banglatown Ā· 4 years
Hey beers. Hope youre good. What's the difference between casual relationship and a platonic one ? Or are they the same thing. Oke with your friend and as such. Maybe I'm dumb but i got confused by some of your posts. (typed in beebs but it autocorrected. Gonna leave it in for funny points. Are you okay with these Qs I feel like you'd answer them but pls lmk if its weird)
hey bb ! and lmAo ... wow you rly know me šŸ˜­ i mean iā€™m muslim but still itā€™s funny šŸ˜Ŗ and well iā€™d say it differs person to person honestly but to me theyā€™re sorta different bc well
a platonic one i would say is more emotion based, yk? like the literal definition for platonic is essentially loving someone deeply w/o it being sexual lol
whereas a casual relationship .. well is different lol .. i think is what most ppl associate w .. other things lmaO but you know it has the emotional (if you want!) /mental (if you want!) /physical (if you want!) aspects without there being anything demanding or commital, does that makes sense? iā€™m gonna link the wiki page bc i believe it explains it far clearer than i do
but i see where some of you maybe confused when i said that we love each other platonically bc by definition.. thatā€™s not sexual but iā€™ve told you what a cas relationship is too so i understand itā€™s skjdsjhd but honestly itā€™ll vary person to person bc ppl define relationships not the other way around, ygm?
but what i meant is .. i always thought of platonic love as being not romantic, you know? like the love you have for the ppl in your life just bc theyā€™re them, your parents/guardians/siblings/friends, like that pure wholesome love tht you just want their happiness to never end and you keep them in your prayers so better days eventually come to them? like thatā€™s what i meant lol but once again i will link a wiki page explaining platonic love, as iā€™m sure thatā€™ll explain what i mean far more eloquently, and before anyone tells me wiki is a bad source, be quite i donā€™t need to listen to you šŸ˜¤
but essentially, i realised how much i valued platonic love after breaking up w my ex boyf, i saw a few posts abt it here and itā€™s what got my gears turning abt it like .. the concept of loving someone so wholly without it needing to be romantic .. just makes it more glorious, you know?
and so .. even tho i am intimate w šŸ§”šŸ½ in whatever way lmao it doesnā€™t change the fact that the love i have for him is platonic, and very real, i love him w my whole spirit and i want him to thrive and prosper and just be happy, yk? thatā€™s what platonic love is to me šŸ’›
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