paigelenncx-blog · 7 years
it is a terrible thing, to know that you are safe when the ones you love are in danger. paige had felt shaky all morning, remaining quiet at breakfast despite reassurance from her best friend that all would be well. dominique and her family had treated her better than her own family for her entire life, and she considered herself more loyal to them than any of the purebloods who she had to associate with during holidays. she had been so distracted that even professor kader noticed, suggesting that she take a break from her work to deliver a book to a student who had left it behind in the last class. her eyes lit up at the familiar name in the cover. she nodded, wordlessly, taking the book in her hands. after wandering around for a few minutes, she finally found the individual and held the book out in front of her, getting their attention. “you left this in potions,” she said simply, pursing her lips.
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cxrrowism-blog · 7 years
the usual pep in alfred carrow’s step seemed to turn into a bounce as he strode down the halls. after all, he had woken up to the wonderful news that his family was free. his father and aunt were out there, somewhere, and he was sure that they would find a way to contact him soon. of course, it was still his job to play the role that he had perfected over the years; that of the grief-stricken son, the carrow child trying to turn the family name around and make it respectable again. the son who had been a darling in his class, a star prefect, and beacon of hope for the future.  ugh, he had even had to suffer through muggle studies in order to create a believable character. catching that he was not along, he swung around, plastering his usual friendly smile on his face. “can i help you?” he asked, keeping his tone pleasant.
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txrirhodes-blog · 7 years
tori was always ready to fight. of course, the news this morning had only further solidified her resolve to fight against evil, but it hadn’t changed her daily routine the way it was effecting most students. she still got ready to do her daily run, meditating on the list of names as she stretched. it was hard to push it from her thoughts, but she attempted to in order to focus on her running. rounding around the campus, she tried to focus on the new quittich plays she was drafting to take her mind off of it. however, her thoughts were disturbed by a very loud, very clear scream. the captain stood dead in her tracks for a moment before quickly running into the castle, stopping the first person she saw. “did you just hear that?” she asked, brow furrowed.
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beatricezabini-blog · 7 years
In light of the new news, Beatrice had made a beeline for the quidditch pitch. Where she made quick work of running until her legs gave out -- which now took four hours instead of three and a half, a feat which she was incredibly proud of. The Slytherin seventh year didn’t know how to process any of the emotions, the fear that her father was involved, the fear that he would abandon her again. Glistening with sweat, Bea fell back onto the lush pitch, furrowing her eyebrows as someone’s shadow stepped into her view.  “Take a picture, you know it lasts longer. Would prefer you get a boner over that.” 
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tobiaselwyn-blog · 7 years
His yawn seemed to echo throughout the hallway and his footfall sounded more like a giant’s than a teenage boy. Tobias had always been an early riser, never one to dawdle and daydream, but this morning it seemed a little ridiculous. The sun had only managed to just peep up as the boy made his way around the castle, relishing in the silence. It was a rare occurrence at the school and Tobias wanted to savour every moment of it. The weather outside was a tad too chilly to be walking around without his robes or a coat but the Hufflepuff made his way out anyway. Inhaling the crisp air, he made his way to a stone bench only to stop short. Simple thoughts ran through his head, telling him that the seat would be freezing and that it was a stupid decision. No one was around to witness said foolish decision though, so Tobias lay down and watched the sunrise, ignoring the cold biting his skin.
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Scout perched on a stone wall in the courtyard, her choppy blonde fringe in her eyes as her legs swung in the breeze. Reading through her charms text book to see what trouble she could cause. The sixth year Slytherin seeking a distraction from all the news that had been plaguing the papers, being a muggleborn meant she never had to deal with any of this before; it was all a bit overwhelming. But if hiding in the Room Of Requirement for the rest of the day and practicing pranks was going to solve that, she would eventually do it. Feeling someone walk into her light, she looked up from her book. “Can I help you?” She asked with a raised eyebrow. 
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“They never really seem to miss a beat with these things. Getting better and better every year.” Beatrice lent against one of the columns in the Great Hall, a black flask that was once hiding in her thigh high stocking now sitting in her grip. Taking a swig and leaving a trace of red lipstick on the rim “want some?” 
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lilyluun · 7 years
Bopping back and forth to the music, Lily desperately tried to forget her entirely embarrassing completely regrettable interaction with the secret man of her wildest dreams. Ever since breaking up with her dumb (as a bag of literal bricks. How do you not notice magic for a year? Oh that’s right you liked your skateboard more than your girlfriend) muggle boyfriend, she’d felt just entirely ugly. He who must not be named, a nickname for her ex she didn’t dare voice to anyone but her siblings and Niamh, was at least good for boosting her self esteem. Maybe the blood wasn’t helping. Half the people she’d seen tonight had thought she was a zombie anyway. Lily made a promise to herself to stop the next person who bumped into her and luckily she wasn’t waiting a long time. “Hey! Who do you think I am? Do you like get it? The look? Or am I completely off base and do I look stupid? Honest answers only, okay?” 
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apxllokim-blog · 7 years
“I don’t really see the appeal in these things other than costumes.” Apollo mused, sipping from his glass that he had narrowly missed Hermes or Eros slipping something into it. Hermes would have pulled some prank on him, but Eros was one to spike the drinks, and Apollo was just not into that. He scanned the room for his younger sister, tugging on the green fabric that covered his body. Sure the costume was nerdy, but Apollo loved to read, and one of the first chapter books he had ever read was Lord of The Rings, and well... elves were cool. “Everyone just comes to dance and get drunk.”
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erxscha-blog · 7 years
“Don’t STEP on my CAPE.” Eros pouted, his short blonde hair ruffled and falling into his eyes slightly. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t at least a little bit tipsy, but hey he was legal now. (Granted alcohol wasn’t allowed on school grounds, but Eros had his ways. His brother was a particularly bad influence on him.) “I worked really hard to find this, you know. I had to practically beg my mother to send it from Korea. Owls take a long time you know!” His cheeks are flushed slightly, and his high lilt is accented with lofty giggles. “Lil H thought I looked pretentious, but I’m a PUREBLOOD! I’m ALLOWED to be pretentious sometimes am I right?” Eros has a habit of speaking his mind without a filter when he’s sober, and being tipsy is definitely not helping the brain to mouth filter. 
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Fingers encircled around wrists as Violet walked up to her fellow student, twirling around so that she was face to face with them. She was quite pleased with how her dress twinkled in the light (really the only perk to wearing such a long, useless piece of material - however it was Halloween and she was embracing the truly scary). “You owe me a dance.” she said, backed up by a firm nod. And well, was it true? Maybe. It seemed like most of her friends had ditched her, and the ones she did find didn’t share her want to dance. Maybe the person in front of her didn’t either but the Gryffindor was determined, even if she had to butter them up a little. Letting go of their wrist, she clasped her hands together, almost begging. “Pretty please? With a cherry on top?”
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scorhmal · 7 years
Clandestine meetings in small broom closets were not Scorpius’s style. He heard rumors of what people usually used the small side rooms for and that was disgusting. Weren’t they concerned about people overhearing or getting caught? Well, if people expected certain activities to be occurring in said rooms, perhaps they wouldn’t open the door. Which made the broom closet a perfect place to talk to Paige. Hopefully.
Scorpius held the door open for the older Slytherin, looking around the hallway as he did. He didn’t need anyone getting the wrong idea. In his opinion, there’d never been a very inappropriate rumor spread about him. Well, except for that Voldemort’s son nonsense first year but that really died down rather quickly. At least if they assumed something unkind about him in his current situation, there would be less blood traitor mutterings occurring in the common room. Scorpius was rather thankful Paige currently existed. He could talk Albus’s ear off about world politics and terror climates but the other boy sadly didn’t have the right kind of family to understand what truly terrified Scorpius to the bone. He’d never be approached about his loyalty to an insidious group of people. Eden didn’t have to worry at all. He had his last name. Beatrice was good to joke around with but it seemed no one would discuss the very palpable fear Scorpius felt at all times. “I appreciate this, Paige. I...I don’t know how to phrase it quite correctly but thank you.”
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Ever since he was a kid, Munro had been an early riser. This morning was no exception.
Just as the sunlight was peeking through the window, Munro’s eyes opened and he yawned, stretching his arms and neck. He looked around to make sure he hadn’t awoken any of his roommates, especially Eden, then nearly jumped out of bed to greet the day.
He quickly changed into his cozzy, then put his every day clothes on over it. He grabbed his wand and his book bag, just in case his swim lasted longer than expected, and headed out of the room.
He very nearly ran all the way down to the lake and smiled as he saw the sun rising over the water. Sometimes it blew his mind that this was where he got to go to school.
He striped down, hung up his clothes on a nearby tree branch, and ran into the water. It had a slight chill, but that’s how he liked it. It helped wake him up fully, and he always got used to it within seconds. Plus, the leaves would be changing soon, which would mean that the lake would be too cold to swim in. Since swimming was his favourite form of exercise besides hitting a bludger, he was going to take advantage of every chance he got.
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Swimming always helped Munro feel calm and content, and he really needed that right now. It had been a bit since he was turned down (for the last time) for the captain position, and what felt like the next day, news of the breakout spread across campus. He had written his parents the day he heard, making sure they were alright, and checked in with his brother and sister. Leonard was scared, but dealing with it. Lauren was surprisingly calm, reminding Munro that Hogwarts was one of the safest places for them to be.
He swam for (what he could tell) about a half an hour when he got out and laid down on the grass. The sun hit him just right, letting him allow the warmth to dry him off.
He was just about to close his eyes when he heard the ruffling of leaves, indicating someone had joined him. Without seeing who it was, he smirked and asked them, gesturing to his shirtless torso, “You come for the view?”
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jamcspxttcr · 8 years
{ temporarily } closed
“Contraceptive potions don’t guarantee safe sex anymore, ya know? My uncle George told me that one of his friend’s cousins had drunk one but he was stabbed by the woman’s husband anyway.” James was passionately telling one of the house elves working in the kitchen. He had had one too many glasses of firewhiskey and his eyelids were struggling to stay open. Feeling thirsty, he downed another one and cursed loudly when he felt the familiar burn in his throat.
Suddenly bored with the conversation he was having, he turned his head to lazily scan the rest of the kitchens. There were various house elves cleaning the dishes which had been used during dinner and chatting amiably. None of them was paying him much attention, already used to the Seventh Year weekly visits. He heavily sighed, struck by the feeling that even surrounded he felt alone. Carelessly, he let his head drop on top of the table with a loud thump. Why was he still single when most of his friends had already had several relationships? He was handsome, an amazing Quidditch player and Harry Potter’s son. Was something wrong with him? He knew he wasn’t the brightest, but he wasn’t dumb. Was he? Merlin, was he dumb? Was his lack of intelligence the reason no one would date him?
James snapped his head up, feeling like he had just reached an epiphany. Once he did, he realized there was another student in the kitchens and he slammed his hand on table, trying to catch their attention. “Tell me the truth; am I an idiot?” His words were slurred, but clear enough for the other person to understand.
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nottheiress · 8 years
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     after a moment of listening to little theodore and peony express their ‘concerns’ about their grandfather being one of the escapees, melinoë only nodded along. she should have been more worried, she understood, but the witch didn’t have it in her to care quite yet. if at all, really. “yes, yes.. i get you two are only first years, but---” theodore cut her off before she could finish. “meli! you don’t get it!” only to have peony join in soon after, “yeah, everyone already hates us!” melinoë sighed, resisting the compelling urge to roll her eyes at the twins. “if they already hate you, that means they were never good enough to befriend you.”
     and just as she thought she finally made any sense to her siblings, they both huffed in unison, “says the person with only one friend!” referring to margaery, no doubt; the two have been thick as thieves since diapers. however before melinoë spoke more, she noticed a figure coming towards them. which prompted her to shoo away her siblings, telling them they’ll finish this later, to much of their dismay.
     “if you came to complain about something, at least make it less headache inducing. for your sake and mine.”
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elijahselwyn · 8 years
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Elijah sighed, rubbing his neck. He stared at the annotations in front of him and tapped his quill on the parchment impatiently. Talking about feelings wasn’t his forte; he was starting to realize that he was actually pretty terrible at it. For almost an hour now, he had been trying to think of a way to confront Max and figure out what was going on with him. For the last 4 days, the young Hufflepuff had acted unlike himself. Irritable, easily provoked and almost angry. He had actually snapped at Elijah. It had never happened before and he was worried. Incredibly so as this was the second time this change of attitude had presented itself. The first time had been some weeks before and the same symptoms had appeared then.
The parchment was full of half-written sentences and bullet points that were supposed to help him figure out how to confront his friend. However, all of his attempts were lackluster and rather pathetic. For the first time since the beginning of their friendship, Elijah was measuring his words around Max. The older boy usually didn’t see the need to do so, implicitly trusting the other and knowing he wouldn’t get easily offended by his often insensitive words.
However, the more he wrote, the more convinced he was that there was no perfect way to go about it. He bit his lip frustrated and started aggressively crossing out sentences with his quill. The skin of his lip was about to break when he heard footsteps approaching him. Startled, he snapped his head up and found himself staring at Max. “Max! Are you alright? Why have you been acting so awful this last week?” He blurted out. Blinking confused, he realized what he had just said and flinched. “I– I mean… Is anything bothering you? Is someone bothering you? I’m worried about you, Max.”
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