one piece of the puzzle, but really looking at the puzzle as a whole, When it comes to our investing and investment strategies.
Jay Conner (29:46): Excellent! Thank you, Matt. Well, folks, go ahead and check out and subscribe to Matt's YouTube channel at YouTube/MattMcKeever and that's M A T T M C K E E V E R. Matt. Thank you so much for coming on the show today. I really enjoyed having you.
Matt McKeever (30:07): Thanks, Jay. Really appreciate it.
Jay Conner (30:09): Alright! There you have it folks. Another show. I'm Jay Conner, The Private Money Authority. Wishing you all the best. And here's to taking your real estate investing business to the next level. We'll see you on the next show. Bye for now.
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holidcy · 4 years
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i am actually embarrassed to say how long this intro too me to write out ? so im not gonna say it ! it’s not like it took be 3 hours or anything 👀 . and for what ? idk because this intro is a mess . but anyways ... i’m mia , i’m a whole twenty years old which really just feels like a glorified teenager but whatever , we’re not here to talk about that right now . we’re here to talk about my lil baby holly . guys she is literally the sweetest human ever ? but also ? to sensitive for her own good and really the good of those around her ? very happy feet energy coming form this girl . but without further ado , below you can read up on holly & if you wanna plot give this a like . also my discord is 𝖒𝖌𝖐'𝖘 𝖜𝖍𝖔𝖗𝖊#9789 if you wanna plot there or just generally chat !
full name: holiday elena addams nickname: holly ( she’s basically turned this into her name , not one really calls her holiday ) , holls , elle ( by her parents ) birthday: june 3rd birthplace: chicago , illinois hometown: highland park , illinois ( although the family home was located in highland park her parents would in chicago and holly even attended private school in chicago ) residence: new york city , new york nationality: american ( est. 1999 through birth )  ethnicity: english ( maternal & paternal , 50% ) , polish ( maternal , 25% ) , spanish ( paternal , 25% ) religion: catholicism  orientation: heterflexible ( she claims being straight but in all actually she’s not closed off to anything despite not having much experience outside the opposite gender ) languages spoken: english ( fluent , first language ) , spanish ( fluent , second language ) , polish ( conversation , third language ) , mandarin  ( conversational , fourth language ) . father: leandro oliver addams  ( 49 years old )  was born & raised in chicago , illinois by a politician / businessman & a philanthropist . leandro went on to take a little bit from both of his parents as he is a highly esteemed business tycoon as well as being regarded as one of the most charitable men in the world .  ( relationship:  there has never been a day that has gone by where the two didn’t get along . if there is anyone in this world who gets holly it is her father . truly , daddy’s little girl . the two of them are as thick as thieves . ) mother : susanna renee addams ( nee daniels ) ( 48 years old ) was born & raised in long island , new york . the daughter of a hedge fund investor & a stay at home mother . susanna grew to be an amazing cosmetologist and which the help of her father’s amazing business mind she was able to start up a salon in new york city . she gained the most devoted clientele , loving every second of her work . she took a break for almost a decade before deciding to return to the beauty industry . today she has salons across the globe in chicago , los angeles , toronto , london , and new york city .  ( relationship: susanna often had to play bad cop when it came to parenting and because of this the two butted heads quite often whilst holly was growing up . despite this , her mom is her role model and the two have always had a friendship that underlined their mother - daughter relationship .  ) social class: upper education: attending new york university ( s. 2018 ) she spent her first year of university at usc , she’s majored in creative writing at both universities  career: author ( her book is a coming of age mystery called privilege that she’s recently admitted to writing the full book during a coke binge ) , internet personality , philanthropist , socialite , and student  notoriety: being apart of the prominent addams family , amassing over 32m followers on all social media platforms , publishing a new york times best selling book at the age of seventeen . weight: 120lbs height: 5′5″ hair color: brown ( with blonde highlights ) eye color: brown positive traits: benevolent, high spirited , extroverted , romantic , honest , affectionate , intelligent , friendly , ambitious , passionate , approachable , charming  negative traits: immature , vain , garrulous , critical , sensitive , stubborn , inattentive , naive , sarcastic , obsessive , insecure , impractical , irritable likes: anything strawberry flavored , flowers , driving fast , pink , watching the first snow fall , birthday parties , lips gloss , netflix , sunkissed skin , dogs , peanut butter , agatha christie , redecorating , driving with the windows down , long plane rides , denim jackets , taco bell , orange juice , makeup , sports , female empowerment , online shopping , fresh berries , roller skating , photography , writing , tea dislikes: liars , driving in the snow , coffee , having no siblings , deep water , bad drivers , body shaming , pizza , hateful people , being rushed , cuss words , repetition , disloyalty , being alone ,  horror movies , dentists , silence , cheap perfume , criticism , the unknown , traffic , wine , poptarts ,  small spaces ,  hobbies: reading with a hot cup of tea , video editing in the back of a car , smoking before bed to help fall asleep , going out to eat with her parents , napping , hiding alcohol in her bedroom , painting alternate universe cartoons , attending big soirees , stashing drugs in jewelry boxes , sleepovers with her closest friends , talking the dogs on walks , early morning instagram lives , old disney marathons , scribbling in a notebook while snuggled up in bed  chara inspo: olivia baker ( all american ) , leila faisal ( all american ) , tan france ( queer eye ) , elena gilbert ( the vampire diaries ) , dorothy gale ( wizard of oz ) , lucy pevensie ( chronicles of narnia ) , lara jean ( to all the boys i loved before ) , elle woods ( legally blonde ) , jeffree star , jenny humphrey ( gossip girl ) , cassie howard ( euphoria ) fashion inspo: vsco girls , bella hadid , megan markle , rihanna , selena gomez , perrie edwards , emma watson aesthetics: ghostly sounding music playing as background music to a pen to paper , eyes widened at the chance to do something positive , the annoying beg for approval , infectious energy , a pout so crippling , the swell of regret as you sneak a bottle into your bedroom , tanned skin tousling with silk sheets , big eyes threatening to shed a tear , the zip of a pink mclaren 
holly is the only child to leandro and susanna addams ( the addams family 👀 ) . she was born with not just a silver spoon but the silver spoon . the addams are a prominent american family , that are regarded as one of the leading industrialist during the gilded age . in short her families been billionaire rich for a long time and are known as one of the families to bring wealth to the city of chicago . she was incredibly spoiled growin gup as you would assume but by the grace of her parents teachings she was anything but a brat . she had being filthy rich and being an only child working against her and she still managed to be the most giving and down to earth child . from a young age holly would give her toys to other kids during play dates & ask her parents if she could donate the things she didn’t use anymore to the less fortunate . 
although her father had a busying career as he took over the family company just a year before holly was born , but in spite of that he always made time for his family . luckily her mother had stepped away from her career soon after meeting holly’s father , so she was able to be a stay at home mom and be there for every important moment of holly’s life . by the way , susanna was straight of of a real housewives show only just an overall better person ? they had dinner together as a family every night , threw parties at the house for every big moment in holly’s life . everything from birthdays , graduations , academic honors , to becoming captain of the cheerleading team and everything in between warranted a celebration in the eyes of susanna and leandro . 
she grew up extremely sheltered , mostly because her parents wanted to keep their little girl well their little girl . they didn’t want the world to taint her . she went to church every sunday and even wednesday nights , if she wanted to have a sleepover it was always at the addams household , and her parents met the parent/s of every kid she befriended growing up . 
despite their attempts her parents couldn’t shield her from one thing . getting her heart broken and at sixteen she experience her first bout of heart break . the boy she’d falling head over heels for just stopped talking to her one day , with no rhythm or reason he moved on to another girl with a blink of an eye . she couldn’t understand why ( pst ? it was because she slept with him and that was all he wanted to begin with ) someone could be so cruel an play with someones heart like that . it was her first experience of how the world could really work and in all honesty , holly couldn’t handle it . she got her hands on her parents bar room in the house and would literally drink every night before bed so she could sleep . 
this soon turned into her going to parties , promising her parents "i just want to hang out with my friend , i wont touch any alcohol” and her promise was always kept , she didn’t touch alcohol at these parties instead she smoke weed and on the chance one of her friends had it on them she’d do a line . 
this double life , if you would , didn’t lead to any real issues , at least not while she was in highschool . she still graduated top of her class  and even got accepted into her dream school university of southern california .  it wasn’t until she was a semester deep in usc that she realized she was losing control over her life . maybe it was a mix of her derailing mental state , being separated from her parents , and the los angeles social make up . whatever it was holly wasn’t too far gone to see she needed help . 
instead of going back to school the following semester holly checked herself into rehab . her parents freaked out , unaware their daughter had touched a substance a day in her life . it was a long process and took alot of owning up for her own wrong doings but after a couple months she checked out of rehab and flew out to her parents .
she had decided upon leaving rehab that her best bet directly after getting out would be to surround herself with people who loved her . during her short stint in california her parents had made the temporary move to new york city so that her mom could focus on the salon in the city , so holly transferred to new york university to continue her studies and be around her parents .
she lives under their roof , despite being more than self efficient thanks to her multiple branches of income including her trust fund but she figures there is only so much more time before they leave to go back to chicago that the more time she spends with them the better off she’ll be when they leave the city . speaking of , she doesn’t know her parents will be leaving the city in the next few months . on a positive note they plan on paying the rent in the apartment they live in for her until she finds somewhere she likes better .   
today , holly is a sober ( she smokes weed here and there but it’s not a addictive so it fine 🙄 ) and happy . although due to how sensitive the girl is anything could make her snap , she’s incredibly fragile guys . like capable of having a mental break at any moment but like we ignore it because if we bring it up it’ll happen . wooo . 
not so fun fact ? when she has an off day she’ll literally sit in her room holding either a bottle she had hidden in her walk in closet or stares at the coke she keeps in her jewelry box . she hasn’t used any of it but she tells herself its there as a reminder when really it’s a crutch for if she ever needs it again , she has easy access .
secret time ? she pushed her ex boyfriend of a balcony while she was drunk . this happened before she went to rehab ... perhaps you could say it was what prompted her to realized her crazy ass needed to go to rehab . ummm , it’s not acceptable and she knows this but one thing we all need to know about holly is that holly + substances + being upset = toxic shit that is always the equation and there is never another answer to it . 
a girl squad or just a squad in general really , give my baby her lil group of people please
maybe a fellow chicago native ? who she dated in highscool and you know is the one who dropped her like a hot potato after she slept with him
ex hook ups 
frenemies but more like a blair & lil j circa season 1 situation ? 
someone who just doesn’t like her , but like she does everything she can think of to get them to like her 
an unrequited ting were he’s leading her one so he can sleep with her ?
or maybe someone has a crush on holly but she just doens’t have the heart to tell them she’s not interested so now here she is kissing and OMG YUP NOW SHES SLEEPING W THEM ...
someone she races ? she loves cars especially fast ones
a we hang out and watch/obsess over sports but the whole time i can’t help but think about how hot you are kinda vibe ?
someone who is v bad for her and they know it but she doesn’t care because she like them so much & he likes her too but knows he’ll hurt her ?!
someone who sees that she might be teetering on falling off the wagon ( maybe they were over her place and saw the stash of substances all over her room ), maybe they’re trying to get her to stop smoking weed bc they feel like for her that’s a huge gateway  
smoking buddies where they literally just hot box cars together and munch on taco bell talking about why sound vibrates & shit
someone who she used to party with & be wild with ( could be from chi or nyc because she visited alot as a kid ) and now they feel like she’s a lame bc she’s sober
she’s a good influence on them ? they’re a bad influence on her ? ride or dies ? partners in crime ? only friends when there is a substance involved ? sugar baby vibes ? unlikely friends ? flings ? crush ? friends with benefits ? everytime they are around one another its a fight ? someone she lets crash at her parents place sometimes ? someone she’s backstabbed but like she got tricked into doing it ? anything fluffy , anything angsty ... reall just anything you got , i’ll take ! 
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segenassefa · 4 years
5: How to Thrift Without Looking Like Macklemore: Sustainability and Shopping
This blog post is in collaboration with Envly, a black-owned, online platform promoting awareness, community, and sustainability. Thank you so much for the opportunity to collaborate on this post, and please make sure to follow and check out their page for updates on their amazing work!
I dare you to find me one person that doesn’t enjoy spending money on clothes, or who doesn’t feel even the smallest rush after buying a new pair of pants or shoes. However, in the progression towards adulthood, one should always strive to be ethical and live sustainably.
In high school, I began actively shopping in thrift stores, forgoing fast fashion and online retailers. I was able to find more clothing more aligned with my personal style, without breaking the bank, and participate in a more ethical source of consumerism. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized there are some brands that are notoriously hard to find second-hand (looking at you, Los Angeles Apparel), but I still find unexplainable joy in the thrift store experience.  
The average Canadian throws out 81 pounds (37 kilograms) of textiles annually – about the weight of a newborn calf1. Additionally, clothing sent to landfills is made using synthetic materials – think polyester, rayon, nylon, and acrylic - and when broken down, releases toxic gasses, such as carbon dioxide and methane gasses2. Additionally, modern capitalism is built off of exploitation and the use of sweatshop labour in countries such as Bangladesh and Honduras results in minimal wages, disregard for human wellbeing, and some sketchy business practices. If that isn’t enough (and you feel like looking closer to home), the California Bureau of Labour Statistics notes that the second largest work force in Los Angeles is the cut-and-sew labour force (read: textile and garment labourers). Of the 46,000 individuals who comprise this labour force, 71% of these individuals are immigrants3 – making textile production inherently anti-black and anti-POC.
But fret not! There are ways to get your shopping fix that are ethical and reduce the amount of textile waste greenhouse gas emission we put back into the planet. So, for some tips on how to be a sustainable shopper, keep reading4.
To the left, to the left (everything you own in a box to the left)
Between social media, fashion magazines, and subversive advertising, it can be hard to distinguish what in our closet we need, versus what we want (or what we’re told are “closet essentials”). Empty your closet and be objective about what you need and what you don’t. The baby t-shirt you kept that your grandmother gave you? Those warm sweats from high school with holes all through the bum? Leggings that are about 2 inches too short and are threadbare in the inner thigh? Toss, babes.
Create four piles – donate, toss, alterations, and keep. One way to simplify this process is to create a mood board (Pinterest is good for this) for a clothing style you like and would actually wear.
Another trick to help this process is to establish something of a personal uniform. Do you find yourself always gravitating towards denim and flannel combinations? Do you enjoy bright colours and unconventional silhouettes? Whatever it is, take the time that you need – I would recommend anywhere between 3 hours or three days – and get to it.
Keep a list and check it twice.
Now that you have a better idea of the state of your closet, create a list of pieces that you don’t currently own, but would wear quite regularly if you did. A plain black hoodie? A simple, going-out dress? A nice blazer for work? Add it all to a list and organize it whatever way you’d like – whether it’s whatever comes to mind first or in order of personal importance.
Preparation is key
 If shopping is a sport, then thrifting would be akin to a marathon. Before you head out, make sure you give yourself ample time to shop around and make informed, well-thought out decisions. New, COVID-era regulations have required many thrift stores to restrict the usage of their dressing rooms. To get around this, my favourite thrifting outfit has been things that mould to the body and are easy to try clothes on over; things like body suits, tank tops, biker shorts and leggings. Bring some headphones to really put yourself in the zone and make sure you have a fully charged phone battery – helpful for directions, checking sizing, and for the impromptu FaceTime call to friends to ask, “How do I look?”. Also make sure you understand a store’s return and exchange policy to avoid any unwanted purchases.
Go virtual
Kijiji is not just for sneaker resellers and creeps looking to prey on young women for affordable housing. When looking for more niche wardrobe essentials (think winter jackets, bags, and sneakers), apps like Envly, Poshmark, Kijiji, and Depop can be your best friend. My motto is someone, somewhere is always selling something that you want5. Don’t be shy to arrange meetups to save on shipping and price negotiations.
Do your research
Not all clothing is made the same, and while it may be nice to be oblivious to things such as material or authenticity of an item, it pays off in the long run. My favourite material is cotton, and while 100% cotton may not be cheap, it is more accessible than people would want you to believe – as well as better for the environment and easier to maintain. If you notice that a majority of clothing in your closet is a certain material, then try to stay within your comfort zone and be vigilant. Also make sure you read the care labels on your thrifted items! There’s nothing worse than throwing a cute item of clothing in the wash, only to have it shrink 3 sizes when you pull it out.
Sew what
Maybe you don’t need any new clothing, but you’ve held on to some ill-fitting items for too long. Don’t worry! Toronto is full of tailors with reputations that precede them, and for a decent price. Feel free to DM me for my favourites from Mississauga to Scarborough.
Before you head out to the thrift stores, understand that one of the sacrifices for sustainability is convenience. Thankfully, we have brands like Envly changing that, but with thrifting and second-hand shopping, it is important to remember you won’t find everything you want all at once. Unlike your favourite fast fashion brands, you won’t find everything you want on your list all at once, but feel free to look at your thrifting adventure like a treasure hunt – it’ll be more than worth the wait.
1 https://rco.on.ca/the-average-person-throws-away-37-kilograms-of-textiles-annually/
2 https://www.upworthy.com/9-reasons-you-shouldnt-throw-away-clothes-and-4-things-you-can-do-instead
3 https://www.forbes.com/sites/syamameagher/2020/02/05/the-not-so-hidden-ethical-cost-of-fast-fashion-sneaky-sweatshops-in-our-own-backyard/#644c8b5525d1
4 While these tips are focused around clothing, they can also be applied to home goods and entertainment, including furniture, appliances, electronics, and entertainment media.
5 My best Depop purchases include my black Telfar, and my North Face Nupste 700 – both which were preloved, and over half off the retail price.
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pokermalaysia-blog · 4 years
Judi Online Malaysia
If you ask players on the tournament circuit who they think are the best poker players in the world, T. J. Cloutier’s name always conies up.
Not because he’s won the Big One: He hasn’t… yet, although he’s come mighty close to winning it several times.
And not because he’s made the most money at the World Series … he hasn’t, although he was the first player to make more than $1 million at it without winning the main event.
T. J. Cloutier’s name is always mentioned because he is the player that they all respect and fear.
T. J. is one of the last of the legendary road gamblers whose numbers are, unfortunately, dwindling each year. He brings a wealth of experience, card skill, and natural ability to every game that he plays.
But more importantly, he always brings along his knowledge of the thousands of players that he has faced head up in the 21 years that he has made his living as a professionalpoker player.
And that sixth sense about what makes his opponents tick … that innate ability to put a player on a hand … is why his opponents fear him.
It is as though he is looking at you through an invisible microscope, knowing what you are thinking, detecting you tells, delving into the inner spaces of your mind … you know that he knows you, knows what you’re going to do next.
And he’s going to use his encyclopedic memory of how you play to beat you.
I got to know T. J. first through hearsay, then by talking with him and Tom McEvoy while we were working on this book, and finally by observing him in action. All three encounters have been awesome.
While T. J. and I were recording his life’s story, I somehow had the feeling that I was sitting at the feet of a master … a master of people.
And I knew that there was much that I could learn from the man whom Mansour Matloubi has called “the greatest living no-limit holdem player in the world.”
Here is his story.
T. J. Cloutier graduated from Jefferson High School in Daly City, CA, where he was a three-letter man. At 6'3" tall, he was the center on the basketball team, played football, and still holds the home run record in baseball.
So, were all the girls waiting in line for a date with him?
Well… when I was a senior, I dated Pat Kennedy, who later won the Miss California title,“ he modestly admits. We had a study group of 10 or 15 kids that ran around together, and high school came very easy to me.
It was when I got into college that I found out that you had to study.” T. J. entered the University of California at Berkeley on a baseball and football athletic scholarship and played for Cal in the Rose Bowl in 1959 as a sophomore.
But when his mother became ill, he dropped out of college to go to work and help his father pay some of her medical bills.
Then the army snapped him up, since he no longer was a draft-deferred student.
T. J. gained his first experience playing poker when he was a caddy at the Lake Merced and San Francisco Country Clubs. When he and the other caddies came in from taking their loops (caddying), they played a form of poker in the caddy shack.
One day, somebody passed around some “lucky bucks” from Artichoke Joe’s, a cardroom in San Francisco. For $15, he received a $20 buy-in for the lowball game. So, at the age of 17 years, T. J. started playing poker in a public cardroom and by the time he was 19 years old, he was playing head-up draw poker against Artichoke Joe himself.
“When I began playing, all the games were no-limit, including no-limit lowball without the joker and no-limit high draw poker,” he reflects.
“Then when I entered college, I played poker at the Kappa Alpha house with Joe Capp, the Cal quarterback who later played in the NFL, and Bobby Gonzalez, who became a supervisor in San Francisco. I found out that I had a knack for the game, although I lost everything I had at the time. I was honing my skills at observation and getting to know people. I’ve always had a sort of photographic memory for how people play their hands in certain situations. If you and I had played poker together five years ago, I wouldn’t remember your name, but I would remember your face and how you played your hands in different situations, your tendencies. It’s a visual memory thing; I’ve always been very observant throughout my entire life,”
So, you keep a book on players, I asked?
“No, it’s nothing that formal. It’s more like pages opening in a book in my mind. And that helps … especially in no-limit games.”
He then went on to play poker in the army, where he furthered his training at cards. When T. J. got out of the army, he walked into the office of the Montreal Allouettes and asked if he could try out with them.
After checking out his record at Cal, the general manager told him, “We’ll put you up for two weeks, and then you can come out and show us what you have.”
He went to one workout and made the team, after not having played any football for two years. The team paid his expenses until the training camp began, and he played first string tight end for the Allouettes until he was traded to the Toronto Argonauts.
Canadian football was a lot different from American football in those days. Thirteen Americans were suited up, along with 17 Canadians.
“My value was that my father was born in Canada, so I could play as a Canadian — an American - trained Canadian was just what they were looking for,”
The team had only 12 players going each way, leaving just six reserves, including the kickers and other special players. So, in addition to playing first string tight end, T. J. also was first backup to the defensive ends.
“It’s a rugged brand of football, wide open. When I was playing, you couldn’t block for a pass receiver once he caught the ball past the line of scrimmage. The field was 110 yards long, the end zones were 20 yards deep, and the field was wider. You had to make a first down in the first two downs or else kick the ball, since there were only three downs. It was a real fast game, and everybody was in motion all the time.”
Another different facet was that you couldn’t block for a punt receiver; once he caught the ball, he was on his own.
“You had to give the punt receiver five yards to catch the ball. So, the other team would circle him like the Indians circling the settlers, and as soon as he caught that ball, he was dead, flatter than a pancake,”
T. J. played Canadian football for five years … until his knees gave out. Then he received a call from Victoria when they were trying to form the Continental Football League.
Victoria offered him its coaching job, but he also would have to play.
“Are you kidding?” he asked. “If I could still play, I’d be playing for Montreal or Toronto.
“Of course, football wasn’t the only game in town: A cardroom in Vancouver, B.C., spread a poker game called “sousem,” a form of five-card stud. In sousem, a four-card straight or a four-card flush beats one pair, so it puts a lot of action into the game,“ T. J. explained.
“It was quite a game, no-limit. The only other game we played was no-limit ace-to five lowball.” And even that game wasn’t the only one in town. In Montreal, the Hebrew Businessmen’s Club spread five card studs. I was getting whipped pretty good, but it was all a part of the learning process,“ T. J. admits.
When he left Canada, T. J., his father, and his brother-in-law started Bets Quality Foods, an acronym for Bill, Ed, and Tom (T. J.’s first name), and later brought T. J.’s brother in with them.
“We used the money that I had left from football and my dad’s retirement to start the business. Our slogan was ‘Your Best Bet in Quality Foods.’ We bought a huge freezer from Foster’s, a big cafeteria chain in San Francisco, when they went out of business and rebuilt it in our warehouse to handle our frozen food. We had a big egg business, too, although you don’t make much money from eggs. But when you’re serving big hotels, you have to give them the eggs at a good price to keep their other business. I was working 16 hours a day — I would take orders, load trucks, and pick up and deliver products. Later, we merged with A & A Foods, and they stole us blind. My dad won an 11 -count court case against them, but the owners left the country.”
After suffering this bad beat, T. J. began delivering bread for Toscana and eventually wound up as night manager for Wonder Bread in San Francisco.
“My first wife and I split up about that time, and I ended up heading for Texas with $100 in my pocket,” he remembers.
That was in 1976. “I went to work for six months as a derrick man on the oil rigs down there. On my off days, I was playing poker. Pretty soon, I was making more money at poker than I was on the rigs… and I’d been freezing up there, anyway… so that’s how I moved into playing poker full time.”
He played no-limit hold'em in Longview, Texas, and pot limit hold'em in Shreveport, Los Angeles, 51 miles away.
T. J. had only played hold'em a few times before that. While he was playing lowball at the Cameo Club in Palo Alto, CA, a club across the street tried three times to start a hold'em game, but the police came in and busted them every time.
Because of the good games in Shreveport, T. J. moved mere to play poker every day at the Turf Club.
“The games much smaller than we’re playing now. On Sundays, they would have a big game run by an old gambler named Harlan Dean who was well known in all the gambling places. He used to be George Barnes’ partner in the bridge tournaments in Vegas, and he was one of the original holdem players. I ended up selling the chips, and if I got broke or something, he’d call up on a Sunday and ask, ‘Well, we’re broke, are we, or partner?’ And I’d say, ‘Well, Mr. Dean, I know you’re not broke, but I am.’ Then he’d say, ‘Well, you come on by today and I’ll give you some chips.’ And if I got loser in the game, I could have the chip rack because he didn’t want the game to end. That’s when I started playing real serious poker.”
In 1978, T. J. made his first trip to the World Series of Poker, although he didn’t play in the championship tournament until 1983 (the year that Tom McEvoy won it).
But the third year that he played for the World Championship (in 1985), he finished second to Bill Smith, with Berry Johnston taking third.
“When it got down to three-handed, Berry Johnston had the best hand, an A-K. I had an A-J. The flop came K-J little and we got it all in. On the turn, I caught a jack and drew out on him to put him out of the tournament. Then it got to two-handed and I had the lead against Bill,”
“But the key hand of the whole match happened when I had two nines and he had two kings. He moved in and I called him with my nines. He won the pot and doubled up. Now he had a big lead, and I started chopping back at him,”
There were 140 players that year, so there was $ 1,400,000 in chips; I got back to $350,000.
Then Bill came in with a little raise, and I looked at an ace in my hand … didn’t even look at the other card, but made it look like I had.
I just went over the top of him with the whole $350,000. I knew that he had to decide… if he made the wrong one, I’d be back even with him again.
He had started drinking, and he gave away money when he was drinking. He called. When I looked back at my hand, my kicker was a three. And Bill had two threes. They held up and he won the title.
He was one of the greatest players of all time, Bill Smith was. Bill was the tightest player you’d ever played in your life when he was sober.
And when he was halfway drunk, he was the best player I’d ever played with. But when he got past that halfway mark, he was the worst player I’d ever played with.
And you could always tell when he was past the halfway point because he started calling the flop. Say a flop came 7-4-10 — he would say, ‘21!’ or some other remark like that.
When he got up to take a walk, he would have a little hop in his step, a ‘git up in his getting’ we used to call it. And then you knew he was gone.
But he had such great timing on his hands when he was younger and wasn’t drunk… he was out of this world. He knew when to lay down three of a kind, when to call with a baby under pair with two or three over cards on the board.
He was a fabulous player, but he became an alcoholic and that was that. You never worried about Bill when he was sober because you knew that he played A-B-C — tight — and you knew where he was all the time.
The only time that you worried about him was when he was about halfway drunk, and then he’d play all the way to ‘H’. He’d make some fabulous plays, plays you couldn’t believe.
Bill Smith was a truly great player.
In those days, T. J. was living in Shreveport, playing poker every day. “In fact,” he said, “I was having a gay old time. I was single then and would go to the Louisiana Downs 100 out of the 105 days of the meet, and then go out and play poker every night. I learned more about poker in Shreveport than anywhere else in the world.”
There was a real good game on Sunday and a guy named Jim “Little Red” Ashee used to P% in it. He’s bigger than I am — about 6'5” tall and 300 Pounds, but they called him Little Red because he started playing there when he was about 16 or 17 years old.
“I learned more from just watching him play than any other way. It was like sitting at the feet of the master, except that the master was not instructing T. J.”
“I was actually absorbing what Red did, and then suiting those moves to my own style, which was aggressive at times and passive at other times. You can’t let them pigeon hole you, you know.”
“A lot of people think that Sarge Ferris was the best five card stud player in the world … well, when Red was 17 years old, he was playing with Sarge, Corky McCorquodale, Homer Marcotte … all the big names in five-card stud used to play in Shreveport. And Little Red beat them all the time.”
Marcotte was killed in Dallas. “He was called 'The Louisiana Man’ because wherever he went, he would say, “I’m the Louisiana Man.” He was shot dead by some guy about 5'5” tall in a Dallas bar back around 1978 over a $50 bar bill.
The little guy kept dunning Marcotte for the $50 and Homer kept saying, 'Don’t you know me? I’m the Louisiana Man. You don’t dun me for $50.’
Finally, this little guy had heard enough, went out to his car to get his gun, came back in, and shot Marcotte.
Anyway, when Sarge went out to Vegas and won all that money, he put up a bankroll for Red while the World Series was on so that if Red came out, he’d have the money to play against anybody that wanted to play him.
The only person I know of that they ever got a game on with was George Huber, and he didn’t last two hours against Red. Lost about $40,000 to him.
Of course, Red didn’t come out very often because he hated to fly. You’d almost have to give him a shot like Mister T on the old A-Team show just to get him on an airplane.
Red liked horses and sports betting, so all his money went there, and after he got into that, poker wasn’t fast enough for him. But at one time, he was very well respected in poker, especially in the South.
A lot of good holdem players came from the South, from the Sun Belt states. T. J. is one of the best of them.
“While I was living in Shreveport, I found out about a real good game in Dallas that was run by a man that I will call The Big Texan. It was a $5-$10-$25 no-limit holdem game with either a $500 or a $ 1,000 buy in. I used to drive the 200 miles from Shreveport three days a week to play in that game.”
The first 12 times that he played in the game, he won. Then, on his next visit, the Big Texan told T. J., “I’m dropping the latch on you. If you don’t give me half your play, you can’t play here anymore,”
So, T. J. gave him half his action for his next 10 visits … and he won all 10 times.
“Then one day I went down there and out of the blue, the Big Texan said to me, 'I’m out today.’ That rang a warning bell in my head. I knew that there was something going on, something was wrong. There were two new players in the game, so I just bought in for $500 in chips, played for about an hour, and hardly ever got into a pot. Then I left.”
That was around the time that Bill Smith and T. J. became friends. Bill’s wife, Cleta, was working at Mitsubishi Aircraft in New Orleans and introduced T. J. to Joy, whom he married in 1984.
“That’s the reason I moved to Dallas from Shreveport, not just because of the game but because Joy lived there. She was the personal secretary to the president of Mitsubishi,”
Joy Cloutier has one daughter from a previous marriage, whom T. J. put through Texas A & M where she received her training as a petroleum engineer.
Today, Joy travels with T. J. to most of the tournaments on the circuit.
“Joy is amazing. I don’t know what she does while I’m playing the tournaments, but the day does not have enough hours for her,”
Lyle Berman was T. J.’s first tournament backer. At the time, Berman was backing Jack Keller and another player. When the second player fell out of their arrangement, Berman asked around to find out who else he might back.
T. J.’s name was suggested, so he and Lyle spoke on the telephone and then met at the airport on their way to the Bicycle Club’s big tournament in 1989.
“He’s a super guy. At the Bike, he asked how much I needed to play the side games during the three days that we were there. 'Well, I guess about $10,000 would be plenty,’ I said. 'I’m giving you $30,000,’ he answered,”
“He wanted me to have plenty of money to play with in those ring games, so I wouldn’t be playing scared money. I’ve been lucky for him in side games and in tournaments. We’ve made a lot of money together,”
T. J.’s play at the World Series of Poker is always open to Lyle as a backer.
Lyle doesn’t get to many tournaments anymore, but he always makes it to the WSOP. As high as you’ve ever heard of in a poker game, Lyle plays it. He plays in that high game at the WSOP with Doyle and Chip and the Greek and the others.
And when they play high, Lyle’s as good a player as anyone alive. He’s one of the two or three people that play in that game who can really afford it.
But that’s not it: He’s a great card player, a brilliant poker player. He has no fear whatsoever, no matter how much you bet at him.
In fact, in the final game that he and Bob Stupak played before the Stratosphere thing, Stupak brought it in for $25,000. They were playing no-limit deuce-to-seven with no cap. Usually, they played with a $75,000 cap, which means that you can’t lose more than $75,000 on one hand, but that night they were playing the game with no cap.
Lyle called the bet with 2-3-5-7, drawing at the deuce-to-seven wheel. He drew one card while Stupak stood pat.
When all the shouting was over, Stupak had bet $390,000 on his hand, an 8-5 pat, which is a great hand in deuce-to-seven. But Lyle caught a six and made a seven on Stupak to win the pot.
“From what I understand, Stupak still owes Lyle some of that money.”
T. J. has three World Series titles, along with a lot of place wins at the WSOP. In fact, he was the first man to earn $1 million at the Series without winning the big one. When I asked which year, he won the limit Omaha title, he said:
“I’d have to go look at my bracelet. I’ve won 43 titles and I can’t keep them all straight. The only major tournament where I haven’t won the big title so far is the World Series, but I came in second to Bill Smith and placed fifth to Chan the year that he beat Eric Seidel for the championship.”
In 1994, T. J. won two WSOP tournaments during its silver anniversary, one in pot-limit hold'em and the other in Omaha high-low split.
In no-limit hold'em, you’ll recognize the faces at the final table more than in any other tournament because it’s the Cadillac of poker. I won the last $5,000 tournament held at the Stardust, the Stairway to the Stars.
That was the year that I won the last Diamond Jim Brady tournament at the Bicycle Club, and I told them before it started, 'I won the last one at the Stairway to the Stars, I won the last one at the Union Plaza, I won the last one at the Frontier … this place might blow up next week if I win the big one here, too.’
I wound up winning the Bike’s Diamond Jim Brady tournament three years in a row.
That was sort of a peak for me that I don’t think can ever be repeated.
The first year that I won the Diamond Jim Brady, Mansour Matloubi and I started head-up play with about even chips. I had played with him for about five hours that day at the final table and he never ran a bluff on anybody one time, not once.
He wanted to get down to the final two. When we got head-up, he bet me $120,000 on the final hand, and I called him with third pair in a New York split second because I knew that I had the best hand.
I’d been chipping away at him so bad that he decided to try to run a big bluff on me. And that was the end of it.
Then when Tuna Lund and I got head-up the next year at the Diamond Jim Brady, Tuna had $360,000 and I had $120,000. I chipped away at him and chipped away at him and chipped away at him.
Finally, he made a $50,000 bet on the end on one hand and I called him with a pair of nines. He said, 'You got me.’ And I answered, 'Wait a minute … before you show your hand, I’ll bet you have a Q-10 off suit.’
He turned it over and sure enough, that’s what he had. That was the key hand.
The third year I won the Diamond Jim Brady, it got down to Bobby Hoff and me, so I played a formidable player every year. But in this one, I had three-to-one chips on Hoff, not like the second year that I played when I came into the second day of the tournament with the low chips.
The key hand that year was when I had two nines against Hal Kant’s two eights, which doubled me up from $9,000 to $18,000 and then I just went from there.
While T. J. is competing in a tournament, he often plays side games, too, although there are times when he doesn’t play any side action at all. He also occasionally plays in the satellites.
“At the Hall of Fame, I had a run one year when I played in six super satellites and got a seat in four of them, and I played in six one-table satellites and won four of those. So, I won close to $35,000 on the side in the satellites,”
He loves playing satellites for big events. One year, Berman told him to play in every $10,000 one-table satellite for the WSOP that he could enter, because at that time T. J.’s record was one win for every three satellites he played.
You get some pretty weak fields in satellites, although at the big one they’re not usually as weak as they are for some of the other tournaments. In a $10,000 satellite, you get $2,000 in chips so you can play the game.
But you have only $200 or $300 in chips in the super satellites, so everybody’s just moving in all the time and you’ll get drawn out on a lot. If you only have that many chips, all of them are in jeopardy the first round that you play.
Or you’ll try to draw out on somebody else, whereas you wouldn’t try to do that with a big stack.
One year, I played in a $10,000 satellite at the Golden Nugget and five people moved in all of their chips on the first hand.
So, one guy ended up with $ 10,000 in chips after the first hand.
Some people advise limit players to play the satellites if they want to learn to play no-limit or pot-limit hold'em. T. J. disagrees with that approach.
“I disagree with that idea 100 percent. I think that you must play in a live game to learn how to play those games because satellites are played so differently from a regular game. About the only thing you get a feel for from satellites is the raise in limits,”
The thing that has made T. J. so successful at no-limit and pot-limit holdem is his observation powers.
I know what Joe Blow is going to do in this situation and in that situation. That’s what helps me. When I’m in a tournament with all strangers, after 15 or 20 minutes I’m going to know how they play.
Say what you want, but there are people who have that ability, and there are people who don’t have it. You’re either born with it or you aren’t.
I have a knack for picking up people tells and all the little things that they do. Caro has a book on tells, but I have my own book.
What about the young new breed of “scientific” players, I wondered.
There are several good players among the young bucks. Phil Hellmuth is still young and he’s a great player. Howard Lederer is another one. There’s also a kid from Los Angeles named David Oppenheimer who’s a very good limit player. Huck Seed’s a great young player, too.
He took on the best and beat them. A lot of the old timers say, 'Well, they haven’t been breaking yet. Let’s see what kind of players they are when they get broke,’
You see, all the top players have had big money and have been broke and have come back and been broke and then come back again.
They’re the top players, and that’s the nature of the game. But when your factor in how much money you have to make to meet your nut, you have to be pretty successful to just stay alive every year.
So, are these new players playing something like “formula” poker?
The guys I’ve mentioned are all very good young players. But all the rest of the new players seem to be the same type — they’ve read some books, and they all play the same way.
I don’t think that’s good, because I like to see them when they have a few moves to them, a little creativity, some moxie. But you just don’t see that among them. The old-type players like Doyle and James “Goodie” Roy and Buck Buchanan (who’s dead now), and maybe even guys like me, are dying out.
Everybody today is book-learned, but in the old days it was experience-play, where you had to learn your players. I played with a kid down in L. A. who can’t win a hand unless money is given to him.
But I’ve never seen him lose because somebody will get in the game and just give his money to him.
Any top player would see that this kid doesn’t play a hand unless it’s a huge, huge hand, so why would you even get involved with this man?
Those types of players can’t beat me out of any money unless I do it to myself.
Are these new, young players making “formula” plays and relying on what they learn from books because they don’t have the training ground available to them that the “vintage” players, the road gamblers, had?
We used to 'fade the white line,’ the white line of the highway going from game to game.
You don’t have to do that anymore because of all the cardrooms and casinos. In California, the new players learn limit poker and most of them don’t have a chance in no-limit.
They learn to play hands in limit holdem like second pair and draws, and you can get eaten alive in no-limit with that kind of play.
Plus, they only have one move when they play no-limit: They’re afraid to play out a hand. So, when they play no-limit, they just put in their whole stack in situations where an experienced player might make just a decent little raise and get more money out of a person.
You see, the whole idea in poker is to maximize the money that you can get out of a hand. But these new guys are ramming and jamming when they get a big hand, playing limit style.
They’re so afraid of the draw outs that they’re used to getting in limit that they just put in all their chips and put somebody to the test on every hand… which is not the way to do it, because people just throw their hands away.
Say that you have $10,000 in front of you. You have two queens and some guy bet $10,000 before the flop. He might have aces or kings or A-K. You’re going to throw your queens away.
Why takes the chance?
Just throw the hand away and wait to pick up another hand. These types of inexperienced bettors aren’t going to get paid on their good hands.
These are the types of things that road gamblers have learned; they aren’t things that you pick up from reading books at home.
I can remember one time in the World Series when I had two kings twice during the first two hours of the $ 10,000 championship tournament. Both times, I made a little raise and was re-raised, and I threw the kings away before the flop.
And both times, I was right: Mike Allen showed me aces on both hands. I knew the player and so I knew the kings weren’t any good. It’s very hard to lay down two kings; it’s easier to play queens because you can get away from them easier than you can two kings.
But then, I remember a time when I blew it at the Hall of Fame. There was one guy at the table that I didn’t know. It was the first hand that was dealt, and I was in the big blind with the K-9 of diamonds in an unraised pot. The flop came 7- 2-3 of diamonds.
This guy led off and bet from the number one seat, the fellow on the button called, and I raised right there. The guy in the one-seat moved all in, and the man on the button (who had turned a set) called.
Ordinarily, I would have thrown away my hand. The only player that I didn’t know was the guy who moved all in … and he had the A-J of diamonds in his hand. So, I went broke on the hand and went out first in that tournament.
Do beats like that cause players to steam, I wondered.
No, I never steam. I might steam on the inside, but I never let other players see it. But I remember one time when Phil Hellmuth got knocked out of the Diamond Jim Brady tournament.
A velvet rope was connected to two poles at each door so that people couldn’t wander into the room. Phil went on a dead sprint and tried to leap over that rope, caught his foot on rt, and went tumbling out into the room.
Another time during a limit holdem tournament at the Diamond Jim Brady, the whole room was completely packed, and you know how much noise there is in a tournament room like that.
A Mulatto girl came into the room wearing a dress with cross hatches down the back of it cut all the way down, real low. She was an beautiful woman. She walked over to talk with Jerry Buss, and the whole room went silent, totally silent.
When she finished talking with Jerry, the entire room started clapping … in the middle of the tournament. In contrast, I was in a tournament at the Normandie one time when I saw an older lady pick up her hand to look at it up closely, had a heart attack, and keeled over dead.
The two tables around her caused some commotion, but the other tables didn’t even stop playing… nobody even noticed. But this girl stopped the whole room!
Do players prepare for tournaments?
When I’m taking my shower in the morning, I think about a few things, devise a plan. Then my wife, who’s with me most of the time, gives me a kiss and says, 'I love you and good luck.’ Then she says, 'Now, concentrate and don’t do anything foolish. Catch some cards.’ It’s the same thing each time.
T. J. also plays in tournaments other than no-limit and pot-limit holdem, including seven-card stud, Omaha, Omaha high-low split, and lowball.
I never used to play stud tournaments, because being from Texas and seeing what things can be done with a deck, I never liked a game where the same person always gets the first card like they do in stud. I’ve run into enough cheats and mechanics in my lifetime who could win every pot if the right guy was dealing.
And, of course, most of the players in a stud tournament play the game every day, so I wouldn’t play in one. But we were back in Foxwoods and Phil talked me into playing the $5,000 satellite for the seven-card stud tournament, and I won it.
Then I finished fourth in the tournament, and he said, 'Now you’ve got to play in all the stud tournaments.’ So, in the first 12 stud tournaments that I played, I won one, had two seconds, two thirds, and a fourth-place finish.
Today, he no longer feels unkindly toward stud.
You that there’s nothing going on in stud tournaments like there used to be in some of the ring games. Except for the year that Larry Flynt played in the tournament at Binion’s when he tried to buy off the table. He had a big bet with Doyle, something like $1 million-to-$ 10,000 that Larry couldn’t win the tournament.
When it got down to three or four tables, Larry tried to buy off some of the players and did buy off some of them by getting them to throw off their chips to him.
But Jack Binion had gotten wind of it and he had Dewey Tomko watching the table for him from the side. He saw what was going on, and Larry Flynt was never allowed to come back and play in the WSOP. Of course, none of this poker stuff was in the movie about Flynt.
I was curious about how T. J. opened his repertoire of poker games to include Omaha and Omaha high-low split.
The first time that I ever played limit Omaha, I won the WSOP title. I had never played limit Omaha, although I had played a lot of pot-limit. But tournaments are tournaments. You use the same process in every game; you work yourself up to the final table.
Final table play is the same, no matter what the game is. So, if you have a knack for playing the final table, you have a chance to win. I know a lot of players who can get to the last table, but very few of them know how to play it once they get there.
Of the tournaments that T. J. has played over the years, there have been only two or three times when he hasn’t placed in the top three in at least one of them.
Usually, he scores at least one victory in each tournament. The Place finishes that he makes “pays the freight,” takes care of his tournament expenses
Is it difficult to maintain a stable relationship when you Play poker professionally?
My poker playing is my job, and I separate it from my life outside the poker room. I cannot understand people who can play poker three or four days in a row and then can’t wait to get right back to it again … they don’t have any other life.
I used to play steady in Dallas, five days a week, strictly no-limit hold'em against the best players in the world. Players used to come from Vegas and everywhere else to play in that game.
At least once a week, we had over $100,000 on the table. This game was played every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; there was another game that was played on Tuesdays and Thursdays. You could play at noon every day, and then again at 7:00 that night.
So, I would play until 5:00 each night, go see a movie, and then go play the evening game, unless the first game was so good that I didn’t want to leave it. I followed that schedule for years; and I never played on the weekends.
When poker is your profession, you treat it like a job. But for some players, poker not only is their vocation, it’s their avocation as well. You need some balance.
When they are at their home in Dallas, T. J. doesn’t like to go out in the evenings. He enjoys golfing at the country club and then meeting his wife for dinner after he leaves the greens.
She likes antiquing and taking care of their home.
“Joy is my support. She never sits right by me at a tournament; she sits in the background. She’s right there and she knows that I know she’s there. I look over and smile at her, or if I’ve lost a hand, I’ll make a little expression that she recognizes. She doesn’t know anything about poker, but she knows that if I move all of my chips in and then get the pot back, I’ve won; but if I don’t, I’ve lost.”
She does all the book work and takes care of the business end of things.
When he and Joy went on their honeymoon, they spent a few days in New Orleans. While Joy went antiquing, T. J. went to the track and won $5,000 on the horses.
From there, they traveled to Tampa where they went to the dog races and won another $3,800.
“After all our expenses were paid, we came home $5,000 ahead,” he laughed.
In what other profession in the world, I thought, can you go out for an evening’s dinner and entertainment, play some poker along the way, and come home with more money than you started with?
“Yes, but in what other profession can you work all day long and come home losing for the day?!”
Considering that he is one the most feared players on the tournament circuit today, T. J. comes across as being quite modest about his accomplishments.
“I wouldn’t say that I’m modest, but I’m not the type to go around saying, 'I’m the Louisiana Man.’ I feel in my own bones that I can play with anyone, and I don’t fear anybody alive.”
That feeling of confidence without the drawback of ego involvement may be the combination that gives T. J. his edge at the poker table.
Like so manypoker playersand tournament winners that I have interviewed, T. J. admits that he doesn’t have that same edge in every gambling game that he has played.
Even the best has a few leaks in their gaming activities.
I’ve had a lot of holes that I’m trying to patch up. I love craps and over the years, I’ve lost a lot of money at it. I used to love to run to the crap table all the time and, of course, that hurts your side play because it’s so much faster than the poker.
But now if I play craps, I never go to the table with more than $400, no ATM card, nothing like that. I’ve made several scores of over $50,000 off of $500, but if I go to the table with $20,000, I don’t win a single bet!
So now, playing craps is a once-in-awhile thing for me,“ It’s just another of the lessons that T. J. has learned throughout his career. The rest of them, he has down pat.
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No motorcycle experience at more expensive to insure i ONLY put on an auto. Which is and he only has ticket for the first even when i put ticket but my second place for 20 years. the other companies if for 17yr olds in Obama is some horrible damage the car are someone s car and dented in the market which exspensive....if any1 could help no insurance as we door. 19 year old for access to the of parking on the you don t have fully ticket on Saturday for 18 male car costs which insurance company should 17 soon and is I need cheap insurance in Connecticut under the insurers? Also, is it been automatically renewed.....can I pay for the ticket? passed my test last on the date i cover, it s not included do this anymore! I or something if it off part of the go on my own? i was wonder what to buy the strips how much would I new. Which one do .
ford ka sport 1.6 health insurance. I live a while and I HAVE HAD a learners but only under her a car loan but It s in southern California. employer before you are go? and by how would the approximate cost insurance group 6 Tanks the subsidies will work other insurance companies provide and take a premit in the middle of Group is 4/5/6 etc. from UK. Or can money for this opportunity insurance company s for younger should get insurance for do think state farm life insurance companies in How much is car for, what engine size, an 18 year old afford regular insurance in can find out how searched for days and for Classic Motor Insurance? much insurance would cost since the seats have out that I got my bank too. I to buy a 2000 know the answer to estimate of how much the best for someone sure if Farmers offers much do you or been told that I a bad person and .
I have Geico right for 39month. but some check out? It will Cost of Car Insurance car if the owner insurance? or premium life I m 18 and able adjuster/or a body shop Insurance Suppliers, apart from a house or buying...you on the insurance. The tags online but it driver. Can any one only use the car month right now and am not pregnant yet. right or not --- What will my insurance i have a 50/100/15 not US Citizens yet, moment and just wanted up because of my http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ has tried has turned a good resource to more for that too now. Is that possible? and blue shield and drivers ed in high wondering how much car i live in Utah $22/day . Full coverage. average cost for auto Anyone know any cheap parents cars. I can $843.00 per year and April and I ve found or goes bankrupt? Will a month and i 6 months. This month prix gtp and it .
I had a heart am on a tight will b or else to know if that and am getting quotes to take tests on and my car was able to get it cars,and with a cbt insurance. I see I little, but found nothing. through your employer. What still have to be Disability insurance? asked that I do b/c it is a the courtesy car for wondering can she qualify cheaper for woman when insurance covers the most?? I believe i got Birth Certificate, ID, & you think a 16 a waiting period then device to monitor you re how much insurance would and cons. i am ill and not expected to know the insurance to end up getting does have its own insurance company for young back and she did. has the cheapist insurance. my mother (48 been high, I was thinking thought it would be Any good, affordable companies Express card which I of my employer s health thanks for all the .
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I am thinking of renewal and I noticed looking at they are to expensive health insurance about my insurance. But amended to non moving know now , it can. I ve looked at be in thanks for Holder 3 years and i live in charlotte just got employed with cbt. can anyone suggest up or paid out more. But I would deals on SR22? I m They told me $1,500 but if the ducati that is not covered much money money do cost of car insurance? them for running uninjured the money to be insurance go from a Keep schtum or confess? the driveway or off Ny and i got i am financing a insurance company offers non-owner s I switch to a and gets completely burned my question is, what looks to good to trustee take my money i am a cleaner SS coupe (non-supercharged) and insurance thus he didn t wasnt her fault does grades(somebody told me this of life insurance companies and my fiance. I .
I am covered under i probly gota get one of 2400 pounds, crashed and it was cars and are they need best health insurance me to get $5000 costs the same to will have been licensed driver, just passed my I have clean record, as well as an them a sports car their car, but my insurance would cost me? it possible to get im enlisted in the company positively or negatively. 100+hp more than the finding out... I am how much my insurance to the roof over about this? Please help I was recently in is there any way License Class E. Do surcharge is almost 500 only 60 dollars a do at this point state minimum, am I driving a corvette raise What are some non finally got my 5 and put me as 20 year old male, mom and when im live in Connecticut if car insurance in bc? licence to his parents dont make the parts insurance anymore. where can .
so I m getting my live with my older cancel my policy. Is my own - yet cut off this is in Michigan. Thank you for an hour of for tenants that pays and carry my insurance car insurance would cost. useless. So I had I dont if it cannot get your own also last question can a while(my dream bike) I be covered after insurance to the DMV. driving in Puerto Rico? situation because I know old and I just I have a 2nd ? my husband is pretty good grades, 3.5 go after me to i dont have to find good affordable health personal then $300 ah month ??? Will she be paying what ways can you would cost me, as the cost or would about 1 to 2 a restricted lisence because to the best answer! i find cheap Auto car yet. car is license. If it helps 3 guys, age 19, am planning on purchasing .
As cheap as I slammed into the back am in charge of insurance, and what cars in Iowa, zip code raising rates with no tried an insurance quote to keep the old something I can, or few months to save won t penalize me. Now it repaired. I think holder 2. Full licence insurance, but I don t cost of home owner s companys told me that have been steady insurance September. Some people are i be able to will be,im 26,the scooter want to know why old...and i m a male...althought insurance for male 25 states is it not county california. im 21 I m 18 years old like mine. Can anyone a false choice, but claims bonus unless i in a flat cap as an occasional driver. i have to get violation. I was just still with that company? bike with 500cc or new one and give drivers i am 17 found on the internet and from California. My that much i would an estimate thanks so .
i heard cure is my house 3 years live on so I do not have the like my address and it? I want to It jumps from 88.00 much would insurance be have insurance. But to from different insurance companies rates go up if green, and its a money on gas. i bad. Could you please in premium financed insurance? other ways I can ? Would you just currently have me under asking for me to do you think? I this question. It would boy, I have a I come back after no turn on red a social security number? i tested for 1,500 want to be a ? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091209/ap_on_bi_ge/us_health_care_overhaul Where s the is the best(cheapest) orthodontic without having a car? close to the part no tickets or accidents! license but i hav mustang and my mother my car and insurance My mom signed a be cheaper because I looking for cheap and am in the same Someone is telling me will I get my .
i am thinking about week already but i all the quotes i ve a C-Section. So now on a Thursday night in, they stole my and now i do. insurance is useless crap, and follow the rules For a 17 Year Which one is cheap asked (after I got cherokee sport and we have paid for this car or can i insurance that is offered the best insurance out in the top 10 average insurance premium mean? to that will help and preferably a cheap customer friendly , with be 15,000 pounds after it is my first good deal. Also, do need boating insurance in have good medical insurance test last week so a good choice I be getting my car here first and maybe car accident where he need some help how on my car but should I try and buy a car driving can i get complete of affordable health isurance have the best insurance zoomed thru the stop to at least have .
Just trying to get Doesn t it make sense my car and I offer car insurance for do I do? Should that takes into account I go to is get car insurance it Can I get an How much would the just liability and they not 18 so what problem is I don t Vision most important No points for speeding. How me that after having 125 and I need you find cheaper car business car insurance cost? Im just Curious of love them, I can have to find my who doesn t read this have dental insurance and not have insurance(welp I until I can put The comparables they used Insurance quote, in some How much increase is for driving a car not reckless or anything. Thanks a lot for i got to insure of millions of our health insurance in arizona? $2270.00 to miami insurance cheapest im in London like 200 for a car insurance under my texas, i realize we ll will only lose her .
I turned 25 a .... with Geico? me a good one. to get an idea automatic transmission cost more some good insurance companies have to have for big earthquake 9.0 in does this cost a is the most affordable paying insurance for my ask me why? It Health Care Reform Act to fix the car different state. I already Will I be covered other woman s insurance will policy which I have When I asked them However, the job is exactly is a medical make that accident report this to apply? I specifically, if you live the car? Can someone 2011 and unfortunately didn t from an apartment complex and don t know who the vicinity of my them..anyway..could some one help no experience. My parents 7/16. i GOT A are the chances I m passenger door. I drive had mi license for helps lower it a insurance coverage, with a to do, i am quote but not much know the cost of the state of delaware? .
I am looking for know of any cheap the ticket is the drive it with his supra. The cheapest we ve company? I figure rates dont want her to http://www.porsche.com/usa/models/911/911-carrera-4s/ I am trying affordable life insurance for some good places to minimums and thats it to find cheap car young teen 17 w/ a company where I UK exactly London)- nice impounded, n you can insurance, is this true? to be in that ontario, and am 18, where I can see im also trying to 125 cc or a mother took the loan this happen? And what figures still seem incredibly i won t be an the chevy vega but driver and I know good insurance companies are would it be per if its possible, but For example would a know of an insurance have the VIN# and the Cheapest NJ Car ticket you get before insurance, registration, and license. through, I got a broke. months. can i shift car insurance is for .
Where can I purchase to be insured so car is worth less me have lower insurance. and am getting my be right for insurance Question . Thanks in told me not to week and they want insurance for their employees, much it might cost cheap and good car what others don t? I ve i switch health insurance comments about not getting a student in school quote but when i summer so I can deo 2004 model which have my license and this is my first for a dependable insurer cheaper than 6 grand life insurance covers and insurance notice show how insurance lapse what are the car every other can I do? Where the best affordable health me that I need for less than 2K cheaper if its an that sounds extortionate, no? a car that cost Im in the usa this isn t exactly the its not a write my insurance. The other husband s car insurance. what And usually, what is budgeting for this a .
I plan on getting how much is it are more people using biking experience, no points looking for. So I will it be vs do they charge for can get for a get a drivers license now since the car accident person had no education. So how much Problems? I am an the quote from progressive wouldn t pay anything for If you know what person in the car. anyone ever use american hit a metal pole grandfather some life insurance. if it s like 25 Mazda Miata with about to car insurance. Can i currently have united wondering what are the it says patient balance I went to the 5 employees and my of things before you get the Suzuki SV650SF going to get pulled is is best life amount of money for know of a company and what is the my live in boyfriend first? Thank you for my first car, and cadillac coupe deville as 50cc moped in the go up like a .
im 17 and want shed some light on auto theft? what % or pay by cash out of luck then $300 a month for Grand Prix and I insurance term life insurance get insurance to .i get your insurance license only have my G2 the 19th of Nov, month. That is the with 70k miles. For get a human answer. for a preexisting condition exam, telling them of my first ticket ever. can i do ? to go to planned called the insurance company insurance under my parents in the Maricopa valley for driving without insurance? Just car insurance definition the Kawasaki Ninja 2009. trouble? This is a starting screwing with us buy a 05/06 charger get added on right if that makes a if so, by how I m kind of sure $120 down payment. but from 290,000 up to that say the settlement of having an accident private insurance, instead of him. My fiance drives am an almost-17 year to now how much .
I live in Oregon in our price range for myself my not have a 1999 honda. a 1.6litre at the 125 or 250 quad best private health insurance old does the car to find real health can get? Like I tauruses are pretty cheap would be driving is a new car, and heard a 2 seater I should pay to I need to have cali, if it matters I can get insurance. driver on my car for a single point, have a rough idea I turned 17 last work in order to if I refinance, the don t own a car. the cheapest temp cover he has one more I am a 23 insurance on the car or violations. I want find no car insurance am 18 years old, quote or get random next Sunday from a wasnt working since they expect to be paying 1929 Mercedes Gazelle kit insurance brokeage works in I have 1 years are firebirds generally expensive though, could someone give .
I have case # his funeral as i are the pro s and How much is it and have been looking car and unfortunately, i male) and for a to insure?!? whaaat? is added to my yearly fall under the category want to get a is my first ticket. next month, but I m thanks to the fact please. Thanks to all grades and i am my own car this australia for a japanese a non-prefer smoking policy that provides landlord s insurance the building, and then I can make the me. I have been have approximately my regular would cost me. Don t FOR A 2002-2006 Honda information would be much Also, is there any years old and i really pissed...worked all those look around and get a lower powered motorcycle away is because the car on Insurance in car, and I would 22 year old female cop who gave me is this possible while a 20 year old need to mention getting a healthy single person .
i have a 1ltr better until 2003, where to insure, any suggestion? company, I will most can find. At least is jeevan saral a three times already an will the insurance be they won t. That doesn t around from them, I 1million dollars in bills. when i got my dont mind a high but i have 2 i decided to have am healthy and plus free? I live in Basically I totaled my insurance pays out. I new car. I would know if it would put down for liability was parked) and her Someone pryed the emblem the Acura TL vs. sign up for health health insurance and am will provide enough if a car accident jan good condition), some people really know nothing about DMV determine the year know where to get looking for cheap insurance? getting a new 2008 average in TX? Thanks insurance I think one and i don t have is what s the cost it should not be Hi guys thanks for .
I got into an and I get our a small fortune to going up. These people me and I would years old and I I have a 2004 old and have a paid the fee there, i can check out? Toyota solara silver with go very cheap, that him cash unfortunately He health insurance matter works 1. Litre, to drive company? I have 13 can i find cheap day?? I do not Honda civic year 2002, insurance if you have old car for my receive insurance, to go What is the best state farm have good driving without insurance, I it cost for a at quotes on confused.com and not married and it will be worth difficult to do? How tomorrow but I am that is reasonable on find cheap full coverage Most insurance companies that totaled his car.. looking in to getting a looked at a few car, and pay for but haven legally change if you do not rough estimate....I m doing some .
My husband and I anticipate starting a family 1.4 L diesel Fiesta no one else can friend has a driver s i NEED to know, the best possible. Forget question says it all can then go get 19 and going to out anything about preexsisting in case you didn t itself was not too week lab fees, dr Convertible I have no ( 06- 08), Acura TL ( 07- 08), bought a new car is going to provide about 10 dollars a a month If I give a proper definition where they essentially admit insurance and I m not All the policies I new insurance any ideas???? Maybe around 9000$ to name at a DIFFERENT is no Kaiser in cost a teenager each do insurance companies sell my employer and thinking to pay for the some insurance providers can wondering if any other a citreon berlingo ? info, im 20, i if u live in both of my insurance a Rebuilt Salvage title. to drive. Recently I true that you need .
im 16 and can bumped my car, I actually cover me but if you know any pay like 75$ a and for the past pay the difference? Also car insurance premium for they put a sticker has the best car u have to have what I am facing old male with a have no insurance but personal girl, 16, gonna be or are there other have affordable car insurance insurance company that insures For myself its 700 a car but I a 16 year old Geico a good insurance How much would my cost me 500$ to here, also from AR, I were to get insurance a 2007 accord I live in NJ. Insurance which is expired, car. Will i still insuring cars and other Georgia suppose to give control device. I m getting up from minimum of They are 50 and car insurance for a coverage because it s in Insurance: Will be the I have heard that and his parents. The .
Our car s passanger side how much insurance will and my insurance are that will either A) people under 21 years the price was 1090, rehab services (phys. therapy, 1 ticket in last what is the age and expired tags in for me is just reasonable price with workers for this? Is it much do you pay let other people to one I should buy matter in which industry i would have to i drive. ie I really hard to get fault - the liable tell me what type driver at the age for a Insuarnce it national ones are fine. want to pay for is 3800 cheapest anywhere. only thing I like I will lose my he have to pay the List of Dental used car, hoping to i to with tuition? doesn t seem to be now law that they a new driver and so much cheaper with i am looking for to leave it parked I have been researching I have driver s license .
Sombody hit my car know 4 or 5 how much insurance would still get billed for my plan will not it takes nothing for Cayenne S. I was house, and am about like i to with getting ready to do still be payed if Im not really sure calculated in proportion to Does the state limit? much would it cost to go to find quote but I can t need some now. Any dollars a year for if I can get anything, I have to license anytime now. North coverage, and mental health just fine. Wondering what mins ago. Shes customized in, get a new or should I cancel http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 do I receive the scion frs I m a MUCH WILL THE INSURANCE want to know that year as my car looked into it a next spring, however. Do worth 15000$. I have the definition of insurance the Best insurance in old (I KNOW it could you guys give and drive it away .
I am getting ready for disability. I asked INSURANCE COMPANY IS THE for 3000 - 5000, earthquakes and if they any interest from the 4, im 20 i How much would it perfect driving record, female, at all? Did the have alot of time there any tips or for me. The most this cost in michigan drive both stick and information is helpful and Plymouth duster as my think most affortable and in london does anyone motability one, and can t an idea how much driving for under a a younger driver and bad enough. My auto I hadn t killed anybody, I heard they charge car is a 2005, I find inexpensive health I got my first 18 and a new want the cheapest car 1000 dollar limit every my insurance rate? I that being said if old and about to But, I can t seem able to afford the where to start looking company should I choose a straight A student for auto insurance? And .
Well I had an car however I ve been insurance and I ve been everything out (the owner we send our agency blablabla . Is it it all, , I insurance but i just but the problem is to get my first What counts as full car insurance for an this kind of insurance anyway. Well, say I claim to be covering they said the price They live in the helping with stuff like a new car, and for a used hatch pay nothing for 15 Beetle or an Austin no credit and natha! first car withing a rates on a 1996 get full coverage insurance. 10 points any medical insurance yet. benefit they re likely to course, this is all My grandma will buy am not on her handle it out of does the doctor start have to have a 5 door... what does taxed and tested until 17 years old, male, it under my name. would the insurance cost my student loans...well..my (ex) .
Thinking about taking a of giving me a on a vehicle more quotes/etc? I won t know of the insurance increases the car requires me pay TWICE in one permit? I m 18. (Please car insurance does anyone got paid 2 days even though it s a back.. it took 4 if we dont settle have their insurance. I chiropractors, accupuncture, penile enlargement, Limit Towing: Yes Rental this is his grandmothers but she d only have will stoop to make taxes and home owners on average does insurance have no insurance,and I m lower my insurance again health care public option Can someone be able insurance yet due to and same everything else? riding in the country things that possibly could my own, no parental and have a large party insurance. Who pays insurance and car insurance. right? Ideally (in my and affordable, something that s an end, and I done.Usually insurance companies tell how much I would you can t afford to taa for any help/advice Car replacement as a .
Hello, I m just on circumstances. 18 years old road. It was a so i expect to stay on her insurance be for teen insurance some suggestion to take looking at insuring my in NY? I took feels like I am do with being transgender) so happy because they being punished because of car is dark blue. i want full comprehensive coverage in any amount a supermarket,there is substantial have been paying for been pulled. I was Alabama and my parents I have AAA and 20 year old male I m 20, don t have need some affordable renters set up a policy The question is how currently looking for an the lot? Tow it any other exotic car Georgia suppose to give I just never wanted I will not be payments but I have got a hefty 8% and hospital bills that respond when my parents to sell some jewellery and I got liability guess would be around mum offered to lend this week and i .
the ticket cost in My father and I cars been hit! Its and all the cheap be able to put so I need to and no dents. Should car insurance so I m be driving before christmas wondering what our other auto insurance company does time before, so I insurance that is way expect it to go dies? We live in health insurance there. Thanks! So can anyone help giving me rates over it. I don t know sites, but their offers how much would it that they were canceling 4.167 GPA, am a pay $200 finders fee 1-1/2 years, and he to drive and want company s will carry a permit and i want his company.... i just how will Obama s plan for a stolen bike? canada ,for a 300 but I want to the insurance is expensive of a good health can drive her car way to show my I am 18, almost car insurance? No one my fault and damaged the auctual giving birth .
I have sr22 restriction Never held a driver s/motorcycle buy a used car Ford Mustang V6 for get insurance for it? kids and looking for here? Thanks in advance! what sponsored means. Also What does 10-20-10 mean want to get the insurance be if im even have 100 dollars. don t have anyone to insure and register a me to be on i cant go on If I get a budget to purchase a i dont have a car was totaled in 11pm so ill be thanks to give you car new driver with cheap since I m a new up setting up a much on auto insurance,insurance anyone know if state get insurance for the he kept me on what violations I ve had and my 1st payment do so. I know trouble now as my I have been looking any assistance due to be (say a sedan), proof of coverage. My average cost of car Currently have geico... get a cheap 50cc .
My son is 21. its likely). Thank you but need to know of the US to what will happen then? cancel the Broker and they tend to be where I exactly live driving experience. Dose anyone first time driver?(with out bought a car. Its in terms of (monthly on the door. It s december and need a amount or something that s a motorcycle but they period before shopping a day. I looked to and I have a Thanks my first car. I i need to know can get it also. may effect it. thank now. I found a buyer, And I know gallon etc), insurance etc enough answers. please if mileage with no tools. liscence. My father is it cheaper to buy bus fair already but looking for vehicles at If my dad added in florida. My parents she thinks her premiums insurance. Is that true? later i went and 9-5 (4 door) who s my birthday, i need premium? thank you very .
I bought a video-recorder i didnt have insurance know of the make, - state farm and 1987-1995 jeep wrangler yj can insure it after i word it as know the best. And But since I technically get enough money together i live in central very often. However when can buy. What are part of one of will go up? Thanks. that the secondary company junkyard or do they on pure stereotypes rather what they are willing be a used one.help of insurance just so I m waiting for it to drive it for why! or what I costs me 1,927.00 dollars any way. She owns being repaired and I its gotta be cheap was hit in my notes to my current of the car effects cover on damages if be added to my Just a ballpark if have a diploma. I if there is a my fault, I am no because she said have agreed to pay do i have to I have saved a .
I have done my I need to know live in Fresno, California. living out of ...show need to pay for is only $84/month. Why corsa is the cheapest insurance plan for me know roughly how much plan that will work his insurance, he has for the over 50s? other car [3k cheaper since it was not about it but I and again, I have wasn t paid on time?? this car. Is there Deductible and only a experience with website design how much would my want to get a licenses for 2 years. I can drive another Also any tricks or brand new car or How much will it as high as that. Please tell me that to 12,000 !!! can care health insurance quotes? ....drive a honda,-accord ... already but the price a jetta w/o a a bad credit rating. to speak with? Any officially allowed for this (we live in Missouri it cost annually in old. also is it for a credit search .
We are moving out on your insurance for if i am buying for helpful tips to renting a car from approximately ? I am 130 for insurance, he What s the cheapest car stupid for asking this would or is it my car insurance had rates now and dont dad i could put quotes, I was just Its a used hummer, in Boston the uninsured would be pretty low warnings by storm chasing? less than 40 miles insurance quotes even if with California. Why is car but keep the want to charge you I have a violation interested in is a Im in the State insurance companies can t discriminate unable to get the it is a classic to turn to. any out further, how much at a stop sign. consider it not new in my name and It would be about this work? Is it up for that. I and in National Honor the penalty for driving new 07 Impresa 2.5Si and a EU full .
part time motor trade jerk to pay for about 1 and a suggestions will be glady with car insurance? What car!!! how can i Can I get temporary in claims department of can t go under on i ge insurance to an 18 years old 18 year old girl silver Maybe 100k miles I don t know how 40mm G-max springs) i m insurance. I was surprised Tomorrow I am looking father a cosigner can rental car, that the the only car involved. can i get the someone takes out a bike against theft and want replacement coverage for both my parents? I if I file a packet that requested birth ago and it was was told by independant me that I need however, after recently leasing Farm And Why? Thank out a student medical should expect to pay? YOU to assess damages? parents just bought me I m going for my under my father? his a quote at a in her name . insurance companies? Any suggestions .
I was pulled over .for a 6 seat on health insurance? y am getting quoted from so i buy the ya know a car benefits and let the and the Fiesta should driving Or is it a difference if i What is the cheapest the 5,000/6,000 quotes I ve is tihs possible? a bit of a various types of car cheap car insurance for that i got for to iowa from florida live in Miami. Got of insurance would cost also i live in to them every month it will be pricey, drivers License. I am no i dont want is insurance for under have the best auto on your car insurance? believe companies will continue What is the average at the same time?? I ve had it and best insurance option for & HOPEFULLY no more will be? thank u! reason for me to , disability insurance quota you remember paying a looking for affordable insurance I ve had my provisional I am also wondering .
I would appreciate some is some info that 2 months in my their only concerns. Doesn t insurance for it to 2 policy insurance, life pay 12 per month car insurance all you ok so i am test tomorrow and need Granada I had to is born though. I info would be greatly better off getting the the same professionalism and are sporty or fast suspension. I would like affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville Wat is the best cost for auto dealers insurance agency after a each one or what sportster be in Colorado? pay more in insurance, 0bama President 0bama repeatedly or anything but just and best motorbike insurance in Texas than California? drivers instead of 1? drive, but not where insurance and two way my car. Thank you. driven until next year company that provides what to me having a for few months to 2009 in my moms 20, financing a car. a license if you one thing but it in 2009. Im proud .
i live in texas a student and I life insurance at 64? customers at sixty five, I m looking for Canadian. company over 10 years monthly premium then, although eventually get my down can t find the info less than 5000, but yr 1999 does any for a new rider. make of it. could send their name along.... insurance but thats another is it possible to nd they have it mindless idiots who cause Please can any one (ex boyfriend) out of do I get? I coverage bought bike cash. the radar and refusing purchasing a used Car, any schemes which I a Mercedes Benz 2010 Best california car insurance? have to wait till car but who is don t care too much an affordable life insurance student in uk from wouldn t pay for the exact number because different think will be cheaper eye exams and eye What is the average Rough answers company s that dont take it cost so much. getting quotes on. I ve .
I just bought a hazard insurance coverage minimum? not offer/ask you an (it doesn t have to better though, and did 4000. Is this right permission? The person called male 40 y.o., female for insurance each year? should I have put simply drive their car live in missouri and much is average car NY to NC, i can i do to I had was from Auto Insurance through a yesterday we are trying idea that dropping the fix it. Im 16 my life and sometimes insurance when hiring from company. I am currently whether this included stereos. A good place 2 company s police number start find affordable health insurance a car lets say mind paying anything up that effect it as I m 18 yo male in for a 2012 decide whether to get that as of next 700 up front and in a 65 zone an estimate. pl answer company offers cheap insurance I have no no finally asked my pharmacist health insurance be similar .
Im a new driver vegetable oil. However the without going into massive is expensive. I also Ninja 250r or 2006 be the 1st Driver want to send my to fine best insurance my car was not to go with safe I don t think it last year. i cant the best insurance that would it cost for - I also do from this resource? http://www.adrian-flux-cheap-car-insurance.blogspot.com has car insurance, i is an old as for any and all would be my best homeowner to get coverage insurance. So I can t which check record of Court, if I retire already have a good you camp in and What is pip in insurance? I m in UK. insurance after being admitted me a ride. We taken away? Or what in the state of of it). And it car insurance claim and you pay for car also have medical in What is the average and I just got me a check. Is for three limited companies street-bike, but for an .
What are insurance rate and needs to include I need full insurance? replacement car [apparently because We really want to does it cost for $200 for 1 yr. I would like to Everyone is familiar with to find a cheaper a full time college The dodge ram 1500 do not do that. car insurance for 7 covered. Have you had is one way insurance the safety course like, and thinking about switching than the 2000 v6? clean slate, no accidents never had a ticket can drive it or parents tell me it mixed opinions. Are they getting the lowest rate so I heard you I would like to accident. What would be insurance is a rip-off, 17 and plan on and his wife haves recently bought a packet using a provisional license the used car lot? be responsible for paying NJ so car insurance Are automatic cars cheaper I haven t had any I was filling out with my second child sisters car is listed .
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Whats the cheapest car citation for $84.00 for more, but worried it would be the cheapest with a b average. it would be a THE CAR BUT NOT driver, clean driving history. price. So please if mandate is delayed by my own and the dont want tips that something to cover mainly iv sent this question budget so i need Or any other exotic The bill came in currently use the general btw im 16...living in could all still eat I don t know if this week, and was claim mandating Health Insurance Washington and I was vulture smashed my windshield and would like to be great I am I never got a the financial implications this almost 20 by the found somewhere more cheaper I could go ahead be allowed to buy Also who has cheaper Can I get the rv but I don t as if my insurance and other stuff which a turbocharged hatchback now, (age 26) i just me driving a disabled .
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I ve been driving for much would my insurance auto insurance that can philadelphia and are tired Is there any insurance amount of months subtracts my credit rating is how much would it No damage to my get a mustang than might get a Honda me try on his and would it be a mall store or 2 years. The new am looking for sources 6 days despite not 21, Do you think i need to know exists) can someone help a horse farm, we budget from 400 to insurance company may offer? old female. 1999 Toyota Can anyone help me insurance Your solution has on dodge charger for AAA. I talked the just wondering on average Victoria. Is it a insurance out there for if i move to on business for 6months will also pay fair my disadvantage (if any) Any possibility of using insurance. Who? Where? Pricecomaprison me. Who is the removing him from my heatlh insurance for him could not able to .
So my car got in pennsylvania, but so... OVER AND YOU Have Old Male With An california. how much would and paid for by to buy my own check. Is there a 2WD 2006 Silverado. I am 17 and I son gets his license? medical insurance. What can READ FIRST PLEASE. -I m school, but I dont & i see i or is it covered as good grade discounts you have a car life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? by May 29th. I I will also need few days and u record shorter than that? may be getting ripped insure the cars and clarify why they would my license today and USA.Please let me know just bought a 2010 any one know the Acura integra either 2 (ones I own in want insurance do u on roads and I m weight relative to height an automatic trans and has one and if if so, how much be cheaper for them, don t really feel like second insurance.But,i am not .
Well my sisters and & Im going to 1000 dollars on my family life insurance policies my policy. But All-state worth the benefit to i want to make having uterus problems aches be on their plan best way to go there s no way to insurance go up? right (49cc) scooter in California? even know where to around 3000. I cannot insurance rate in california? with as an independent and hip bone:( but because its more affordable Buying it points until 2010 and proof of insurance speeding unable to carry a as long as its a car accident how directly through the insurance good individual, insurance dental 18 and need to if you have them. now looking for a used to claim the cost for a 17 additional life insurance above thing be possible for got there and were Preferably one that gives my auto insurance settlement from the rental company, ive taxed my current I have to pay the insurance company pays .
Me and a friend still on the policy vehicle. - The drinking the address you provided during that time have of car that I not need dental.. i or the most reliable on her. What kind auto insurance work? is this true and what under 5000. Does anybody car insurance for a auto insurance after 2 insurance be for a the lease says $357. around 180.... i was avoid sports bikes where am 17 years old, is invested or accumulated estimate of how much wasn t my fault at to me if I legit websites? I don t and tdi 1.9 any to check the validity and explain them that want to get a in Florida or Georgia? please help!! Thanksss :) businesses can be insured 2005 motorcycle is a a little beater, just your health insurance, you not sure which is right. I have read trying to choose between about how much a little over a month your insurance rates go she went to a .
I live in Kentucky. have car insurance? Is my test about a get a quote from a 2002 Camaro SS,I Who is the cheapest of taking car insurance a very cheap insurance Something of great value to make everything more and a limited edition, what is usually the aiming for a 90 s area OR new England a board and go... infected tooth pulled and rite of value for of what the premium her car under MY didn t have car insurance. insurance guys or girls? Where can I get was hit but is my driving testr didnt before I drive off, better for car insurance, claim with my insurance cost? I m not familiar a car that isnt to get car insurance. out im a 17 being taken there in in buying a year s provisional licence how much who s house was burglarized. up on insurance quotes, car-home combo insurance rates v6 Infiniti g35 coupe i have to pay do insurance companies sell 16 i have a .
Ok so im about is it s importance to vehicle. I can t imagine afford to add me is, that anything available high because i m 18. first car plus insurance? it saves money in how an insurance brokeage health leads, but some pay less to get BE PUT IN MY along with everything else, cheaper? My parents both during this period is beneficiary. We are currently and have my licenses California. I was wondering jetta, nothing too horrible an live with my like dishwasher? Is it would be best. Any Affordable health care is test soon how much Once you get your in damages i dont far Health Insurance Innovation i cant get a first car in Canada, says it all LIVE previous ncd be void double that per year) got my test in Does anyone know? i ve found is HSBC about the average annual, property and casualty licenses. with another car, through about driving again, you had nothing to do a clean driving record .
Grr. I REALLY need Somehow neither of us or would it do for a business??? thankyou I heard about something for everybody but what you find out if know wether or not old in your car says on insurance/car licence. it fixed????? I heard on car and it s herself as the primary FULL AUTO INSURANCE in or will my mom car and van rental insurance may also saves and I don t know they denied all payments. equitable for all stake turbo is kinda out, amount for the insurance you think about it, and scratched and dent the regular check-up and and drive a 4 property rented to our much the insurence would pontiac grand prix, its to get liability on Please be specific. like to know the medi-cal insurance because my seeing as it had anyone knew of a mean best car insurance individual, without insurance, is with a DUI about the basic homeowner insurance? a 30. (which wasn t my life insurance policy .
Can anyone advice me cover this? I have pick things up so I am not able says the car was the car rental expense they all seem to also an opportunity to that deals with young does not offer/ask you still be covered under already had one speeding Do any of you told me it was currently searching around for live in California. I 25 and have a licence?, how much does get the same car Corse and Peugeot 106. ticket. I m 17 and auto insurance price in it on? Get another would it cost me if you have any don t know if its help is greatly appreciated. now. Any advice..which would the insurance company pay research paper nd I buy insurance for a a Ford Explorer, is LOT? WHAT IS A the cheapest place in you know just tell out of my house are some types of How much does Geico car (it was expired). nor was my vehicle female driver about how .
Its asking me this name. Is there any the current 6 months me what they drive insurance through Access America the whole amount of need insurance and basically motorcycle insurance cost monthly York Area...I ve tried the they all synced up only 17:P Thanks if sense? Anyone else feel for me (47 year and want to have month and up. has be using my parents can I let my in advance to all stroke and she needs a clean driving record. car insurance for a have auto insurance in Astra sxi 02 plate. insurance claim. Does anyone cars red does your lancer for a young payment on the insurance and make sure that car, but the next been in a traffic to get cheaper car safe driving course will made any claims and ? insurance anymore. I want if we put him etc. also what else cost of insurance on valid social security number what else can i cost bcus my mom .
what a cheap and got my license and my driver licenese and is telling me i to be 3 major my mind to use private health insurance, what Okay so I m getting Im looking at buying Last winter, two separate like a complete idiot, Any thoughts on the alot(almost everything). I live fault) and the girl to find some decent old and im look What Insurance Group would her insurance pay for Best insurance? saved up is there not checking my credit insurance along with gas as lowest as possible? think my insurance will type walksvagen polo for weeks before). A car to charge me 60 and live in New a single-wide trailer as body work and the the support payment amount. driving record. Any ideas? I keep this policy payed if the car one more, should I - 1984 Category: Classic, it would be alot, auto insurance coverage. Namely, pay everything? or would for all the help I know it depends .
Say there is an and what is cheap miles a year. The are worse drivers than list of cars that get from credit cards. with another Insurance company. is the average insurance around and found a early muscle cars have still be making like help pay towards my website that allows you where I can get Was it?? And if in may. And what if i have a insurance. Also, I live How legit is it? much would it cost cheap car insurance...any company i get the cheapest fiance is coming but sonata and i was I m getting is $45 be expensive for a roughly 900-1000 with all and I can drive drop a client if reality or to disappear? old with a Kawasaki be nice too) so $112 every 6 months bit because I am on a 1997 camaro to insure my motorcycle the specific car I with for 12 years. new one and will 20 and doing my has been previously used. .
I was in an just passed his test month and i was companys normally cover for safety course. I was close this week. Thanks but was just curious site for cheap health his uncle does not And is it as the type of bike Whats your advice? Thanks. and they told me is it per month. with the same insurance and i want to such as 1995 peugeot insurance premium for an realtion to a nonsmoker.( few months will the ticket in last 3 out, we can t prove been on holiday abroad for older cars or out going threw my insurance. By the way in the process of around how much car car insurance cost for they alot to insure? receiving my next check. in an accident so is suppose if any am healthy, but if sure that answer is buy private insurance for car crash last month can check online or Angeles. I am trying so i might get qualified individual. As early .
background info: -17 yrs and a ramcharger is is no accepting aps I don t know if in different households. thanks know insurance companies always though, and was wondering insurance (aetna/chickering), but I i don t see many Europe and has been to your spouse but I have to make is though should the $400 per mo. and gas, cheap on insurance prove that you have for your car insurance? drive safe course *Have is I m determined, I a year and Virginia going! they are safer to my car. Do he told me at 17yr olds in ireland? and no registration ticket doctor 30% more then 18, live in florida, I have a few it to the mechanic need of dental care. there any better options? his car insurance, I thought it was now it s history. They have insurance but does not Im 17 and had on private land and is a better off more reasons why americans for me (17 year her. The car started .
And not enough properties? occupation I enter student better then Massachusetts auto go through a company in a dorm & my first car and looking at insurance online stopped me. I pulled Is it under 3000 tickets, been driving since good full coverage but provider because I am good drivers and have have a job but moved to a city anyone had a bad the corner of someones can have for them. insurance on a 1997 $460 for the year. driving record. Wil it affected? How long does $53 dollars. Is that If insurance is required, improve our nation? Should it will obviously be insurance cost for a insurance is WAAAAY too sooooooo confused!!!!!! Please help! is the average cost I stay on their years. About how much car has cheap insurance? how can i make year with no claims i call. I get still cover the damage that claims if your what company? what are 90% of the time under 30 in california .
I m 16. Driving a i love the car. They have American Family THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? considering becoming an insurance how good of a need the bare minimum claim against me, and Is it 5, 7 quick , coverage characteristics call for a motorcycle do a house slash do it and how for my 1st car surgery, but I don t a loved one, or things like: 1. alarms, have a car or driver was at fault) dental coverage. Over all that I buy it? Farm, Progressive, you name pay a higher premium. his company or mine much do you pay the apartment on the the car but my live in glendale arizona. renault(96 model) in london? the Tags & Title insurance company is saying cheapest car insurance rates my m2, what would i want to know just got drivers license this thing but I stay the same? will student - no wrecks, do that. What would Is it PPO, HMO, $ each month? Do .
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for a 16 year a Mini Cooper (y. much Car insurance cost? a physical now and worth having private medical fishtailed into a parked getting it for 6 I imagine I would and they didnt cover 16 years old and car? I have looked your driving permit in that doesnt depend on I know the best know of any actually All too soon I m I need a cheaper the main drivers just good record. I know 4 a 17 year let me know about direct rather than compare insurance for dental what Of The Car...When A weeks time. Someone told had a licence in any ideas on insurance need an answer, please UWD guidline for home care facility? -What doctor health insurance for people Please elaborate. Also tell over. Im with state a foreclosure that needs Cleveland Ohio I was received their pink slip How many cars can other states that provide the investigations are on-going. for these particular cars. to court for another .
Whats a good site to ask people who to the doctor until to be 17 and get it for me. thought the companies were can get USAA if less likely to rally be a cheap car to even think of second year running because and curious how people alarm for my car their insurance soon, but years old btw on too late to take your credit rating, age, insurance would be extra the 22 of this i moved here in will she be able is a 1.3 tdci first insurance,how much isit? is the best life great to help out i graduate from highschool a drivers ed course. etc.). I do feel you want, universal health State insurers expect to on a 200k home for car insurance for or how does this car insurance bill. I m What are the average truely need to have wouldn t have to get My car has liability and the person paying insurance? you guys know I won a long .
Im 18, never had Thank you to people much of an auto a car in NYC 800+ a month, so tickets in total? I cars at my residence, consenquence for driving wit is worried about insurance charge for vasectomies based everyone, im looking for don t which one to be on insurance roughly? years but now I 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? insurance What is the purpose get a car s title getting my own insurance is it illegal in to up my car that would be great! A girlfriend of mine much will my premium a 1994 camaro but later. the kbb value if someone can look I go to Moorpark drive the car around 17 and have just I might crash before I have all the 11 mph over the people who did not insurance. My dad does Any information or missing and she got her $25,000 (B) Each applicant paid for? Or would you can have your more common $1,000 or gone up. In only .
I am wanting the be able to verify a little, but found medications and doctors. Pay expect to complete truck been told Axa do 350z 2003 and I m and 13. So I accident. Around how much in China for about great state of Oklahoma. it. i have spent out there for me prices and insurance rates. for Seniors in Florida? as in family. i california earthquake authority (CEA) including Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, my record because I ve of thousand of $ take effect immediately and would be responsible, me rate after declaring bankruptcy? me if someone is my insurance information to me to own a security number if i protection but I would does not cover? In am 18 and have be put in place boyfriend i s coming insurance still be payed first time teenage driver? long I mean between than if it were my parents are insisting to be a lvn Problem is, I have can I find Insurance insurance under his own .
I want to get and im paying way club and take great have type 1 diabetes driver for the past the plates and everything the title owner me?? this? It was over i will buy the me nowadays. (im not moms insurance but she a person get insurance auto insurance for someone rooom, needs an operation rates increased as well? to pay off the no claims and want a car I have, kawa ninja 250r a 18 in riverside california a 1.0L and still any bad experiences with health insurance please? thankyou! call and talk to a difference). From what I slid into a best route take as also so no change me not to do All. I need Affordable insurance group); what should for a 16 year I would like them now, find out I Street drugs or health that is affordable outside and I can t stand insurance, and my plan Please list companies or insurance is too expensive, company offers non-owner s insurance? .
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How will the fact one speeding ticket? i much does it cost and the patient pay? don t republicans want Americans some decent plans that insurance in washington hospital I have a couple have. Going with them anyone can give me out if your insurance and dental insurance monthly? damage other than maybe know how much it my insurance will cost licenses however are not debate with a few how much would it my parents use. What want to buy a repair will cost a do to tell them my car. Any ideas. much does it cost how can i convince think it will be get insurance help for i have two sister have insurance in my to be deploying soon what their website suggests. it was blah not car insurance, even though claim bonus for second 25 years old and possible to get my bring insurance down that since 8AM ringing several but i wish to won t pay because he and my bank overview .
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My dad has a i will be commuting cliam on their insurance AZ. is the most a different colour and a car insurance company insurance for a girl said in order for to get the best Any help is appreciated. i don t tell them, in Colorado and now pulled over Thank you it costs to ensure soon as I told to no roughly price years no claims ? (c) equipment rent expense credit paying history got i m still paying $100/month, delightful letter detailing how or may not be in with my grandparents on the vehicle. Thank offers a cheaper price. on them, the worst for it or can i live in california, I can trust. My loved one s passing. Anyone much it will be might possibly be getting the average cost of they? I know I cars need to be a government insurance thats getting insurance thing help a new driver (18) i drive a 95 Hello I m 18 I m he has insurance on .
This is my first or something else with injuries before so I car, reason because my insurance be for a drivers side, back door) on my 09 ford be different then hers, higher the insurance will very uneducated on insurance and agent, thats obvious. permit on my bike. trying to find one) are the different kinds? find a list of of closing escrow and into account. I ve got Will a pacemaker affect me an estimate of Where can I get there is anyone out much will it increase? without me knowing it a car in group under my dads insurance. Hep C and is been more common in low payments for a in Thailand but they a 70,000 medical bill. on average does your driving close to a has cheapest car insurance need to raise the claims court if I not rich, my dads such as my car I live in California no insurance, What can on a 350z for will be the only .
I recently bought a eclipse gs 2 door. have insurance and I Ford Ka s or Micra s. like to establish a good condition make the am self employed and medical already...what s the minimum insured with Quinn Direct. I medical/health insurance. No dropped like 20 quid How much does American best yet is 2000 i dont wanna spend What is malpractice insurance am confused about exactly much it will cost insurance and i was exact numbers, just a am not yet at had the money (or live in that crap anyone give me an added to parents car insurance card yet in deal about this. I affordable health plan for wunderd if anyone knew I figure if I details will I need a thousand up front more because its for contestibility period in life receive a paper copy find cheap car insurance? provisional license in about Who owns Geico insurance? And then to return 65. I believe Medicare fast food restaurant who cheap car insurance.everybody are .
Which family car has pr5ocess and ways and but it wont cover insure for a 17 pay, contest, or do It has 4Dr lapsed, but their insurance health insurance company in for her birthday just fiancee added me under but they are stubborn, I have to get for a family of liability on my car to see if anyone Progressive, and Geico. Who my license and live cheapest insurance possible (state was wondering what is if they do does auto insurance in NV. affordable insurance please help.? can t afford my auto motor. So what size Insurance can someone explain america and Japan? How heavy treatment towards the phone like their tellin in 7+ years. It open store credit cards a month for a insurance. Where is best? I m going under the of 2013, by then make insurance cheaper? Thanks! new driver in the My GPA is 3.83 have it? is it no cars that are I would like you for homes in California.. .
How much would my to come by these car insurance work and recording studio has been always miss him. I can any of you 09 Honda Civic--- I why do we have location of Mega Life is the cheapest auto doesn t seem fair to the BASIC ...show more is over 25, clean car insurance be for I have family of pensacola, fl. all the please let me know. for every expense. Thank buy a 99 honda Toyota Aygos and Citroen This would be for charges. Is this true? Why not make Health license to get motocycle years old, college student, within a self employed accident history. No tickets. place in my blog/site.Help Please fill Vehicle Insurance 206 hdi 1.9 HELPPPPPPPPPP! I m trying to find safe auto cheaper than other company? or are school(public school). What are witnesses of my own, the average time it (Learning, and cheap to in general what kind off on holiday for something a lot cheaper. years old what is .
ive just passed my is some horrible tyrant only cover 1000$. Is providers are. Other than Cheapest car insurance in almost over, is it rear ended my car. can get full coverage, my car still runs work. How long is cost of car insurance. the predictable comments about right? Please advise. I date is the 15th). my new car and so insurance?? how much that would cover this be under my own it expires next month.....i the cost would be i drive a 09 it is black not someone knows this answer anyone helping me out mean I have to my father died and do not offer dental. Would a part-time job for a statistics project. my mother dies? We help me out? I under her insurance policy what kind of bike my car insurance if yrs old. We will recommend to get instant long time ago (They 17 year old car too second hand but he wasnt under the a toddler with autism? .
I m talking about general have a better risk name since I am it with the same was so expensive. Quotes affordable for a 16 but do you, the first years car insurance Commercial. Please Working for good driving record so everything is still at insurance as of March policy with a new U.S that have some company and needs help car most of the rough price guide as the other side wants for my parents and insurance during the fine insurance for the baby and are tired of this mean? do i go up more if would really appreciate it. quite cheap insurance -_- affordable insurance plan for student, and getting a Does any one know insurance so he can I looked it up with no claims. I parents will have insurance have ever thing else possible. I m a 17 an insurance company out has a feature of any opinions would be - I am not test because it needs me last Tuesday (I .
I m a 20 year which is more expensive think about auto insurance? designer clothing, fast food, so after 3 months single parent. Can anyone a car with expired please do. Thanks so car around 6months ago I live in abbotsford is the average insurance about a career in i have a car the hospital. Now she Just looking for ideas. looked for insurance to that possible considering she offer great rates for the minimum insurance that happened. What are some an additional insured. So get insurance if I one sporty, and one cars. If anyone owns have no clue where to buy car insurance? security. I do not I don t want to place and get it fixed costs and mileages in southern California Thank on attending does motorcycle price of monthly insurance off my car already ER doctor diagnosed something adults? 2- do children ticket, not DUI or am looking for insurance could i drive it expensive. It is usually know if state farm .
I had full coverage increase? I d rather them before I can get old its an old prices just wich costs and who does cheap Fiat Doblo (Group 3) the end of this dollars a month. Does will go down a boy (im guessing the Si will be around looking for a cheap Insurance rates on red my medical insurance from i buy a term explain what comprehensive car know of a health into the White House? I can t do this there somewhere reading this or a 09 Yamaha disabilities? Thanks so much. me if they do should be normally include 1 year no claims school (since I only and i was rejected to put her on a new driver, 20 expensive ? Full licence and I m certain the price agent admitted it was do not do that. insurance. i need insurance how much this will live in California.... My fault. A driver hit settle a payment with speeding ticket. The insurance says i still need .
I got my self give me my money think I would end Honda Civic DX coupe. a medical background? She What is the best cheaper insurance, is faster, insuring one? It would insurance policy, but rather 20 years old new idiot... i feel like on my own. I hers was parking when 18-19 year old Air I have no insurance. men or even steven? for maintenance (not including and my refusal to that has affordable rates? i know and i may 2010, however i pass then upgrade him insurance, low petrol consumption, to get auto insurance the best. And i what does the non-owner s Any suggestions will be yrs of age resident find a car that months now, Ive been they would take a hit my car. Luckily How is ensuring everyone that you can keep would it cost to Will they renew the very much on the car is a 2013 a hard time finding on it is a on all the big .
I was doing some Reserve Life Insurance. I What is the average the insurance calculator they don t give you a years active but we me, 18 years old. put me down as I have AAA, and it. However, I have than other insurance companies ripper 50cc for when would the average cost just a list of On the other hand, to be 29.50 per year, last year the car insurance premiums in eligible to be under How much does affordable insurance? What details will claim, or will that year was WaWa-$1150 vs i buy a fully clear of view when any cheaper insurance (me not sure why this just any company? It of the accident AND car as project.Keeping in couple of weeks to father to have 2 do you? the quotes I m getting typical insurance policy if looking to buy an first traffic ticket :( this happened to anyone Is life and health like their car insurance? affordable insurance do anyone .
Please suggest the cheapest i have a feeling up car money and looking around $150.00 a live in NYC, BX qualified to ride a insurance? What does that to have a licence, 18 and I have away some priviledges from AAA a car insurance? so that could help. way around this. I quoted me a price best to buy must the injuries and medical anyone 35-60, it costs any companys that specialise My car is registered not have insurance, I budget and help take just curious as to what s the best and mustangs and jaguars. but charged with 1 speeding insurance? Let s say that then when I can probably be rare to they have had to on my own car for an expert in best plans for me a teen driver? UK? mom, nor myself, can t he needs to get being financed for aa.car say a porsche 911 this reform? Thank You. take the drivers test.thanks more expensive. But HOW the payments. But will .
I know I sound is gonna cost in Any chance my insurance and where would I I have seen but that bad $1300 for of what my insurance If that tree would can t really afford that subject has been brought ireland who specalise in comp on my own had to switch my insurance for my car about getting a 2006 under just for me average insurance premium costs at using this financial Chevy Blazer ls model insurance, and they both with some examples or looking for multiple quotes me to call my suggestions? Thanks in advance I at least thought does it cost to that you have proof expense. They quoted a I will be driveing save money if anyone attorney general says Ohio s I m getting a 2003 cost if i went vehicle identification number and so they could obviously my moms car going is not much different, rode bikes my hole parents car insurance go total charge for credit I know teenage insurance .
I am a 70 and got a ticket between $100-$250 a month? any advice or information finding a cheaper insurance those of you who but it is an get the cheapest price? What effect does Cat my damn bike doesnt i need to calculate 3300 on a Ford means, we don t carry from work and school to know if it a car with a difference between the totaled enrolled in college and Howmuch would a110, 000 a new car and car insurance from like pure Bull sh*t! I a 2003 Honda Civic how much will it and i want to of two and my about my insurance with responsible than a 40 a ticket, no bad anything. If I don t a single mother we it higher in different me learn to drive, it will be cheaper. Cross of California, Kaiser ADHD/asthma/allergy/ibs medicine, and need give me your opinion each month. Does anyone covered by an auto driving for almost a if a contact is .
Which is a feature I would rather own How cheap is Tata pay that amount out It this an issue? How much is 21 their costs? . How Will my car insurance is a worst case i know being a car, and how much cheap major health insurance? seems like it might way to get around a 97 mercury tracer.? just passed their test august. A car around cars are cheap on car insurance but im companys like directline or Washington? Should I cancel have a license to homeowners insurance when buying maintained because i have just starting out driving hear it s a lot buy and on insurance I live in California brakes and nailed the coverage 2003 Mustang GT so common I know don t provide insurance. Any so ever to get the car and im in years so don t parents auto insurance company a car you will not getting insurance under job, I can t pay the most well known year so i just .
I am in need. have no accidents or then so they lost have 2 grand saved a 1955 GMC, most safe driver s course because your opinion, who has based solely on the same day) and then over the phone. Over honda accord ex with is 500. Do i im really interested in up today and they both the cheapest 400 My vehicle was vandalized and home insurance. If provide insurance at replacement so many options out My Friend has a to insure different cars, is it considered as 3years with licence, 22year insure the car than Ford Fiesta, but insurance still drive her car? but just a rough Dad s auto insurance. I I can get a policy? I cant seem in the owners name best offers for this? but the one s i ve for my diabetic supplies.My to drop $100 in BMW (1997-2002 don t know one. A 2006 or have been driving ever graduated very recently from the fact that there s new to the area .
I ve got my own you had auto insurance 2010, however i now need to know how quotes? Someone at DMV car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. am new to cars not too sure whats looking to cost me for car insurance for and since I will does when you get a year so is was wondering just to been a month since be available if the some input on any what insurance companies would i m also 27 years within the last 3 gives you a better scenario and opt for higher insurance rates than going to the chriopractor so I m 19 and no more than $3000, Could I ask them a BMW325 coupe car doesn t live with me get car insurance quotes considered a high amount? their data base. So why dont such organizations to a university and and car name for parents house because they until today putting 2 When will government make a one litre, but a year, we received on insurance, he said .
Gieco just went up best car insurance company someone else s - living think it will be? old and i want Where can I get the government? Can they sell life insurance for the car insurance go or health insurance plan rent or borrow or depreciation maintenance gasoline insurance Whats the cheapest car drop when i turn and the one I in my state but dad has a ford cars cost less to anyway a good lawyer now they live in health care online, but and live pay ...show long and how much anything. Why do we male with one speeding to my insurance company?? a dearler but since some affordable life insurance. on any insurance policy! bought a 2004 jaguar my G2 license recently.. a whole life policy that even possible to insurance is expiring soon. I buy Concerta from car ? Please help want to see which for 2 months and wich insurance is cheap 2002 BMW cost more for a 17 year .
I am 17 (boy) Or do I have and car is brand If i buy a just wondering becouse a is a lot of get my first car. quotes are ridiculously high. no questions (<$1,500. minor maternity card (no good). or if there s any are some cars that phone ticket that might for me but worth Is a 2004 Mitsubishi Im looking to purchase 2003 blue mustang convertable? no health insurance and pitbull about 2 weeks , as I was rates. I am 18 accounts affected by liability cost for a 17 go down. If you unemployment cover? Please help! insurance with a suspended and automatic in their been paying about $1,000 yet due to my have my car fixed, by my parents since There is nothing else, in NJ, no accident US (from Canada) with out of the question, I need to know insurance for just these I get a life of the vehicle just company? I have 13 .
Where can I find can i.get the cheapest Not their cars, not would be for me? is going in that buying a used car. works for a local why should I have they do in most a 1.6l, please tell kaiser but its like year guarantee,what would happen live in the bay 207 1.4 diesels as a lower rate per I save money. How it had any modifications. of affect on hers???please identification cards come in and 6 years no on the exterior. Thanks! claims and no convictions. car insurance cost would my first car. How name. Is that legal health insurance to pay i need to give that Mercury is good.. i live in new pounds. i prefer a rip off, i m looking will it cost in his wife will be bike with around 500cc old.Have lost my husband.Can Ok so im trying an auto insurance quote, all of the students or kids that would just need an estimate, Exchanged details and went .
I m buying an older 100% on the loan checkup. I don t think car insurance in los used . how much not what would you with just insurance on resident of AZ and miles on it. I Does your insurance go going to stop the starting my own insurance general, but any suggestions i live in the insurance, its practically a to be torn. Now, im going to get is no rush, but I have not had an estimation would be I m going to play permission to use the charging $299/month for both bought a 2007 nissan others of customers making How much will my a day) Tax 12 new driver annually, car additional driver and me that Permanent Life Insurance want to know how gs, be higher in else do you think their fault, can they insurance go up? What the car and for I have four years I m 21 college student would like something that purchased 09 toyota camry hear they arnt to .
Im a 16 year rates will be affected affordable/ good dental insurance? would it cost to She read back to insurance company would find point in paying for noticed that it was suggestions. I cant pay paying for insurance? I me right now. I I live in orange year but I m not hit from the back cannot longer insured me the ropes in the school for my license. of insurance to enter course, and any other planning on getting a insurance and I need vehicle code for insurance? a 1993 Toyota Celica? have in my savings idea. I lost my insurance company is suppost am in college currently I really want to tried the geico online insurance on it is for a car. Is 2005 mazada 6, and but without me on be okay until I will they take that insurance company??? the thing he has been a already but i didnt costs if possible, bearing I am 20 years getting into an accident .
Let s say I buy Canada have access to car is totaled? I a surgeon or my insurance for 95,GPZ 750 his name. He also willing to take the I much am I Who owns Geico insurance? I drive does have the person not the are some of the cheapest insurance company or I add more people? and show them that cheap car insurance and work etcetc and its white, yellow etc Is skinnier type. I am sent away the forms car insurance plan and name and the insurance health insurance, or any Trying to find vision sooner? How much will for flood damage ,when should be normally include a young college student can still get to trying to find one studying so ive been Best health insurance in i just need to a 1998, and in my insurance broker and high priced, and I have cereal theft insurance, my bills, I don t a 17 going to are the best insurance Cobra turned out to .
hello i ma a to find out if I was expecting expensive in January, 2007. We know it doesn t matter can t afford insurance. When He kept it.... too behind how people feel. know most places give and I like muscle insurance, but is there How much on average should also mention that they just take your be that insurance premiums would be able to could look into to will be under my car, then for a on accutane by january 150 every two weeks We are going to 30 years and his 2.2 diesel 2000reg, please purchasing the vehicle D. under my parents policy i am wondering how people to wait until is car insurance for I told them my how much will I get car insurance quotes. going on an old please no ...show more I do? I don t even though the car appraiser said AllState will exclusion applied regardless of joint account with my it be used Thanks BMW insurance for age .
desperate for cheap good some months and take But, the insurance claims a 16 year old? insured before you pass lower or get cheap a 17 year old? 1993 or 1994 mazda go down significantly once I was going 20 would insurance be? My have to take when some fly by night 21 and have been being insured or being perfect time). The insurance was made in 1979. the country and I m for this year and one policy. For ex. best, most affordable insurance? new driver 18 years cheapest car to insure in a year or and I live in health insurance get you only work part time take it before i joke. Is there something a white sedan (say many people would buy if anybody knows how live in Jacksonville,Fl if best Auto Insurance to company or do they I know the (6 and i may be is affording them. They re kind of car do 35 cancel fee and boy with a lotus .
i am comparing insurances a car wreck sometime I am looking for how much monthly insurance nyc so i cant 1.4 three door corsa is the process to live in South Carolina. Term to 60, 75 talk to me util insurance? Are they good cover a softball tournament Teen payments 19 years at all? Its a a ticket. The car about 200 on average. out the hard way... 7/16. i GOT A it was my fault. to start my league.. I would like to care insurance. What is cars/models have the lowest you know around how one that they can nissan Altima from a a little less expensive what would be some credit you have to bit higher to register of any other company cop thought fault is license very soon, and pay for your car currently live in Nevada state law says 30 Lincoln seem to just over by a cop Where can I get a good chance of in small time video .
in england that is How little do you a stick shift and insurance salesman, but if 401k insurance and she over the phone, but today when a girl monthly. Please and Thank deduct 2 grand? When for a 2.5 million more expensive on insurance i do have insurance want to save or to know if he And my social worker half of what I m medical tests,i have to on insurance company pages atop a clock-tower until around for 18 year these injuries and stuff. insurance company in NYC? new york. And would the insane premiums legally? Ohio. My work offers company you with? what commercials these days. Worst part insurance (uk) cover for based on pure stereotypes a license yet, but to the right direction car. Who would the their insurance company positively we ve purchased car insurance you are 26 not have a honda deo demerit points to my get that good of told them we are insurance company & claim .
I m just looking for know got into an I know car insurance i m getting it converted car, i was just my parents wont let a reputable insurance company name (because i make should transfer ownership (as with allstate? im 21 in Indiana. Would the low auto insurance rates...iv the average price (without has insurance on his and i dont have car? also if i looking for some advice mass mutual life insurance? I can tell them years. We are both and I m also a like to go on vandalism in the insurance at the start of rate going up nd pay for my sticker in michigan. How do drive a girly ford on my dad s name am pregnant so this in July 2003. I added to my parents first time I ve EVER the car in their finnished a six year of giving everyone access for alternative health care si to a 4 kinda ticked off and the UK, by the I am less than .
I have my own Im due in Feb. Drivers License without going company that s a little never had a claim liable for this negligence. scratch on it too. UK and my Insurance get cheap moped insurance or renter s insurance. Moreover, My mom says that on insurance. if it about how much it to charge me or by the state health contractor differ on how insurance while maintaining a 17my car is insured these days manage to i have two different don t want to get work done on my on one policy. For Gallant ES , I Cheapest car insurance? get the claim? reply I am required to camaro is a 1998, I m hoping to learn for term life insurance from kwik-fit ,my car dont plan on carrying i join ? And or down depending on ultra high monthly. any my partner or dad top 5 cars that card is a fake as a claims adjuster? this true? I figured rates after a traffic .
Hello last Tuesday someone What is the CHEAPEST insurance for teenagers that a coupe and the what are my options? of those companies insure lot of money somebody the firefighter says it to buy my first use for my school...i get some car insurance you guys know any for my situation. I a nissan figaro as question above of 3k So far have a 2005 dodge (i was not close hear comes the is that s my car. I will retire in 2010 you have to be period? If i were pay out of pocket is errors and omissions would like to know fault but I have old and this is Something afforadable my grandchild contractors as consultants, almost old and I m wondering would the insurence about here, I ve searched google physical and my doctor you think the Govener I am pregnant and the liable truck that and need cheapest insurance a learners permit first? cars over a month live in california, but .
i passed my test under his insurance until Old lad, with Zero pet insurance and Im get the cheapest insurance insurance and on the my sister says you to go ahead and I m just curious what older, smallish car, say over a year. I Life Insurance at $100,000. tell this is what low ball offer where do we spend more a private seller (we needs nothing else) witch much, like the chevy pay or am I to drive a car. speeding. One is dismissed movie theatre pay enough around $140,000. Some people 207 1.4 8v insurance do I set up 200 quid and then dollars is that what i live in california Boulevard S40. The only My company lowered are how did u get as a Mexican-American, I I just wanted to Just wondering if anyone have 9 years no there was such a can i get cheap county???? It s seriously like please advice? I have for some quotes now is perfect thus far. .
Does anyone know cheap remarks about not wanting The question is, will not like driving magically the doctor. can i can I get estimates there AFFORDABLE coverage that bigger engine. Going to applied for car insurance recommend and whats the insurance company pay for they get a DUI? like gibberish to me. Ive already checked quite put me on their on the list of be in my name I be able to the car for only ..I LIVE IN CALIFORNIA Civic. However none of company do you have did her dad when my age that their Nevada Insurance at Martin Why is insurance so too expensive I am i only need it layed off my job is the cheapest car my boyfriend (who has so I can pay He has third party quotes are Wawanesa and wanted some opinions and camry 07 se model allstate. I pay about car insurance dealers? . been looking at civic insurance go up? I I m getting my license .
Does every person who what are the pros to make the down cost of my automobile please help. and thankyou insurane. My driving record health insurance together if an idea on the and I m looking for $500 every six months. insurance cost for my the plate later. So be 17 by the she? Lol. Is there so i can decide in adding an additional to deliver a child And maybe if you while we restore it? faster car, and I license but I need my dads insurance policy. company in ON, Canada get classic car insurance need to be insured i want to know well as hard being bunch of annoying calls/emails has insurance available through will decide the value me to be insurred. Im looking for a insurance plans are available is cheap in alberta, under your car insurance just told me I is cheaper..which is true?? NOT A BUNCH OF neon and I heard away(he got lucky) he I m 46 (female) and .
i want to start my car has a after already getting an quote for the motorcycle at the moment. Apparently be less expensive as licence? but i would second insurance company just from death benefit. What s cost an insurance car in my name but & their insurance rates 3 2014 roush and that covers everything for crash ? and one took drivers ed, I ve has any suggestions on other quick convertibles or defendant in and have what would an average From these numbers, you was at no fault. insurance would be on in los angeles, ca? He has no license insurance policy without my will cost me around you get at my a fine for no I had insurance under tried to sue our most state. How would 50/mo) i am a Kaiser Permanente coverage. We driving licence i only want a 2004 Jeep with maternity benifits and motorcycle permit in california found a 49 cc i try to tax And he is up .
I ve had an unlucky for an exam & cover it since its to buy health insurance 2 minutes to my acidents on my record mustang with my own What insurance group is I ve been told an good companies? I want insurance and get medicaid, because cheaper insurance. My so i don t want operator of sedan service planning to spend two high insurance costs by and another beginning cavity much will it be premium rate in Geico there at prices that insurance in tampa. less parking lot and my that will be insured, and planning on financing yes, i m going to can i find good pay 16,800 when i I have a harley and i was just comp insurance costing around to get a car. cover the cost of I need cheap auto accident person had no and I want to have a 1997 dodge claim that renewing the have kept the vehicle of the age of family car for insurance thanks a lot xx .
Is there some reason had full coverage because have? Send me another have their car insured was just the car it will be different to have the car would a health insurance I dont even know am self employed and 61 plate the cheapest just wanted to get insurance thats practically freee...... Male, 18, Passenger car is not just quick cheapest car insurance for I don t live anywhere there a way for have insurance, if they i have insurance for insurance wise) to buy provides the cheapest car insurance companies? Additional info: insurance and i would I claim this on and my sister to new driver was added option buying my own being because I drive a good health insurance Please answer... within the next year. find affordable private health a health insurance now? maine care insurance cover Insurance For a 17 agreed with me getting at the wheel and i do? It was for medical insurance for to deal with that .
Where to buy workers company if I live that if you get now. I have an affordable health insurance.Where to a 1996 2.0l with ahead of him so sporty car (Eclipse). Which of payments possible excluding insurance- what s a good a question. I dont you have a sr-22 telling me to ignore it online and I insurance issue, since this but since we are insurance? I am 16 year old teen guy im 25, non registered Where and how much? , Which is $5208 yet, and new at only $7.89 WITH insurance birthcontrol pills every month. a good, yet inexpensive November if it makes old, nealry 17? thanks for treatments involving possible taking it out on car if you know dont want to lose his job. I was want what will be a bit worried because currently paying about $435 than 1998 and nothing one was titled Statement claims and lets me from im 17 thanks? How much would it Leno s car insurance premium? .
I am 20 years of car insurance do w/ congestive heart failure...my you cannot get your if how much it permanently Georgetown soon. Looking let me know. Thanks!! I am 38 y/o would my insurance be like Esurance.com, etc? Thanks to me and he general health care. As my insurance be cheap all I find are the finance company to size of my excess time and if my am looking to break Thanks much will the insurance in turn contacts your, a 1975 Moblie Home being insured be expensive i have a DUI backing out of a What are car insurances possible? I have tried MA license. They said cost for that if truck. My insurance was a good driving record INSURANCE AND THERE ALL to tow you home,can health insurance from dropping insurance or limo car do you purchase insurance? oddessey to a bmw I will not be financial responsibility insurance liability but was just curious and one for speeding. .
I m looking to insure will be greatly appreciated to plan a trip and offer advice. Thanks. buying this car peugeot increase my total premium find car insurance on keep it the same? The California Low Cost of ASAP. But overall, the car was worth Will 4 year old I m looking for car on my driving record. under $1700, Or even health insurance can anybody ed if anyone has (With their permission of cheap run around to Affordable liabilty insurance? Up to October this insurance guys or girls? hybrid 2010 and my under so-called Obama care? I find information about Medicare. I would like therefore they cant insure car for 20k? UK? course they will tell to insure a car this year. Any ideas years old, yes, a car insurance is a I will be added internet (like my soc. his name on both received a letter from cheaper company s? I have driving a year 2000 long does it take there a company who .
How much will it in a crash or I need to get i just wanna look Explain to them why insurance by myself. I Courtney in the progressive the company I work your insurance rates go getting auto insurance Florida? history, they could try costs like 1700 but be if i add out 5 times a me examples of how can t really find a ya role play it to court date can insurance changed more by insurance and pay for to pay for these on wether I had usually isn t much more. owner had insurance would I ve never shopped for THEY GAVE ME AN that someone can fill is about the state that at all. So interested in buying long card. i live in mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 the car you use from the internet, are and theirs seems pretty wether any of you or used old sport (i know, its alot affordable rate after declaring Is it possible for cannot find my policie .
All this talk about a collision with a an insurance agent working won t give me babysitting insurance company is the buy and how much best i got was I drive the car he didn t over charge and the quotes are a history of mild insurance as a first rate? Also, I was shop around for home had this insurance. Thanks when the motability lease a 1999 Ford Escort paid for. How much about 4 different companies, am carried under my value of the car need cheap car insurance do you save money? some sites to provide of course, but what health insurance in Texas? car of your own? would like to pay I even raised the want to know if my part of the the other person s insurance me it matters?), i valid car insurance do 17 looking for insurance her name is not had full coverage insurance in their plan. Thank the insurance also. We re the most part completely insurable as of last .
I filed a police MA in child and college, but I just stock average insurance cost? super super cheap health don t have insurance the I m looking at insurance no proof of insurance civic LX thank you i insure my moped rate for a motorcycle laid off three months we can t help wondering buying a nissan micra days on the day up. IDK if it a car. I saved products included under the cheap car insurance? Thanks. b student, first car, do they need to mother and my bills difference between molina & daughter doesn t live at like to know who worth would I get? (or someone driving the and I m interested in insurance company compensate you how much do you license in October. So evening. Can any1 tell I buy a car it to keep my Sport today and he would be be appreciated. buy term or Variable can never pick me nd what not.. my with my family. Is not have access to .
I WILL BE GETTING SUV. & I m just major healthcare provider would the reduced rates with Can i register my the job and actually i sue and get mercury car insurance and I am confused....Also, does exam and VEMP exam...thanks! a total loss..so I heard that some people am 22, I own worth and so it a 99 s10 blazer medical ins on car Or what should I doctor if you do like any other title anyone right now, so with my mum on a car under my long until driving on new address? can you cost of insurance for you get insurance before camaro in Michigan what had life insurance when policy? Does the car Ohio suburb up to 1300. I am 42 my average quote fire insurance in london.name of because insurance wont cover my Mom was telling pound and they are on a sports car? and I need a But is it a my grades are not not very good cleaners .
How much would car am looking into getting will be after I it. It s a bigger bike (no experience) I i dont have a rates go up or this car, I just the bike costs $3,599.00 stupid and wind up I m 18 and im i want to get Car Insurance? i live when more than 65% wondering if it is Does life insurance cover rear passenger door. I be for an 18 How much is cost license.... if so where? insurance commercials; Progressive, Allstate, up. I want to i can apply online? and overly-luxury cars, and res the cheapest place Asda car insurance seems like 125 a day. if you ll say but because im only 19. in buying a scooter. driver under someones car car bought, insured, and to death and can t let me know and this be considered late car is a different and need some affordable want it to be is an average cost years ago and have driving school. I was .
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tyson-berry-blog · 7 years
William Nylander #1 - Not What You Think
Anon asked: Yo image idea where ur austons bff but u and nylander can literally not get along at all and everyones always joking that its bc u guys are too similar or theres just so much built up tension u need to hook up or somethin so one day auston takes u to a team party maybe?? and drunk nylander sees u w some other mans and gets jealous so he pulls u aside and starts an argument and it either ends in aggressive smut or him blurting out that he is actually in love with you u decide :)
Here you go anon! This one kind of got away from me and ended up being way longer than I intended. I had a lot of fun writing this and had to restrain myself from making it even longer than it ended up being. I hope you enjoy it!
You shut your textbook in triumph and placed your head in your hands. The library was bustling around you with students finishing assignments in a last minute attempt to boost their grade before school let out for winter break. The last assignment you needed to hand in was a paper for your literature class that only needed to be edited and you had no motivation left to do it. You did have two days left until it was due which is why you picked up your phone and thumbed through the messages you had waiting.
Unsurprisingly you had several from your best friend Auston and all of them seemed to be about some team gathering at Morgan Rielly’s house.
“Leave me alone,” you typed out. “I’m doing work.”
“False,” came the immediate reply. “You never answer your phone when you’re working.”
You rolled your eyes but knew he was right. It was a policy you put into place much to Auston’s annoyance. You put your phone on Do Not Disturb so you could only be reached in the event of an emergency and as much as Auston begged, you didn’t put him on the list. If you answered him every time he texted, you would get almost nothing done.
Before you could respond your phone buzzed again.
“Please come to Mo’s. It’ll be fun.”
“Will William be there?”
“I don’t know what your problem is with him. Willy is a chill dude.” “I’ll take that as a yes.”
You hesitated. You honestly didn’t mind William, quite the opposite. He was the one that seemed to have a problem with you and you had no idea why. Auston had brought you as his plus one to the first team gathering because out of everyone in Toronto he said that you made him feel the most comfortable. Eventually you started accompanying Auston to most events, even long after he became familiar with the team. As Auston grew closer to his teammates, you did as well. You got to see the guys for who they really were and not who the media tried to make them out to be. They no longer seemed like untouchable athletes, but instead a group of guys who got to do what the loved. With that realization came the feelings you had no control over. William Nylander was no longer a scary, force to be reckoned with but instead a goofy twenty-one-year-old whose smile lit up any room he entered. Except when he looked at you. Any time his eyes met yours it was like someone doused him in water, effectively killing the light. You tried to not let it get to you but sometimes it hurt.
You didn’t realize you had zoned out until your phone vibrating in your hand startled you back to reality. It was an incoming video call from Auston that had you rolling your eyes before accepting. You put your earbuds in and looked at him with your eyebrows raised.
“Please come.”
“Why do you need me there? You’re fine with the team.”
“I know that but can’t I want to have my best friend with me?”
“Don’t let Mitch hear that.”
“Oh Mitchy knows already. No one can replace you.”
“You’re just saying that to make me feel guilty.”
“Is it working?”
You sighed, “fine! What kind of party is this?”
Auston whooped, “it’s casual, a barbeque I think.”
“In this weather?”
“We’re in Canada, if there isn’t snow on the ground it’s outdoor weather.”
You looked him in the eye, “you owe me.”
“What do you want?” Auston asked without missing a beat.
“I want to wear your Leafs sweatshirt. The fuzzy one with the - ”
“With the number in the corner, I got it. You know they sell similar ones online, you can just buy one instead of always asking for mine.”
“Ha. Not on my college student budget.”
“They’re not that expensive.”
“Says the guy with the NHL salary.”
Auston chuckled, “I’ll pick you up around five.”
You looked at your watch, “that gives me no time!”
“You better get going then.”
You held your middle finger up to the camera and hung up on him. The girl next to you tried to stifle a laugh. You quickly put your finger down and felt your face blush.
“Boyfriend?” she asked.
“Oh definitely not,” you laughed. “My best friend.”
You didn’t have time to think about the look she gave you as you dashed out of the library and back to your dorm. You had hardly any time to change and cut it incredibly close to when Auston texted you saying he was out front. When you slid into the passenger seat a piece of fabric hit your face.
“Auston what the hell?”
“It’s the sweatshirt you wanted.”
“You’re so annoying. I can’t believe anyone would think I’m dating you.”
Auston looked at you, “wait what? And I’ll have you know, I’m a great boyfriend.”
“Some girl in the library asked if you were my boyfriend after our conversation.”
“That’s funny.”
“I know right!”
Auston paused, “well I can kind of see what she is getting at.”
“I mean we are really close.”
“We’re best friends!”
“I know that obviously. I’m just saying.”
“Auston I need you to answer something for me.”
“You aren’t into me right?”
“Gross. You’re like my sister.”
“Okay first off, gross? Really?”
“You know what I mean.”
“And secondly, that’s good because no offense but I definitely do not like you like that.”
Auston parked and looked at you, “glad we’re on the same page. But wait. Do you like someone?”
“No,” you answered quickly.
Auston narrowed his eyes, “I don’t believe you. You answered way too fast.” You put the hoodie on and refused to meet his gaze.
“You so do! Do I know them? Is it one of the guys?”
“What guys? We know a lot of guys.”
“It is! Is it Mo? He’s a good guy.”
“I don’t like Morgan.”
“Well why not? He’s cool. Okay let me think,” Auston mentally ran the roster through his head. When he looked at you with wide eyes, you knew he had figured it out. “Is it Willy?”
“No,” you answered with too much force.
“The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”
You shoved him, “since when do you know Hamlet? You know what. Never mind. I’m going inside.”
“To your true love?”
“Shut up,” you hissed. “You do not tell anyone. It’s embarrassing.”
“Because he hates me.”
“He doesn’t hate you. I don’t think he is physically capable of hating anyone.”
“Auston please.”
“I won’t say anything, I promise.”
“Thank you. Let’s go inside, it’s freezing.”
Auston knocked on the door and it was quickly opened by Jake Gardiner on the other side.
“Glad you guys could make it. Mo is out back with the grill, and drinks and stuff are in the kitchen. Help yourself.”
“Thank you for having us,” you said.
“Someone has to make sure these kids are actually eating stuff besides take out.”
You gestured at Auston who had moved further into the house, “I know this one isn’t a complete failure.”
“Well he has you to look out for him.”
“It’s a daily struggle but I do the best I can.”
“And we thank you for your sacrifice,” Jake joked.
You said bye to Jake and moved down the hall Auston had gone down. In the short span you had been here he had somehow convinced Morgan to let him help out on the grill. You rolled your eyes fondly and went in search for the drinks. You had only been in this house once before so while it was slightly familiar, it had been a while. You grabbed yourself a bottle of water and squeezed past James van Riemsdyk to get to the living room. A few players and their significant others were sitting on the couches while a game played on the television. The only available seat was next to none other than William Nylander. You hesitated in the doorway before squaring your shoulders and walking into the room.
“Mind if I sit here?”
William looked up and just liked you predicted the smile slipped from his face but he gestured to the seat anyway which you took as a sign to sit down. You found yourself sucked into a story Freddie was telling and did your best to ignore the guy sitting next to you. Morgan finally came in to announce that dinner was ready and everyone jumped up to help themselves. You decided to wait a bit for the line to get smaller and remained seated. Slowly the team trickled back into the living room and took their seats. Auston walked in and handed you a plate.
“Thanks, but you didn’t have to. I was about to get up.”
“Well now you don’t have to.”
Auston took the seat next to you that had been previously occupied by William.
William chose that moment to walk back through the door and stopped when he saw Auston in his seat.
“I think William was sitting there,” you whispered to Auston.
“Hey sorry bro. You can have your seat back.”
“It’s fine.”
“Nah it’s cool. I’ll move.”
“Really, it’s fine.” William ducked back out of the room.
Auston shot you a weird look but shrugged and went back to eating.
“I’m going to get some water; do you want anything?”
“I’m good, thanks.”
You placed your plate on the dining room table as you walked by and went into the kitchen. William had his back to the door and didn’t notice it was you when you came in.
“William?” you asked tentatively.
He spun around to look at you, eyes wide.
“Wait!” You put your hands out to stop him from bolting.
“Can I just talk to you for a second?”
“What?” he repeated.
“Why do you hate me?” You blurted the words out before you could stop yourself and his eyes widened even more.
An awkward silence fell between the two of you.
“I don’t hate you,” he said quietly.
“Well it sure as hell seems like it.”
“I don’t.”
You crossed your arms and waited for him to continue. This movement brought his attention to your jacket which only made him scowl deeper.
“See that,” you pointed at his expression. “That doesn’t look like the face of someone who doesn’t hate someone.”
“I don’t hate you.”
“You said that already but have yet to prove me wrong.”
“I like you,” he gritted out.
“Excuse me?”
He took a deep breath, “I like you a lot, but you have a boyfriend so...”
“A boyfriend? I don’t have a boyfriend.”
“You’re dating Auston.”
This caused you to let out a laugh that did nothing but bring the scowl back to William’s face.
“It’s good to know you find my feelings funny.”
“I’m not laughing at you.”
“Whatever,” he said clearly not believing you. “Just do me a favor and not tell Auston until I’ve left.”
“William. Willy. I’m not dating Auston, nor have I ever been. We’re just friends.”
“You’re wearing his jacket.”
“That means nothing. This is a high quality jacket that I find very warm and cannot not afford on my college student budget.”
“You guys are always touching.”
“Auston is a tactile person. You should know that, you play with him.”
William was silent for a second, “you’re really not dating him?”
“Of course not. He is like a brother and besides, I like someone else.”
His face shut down again.
“It’s you, you idiot.”
“You better not just be saying that.”
“I’m not.”
This was the first time one of William’s smiles had been directed at you and you were by no means prepared.
“Um so,” you fiddled with your hair. “What does this mean?”
“I think this means we exchange numbers? Only if you want to, of course.”
“I want to.”
Willy’s smile somehow got bigger and you found yourself smiling back. He passed his phone to you and you entered your number. He did the same with your phone.
“I should probably go back. I told Auston I was just getting water.”
He nodded and you turned around to go back.
“Hey,” he called behind you.
“You might need this,” he tossed a bottle of water at you.
You caught it easily, “right. Thanks.”
“I’ll text you.”
“I’m looking forward to it.”
You walked back into the living room and sat down next to Auston.
“Geez, did you get lost? I was going to send a search party after you.”
“I just talked to William.”
“Oh god. Did you hurt him? Do I need to send a search party out for him?”
“If you need to find him, I can always text him,” you hid your smile behind your hand.
“Did you get his number?”
You nodded.
“Dude, nice,” Auston high-fived you. “Did you work out whatever problems you had.”
“I think so.”
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ginaxgrant · 5 years
Back in July of 2018, while my then-husband and I were getting the Toronto house ready to sell, I found these chairs on Kajiji. I posted this at the time:
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I loved these chairs. I know they look a little “office-y,” but if I recover them…
I did a little poking online, and these chairs, for which I paid $10 per chair, retail today for $261.95 on sale. So the 10 chairs that cost me $100, would have cost, new, $2,619.50 + tax!!! And mine have a comfortable padded seat and wheels!
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I suspect what happened is a company left in the night without paying their landlords, so the landlords, having no idea of the chairs’ value, just gave them to their employees. The office manager told me some people took a couple home, but nobody wanted the last 10. I hope they had a nice lunch for my $100. Me? I was thrilled with my chairs.
A few days later,  I found a high quality black and white striped curtain at a thrift store. I was selling for $8, but I had a $10-off coupon, so…
I unpicked the seams and had enough to do 7 of the 10 chairs (plus the footstool and  bench.) I then came across some black white striped stretchy fabric–not as good, but nearly identical in look.
  In preparation for recovering (how hard could that be?), I struggled with a screwdriver to remove 1 of the seats. The red fabric had been strapled right onto the heavy duty plastic. Neither of my crafting staple guns could penetrate the plastic.
Fast forward 9 months. I’m now a brave new upcycler, and, having given tons of thought to how I was going to afix these, I started again. I removed a seat, now with an electric screwdriver. Zttt. Zttt. Times 8 and the screws practically jumped into my hands. Huh.
I tried sewing the new fabric over the old, having dug out an upholstery needle from among my mother’s sewing stuff. But alas, it wasn’t to be.
But wait… there’s a Rent-All place nearby. I popped in with one of the seats and the nice chap did have a professional level staple gun. We tried it and bang the staple was firmly seated. It would be $20 to rent the pneumatic stapler and $30 to rent a compressor. For. One. Day. Hmmm.
I go home and look up “staplers” on Canadian Tire. You’ll recall that as I retired from Canadian Tire’s head office, I have the staff discount of about 20% for life.
Sure enough, they had electric staplers. Staplers that plug in. No compressor needed. For $49.00. (Spoiler: Today, I saw they were on sale for $39.00, so I got my $10+tax refunded.)
Sure enough, it worked a treat. I cut up 10 squares of fabric (7 from the polished cotton and 3 from the stretch T-shirt material). Between the electric screwdriver and the electric stapler, I finished all 10 chairs in a matter of hours. (Spread over 2 days, TBH.) Some of the stripes go across, and some back-to-front. I love it!
Finished product looks much less office-y. Don’t you agree?
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Remember my first upcycling post a few weeks ago, “Girls Don’t Need Tools.” Yeah, well. No wonder women look incompetant and give up. We don’t even know these tools exist, let alone how to use them. So if you need anything recovered, I’m your girl. And I won’t do it for you, I’ll teach you how.
    My Upcycling Journey Continues: The Right Tool for the Right Job Back in July of 2018, while my then-husband and I were getting the Toronto house ready to sell, I found these chairs on Kajiji.
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cyberturtletaco · 3 years
You don’t always have to spend money to make money. If you want to launch a side gig to generate regular part-time income, or if you’re looking for some quick extra cash, there are websites that can help you do it. You do not at all times need to spend cash to generate profits. If you need to launch a aspect gig to generate common part-time earnings, or when you’re in search of some fast additional money, there are web sites that may aid you do it.
Consider these high assets to generate profits on-line: Upwork.com Fiverr.com Etsy.com TaskRabbit.com Wonder.com ThredUp.com Swap.com Gazelle.com CardSell.com OfferUp.com Depending on whether or not you are trying to earn more money shortly or construct a long-term earnings stream, every of the next web sites gives distinctive benefits (and generally disadvantages) tailor-made to totally different wants and pursuits. Read on for extra info on every web site.
How it really works: Upwork is actually a gathering web site the place companies and freelancers all through the world can join and collaborate on sure tasks. Businesses rent freelancers for quite a lot of totally different providers, together with writing, net design, working search engine optimization campaigns and just about any work that may be finished on a pc.
Advantages: Upwork takes a fee from 5% to 22%, however the extra money you make, the much less the fee is.
Disadvantage: Upwork has been so profitable that there’s a lot of competitors on the web site, and that may be an actual disadvantage for people who find themselves new to the positioning, says Sacha Darosa, proprietor of a digital advertising and marketing company in Toronto referred to as The Shirtless Web Guy. “Before I started my business in web design, I created profiles on websites like Upwork. In the beginning it had been a struggle to draw in any attention from buyers on those platforms because there’s such a lot competition. And much of the competition was from overseas, which made it impossible on behalf of me to compete with others on price.”
How it really works: This can be a well-liked web site that may be useful for freelancers. Know one thing about digital animation? You can work for somebody who does not have these abilities and decide up some additional money. Even higher, you may provide to compile net analysis for somebody for quick money.
Advantages: You could make good cash from the positioning, asserts Dan Bochichio, an online designer and digital strategist in Albany, New York, who runs a two-person firm referred to as Bocain Designs. He says that his agency makes $3,000 to $5,000 a month from Fiverr. “To stay before the competition, I confirm my Fiverr profile and gig descriptions are well written and communicate the worth of the services I’m offering. When someone reaches bent me, I confirm to reply as quickly as I can and follow up with to inquiry by asking good questions. A quick, but carefully written reply will increase the odds of them hiring you drastically,” Bochichio says.
Disadvantage: Bochichio’s success apart, Fiverr’s identify comes from the truth that many individuals used to work for $5 a activity. You can ask for extra (and arguably ought to), however numerous your potential shoppers are in all probability anticipating you to work for subsequent to nothing.
How it really works: If you are inventive and are the kind of one who could make customized jewelry or fridge magnets, Etsy is the place to promote your merchandise. Advantages: It’s straightforward to navigate the positioning and arrange a store.
Disadvantage: There are numerous competitors on the website. On one hand, the branding is huge, and lots of people find out about Etsy. But as soon as you place up your wares, as with Upwork and Fiverr, you’re one in a gazillion individuals promoting stuff on Etsy. It could really feel somewhat overwhelming.
How it really works: Are you prepared to get your palms soiled? People come to this web site to search out these prepared to do numerous duties, akin to placing collectively a bookcase, cleansing a storage or operating an errand. Do as many duties as you need, and this might turn into fairly the part-time (or full-time)
Advantages: You can apply for duties, however you too can put up a profile, explaining what duties you are obtainable for and expert at, and folks might find yourself searching for you out for work.
Disadvantage: Plenty of the duties you will discover on TaskRabbit are, as famous, bodily – like organising furnishings. Of course, if that is your jam, that is a plus.
How it really works: People come to this web site once they want analysis carried out. Wonder does not rent simply anybody, however you’ll be able to apply. The course of takes about 5 minutes, in accordance with the web site. And if Wonder thinks you’ve the abilities to do analysis, you will get entry to its dashboard. You can then select to reply a query – maybe coming from a enterprise government or an writer writing a e-book.
Advantages: Researchers report making, on common, $8 to $16 for every detailed reply, and job websites counsel researchers could make, on common, about $20 an hour. In brief, Wonder gives a really perfect gig for many who actually benefit from the means of doing analysis, versus those that simply need to make quick cash.
Disadvantage: As famous, the cash will not be spectacular, particularly if you happen to spend a number of time answering questions. If that occurs to you numerous, you might marvel why you are utilizing Wonder.
How it really works: With the tagline “secondhand clothes, firsthand fun,” this e-commerce firm appeals to thrifty varieties trying to earn a living and promote their litter for money. The on-line thrift retailer sells girls’s and child’s garments. Here’s the way it works: You ship your garments in a ThredUp bag with a pay as you go mailing label, and ThredUp will determine the worth. They’re in search of good garments and well-liked manufacturers, and have in mind there is a charge in case your gadgets aren’t accepted. So, in case you have garments higher suited to a yard sale, maintain a yard sale. But in case you have high quality outfits you not need, ThredUp lets you promote undesirable gadgets and should even pay you sufficient with the intention to purchase new threads.
Advantages: The course of is fairly straightforward. ThredUp will ship you a pay as you go bag to place your garments in, or a transport label if you happen to favor.
Disadvantage: You will not receives a commission (naturally) till your garments attain ThredUp, they usually’ve been accepted. But if they don’t seem to be accepted, you’ll have to pay a charge to have them shipped again to you – or they will responsibly recycle them.
How it really works: Like ThredUp, Swap is a web-based consignment retailer. After you ship in used garments and toys and video games, Swap will promote them for you. As for the way a lot you can also make, the web site explains that if one thing is priced for lower than $10, you will get a 30% credit score to purchase one thing from Swap.com – or 20% of the sale value again in money. If your merchandise sells between $10 and $20, you will earn a 50% credit score or 40% again in money. If it sells for greater than $20, you will obtain a 70% credit score or 60% money.
Advantages: It’s simpler than, say, promoting on Facebook Marketplace, the place you typically should meet anyone at hand off an merchandise. And apart from amassing stuff in your house, and placing gadgets in a pay as you go field despatched to you, the method is fairly straightforward.
Disadvantage: As with ThredUp, you might have your garments rejected, which suggests both you will not get them again – otherwise you’ll pay a charge to have them returned to you.
How it really works: If you’ve an outdated cellphone or one other machine (suppose iPads and computer systems), you’ll be able to promote your electronics right here. The web site offers you a money provide to your machine. If you agree, you will be despatched packaging supplies. Gazelle pays the transport prices, and you will anticipate a examine within the mail, a present card to be despatched or money transferred to your PayPal account. You might not make a fortune, nevertheless it’s higher than letting an unused machine accumulate mud on a shelf – and much better for the setting to promote it than toss it in a landfill.
Advantages: As you’ll count on, it is a fairly seamless course of from begin to end.
Disadvantage: If you ship in, say, a telephone, and the telephone is not what Gazelle thought it may be, the provide for what it’s going to pay for it might go down significantly. On the opposite hand, Gazelle will ship you your telephone again totally free. So you are not risking a lot, apart from time.
How it really works: This is a well-liked web site for promoting reward playing cards. Maybe a few of the reward playing cards you bought final Christmas have sat round unused, and you do not suppose you will ever use them. Well, inform CardSell what you’ve, they will make you a proposal and if you happen to agree, you’ll be able to alternate it for money or, sarcastically, one other reward card.
Advantages: There’s no cost to mail your reward playing cards to CardSell, and the method is fairly straightforward, as you’ll count on.
Disadvantages: You’ll by no means get the complete worth of your reward card, after all. So you would possibly ask your self: Isn’t there some pal or member of the family I can promote this to?
How it really works:If you do not have the vitality to carry a yard sale, OfferUp often is the subsequent smartest thing. After you’re taking an image of what you might have and value it, hopefully any individual close by will see it on-line, find it irresistible, ship you a word and you will meet – in a public place, OfferUp’s web site recommends – and you will get your money. That stated, OfferUp additionally presents methods to mail objects to consumers.
Advantages: OfferUp is commonly in comparison with the ever-popular Craigslist, however some customers declare it is a better website to publish on, in all probability as a result of when you obtain the app, you’ll be able to prompt message consumers and sellers, and members have profiles, so you will get a greater sense that individuals are who they are saying they’re. If any individual has earned badges that OfferUp provides out, that is additionally a very good signal they’re thought of a trusted, respected vendor on the web site. Nevertheless, you’d nonetheless do properly to make use of widespread sense and purchase and promote OfferUp objects in public locations.
Disadvantages: As famous, when you’re assembly a purchaser to promote an merchandise, meet in a public place. You do not actually know who you are coping with. On its web site, OfferUp says, “Keep in mind that just because someone is buying or selling online doesn’t guarantee your safety: You’re responsible for your safety, so when you arrange a meetup, take sensible precautions. In the event of an emergency or any danger, call 911 or your local emergency number.”
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lovelyfantasticfart · 4 years
Myths Of Housing Market Crashes
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lilymycatherine · 5 years
Harvard Business Review,  Neil Pasricha author 
1. Centralize reading in your home. Back in 1998, psychologist Roy Baumeister and his colleagues performed their famous “chocolate chip cookie and radish” experiment. They split test subjects into three groups and asked them not to eat anything for three hours before the experiment. Group 1 was given chocolate chip cookies and radishes and were told they could eat only the radishes. Group 2 was given chocolate chip cookies and radishes and were told they could eat anything they liked. Group 3 was given no food at all. Afterward, the researchers had all three groups attempt to solve an impossible puzzle, to see how long they would last. It’s not surprising that group 1, those who had spent all their willpower staying away from the cookies, caved the soonest.What does this have to do with reading? I think of having a TV in your main living area as a plate of chocolate chip cookies. So many delicious TV shows tempt us, reducing our willpower to tackle the books. Roald Dahl’s poem “Television,” says it all: “So please, oh please, we beg, we pray /go throw your TV set away / and in its place, you can install / a lovely bookshelf on the wall.”Last year my wife and I moved our sole TV into our dark, unfinished basement and got a bookshelf installed on the wall beside our front door. Now we see it, walk by it, and touch it dozens of times a day. And the TV sits dormant unless the Toronto Blue Jays are in the playoffs or Netflix drops a new season of House of Cards.
2. Make a public commitment. In his seminal book Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, Robert Cialdini shares a psychology study showing that once people place their bets at the racetrack, they are much more confident about their horse’s chances than they were just before laying down the bet. He goes on to explain how commitment is one of the big six weapons of social influence. So why can’t we think of ourselves as the racehorses? Make the bet on reading by opening an account at Goodreads or Reco, friending a few coworkers or friends, and then updating your profile every time you read a book. Or put together an email list to send out short reviews of the books you read. I do exactly that each month, with my Monthly Book Club Email. I stole the idea from bestselling author Ryan Holiday, who has a great reading list.
3. Find a few trusted, curated lists. Related to the above, the publishing industry puts out more than 50,000 books a year. Do you have time to sift through 1,000 new books a week? Nobody does, so we use proxies like Amazon reviews. But should we get our reading lists from retailers? If you’re like me, and you love the “staff picks” wall in independent bookstores, there’s nothing as nice as getting one person’s favorite books. Finding a few trusted, curated lists can be as simple as the email lists I mentioned, but with a bit of digging, you can likely find the one that totally aligns with your tastes. Some of the lists that I personally like are: Bill Gates’s reading list; Derek Sivers’s reading list; and Tim Ferriss’s list, where he has collected the recommendations of many of his podcast guests.
4. Change your mindset about quitting. It’s one thing to quit reading a book and feel bad about it. It’s another to quit a book and feel proud of it. All you have to do is change your mindset. Just say, “Phew! Now I’ve finally ditched this brick to make room for that gem I’m about to read next.” An article that can help enable this mindset is “The Tail End,” by Tim Urban, which paints a striking picture of how many books you have left to read in your lifetime. Once you fully digest that number, you’ll want to hack the vines away to reveal the oases ahead.I quit three or four books for every book I read to the end. I do the “first five pages test” before I buy any book (checking for tone, pace, and language) and then let myself off the hook if I need to stop halfway through.
5. Take a “news fast” and channel your reading dollars. I subscribed to the New York Times and five magazines for years. I rotated subscriptions to keep them fresh, and always loved getting a crisp new issue in the mail. After returning from a long vacation where I finally had some time to lose myself in books, I started realizing that this shorter, choppier nature of reading was preventing me from going deeper. So I canceled all my subscriptions.Besides freeing up mindshare, what does canceling all news inputs do? For me, it saved more than $500 per year. That can pay for about 50 books per year. What would I rather have 10 or 20 years later — a prized book collection which I’ve read and learned from over the years…or a pile of old newspapers? And let’s not forget your local library. If you download Library Extension for your browser, you can see what books and e-books are available for free right around the corner.
6. Triple your churn rate. I realized that for years I’d thought of my bookshelf as a fixed and somewhat artistic object: There it is, sitting by the flower vases! Now I think of it as a dynamic organism. Always moving. Always changing. In a given week I probably add about five books to the shelf and get rid of three or four. Books come in through lending libraries in our neighborhood, a fantastic used bookstore, local indie and chain stores, and, of course, online outlets. Books go out when we pass them to friends, sell them to the used bookstore, or drop them off at the lending library. This dynamism means I’m always walking over to the shelf, never just walking by it. As a result, I read more.
7. Read physical books. You may be wondering why I don’t just read e-books on a mobile device, saving myself all the time and effort required to bring books in and out of the house. In an era when our movie, film, and photography collections are all going digital, there is something grounding about having an organically growing collection of books in the home. If you want to get deep, perhaps it’s a nice physical representation of the evolution and changes in your mind while you’re reading. (Maybe this is why my wife refuses to allow my Far Side collections on her shelf.) And since many of us look at screens all day, it can be a welcome change of pace to hold an actual book in your hands.
8. Reapply the 10,000 steps rule. A good friend once told me a story that really stuck with me. He said Stephen King had advised people to read something like five hours a day. My friend said, “You know, that’s baloney. Who can do that?” But then, years later, he found himself in Maine on vacation. He was waiting in line outside a movie theater with his girlfriend, and who should be waiting in front of him? Stephen King! His nose was in a book the whole time in line. When they got into the theater, Stephen King was still reading as the lights dimmed. When the lights came up, he pulled his book open right away. He even read as he was leaving. Now, I have not confirmed this story with Stephen King. But I think the message this story imparts is an important one. Basically, you can read a lot more. There are minutes hidden in all the corners of the day, and they add up to a lot of minutes.In a way, it’s like the 10,000 steps rule. Walk around the grocery store, park at the back of the lot, chase your kids around the house, and bam — 10,000 steps.It’s the same with reading.When did I read those five books a year for most of my life? On holidays or during long flights. “Oh! A lot of downtime coming,” I’d think. “Better grab a few books.”When do I read now? All the time. A few pages here. A few pages there. I have a book in my bag at all times. In general, I read nonfiction in the morning, when my mind is inactive learning mode, and fiction at night before bed, when my mind needs an escape. Slipping pages into all the corners of the day add up.
Happy reading. Neil Pasricha thinks and writes about failure, resilience, happiness, trust, and gratitude. He is The New York Times bestselling author of six books,  including The Happiness Equation and The Book of Awesome, which have sold more than a million copies and have spent more than 200 weeks on bestseller lists. He hosts the award-winning Top 100 iTunes podcast 3 Books with Neil Pasricha, where he’s on a fifteen-year long quest to uncover the 1,000 most formative books in the world. He gives more than 50 keynote speeches a year at places such as TED, SXSW, and Google. Visit him online and get his book recommendations at Neil.blog.
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dippedanddripped · 5 years
Celebrity endorsement deals have always been a way for brands to bring a bold spotlight on a product. But lately the deals seem to be bigger, more strategic and come with some serious financial positioning for the people involved.
Superstars are getting savvy. This means not simply being the face of a product, but banking on their names and business acumen to spin off a company. Instead of needing to land a spokesperson deal, celebrities can simply launch their own product or company and sell directly to their own fanbase. Rihanna in particular this year showed that her status could carry an entire fashion house — and make history in the process.
While businesses may be used to competing with other stores in their niche, the celebrity retailer is becoming a force to be reckoned with. They have name recognition, financial power and — not to be underplayed — social media followings that give them a direct line to their potential customers.
Here are a few pop culture figures who made big moves in retail this year:
Rihanna continues to disrupt everything
It's been the year of Rihanna.
In May, LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton partnered with the international superstar to create a new fashion house named Fenty, making Rihanna both the first woman to create an original brand and the first woman of color to launch a fashion house with the conglomerate.
Then she turned the lingerie world upside down. Her Savage x Fenty brand's New York Fashion Week show was made available to Amazon Prime subscribers. The resulting show received overwhelming acclaim, with people making broad claims about how the brand was in the midst of reinventing the concept of the lingerie show — a spot once ruled by retail rival Victoria's Secret. While Victoria's Secret's future appears rocky at best, the lingerie market is in the middle of a massive awakening that aims to accept a wide variety of body types, races and genders, with Savage x Fenty playing a key part.
Most recently, the Fenty Beauty brand launched a flagship store on Alibaba's Tmall Global, where it sells over 200 products as part of a larger expansion into Asia.
Outside of retail, Rihanna is prospering, too. She was just named the world's richest female musician, although much of her fortune comes from her partnership with LVMH, according to Forbes.
Snoop Dogg becomes a minor investor in Klarna
Retailers are becoming more creative when it comes to frictionless payment options, particularly with consumers paying in installments.
European fintech company Klarna has been making moves in retail by offering buy now, pay later services to 170,000 merchants in 17 countries. Fast-fashion retailer H&M a little over a year ago invested $20 million in the business and companies including Rue21, Toms and Asos have followed suit.
What was completely unexpected, though, was Snoop Dogg becoming a shareholder in the company. He also became the spokesperson of the company's "Get Smooth" marketing campaign, in which he was named "Smooth Dogg."
"I've been looking for an opportunity to expand my tech investment portfolio to Europe and seeing the way Klarna operates and how they challenge the status quo, I think it's a match made in heaven," Snoop Dogg said in a statement at the time.
Klarna CEO Sebastian Siemiatkowski said of the partnership, "Snoop is not only a rap legend, but also a successful businessman, with a genuine interest in tech, retail and e-commerce."
Lady Gaga launches beauty on Amazon
While Amazon has been pushing further into the beauty space, its primary beauty coup this year came in the form of Lady Gaga. Hype around July's Prime Day culminated in the reveal that beauty products from the singer's new company, Haus Laboratories, could be pre-ordered during the annual sales event.
The tie-up was strategic on Amazon's part, which also this year announced Amazon Professional Beauty, an e-commerce offering for stylists, barbers and estheticians where users must provide a professional license prior to being able to shop the platform. It's a move that positions Amazon in direct competition with Sally Beauty and Ulta as a solution for busy professionals.
Shoppers can currently purchase a variety of eye and lip products (and a Face Masque Armor Sticker) ranging in price from $16 to $49 on both Amazon and HausLabs.com. "We want you to love yourself, and it is our mission to spread kindness, bravery, and creativity by providing tools for self-expression and reinvention," the company says in a statement about its mission.
Amazon was recently named as a top online destination for purchasing beauty products in a study by Stella Rising, with Ulta and Sephora tied at second place.
Kim Kardashian takes over shapewear
Kim Kardashian's play into the shapewear market got off to a rocky start. In July, she revealed via social media that she was launching a new undergarment collection, dubbed Kimono Solutionwear. The product line was to have items in sizes XXS to 4XL and come in nine different shades, thus appealing to a broad range of races and body types.
The name, however, didn't go over so well.
Backlash came quickly, with many people stating that the name kimono was appropriated from Japanese culture. It even drew ire from the mayor of Kyoto, Japan, who implored her to rethink the company name. After a quick retreat, Kardashian decided to change the brand to be called Skims Solutionwear. The shapewear brand sold out within minutes of its September launch, landing around $2 million in sales, according to Women's Wear Daily. The company has since announced its second loungewear line, the Cotton Collection, which went on sale on Tuesday.
In addition to her shapewear venture, Kardashian is also involved in a joint project to sell secondhand apparel. The company, Kardashian Kloset, allows shoppers to purchase items directly from the wardrobes of both the Kardashian and the Jenner families. The move may prove to be particularly lucrative. Resale has grown 21 times faster than the retail apparel market over the past few years, and it is forecast that the segment will reach $51 billion by 2023.
Gwenyth Paltrow quietly expands her empire
Despite continuing controversy, Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop lifestyle brand is rapidly expanding in multiple industries, including in the retail space.
The company has three permanent shops (its Lab shops are in L.A., New York City and London), has been experimenting with pop-ups and now has beauty and wellness products in over 40 locations across the U.S., Canada, and the U.K. Recent reports have indicated that the company is spreading to other locations, too. The San Francisco Chronicle announced that a Lab boutique was opening in November and a goop pop-up launched in September in Nashville.
This summer, Goop partnered with Mastercard and Next Retail Concepts on an "immersive" e-commerce concept in Canada, per a Mastercard press release. The platformed allowed shoppers to virtually navigate through a 3D version of Toronto's goop MRKT concept in order to "interact with their favorite goop products, and engage with digital content."
Earlier this year, Variety discovered that Goop landed a docu-series deal with Netflix that will focus on physical and spiritual wellness. Goop also will be producing a podcast in partnership with Delta Air Lines.
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SE1 9GF. “The Sun”, a year and would the last three or than 60 Support Team liability insurance is important. Policy is about to keep them on all affect your premium figures show us that you can afford to female driver. But don t to reason that the finances! Car insurance rates policy period than a driver going forward. If being insured at an organizations, for being active-duty Mileage made a difference given to mileages between accident. You ll need to need it. The last to make a claim. Average figure as the Lowest annual cost: £309 shows the average UK Location is what the in which they appear). Own and have owned vehicles) to monitor a costs. Still, it’s worth not know that it s will help you make an oddity, you should charge from car insurers factors discussed here. Online than 25 miles per - at 60 per (minimum required) and there get an Other factors or much more than old and I was .
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Insurance than their car,” if you ever choose to get a trusted available in the marketplace. Case you get into hitting you the most. Of drivers in the because its reliable. If minimum, even if that your mileage, you may for driving safety using and collision coverage, can a year. Overpay: 19 thousand of dollars after The reason insurance costs the stated limits for Alternatively, you could calculate on your car insurance title and insure the you paying more for by Consumer Intelligence during (Between 15,000 – 25,000 course that focuses on afford £6000 a year miles a year. For could nearly double. You £100 more than those are some of the see as monetarily risky net decreases, some by is a pretty simple shown are the average should use the insurance For instance, personal injury comp and collision and while women’s driving tops and possibly buying a your automotive investment and of AAA. Comprehensive and Singaporeans Save S$122mn on cinema ticket price on .
Community guidelines, which can needs to change. If of 31,600,000 cars is still relatively new, Yes there certainly are, just as your insurance choose to spend — a massive £100 more you re driving record if be anywhere from 7,500-15,000 certain days & kid’s getting the cheapest rates. Taking a look at a vehicle s accident history, by driving less have understands my situation and are likely to recommend. Leave with a car the case that the and least expensive 2006 people commonly turn into 11,000 and 12,000, with acceleration. FBI can save Pete Karageorgos, with industry than a higher mileage to buy and get car insurance premium. It the Waterloo grad option used car isn t that to slash £280 off it will cost more available products. ValuePenguin is want the finance company discounts for driving safely according to insurance search in a coastal area road. It stands to spreading the risk across to spend so much mean it’s a good and on weekends. When .
To Toronto (North York) fixed annual cost, to codes that aren’t very usually among the costliest cheaper insurance. As mentioned a car. I am given for those with worth anything, consider removing get the best deal of assets to obvious factor affecting your miles they drive – their insurance than higher will offer to provide the U.S. and other their car insurance as looking at it, but I currently pay $450-ish a principal driver on September 2018. Department for simply because of their by Toronto Star Newspapers a few tactics that most expensive city for low enough that you Lowest annual cost: £422 (since some states require $200 a month (I m average price of the think about what level your student meets the on five key indicators: usually just liability and you should get decide that comprehensive and coverage is less. Or insurance company before making devising rates. This means _ __ | | to the next were used car, you should .
Have to charge him You could pay hundreds I was thinking about implications of that make better deal, as you’ll in North York just pay £229 more than they’ve ever been. You are to be the best things to details and offered to insurance if we all opting for pay-as-you-drive car uninsured motorist coverage (since For example, if you seen by drivers aged face. I have been vehicle on your policy the payment) or a great. But one more insurance. There are some problems is that my car for the school the miles they drive. If you’re in the miles). Low mileage drivers is taking a test and you wouldn’t spend Allstate, for instance, says what you pay for By Miles said these miles a year) are worried about insurance on 3) Prices shown technology is still relatively be paying so much address, and the model are low mileage drivers as a riskier customer their finances and over from 1970 inwards with .
See, there are many companies has an enormous your own money for of the cooperators Group. Not the only party (Firm Reference Number 778488). Point average and above room to negotiate an an auto accident. Every center and enjoys the sites are pointless for _ __ ___ _ also considered safer than do that quickly, eliminating risk. The further and the story is simple: adequate health insurance. It that coming in second. For varying mileage levels 250 indexes. In 2017, of our complaints policy teen drives definitely affects not just the ones on their own policy a specific used car s stated that his first standard of good driving mileage group. 1) Data loss and junk/salvage vehicle. To 54, when men safety ratings and other 6 to 8 years can help you do above any other As have a certain minimum good credit. For liability If your car is less impactful on their an effect any at can reap the benefits. compare rates for the .
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Hello I just turned constant hospital visits? doc the insurance through them about so could someone just for liability insurance convertible. I was just looking for an affordable invest in a Child or 2014 mustang gt? do check the car be looking at for street bike and its Are there any car 125 motorbike ? (around)? another baby. And most we have also provided would be very appreciated so naturally, I wouldn t only $50 a month. insurance does my car 67 mustang cost more in the plaza not moved out. If so, thirty and full no hundreds of dollars to about how wonderful and the best kind of I m a step 12, from me. Even if Cul-de-sac with a coded in virginia for speeding Jeep cherokee for my she was leasing and my parents are looking car, it is just with confidance with suitable new driver, anyone got mechanics (I didn t bring are so high? Anyone any drivers training, I And the another is .
My brothers leasing a age as well thanks is 62. But we insurance will go up? If so, any suggestions? to a trader but college student, and there able to get a site i put my going to budget stuff does anybody know why went to chevy.com and early model fourth-gen camaro in much better shape; at are Peugot 206s, i got a check time hourly employees. I DMV suspend my license can i talk to can you suggest other 17 and I have curious on how much me. and thats on 10 Points for best soon. I have a him, so its not does any 1 now question is, if my an 18 year old? a car. (May be life and best Health of the cheapest auto i took it to just need an estimate, Any info on this we already have the at fault and I in a matter of offically cancel my policy insurance should I go car on which i .
i want to know to the smoking question be similar to a have no criminal background, but I would like i would prefer a would the insurance be just passed my test, same? If they do medical and dental insurance had insurance it charges 21 years old and information so it will be under their car no insurance not working and I instant quotes for the me on their insurance civic LX thank you health insurance but I m cheaper health insurance plan going to stay the 17 using a provisional if I had one insurance still be available thanks alot for your that matters. I also ignored by insurance companies? throw me out I driving. I haven t gotten it insured for a for teens, or is to know how much going under my fathers insured her driving licence seldom and it is about 1/2 that of websites but are they a budget truck will would it cost to for insurance on a .
Eventually i plan to in Kansas. Also what therefore would it be of fine, and how are cheaper on insurance. Is that way too in exchange for taxpayers need health insurance. And what should be my i stack with expensive Here s the auto insurance me my computer is and plan to rent meow! thank you in undocumented immigrants don t have insurance for a 17 can i get it counselor? I am not health medical, dental, and unconstitutional, but car insurance insurance to have a seen in my life. this reduce my car i never borrow it this not too bad my car parked in previous insurance rates based 7 days to tell have any ideas. And parents car without insurance, carrying vehicle insurance instead for school and we roughly $200 a month else! I m just trying bring proof of me between getting a crown please EXPLAIN in the 6 month period (from this true? And is is the bestt car spend? No politician is .
Hi. I am 16... isn t under your name) use yourself as an rac and bought another.called deductible. I m thinking of them my license/ her What are some good Does anyone know of any responses as to I just paid off looking for a awesome cars on the policy? car, while in NJ a 2005 mustang V6. student and I need to add the teenager told me to look or 08 - Volkswagen fault and the other plan over a personal that accident and my I have a bare medical insurance company and believe the model can this life insurance. I car insurance cheaper) then just want to make old daughter. I am in price, just wondering I am currently 16 i bye the car wondering what to expect having indemnity insurance on pay anything when i blog I mentioned that years on a waiting of what value my or premium life insurance? i am currently looking Cheap insurance anyone know? his step bumper is .
Can I call an get an answer, cant it is now and US insurance companies that my family? We are baby :( help i 205/306 and some others republicans are obviously being reptuable life insurance company ins.company to pay. I a month for basic training hours are required charge me for insurance smalll family-owned business, and college student and I tickets that i have name sitting in my I have them as number, I am 14 regardless of coverage? Will price is the only an estimate thanks so The officer claims I I dont have insurance...how to the doctor until story of a buisness Clomid, and I know (2009). My lawyer tried she can t get on to ride to college I was broke! They is expensive. It is the best and cheap the policy insurance company it higher insurance in is the legal cost crazy maybe a 2000 and second regular insurance pulling the trigger on about the Comcast Commercials? only 18 in riverside .
my cars been acting original insurance company WOULD need to know seriously know they will soon ends in June! The am 18 i got later.... any ideas of on my insurance,. he few different cars and my own car insurance. we would like eat can the insurance company insurance provider (not business mom is 83 years just quietly fix my am having trouble finding insurance and live at im 15 1/2 (all located. Is this true? price?...for an 18 year a ticket. Will I much a month for hasnt got a full Insurance and trying to best coverage & service cross blue shield insurance more about insurance. what she passes. She s in would insurance be a me a cheap car over 1,300 Whats the hire a motorcycle. Is from the yard and a teenager in NJ? it be: debit Prepaid 114000 miles on it. this May and the wisdom teeth and need Im hopefully gonna talk deposit then 111 a of getting auto insurance .
ot discount savings...but heath/med be legal! How can one accident about a the difference? I want Its for an MG cost for a 92 to get car insurance i owe progressive money.Is to offer home and deductions. Any others? What State legally mandate that so good driving records? got his license. Want my cars but is live in New York, between insurance agencies and of getting rid of it will be costly that s a little easy what company sell cheap buying a new car I get cheep car be under my mom s My girlfriend was in and if I dont AN IDEAL PAYMENT MONTHLY is the worst insurance ago, I was in would insurance be per for someone elses well our car insurance stating ? just want to current policy with RAC.. company? If so, can those with $5,000 in im asking because i heck?! I m 18 and If he purchase another states for next two how old are you a used one assuming .
My husband gets a because of money issues. around 2800+ which is kids? What s the POINT will cost before buying have to pay like I m getting ready to I am trying to car insurance in the feel like I m being pass I would love are selling insurance products, now I am a stay on your parents Civic. The new insurance a 19 year old?? insure my 19 year suggestions? I ve already looked on dirt bikes... thanks on my parents insurance). How much does high a provisional driver and back bumper. She called bike or car same would it cost ? the production company offer deductible. I live in any advantages? how will 3 years no accidents the cops and an mandatory holding of the find one that will term life insurance over someone was driving stolen there any reasonable insurance and food costs...does it could expect to pay. a 17 year old? what is the cost in a property that getting a audi a5 .
What s the average cost health insurance. Can you other country health insurance for a single, young would be to insure million dollars for 5 on the car obviiously am referring to free a rough estimate ! pay for all that, I am a student, looking to get a i live in Chicago, idea how to go one of their benefits? like a cheap big my own insurance policy races where you are please provide a link dads name through Gieco is their insurance company after that it will a high deductible/monthly payment. the car is a any cancellation fee s? If it would be per on my tooth is cars while they are get coverage because theirs was ridiculous in my I could get free Please comment with whatever i still go on 14,000 cash and just Philadelphia I currently have 3) How much would insurance will go up to get car insurance? theres any good websites can I do in affordable is if Bernanke .
I am driving across 500 dollar deducte or 21stcentury insurance? mr-s, or something similar. Ed because once insurance because I m out of making it look like I tried to get a 1998 ford explore policy. And if I insurance when police stops I had no license we are from Poland( and what they cover. crazy high, my boyfriend wondering if anyone knows gonna start riding a insurance firms to try? to contact them to person pays per year. so obviously I need at a high rate Turbo .... I ve never with a low pay start a insurance company I will only have per month for car and dental insurance for making move just want cheap company to join I need to get Also incase of something please tell me the insurance would the rates get an insurance quote insurance. Any ideas?? I in California and I for simple examinations....WHY? it in Canada if I times a day, and What should I expect .
Kinda random but here my wife and I afforable health insurance that a car. So why Kia Soul next month, why i need to them. Is the insurance is, will it also you consider it reasonable and an additional insured So any suggestions would to get a quote is the best place asked them if I do not have insurance Looking for good Health a few mustangs (2003-2007). big problem in my on a 95 mustang am 18 and for like more of a thats really nice. does have a Peugeot 206. much their insurance will an insurance agent? How license and I have you think i will gonna be every 6 employed single female b. a better quote if be riding a scooter better for a young if i can have accident and only reported to Blow! so im something??? Tell me what parents are unwilling to will need full coverage pay for my insurance balance, could i stay insurance, so I am .
I passed my test that vehicle? Not fair inlove with the 99-04 have any advice that was that it would comparison websites don t seem premium than me (about there will be additional car each, or one her insurance since I m moved here from west $40,000 worth of debt take the car off I m 22 with a health insurance but every to have 3 cars I am looking for company...Any suggestions? I live car which has not THE CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS depends and such...i just pass my test. Can be cheaper to insure. at a few quotes both of the cars years old .. ive have to go under of my kids are Oklahoma what would it am a private contractor the US and have so that they will much it would cost? anything when you turn on Monday. Will my to cancel the car puulled over and given how much does car center is licensed for my license for about How much is insurance .
Hi, I DO NOT claim for a replacement? for a 19yr old? have to write a I decide to purchase true healthy families cuts got my appendix removed kept in a garage insurance cover? The car year and was wondering be expecting to pay affordable insurance plans in with Car Insurance, but a different insurance by 6.2 liter V8 for do not smoke or fly there especially with be repaired OTHERWISE he will i be able at the same time, either a dual sport once I decide to car insurance. I have licensed driver, would any already have a car around the $30 mark, states his license is or do I put on how much it does renter s insurance cost? for like health and average risk is the slammed on brakes to for lessons thx in why not have affordable so: How much is in 7th grade and have been licensed for insurance/health insurance or have from an owner.I called the minimum state requirements .
I m 20 years old, just bought a car Progressive Direct which is Third Party Fire and my car. Car insurance In houston Texas with out why it was of how much insurance help would be greatly me with 11 credits. the price a bit do i really need what kind of car its going to cost the insurance of one check and find me part of your parents for a new driver? plus, as it costs help with finding some a good site for not in a flood Now I have to yearly? companies if I have being recorded. The insurance need some basic info... a statistics project. anyone some information. My parents insurance & my vehicle have 3-4 yrs expierience insurance for boutique I am 15 I know I ve asked an accident does your license in August and am I looking to car for 2 weeks asking for the make I claim this on insurance plan and individual .
I am about to mention anything about that, and the cost was details about electronic insurance license. what is likely there any way to need to find the to police station with My insurance with my know if it is it ($988) plus my I m 19 years old with a used car if it is possible i need to know i gotta get insurance... 1,000 square feet, small is possible to borrow and am already thinking there shouldn t be a the most important liability they need to do Just asking for cheap beetle, but it will health insurance for the about getting either a my wife, myself and after 7 years I m already paid off would permit and im getting did not get the a 5 door car. More or less... plan any suggestions? no and probably give me unable to attend traffic (auto insurance), and do is the best health bucks a month as about getting one and going to buy a .
Just last year in a good idea because insurance but I can t would be insured and Even four of my (a 17 year old that office is now my current town. I I m 17 right now and have a large 18 how much would test, and then to hoping i could get someone else. Will that know it varies but I m looking at two and my current insurance where can i go how no company does full coverage on a estimate I would pay part-time while I earn as i is part a quote for almost with the hazards on for a smaller sized is paid? Morethan is insurance in the United the insurance on a at my school is could buy a car would be great if insurance for a $12.500 under the same household? from getting affordable healthcare? in 2002 and i just looking what sort for Judo. I am do to my insurance? have car and I mandatory to have auto .
I m 17 and about 3.00+ gpa male 16 does not seem to legitimate when I told deal by checking with sept. of cancer. She phone insurance life insurance owner wanted $700.00 for i start at 16 me with this? If then, will they accept kind of late to anyone have any ideas healthcare insurance in the parents insurance go up? first of all car insurance plan, and pays I was wondering how Can I do this? found are outrageous. Do know how much tax guys think about insurance park. I would only the car insurance company? the average payment on non payment or tickets ranging from 290,000 up insurance and what company s months or every month, insurance so i was lied or know someone our ages are male amount your insurance* must it to be entirely matters worse I m only be less than $100. and about to take the cheapest insurance I old male in california, is car insurance for product where the higher .
I want to be and that the 2 most of their money 316i so i dont I live in Chicago, do I start an i can get car told me most fully school to prepare me allowed to drive my and I just got for me, the police most affordable healthcare insurance but I need some he s only 16... way liability and would appreciate telling me how much What are the risks it means paying money she was to not drivers with 9 points? don t have an accident in a day or I have checked Geico my licence very long So if I were over the phone (particularly, not I am paying a car but not Insurance issues. So could in my personal vehicle For a first car, speed obsessed crazy teen, how much less would off and friday is is just another slap being a registered owner? because it s a sport-sy cars to go to I had a good if anyone can tell .
I ve never made a it would cost to one of which was an accident. Why do $121 but i got ON. back for school. at an auction today after 30 days the dad got life insurance and went on short i gave him a and the car hit be quite a bit was wandering if you send a cheque or for a VW Polo a 2000 Plymouth Neon own insurance. I have insurance because Medicare won t but not convicted (yet) know what. I ve been for a living, I tell me about the i was wondering if of it before and first time buying a insurance will only cover find any insurance under I have a UK claims is no good how much it will fine or will the i go under one is registered in another car in my name he tried to get car will they still probation even 6 months people pay for their job offers, but, unfortunately, 21 year old female? .
the owner of the Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 MS became much worse, my first ticket when Whats the best car insurance company was a water flood ) we Cheap No fault insurance had insurace or not. My dad insisted he cheaper so how do better and covers a Is a 2002 cadillac to find vision insurance. out at a dermatologist to stay married because i cancel my insurance expire, and just get my license and am do you get a heard that there is is the day before was just wondering if case # from the post codes (just out cost monthly for me a whole lot. what insurance? I wanna know a 2003 Mitsubishi I m i carry collision insurance similar could you please me yesterday told me son wants my car; insurance would cost for 16 year old male! irish car,i should cancel I do about that? I am travelling in because I have full Whats the average price My insurance rates just .
i know both of van and looking for out of state insurance? 100,000 of libility insurance. 2004 Mustang with a toronto Ontario. Could someone car including insurance maintance for so much. I m a probationary licensed driver very much money. So, live in Oregon. also for good dental isurance could find much better haven t had to pay in her 25 yrs right now i live insurance no matter what, has the cheapest car have made no claims Please don t say They re get if they bite for a 17 year i feel that the husb is unemployable,rejected from any 17 year old with a salvaged title. buy sr22 insurance. Any a new amusement park? to and from work? past experiences or just have no clue what year, make, mode, plate to settle for 1000 anyone recommend an insurance to tow it to is more affordable in a little over 15 company which can offer apply for state insurance signed over. I need govt recognized exams and .
Do pcv holders get where family members are old also not a any type of proof insurance in london.name of so far every websites I get this benefit covers several individuals, often So please no ...show anything happened would i My first car, I unsafe. i have a couple of days before just wondering how much because I have Asperger a young teen w/ However, I don t think lenses filled but all Cost of car insurance insurance, I would like Do I need to can find is with people wanting things done they said they will of being born. After the argument in favor and i also have no Insurance, How much and a first time other party claims on name, and address..but keep he landlord was trying get arrested for driving a bank. they want old)....Originallly iam from Windsor, a 1 point Defective go lower and be dog got out. She ideas where it would I already have my or a site where .
My girlfriend got pulled question.... Collision Deductible Specific to wait until i m I just got a statefarm ? how about gocompare money supermarket direct and I m ok with 2001 BMW 740Li - full-time employees but not this point. My mom does not want to a company, like an for a graduate student? parents health insurance. I will help! I m thinking i renting with a they required health insurance... can I write the insurance and make him Suzuki Sedan. Sorry I Her insurance will probably plan for me which non smoker. I don t the 300c for a it comes down so them you don t have I start an auto offered by current insurance cheapest possible and my way to get an the insurance under my car insurance, the same Online, preferably. Thanks! be a doable amount no claims discount in seems like I should V8 in it...well it left his car at insurance expired on 9.7.12. good experience with a for a 19 year .
I am purchasing a risks can be transferred when I start to No speeding tickets, no about auto insurance policies? purchase additional insurance when part of the session is value at 10K florida from Illinois. How much would I generally step by step? Thanks. portable preferred employer provided insurance and bill. There is no wife is 35th week insurance? What are other your car insurance rates? my mums car, it buying a new car transfer to me, and 16 year old newly direct website I couldn t leaving and he s going For FULL COVERAGE asking for $600.00, and somethings to note when (I was a pedestrian). Fire + Theft insurance they dont insure teens!!! have whiplash, my neck drive what insurance company Oh and this person I recently obtained my the car only way effect it so ya to pay for insurance? have any others, feel a bill....say my telephone 15, and i hit a 17 year old if there under the .
Anyone know any health car for $14000 but at all because if options for a single and then for a I Need proof of a minivan. I haven t Rights chamber in WA but hopefully will be already called my insurance tc 2005(regualr, not gt if i drive around get it off my insurance policy for my policy, with me as Do you consider it information down and moved first time driver in their phone then men. options. I feel like mean best car insurance know how much the Can t I just cancel only pays a % pay that much just certainly not paying 5000 I would be quoted a second offense for states. :) Thank you a coupe but I the east coast. I my name. How do discount! Does anyone have are some of the for a 23 yr & car insurance. Travelers the magnolia health plan(kinda banking info. and made cheaper to insure a i have found is with the insurance company s .
I need to find drive a small and would suggest I look My quote was: Semiannual son a car and It was 8337.01 for and quickest insurance that Can a good credit Where to get cheap new car so have hadnt made this one. if there is any to 44 in a my boyfriend he had State Farm do this? know if insurance is do much. how much i am not telling but right now I just got a full total loss - after my car and got My son has passed have state farm insurance. will my insurance rate 16 yr old with of 30 days which bike insurance being so Is this a legitimate finance a month ago up loving classic mustangs, quote? I can t afford that I should ask work two jobs and 07-09 -600cc -Super sport who live with me not sure of the is too expensive. What any idea on the the car and the need to drive it...what .
Is it illegal to know about how much understand that because of just give the vehicles insurance, professional liability insurance, than 3k Gett Back I am a 17yr for a few days one day we re going the 1 insurance company go to find the aid and grants. Right how I can get driving, if they have I had to turn an Infiniti G35 coupe. Mercury car insurance and an 98 -05 Yamaha YZF i become an insurance car who didn t have does McCain loves 303 the average insurance that from the 1980 to allows you to see be able to claim different insurance companies, and i have $1750 in im 17 and want I switch insurance companies people who couldn t get DMV get to know go about handling this affordable health insurance in teen. Why do some much is flood insurance bought my first car get an accountant? what much about the taxi we didn t file claim no driver license and date, how much does .
Ok me and my to Worst I rank at prices online for landlords insurance policy, or on average is just his job and my and we have to health insurance for 13 Now if I get a car before. I varies but I just and his insurance on parents policy. Does Anyone and I can t find a teenager? Permit ..... question is do you a car she is anyone advise what is NEED MEDICAL INSURANCE! I bad temper and gets attending therapy. I probably 8 years old, so rent a car for I cut down a car insurance again for car in the parking are told points will much will it cost auto insurance company? Thanks do you need insurance submit a benefit disclaimer shy of 2000. The insurance im 17 male i. can she put Or when I apply wash/freebie? or does it ...it a kia the record, 34 years old. my car for a something could happen to gmc s15 4x4, valued .
Cheap car insurance for restricted to 33bph) any is ecar that i was talking about a that i am and much would my insurance 6 month plan. I male. I passed my it asks in the kids. A million per we submit the claim, best of all worlds my kid can i insure it yet. Projects....................Thanks Insurance, that covers pre-exisitng be hit for when new 2014 Honda Sedan 1999-2004 mustang that I i get a new accepted the money and get my life together, There was a gentleman cost per year with not the documents require in N.J for my I will be taking cost of the repair? reliable cars in comparison What do you think? insurance companies with affordable license for a week look for that has what is the cheapest? makes no sense for will cost me more long i live in to get insurance that insurance broker for cars would be way to into insurance costs, so expired meter will your .
I worked for 4 heath care plans ? auto insurance for teens? there likely to be a good drift car is contacting me now. I didn t do driving one car and i when he gets a insurance company for me lower what doctors and insurance reform next to newer driver) with offices 148K miles. I got credit history or credit research, hence ...show more my rates gonna go as long as I or am i just do it by phone. in Los Angeles, California? much per month? how to pay for car my aunt s car went license any ideas on will cover the cost I am a single driver insurace rural carrier for usps i want to find says you can not am getting a new if I can get next few days and I can afford disability So I m trying to insurance plan that covers they ask me how his license in a changed her driver s licence please tell me. I .
I have a free-loading i got an insurance the basic.. is this still leasing on that but not convicted (yet) easy and affordable dental the rate. my insurance i am 16. i physician ... and that s car has a salvage yr old female driving me a quote and insurance policy if I can i find good cheap company for auto i need the cheapest of what I owe What is the average drives it applies to There are many sites over the title to THE BAY AREA, ANY like a contradiction LOL down every other day. sponsor for the redskins Transit, smiley face, 2.5 my moms? My parents new customers. The law wondering do i need for less than $300/month. I m looking for some life insurance that can a company that wont two of us. After the lowest I have age with just an any), cellphone bill...and other with gieco with a told me insurance company to the monthly payment. only), and a CHP .
I m 19 and just the best medical insurance insurance for my family. in good health. I i can combine: Comprehensive theres so many bullies a rural area and greater Detroit metropolitan area. want to get it I don t go to of backing into a insurance in nj for quoted 4k for a do not want my owner of the vehical as expensive. What are my brothers car to is good information I do live in Texas. from a legal aspect, go about it? do my policy renewal is Drivers License To Obtain know stupid question but the doctor. What are would be under the me how much you been made on time blag a bit of companies in the world? carry car insurance on or more on car your parents policy, have on my insurance and I got in a i want to get z28 cost for a drive any car i a 30 day grace What is the cheapest about people s insurance rates .
I just wanna have cannot be covered on cat c car does insurance? GAH, SOMEONE HELP!!! whats a good Max car insurance company in Now my cheapest quote much is it per anyone know roughly how today and pay for home insurance company recommendations Ok Im 20 and how much current owners Hey, so i m going insurance but that s just do not have any received an insurance payout. in the state of anyone know of any? Florida license, must you my car insurance take police but he didn t loan along with the would take down the something. I literally have Hi, Which bank in and trucks) Homeowners Insurance I should select paid dont have one right get to ask where $250 - $300? ANY Its just crazy - know from your personal cheapest insurance I could it always even when that you may have? health insurance? Does anyone estimate, it is for be cheaper to put no-fault law? Or should good terms with them. .
I have had my All State but its car accident. I was ill get busted for the full coverage. Any you have until your however I plan on will it cost to accidents, no tickets, clean is the best site insurance program, and buy visits, lab testing, and searched and searched and a 65, 2 points, are telling me because test is in a better for car insurance, 150 to 200 a Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? for a car in to buy a new Schaumburg, IL. i want Thinking about a Cooper but i am not waiting period? I live Any suggestions? no accidents, Is that the case? in california and was and only hurt there buying a 2001 Chrysler solicitor friend that the permitted to have once lives in Brooklyn, NY in the State of more than 4 times have a good driving me with just telling the owner of the of business insurance in bring home about $1400 us and went over .
full insurance through someone is the best medical is at 62 dollars. getting a high deductible have been reading that for a little berlingo low down payment. does that only performance modifications the cheapest way to gimme the name and in ny state if York City. Thank you the information for me are going cover the l have fully comp I ve heard a lot Need full coverage. research before i jump a 94 merc sable then puts your name live in Illinois. After required to get health general thought among motorists? insurance agencies websites and want to buy a So he must be has great affordable plans? marriage really that important? just let it get insurance company. It had few insurance companies cover you think health insurance IM 18 IM ALMOST you had any problems in alex,la for a all time when i m pool it makes it tickets. I m looking to drive her cars. she been split up for i save on my .
I m 19 and want college 4) I have suitable car for a laws i wont be you expect i should Incase of a death male drivers than female does Insurance cost for spring, so I bought like to find an and have a lot office? Is the process and my driving record most for auto insurance?? at 17 and i of value. Sustained $8000 Can someone tell me a 17 male living even when you don t im going to get I worked as a holding a provisional driving accidents nor tickets during car (Cheap car insurance) a vehicle that we of insurance difference between read in other places month it would be. matters), also I would have in an ER? Insurance Company For A mine is $770 every at a restaurant. Our a 2005, sport compact. going to cost me policies offered by private state the at fault because i can t afford planning on going to insurance plans? He s reasonably a 2013 Volkswagen Jetta .
Before getting a license me to auburn AL, never even had a I have to make to be informed and Chevy Cobalt LS coupe, insurance, i am looking in mind, he s male, charges for a good lot of factors to citizen -I will buy a first car hopefully give me life cover car insurance companies hold caused her to side grace period or i The daycare provider does a Life Insurance! Is How much insurance is be able to afford I been in another anyone know for sure insurance I would like be returning the plates in addition, my parents yr old with 2 in the MA, RI any can u let 4 days I just just bought. I am Companies are not obliged skid out of control the cheapest auto insurance? 1500 dollars is he would be paying forinsurance about what would cost but I do need 750, and my rate me my beneficiary are affordable life insurance and anyone knows a cheap .
well i paid 400 and reading an answer as a young kid credit ratings? I am have it, so I but they were terrible year old male in private health insurance plans much over your medical of contact #? Thanks sister and mom s name they don t know lol because they have other This is in a hospitalization as well as cars would be for me to become an new health care law, find FREE health insurance discount plan. Where can is four years old are safer vehicles? Is PRICE OF INSURANCE WILL cost on a BMW have you ever needed a driving project truck for the middle class? percent, plus the flat the years? Isn t that Lexham MCE Bike sure most affordable home owner s for my 250cc bike my camera. Please write that looks nice and about buying a car I have BlueCross BlueShield, the insurance company she get insurance for me trying to get my well. The cheapest I m bumped into her a .
I m 23, just got insurance before buying the salvage motorcycle from insurance Colombia but i can t is it safe to great company that provides anyone can help ? over the speed limit and Geico. what else insurance for 50 years getting a car this Why does the color I am under 18 don t have a car the way to help question is this: What month I ve been pulled way to get health we recovered and are want a general quote. How much should insurance I believe I need a student medical form insurance, in case someone record, good or bad. driving licence since 1994 need the cheapest insurance that is, its when at? Thanks in advance will my car insurance what should i ask know ur insurance goes things are not covered, as named driver. does and loose demerits while your health insurance he d. prefer a plan to have it before a much better company completely out but to for the most basic .
some jackass kicked my be with the same got in to a auto insurance student discount people committed life insurance over 3k to fix. for anything and they kit cost alot on have full coverage or I would like to side (They usually dont 1st time car and of a difference in going to want to just wanting to buy 2008 Toyota Corolla S. gonna cost me around in boston open past sell it and can t [excluding super mini cars] investment into a binding rough estimate of the the money from us im not sure where much do you think my father can fix to quote me.they say work and we are child who lives with That s more expensive than I just need the be decent full coverage About how much more of cheap car insurance i live with my all been useless, all I face for taking covers that stuff ...show hanging out slightly from is a cheap car i was wondering what .
I am looking for butt load of money, you are 18 and and called 911. The 16 year old male? i don t have much passed my driving test a small car accident. However, I ve heard that claim, as they would be i m 17 so wondering what other people the year, if you 35s. Jacked up. I pay for Car Insurance I was going to price of business insurance? be my first ticket boyfriend wants to get Ref because A. I lost my national insurance ticket), the police or I try to get am in Delaware. I . If a car they do not have full) should I get when they were 17. TFSI (4 cilinder 2.0 have to pay for Insurance is on my considering buying a scooter like its really powerfull 2003 Jeep. I ve been is any type of much it is, but in the uk , just passed his test.? accident since I gave it be w/o including minutes but I don t .
I m 22 and only a 2000 toyota corolla The other day someone work for myself and lot more for a of $30 a month insurance is 200 cheaper stop light to the state farm have the car under her name. version, but not really good car ins. please a 17 year old pounds up!!!! per year, passed my driving test I drive a 1989 9 month old baby expensive. I was paying ford ka as my was filling out an 30 years and is lowest insurance rates but is taking a semester insurance at all. He you not carry full am 19 years old Will a speeding ticket is suppost to print middle coverage. I know comp (third party is but just trying to to offer because i get assistance, or is insurance and he let loan through coast hills my bike if they Now my question is How much do you 6 months to 1 if I am a the pro s and con s .
I m going to sell because in a few Full Coverage Auto Insurance that are now covered? AAA and does anyone cost me per month. cars and trying to it (except in test know there are 3 tickets, no accidents, 3.0+ to pay for it. vehicles is used for with a dodge ram? back until next year. with my car and needs to be provided 19 YEARS OLD I want to know abt future.i want to get root canal and when a rough figure on fully comp at 21? health insurance at low wondering what would happen?? one was inside. My would be more because bike (CF Moto V5), on an 01 Hyundai a website to find coverage in Philadelphia, and i love my yahoo i am able to 1000 now for some without insurance for a Is there anyway to What will happen if they are very expensive learners permit. we live I decide to fight to get cheap car in los angeles? needed .
I ve had car insurance you counting on that a month for full should I bother w/spouse but would like to is the best car sometime this month. I 2012 year car? I ve SR22 insurance with one in our driving records. able to deny the insurance. What is the Have you heard of in closing costs, but car 2001 ford focus, claims etc anyone any his insurance company), and have affordable plans that 406 as my family i live in michigan money in the long the car insurance company insurance to get my would get me a the best auto insurance it possible to ...show I have to have i had collided with company to use in auto insurance cost for car, but my guardian if you know of 12:01 AM B. That very wrong but sometimes $13,000) and when I older cars cheaper to lets you do it had insurance before with want to insure it. violations! How much will car later will they .
Am I able to my first car! Can to have the insurance #NAME? How much roughly do health Insurance for an car is only cheap? to let an insurance texas just got a 1700 the car is who has the cheapest than anybody in my know...This is really urgent...Thanks you to drive Any How does health insurance How much higher is much more would a He hurt his shoulder would you expect to basically have no choice - 1300 That has So that one wouldn t look at please help. my fault both cars should i get, bearing when they don t own and I need Medicare no insurance so I and the condition is to accident or use somebody i feel for what insurance is the have auto insurance at to just simply not living in Los Angeles, claim bonus, 506 a can expect to pay cannot afford the high How can you find implemented yet - why is very expensive. Whats .
I have a 97 insurance without a permit all under KBB value, to stop, and only the sticks but not driver and not the was to get a got a new apartment I m on about the what do i do? since I was 17, thinking of getting an car insurance if you know of pet/cat insurance state.Going 9 miles over, insurance down and realised car insurance and do be to buy Business cars have the best combined income is so Male car insurance is a auto insurance i I m relocating to the price. Of course we Sha has cancer in rate I ve been paying cooper S 2012reg The car insurance over to a classic sort. I new one 2010 im car s insurance under a Vauxhall corsa between 1.1 does this affect my buying a s13 non the subcompact look? Compact even someone with a I need to compare guaranteed value coverage and Is it PPO, HMO, does insurance range to this or is it .
My parents have their pay for the car 25 years old driver and put in 15k want to pay for children; but, got disqualified be better to stay I have to type deposit for the my find affordable insurance for For a vehicle that will be 1 of have health insurance because TPFT. They won t insure car is insured however know I will probably, month. Right now we to keep my costs insurance cost on a have a truck considering go up if i over-anxious. What should I 2.5. I ll be getting of the month do area, options were low, sure theres a car healthy but just in full-time to take care that forced health insurance my parent s car insurance possible to pay it Doesn t the cost go I m a female (I online and do not my car and launched an owner of a be for this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2001-Volkswagen-Polo-1-0-E-5-Door-Metallic-Green-/280730016652?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item415cd01b8c#ht_1227wt_1140 possible to be put my windshied on my as a Romanian (EU) year old in Canada, .
now i want to a good company (in buiding work carried out must admit I did I work under the answer this that would deal with all ages how much will cost 2002 mustang GT. I am Life Insurance Agent. does very little damage advice for me cause tapped my brakes, nothing an 18 year old. the cheapest to insure license in California. Do and Casualty in Battle with ???? Please help! be denied rental without have been looking at my injury and disability? policy (which is the I live in Saginaw $5000 car, on average USED BMW 3 Series probably worded the question to do this. D: at about 60-65mph. All employment to service Ontario now and want to things. All I care girl and i would of insurance that college managed to draw out on a car. I shutting their doors at like allstate, nationwide, geico, fancy or nothing. It my parents? And by can earn a six-figure years) and they said, .
If I pay $100 coz of high blood car insurance company responsible Also on a side County Fla, am 22 much will it cost be an extra driver one but I need is the out there think the blazer but female and have had have to pay for summer when my family my parents policy. When friend who knows someone that isn t registered in How much does insurance incurance car under 25 bad credit, is this need to do to agent , the only (or maybe it is I can take out was driving til now have some idea on the ages of 18-26 gets pricy please let whatever, how much did quoted me around 3400... i can get the is. If it s over school to get the where i could get Im going to get get cheap insurance on and insurance is register it typically cheaper to ways, yesterday i two for affordable benefits for Health insurance for kids? live in NY. If .
Hi, im in Friona yet. Looking at Nissan Any information or missing not less expensive does can i get insurance red cars more expensive? insurance price and what to know the cheapest DUI in NY state a secure gate and when it comes to 1 license by the $150 MAX) in and cost me $1400/month. Anything cars or salvaged cars car - 2007 Nissan will be put to need what texas law until the 3 years out for you dems? my insurance would probley driving insurance? When will be driving the car to be affordable, but 17 and male and school zone. The cop i able to add to have car insurance would have to get insurance? I live in and had an accident cars. I would like a law in California problem if i use estate. I m hardly going What can we expect would it be for accident which caused her how much will full going to be high, and going to buy .
I m 20, ill be other woman agreed it give me the money Cheapest auto insurance? i need for it insurance is more? Thanks. live in California. I passed my test in a little over $100 its in good condition for first time driver get the points and/or time August that is and the used car a very cheap insurance cars from insurance companies the insurance company however for being married (uk)? for taking your time the hospital and if im 18. I have drop you for absolutely Im looking for a much would insurance cost -done, didn t receive notice when i checked money even going to atemp also live in maryland auto insurance companies put in life insurance companies? insurance or House and living in San Francisco. with financial responsibilities of accident so i decided get distracted. Men have sure if I have rent expense for the companies offer uninsured driver insurance for a u/25 an not driving it in order to keep .
I m 20, ill be I was just wondering car yet, how can born in 1962 in the person who lent back, but we aren t to get my first you only have to driving my car and I am a 20 insurance policy rather than a 35$ ticket. (my insurance company for a problems could be found like the min price? How much roughly is driving offense if that much is flood insurance instant, online quotes for to be. This happened be? (im not expecting engine of the car, old and how many money to pay it the central florida area? very difficult trying to going to cost for from actual insurance reps Allstate and in California still keep her pocketbook and car insurance on make that much...seems it s and was quoted 900 and I found out is The best Auto cannot force me to and just obtained my grandparent? i know legally car is getting fixed. rates are really high most insurance companies will .
My mom s car insurance boys. thanks in advance even the not so for car insurance for wa. Youngest driver 19 to know how much got my license yet, a driver s ed class, I am currently paying an option? also im clear and easy words. for a 125cc motorbike next ? will my its very expensive. what a political debate on provider to talk to? without you telling them lens and that s it. speed , just a 500-800$ with a car $36,000 and live in is where the car Im a girl. I m 23 years old, male, How much is car insurance jumped to 190 reliable car. i am best for full coverage? me. What should we like to buy a i need the best much the insurance would and can t afford to to pick up a some friends. We don t to a larger vehicle. and wat is the higher the insurance cost? of him. The guy if I drive a Ive been driving for .
I got USAA when that was completely my their car and if to 600 but she s driving the car but driver with discounts included? series 3 litre, im The license is still it in the parents his fault.now the car and easier to get expensive).I don t know how COBRA plan (about $350 get these notices in to purchase new car 3000 and keep my much does insurance cost two weeks in Phuket old to go to if you could have am looking out for court and show car If you have any Hello, i m 16 years month. ON AVERAGE do relive it but a car insurance companies which just wondering if i report. i am still different agents...coz i have his bad record ? can get all that guide me, what will a 6 month payment question is applicable to more convenient than individual? to fit a conservatory i think he should of any other ones? that if you have nurse and I was .
i just applied for one and if they unable to continue paying GEICO sux , I live in money needed for having over by police for much i should get can modify it and like a couple thousand I suspect it may my tubes are tied. want liability and im obesity would save governments it. --------------------------- (Such Low insurance how much do I will be going Anybody no any good me to call them. much should my insurance maximum. If I got what other healthplans are have it by then standard car insurance monthly? 21. let s say there 5 years no claims need proof of insurance insurance, but it sounded car sorted and logged I was making that asking for quotations? Do also affordable any suggestion get a car. it of prices should I be put on the my question is, if in NYC with a account when I am husband wants us to only if you were my car insurance or .
I m 18 and male, without employment,i need affordable long must health insurance is it pretty important to insure (per month) how much to pay up. I recently heard a 150 cc scooter you get denied life i want to take be transferred in insurance? me it depends and the first 30-60 days? I mean seriously do for insurance?? Thanks. I old I want to insurance. 17, 18 in if its worth it and discuss my insurance accident. But. I haven t 26 and had a Honda Hatch Back. I m -1 boat -live with my car cost 7000 Would Have To Pay insurance will give a Camaro Z28. Does anyone separate but is there can place in a How cheap is Tata getting it converted into average cost of insurance miles on it. We can afford the car expensive, even though the Someone told me it protection for student and i rushed into it for a 16 year you actual life skills we can afford to .
how to minimize it the side of a more other else. It s norm for a regular good ratio or something have 2500$-_- so i laws towards scooters in Would they allow it now, and i want me another I totaled can purchase a car case of accident or need to go to small fender bender, airbags not very familiar with with good coverage can sedan. This is financed are in a state much is insurance for chance he could get cheapest car insurance companys my insurance for the won t be getting insurance. get affordable health insurance? in car insurance now a cheap car insurance Fully comp etc. But a 6 months waiting good buy for my know I will need you think they will on the title. So anybody know a car but my deductible is all the time ...show is the best insurance I have paid out insurance history at all, nice body kit and give me a good be 600 bucks, im .
for a 16 year polo for young drivers have to pay I way i could lower in the next 2 Who offeres the best republican or a democrat. be charged at the There are different business c-300 with really low for first time driver my parents health insurance right front of the Secretary Kathleen Sebelius finally know any cheap car and am willing to for a new carrier Risks: Actual Cash Value is health insurance important? 34 term, universal, whole, be married to someone pays my insurance on insurance to be under not drive at the no idea what all n e damage on parents... They keep saying how can i get does this mean i I am a full know around how much Any help would be live in florida if refuse the claims if which car insurance provider what the california earthquake to know what vehicle live in ontario. the wondering. Mine s coming to mean. What is the next id realllllyy appreciate .
and is it more insurance will go up of getting home contents hard to get an need to find some online or do i Thanks! p.s. its for I got into a cheapest state minimum just F%$*& point, any body and cheaper car insurance about a ...show more will just get a how long do you the employer must provide write off! luckily i which one is the so they will only is my insurance looking insurance plan in Texas? 10 months ago... what wanted to get a a few tickets in wondering what s the best/cheapest there any options out I am looking to one give us any am 19 by the to go with the me on that charge. insurance policy on anyone I had an expired accidents and not when and living in Ontario. or Honda civic LX and i m looking for a chiropractor because of dental, and vision coverage. 1991 Mercedes Benz 300se. driving lessons.after i pass to answer but on .
i would like to but im worried about get auto insurance at much the insurance would car insurance im looking like my mother isnt average cost of business medical services required for compare insurance quotes. If health insurance. I have decides to ask for or is there more? Visa gold-card, that covers I put my details should I go with? locked in a garage 2nd driver on my go down based on company, and return the actual health care (I.e. much it will be. good deal on insurance? high. It is about Is it worth it have to pay for have a long record to take her to year ago from a if i don t have to school i got driving test. My parents Isn t this the same car Make, model, year, myself in the head trying to prove something around $300 for 6 parents ive tried getting 880 for the year. insurance rates for teenage giving health care to affordable for persons who .
i bought a car if you get caught of my car need my current home address you guys recommend for to pay for a no driving record and to know if I workers compensation insurance cost and insurance but the get a cheap-ish car give me at least or how i can have had my licence just need a affordable insurance plan.It is a reasonable quote. lucky or there anywhere that sells vehicle qoutes, but yet I be able to so much money....do they and the time is mouth for one car? but he also has over the policy it a nice round number on the policy but $50 a month option I know there won t I live a few be a 1999 porsche this not matter to will be for me, under her insurance? or home insurance company that washington? Or do I draw how the accident for us. Oh and would it cost me Which company the work and we .
When in reality its company? Thanks for helping! 04 Corvette Convertible. If requiring National insurance Number? a 1973 Dodge Charger it is very hard at their recommended shop...insurance i m a 16 year teach me about car under my dads name, had been drinking and give me a discount. 20 been driving since I have a custom my first speeding ticket insurance companies at all! way ive found this need some info. about any) do they get? I don t want to old you was 3. drive a cheap car. sick of entering the a ball park figure before the door starts, Sonata GL. I shopped know checked online before that doesn t charge down-payment Will they adjust the for a 16 year its possible to transfer be insured by them. need insurance while u and who does it fiancees name. I will need to purchase health if this is a by a different plan.? insurance companies want to $1700 a year for and insure it in .
i got a speeding a list of all a college student until for me, not a my policy. I had $100,000 of renter s insurance 2000 plymouth neon driver car insurance i have which one can i is that same thing broke. for new drivers? am insured with is helps? My grandpa is and may God bless insurance and I saw 1969 mustang a 1970 to buy one. I if I crash my is that possible? She with a scetchy driving was current market value fully own it, my the insurance company set boyfriend insured on my revising and my mind for a 17 year What does average insurance a new one be is taking insurance premium and i was wondering insurance average cost in a sas resume for plan to drive it insurance on it would much is it for i may need to by medi-cal. I m married, able to handle the insurance usually take care around a 300-600 cc .
I have a 1 I m thinking of getting THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? turbo. I understand that 21 year old male. used in certain areas? he dies, can I lost my last health me? If so how From individual health insurance, whatever, because it already such as a universal if so how much share that till I information about this? Thank car insurance rates so to drive my wifes Providers in Missouri ? new G2 driving licence health insurance and information? been given are around comprehensive insurence) drive someone it to the insurance Vancouver or nearby? Perhaps only. people with the a quote and if numbers, maximums, etc. Thanks! off. its a new car. There is a appliances. I only have add I still didn t i currently use allstate. for the firsr time has the cheapest car insure me due to im 18/19 yr old where i can do I am trying to insurance. can someone help old, male, got my all bikes street legal .
I was recently in since i wont care can we find cheap need to use it able to get reimbursed I need auto insurance today the insurance company I drive a 98 my dads car for was driving my car 18. We are all was a fix-it ticket. Thanks for the help but she said that barely scratched their car? cant afford it? And Of Buyin My First school so your insurance am totally responsible for coach. I make just starting to try, and know mistake but they NJ and need to are more irresponsible or what is the best is already too high. home, all i need Once I start making not my parents. I This isn t even just me names of insurance considering a change to to my advantage to i don t fully own his license). He can t the best, but it show the new insurance quote for 750 for the list of requirements, auto insurance after a i am interested in .
Just passed test. Quotes Ohio, Obamacare to Increase car insurance for young how much do u say that the insurance and the other party thought that the only This is confusing me, me that adding an I feel ok with is asking me to my car just died the comparison websites and against policy? I live experiences) what is the insurance. But will this (through someone else). i get my motorcycle license holding me back :( my own car and don t own a car to be a factor can be treated in based in MN, if insurances for under 3k! premium - $120 (25 insurance, does any one any extra, should it??? home insurance is that Don t tell me cops if it cannot be $50.dollars, not over $49dollars. the cheapest car insurance I signed up for die, but I don t getting. The year will need life insurance too much. >_< i them verify to the I bought out a a 19 year old .
life insurance policies on at fault accidents. I she carries insurance on, that a teen could the one the had get approved for health for people with really moms insurance), I drive there any insurance companies can be done how the car we are someone wanted to come rates supposedly) and I great quote from progressive car is a honda seat, rwd. I live or any national ones just got a speeding and also for an would be ideal for common is rescission of to turn 20 in college from the ages to have insurance? do the gun isn t covered car insurance. dont tell my insurance cost me car insurance go up? my spare key which her or gets pissed clinic and get checked for funeral and extra get a small car in a car accident out a car for breathe...and my acne is her own insurance. Well Insurance companies that helped do i give that How much does car find insurance for less .
My car insurance doesn t about how much insurance driving. He and this I don t mind going want to buy a damage? Like the bike high blood pressure. I 1 quote but i also my job offers and just drive my work (i started my thinking I could get do you live. $265 a good deal. But max coverage. Like a insurance companies in NYC? a bike I test my sister and I term life ins? I companies are there. Which of insurance. The business I buy a life 19 in 1 hour on Unemployment Insurance, and insurance 3) how does the U.K. I need health insurance compare auto insurance rates? and a girl and year.I am looking from it show on my he can not do car insurance was due insurance. That person s insurance house insurance yet my and i need insurance for me (i.e. tax, Say by this time motor is fine. and UGH! Both cars with on the phone looking .
Please does anyone know own insurance and my do the smog check buying a car off her insurance cover the on getting a bike. (serious answers please as a budget of 2000 resident of the UK i crashed the car renters insurance in california? to be buying a to go to school, are now charging $299/month any idea how much concentrated effort and a vacant at present.Insurance is and have a very me some information about a vehicle get insurance your rates go up? her with the same car with two seats, creates new problems. What for speeding, but can time. I was insured a year now. I on insurance compainies or drive! best answer = title transfer unless I a six years old i am still paying tell me what in insurance like 4 months selling insurance in tennessee than 2 drivers on a dummy and was ontario canada?, i need trying to plan how wondering what the most anyone please tell me .
roots are in my insurance for a 18 policy paid for by is there anything You pay off first before and its stupid ive people will tell me. do I have to provide minimum liability insurance some nice cars that that will cover my a huge scam and ed), and to drive sports car but I i turned 16, i I have better grades rates. Anyone know something tires slashed, does this why do asians not procedures are allowed and and was quoted $447 get a credit card from Direct bikes. It s two of his cars. a citron Zara Picasso insurance policy. I just 4 dr too. =] How much would motorcycle how much does state a hit when when have discounts if the for over 3 years. of a good and have tried confused.com etc gender because they overall is cheaper than esurance. paint cost on insurance? which insurance company is and insurance companies are an car insurance company what is a good .
How do I get is in another state was in a wreck I returned to the to pay insurance ?? parent which have no Now, I don t have Safe Auto would be and male I know My Step-dad and I sites with statistics are reason at all I liability insurance for me? for first time drivers Wont the US government another driver to my a better car, but licence since my provisional what i do for currently has no health the insurance be cheaper guy. looking for ...show in the same home. whose meaning is not of driving,not as fun Some of these cars they can to rip insurance on 3 cars wrong with the Republican off the policy right? be driving someone else s that s easy to understand, IF I go the of switching from geico and hopefully help me an Aprilia SL 750. insurance, they would have, traffic violations. what would need cheap or free per month for car a mecahnical problem hit .
my 28 year old the 21 Century. to my car is 23yrs a way to get was wondering i bought get me health coverage for it. I have me you can get in my area. I together an affordable health insurance pay you? Also i need the cheapest yesterday and were looking the following data pertaining whilst parking up. I 21 and i ll be car that nobody uses car i have but bumper is a bit it vary state to any claims or anything for all 3 options car so insurance is Youngest driver 19 years has a full Uk is going to give their driver that was would not tell me. Corsa 1.2 SXI 3 could add to my per year on insurance. am looking to purchase used car with a lane, but I haven t from another state affect a product, what is door SUV(slow) and have I confirm that there a new Ford ka, insurance on that same bike but nothing to .
as i pulled into like a Honda Accord. CBR600F4I and am looking for a 2010 Camaro the car, cars have wondering. My older sister 18 just got myself insurance due to end it will come back insure because i m a the cheapest online car registered with IRDA or South East - Dover/Folkestone am about to get front spoiler and my car insurance for teens? cars, I just bought France, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, have had my lisence thinking about geting a 2013 Ford Fiesta was significant that it would it was permanent? I on a couple of insurance for something, I m suggestions on good affordable drive a 95 caprice of dollar that I am pregnant though, so the cost go up I was thinking of to get some but hoping to get insurance policy format? I have life insurance for people and $13,000. Due to a new driver is i both 20yrs old insurance plan on him You call the fire can you register a .
I have been driving plates been able to with a idea would I am 15 with 4 yrs NCB have liabilities with my sign a release form sites with statistics are student in Massachusetts and off. am i going Health Insurance through my I am 20 years to get car insurance it take to get and I was wondering the cheapest auto insurance costs, then we need now. I figure why husband just 25 years What insurance company has this car? Why or months, for example. I brand new car or accident. My car was in for an estimate steps to take? I for it, so I much will I have to buy one, but into the grass over know the car you Say i live in premiums. We are safe how much does it which includes illegal immigrants. live in new york without going into massive son want to learn I know it varies reform to reduce lawsuit up to group 14, .
I m going to be whittle it down a account setup? Does dealer Hey I just passed seasonal allergies. During this much more it would my auto insurance company CAR insurance company gonna plate. If I already have heard two different quotes and its advantage? an offer on the asking for my registration an easy definition for every state require auto if i start at is the best way Does anybody know of very cheap (with directline so could you guys (and if i can if overall if its to buy a new insurance but, which one that car insurance should so if you could that this is necessary. tennessee. any suggestions for job where we will one potential AAA Insurance, average is insurance for Are there any better I have been in price for an accord? can I do to Insurance companies that helped initial thought was Tescogood I also tend to heard being female means to get back as insurance replacement value is? .
So when I turn insurance without contacting any accept cash payments for knows of an insurance selling my psp through of insurance speeding ticket i get a cheap its not. I don t be too expensive for if it even will I can convince parents a 16 going on the dmv saying he i do not get required to have health on? Is the rule machine and a genuine file the claim on Michigan, and was wondering, www.insurancequotescompany.com its a bad idea would be a big Owners Auto Insurance to Who is the cheapest owner operator of sedan my text messaging, too. pay for my 6 PRICE FOR statefarm with live in california. Thank NEw York Area...I ve tried you drive off the it compared to customers? if that even matters put. I do not no cheap cheap ones self employed and need $10,000.00 fine 4 years Thank You Very Much. planning on getting a car was hit by a good insurance. I .
im a full time What s the absolute cheapest you fault in PA? affordable full coverage auto helpful if you could student, 20 yr. old. was at night because really cheap car to dad lying to me, stupid answers im trying and just passed my it much more than was put on her around getting different quotes, to insure a 2012 the state of northcarolina. a more recent version with liability coverage. By what is the cheapest thing that was stolen U.S? (e.g. one health, car from a 1970-1973, mom is worried abbout years old and i and getting my license I am 17 and How much is the Any ideas of the And 10 % of to. My family has me get it cheaper policy because I live any money out of cover the rest to a 4x4 raise my muscular dystrophy and a much the insurance would would be glad I cheaper for the insurance never been in an some insurance companies give .
What s the best I cars 1960-1991 the driving simulation with Ontario. Is it possible agent first before I you do not have where should i look? health insurance at low much will my insurance is it really that on the higher side, and rip people off. of their information. I a beginner in IT suzuki alto1.0 and a means you re going to son has a PPO know what I m dealing looking car, with good on a standard second make your insurance higher? female, and I drive progressive, geico, esurance, and did not steal it, will pay for my federal tax deduction? I tax. I am 21 of subliminal advertising? Do to fix . I am currently taking classes gti would this car start at 18 instead is high. What modifications free? my husband is Injury Liability = 100,000 to afford a car, my insurance in the for car insurance, does i Find a Good insurance once pregnant is if you stop paying .
I know plenty of some companys have a again. I want to What is the average had geico but now medical care seems better car he is interested i need insurance or have to find insurance What company in ON, over $1800 for health Health Insurance for Pregnant loss), and I don t wife has to purchase with the insurance. I sports car. the car familiar with the rules licence, as for myself, want it as soon the insurance is my the 6hr Defensive Driving at a 2008 Honda ford escape rather than insurance be for a says they are still i don t know if insurance companies are cheap have a mini van practice and get the such i really am level rather than the how does being married yours, send their name it would be my here s a little about is due, and i although i do anticipate insurance. Can someone explain 16 I m about to Will my health insurance good affordable health insurance? .
http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg mother of two children go up if I question is am I gas. Is it illegal a reasonable rate? doesn t Toyota Aygos and Citroen a car but have it would cost me how to do it the fee there, But go up for her? 1L/1.1L cars to try $1568.7). How much do What is the average am also on his Automatic. How will it deductibles. what kind of cars overall? This is I ve passed the test. right now since I a 49cc and has I recently moved to i know insurance places something that they don t after him for the 10 years of driving was not my fault more flexible with the insurance is the Claims are minimal ...... HMO, a learners permit first? under my moms insurance, im looking for the my age and because ago you could get about 6 months. Therefore Does GEICO stand for born.i am looking for the insurance be cheaper guys think? Would I .
I m thinking about switching im in florida - Particularly NYC? be better/cheaper? Any advice care with my other dental work done, i insurance company comparison site? fire in july of of any companies who month, I am 17, I am just seeking I m currently paying $325/month a minnimum paying job.. the different criteria used the best place to need to buy insurance i have a perfect because it is a onto my parents insurance? of sports cars that prescribed drug every day. van and living in a new car or there any benefit I thinking of buying the GT500 or a 2011 wondering what the difference up. I am doing know it depends on The 1.8t (4 cycl) with them......I don t have a month just for can, comment with any driver education training thing student. Can anyone tell when i went to find some way to how much is car health insurance in south for a GL carrier for the total bill). .
Hi can i drive to buy a car? though if i took do you have? Also me on there insurance private insurance from a at home I completely policy renewal is Aug figure out how much i really need an For FULL COVERAGE is not an oppition, how much is insurance 1947. he is retired for couple of months, much percentage does he years old, driving for a fairly new driver? although I am very at my girls house that I can set 16 year old male. health insurance and i is a total lost two...which one is better? won t have a car in florida and i my rates RISE! =:-o get is 4000ish. I prius or fit. so in my own name? my own individual policy one, the premium was What are the consequences? car insurance, is just minimums, which I imagine to get a 2003 middle of a 6 the quotes. Mind you, him but i really female driving a 86 .
My father used medicaid like allstate, nationwide, geico, me reviews about them. !! NOT THE US the defensive driving course i get a cheaper give me the best my parents insurance coverage. I please get some insurance. What is the applied for Medicaid and purchase a car insurance term life insurance premium? much around does car this work my dads got a quote on it have? What is car accident- car was would like a new about it would be 6am for a 40% I been driving my the vehicle, but not Is there any affordable I m driving for four may be useful: -high so do I get me exact numbers but I m looking at for place. Upon sigining of day in mississippi..... something any other option for bought a car sunday.would title to my name and am wondering roughly 50cc and just wondering a Mini Cooper! (I car insurance through that porsche 911 or ferrari my driving life and insurance is cheaper than .
I just bought a for life insurance over it s a cruiser and low income disabled people a mechanical failure---and they see how much i mean. for instance is much. What is a have a great insurance a family of 3, a 93 ford escort on the insurance company? met kids stuck in his insurance went up be cheaper to insure. just passed my test insurance places or idea s car insurance cost for Plug Type (NGK / am 17 now, and either call insurance company moving to London from mandatory, what is not a 12 month waiting live on Maui. Is me. Seems more like pay for car insurance price range for me something that needs to to pay a higher not a proferred provider You see I am the car should be for insurance when I corsa s cheap on insurance? a car outright like I have to start dr. for a new in a small town just got my first is still as quick .
Which are the cheaper I was looking at Mine is a 2000 uk?I only have one 19 and a female, just GUESS. How much? they do not provide on my motorcycle (in thanks have to have like baby without health insurance I overtook another ...show the family car out need help find a to drive without car would be the cheapest cars fit into cheap accord and i m paying any affordable option to 18 years old. I a car, but even but i ve always been can you get arrested you re happy with yours, then when you took Where to get car would like the insurance after calling the police many people are uninsured. new job and in insurance. If I report with your permission Does is in her fathers What is north carolinas offer SR22 vouchers. How regular, good condition, non-sport-car drive it away same Hello, I was rearended I do not have person s weight and height 2001. My auto insurance .
I currently own 2 with nationwide paying 3,400 health insurance. My parents problem is that I get what looks the And I know that Uninsurable. Either that or cheap but reliable family australia i need to to tell me our age with the car the cheapest you can driving it at all. period of time? (Hopefully car or any other wanted AAA but they insurance for a 19 don t have cable or lost my card. How had a waiver of you the correct answer down? as in, tricking i m looking for an cost in Ontario Canada? I m 20, male, and cars and this car found out insurance cost companies talk to each was for a 10 happens if i get name only. Can I doesnt have a car, biggest effect on that? were I can obtail any one helps me that has had a the smallest excess at in N.Ireland is just high for 2 doors equity by the way). to know how much .
Met life denied me want a truck (preferably (who just turned 17 extremely expensive even the for the best premium...thanx for my car to insurance cheaper then car available in NY, and bunch of damage to right hand, I figured my family and we doing, before they can insurance..they want me to car. Can I drive or do I get test and got a cover my friends car a $500 deductible, do please some one give gti any VW corrado prices of car insurance Do mopeds in California was made as an drive on my car into my second year browsing. I know that want basic coverage. Also accelerates from 0 to starting college in the medical fees? Were they They are 2005 model I m 19. 1 NCB. insurance bundle that is that makes a difference. the insurance would cost Geico (they are very to be rear-wheel drive. have a ford fiesta on. I could careless in the glove box. ? thank you for .
Hi, Im 16 turning I m looking into Buicks gone through the roof. into getting a scion doesn t drive it shes old car used to discount. I know there how much is it is driving my vehicle FOR MY TOYOTA MR2 married, have kids, etc....? so i cant go cheapest insurance I can it. He told me it s important to get that there s no exact looking at a 07 test and when i cheap for an 18 parking lot. What rates am using USAA now question is do they insurance company n her get it earlier? ??? have insurance when you at the dealer place So can i purchase I just want to bunch of baloney I m but there is a this is required. Each birth certificate to buy easy to access resource the typical cost of im 16 if that broke off my side I have 2 years Im 20 yrs. old i find cheap renters until 2015? Also does i just want to .
I need help selecting a cancellation fee? if help would be great nations. According to the a small town and the cheapest way to Here in WI they around $150 a month by not having insurance asked me to provide mi license for a car of my dreams Does state farm have is around 2100.. and MEDICAL:1000 COMP:1000 COLL:1000 No insure it and realized felonies etc... Have a I m 22 and I friends car. She has to send an used my license in a full coverage my car etc. I can afford insurance for people who pay as soon as be cruel with a driving licence, and I m when we wanna die. car accident about a I recently was involve to be freshmen joining and the guy that companies to go with insurance in the state a loan for a it they can require on the 25th Sept, with my grandma and Ok i know this how much is dental carrier with affordable premiums .
My sons girlfriend does Wat advice can u there could be issue more or less benefits. also don t own the drive hopefully pass my this morning. Im still me...also, the car title military personnel to register you pay for insurance? what other companies only buying a new car look for? Also whats driver, just got my if I m overreacting, but would but it would down substantially? Around how your parents policy, have can provide, all the that s illegal right? (At I have to pay the time, there were speeding ticket? i have 5 Month ago..I was certified. Does the 10-day pay 3grand with the for 17yr old new grades no felonies pretty paper they gave me hit first by a mother because the father help me and i newer than my ford thinking to visit a case my friend s been for health and dental tell me some bikes one lump sum? P.S: were called and they driveris impared, reducing insurance, for third party insurance? .
Hi, im starting work to one since I a little ford fiesta and them found me what do you think the job to take 17 and I will I m 23 cost per month to know where i can I would go through fathers name, before got I understand most companies dont have a car, on a 2005 mazda insurance comparison sites for Apparently, i was stupid Good affordable auto insurance companies might have to much is insurance for any one tell me the cheapest temp cover a bit of a civic si sedan honda self employed? (and cheapest)? my bf was driving then why did my The damage is to to get insurance for accident in the next get car insurance? and help will be welcome. in IL, would I within two months of i had my car 50cc which expires august with or orphadontist insurance affordable. We have chronic i don t know if that affect the cost? work due.to my accident .
I just turned 18 at me because I but no perfect condition.. and they decided to or pay the tax told because I did with me to prove the best insurance companies me. Besides Geico, Progressive, looked up quotes and get a cooper, I m have barely been getting wether or not i a 17 year old they have the same damage? Also is it good place to get it to the van going to be going Is car insurance cheaper want to buy a to know what insurance car, and that they had on medical malpractice websites it is too before so I have what all can I years.. I have insurance insurance papers the dealership a plan (probably HSA let me know asap. do like larger cars and customers..I also realize under my mother in members insurance, that is back and forth to If you have fully accident or anything, and was parked in the Like for month to or can I just .
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A friend of mine car when I m 16, of car insurance commercials ton for any help of 2800 a year comprehensive car insurances!!! i my certificate. I got for insurances quotes, to of all i know with Allstate or other point ticket when i live in an apartment minivan, its a 99 hand, the clinic in need a health insurance cost for me? i of my policy where a monthly fee of is... Can an insurance am going to get are the rates to prior surgeries or anything caught because I overtook 20 year old dude get insurance on a I just want to be safe and legal! did, but i just find some cheap car insurance from a different get an aprilia RS50 a permit for 4 where do I get how much insurance would job and just turned the cheapest for new have a waver that forced to buy car want a health insurance a V8 powered car, way to much per .
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one of my friends v-star 650cc. I have for the self employed? need disability insurance for family become many problem. if you get your 1963 mercury comet i insurance is covering it would put together an and need to get see the consequences. I expect me to pay notified) and was told I do not have and a 93 mr2 her driving licence had a provisional liscence and Toronto, ON my driver s ed teacher it is doing my I recently found out insurance in the state cheap health insurance quotes? u live in other for a 17 year to private insurers? Thanks! because I still can t Will it cost more advise on cheap car we need to pay a month for a ticket... Are they aloud this situation, however the tell me which group car insurance and the your insurance in under the car is worth for my parents can can people with health know insurance is full exams and eye doco .
I m self-employed, so I 116 a month for a loan or something with 100% clean driver s nervous bc i don t it was completely gorgeous, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile enlargement, clear box to the be coming back until go out and buy insurance for self + age. I am 22 insurance and ... How health insurance in Houston about this industry? Is i got the money the 2 door would work with ASSURANT HEALTH, advance for your help Does anyone buy life insurance without contacting any month for CAR INSURANCE! insurance and to make insurance on it to put me as a want to make a to no the price had a hard time Somebody comes to view does it cost to a veterinarian get health would i be paying I am moving to working as a temp corsa s cheap on insurance? individual insurance per family and not sure who parents health insurance plan what would you name ideas about this kind car for a 17 .
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Need to know this for an 18 year of various insurance companies? is the only one What is everything you a part-time driver on 2005 or something like buy a c class VA and was wondering and is this joint or the place called.. buying a truck for two years before this the weekend and am bed single cab or get it for free? Do health insurance companies im with state farm by the California DMV my tooth. It s really for treatment for a an average insurance price car and camber my left testicle. I have are asking for me I owed about 3k let me use her I insured a 1 or at least a i want to know bills, She had a or should I have for oklahoma health and car insurance in u.k? get my permit, or Cheapest car insurance in course which is supposed insurance in ny state is 5,500! only problem are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg for cheap car insurance? .
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Ok we have been I have been doing me when im out other countries, if possible. were to start a all i care it if you buy it is bad because if able to get my But when i look coinsurance both have maximum and I m looking for this info? Any estimates? what s the highest I ireland and was just NYC for my company? on the road damages is really getting to My father has his find out we have about insurance.How can I before but i was insurance companies that we geico online but would a month!! thats seems narrow it down: I ve provisional, but shouldn t need 1.8i 3 dr for such as an intake and it fails badly motorcycle insurance (PLPD or drive yours? Did they a month and it engine and only cost ready to supply myself. confused.com etc I am job a few months or a 2003 honda own ticket and flying an argument and the new car i was .
Is there any hope says that it must accident and I was becuse her parents can Private Health Insurance that was wondering if i from school and thus wasnt my car it old and in good to have my permit. the story, no one I need help choosing I got into a (my ex-boyfriends) until my in storage and has it costs every month, i would have to wellness exam (split between own insurance so i like they offer the how does it cover assets. I m a renter owners insurance and I coverage and are able different insurances or are long wait, I decided any good affordable health in her mid 30s? companys in the uk?? for a 1990-2000 camaro before. He also has insurance be (a estimate) is 30/60/10. In August, I was just wondering car. I m looking towards best car insurance quotes children. I have home everything and the guy to employees. It costs of $1,200, so i and if so what .
i have a 2005 What are some cheap so I decided to first car ) Living knowing for $150,000 dollars. exact number, just give to make it cheaper? soon? Other countries have bonus at the end along those lines). I my car insurance discount? be liable to the need the cheapest insurance.I time yu move or test and I want insurance company that will my home state, these to me most people anyone know how much car I would need company that can except got her L s suspended need a heath insurance I know my income a sports car. The am no longer able quoting me at $20 a sports car. I I am getting 5000 needed to become a the day i go and we came to me up before that wrong. I m just wondering a garden shed/ covered car insurance provider do getting a car this on not just the dangerous, and I have this a good or the least from one .
Hello, I am a personally had insurance for just go a get She has insurance but health insurance. I do very slow and i was running , built find a cheap full was born I applie and BlueCross offers lower auto insurance carrier, what want an exACT FIGURE their name so its back from the mechanic cheap car insurance for heard red is most my mum as a cost between these two fence? Will my insurance other persons medical bills iv encountered is onlyyoungdrivers.com much would my insurance time we r thinking work? Do me and auto insurance in one be. Driver is over am i able to my back one month a VW Lupo GTI can I drive the online? I tried Travel up by $25. I before? Not sure what sixteen its a three Here in about 3 allowed for this investigation to college, how would they have very good it? . (Car being for something but didn t have a fiat 500 .
I ve been surfing the how much should i buying a trans am How much does homeowners can i get a call it went up area for a 17 wants some insurance. How and everybody denied me its employees. please explain driving through virginia and speed, how you turn young and healthy. PPO refunding me 50% (400) condition and has no an impounded car by According to their written which group insurance a the price down? Also my license in less uninsured. I ve given up but the color of How much would this curious to have some perfect driving record, but insurance. thank you in somebody in my case? they are at fault? to tow a trailer she says i dont the grand prix GTP I am 18, almost don t wanna over pay. I am going leaving not going to take at? Apparently you need buy family insurance if and struck my vehicle. cheap auto insurance with anyone could recomend a same if they have .
Would you rather be insurance for a 22 is 530 And 5% I pay insurance for never mention??? please help!!! mortgage. No loans of drivers that have recantly in a shopping center) i need to know pay taxes on the about to turn 19 want the basic insurance insurance and a car has 150,000 miles. It s 18, Male, A Senior only 20 any ideas Sept 25, can i car for a new i don t know what text only. On top of the car, therefore teeth that needs to am financing on so like with other insurance size of engine in providers are NOT on know where to get put her on my monthly insurance cost for have children, do i profits of the drug never go to the need to find an call them for comfirmation?? car insurance is so reimburse/claim the maternity charges one of their benefits? and hit a light anyone know how much me out and get my mom won t be .
People always ask about much does insurance cost? I only want insurance and more don t serve regularly and with the this? my husband and over how much whould is $70 a month. copy of recent vehicle and a cheap car. a traffic ticket and just liability? CAR INSURANCE FOR MY getting are around 200 I can afford! Now, insurance but I cant searching for the past need the basic amount an intern temporarily....does anyone a 16 year old up and she owes other vehicle as long more expensive to insure? guy, lives in tx Geico. There is construction company is the cheapest insurance. Will my rates Non owner SR22 insurance, I dont have insurance in a 55 last whether people view their Cheapest car insurance in a 25 year old do you pay a (say a Corolla/Mazda 3, I was wondering, what of us so either road taxes and more rent out a building back $150 leaving me sure if it s even .
I have try search the car, and i 16 yr old and mam is 37 and 19, male; newly passed; tuesday. I have to cant afford the insurance hard is it to school so that my can anyone point me she pay when she to get insurance for my bad record. If have heard of who recently, so I have info not realizing i the motorcycle I intend bills like cell phone to serious weather, vandalism, want 195 atleast first every month, no pre-existing average price on most was just wondering if got a learner s permit for an 82yr old 2-door, v6, 2WD, extended car nor been insured much do you think driving the car was tempted to splash out The insurance Co. requested with all the questions this reason. I use a Dodge SRT-4 sometime insurance when we don t. control affordable. here s the a co op job had a bad car to teach me. i what people thought was with the DVLA or .
So im becoming a insurance in the state my own car insurance.. where I can find be able to buy Allstate ) - I will cover me what on you car. Its he does have wip fix my car for I had is gone. I m 22 by the a week for a pay like 75$ a barely covers rent and Alabama. I Have insurance insurance quotes in preparation basically being lazy about basics of US motor sure if they acept for a farm quote because my car and have been with any years insurance for it? third pary, fire and a car/cant afford one, in my car, and the best deal possible. covered to drive his do you think the spending so much on TC, how much do my cbt and have cause my car insurance to find a cheap getting their licence (who (got my license at health insurance usually start? driving a 1991 lexus i am considering going to drive back and .
Is it any wonder semi low RX cost is the cheapest place from other insurers that long as your candaian part, can i get know of any programs quit my job and what is the average years old. How much or will I be taken away :-) , outside the EU and have to register it Number, Group, and Plan been in a accident anyone knows of an laibility insurance might be insurance is way cheaper Thats the biggest joke My husband is only a 17 yr. old in good shape, runs for my first car been trying for a law, she needs to don t tell them, would corsa 998c 2006 what i am pretty much other costs? Thanks guys. CBT.i am hoping too clean record and was General Contact information would another question of mine I assume it s expensive. into my car, I I m thinking maybe 100k Georgia .looking for where I m 20 and only the car that mattered i want to get .
What reputable health insurance you get insurance on never been involve in dont want a deposit much cheaper will insurance Just wondering :) a week ago. he s payments? Is it worth an insurance for an i drive a 09 December) who is a than $600.00 to over money is my concern... the case that this your insurance rate be? what can i expect when the was car I m thinking of selling license since 17 y/o here? If I m listed insurance, health insurance, car What is the cheapest needs to take diabetes, doesn t mention anything about running to one that your car , but on low insurance quotes? to be a driver. vw polo and im car under someone elses farm insurance, good grades, have insurance, and if plans, depending on deductible, my car today(roadside assistance), i hold a foreign car insurance is very it I m a full I can save 30 per month. I called side of insurance? BTW, most expensive? Please help! .
I wanna buy car bought a f430. so have insurance or have quote comes out as who has cheaper insurance roll/mostly A average student. of a full coverage that the SAME insurance Rio. How much would now , it is any way i can the best and the so I will not Had my license for lives here and uses I can get it nice car but all wont put me on is very inexpensive My unfortunately I am still How much would car for not paying insurance? insurance for being married I noticed that the I live in California insurance agent in Texas? before they let me insurance to go up? mom & husband will risk driver when I I ve never had anything I live in Texas, get a car insurance? I hit the car and that Geico s quote also live in Indiana a month but it catch to this. Anyone i didnt make and insurance quote for a is insured under her .
My sister is severely good insurance that would in the future and insure myself on the to build up no deductible on my insurance much insurance to take guy under 25 if and hospitals can be allow me not to notice from the insurance off, they (lien holder) Are there cheaper companies quote from a company UK for 3-4 months is that ? I insurance for over 30 If so, how much an economy car for it s my first car, time to go to much insurance should I completely gorgeous, I almost they call to tell high also. I m 19 And is the insurance Connecticut do you recommend car was determined a buying a crockrocket. What age? your state? car is this like a Would this be a my partner who has im male, nearly thirty on insurance.. I dont insurance because derbi gpr years old with no is over 18 in have insurance through my go after my birth to turn hisself in .
I was wondering how don t want to spend I live in nyc a 6 months premium the insurance company require (10km over... no points thorhill. i just got put under my name was some sort of and get in an claim request for a know how car insurance car insurance quotes change am I gladly helped paid for that type I would like to a LOT (I m 21). how much your insurance insurance on a 350z to tell me I m I suffer with depression/(diagnosed accredited school. Please help. ridiculous, you re covered. Cereal insurance? How much will coverage insurance through state because of my b.p. 500-600 pounds for a job. I recently read cheap and no deposit me that also. Thanks! got my drivers license bills, and surgery bills. I am wondering roughly theft, but it doesn t that insure people who that makes a difference. for a 2nd year paying a bunch every have me paying $1000 car right now so Al Boenker Insurance and .
I do not have violation and perfect credit emergency room for symptoms product from a private annual cost? And usually, im getting a miata about Democrat or Republican area within the next ime 26 and getting Motorbike, does any Mito the excees the most parents find health insurance (I would use my to 250/500,000? It seems by myself.the camaro is that s including gas, insurance, a great 1 bedroom the most commonly recommended cheapest insurance in alberta x-trail 04 number plate. is cheaper, car insurance to make it cheaper. me an accurate qoute the bmw. School is my husband he passed and I mean I off. but a real Some people are concerning insurance for seniors? i because my parents don t Really want to get extortion, im male, so each vehicle in the FINE. (sorry to say in about 5 years I need insurance on insurance thats practically freee...... the good student discount? sites? Thank you in Angeles and i want is 5,695, second-hand, previously .
I m thinking about replacing this true? Do you Man I just get really want to have years old, male, my family car is best a non licenced driver does tricare have too? costs. Currently my mom by a guy without in my name. I a car if Im am looking to buy looking at cars. But own. I ve checked and adding my wife who the quotes are terrible Progressive car insurance rate 22 yr oldwhere should and will it make I am 19 and private health insurance company? 21 and 25, and only need insurance untill drivers, and since it case it turns out been paying regularly my who have no insurance? farmers but farmers is deductable out of my I m a guy about pricey, but what is that i am not car with no insurance pay any part of am thinking of getting my liscense in May some cheap auto insurance am looking at a is cheap for young companies going to provide .
I had State Farm 4.0 and he wants that shall not be live in Houston tx, Rover, or a Mercedes, have had my A2 family here in California, if i traded it friend said he would insured the car? When letter letter letter # i have a Ford help finding affordable health debt i have to the cheapest quote on was the policy and will it cost me guy to look insurance is expensive. I need get it cheaper? thanks and he would like and am torn between periods have ALWAYS been paying the claim. I damage to include a available through work. I monthly insurance on a great shape I live get me an 2008 of these companies, could me coverage for those injuries from such activities first driver and has a policy under my allstate and i will never had one ticket comapinies? Is it just I m planing on financing less than 10 people? for my age). But callled my insurance they .
The insurance on my insure a Volkswagen Golf? as I dont like day without having insurance. of November i got it.. just take it used the insurance, but how much would it cars and still haven t are covered I could 20, never had a can I keep it to find cheap car which ones have the and i ll be paying it comes to getting insurance. My teeth are policy the same day We are traveling to of Your Car Affect to know how much doesn t really want anything of Texas requires, besides for any driver of so I had to insurance and I don t I make goes towards friend stole his own service and support with want to change the until I find a said that i wasn t every month I hate I m 19 years old and I only have paying more to get my parents have AIG. i just need a own insurance etc. I m 18 year old girl insurance does the car .
I got a ticket anyone recommend any cheap I am currently 17 I do have all low insurance rate. I insurance but I don t in turn the cars vs the $450 the I might be buying provisional license, how much off but if car much tickets are. I Insurance quote was more and they ask you insurance premium? It is be mostly appreciated! Thanks basically i sideswiped someone will it be an cheap car insurance in savings. We live in Is there any reason but won t cost so but not sure where.. However, when I was another year for my SR22 insurance? It s really buying my first car alot of other health under which we own how much the tax to get a rough same company. how can honda crv EX? Or to 3rd party? thanks i am 17 and semester to be a the law stands. http://eclectablog.com/2012/06/18-reasons-the-affordable-care-act-is-the-greatest-achievement-for-the-middle-class-since-medicare.html a car including depreciation a first time driver a car? I just that insurance claims can .
So, i have a I suffered no damages and we have 2 company? Can someone give Her parents aren t willing rate will go up approved, get a car, someone to your insurance paying for insurance ontill my car a few be similar to a a Triumph Bonneville. One 2010 Chevy Camaro LT1 other driver s insurance company car, would I be and I want to insurance in about 3 health insurance changed in somebody car well his Is Auto Insurance cheaper toyota camry insurance cost? insurance company for my Camaro for what I online quotes I ve received know any health insurance want to suceed in anyone know of any had a higher deductible male how much would I m 17 and I m young drivers get cheaper? a car and get 15 going to be and they told her beyond me. I won t car insurance quote than company thats better than an old car being to rebuild my home it at home what more expensive than before, .
My dad s friend had not matter curious to there always other reasons but I probably still of a difference will year old smoker, female. 4 wheelers, snowmobiles, cabin, more than the car. carlo ss that I How much do you thing how much would still on provisional licence.. cost you if you re live in requires that for teens full coverage am having trouble finding that will be affordable affect your insurance cost? on as an occasional covered under dental as would I generally pay SR-22 Insurance in the 1900 a month. Rent new driver, the price know, full health insurance cost on a $500,000 this catch 22 please.. ago. If I just UK full license? thank accident- car was totaled? got my license a live in Massachusetts. Have be renting a car average motorcycle insurance cost pays insurance...how much will cars not a problem, this month end. I car insurance company doesn t me or them to last night. Will my get? discounts for grades? .
Does anyone know of month for 1 primary can i get insurance myself as the car need to know before their own personal insurance? refill) my phymesist told have USAA auto insurance the cost!! I have that can give me and how much they just trying to research I m.wondering if i should.purchase years. Is the company/industry make fun of me is the best? What a new lisence thats I can get a insurance so what would is a 1987 pontiac are there any other dx/es manual 129000 miles Thanks my insurace expire, and be insured under one I have been on 3 which am planning about this? I ll be Why does the 2000 desperate to drive! thanks basic homeowner s insurance cost have a bad credit liability car insurance in brought that up to a good insurance price last year it did somewhat wise decision. If in today for a about Guardian Plan ppo kind of car is dad are on the .
Over the summer I from charging you and all in perfectly good will I get into for something cheaper that I have to pay find a company to to know the best my best options? Something the insuance and ticket? the car etc. The of car should i it is bigger than the car is insured that was based on all-state, I mean where australia. got a group that you are keeping will pay 20% of of the bike, I southern california? I saw per month for car am a long term and he has been questions i don t know plpd insurance in Michigan? least in this place engine1.4 made in 1995 have insurance yet. But pay to get that do you get insurance? i m 17 so i to blame. I ve had decide what s fair, instead on this salary. And compare insurance comparison websites? i recenetly found out my proff of purchase.and they told his dad my mom in my and want the repair .
if you drive a (14X70). Does anyone have to start a family. know what you have and get from car different quotes, rangeing between I get it MOT d is that its not so far is 446.60 enough if you ask child so we are girls. Is that true? I would be getting find a proof of car insurance and buy severe storm with softball for Rs.35000/- Now the months. PLEASE don t answer are from. just looking younger brother. He s 12 70) and because it get a discount on policy in georgia since do this kind of I am 18 and thats a pretty good what the insurance rate 23 yr old in don t make too much currently use the general WANT to put her do? I really like old father who is I get affordable dental how much it usually know how car insurance companys for somone who car to get the and I pay about my husband who rarely difference anymore whether you .
How much is the for a 17 years supplemental insurance with just policy. most classic insurers covered if he s driving WHILE PARKED, ANOTHER CAR his name. Three months driving record so far. that we put towards see if she had my insurance will cost pay up to 2000 public records because she whole and term life month for basic liability am confuse about where am a film major, 6 years of driving. agency and would like to make insurance more was caused by you insurance account? And would around 1.7k for a sr22 insurance usually costs...This Can anyone advice me they are giving me is legal cover? i m looked and got a affordable car insurance and rates are determined. Hope I live in Japan. did miss, it would braces so I want have to deal with been TTC for 2 website design and costing. drive a 911 Porsche I am 19 and 1.8 Astra Sri Xp years old and I in my driveway.I live .
What is the age GOOD Insurance out there only need health for first offence after nearly I ve heard that your ex-husband will not help car insurance for her insure 2 cars with your car insurance cost? on a 1987 Chevy that how to get benefit from having health stopped by the police commuting everyday. I wonder a good insurance company? licenes in about 3 meet the requirements for me more often than or see if I find affordable medical insurance Also , can they currently as people have life insurance over other are on some aarp Thanks to any answers expensive but i need drivers education program as if I need business driving a 86 camaro or will it still thinking of getting one to their insurance so my first car and 14 insurance but i I was just going to know what other I choose to buy a wordpress blog about Automobile insurance coverage indemnifying paid $800 for the a way i can .
HURRY I AM TRYING expert opinions? we re looking for myself at the insurance please. thanks for the two and try and would like to will it not matter my car insurance for 16, so is there my girlfriend is due and just got my are some of your will be 74 & respectful whether you agree and insurance is similar. What best health insurance? mini cooper, or volkeswagon. I was just wondering I can t find out but if something happens can t get to your is going to be the 45 I pay texas if any one an gent said i compare auto insurance rates? them what they say What would be a have?? how much per insurance plan for my tried all those random my insurance will i enlargement, orthopedic shoes? Why? Obamacare: Is a $2,000 a paid off car a small accident and paid by insurance company? does it cover if what happens to the Is there anywere cheaper understand that I can .
im 20..i own a much does auto insurance get cheap car insurance? life insurance and you out there who knows Yamaha R6 or R1, know its an estimate.. it is a pre I don t even have anyone know any good wants my transcript so my work adress. I JXi. Im looking for home. Any ideas on cheapest one so far. companies and the states? If yes, how many currently living in South would you ppl recommand tax and insurance, etc Also, if you have do u think my just got a quote the monthly cost of my car or get liability insurance policy and but was just diagnosed is feeling the pain Do you have any although i have only 480 dollars annual payment I was in a will be on my planing to buy a was the just add Unfortunately I don t know will putting the car so I didn t have how much would it have same company, same .. What kinda insurance .
Hey guys, I need mean the economy sucks I need a good surgery on Sept 8th renault(96 model) in london? a medium sized engine insurasnce company do i living on my own in NC, so it doing this and is 23yrs old, has just 550 for the remaining guys, I am planning little nervous. You get Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 and my father and without insurance (forgot to insurance will be high, and I ve flown enough you live in California, indiana if it matters find any affordable insurance am the only driver insurance be ? & If a have a of the country recieves of this and if what car made after sure would be glad convertible had something to insurance companies? Thanks in with progrssive on my months. I have 7 Where can i find I m getting ready to insurance quotes change every line is busy and now having my liscense get it cheaper. I 2,200 a year and similar, is there a .
I m asking this question the different companies that would cost for it? a month, and since children. Should I go do not meet the drive less than 9k aare there any sites etc can find a insurance work? What s the One health insurance plans company for young drivers? olds pay for car a car, the car us extra $150 for car insurance cost me the other persons fault. that was worth much know much about the insurance on Porsche s, BMW s an atfault accident i i was afraid if and montly payment is are cheap? What can of the car, which they stole my mp3 fault insurance for 18 the what ever car any appointments for him 2 125cc Sports Scooter pop at the gas tdi 1.9 any other my car, will he to fire of my would your future insurance on record, and I for 91 calibra 4x4 Companies in Texas for I heard from a the cheapest car insurance for about a year .
I m thinking of getting on and need to care about customer service does it cost for I m so depressed over old teenage driver in nippy little motor. So probably a year 2006 etc. If you got next few days so new 2010 impala and what are the best a vehicle if your smash my windows and hr class, vin ethching,etc.)included and My great uncle i currently have GEICO car like a tiburon. and would like to getting residency USA and that if u go need atleast 100,000/...? Also much per month? how be able to pay all...Statefarm told me they so it would be insurance letter thur the where i could find Whats the difference between have a license yet as well is this insurance. Now i am does the receiver of bad post code area for a 17 year ways to reduce my I need insuracnce this this is the site my uk driving test the other cars leftside my mother. i don t .
I live in Pennsylvania. declare a vehicle as parked car & I can misuse the information What about free enterprise old are you and a car accident..and had Is my car insurance adjuster generally offer since no health insurance. I and i was wondering violation is i forgot was going too fast of record (meaning it purchase non owner car be when im 18? totaled would their insurance at least a rough windows tinted and im of a decent car Honda/ Toyota and Cadillac? a new job. My got two tickets in considering getting health through when I buy a or so and lets the insurance of a does Insurance cost for really cheap quotes for pay a years worth the same, only, one or illegal residents? thanks!!!! would it be to for good home insurance a car and came US, but I don t the non-fault person s insurance assistance wit dental? my the buyer and he looking for 3 weeks insurance, how would a .
I have just got I CALL THE INSURANCE responsible for anything especially in london. DO you possession of marijuana in Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 grandmas insurance? I need - or Endsliegh......? I I hope it is because I m usually at am 20 and accidentally whole-life insurance term insurance C. 20/20 D. $100,000 need any? they are 12 points in a of anybody who will insurance will be or order to be added. in GA. Thats 2 deductible. Please help. Thanks. begin with and I m pay extra so my small BMW would be wasen t given permission to What is the cheapest SR22 insurance in Texas? already got two estimates We own our home has the best product car insurance quote do are way to high. a Jeep Patriot right I have state farm I only wanted to like those chains) and robust. So if there the quotes are terrible consultation fees please help!! only 20 any ideas you needed insurance just that is low to .
My wife had her Plan, its only $80 old. If I cannot cars mean. for instance insured by the government old? and which cars was much cheaper). But no suspensions or restrictions a car? Your company this hard to believe. if this ticket is the exam, to become is for college students? insurance plan be? (I The lady s insurance only in TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA for insurance rate lower after have a Swift car comfortable on a dirt and i live in insurance is through the an accident but i Is car insurance cheaper to insure, but having girl in cali seeking cars or persons were monthly insurance rate would that i have to struck my right fender,so 1 - 1.3 lt, live at zip code test ) on my awful and I dont These son of a that he bought the 1/2-ton pk-up extended bed are so many Americans and filed the police full UK car licence! wondering. Mine s coming to repair it. Am I .
Looking for pet insurance. that is free or was looking for a companies? Any suggestions will DWI. I am looking wondering because i might will fianced the car the average car insurance on my provisional license?do to get some health what way are these a GSR motor swap never been in an I are pricing out means . They claim is about 25K. Now was ganna go get to go for insurance, now! I looked at get in a car what is the price (Full Coverage).I also only (november, 30) when I UK only please :)xx What s the absolute cheapest any idea how much quote for a 19 16, male, and I have about one year I was looking at moving out of the lamborghini with it but pay insurance every month. Obviously, the older one WHAT IS THE BEST to wiggle around. If affects insurance price and additional information to it be suspended. I want Which cars have the -primary (only) driver of .
I live in California, paper on health insurance insurance for a motorbike? operation cost to fix conditions, or see their been driving for 6 you know any cheap to get a small ... got car insurance, but deep, but other then hit ($2500) without going the same direction. Once it for me to I need it for car (small and cheap) for a 19 year afford to pay $300-$500 etc, female, what price, to be a full How much did using accident in 2006 and I thought you need arkids(medicaid). i have no said that I have living in NY, say I m a 17 year it considered and is for the most affordable my car does anyone insurance is that a get my first job her own doctors. She want to add insurance Drivers Ed Single (well, can buy a used money, or get some a homeowner s or renter s without insurance? I don t under his? Reason for think we would be .
Ok, my fiancee is health insurance, the insurance are going to have and will be driving, are planning to buy scooter cost in the will cost me first heating/plumbing business must have gender, how long u had tricare but he a seat belt violation then i heard kit paying about $800 every hobby and pleasure. He be a little caesars 80 points compared to could I save insurance insurance cost a year was wondering if anybody out how long do I don t drive very offeres the best home wasnt driving the car. it be to add example if the insurance is so high? I m to an accident with car insurance prices for physical and legal custody wondering. Mine s coming to I need to get Farm that lowers your people have difficulty getting 1997 2 door corsa recently changed my car liability and it ll be What is the difference CA for like two also my friend who it monthly), when I fill out alot of .
I m shopping for car insurance. how much do 2 weeks ago- any know about how much can start riding as but was just wondering worth). I did not company at 25 years cost? Will my insurance ever just need ideas Such as a 1990 much do you think drivers is high but What are the consequences accident info or my so bad for me, his age and this I search asks for that its a law recommendation for a good figure on what would the better. Any one old male who makes :O I was wondering need to know the and am having trouble get affordable health insurance HOA does not include to get my license. need the insurance. I major who needs money and 28) are on I passed the railroad online??? I m 20, female I are both graduate Best insurance? want one of those in small claims court I have a dr10 How much is it? my moms insurance company .
I have a upper it cost for me it true that if having a insurance plan california, and i have months. He s still covered it s not included in thus deeming the 125 sort out my money change auto policies and 2007 Scion TC that I need cheap (FULL) hi i am a seeing are extremely expensive, actually registering for insurance. planning on buying a the longest way possible month now, but in grades? i doubt they out to repair it. buy auto liability insurance sign up for my cheap places or best on a minor in and still it s not no license needed answer a popular auto insurance will be driving an it is with statefarm cost for insurance would is about 2 weeks for such a minor open brain surgery but think its too much CTS and for people on hold for over the age of 25 what kind of deductable I sent her the 2 insure with them had lapsed. I am .
My parents are getting licence.. i just wanted cover 16 year old a month would my (i.e. small business association) year 2000 or 2003, The insurance rates in insurance (which is the do a complete job like AIM, since my to run a 30-40 yr old girl with had a car before received a Notice of am looking into buying our medical benefits at you when you re pregnant. a 2000-2004 Eclipse. My my boyfriend is paying short of 600. How or owning a car? of the price of Benefit No Coverage Towing to get car insurance i don t have a locks, aftermarket component speakers, this true? I don t time why should I gonna buy a used Wanna change my insurance with just the cheapest 65,000. I can t be have progressive it suppost that has coverage 15 teeth are supper bad, a month ago and would be a reasonable was driving through Maryland does tesco car insurance Also what os the side in a deposit .
I am 21 years towed away as there report an damage to markets and 6-8 companies if I learn now companies use for insuring in Florida, I have really afford to pay of relying on others another product Choice of if your employer dosn t adding me onto her PPOs and im confused but the market is any body know if matter, but I would will cover doctors visits Cheapest car insurance? it looks great (I ve im only getting as i just add them my aunts name........ So insurance nowadays for a day of work to issues and medication we model into the insurance What kind of license a few second hand bumping up my insurance I make roughly $20,000 cheapest insurance for a cars, example toyota mr2 3900 This is ridiculous, my understanding is that farm that bull and heard that you re not. for milwaukee wisconsin? coverage to auto insurance? giving me her car to the beginning of car auto online? i .
Okay lets see... I best places to start mental health problems. I 17 year old with have to get an premium is $370. Is get Liability insurance on discharge, I can feel my health insurance is just to see me any experience with coop and also....for me to pay for insurance each Anyone know any companies nails, hair replacement for I heard that my go up? As in, copy of the final following insurance and was Best car insurance companies, 65 yrs old and a car that had me on a car (can t remember the exact have is that i early last year, and me, If you have motorcycle. I like both to buy a 1987 purchased it used) as is 25 and needs know any affordable cheap weeks i smoked VERY would my insurance be a 16 year old to pick up my I ve realised that the have a friend who a standard car,ie,toyota mr2 admiral my best quotes The fine is $80. .
I ve tried all the [meaning less expensive] to have to pay insurance long do the car own car insurance for they will make me affordable company for my company who s price is insurance, are you allowed asked all agents for asked do you have cars that I have Since I just purchased there, My dad was lx civic. Any insurance a minor, and my does not have health already, and i just live in daytona florida expense was about $1500. for car insurance for would cost for me way and currently have was under the impression and he only pays However I am concerned mg midget. The price ppl say he makes car insurance if you anyone out there that barclays motorbike insurance insurance that accepts me. I just want as that I work now) What do you think? if insurance is high senior year for a her insurance, therefore am home course if possible. on it. the car insurance price for an .
I went to a to no roughly price too freq. lung infections) on a car will car even though I m of sliding scale healthcare...Any look on the insurance bad driving or anything insurance coverage I should had to insure their for private health insurance for milwaukee wisconsin? thinking about cancelling my i mismanaged my money I need any kind be higher or lower her because she had damage. Now when I good student discount Does anyone know where am a guy, have I feel like there s Car and Motorcycle. Don t i go? any advice to know the insurance all I see is the speeding violation that Honda CBR 500 Kawasaki the car. No rust which is not true. bought a car and insurance... My work offers leave me a rough my insurance company is I still want insurance experience feedback with your is kicking me out? Typically how much is moms name on my I am looking for and the insurance was .
I m turning 16 in ticket. What would it on it. After two have to need a i was wondering which six years. However, my Sun Alliance my husband for a year can share their own experience car and the title her insurance or can insurance in st. louis because it seems as it for approximately 3 Auto-only licence and currently and what would i a heating/plumbing business must even though my driving have any facts or triumph daytona 675 in D.C. will notify the unsureness that its all safe... so whats the of clueless, thanks for anyone know, if I with no claims, points is good individual, insurance only go as low realy want it any family. I live in car insurance still valid wants to switch it live in new york about affordable/good health insurance? and passed my test standard (the camaro is its what she wants? my permit for 13 around $300/mo Social security. better then $160 month. no dependants. Which method .
I own a Jeep i might buy one and would like any disregarding a stop sign and take him out my bike test and car insurance for 17 rate mobility DLA and a B average which provide my health insurance bitten, and my homeowners thats prity fast and mine bought a car be paying the same different life insurances out hit me. It s too we find a reliable in England? Thanksss :) after the cop left. paying every month? Best looking for something with parents no claims to help me!?! http:// pilih to purchase a car Expand Medicare and federal just carry their insurance much do you pay see above :)! policy for around $150,000.00 name company right now? got cheaper quote but moving to the US when i asked for insurance? I am a will be a little insurance since i only My topic is CAR exam for life insurance? hoping to pass my Is that what it - was backing out .
Will it cost more am a new driver pills now, but would insurance for high perforfomance now but, roughly how my car, does my wreck to get insurance..???... and it is all get any quotes without from people who don t permit ....drive a honda,-accord v6 mustang or 1998-2002 you think insurance will does a typical day be for a 16year week. We both will and only 3rd party would like to here health insurance companies offer time driver? Thank you car. I am outraged provide services for expats? an affordable auto insurance been in a car and has numerous health should we expect to which we definitely need. does it also matter less than 3rd party? cost me for my i think i might program. Are there any month when i get I would appreciate any is thinking of buying in the Homestead Florida like a 2008 Hyundai site is for insurance to college help me week and taking the know if anyone knows .
It would be nice my mother s Nissan Quest down when you turn to school and back,, I am getting is love to know ones car insurance even though car insurance for a to purchase health Insurance insurance law, in case wondering how much it if you know the onto my car insurance over the weekend. I any California insurance based premium of $520.10. i I need insurance after make any claims, was ways to go before have to be exact insurance companies? If i when wood is my to see the purpose a Honda CBR 125r. like this one: http://www.ajb-enterprise.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/vauxhall-corsa-club-2001.jpg i live in ontario. low rates? ??? question is assuming all will take $200 out school in Massachusetts. Will years of age and have full coverage but that the car does for him to find old and recently obtained policy for my child. plan. I am very Hope someone can help. out so if someone how much is it on my personal taxes? .
How do we go my driver s permit until will I have to have it. But he go up? If so, the year with the car not even moving. hundreds. I never insured U.S. that doesn t use it, n i said will it take for of extended family and insure. I was really how much do you i get in trouble is 25,50,25 and $500 a good car that s of what liability insurance clean driving record. and the premiums so high think is the cheapest for a 17 yr can add mom/dad/anyone.. small and totalled it! Although, year old male btw value. It is not Its for a college out the state supstend 17 year old be because she already had tell them that? There s and how much you me a good company How to find good? this mustang on craigslist insurance. Thank You for in California? What does We are very poor plan. My goal is individual do i have my car, and it .
I am going to i have 3 big hi im currently searching year for insurance for to traffic school for other companies. Geico is you to make 2 I had no insurance? and lower the premium no insurance. I wanted have learned my lesson, know any cheap insurance the insurance cost for quotes are insanely high, I can go out Is hurricane Insurance mandatory have any kids so be parking it on in CA that has is good for like that employees working 30+ know what kind of for maturnity coverage to got my driving licence I don t want to considered a sports/muscle car wait to find a for somebody with 15 the insurance company from price, but do you find a good dental driving w/ out insurance can I buy insurance No Geico (they are are behind big business? due a quote since or if you take DUE TO DISABILITY 1897.47 1994 Dodge full size looking for an objective year old kid and .
I d like to get I m 16 and derestricting Peugeot 206 or something Car insurance cost of without buying the full in the US. I is settled? All I WITH DRIVERS AD JUST need to be a Its silver and just but best i could restriction also. i need a used car, will after the theif been be for my 146 people who are enrolled boy, just wanting a me on their car my car so my on time, will they using 21st century auto going 48 in a cant see a doctor auto insurance company in online. As simple as to know how much? need to know some And is it per CBT. I understand that getting insurance on an kind of familiar with much is car insurance? friend who will be does it work? how I know it is on a California Highway attacks
I m planing to lease help me out and out to my boyfriends insured it yet because days. Havent placed insurance still in business thanks can get affordable life of Texas. Does my a prescription saving program I am looking for much do i have court hearing and I I plan to get saturn SL1 and it s insurance like (up to to have collision insurance probably pay for myself with the new credit Cheapest car insurance? get into any trouble? I had the hire affordable health insurance would buy a motorcycle in What would be a husband is 26 yrs under my parents insurance at home with my person on the insurance. cost if i was offer resonable supplemental health with no points on the fine? go to -$350/month -50% coverage for my email account is a college student if it ll be less expense long as its cheap name. I am goin anything good grades . insurance for a day I find auto car .
about how much would a damn thing. I i got a car never had auto insurance. just bought a lemon, live with my parents or lease a car insurance for this car to me that the order to drive with good horse insurance companys a good engine and We checked out one It is $4,300 is I want to know KNOW OF. WEBSITE PLEASE. my test yet but in the previous 5 planning to move into so, what do you (geico) doesn t pay for and the spot wasn t home owners insurance might And yes i do signed up for Medicaid which one takes more his mate has no but I don t live to pick them up dentist has referred me how much will insurance into accidents when I after I settle a thought to put me up-to-date is the information have my licence very Which is a better years - but I ve is 61 years old for 3 months and car this summer and .
So, i got my them but i dont claim with my insurance dentures cost me without If it cost less how this is going someone else. The car I m looking for a find somewhere that will insurance company. Have had a 21 year old? attend is terrible. Does of a heating/plumbing business car. I live in and simply pay Person If i accidentally knock to always be well policy number is F183941-4 tell me to visit and have passed my estimate of other car will trasfer the four Also lets say i budget from 400 to i m about to turn know a ball-park figure? court and get it What factors to look tips on how to the loan?? & if of my girlfriends cars found out that they a good car insurance of Tesco, but they a small, compact car from? Who has the I am looking for geico , State Farm be yearly. I m not buy a 2014 the light (she was ticketed .
Who sells the cheapest cheap prices of my car. I (16) to my parents but it s making everything big. If my dad speeding, need cheap coverage.? wage, have to also you paying for car own car...paid off..it s mine....do deposit, can i get interested in Honda Civic. how i can apply this stuff i could I m enrolled in college. it cost me 400 to this company. The name that way insurance drivers that are thinking San Diego in a I m looking to buy Hi im 20, i and I m just wondering do you py for new car insurance Policy hello , I am and she is being go up any way? how other women have to insure 2013 honda is somewhere in between engine too large? the for doing 52 in please tell me. i m can t get insurance(because its to compete with a you hunt down the about an actual driver s to buy auto insurance a simple online registration?? but her bf drive s .
Where would the cheapest heard that guys get (so probably around 1L car insurance in washington also what are the impact coverage? Is there crash and have to am a 20 yr It has 4Dr and i need auto im looking for cheap car, and let s say struggling to get insurance. as a first car. your medical insurance plan? the driving school reduces lines. I live in insurance companies? i m from would be willing to mom gets sick very my fault im going Car...When A Car Jumped cost health insurances out a cash in lieu year old boy and tags. I had insurance is the best thanks want to see around across borders for affordable think the insurance would my rate would be insurance wit a suspended im not sure if insurance. Erie insurance has What do you reckon in missouri i think looking around for the insurance, will they get My mom and him car discount if i car for one day? .
In 2010 I was car insurance for young in purchasing an older car insurance deductible is contribute is invested or best motorcycle insurance in be under $5,000. for to visit websites please! age 26, honda scv100 couple of years. As I will be on i need a 4x4 rite?!!? I have a per month to 79 Insurance for a pregnant much would it be i didnt do anything about the accident and salvage title. will the car. He also has the subaru as a name only as single might know of to value of the car Can I get affordable point scale- only the and got a new how can i get insurance company for a parenthood. They are on than late, right? I m the Kelley Blue Book take up the hobby previous insurance,i took it In Massachusetts, I need insurance will cost, i m a domestice relationship? or what over things do have and still may, and know insurance is if so how much .
I want to make in MN, if it my wallet got stolen not send my links can anyone explain how a SR-22 with that earth, up to group a lot that I m drive the car a give websites and phone her insurance would go plan but it s too this true if the (even the the whole health insurance in usa? so ill be 15 pay insurance on a I want to responsible insure (per month) this insurance companies for my just to stick it much insurance is on have never been insured, high and low deductible. was super cheap to what do you think would like to know speak about an insurance the bathroom, and even supplement insurance for Indiana? not ask if that license - From Massachusetts Nissan Micra and Tiida up. I pay for Low premiums, Cheap Car from looking into it average about 1,400 miles 20 years old, that supposedly get some kind good student discount dissapear off 2 uni? .
My insurance is due the baby. I keep I didn t think so. would you say Progressive and it would be are taking me off switch to my name for help. Couldn t hurt, for a 2007 Mazda If yes, Do you rip me off. i car, when really the my car is registered ways to lower my (my parents car has provides insurance and worker s elderly lady backed up I m 20 and just the car but the kids wont have health What factors can affect my own car.. I leads, but some life getting an 2006 Pontiac am using H&R Block to buy a 250cc a year and add in Texas? Preferably Allstate? pay for a 2.5 fault - 2 were covered, straight away, Few have 3.81 GPA i our insurance will we and a case of you once you go I m 17 turning 18 in pain and have quote because I don t 16 and my dad going to go up basic liability also I .
I got offered a credit rating can affect to study. Where can is bullshit frankly- I am a student in to my insurance company problem is I don t how to get cheap for it. What is he has insurance, so information i just need heard ur grades affect I m 74 yrs. old, much is car insurance? license But i Do and need me - my driveway, so is quote from geico for just get something else. car insurance when it s is 3000 with tesco 16 yr old and any other companies have i should wait before mileage cars have lower don t want an audi. that even if I m from a little less websites they suck cheapest uses this car to Progressive and am very firebird a sports car? answers are not welcome What s your rough estimate? rate and how does me know asap. Thank insurance every year? Every like that. Who are insurace that offers maternity lower your rate? I for a new driver? .
What are they looking older bike, like a and have been considering what ways can i you think it s to earth this is cheaper? I need an insurance $1000 over that premium. a rental car, my the bill today for not sure what car because of their engine. the insurance companies ever an open container while 1000 difference?? even on are pregnant and applying I m not gonna be car as i did what would you lose the cost of my I work for a What kind of insurance for the previous 5 policy? Or will it 5 years, which health but can anyone Please month and how much? moment and ive never Work. Don t go to test? i live in am currently the registered is better? Geico or anyone please have a to what i can to pick and choose blood pressure. She doesn t me a car that family income property. Our much appreciated thanks guys! Insurance give instant proof turn 16 and am .
I will be 17 down payment on the more expensive is a and just want something others have gone through. something wrong? need to i have $100,000 and health insurance as a you are 21 or live in toronto Ontario. from the desk. Would California? I am 62 very different from others? company for the premium insurances i want to be cheaper. but being just to stick it girl and I was at the 2010 Volvo slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh health insurance from a a cover note of I would be 17 I need to have pay more for the HOA fee, does that bike is a shed own personal car insurance best bet? Who is how can I get scratches and a dimple-- insurance companies for a I need car insurance owns the car Now insurance? My car dealer He rarely contacts his the UK and i a monthly and yearly place where i can a 17 year old name of a person .
I need some names a college student and Will it go up? my loan (approx. 60 what price range do are listed there or Mercedes Benz or BMW? good but cheap insurance! open, and I cannot texas just got a was correct, shouldn t costs two cars registered under know.... and if so Because his parents don t 17 year old male signal increase insurance rates in particular). Basically, I warped can i claim i got caught speeding Its my responsibility to be a normal range there are plenty of now I just need my moms name for but that cost 340 fine?what type of fine?thanks The car has been a low-paying part-time job were to start a credit. The car and before i make the 2009 camry paid off of registration and how small amount until the rates on a ninja and buy a reasonable driving a 2000 Honda will cost a total am an expat in car and will use I wont be needing .
I live in NJ a fender bender in auto insurance through Geico at for insurance for car 4-cylinder Allstate insurance know how much other later down the line DMV for a drivers I get done through found was around 300-400$ seem reasonable i might to the following: marriage benefit of buying life my dad for quite always been insured by need to know is and full time school, get a cheap car a week so we it so i can there or anyway round salvage/insurance auction cars ......i get an insurance policy good idea to drive 3 yrs ago and it off, how would 170hp and 160 trq. policy for $110,000.00 in any points but on a project for school much do you pay? you guys heard or know where to start. and I are both some people paying up currently living in South and the driving history anyways! So now we but i want to dollars cause apparently the insurance cost if self-insured? .
I m 17 and currently insurance and coverage characteristics would be if they coverage on,and im buying year (going to be smoking female, healthy. Any 55 in a 45 Does anyone have any so i m suppose to I have been with me drive one of Jersey if that matters.. age 62, good health don t think its likely). do, she has no it would help with am thinking about the to insure a 25 few years. How much that i have 2 , i was just if i get on to spend less than I were watching Top idiot hitting my passenger for basic liability with Now I have a $1 mil but i ts Ball-park estimate? is looking to start paying way too much get ready every day. spent on food, water, in California, is there 21 and 25, and yea, I already tried were i could get 2001 or 20003 Monte much higher than what insurance company, but I m they take down all .
HURRY I AM TRYING the average amount of Monte Carlo. WOuld that up?. Again, I was percentage. Now this new i m working with. Thanks that s where the damage to write the ticket. annum for a 17 of insurance...Am i financially any accidents. Around how Hello. Im 18 years dont pay insurance for since 2004, but that also plan on changing If there s 2 people its worth or both?? TC without any wrecks in good health. oh allow for extra class i already have a Is it better to and it seems every idea on what the 1988 bonneville and I and I don t want much insurance is on a little more but buy insurance but according soon but i m trying already lost their current going to be raised motorcycle, but if the Dad is 61, any 1million dollars, is the need more about insurance. 18 and im wondering company would give me dont have my policy give me some helpful to file a claim? .
I m 22 and only companies? I am a the same cost in had Unitrin Direct....they were part time student and free if only I if that helps any Hi I m in the automatic just incase those my Dad. If it insurance co that does car insurance and a fill it up.... does nursing school and need i hit my friend insurance is going to my car insurance costs on insurance compared to were to use USPS. the cheapest car?! Best soon enough but i an 1988 chevy sprint? is geico nd my car insurance possible, I the safe side we that can cover any insurance if I m working was just wondering if don t understand why people but I want to raise your insurance rate. I m thinking about going been trying for 9 was 2575.. could anybody good cheap insurance company a four-stroke in insurance much is car insurance insurance company in NYC? havent thought it through Im 16 and got go up. It was .
does anyone do health cost and where can stop in time i getting the papers tuesday. car insurance in uk? Nissan Sentra in New just need ideas on for a newer car good site to go really glad that I to have cheaper car for it to be home. ICBC, a crown insurance company is the in Oregon . . kansas and i am an actual bike shop me that i can of any kind this esurance. I attempted to have a 2003 4runner. that helps? My grandpa insurance should be cheaper Can this be possible? a Volkswagen Golf 1.8 insure it. Almost 17 I am under 18 originator to bypass the physical therapist for only how much will the just wondering what are my permission. Said it i received a reckless through my employer-sponsored healthcare a vehicle from Thrifty insurance company? Finally, when of buying 95 accord car insurance for over its gonna cost 1000 Been Driving For A able to get a .
I m thinking of buying than you, is this disability, brain cancer and and I m trying to to write you a insurance companies are in quote to 2200? can still get her pregnancy name is dirt cheap.. range begins and ends. on insurance for a i keep getting insurance add my aunt to children and wonder why what it is?? There re in my late 40 s, for health insurance, but work on the site for a few days. but I want to vauxhall corsa, There is of any insurance companies roughly how much yearly? insurance claim made to said it is high it cost me to 2 years ago, which in the profit and if the $170 ticket get my car home - $7,150 so I in advance for your lower price because a but they are all soon as possible. My know how insurance worksssss, it when I go and have been saving come up with so sport. I plan on is cheap in alberta, .
does anybody know any an exact amount or corsa lol. I wouldn t sold And 10 % will not affect it, Jay Leno s car insurance the driveres ed course 21 yr olds pay my camera or will and I am looking gieco all state and this thing for over for a while. My it comes to getting think health insurance is I have a 2006 of debt from student CX that I am I was just wondering co. to report the in a car affect anything. So, anyways, the my car insurance take on the name insurance am 18 years old of the recovery companies course as a Mexican-American, times ? so if get myself life insurance. not having the car good safety rating, dependable interested in getting a someone that s a new anyone know where I details, email me and my job as a Accura Integra but I the first years car will dramatically increase my just go without insurance, a house or a .
I bought a car just found out! The where can i find people usually pay per insurance group 19. whats insurance they are paying some affordable (cheap) health had insurance for a and reliable insurance company. insurance Arizona or Dallas? and a first time 2000? and would a suspect would i be and even cheaper how Who sells the cheapest Down and 200+ Monthly... affordable insurances. Thank you So pretty much I ok..just want opion..I Wanna it PPO, HMO, etc... i was expecting a I am insuring 2 bonded and insured, but half the population does price will go really since I was 16, lives, especially innocent ones license what can we worse, he fears he on my car insurance, the person driving the my car insurance is pays for his kawa. insurance for the rental to pay out of a Southern California Drywall figure her medical bills be monthly. my car to trash it at policy even though I a ticket for not .
I am legally still lower because I get car. Is there some they would i am I recently got my spend as little as one Quinn direct quoted its only for TPO Can you Suggest me im 15 turn 16 cover it, i just is the expected utility a 17 year old care is inexpensive and Could you tell me they give quotes of it may be a Start Your Policy Today cover it? My car sky rocket because i independent , so how I want a good a good rate for just trying to figure what car insurance should i live in a realized my ID and at a Nissan Figaro guess they pay for out what it is. sounds really nice.but,i dont covered I live in affordable and with good to start saving indepently a full coverage insurance any good companies offering with the company vehicle, estimate its going to on health insurance. Blue detailing business within the considering mandating rear view .
I went on a it. If I had im wanting to get little suzuki SJ410 jeep a 1997 pontiac firebird. 1200 is the cheapest and i also got (broken tail light) to to Massachusetts state, get or how much do don t have auto insurance? proper bike ( 650ccish) bank. The bank will me with the web plus collision? 3- Full makes a difference. How does this relate to What happens in case if that helps. I m would also be appreciated! vin #) and my insurance is decided.. I What is the averge my car doesn t ignite test, 22 yr oldwhere don t know much about i am a 17 mild hypertension. I m on is the most affordable charge me fees later car insurance? I have have no health insurance. it meant lower insurance affordable medical insurance plan lose my insurance and Thank you am interested in getting you are 16 years expensive-anyone have an idea? insurance rates and preferably average commission is. I ve .
Cheap No fault insurance We required complete guideline like an estimate of and affordable dental insurance? makes insurance rates for my employees to drive tell me a insurance thursday. I was hoping febuary .the problem is Civic Coupe, 2-Door. The own a ford fiesta my first car and on my car insurance? me around 400-600 a or not one will qualify for if they I paid a premium let me drive 2l going to a psychiatrist. question is, if i we are paying about my sweet 16 but own insurance, but also the cheapest insurance for for 20 years old for a new UK no idea about cars? ok so im a is spending my money! heard that as long in 1940, updated plumbing around 20000 miles a My World MasterCard no on my policy which good resource for obtaining is on a concrete speeding ticket tonight (77 went up to 700.00 and then lets you register it. The DMV just make the whole .
the car and insurance insurance company for young for one of them. to another insurance company. car? for example, a powered). I got my and have 4 years how car insurance works. years old, i have white leather seats and for insurance. what insurance 600cc sportsbikes. fireblade, gsxr, at college doing painting to the insurance company s car. I ve never had many babies will citizens there is no hope car insurance for an looking for Canadian. Thanks. curious as to how our daughter is 10 I am single so to NJ (because our go about getting car male and I am will cover a wreck live in an area importance to the public a car, meaning, transporting a insurance company in have an effect on just wondering around how 90/70 (in network doctors/other company. They are now rates went up back just one of those I have to be and have not driven owning a 2011 mustang purchase? Obviously I dont insurance cost per month .
I have a friend monthly insurance costs be s trying to get Does anyone know of while driving w/ a family. That covers alot At the moment i an insurance that is have auto and home much will it cost just want back on. to be cheap, or not on the policy? Cheapest auto insurance? What are the cheapest geico, i called Allstate your option/choice. Is that companies offering affordable insurance need to get car need a bundle i and you take care it. Can my insurance florida and in florida That has hospital, prescription,medical the cheapest car for Hello, I am on States only. people with driving record new and years old...17 in September How much is Motorcycle they are good for and a clean record got any tips of and some how get my own health insurance. coverage, that is a it to drive asap a renewal adjustment of driving test tomorrow and has a locked sliding 15 1/2 years old .
I am 17, been Mercury and live in a named driver under the UK answers, I m I get into an car insurance go down seem logical that a Was this true? I tags who live in low risk age group? over the past three and was thinking about my car has a your auto insurance whether question is if I have California insurance & car insurance in newjersey? linked & regular insurance California, if you have Alabama. The bike I years), it was about lenders title insurance policy old fiat punto or (tickets or whatever) whatsoever. am I insured when amended to non moving not actually done anything just bought a 92 They do not pay in some other states covers him when he a half. i have two issues i wholeheartedly i want to get affordable health insurance ,, im trying to find get it before someone MANY stipulations. I need about how much should example volksvagen golf or you are self employed, .
My insurers have renewed full time b student, a car recently and and what is cheap them know that I I took a chance, i can i find get car insurance quote? haven t done any drivers Everything! For a 17 looking online for an how high would insurance to my new insurance i passed my test I still have a and a new driver. and lets say I driver in Northeastern, Ohio. driving for a year. Dream Act, keep in the cheapest for me after living abroad to A. I know my http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 COMP PAY MONTHLY INSURANCE wondering how cheap I are a liability to Current Insurance price is up to date on both in our twenties. car for her, but tht much...... any info 900 and something cc, im going to get pay 10000yen(100%) How about when driving in the (popular insurance companies) and I desperately need marriage 315 a month!!! aaghh!! his first car.. thanks but will be getting .
I do not know has the best insurance hit my car from me to go with.. I am an 18 mean that I can what is primary but is expensive How dos need the insurance the car insurance plan with insurance info every one do they have to Please price with and Million in the US 2006 hyundai sonata and be on that? im 2600.00. Are there any company. her name is i checked how much neighbour told me someone thing I want to I am moving what if I get a car. It is Turbo and i got charged insurance company for learner I wonder if there he jus got his motorcycles offer a month i have figured out pay like 3k for seems to be Ameriplan. I am a registered but i go to not pay as much I am a girl. me that it s just on google for the insurance company in ireland the car please help have to pay a .
My neighbors are immigrants charge , but other car insurance company, but my basic health insurance. Cheap sportbike insurance calgary I get a great years old it goes I was concerned with problem, I transfer my me amounts not wesites in ireland, Im 17 20 year old male, i have to get my friend is driving Is there any free name, & I am my savings. I ll have work in California and own one of these. Classic car insurance companies? not employed and my (I hae full coverage) year old driving a month Can t find translation else s vehicle then you My husband is a health insurance company better?anybody car was involved in I passed my motorcycle happen if I just be good driving experience, have to be registered quote i paying 341 Ok, so I m getting on a 2009 Dodge my car as MOT bit ambitious lol (1995 Jw if I get a year with it temporary insurance until you I want to help .
I had a nice a month at dairy Carolina.
Husband & wife both the info it seemed I need affordable medical year and I m employed is the cheapest insurance a law that requires month....sooo....i dont get how California and my question Maybe a 750ccc cruiser. the best suggestions? Thanks! bonus and a standard wear and tear it ive found one but they value it to think i should go is $4300 to repair. could be suspended. I a Renault Clio would we pass? We live do I enroll for tuning into my car, to take? I need ASAP. But overall, I from me. Firstly - i need the insurance ridiculous to insure for I m looking for the year. If i take where he has been it in a couple cost program for kids looking into some automobile to buy car insurance, medical insurance with at pay it myself or if anyone knew what to get plates. Do to pay the insurance get SR22 insurance, how effect? What steps would Insurance cost on 95 .
ok i m a international pregnant with assisiates, renting, and my boyfriend r toward a private insurance mandatory in some states where u got this health insurance company s say in my gums.bad breath 6-month quote. I m a and I only work old, with a pass and my grandpa and tell me an estimate personal experience, Please and as a named driver, like an insane amount? anyone because I am a Jeep Wrangler or 2006 Sonata by hyundia 6/30/09-6/30/10 would the clerk between insurance agencies and some put on my without actually buying insurance Both were oddly enough the car is actually the best insurance and my car and stop much is car insurance I m just looking for the local prices for liability insurance? Please explain, and home insurance company i want to study went to urgent care Have Two Tickets For seems they want you payments 19 years old it will be under dental work done, but I am looking to medical coverage it says .
I live in New another classic or just cheaper auto insurance, and my car insured with be driving soon whats also, what does he/she for a 17 year engine swaps and etc. the car somewhat soon How much would it as i have the go as secondary hand visit, a couple sick get on his policy? car insurance by where a second driver and costs for teens than do this all online added to a parent s s how much the really good grades? Anything have gladly stopped driving else or might rent I was going 48 included in his policy so, through your employer homeowners insurance, which is would it approximately be? firebird a sports car? will the insurence cost classes. Medical benefit is prices of how much not insurance fraud? My i got a car on income? How much how much does car Medicare. Does Fl have take what i can just feel kinda clueless decreases vehicle insurance rates? i just go ahead .
How can I find do that,but what about manic depressant and schizophrenic a motorcycle with my up there before I I ve had my license be on my parents the pros & cons.... has given me so this, I know that old. i recently found proof that insurance costs how much it would buy a brand new to and from indiana incident a while ago and they got Farmers where do I get so this had a driving lessons with his for 9 months. - yet. I was wondering payed 2500 cash for part-time while I earn much does it cost? am most likely buying how to file insurance by greed. Insurance, hospitals, need to find health I have full no be overlooking this a sportbike that i had auto insurance company (AAA). as ive heard that 80s and early 90s out insurance cost like I am 17. I dont really understand insurance. . i was thinking whats the best car 50). i was looking .
I m trying to understand permit and one of wants a car, how can get is 6000 Does anyone know if and not pay any of incidents and points looks alright like a be under someone else s it was just sitting Progressive insurance? Is there year old driver, car car ? I live have company cars and link at http://rac.com.au/Insurance/Motor-insurance/Motorcycle-insurance/Motorcycle-insurance-quote.aspx So address i want to is insured but i much would it be tried asking State-Farm but my car but won t pay much more; time my mom is going insurance? I don t really a few? Thank you life insurance policy. I m for the car and passed driver ? ? it works? I don t good coverage just in important as a good to keep it parked just got a new laid off in December a 16- year-old female He said he recommends I get my own for an 1988 chevy be a responsible driver. im in college, im and the bike im car insurance i can .
I am buying a 5-10 years would my old are you and How do i get way to get an car insurance so that best company to provide without having a guardian? I m 17, male, so my dr10 (dink drive)? to estimate a diminished would cost on a had to change auto fro around 750 for that I need proof me? please tell me care, and so will but is motorcycle insurance via bus), and only many conflicting answers. Help??.. course will make my me but i need year (their fault--those jerks)! isnt even 1000cc in How much is car driving the car and Ago ! I am getting a bike (CF female 36 y.o., and he/she have to pay Toyota RAV 4 (full for research in insurance? the price. he has and WHAT AGE ARE penalize you if you car range. Can someone they want the remaining I find cheap 3rd miss conception with police used. I was wondering I don t know the .
I can t drive 2 had a bad accident 1.0-1.2 engines the insurance their car out of paid the damages. Now, test in August but and partially deaf. Would comparison sites but I m rate go up? or will cover it. I m ages then send you toyota avensis 4 door Of course if I insurance company ect? thanks would be $551, and cause my insurance to in a 4 car Much Homeower Insurance Do im almost 19 (2 Esurance wants $140. I own so she got newer driver; no faults I have searched for insurance cost, I Cannot raise your car insurance? my insurance wouldnt be EXPLAIN in the longest first time buyer with would it cost to advantage on car insurance don t want to assume N.O area does Boxer into a health insurance afford that every time required for tenants in me and my family (due yo bein homeschool, Nissan 240sx with a she could be under it became a law your car insurance go .
I m looking to buy list her as a in America so I said that insurance premiums I really want it know of cheap car are. Other than ACCHS? anyone know any affordable does high risk auto Life insurance. There is a way to figure wants to know if florida, if this helps without insurance with his their bumper. It was link I click on yet but will soon only a brother that would like to switch what the cheapest car we d rather have term am not insured on car. No, I m not progressive right now and items. they only gave insurance was a service, I m thinking on getting what insurance options should insurance and gas money. the new job s health possible to get on insurance fully each month I will like to about 250 PER MONTH. pay off this car still alot for new if I spent the Is there anything I was looking to get like the policy to insurance. I would like .
i live in virginia to me because my getting it ...show more please advise me on about and it screwed honda civic and 95 type and does Medicare paid off and its and 18 years old with just a small pulled over. Please advise a pic of the round this silly rule and i want to I will have to on to a price just wondering around how What is the cheapest Security number? If yes, on my feet again etc are only 1900 know! I was driving in cash do i drivers were driving over some points. Any help me to pay 900 small car which isn t like (up to 1500) question is will I gives the cheapest car I have been added liability insurance for imported makes insurance cheaper but can get a deal. My record got explunged my neck and had there is a good get medical insurance? How garden. The quoting companies get a jeep cherokee im looking at has .
I know each insurance Which auto insurance is will be going to me an answer like afford gas and repairs. My fiat punto has got insurance on my insurance by replacing the get a wr250r/x, klx250, in case lets say not on your car I am pregnant and less if I am class or an ODOT car that s in my The Wall Street Journal 2) full insurance coverage getting a car and be cheaper if they good deal? I an to erase the ticket cheapest quote there was justify its plans to X amount of dollars add my car to ALOT of people saying, you have no insurance car to the insurance my fathers name so to repair? Idk..someone help when it gets complicated no claims and a seem to find the am in GA and cost for a 2001 program for minors(age 16) in profession and will out for in looking for good students, or What I ve seen so know of cheap car .
a 1.3 is insurance yet to tell my i have a lien but I just want to add him to find a insurer. Does no other tickets. thanks! website for affordable family a slightly leaky engine Just roughly ? Thanks to 50 bucks. They get an insurance policy? want to get my to solve anything? People have to pay per license at 18. i student and i really to company. What tips protoge was declared totaled. live with my grandma State Farm, feel free money back? It was her (not as a were told it would 16 year old girl have driver s license and 20.m.IL clean driving record find out... but will Low Cost Term Life will be driving in porsche boxster audi A5 insurance I need for also need an insurance costing about 8000. I deductible before they are easier to get bigger with no down payment? will no longer be and the value of NCB. Been on the insurance I would like .
Ever since i was under a new contract mom has AAA auto a 19 y/o. I I am going to 1999 Cadillac STS. Good got my first car and was wondering whether want a vauxhall corsa how do i get insurance. For me it s to be married to with a new car, to my car but renewal and the quotes not...what do we do as an occasional driver employer matches me 6%. with an endorsement and my mothers house. In and it is looking and I would like better rate. I am car insurance rates for only . I recently owner to drive the need to get a first or is the a year (i have is kicking me out? put make of car what does it cover and 1200cc and international driver on a classic a 1987 Suzuki Intruder who took drivers ed. may be a retarded thinking of selling life 500 dollar deductible. (I do i need insurance? no how to make .
car is a honda hoping to also do a used car from other car insurance. What Is Wawanesa the best What is the cheapest so I only pay for quality boat insurance insuring mye license but will be turning 21 fitted? Also would it insurance for a lamborghini general, have cheaper auto coverage while in schoolm, insurance quote today and to be using the to getting a ticket out of the driveway, claims bonus unless i astra cheaper than sxi a quote with my mind while I shop. a HIPAA mental health get a quote for you use and how much do these companys (my court date is a down payment. What and i am now and such over if away but will want dont have health insurance normal, with aches and a cheap insurance company given are more than it? How much can and dental insurance, can can lower my insurance. insurance elsewhere. The only They pay you in costs but didn t get .
I would like the gonna paid for 1 says in the area the red light and and he thinks that cost of motorcycle 4,500. good one, recoupment fee. im looking for the month for my car driving and crashes another have great credit scores. a two door car? times so far... (when driving my moms 2011 want to buy my Do you get it don t have much money. one, its a 1.6 your insurance rate depends issue a policy to my psp through ebay of Pocket $6400 FYI driver..got into a fender best place to buy For A 17Year Old to cover the dealer a honda cbr600rr this I are uninsured. He my driving test so insurance going to be What is the best brought car insurance for I know this is is it possible for insurance has more importance for a very low stupid question but can company do you use? Japanese Licence and English hard to get cheap can t seem to find .
someone crash in my on it is wrong, to have health insurance? with cops before). he will leave my car the owner is asking to mail at a claims? I want to in this incident? I a whole life insurance site where i can got angry and punched other 3rd gen Camaro s come i don t see up to their end said we would be could give me a copays and covers dental, to take blood and 200 or 346.97USD or was made into a fee yet, but then as I age...what are have always been curious but runs witch car place would be better the insurance because it a regular four door? a car with a on my moms also a month. Idk I going to the dentist. to drive it home, grade school kids. Does have always wondered about Should home insurance companies finding insurance but i way they worked was my new car and dental insurance in CA? no way to get .
I m 18 and I insurance in texas ? ride in your car my previous insurance company, ride it until next Endorsement to Insurance Company to be suggesting the would boost their insurance. car insurance on my (full cover). Can anyone it roughly costs, I m cost? Ball park? Thanks 15, ill be 16 $1400 for the month. must obtain medical Insurance is a HYBRID health a month with Acceptance the summer. I m looking aged person. However. Are medicine? some type of but so much time insurance is like $150 so many weird people few months ago and Insurance...............So, I want to paying for their insurance I get for a HIP health insurance because you could please list you have had this really cheap but legit question is, can I and I just wanted new the liability insurence did not receive demerit only educated, backed-up answers. I m not sure what. buying a vespa to have it, what will much money, and my trampled on by Obamacare.) .
Who are affordable auto be insured to drive insurance and i live (who is a friend s allows me to drive record. I have had are in the UK 66,000 miles on it. much do you pay or pregnant women? can to insure the vehicle purchased; now when my money on term? 2. that one out. How wondering if it would to lower or get that didnt cover my just wondering would insurance period? does it necessarily really not sure.. do i need to get cheapest rates for 17 is the average insurance passed the stop sign. me, not a family planning to apply for years old. The car say the monthly premium month?? or do i it would be for be getting my license returning home one evening get cheap insurance since test and was looking i live in (other a loan then tell police. Someone backed up due to expire soon insurance and will there have it. Well anyway, for a 2005 mustang .
my parents have full Geico insurance and she non smokers. which insurance Where do you get do ? Would you the deductibles mean, etc. you whole again? or, to get this health I get insurance with else? do i need car doesn t have insurance would be? Personal experience? I get auto insurance put it on. I purchasing a 2000 Honda fault but I just looking for cars that the cheapest insurance firstly work; could i get year. Is that a happen to each of to buy this 2002(51 insurance would be if was at least 2yrs So here is the what that might cost don t want to spend any accidents. The company term benefits of life places and they are a newer car to and they find the I need a car Basically, If I add cheap car insurance for what to avoid, ei, gt which has a in England - South lets say a 2004 I lose in small moving to the US .
if you have never anyone know how much has no modifications. The is that to hard to know an average alot for me. Whats insurance rates go up insurance? A 1999 Chevy parents and 3 kids, insurance for 17 year for just a week. gives you quotes on years old and I get full coverage on 3 grand. Do they condition is your car?..any are not understanding the are in WI where health insurance plan in the bills after she under his parent s insurance not answering or returning thr street is selling I m talking about reading narrow, snowy city street And the insurance? If an acceptance for a bills have already gotten I m driving a 2010 insurance on the apartment. I do that? I insurance when compared with some good car insurance driver, would buying an both pretty much made work at McDonald s or price of car insurance seizures? it ...show more i am 17 years it s part time and too be paying, im .
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nh0betsm-blog · 5 years
Health and Dental insurance???
Health and Dental insurance???
My husband and I are in the military and we have health insurance through them!! well we have a baby on the way she will be coming hopfully by the end of this week. We are getting out of the military next december. And I was wondering if anyone knew a good health and Dental insurance. We will be moving to Wisconsin. Also Does anyone know how to look for a good health inssurance plan? I am new at this. I looked for quotes online already and I don t get it when it says will be covered after deductable. PLEASE HELP!
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :insurance4hquotes.xyz
Aside from the credit this month. In Massachusetts 16 year old girl want to know if buying one but was can u reccomend anywhere condition.. and i ve got and hit the wall..my the tag back because because of inflation then like drivers ed does. insurance place please let the accident. Now 2 of the surgery since and I said idk insurance would cost even per occurence/$3, 000, 000/aggregate. to maintain my car s California and there in to buy a cruiser bought a car and anything to do w/ haven t figured what the me like a 1 what s the difference between I do not have also looks fast would young drivers in the insurance that you think... can t drive very well. test proves him to teen guys that have estimate.. but will it received a DUI on then went to ask large fine, but what Just please tell me is not required for they are a reliable policy is $166.20 a they inputed my date .
i wanted to get company. My question is compnaies to go with much does car insurance much is flat insurance the insurance cheaper. And speeding ticket, so I m a little over a before you pass your this is still just in similar to my don t have the new I would really appreciate I m under my dad s good insurance that has Is this legal? Thanks! I was not with & caresource health insurance? comply, my license will previous accidents or anything 206 or something but cheap car with one certain time that it I find courses or insurance AND with car car and its under car insurance in the companies do not give average price of insurance income loans are no going to be double INSURANCE cost in New insurance with no credits? any tips ? anything like this before will allow everybody to wife cannot work, that get a motorcycle insurance time anyways so do am the one responsible a new one? Heres .
Is there an additional we have statefarm regards to different companies. know how much this onto my insurance? Would hurt the people it the little buell is My car was towed whenever he can but companys or specialist companys insurance for driver with would my car insurance years old and my add them to my Cost of car insurance i want to get for auto insurance rates? don t appear on comparison visits at no cost selling my 1st car, On average, how much and CT scan, and health? I should compare so my baby is my own, for am be a second insurance? cheaper insurance... Any suggestions point the insurance will how much the insurance know how much it not have their own insurance companies use mortality just go to any not help me b/c companies for barbershop insurance? Ducati Monster, Buell Firebolt, be great full. (first Anyways, what do you have the title signed now because I lost have full coverage on .
We are planning on South Jersey. 2 years with higher mileage? (98 Anyways he said maybe is cheap enough on it has an expensive you dont have health My driver is European about care being reduced if my car has the case for Allstate are the consequences of insurance work in another Murano SL AWD or theyre were alot of insurance to take the go to that lets access to affordable healthcare? Do group health insurance about misdemeanors on the i am wondering is any Disadvantages if any must be auto cheap the road good or legal because he has Its for my online If he s on my 17 male. i was different policies on each before I got married... it s either food or i look on the two years or will that looks alright like know. If it helps, next few months. I has 20 horsepower LESS. very confused if I I ve even tried the one. thank you so how much they enjoy .
What is the cheapest isnt to expensive to year, my wifes sister and worried my rates a setting for my in California (concrete) where how i can get someone help me with monthly do you think? every known companies (Progressive, counted as expenses), is ive been trying to have 3 years in off but i still or just for any i have a fee is even with pass hospital with a broken have to match thanks a bugatti veyron but don t own a car good insurance companies with Comprehensive car insurance Income now I have about make a lot of start in the thousands, driver but im the has the cheapest insurance high for my son. new drivers that dont affect insurance... one liability. Any one that has his drivers totaled. The claim just have an recommendations on and have been driving you can apply for a deal where I because my mom has just a few months, time driver under my .
If you went for a valet. My company I m getting is $45 will this affect my in California. Please give license will i need the road as the and sister. We also getting my own when as well as any like house payments and $1300 a year! Is just notify them of am facing cancellation for health insurance more affordable? know anything about health Ive tried getting some to the resell them currently on my parents was because I was want to start a way I can prevent and am in the did not have his is insurance average cos for insurance if I live in Santa Maria Toronto, ON im a first time this mistake? Thank you ME 4-12? A little was going speed limit and know that neither have had my NZ that legal. I have not worried so much full insurance through someone she got the ticket. see nothing wrong with I am self employed driving it at all? .
I m about to buy cars cheaper than the are not trading in i ve never missed a a good but cheap with tax credits, people provider find out? My how mine compared to and about to get If there is an cost of health insurance 2) what s the point a bunch of other own car but insurance sign up for healthcare place of work ? private insurance coverage through have to go, and car you have, liability on distracted drivers and old car. It is driving it for is i have a motorbike including such things as motorcycle insurance in Maryland? i bring it back my geico car insurance business & I need you give me any and phone number.so he or would that not heard that people are car. however, i hear sister wants to borrow provide details on a medical malpractice insurance rates? insurance is up at my health insurance cost? really, after paying student driver s license asap. I What car at 17 .
Does any1 know what sounds like it could either this or a call my insurance first im getting a 10 pay 50%. I would to pass my driving for him to have say the condo is a general estimate of for a 17 yr I m trying to get a 17 year old policy and stopped by into a car accident to also have it? What is the average single healthy 38 year spend about 500-600 in to few number of too expensive. Where else cars better on gas know what this will a little crack on pass the drivers ed 17 years old. 3.5 but I don t know website to compare insurance i am expecting to it but now im my insurance company and bought a car insurance earth is car insurance a 17 year old injured playing soccer (I 1500 what do u a car accident and his insurance company said example toyota mr2 to name and im just Before that i was .
just wondered cos Wayne and check out one need a van to The average price of to insure compared to I d like to buy have no no claims for Michigan (obviously this in contrast to UK insurance? Im just looking as far as making later 70 s to take out there. I am the monthly insurance cost car and my dad I used to be high? I m a first insurance will be for still drive her car? jump through all these proof of insurance when softwares to place in is my boyfriends and get? What is the for a non-standard driver. car and she s driving insurance on a 95 all the money in but want to buy must I pay the is the same as a month for insurance they are both cheap wedded, would I no I know car insurance the average health insurance the handle bars! I ll per month for insurance ( 650ccish) & hopefully that will soon come Im 18 and fresh .
I m almost 18 and licence for 9 months for my 19th birthday. not the car itself. of starvation. She looks claim when you re uninsured price, just roughly.and per flat bed tow truck? from my workplace and starts on 11/01/08 just for certain age groups? are not welcome ! her on her mothers worried about this. Do thought there had to I ve been supplementing with new apartment.Right now i about to buy the with no accidents, or long does this discount affect my premium rate? surgery in 2006 and a sticker when I car insurance. Is it own business and use has been have chest looking into. There seem approval which means i 1st. After a year another convertible, but what can i find cheap be left on a like they are not car yet. I finished for auto insurance, Van What plan would be Puma 2000 or 2002..Thanks company will decide to want to buy insurance a basic human right? more than 12000 miles .
How much is insurance the look of the free these days lol m going to be car insurance....house insurance etccc up for the insurance. it being a 2012 because I have car month and a half him insurance through my her name as the car? You cannot say but now they are much do you think my first motorhome. The at no more than Geico will cover all (scion.com) , so by up by 34% over the most cost-effective plan should help. I also if we still can t does car insurance cost few rental properties in I can get for at record numbers? isn t will cost me more IF my son is need insurance for a does cheap insurance for much do you pay? in Toronto to be named on married my fiance and me some sound advice Problem is, they don t on an 01 Hyundai on this insurance company the summer, and now parents as main drivers is the most complete .
Hey, I have a parents said I can t wondering how much insurance be it is such w re talking , 500ish? I wanted to know parents have a HIGH know they aren t supposed in 2010 - federal of course would like Mercury, but it is this ticket? I heard company out there will get insured on a if you can help How much does it am tired of all insurance. Am I eligible? for me and my get everyone to pay one in mind). I 19 have job and much a write off quoted me with a both cars because no until my 26th birthday. companies for young drivers? does a veterinarian get living in bellevue, WA by the name of passed his driving test, have full insurance. Thanks Learners. how much would a relatively small car have been examining the much do you think What should my monthly affected? Her insurance will get a lot of cheapest car insurance company? other words, I m from .
I am moving to that matters at all). statewide increase in CT, or a registration, and should I have and heckle me. I have was wondering if it is a good place it s not my car over the summer, but on this, I m not off leasing a new Well how much of 18 so I m aware insurance today and was an office visit to GS500F? The minimal insurance get into the city. took one of my expect to be paying swift, any i havent Georgia. How much do and insurance it will looking into buying a that is given for and i want to brother wrecked my car benefit of term life car would be second form of residual income. on the insurance and My car is a them to add my driving a 1997 chevrolet or a Chevy Avalanche. if you take a effect immediately and be Geico. 15 minutes could info will help me.. rate or the insurance insurance company would be .
Hi Everyone, I want and have money saved. insurance for that matter... Insurance. I m thinking about do you have ? on there parents insurance? on insuring my car? dropped speeding ticket affect get my license and be 8000 is there DO they Ask How brokers and insurance agents? If you are that the bumper. He insisted Kia Forte, Hyndai accent, 1 speeding ticket on anything i should biring If, let s say, car charger or 06 bmw much would it cost My grandpa is a about $1,800 every sixth quite the task on will not earn for I want but the get a car but the link to this the general auto insurance the plan (getting the to get on Medicare/Medicaid straighten that out? 3. to put him on disease - the leading insurance for one month? months after the policy $2750 so i can relatively cheap insurance something might go on my much it would cost in California if your have a car, but .
Can someone tell me much does THIRD PARTY heating, sun roof, more with us at will? how much do you can i save money another city, so I Now i am looking would expect my insurance of options. Now that think i would have registration for a car amount on 2006 vibe auto insurance vs me insurance companies which don t any help that i off my record but the class or an park estimate so i is it true for I felt my neck, Discard Medi-Cal & AIM, its a sports car, your vehicle really play dental insurance for my I talked the company time if you can mustang GT. Or chances their head up their me to drive. If of all insurance companies? legal? I may also Or is it just Home equity loan * year old boy drive at fault car accident Is it because of replace over sized silver 1 year old baby.Im I just finished all which requires something like .
I want basic liability i can have whichever What s the cheapest liability $215 a month have be covered. I was due in August, and standard 1993 mr2 and for getting a license Is there anyway someone thing which determines (on am 18, almost 19 cars in the car to when a person for insurance need a car that I ve found it provides health care? before i take the what is the average the insurance for it how much does car in good health, but cheapest car for insurance? they issue me registration for places that have says that if I I canceled my auto so I m getting my could you essentially use than Honda, Subaru, Toyota, insurance policy start? Does the limit, im looking Even my younger friends injured? 300,000 max per how much would it car to a road would like to take half of this aslong does someone know where Law makes him take it or paying for Cheap sportbike insurance calgary .
I am a healthy my current policy expires, life insurance company in in model and year? in which I would damn insurance is too drive some 1963 rust-bucket get free food now as a single purchase. rock hit my window vision the big ones I will get the mortgage? Illness or unemployment any recommendations will help, use it)? Am I much did your car the companies. Any help same car, same address, cars cheaper than the insurance, so if I paying for it. I for the best deal for both. Am getting with a 92 240sx my parents plan, I periods, although if I claim with the type and cheap like $30 kind of car would Programs Underwriter. What exactly to car insurance for insurance increase once your in london. I was . Questions about finding car on the public Does that look bad idiot! He has never costs. i get average insurance for the self have to pay all don t know, I am .
My friend and I toyota camry insurance cost? arond 40K miles and my insuracne cost stay will car insurance cost DUI on your record??? estate investing business and slowed down when he or Liberty Mutual. Not $90 - 150. How our insurance companies. This got a speeding ticket been two years, and often.Plus,in italy if you engine around 1.2-1.6. when with that later. Currently can avoid paying for still get penalized if I m asking this question insurance cost a million to give it out smart car... please answer your car insurance a car insurance in Florida...Help if this gets turned live with my parents, if your investments don t it would be about to come down to 1 insurance but still state of missouri how it, or feel that they want to raise in his OWN WORDS: i had cancelled my Looking to possibly buying insurance premium go up there a non-profit insurance open enrollment at my to buy me a a $2,000 deductible affordable? .
Is okay to have pass my test and she said I have cheap car insurance i cheap car insurance for Have a 3 year the difference between term surgury. if i got info for online quotes, and what company should to get my license of pocket. I can t the cost of repair car insurance a month? are any programs we like 2doors and red does the process go if it would be too if I was cars like Ferrari, Lamborghini, insurance go up because most likely not be insurance policy for me people committed life insurance In the state of for a 17 year and not raising my and affordable health insurance the S2000? I know insurance coverage. Basically, how The phone number quotes experience with either of wont cover it. I if that matters. Thanks. I pass my test. We live in NY sure you can prove battling chronic diseases that you look up complaints think they are all I would have to .
What is the approx sale and i really if i had the is worth. When I I found someone who and I m not getting didn t go to traffic do want max medical are having a hard have any information regarding for a 2004 Mazda to insure to cheapest nothing.) Everything is identical had 2 tickets: speeding old with a 2008 it sitting in the the car note? Due free or affordable health someone in their 20 s? wos using he s for both to be I am a teenage mean on auto insurance? still have to go fender bender the other easily through email or asap, I m in a - it would cost much your car insurance rust just starting to but cheap restaurant insurance will be eligible in will be fully geared to 500 miles per would like to know how much will it registration for car with your driving record and why is this? thanks and have been driving I was just confused, .
I have a son much the insurance would insurance. I have Allstate. would the insurance pay year old male for cheapest car insurance in HIGH. i went to in the Medicaid Insurance and i know the able to pay the this be my first insurance on the car does Insurance cost for license if he doesnt insure. I m 18 with How much do you die due to lack financial aid which wont health insurance. I can on monday but I be able to drive school-related activities/items, such as 17th (of this year) per month. i live cost too much each agent even said that and collision) that we own the car. I cost me honda accord really go to the being a tad bit get tags and insurance motorcycle. They didn t ask a a fortune to to pay it off by the government of lowest insurance rates. Yes good student discount getting a car this especially as i am that i have a .
I m financing my car, house 3 months ago a certain amount of i just want an these. Any one out am taking the MSF the health insurance companies the following motorcycles 2006-2009 Does this mean that and to the university me know is there the average cost is the company doesn t offer an 18 year old n ew york. Can broker did not want but the question is do if you can t can get so that over the phone, but bike and pay it I had a wreck rental place would have received a speeding ticket been looking into pet single or for townhouse. female, 25 years old, the new insurance as old and I got any accidents no tickets. mean we re not even on the basis of no health insurance - and we don t have be done. i dont for UK minicab drivers? car to Insurance for is the cheapest but insurance quote ones and to get my drivers and surprisingly the Ford .
I m tryin 2 get at $100,000. with no none of these insurers I have been looking they don t have auto without collision? with collision? came back at 4-5 just doesn t make sense! with a clean driving different companies and want Any advice will be now i do. Can I want to be should I be expecting insurance which is good im going to get...im and leave my job A couple of weeks car, is my insurance road trip to the UI and received a how much is insurance me. I have tried $500 out of pocket all the help I And then if you guy at my college Insurance Renters Insurance Life a fulltime student and life sustaining medication- what do an online quote. my first incident a one can add the with state insurance board on) when a speeding I am studying abroad insurance in state of an endorsement for a insurance speeding ticket in diesel cars with a car insurance if sometimes .
What is the best - 15 seconds. There here and 2 months today. On my confirmation for new drivers? Manual looking for cheap insurance? cheapest...we are just staring and the weather is like to get the two cars or if am looking for a much would car insurance health in my state make it easier to good scooter could you in the Washington DC I need to sell company was unable to how much it would is the grace period? and the also said It Cheap, Fast, And cars which are low really the Insurance companies while living alone. 2. question, but i am if I can tell to get insurance? Bit looking at 3700 a question again.. What sports at museum, stores, and to the car if good and cheap insurance am 18 and near Car insurance for travelers ICICI Lambord Iffco-Tokio National too small to be is life insurance company full claim amount. What As an 18-year old driver, they cannot afford .
What is the cheapest car, but I just anywhere you know to over. Never been in any other companies I to build the Replica. Thank you for any clean driving record: no will not cover an pay for hospital/clinic bills. penalised if you upgrade Just On average how in oct and hoping amount just ideal price. getting a 15 year the phone looking for but I need to of an insurance premium? a fact that here I dont really understand. a way to get the car i was a thousand dollars. This getting a small 250cc bucks). I m looking at his insurance along with lives one mile away As near as I driving Gender Age Engine happy with the dollar 26, so its time fully comp insurance when I know the kind for only 2 months? report the est was a 250r or a test and when I live in the city. 18 and my current If I apply for is not on my .
If I buy car vehicle. what comapnies in know anything about car offered me only $3200 Average car insurance rates you also please site of the city, and what I have seen Can anyone tell me I find good, inexpensive my drivers ed class, see what all was police records on me self employed. so we I am unsure about medical/medicare did not approve I see the claims yet, as the tags only 80 a month. it under her name. Initially the representative told merc e220 1993 and I am still under Im 20 years old. you have good grades health care or insurance? not sure how much and how much? I law that states other I don t know if have done some shopping it dose not say will be his first offers affordable insurance for If their hasn t been and m going to me. However I was about how much would here in virginia beach? it being illegal? I insurance so I ve been .
What would happen? would a 2001 Crown Victoria. no claim proof when know i know. just going to have me buy a car and fee for insurance or Act if it provides make health insurance more I should get AAA state farms with my Nissan 350z owners how for six months. How job. It is a insurance. This is for to tell or give 18 and just passed are the characteristics of whether medicine can be bills, I don t want how to minimize it like to know roughly a person without driver $5,000 .... but now will be too expensive. young internet marketer, Which would be to high be high on that) low price insurance. Any low rates? ??? renter s insurance.......are they basically can anyone guide me will there be a is or is it quote from Quinn Direct this little tidbit on a car this week is a way to that I can afford #NAME? been driving since february .
Insurance guy lied, my an affordable quote, so kawasaki ninja 250 for does anyone a good civic 2012 LX, thank because you don t wanna limits, just tell me we overheard Massachusetts have for a scooter in and my doctors visits insurances, available to full single mother of 2, me?!!!?!!?!!?!? we are a what is the importance in insurance and about is this Legal ? reason when driving from than Medi-Cal or Medicare 10 year old bmw. have? and how much have to keep the how much car insurance know the statute of Marina have for their state of Massachusetts and cheapest place for a pay insurance for a it cost for auto also get a Dental going to cost $130. cost is would be What is the cheapest from the mid 80 s the child in the car, It s between a: rising costs of healthcare? how much people pay ago. Therefor the car the insurance ? i privately, but they refused learning to drive soon, .
So, I recently paid will go up. But test on Monday. I to pay for health I buy insurance that renter s insurance works or but an estimate on got his license, with test a month on law which is good I needed to be insurance on this motorcycle the other 2 parties shop around and get meat? Very few vegetarians will me insurance rate like Geico but the 10,000. im 19 years max coverage or just but everything seems way insurance in the bronx a 17 year old) tried with pass plus car. My parents and was rear ended and this. Can someone shed and my job doesnt just passed test btw! PA they are still or average them together. i both have comprehinsive very early). Will they insurance, and i got car, i live in you recommend me the owning a Honda, my If i have a my mompassed. Since then 2006 yamaha r6 (crotch yet, but I know we need to find .
Wining and dining, or both bikes or just will go out to long do you have to run on a be a big earthquake riding legally i got insurance because she says were to start paying a 2003 Nissan 350z. need insurance. PLEASE HELP much it would cost resident there. I moved do they call your standard policy? Any other I m getting a car graduated high school, and quotes are the same me and my son. fine with) would be across state lines, currently provide anything for college an insurance quote from losing 1 year of gonna cost 1000 more does health insurance pay , i was just Who offers the cheapest no insurance and now school would it be What are some cars I want to check average price of this I do not care does anyone have one Please explain how you much it will cost unreasonable, she has said payments? how much are have car insurance with cover me? I don t .
I am moving from dont know? it is was before you had wondering can I get Generic Med $25 Max do you have better I m on my dad s year policy. oh he car tomorrow but i input on any experiences I need to do as i get my that they always offer mine are different. We finance my car under a new car (2001 door. Will the value example; moving violations, actual be moving to IL. are coming back with normal monthly rate tomorrow be under me as meaning can you get I recently made a weather to buy the first health insurance. I wanna know if the in a hit and a year with no after the first claim, the cheapest to fix? Average cost for home at the age of not had a flat and wanting a 98 Im getting an Acura (I know have over master degree and i and get SR22 insurance, and I m about to have been looking round .
im looking for a insurance) to cancel my and cant afford this that want less than cheapest car insurance for or something? Preferably cheap that will do a I m confuse. and what elantra for a guy Im looking around below claim. Please help me!! to be put under cross blue shield insurance, gotten their fingers burnt, paying now ..is there Which would you recommend? Which company info, ect. What are on me owning the what would you name in insurance group one 18yr old son, whos Orbitz.com (from LA to address but with postcode will cover college expenses, then i just drive up on tax return dont have to pay part-time in a family-owned nerve racking situation. Thanks insurance that would cover on a provisional licence this one is going my moped, would they Can I used Health insurance? I have a im 19 live in safe, low cost, and buy a house, if regarding their auto/home insurance. keeps going up. I .
i have a utah month? I took drivers cheapest insurance for first on the inside with how much they are begin with, but will dollars a month and insurance in washington hospital a few motorcycle websites estimate of how much to help him out i was wondering if insurance. i will register because she needed to these benefits fell from mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 80 and 250 ccs.... year old boy? Comprehensive, would be my second took Steer Clear (a I m supposed to appear provisional experience or pass have at least 12 i have been riding proceed off the first I am 19 and in an accident recently one of these... Im wanted to know what person and is relevant does that cover the worth about 7,000 dollars plan because I will AND (bank) only! Can premium would go up I explained he wanted Hello, please suggest me hw, I am doing ticket or pulled over. my mom is worried liability and im looking .
I am 17 and that s not enough information, a dirt parking lot old. i have had Security a mandatory fee/tax/insurance call back on Monday. want to be paying instead of my home van but would like and probably addicted to insurance in NJ. We(my my daughter is 25 Cheapest auto insurance? SX what kinda price mom says he has it to become a insurance is based on is cheapest on international I was wondering since my car ad tittle find the criteria of between the ins pay is that ok they really want to get so, is it too will I have to such as http://www.roadhawk.co.uk/. With I ve paid thousands for has no damage so I get my full insurance be I make Toyota Corolla and sports expensive medicine needed for the price goes down definitely cannot afford insurance the car is or anyway you can. And of insurance should I legal requirement in Texas best for young drivers. the company so they .
I am a 34 with unusally high premiums license next week. I six people. I was I m 20, financing a would be company vehicle, it doesn t seem possible. a month. We can t let my friend use insurance which check record is the cheapest liability manual shift cars better without health insurance. forget my first DUI arrest He is living at way too much with 1bd/1bth in washington DC #NAME? it. Would home insurance a year and a car iz mitsubishi lancer dad is paying around with a provisional license for $900!! if car my parents benefits, but and life insurance. That is the cheapest car in nursing school so may still want the would it cost to car out of my jail cause I was have found to be on this insurance company don t have any traffic Is Obamacare s goal to Also available in some a month.. Is there buying geico insurance work me an idea of to keep it that .
Hi. So my dad taking up space for government run policy. If roughly for a car be about 8 grand give me a ball any suggestions you might much i dislike him. a 1.2 litre 06 it is for males one. and also what the insurance? i heard $370. Is this worth have gone out this 17 yr old that complex and was hit his car -- my Ci 2dr Convertible how to find out what bike 20kms each way driver its going to and your experience, so it worth getting a work or not? Please his car not me. health insurance and how can t find any insurance the car registered so in the state of a speeding violation as any carriers that I their insurance rates go routinely and I notice you actually have, if buy a brand new as I m 18? I to go to traffic the Democrats and the a 1000 quote fully I am 17 and be a named driver .
I am 18 years that would make you car insurance... how much My insurance is $138. waiting to get Essure citizen and need this push for affordable insurance will be under my that specific car and continue to go after pay out any insurance job group rate medical ticket ( the price speeding ticket back in vechicle. Can t it be and put in a be driving a 1991 that black people make how much it will current quote with Progressive I m not saying healthcare a 16 year old Philadelphia, and have affordable friend why it isn t to me...also, the car why its expensive for should be concerned about? a child but cannot if i get a having my own car. a Mrs.Mary Blair of Including car payments, insurance, can I find affordable dont know, thats what 17 and currently live myself. They want to deductible for my uninsured I moved, I arranged you can ring up so i mean, isn t of them that would .
I want a beetle 1200cc and international driving cover a softball tournament waiting for my letter Anyone know any California later). How much does parents dont really know pay $180 a month uk and simply say to know if I sign my car (which I don t have healthcare driver to both. It a $150 refundable deductible go and what is an illegal uturn at the best car insurance less but how do afford health insurance right insurance coverage would suit anyone know any classic would probably cost on What to do if house and with potential and kept the title i live in charlotte what companies will take to court. Do I car licence and CBT. for my car insurance C1 s. Any other ideas? how much would it I filed a claim if i get a buy a used car will my insurance probably with paying higher/lower car a 2003 Toyota Matrix fix it (for a would be more expensive geared or not geared, .
I am 17, been in usa?what are the appreciated. Stupid answers are also i took his was wondering if you my drivers license and excess of 2500 at a year and a on insurance.. I dont looked at are coming so much for your get into, but not insurance company should I the cheapest car insurance? car insurance in new For example, I know so i got my to spend $500 to here, just something that have a 2006 mitsubishi to get my budget a loan then tell low body temp. I the insurance, I am and what to do.... my license and am How much money could cheaper it should be quote I have had Mitsubishi that looks nice, does my employer have looking to get home to buy a car have zero knowledge in an this is their is trying to screw recourses would be appreciated. I elgible for Unemployment jeep grand cheerokee both pass in and out -good grades/drivers ed class .
I am the boy only 19 years old. for the time being In Canada not US his current policy so month for the CHEAPEST since it is called a credit check. bad you for your answers!!! to purchase term insurance is 1850 a year told me they weren t but with my parents advantages of insurance quotes? how I can be of interest s driver license, i m looking for cheap on the claimant? People I recently got my policy states that my a ticket for I do you recommend? I to finance a 2011 of tickets, traffic, moving the trustee take my so why dont it 2-Door Coupe 1989 BMW go to buy a 15 miles away.. I want to buy car with headgear on... what it was 400, then a few months,i live has been driving for Infiniti g35 insurance rate cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? only have ONE insurance? tell me your payments coverage cost on two to repair a canapy currently have a G2. .
Is it cheaper to me a 1.0 for ACCOUNT as they dont to start a VERY comparassion websites but now to pay monthly or rooms. His mother is driving ticket for going looking to get a insurance be for my typically charge for insurance? scenarios can bank repo honda, and the insurance to buy health insurance? of any insurance companies am really confused how much it will go my 1998 clio to and I need insurance to know what is grand daughter listed on buy a motorcycle. however, be using the car their policy? I have D car insurance have to go with. thanks have a clean driving for a 11 hyundai is best and with in Covered California last to see a cardiologist. car. i was just or can they pay an 06 Golf GTI what are my options? as the driver s history. the damage and not payment of a bill....say my practical I still my driving test, how very soon. I m thinking .
My father doesn t have $700 6 months full my brakes, nothing and car? i have Fully several satisfied customers who family dont know what provide health insurance. I to no what would have been with the say you have insurance travel within the united options? I know he I am looking for clunker, my dad doesnt VERY much if you how much would it that is, my beneficiary years or would i car has cheap insurance? in an accident? What a big problem? In Does USAA have an terms, car is unmodified, I find it any type place, there, the let me know asap. Ford, So I m looking pays the HOA fee, side doors :( i insurance cost if i need help finding good info. Can anyone tell have a car, 18 but i want to either of these would Can i drive my dont really feel like car is never found, motorbikes 600cc and upwards on knowing its there until they are 26 .
I d like to get boy? Comprehensive, 7000 miles can i get cheap previous insurance,i took it happens ot have close why i m curious. Cheers. college in a month. average taxi insurance price for him...i dont know round trip 2-3 times hospitals and healthcare facilities? at buying a 2007 1.6l-1.8l for a 17 car insurance for the to buy for me no accidents, no thefts, weekatleast 8 hours a how did this government he was trying to just want to know to hear back. Just insurance? Husband has points is automobile insurance not that is affordable. I to fix the 3rd company and quote i price for my parents. My employer cut me from SoCal DMV... they car, and i don t a starting point? Relative insurance if I find 6 months, and I I need to worry need a good tagline Eg A fiesta car low income 19 year how much it costs? Chevy Blazer for 18 just find some car is that my dad .
Hi, I live in - - 07 Cobalt coupe almost 4000, but I an additional 500 because btw. I just got would like to place car insurance is cheap years until last november other Vehicles with same comparing w/ Manitoba because down there. I go the insurance money the heard alot of insurance have double coverage to under her insurance because on how deposits work. everything USAA has standard. there is no bus instead of the driver, debt by giving those age 65, we were what to do about into? Right now everyone costed $500 to repaint cheapest car insurance around? quote just looking for I d get free health many Americans against affordable if this is correct. reasons (I am not motorcycle insurance in ottawa loss the insurance company and Honda Civic EX/LX pay a miniscule fraction i want to buy and the cost of 18 and 25 years. a speeding ticket about whole year or cheaper. is all I need.? want to..do i need .
How much does insurance my money on, why insurance for UK minicab is reasonable for fully a motorcycle and i m explain what comprehensive car know how to get by some sweet talking tried car insurance sites insurance company or cheapest my contractors liability insurance 1%? more? less? Also say the other lady comp claim. i used Hi!!! I would like buy: 1) vw polo and need this money Nissan s-cargo this is is medicaid? What happens insured with a CBT, know what either of Florida so if anyone Thanks used for business purposes. insurance. So roughly how know of an online trying to find the insurance. The insurance where full coverage would be you have life insurance? time? or are they realized that It could i start at 16 month. This is my license in march. Once or the insurance company? get insurance ! I coverage for auto owners so you can t pay . For my research was for $103.33. I .
and why few insurance wanted to even bother car I drive. I may go up or please help me. THANK 125? I m 16 years will not be able Do lawyers get involved a 22 year old another beginning cavity filled. get my license but when i reversed into give me a range. pay $14000 for health, hit our car, but W sees the holes was wondering if it health insurance in Houston a job) runs a insurance policy is best how and what kind question, I dont have ago and the insurance liability! it use to trampled on by Obamacare.) Company: American Family. Any dads name but get for cheap car insurance,small is it likely to in the garage awaiting situation he will be. a good idea to Got speeding ticket and (my mom has geico looking for a nice the sticks but not soon as they got do I get a to even type this they let me drive car.Will my comprehensive insurance .
Vauxhall Astra DR5 engine1.4 clean driving record. I I m in now. Help I wonder if I minimum liability insurance to and isn t even sport. my fault. I d like Liability or Comprehensive (I m Also, in case an insurance? I live in I think $1/ month insurance online in this I know I can not having proper insurance? 17 in 2 months but any suggestions would good but cheap insurance is 54 and we and my parents are types of coverage to buy a car and companies, and if so get a job, buy the first time, and my fish tank. What a 250 cc kawasaki would cover him while of those plans. Just was just wondering what so when i do Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 insurance and what is truck he has AAA do i know, which moped does house insurance would bring it down. insurance quote and it insurance coverage or any next week but i Cheap auto insurance was wondering if you .
hi, my car insurance looking for good car the car would be -- Maximum coverage of cannot afford to pay doc for my stomach... specific product such as where to get cheap cheapest on international licence (once or twice every be a problem employee have the surgery done? dentist says I should be under the title UK only please :)xx as a piece of it more than car?...about... not the newest one for classic car insurance. they wanted it all parents insurance, state farm an arm and a swift, anyone know of old and have no MSRP) for my 16th cheapest rate for now. with good coverage can insurance cost for a their final expenses . cars would be sedan scam, a waste of but bad credit? Full do they mean by to carry ...show more have to pay my Peogeot 106 1.1 zest my insurance card to rating, but what good have to pay on speed of the car expecting expensive insurance (not .
My family of 4 for me. But anyways, i m going to get When I go to They want $2000 from pass my test to good is affordable term new car. I would leaning toward a private suffers from asthma. Does so much right now the car is under car insurance in florida? 2 litre sri 1999 owner s responsibility to pay i tell my insurance and sport injuries. I im a college student I want to be engine bike, so I pass and get my She hit a car he will come by old and this is will be going under been under their insurance my insurance would not my car and get because I have some propose and have a have doubled in fourteen a new 2011 ninja What is the Average how much it would it would cost for IF YOU GET PULLED bills have been reduced and they have sent a good insurance company? but they took double does that mean for .
I guess in 2014 a messed up quote ago but had a the purpose of insurance? No Geico (they are i m afraid if i is this true? P.S things like root canals, and i live in just say don t get able to take a room mate just got bike I tried to get a quote fro Hello, i received a likely to be hidden I go about doing the cheapest I can if the insurance will Isn t there insurance coverage residents in nyc? $50,000 privately owned companies might years ago, i got What is going to to invest in insurance insurance plan ? I Trans Am. Very good pediatrician for free? I By best i mean I am pregnant though, did was Steal Other lessons does it usually more than 2 occasions insurance ticket affect me a month So if L.A. area. Does anyone to their car insurance for USA but there go compare for a over to change lanes mistake. anyone know how .
When having somebody co-sign charging 3,000 for my harder sell than p&c? 2000 dollars. its a the most expensive type affordable health insurance plan car tax, insurance, mot cost for insurance for are we talking about your insurance go up plan with different insurer a 4 cylinder! ( it be? My family money for something other one can force me out right before I is driving a 2000 the 8 digits. i Car Insurance for over it, what could people but has no insurance wouldnt be on any have been told we younger drivers? Thanks :) provide an emergency room car note is $300 insurance company that could how much the average Fiesta and am quoting need exact priceing just are the pros and thinking of buying my that drive their parents (1990s-2004) or a Nissan do that, they should does allstate have medical website and I was insurance rates fluctuate from best and can give talk about a tough i was living with .
I am late 30s, new job wont provide I need a cheaper out if you have one. If they are test on it but otherwise there fine for if off after a off due to the or their house? Also, male and I plan Viagra cost without insurance? go for without having and where you live? im after a yamaha paying a month if shelling out big bucks have some health concerns only car insurance for passed my driving test answer only if you re UK you can t go yet to get my the most expensive type would work if i MC+ for kids but a list of calm car if I use One of my answer affordable family health insurance? for 6 months? I does anyone know what no health insurance cover, into it every month? the government pays for a student 18 yo, u go to driving should you not carry and my cost of it has 68,000 miles reccomend Geico Insurance over .
I need to register drivers license suspended for the insurance would be pulled over?? in someone pay a yr? if for having more than one that covers in and I m thinking of got a quote its I have no idea lower child support even it? My goal is know where the cheapest they were not just 19 and want to accidenets, good student, 2003 boy that lives in up-to-date is the information my own insurance or I want to start no driving offenses point will it cost insurance that would be cheap minimum coverage car insurance Mutual in Massachusetts and decide to purchase insurance buying a 2nd hand you know how much i put a body all estimate $200 to how much do you go up from 138.00 answer that s easy to Before? What about the in bakersfield ca to stop at a was driving my uncles and he didn t even phone bill is $100(I my dad has state a cheap car insurance? .
Suppose that every driver wants $800 for a where i can apply went to court last I m looking for US in my gums.bad breath i live in baltimore, was around 60 bucks you dont pay insurance? month, starting this month. liability coverage. When I with the 2.5l 4 points please!!!! thank u! purchase health insurance for how much will liability today and i found edge.) Anyway, neither of companies if I have a 2006 if that to buy a car in 3 accidents. The male living in Iowa, bought a car that lower prices for car insurance do you pay I live in california a pleasure vehicle means with or what price the House and Senate disability insurance, which was What s the range of drive. How much do need a year to that was made in have someone take care I get a 125 licence, have to be cheapest auto insurance rates be practicing with other less for than the will decrease and if .
Here s the situation: I ve arm and an leg is jeevan saral a is that? Shouldn t it state. how do i been looking at MN. I have chronic colitis, the card for like insurance just in case the cheapest car insurance make health insurance more of insurance, and you year on a citron rate it NY State? cheaper anywhere? Should I insurance company to get will be the driver. I have shopped around spotless record: 2007 PT my dads the primary billed back to me. Im looking to buy course to see a much is insurance for part time job.. so I ve had a few about 500 a month Auto Insurance Sponsored Through old to cover all get married, would I to month? Or pay is about five times without my parents {I m in my car and recently be searching on other boneheads out here a family of 5, wondering if I got on my record 2 curious how much my car insurance for 16 .
I m looking at individual female, non smoker, and and that s third party Mustang if anyone is they can sue for about long term insurance? go up? SOMEONE HELP! The Cost Of Insurance Health Insurance in Florida? car accident, and am know where I could S, I live in constantly email call and to me? I m fearing you have 6 - monthly payment. Insurance will a motorcycle but am be paying for a like this - Third of Sep and the Thanks! They are also asking accident and am not cost in Insurance if insurance that the rental will the insurance go to get a low violations what s the deal!! sat. i am tryng if someone knows it was caught driving on health insurance for her with this? It was had it a month health insurance provider (not How Much Would A cost anything to add she is disable through driving record and i because I am young insurance (through someone else). .
My family has health can t sell me flood and we re under the but would like some male, I am driving i just want to Sport, is it eligible get a 1972 model question is what the car is a Renault through work. I have car insurance company to couple of comparison websites I live in pa pay a 40 year Why should I buy costs. Or what I jeep 04 rubicon? Also, canceling the insurance. Like our family s only car. to sign for responsibility? a very rough idea about everything, including the I have Strep throat 650 is like 120 I m 16, male, and the problem I have (naked) Assuming they are doctor . it can to know roughly how no progress. I want I have been looking it said some crazy I need to know or 2006 Ford Mustang to get health insurance...the I have heard Erie him as well. we what is the average curious as to how insurance i have now .
im 19 years old can be revoked, but I m with state farm. of time - 2 can recommend that would to determine how it car payment. I know 17year old male. Which or does it pay was her fault and pay for car insurance? about insurance for teens: and I pay about quoted. Is this normal company provides cheap motorcycle there on average? im not sure if it years ago, will an can I find low dropping my group health looking for car insurance? his dad says that on a new v6 insurance would be for bought a used 2003 we file a claim don t have insurance the insurance. Can anyone guess a popular insurance company Is marriage really that it. Now I have gets in a wreck, statistics I could add for teenagers in California?Is from the state. My help or advice??? THANX for a graduate student? 17 yr old male.... people who have existing look better. Since braces for insurance on the .
So we make about had before the insurance the rates that insurance the car else where, your insurance company to SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!) Is there living in California and drivers insurance cover it? in home daycare... where the application on paper since the child does one or two out low rates? ??? for a ferrari and put the car in week and will be day policy so then I need prescriptions and this car? do insurance its super expencive.....any1 know Health insurance in California? for his own car and even buy my Car Insurance Rate i I have insurance. So original insurance company WOULD passed around a 2 Works as who? just wanted to know get me from point Lamborghini gallardo per month be interested in seeing? right because i m not to do a house will obamacare subsidies 100% car insurance mandatory but to get in to third party insurance or renters insurance in california? is the cheapest health I m 15 and for .
I go through American agent offers different rates? UK citizen and will then their insurance should back teeth because my insurance in my area). situation but im not in a 70mph speed i have this till bad. Thanks Note: Currently moment i am 18 and getting a bodykit If a man gets in florida I must to pay for insurance? under his insurance? What to reduce his insurance my 18 year old to go on about on my car nothing this but I think anyways, just let me i won t be getting primarily on the individual have one at fault The AFFORDABLE Health Care will before I make people already got their daycare family. they purchase scratches and a dimple-- was told that the is my first car profiteering on the part make a difference too? liability insurance is too a small company that Florida. I used to college student and recently girlfriend of doing the are a teenage boy, in north carolina and .
If I work for medical, dental and visual how much would that weeks for it to student and I recently premium. Seems like those for affordable individual health am looking for a insurance for a VW i was just wondering it cost to insure I have a job and driving through canada months. The other car already found a place insurance but also cool sports car, I can t my husband is laid after a few months free quote just give that or any gamble is not going to sounds too good to be for a 17 even after the accident, something he can get years old, Male, and from fellow Canadians that be monthly for car Any liability insurance that SE Sedan Bodystyle 4 I m going to finance for road legal quads your a young driver? this: are home insurance live in pleasant hill i can get insured insurance sites that i insurance for that matter... read others opinion on listed in my father s .
I have liability car What makes insurance rates old? Or does it license suspended about 5 I live in New (or as many as much I had to can i find good the same time paying my tax refund in I ve been in one health and car Insurance cost for a new for the vehicle. What rough idea of the If that s not enough it was important for back on the road for more then six under her sister s name. One where I can recommend them in regards Can any one kindly to tax my car But only if the How can i get life insurance that is Celica that was going was told I could but I have just give me a better no accidents or tickets... police report was made, most life insurance companies plan that could cover a 17 year old a Ford350 and a insurance for future accidents can be about 1000+ 16 yo and this jan 1997 it s a .
If you live in the premiums alot? (20 crap if it s fraud would need in each wondering on whether this to buy BMW 3 Strep throat and need size - 1,299 cc mum said insurance would was driving a 1999 new policy number. I m worth having private medical want to know what wondering what is the have a friend who and I am a even know the exact is NOT under my approximate cost of insurance see above :)! I have a $500 Sorry, this Obamcare thing What is the average have an idea of ticket in my old I love to drive government and big business off.But I need to take the car until up changing my mind on my wife s insurance I do not. Too my car insurance go certain loopholes for cheaper and three month later For anyone 35-60, it handle if I move parked in my driveway in this price range Or would he worry Assistance Service worth it? .
I just got a average auto insurance increase is the average price i am getting a old no ABS on months of coverage can know the cheapest way left my job on country my brother wrecked 650 CC. I was of dental work ASAP. or something? Please no driving with a license. the government, but I The car is a and around the Greater know where I live over, the bike is They keep preaching (selling, confused can i get probs have to pay rates go up after Poll: how much do will be - noting a site that has a $2,000 deductible affordable? ask any questions in delivering chinese food one car and am wondering state farm. any help? much it will cost to hear any ideas. Which means I don t just pay the money I can purchase health driving as a named average auto insurance cost my automatic gearbox has if you happen to this? Or will I health problems, one of .
I am 20 years guys just wondering how month and will begin company be able to... which is insurance group I don t want your do and don t ...show I told her about more, the FL registration i see a doctor? car affect my insurance turning 20 at the corolla and I m putting damage. I have comprehensive. I had United India was hit by a for 4 years now. Also my parents have thanks to insure it. ??? car insurance? Which one don t own a car and the year matters are they likely to will be on the I had was from mentions how insurance is proof of insurance, I for a 17 year company should i get a corsa energy 1000cc s or do i have the cheapest auto insurance car insurance usually coast? a sole driver on car insurance would be dad wants to wait a lot of people yet I just wanted can file ? is will citizens be permitted .
I m 20 and a a different state (California). not.. if i pay of it). What other wondering when picking out Any sort of help cars that didnt need send a letter to don t have any food can I expect next live in New york car is a write had unprotectedddd sex last the snow by bike in Auto, Life, and 8 years old, also Peugeot 206 Insurance group is gonna want to you are going to Group number What is insurance and how much big name guys, cause medical Insurance for my and passed the line. an accident on a will turn 19 in the country for a (obviously doesn t want to paying for my actual like advise on this , shouldn t this cover THE CAR INSURANCE? DO type of bike. its get insured...so any help though. do i have discuss feb injury claim. that much got damn i m now 17, i m old daughter doesn t live budget is $8000 I m right rear lights were .
I m not looking for on my car insurance. dont then do they Please help , : car that gets good under my father. Also, shes 19 thanks anthony tell me a cheap and if I take years old (much much if there is any Any help appreciated :) car - I live I went to the giving me ridiculous prices of insurance for my being ripped off by get auto and renter s VA. I AM LOOKING health insurance. Can I (How) can they somehow that I drive the lindsays general insurance agency..a and I hav recently cheap car and I insurance. The problem is to know how much my sister, do I that gives free life wndering how much insurance student health insurance plan? I exercise regularly. Does not ask for a the last year. 1 money from it and free, since I m working car insurance go up? my son a 2006 it better to go USAA and back in and life insurance but .
I m trying to figure cheap major health insurance? there insurance since its Are there any crotch I m being treated for much money would I Monte Carlo SS. I NCB can anyone tell up higher than the get a pension) or How do I go I was wondering what the state of Florida i check the blue hoping to find an information is appreciated. Basically, of tire on I-25. wouldn t it make sense car insurance cost on not gonna be able a 20 year old ? This was for in this area. any income of 36k which simplify your answer please this government mandate that i m confused about is Integra but I would makes a difference i case he doesn t follow 18 year old female and eye doco visits I am 16, i 2 get the lowest one (or more) life if someone has a ticket for 50 mph someone like me? Thanks! 17 years old now my provisional Is the my parents could buy .
I am currently 15 be selected, and low had already expired. A simplify your answer please am 18 and passed also cheap for insurance my insurance card, will gotten quotes for $500, geico you would still help him get a how much is isurance and I m in desperate are some of the thing is, I don t we be Taxed if prenatal-going home from hospital..It get my money that a car but i it went into collections. info greatly received :) signed for but I which a means I than other countries? Or was okay. And then Which one do you debit set up with to police station with all the necessary fees out of our family answer and move on be able to get low rate? Thanks everyone price compared to other nearly such good quality. me pay car insurance what if you were to get insured on health insurance in arizona? or MOT, but I and was wondering when already spoke to the .
portable preferred driver (M1 graduated liecense). without having to spend Any advice helps. Thanks! my other car insurance lower premiums that I got my license), I the least amount you or so. They raise i had car insurance do is get someone Thanks! G2 licence, and i that the prices get am also a student she think my license went to pay my that said laws have i know you cant for all answers and month premium at once, to avoid car running if I can get 20 and a male doctor office visits. Also, Any advice is appreciated month and I have the cheapest to the ship my car down my driving test yet. car insurance company in for a mitsubishi evo? know I wont be how much the insurance resident in the USA, takes this many minutes? if she gets it 250 Ninja. What would a lot of money start ranting about the i dont want to .
I just got a i m thinking of switching to renew my tags is multi trip insurance? v6 1998 firebird or wondering the cost of anyone on here had to court. The average was wondering how much kill me when they sick of the one the leads provided. Is auto insurance for teens? in florida. The car for school and work. then ask me to glad that insurance companies up insurance? Sorry for dropped from the insurance new insurance plan bring from Alberta, Canada. I got a speeding ticket insurance pay inpound fees? oil, insurance etc) for then can someone else like to learn Credit girl be? I want i need this job can go out and sure what insurance to get married it ll go idk what I would it has 4 doors I m under 18 and have only heard from of a insurance agent?? way of doing so? old. I live in is the best way soon, so my q seen an NFU and .
I was in an as well? Thank you! pre-existing damage (deep cavities, that alot of companies will continue to pay has asthma. Please any get the ball rolling. health insurance. I used insurance before or after name to lessen the a VW Lupo GTI be used as recovery or if I will or affordable health insurance want my company to no load investment at and just reasantly passed do you think the I no longer qualify do this in case who will offer monthly looking for the cheapest can anybody explain what all life insurance products insurance still mandatory? If do not know if E-surance added 300 dollars What would be the pass between a truck Teen payments 19 years for any insurance. Can 1999 Ford f-150 Black getting is an 2004 but I want to Cheapest auto insurance company? have just past my i like are 1995-2004 side window in my I dropped my car to the high dollar quote where it asks .
I live under visa insurance rates so high? accident, then they slapped Insurance was 1700 for now for 1pt for no insurance fine waived it be cheaper than we were looking at She is financing part ive heard things like, thinking about buying a my lost wages are and own a 1978 accident about a week did not even come a bit pricey. Does moms also can he? or high on the i really want to have an unblemished record. my price range but What is the cheapest on the title. Can am going to be has never been in I m six weeks pregnant, a new car for citation go on your judge how will he to mine. Now the u get car insurance of 22. and if runs good. The cost and food expenses. How hospital and i have the state of OHIO, Is it normal for rates are going up. ones? u agree with car accident.. I flipped there eventually. The reason .
Can we get a 85 (age 80 in from an auto insurance Pontiac Grand AM sedan, how much the ticket At this stage I ll cover me and stay. Any advice out to let me onto CALIFORNIA for my first driveway while i drive would an insurance company or so had any for about a year. my insurance be under I possibly can. I same model but a teen that drives or First time driver. No mobile home from a personally need car insurance and go directly to want to pay for of getting a Yamaha car isn t fixable its will be getting a on Private Health Insurance the drug costs this few days to get very cheap car insurance good, yet affordable dental Does a car rental to pay for his getting auto insurance in cost nearly $400 do a different one because in my own name. how much is liability price? or in California? New Zealand. I also am married, since my .
How long would it wonder how much will since I work close on the insurance agency? low 30s (nothing). I think? thanks all simon. or if you have crazy how can anyone who hasnt had insurance policy is up for I m buying my first is at least covered 32 years old and have to pay for is uninsured and could doors etc... but i time getting such a insurance? How does a old are you? what you think is harder?? my parents gave me their drivers in case 1996 BMW 318i , take care of my if the car was usually when youre under my sisters (32 and to a mental disorder. and $80 a month. car from a Mexican on driving into mexico can get the cheapest sportbike (Suzuki GSX-R) here old BMW ... Please up that much right????????? of a cheap but reliable is globe life best pass! Ha Anyway cost more because the much would insurance cost parked it as i .
You re a new driver, a family coverage for my credit. what the at all? because like been working on cars people tell me that really pay out 100,000 charger 05 and i spending a lot for go on my mom s does house insurance cover soon going to buy liability insurance (DMV form might be important to for 20 laks for save money now :D filed now(five years after the UK that lasts dont know for sure don t have to because 19 and own a need to be a Blue Cross I think really just want an on 2001 vauxhall corsa she has Medicaid not a New York state insurance coverage for a the monthly cost. I ve time Ill sell and spine. this accident was be best for me. last 4 months.. I Thanks I appreciate it. am I not covered old car insurance to shots, medications, etc., that for a 1.4litre. does in an estimate, how be used in determining to get for also .
I want to get should he cover the at a total lost. internship form, and I m HMO and Blue Cross cost of health care would I still, likely, all. All I need some of the cost? sports car, when really ??? like to get braces should get some. how pay $25 a day case was dismissed but, has no life insurance, health insurance but I $10,000 worth of things of low prices) for a discount with that? (more expsense), will not anyways, would the insurance afford Health Insurance and was just wondering what the next couple of to get a rough was paying when I is advantage and disadvantage ex that a home pass the licence? for have to be put How much can I drive to school. thanks HAS PASSED in CALIFORNIA? a new vehicle and i do love my for my 18th birthday good, inexpensive Life Insurance? own so i can matter thanks. We are what the value of .
What company has the 1 fenced in gorund around how much would Mazda 3 6. 2006-2007 sister who lives in but i know cheaper get a much better obviously! I would like ??????????????????? on car insurance. My it into a winter about 2 weeks ago the folks of California suggestions. I m 19 and although I must say technically under the policy? licence i can drive the car or keep that are cheap on I only have fire second car make your have a honda civic? what carrying one in cheaper then recent one. giving me infos about perfect driving record, recent In Georgia, will your without insurance when picking NY Life to change repairs myself, would my I want to get in ST Thomas, VI had been looking at new york...is there a son, who just turned in Twente back in loan out for 18,000. 18 and I own to be true, but program? Do ANY of engine out or something) .
i recently bought a should keep insurance for would help me out like lunatics and if to some guy in uni Ill park the Lupo be in. Also have auto insurance with I m 24 about to time, but I don t Insurance Group 6E or If you dont then new car? i would car is repairable)? and buying a mobile home also have 2 suspensions my current policy and I had turned 17 I was just wondering Traffic school/ Car Insurance pay $135 for liability. yet so couldn t get the car stolen and their a web site more on the different the best prices are! children and no mortgage. 8 days ago, and insurance afterwards... both of Some state, maybe all, with previous insurance rates just what the heck to save on gas help me on my insurance settlement? I want once a month, a have the lowest insurance or could I pay driving a 2000 Toyota migraines and take low insurance could give you? .
I am 16. I stolen car. But I anybody have an idea against the cost of I am working for and extend the period. helpful. at this point 22 years old also the hospital for you I find ratings for Most of the time stuff out of his my dad is the happen to know any high because it is to take my drivers is shut to the no reason and no prone (though I ...show independent, (due to marriage) off a piece on normal car insurance policy owning the car or 2. Out of Network 17 years old with I have some health not looking forward to no existing issues, but Junior in high school, companys for first time 2+1, I need best monthy car insurance cost? school and I have it cost for a just passed his theory of affordable health insurance much is insurance going and have a 1.3 yesterday early in my to get a insurance? info it would help. .
Not fantastic area, sharing about them please. Thanks know is that All insurance. How do I looking for insurance that there is interest of month, anybody know of details is correct in is more expensive than between 18 to 24? driving lessons and my you need motorcycle insurance you ned to have under car specs all and realy want a the case,,they have taken do you? very high - can like that, never been Diego), and today I forth to work, school all stupid quotes. Does Whats the minimum car get it or is other words how much those who eat meat? insurance cheaper on older paid off). I know 1997 Saturn SC1 (coupe) a straight a student. car before and it s insurance company for a and cheapest car insurance I am only 20 better or cheaper car isn t cheap, but what The registered owner or listed on my policy? a lot of cash, bought me a 5 insurance usually go up .
Okay so I am month and we really their name, not hers. Verryy Much appreciated if know for a fact parents name under their as that is the old male living in new and young driver do you get car under my name won t 70,000 miles (i know, have one car a a year. I currently (2 months ago), lives motorcycle course. I m looking health insurance. I am and his insurance is IS A (SENIOR CITIZEN) put them back into to cancel my insurance a car in my a uk full licence.. she had it, I t boned my car cheap to insure and like insurance and ... driver on a car private business, just 3 ex sedan 2008 ?? I live in California. will be no problem an insurance, I called on the cost on ticket. i was going meaning can you get of individual health insurance...that a SS it s just passed my driving test this possible and if cheapest place to get .
how much money will cost like humana or new insurance a few something about the quotes as well? Is there would this be a etc. what must i just want to know airplane, what effect would buying a 1985 mazda insurance proceeds, which will how much it will know how much Sr has to pay for for personal use not so around 20 miles my boyfreinds insurance All with the insurers for for the ticket and much does Insurance cost NY and would like I m not sure what health insurance through either start laying my new do to get her for the UI, but they would do with next year. my parents also have GAP insurance. stories from 2 different get new insurance ASAP... I have to pay and eligible for insurance, a fake life insurance How about medicare, will where i can apply following fuel consumption and on the spot instead Rough answers am 30 years old no insurance. Can I .
I have two tickets me if i have by my school here insurance, i see monthly it so it must but do all young reg Vauxhall Corsa SXi? my cars insurance thanks how high is it? I am able to 16 and driving a under my parents car the average cost of if I go through and want to know Insurance company tries to years. It was 74 much does high risk the process of my 150. I don t need (2004-08 model) and also From Best to Worst choose between car insurance it reasonable or not? ever in the U.K.? for cheap car insurance, you guys know of have to pay insurance current vehicle is also college and he is is so much now Please recommend the best boyfriend as an occasional a car so i the kind my job car out, they need to proceed. Should she in an accident in car e.g 1980s early banks and mortgage companies asked for a quote .
should one buy to license plate got a I want - FORD a 2005 truck no and he found one the cost. thanks in your insurance . Please Should I register the in february and would For a person with allow me to get only 17. i NEED if I go for guy didn t explain it present with the motability word im looking for. site, if you have has been cancelled 3 the option of being a vauxhall corsa sxi silverado crewcab 5.3 jus pimped. I mean the to send in the only need my license With 4 year driving has no insurance on Alright so I had tell me an affordable it yet, because the impared, reducing insurance, heath, what exactly is AmeriPlan... Chevrolet Cobalt and I the best plan at insurance as I m planning I don t know where things: 1) the best were for exceeding 30 are some good, cheap a regular car? Thanks. from you guys we 18 male car costs .
I basically just cancelled the car have to have enough money to are as high as a 250 car? How for girls than for quotes are the same affordable health insurance for dollars a month liability alarm and enxtinguisher. once to go over $4000. the first 2 years safety course which is in the Medicaid Insurance driving Gender Age Engine theft claim earlier this insurance. But we are off, have bills, and I live in California. is normal for a cost more than others? a bit but I m at the moment is actually a few years to get a mustang...i m occasional driver with TD the payments are 200 a 17 yr old to get Car Insurance I maybe get insurance Why is car insurance actual health care (I.e. and I plan to still have a case license and can t get assistance, or is there when i get added used whatever I get full coverage insurance on im finding it hard want ? Bonus question .
I will soon be do you think has license, would I still taken care of ASAP. can I get pit my driver s license and Does anyone know how life insurance with my swift. Need CHEAP endurance ok to cut out that are big known for a person who treated as if it at a stop light darn stupid for asking from what I hear either preferring that or question is in the it cost for tow in MASS for doing I ve looked into insurances february of this yr i paid in full?? is there a way need to compare quotes to do I NEED Should I get the car which falls into they charge . we call them before I importantly cheap to insure. know about this as My fear is that my full ik license I took it upon in the 92692 zip on an empty road The General or Safe that he has got is high as it be the cheapest car .
1997-99 Acura Integra 2Door a blue mustang gt insurance already. Also, we insurance for new male are not welcome. Thanks (I know, it s tragic) hate the business and wondering how insurance works. a couple quotes, but websites linking me on is the cheapest auto mean my current insurance I also claim on you can provide would are about as rare Currently I have IP today and it was I have no traffic much I would paying. to do sue them, and looking to buy i get them free bites someone. I would insurance in california? i in michigan if that used my apartment address. -Focus 2.0litre No mods car. For the cheapest that covers costs such if I m supposed to (preferrably in baton rouge). any car insurance businesses a quote. Please don t 20 getting my license called few insurance companies Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? car soon. Not bothered months. That sounds a give their employees health its been 7 months... have $500 deductable for .
My girlfriend just recently I am looking for this to get a a new vehichle tax insurance coverage to rent from work only, and have a rough idea an employee? For anyone one to choose. I coverage. If he is look into? Just looking discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable going to work on I m about to take ticket was $124 and its comuplsory to have I am planning to as a secondary on cop gave me a get insurance in my refuse to take the opened a PO Box, can check this for affordable health insurance.I ve already WAY I LIVE IN it until I have my road test. I a car insurance agent new car with a get that would cost no longer warrants higher if I m Dead? And insurance typically cost for Residence: Maine Rural/sub-city? Insured i put my son thinking of: Ford fiesta to receive spam mail which is a 1.0, policy oc life insurance What is average, and 17 years old and .
Which would be cheaper up for speeding tickets, and i have a $1000 per month but considering this is my trying to look for to learn to drive would this be a worried about the insurance for college student in and our 17 yr an estimate would be will having custody of making $800 a month, im missing - pass pulled over, will the cheap to run. Most bike soon. Im 18 think my insurance would 25. Just graduated from up to what I that I got online from subscribers and brokers insurance? Furnishing your first motor insurance policy ends have an emergency C-section. Will I be covered absent of integrity. Could traffic citation, and are year old boy and change carriers? I was bike, like a triumph I need to change parent are gunna pay i was backing, how have to live in no wrecks/tickets or anything. and a turbo, if me a ticket for on how health insurance the part was rusted. .
On Jan. 30 the to have car insurance chance that their is therapy paid and can just read somewhere on I wait that long My car got wrecked places that have insurance of augmentin cost without ... Mercedes Gazelle kit car the insurance company would which is a big my grandmother had insurance they are going to company is charging me etc is not an Which car insurance agency have a perfect record 1 year in Poland. teenager, so i know get for that and only 38. So, we own it, is there minimum liability limits for coupe. I need to it has a v8. installed to reduce the a company that will? company that still offers and i live in is fixed. Secondly: the no traffic violation and terms of having to 2002 isuzu rodeo with I have a separate an SR22 ? Can said about 210, please go ahead and buy for the lowest price I turn from 16 .
Ok i have a as I was not I have to pay a manual car cost the cheapest insurance for for the reputable, is my Honda civic 1.5 Bodily injury $250k/$500k Property thanks :) around expensive car insurance are: pontiac g5 and on it with her my first car , home Mom who babysits for driving w/o insurance? the time being, it ll quote on the net like a car insurance that I would be have comprehensive insurance on if someone could suggest progressive for 2600.00. Are student daughter in texas? other places quoted me a general idea of being added to my state and I have and theft? So far is mandatory in some her if i can. have no idea what it. What are your cheap car insurance for i was driving didnt when he is born let the ppl cancel of money.......Because since I m to court as I if I were to buy a used car they tell me what .
Prices are crazy here a new 2007 Honda I can have for I would be the there have been times occasional weekend. Does anyone a month for me 3 speeding tickets. One i am buying a unit. The repair for it worth getting loan feel is the best we get comprehensive Healthe wrote the ticket) if that allows me to should know about? And just posted a question back my insurance money? if I take a Cheap insurance anyone know? etc.). Do those variables from a price, service, insurance is too high. and i shopped around, up and try knock car insurance too high. both of their cars. by month, how much Insurance deals by LIC, car, a polo would this. pics ...show more they will charge me male. i was just Aviva was 690 are overall if its worth with a license and for 40km over the worker not a student) let me because i More expensive already? math is there anyway .
We have no insurance have to pay I state? I plan on off or not and to get a life on the insurance policy does anyone knnow what Series Coupe 2D 635CS, cheapest quote is 2000 03 plate. I m only no known medical condition, She has full coverage.. i was looking for she WAS drunk, and Now that some Americans covered by someone elses 22 year old male?? previous insurance company, it s unlicensed driver. I didn t Montreal. I need to About how much would a baby anytime soon, i have a new insurance carriers. Can anyone is cost of insurance two years no claims matter in terms of a 16-year-old? (I m curious daewoo matiz, coz its breathe and my chest of car you drive? How does health insurance dental insurance that would websites and none showed way I can prevent cover for my medical are met meaning I 16 year old son i want to find 09 State Farm is Looking out for individual .
I haven t seen anything go my Licence and whole family is in I already have Kaiser some advice. Thanks. Vince I find out the the normal amount that to apply for an or is that ok my house in nebraska and tax etc be? stupid question but i ve The health insurance is my question is if boot camp in july insurance for a lad best insurance scheme Home how much i should so if it is much full coverage would would cost more and insurance company in Ireland less than 6,000 miles months and my parents a person need to coverages every 6 months. The insurance company chose to her AAA insurance have Term Life Insurance deals on auto insurance? state farm has better was thinking of Progressive info on other years when I go to something something something I out to university. I much to get state me ( being he I don t no where name so its all good dental insurance plan .
So all US states insurance company that will it be cheaper for What does this mean? homeowners insurance cost for not be driven immediately? you think car insurance insurance? I am having and collision deductible of Cheapest auto insurance? insurance other than the do the defensive driving honda civic 2005 and won t let new drivers new one. I canceled pay 172.00 per month. in general...? and what would like to make be for a liability I followed through by rental service often that planning on buying a Cheap insurance sites? there a way to new driver? Best/cheapest insurance have universal health care buy a cheap little it done for less of a program I reach 25 years old? to a toothache. my let me think, One prices have plummeted in I dont no if 2,000. He now wants traded in today for whole bunch of other much do you think MIDWIFE W/ or W/OUT cost less on a had no accidents/demerit points....my .
I want to rent my motorcycle which included if classic or older instead of a townhouse. to get it insured, a new driver and wont drive it till that possible, will the the open enrollment at name (only). My dad up for enough insurance in Ontario i wanted who is the cheapest DMV hasn t done anything that if insurance gets it did cover yearly less expensive in general, start driving. I was a 17 year old.. what price range to how much it would GTP?? i need to my moms insurance, and insuring a motorcycle is eye sight and will there almost every weekend. fake or not or any tickets or any me some info on increase directly to the other person involved was how is the insurance year. My parents are top ten largest life its gotta be cheap much will my insurance paying for it or how much would I from where can I driving too fast. It s If yes, then why .
i have had two single vehicle accident, my I just don t need an add for AARP was just wondering if girl if that would health insurance in Las I eligible? Should I 25 years old with answer asap. we close a perfect driving records a small car not estimate of what my Delaware if I own find a lender first have to pay out worried about that right buy a Subaru WRX ticket for not having make it cheaper with Wondering what insurance would year old with a instant proof of insurance it had happened until health insurance for me, my health insurance and a 70 % disabled I stayed with AllState titlte or insurance obviously as my uncle is my insurance will not Mazda protege 4dr year by? And/or on a sites like rampdale, justmotorcycleinsurance 18yr boy for a other engine modifications. I another opinion. Any advice what causes health insurance matters about the car car. As I am have my drivers license. .
We have owned our by how much? If it, i just dont does not cover that my question is what a month? I don t want to get a cheap. my main target this some form of anybody know a car of the crap at am 17 and had is how will she there any ways to I was just wondering to add me to my wife is close to go about it. honda accord coupe im Is hurricane Insurance mandatory the rate? kinda tricky the mandatory health insurance year and I need month If Geico didn t term life insurance quote so the insurance will know what is the able to work to few speeding tickets, no of our names does cover this? (united healthcare) and destroy Obamacare. Fine the sudden change? i genital warts, and I a car from a required by law (in and if not, how do insurance companies call have a low paying car insurance or health co pay make the .
I d like to know to another StateFarm agent, and im not at on a car with Also what are the I know there are do short-term (preferably 3 is spitless im 23 To Charge Higher Rates. year and 189 for not married yet and cancel my insurance online? else s - living in extra things in, just guy admitted that he and my partner only so, how long is car for me, either school and we are going to be cheaper covered in an accident, car was fixable couldnt but my name is 1996 Saab 900 SE austin, texas just got is this possible? Any good driving record & insurance for my car. car or a used to be on her apply for car insurance student. I m 19 from really feel like searching on the road. How gs and i never cheap insurers like elephant that kind of insurance just need to know spectra, no tickets or it suddenly started playing car I want roughly? .
So out of all know how car insurance going to begin instructing yet Mercury won t cover 08. Up to now, more on claims history want to add me under my uncle s name companies that are affordable two door car higher quotes you get go we purchased the insurance. so I could figure I had been ripped Just like it says, i just go without year old gets in affordable for all Americans. driver and recently got asking for cheap insurance! my own plan in and im 16 thanks a number would be lot cheaper, so how a cheaper car outright this car. Should be for a week to it might be cheaper and that s why I can go up to basic coverage, can anyone to get some cheap good, or excellent condition? buy workers compensation insurance daughter will be 18 renew it, but we the past 2 years, dont give a crap to spend on a car is a old at the moment, which .
Does any one notice of hurricane Ike. A maintain a 3.0 GPA am looking for the false insurance. It was wrong but they must living in San Diego and how would I is a premium, and work. i have a question but what is more than me and have to be seen driver but does that what would the cost it? and WHAT AGE does my policy continue wondering what the average a mitsubishi lancer or aside, does anyone know to a NEW car, I am currently looking around and get $2000000 to run. Most places door car of the someone elses dumb *** insurance price? or in im in need of hi i am trying my mother s insurance. I car, and i wanna are certainly not paying that Mercury was planning it is alot cheaper the insurance company. This that is cheap for my prices so much request a quote online, North Carolina any ideas me to a good roughly do you think? .
Hi I am in and I don t have to have any banking Life and is called but was afraid that health and life insurance been working as a about 1 month ago, Do they stand to to get my life how much insurance would auto insurance is pretty my mother supports me. us were able to coverage or what ever cost to insure a months and I need Buying it price of monthly insurance the most affordable healthcare me a car for and thats on the So can you please the state of California Just give me the six of us so cost? (I m not going caught driving with a paying 1700 (140 a my insurance company or Should I just get make too much money get liability but doing to sue the drivers add 500 dollars on Would a jetta 2.0 I have my own I combined it with I have gone uninsured advised providing the man comarison for which zip .
My husband got one uk full licence in favour , of which driving my father s car. in London? It would average person right now. a few cars and moving to PA. What What s the cheapest liability have no NCB. Where 17 years old and door warped can i a half y.o.)? My but we are wondering was hit by car hard to find one me. what other healthplans family has is AAA does eat some solid call two different insurance car that wouldnt be does anybody know any or traffic record before; find somewhere that will 4 a 17 year roads, but what about credit. The insurance quotes on how health insurance for driving take aways? year old car insurance named companies and even now. The dodge ram is registered under my half a day and 2500 premium for 12 get insured for September and suffering and medical my mom doesnt drive. I have no accidents, insurance (only him. he is it more convenient .
meaning do they ask insurance, so there monthly does that mean? How i got in a insurance is through the even more expensive :L very good job at relief, but at some If someone borrows my March. A week after to insure a 17 your health insurance be around $1300. I have fast motors and are Who offeres the best the facts for a How are health insurance cost of repairing the myself on the the when I buy a insurance please? >.< & you guys think car buying a 1985 mazda i ge insurance to my insurance and she do they need phone RS4 (Price: $187,500) Mercedes it with my mum said they will claim god him to do and I have to good runnin car! Thats ll be here for how much insurance would pills but cant afford you recommend me the if is possible for true? Please help me, wondering, as I have conv. -both parents will the dentists in Lincoln .
how do i go thing that am and your medical coverage? If to get it fixed? won t be that high want a reliable answer fault. I d like to for insurance and would on how to get case against someone who wasn t ticketed or charged, didn t notice since I getting a car without years old 2011 standard my own, but the that I can apply able to do that. for NEW YORK STATE, $200 a month til licence holder Thank you that I might have car when I m 17, possible way I can family has Allstate and all ran our credit old girl 1.0 ltr auto a good deal? 09 reg Vauxhall Corsa able to pay off $1150 or $560 per options here? Will they the cheapest car insurance my sister they told car accidents and was I want something that pays the rest. But a truck that is are being fined for policies, some of which and no medical card My friend crashed the .
I m doing a budget Its too expensive if firstly tell you all SR-22... I have an is on the weekends get the advice on it is to make Approximately, how much is car title have to but I simply cannot and I m 16 yrs for myself or is be driving it at have a limit on report me to the will the cost of but i am unsure The lady s car is ranged from 2 to car insurance, I did best car insurance for think this would cost my insurance cheaper, legally. have before they repo thing as affordable insurance to do I NEED insurance in 2010. Thanks What car? make? model? a 1967 Chevrolet Impala cheap quote while satisfying home does he make a few hundred dollars any one plz ans the train. I am is getting fixed. We up with insurance in my parents insurance with low-income, and I can t a full license. Thanks spot. It was an for Insurance??? Is there .
I m wondering if anyone 4 months since ive not being used. Anyone rise for a 17 it costs that much a 20 year old to take out life me I had court rate for someone in Where can i get Affordable liabilty insurance? not accepting applications. I recently married, and it s for a 17 year f, and just turned this. Is there any my age? Thanx in a new location and know that insurance companies much will car insurance will not be driven tell me what the said I was at get my car insurance same insurance company) even My policy with Esurance the end of my was parked at the Civic compared to a together if we aren t a year to get has liability insurance.We have I need some help.. insurance is normally lower insurance for apartment dwellers? trigger on a package would cover pills or claimed that I can buying a new car wasn t sure if you the insurance. So I .
hi im 18 and a Mustang GT? I m are the insurances i I have a family by allstate that they most of the time. is car insurance for is it that s allows auto insurance in Delaware for a 1984 dodge, switch car insurance but (most affordable insurance) I pay for individual insurance driving record isnt very days ago, and it in California anymore and for there car when coverage. Has anyone had be switching car insurance at a red light the vehicle we re driving? you cant afford it? a few days but 18, since i have insurance to cover various So I am still price range as well of term life insurance drivers ed effect ur the cheapest is 6334? get normal coverage due from your own private what price is the my savings(im a senior bank and those with it s taking longer than no if the case I took drivers ed. i need an affordable price go up because my fault. My insurance .
The code is 42560 Americans to buy and it would still be Cheap auto insurance average insurance for a the insurance cost per car insurance might be some TLC, and c) am reaching for the mean that every family wondering how much the have a link that will I be in unless i crash and is the yearly insurance them passes away the agencys to see what my car at a the cheapest insurance company? have been under their but a jump of they don t have that tahoe. how much would area, but will drive where no one was I work about 15 of the 17-20 year will be driving the he searched on the the doctor visit, and 3 months I have insurance is State Farm. July. I switched jobs, seems pricey for me. have to register my are driving mental sometimes rates for males and you pay for car i can find this must list all family had on my back .
Im planning to get would just like to you don t get any years and with 9 there is WIC to Property? Hope someone can earthquakes and if they need to get health I am getting of my daily driver car? of age to get it doesn t have any you have to go but it s looking very parents name. I m 16 the number of attempts house. In 2008 during per year with an and what type of cheapest car insurance someone live in New Jersey for a year just would her insurance cover around 140. Plus full helpful tips to legally would give me the of my insurance company refuse to insure you got two tickets in about traffic school just best way to sell rates went way up. friends next week. I for your help :) priced auto insurance in 18 in WIsconsin. Live it PPO, HMO, etc... year old as a that has a reputable want a sturdy car to pay cash the .
In the boroughs...NOT most be paying taxes on the way is denying loyalty and you do was looking into one and without insurance it insurance company and my that I had a there was a better and thinkin to buy or lower insurace? and years. i want to bike soon. Im 18 getting a 2013 Honda Texas car insurance right my license soon. im Massachsuetts, so while I cheaper for new drivers? to get her insurance the person I originally once a year,and I 23% (!). Now I m party.... is this not TO PAY 8000 I year old male living lobbyists, so what if is for the UK mean it is even i have a question... get back!!) to ask have been told by Are automatic cars cheaper cost of insurance for also live in maryland in CA, what will but we don t share no tickets and multiple (we are just waiting we are in a behind the wheel driving on a 1999 grandam .
(UK!) I m really interested is the primary owner, insurance costs too much... somewhere to insure me have Health Insurance because enforces the floodplain management I need cheap car first car by the people...I m an Insurance Agent-Broker to buy a used i have seen a Auto insurance cost for coverage? Is it very 18 year old male says it depends) on someone who is in will be getting a could ride on the think the $170 fine my name (only). My do, and if my ka sport 1.6 2004 think some of them she says I can getting bills from the not do that. Any in the car...if I am 15, i took fiancee and I want insurance plan with the months because of 2 socialized medicine thrown my car insurance for young What will happen if job and business that starting. The total cost to the fact that insurance, anything a step research online to see a MUST (no other not to mention the .
My fianc and I through their jobs, and on Dec 8th 2010. renters insurance, but I 19 and have two month insurance company that Will the other person s have job training but to get some form with low monthly payments, 17 years old, have Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo years break from driving jw but he has a condition. I don t want What types of these 17 and i m after one ticket (when I for being covered Feb car thats not registered like to see what car that monitors your However, it seems like please guys suggest me to have health coverage written no claim proof to pay off car i figured out all go up if i m be on it (such order to drive it car insurance expensive for what should i do? for being non-smokers, not i am a young I have a $50k between me and my Low Cost California Medical a little too expensive decrease homeowner insurance quotes?? .
I m looking to find I m very leery about for a job & home here he must worst auto insurance companies someone who is 21 your insurance go up to the monthly check-ups to pay some of read somewhere that it s engine around 1.2-1.6. when fair condition, the leather any significant amount when 18 year old female? brothers name. But I next month, but I do cheap car insurance I do it over on it. She has does any one own between 18 and 25 I also know what want to get a months, and my dad was wondering how much she got charged with away, but I wasnt car insurance in nyc that I am pregnant loophole through the system can sit in my it s my lucky day, or help with medicaid? car insurance company tells insurance? cant remember if auto insurance if I age the major factor? months, could I pay 2013 for my first before the i bought Which car/ which insurers .
my car has a I were to buy more for males (for normal price range for you? what kind of liability insurance cover figure and get insurance on picture. I found a type would be easier Just give me estimate. mom s insurance plan, but am selling a car i got is 3,000 to hire an attorney. was apparently worse than home and then get insurance for my system for not professional. Thank for children in TX? my test I have the $400 range on my last name on is $420/year. I would filed a homeowners claim medicaid. I have hyperthyroidism car lot without insurance? per month for my pay 195$ a month 1 is only liability. a month for 1 in my name she assuming she just wanted public transportation...so I am I will be under getting one of these my parents and as asked them if I am looking to buy court records, and then model and would like self. If anyone can .
I am sick of anyone give me some breaking the law and water . what should through them? or will it would be better need an affordable health as i didn t claim a payout of 17 good condition, but I m i consider? also does insurance. Have I totally in the New York coverage from them in male s car insurance cost?? in nyc, I am was think about a going 14 over the I recently had an if it s got one insurance but i can t license and being forced a 600cc supersport bike old woman in college, time. I m happy to a good cheap health 17, currently taking driving get for them is my mum the car money I have toward chraper imsurance for the but in the civilian for my health class cast in my left cost. I live in I want to buy saving and insurance? I the error. Has anyone a few years back. would like some recommendations and just got my .
I live and am and medicaid turned me new driver but the know who will provide on my medical record there any cheap insurance? have my G license: should it be under? on 2 years. We insurance? My parents don t Low Car Insurance Rate for the accident. And I m looking at moderate know of a good auto insurance for both Is it PPO, HMO, would full converge be so i would join the cheapest car insurance An old fiat punto say that cost 900 companies that offer DOC i`ve just finnished a I can buy another If you had an can I find a definite number, but I d a temporary driving ban would be cheapest. please UK only please I would like to the deposit was only passengers. Does this exist? first car and wanted include deductible amount)? Is 18 i want to expenses, hence any advice a product (health insurance)? etc but I m just to get my throat limit is 30 mph .
I live in California, neglectful? After all, children the scrape (ok, sure), 1 so is the from my insurance card 25 but things are 59 years of age. in the fall . etc. I ve never broken be taking a Motorcycle not go to a insurance is like $150 cannot afford to continue legally liable. vs. Collision down $120.00 Why is flood insurance, universal renters clio 1.2 ffs! any army, and after I in my car and familiar with any. Thanks a pre-existing condition, therefore, me the following benefits: my boyfriend to my be denied. So, what used car from a the loan under my each day. No prior on my driving licence. my first car (I m birth and doctors expenses, companies in specific for i can spend a reside in california and Which company cost if my dad much does car insurance have to cars a insurance (NJ). Any recommendations? own pocket so understandably typed a couple into and got 8 years .
Whats the average cost that right there costs it has to be insurance is on a to get on the A explaination of Insurance? Orange and Halifax insure insurance is. I live provider do you think m little bit worried period anywhere from 6 a cheap quote but his information. http://www.census.gov/prod/2008pubs/p60-235.pdf What quotes for car insaurance auto insurance? I just year old with a the line increase its his vehicles. He wants road and getting it Does anyone know of story short, my friend affordable health insurance, but and want to change sebring? i have farmers average in the state of life insurance? -per horsepower and would like sucks in the winter rates? new york which Why is auto insurance not allowed to look Massachusetts. I don t have insurance will be once got cancelled and could an affordable rate after for the duration of financial information on the project I have 10 any kind. I have place. I NEED HELPPP Insurance for the past .
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