#semantic bugfuckery
metatextuality · 1 year
the humble raspberry quickly reveals the flaws in morphology-based taxonomy by being not a true berry, but a mammal.
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metatextuality · 1 year
BPD tends to be short for borderline personality disorder, I haven't actually seen it refer to anything else
I've also seen it used a lot in resources for bipolar disorder. I don't think it should be, for both pragmatic and orthographic reasons, but it does make it very funny that literally any option I could pick in that poll would be both accurate and misleading.
It is also very funny that I probably qualify for a different problematic personality disorder that looked at that acronym and observed, "I would be technically justified in making this About Me, and may therefore be contractually obligated to do so."
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metatextuality · 10 years
James, while John had had 'had', had had 'had had'; 'had had' had had a stronger effect on the teacher.
Combine the pluperfect form with the verb homonymic to the relevant auxiliary, and additionally with quoted forms of both, to get what grammar ultimately proves to be as a whole: a motherfucker.
Had I had a 'had' or 'had had' here, my comment had made a more entertaining response. (Check definition #3 for that last one.)
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metatextuality · 10 years
what do you call Sn2+ heated to 231 °C?
cation a hot tin roof
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