emmawrxght · 2 years
@senatusstarters​​ location: Vatican City notes: post plot drop, vampire mayhem
Everything happened so quickly and Emma was all but helpless to stop it. In the madness she’d lost track of Gabriel and Rowan, thrown into a crowd of stampeding wedding guests that were desperate to escape from the blood frenzy that had overtaken the vampires. It built like a rising crescendo, each more insatiable than the last, it was all she could do to run. The faiman quickly caught sight of a fellow halfblooded, recognizing them as a resident from Mutat Domun who’d also been attendance at the wedding. She rushed towards them, then in a flash they were down. Their neck torn nearly in half as their magically rich blood cascaded about the holy ground. Emma was at their side but too late, they were gone: they were gone and she looked up to see hungry eyes that had fixated upon her. She called for her magic, but nothing but sparks ignited in her palms: “Stay away!” Emma yelled, resolute. “Get back!” 
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theograves · 2 years
@xelessarx​ location: royal wedding notes: tie the knot
The newlyweds had their first dance and Theo took Elessar’s hand and escorted him to the floor, Theo was in the wedding party and Ely had been a good sport in that he’d been dragged around to just about every little function that the queen requested over the last few days. It was tough being the best man, but for all his scheming and all his machinations - Evelyn was the closest thing to a best friend he had. “I don’t want this putting any ideas in your head.” Theo said as the music swelled and he held the other close, he couldn’t help but notice how on edge the party seemed: like some of the guests, mostly the vampires were holding themselves back. 
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astralyavie · 2 years
@hayliel​ location: somewhere in vampire-occupied vatican city notes: marriage? 
The two had fucked in just about every room of the vatican at this point, the wedding was like any other wedding, really boring. Yavie was nearby in case Farenduil needed him but he was only here to dance and make kissie faces with Hayliel. They were on the up right now, which meant Yavie couldn’t get enough of him: one wrong word though and it was over and they’d break up all over again. Like last week when Hayliel said he didn’t get the hype around Harry Styles. Unforgivable. They were going to his next concert now though so all was forgiven. “I have something really important I want to ask you.” Daddy. Yavie said as he got down on one knee and took the fallen’s hand into his own, softly pressing his lips to it as he did. “When this is done, would you...” He brought Hayliel’s hand to his cheek and held it there as he looked up at Hayliel with full, brown eyes. “like to go back to the hotel and play mermaids with me in the pool?” 
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ezekielurquhart · 2 years
@senatusstarters​ location: Vatican City notes: post plot drop 2, temporary leech!Zeke
Everything had happened so fast. Remi and him were meant to leave before they got distracted, then separated, when he’d bumped into that fey while he was looking for his boyfriend it was impossible not to notice how good she smelled. It was obvious to Ezekiel that he was the youngest vampire at the wedding by far, but everyone had been on edge. Twitchy. Then she was there, that fey, and all he could hear was the sound of her heart, all he could smell was the blood that pumped through it. Ezekiel had tasted fey before, it was the best by far, irresistible. There was a scream from somewhere in the church and everything went red. 
It couldn’t have been enough though, but was all it took to send him over the edge. He was so hungry, his throat felt like fire, his veins stiff and dry as every muscle in his body ached. This wasn’t normal, the vampire knew this, but as the wedding disintegrated into chaos all around him, the rich scent of blood permeated Ezekiel’s every sense. Just one more. He’d say, any thoughts of his boyfriend now gone as the insatiable hunger in his gut sent him spiralling into a frenzy. 
 So hungry, Ezekiel thought, then some Duke from wherever put his hands on him and told the younger vampire to get ahold of himself. Threw around a lot of words like undignified. Something tragic had happened, something horrible, but all Ezekiel could think was that lunch had landed right in front of him. Strong hands seized the formal attire and the Pluto vampire drove his fangs into the vampire’s neck, it was rancid but he was hungry enough that even the rot tasted sweet. 
There was blood everywhere, the vampire was covered in it, his suit in disarray, his features a mess. A body had fallen behind him, another, another. Guilt free and remorseless, blown feral pupils and fangs that dripped over his lips. Ezekiel stumbled from the church feeling drunk and powerful all at once, but still, he was hungry, he was so fucking hungry. 
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thiefnathan · 2 years
@abelczarlinski​ location: royal wedding notes: imagine your date is wearing converse to the royal wedding
There was a livestream happening of the fights at furfest and Nathan had been sneaking looks at it on his phone, he wasn’t really a sports guy but he’d put a lot of money on the alpha taking home the gold. Or the knot, whatever the lycans were calling the top prize. “Yes!” Nathan exclaimed under his breath as he peaked at his phone while speeches were being made from the head table. Something about eternal love, blah blah blah. Somewhere in the back he sat with Abel and quickly tucked his phone back into the pocket of his wrinkled suit, making eye contact with his date only after. “What?”
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seeingvivianne · 2 years
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The Royal Vampire Wedding
As a Senator, Vivianne feels obliged to attend and congratulate the vampire royalty on their special day. Knowing it is the sort of event that only comes around once ever few millennium, Vivianne chose a joyful golden gown and matched it with simple but elegant jewelry on her ears and fingers. Since she will not be staying the entirety of the event in order to also support the lycans at their Lupercalia, Vivianne did not bother doing more than curling her hair, touching up her new bangs and then leaving it all down. It’s very clear that she has also decided not to touch up any roots and has been growing out her hair’s natural dark brown color; only the ends seem to have any blonde left.
Again, Vivianne feels a Senator should attend any and all significant public events to Rome and its supernatural population. She’s gone to Lupercalia to support her lycan fellow Senators and see what happens. She’s taken off her dress and all her jewelry and attends in comfortable black leggings that are fuzzy on the inside and large sweatshirt under a big winter coat. Vivianne is very easily cold and isn’t a big fan of shivering and trembling outdoors for too long. The warm winter hat, scarf and boots were a must for her. Running around from one event to the other, she forgot to pack herself gloves so she is sorely regretting that. You’ll probably see a little ball of fire floating next to her.
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ezekielurquhart · 2 years
@hcdonism​ location: royal wedding notes: let the bodies hit the floor let the bodies hit the floor
Getting ready for the wedding had been less about getting the best fit he could find and more about making sure he’d drank enough to keep himself satiated when he was around Remi. Ezekiel had meant what he’d said, until he knew what was wrong he didn’t want to feed from the faiman. Still, that didn’t mean they couldn’t have a good time together. The reception was well under way and the vampire had just about downed everything he could get his hands on, vampires knew how to put together a good lineup and it was hard to think about anything besides how full he was, and how much he wanted to feel close to his boyfriend again. 
“I love you, you know.” Ezekiel breathed, his hands on the other’s waist as Remi sat in his lap, he’d never really thought of himself as the marrying type but who knew - maybe in a few years he could convince Remi to join him on the other side of this whole immortality thing. At the very least the faiman kept things interesting, eternity could taste pretty sweet. 
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ezekielurquhart · 2 years
@marcellabelanades​ location: royal wedding notes: another day another slay
Maybe there was a reason there were so many lines in the sand between what he was and who he’d become. Ezekiel didn’t have the level of control that made making friends with other species particularly easy. That much was made clear. The two of them had a relationship that had carried on over death but idly Ezekiel couldn’t help but wonder if he’d already fucked that up. At the reception he found her minding her own business somewhere near the refreshments dressed like a guilty widow at her husband’s funeral. “I’m sorry about the other night I don’t really know what came over me.”  
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ezekielurquhart · 2 years
@bloodyrhiannon​ location: royal wedding notes: we need to talk about bruno
“I need to talk to you... it’s important.” Ezekiel started as he managed to track Rhiannon down while she was on a glorified marshal patrol, vampires were all enjoying the party, marshals included but the senate’s role was security. There had been too much disaster this year, too many mistakes. The magisterium would not tolerate any more fuck ups. At least, that’s what Ezekiel had heard. “I think I’m in love with you,” the vampire blurted out, “I can’t get you out of my head and maybe I’m crazy but I think you’re in love with me too.” He snickered, unable to keep a straight face any longer before he brought his drink to his lips. “Seriously though, I think something’s wrong with me. My appetite has been crazy lately.” 
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emmawrxght · 2 years
@meryasek​ location: royal wedding notes: family bonding
They hadn’t left things in a very comfortable way, Emma’s outburst was embarrassing, telling, and relatively out of character for the faiman who was usually so put together. Still, today was meant to be a happy day. It was a wedding, a vampire wedding but after all the gloom and doom this city had been through it was nice to imagine that there might be one night where all was well. “Every time I see you at these things you’re alone, hard to believe a prince is without any suitors.” 
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emmawrxght · 2 years
@wintersaurora​ location: royal wedding notes: cute fit
While Emma needed a rest from the standing, the socializing, and the dancing, she stole herself away and took a breath on the outskirts of the reception. The wedding was beautiful, like something out of a fairytale and while it might have been selfish it ate at something inside of her. “For an eladrin, you’re looking a bit subdued.” Emma said wryly before her gaze shifted back to the place where the newlyweds had taken their first dance before disappearing somewhere. Truthfully she knew relatively little of Aurora, just of her grief and of her curse, but there was always more to a person. “Were you ever married?” 
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emmawrxght · 2 years
@gabriclsanson​ location: royal wedding notes: :(
Truthfully it had been a long day and was turning into a long night, this social obligation was taxing and what Emma craved now more than anything was the warmth of her bed. Maybe some tea. She was warm and feverish, her body ached but she’d been putting on a brave face. Over a month had passed since she and Micah were separated and try as she might, her magic was all but completely gone. “Very fetching.” Emma pointed out before she fixed the collar on his mesh shirt, as concerned as she was for her own state of being, she was perhaps equally worried for Gabriel. “Is he here tonight,” the faiman asked, “your father?”
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astralyavie · 2 years
@meryasek​ location: royal wedding notes: besties 
“You like?” Yavie asked as he flipped his coat down and did a little turn for his friend, “It’s authentic hand-dyed lycan, I figure what better time to wear it than at a vampire wedding.” It was pretty hard to come by, especially since lycans always turned back into people when they died, but where there was a will there was a way and magic covered up everything else. Yavie looked around, “Do they always look this hungry? You’d think they’d know it was rude to stare.”
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ezekielurquhart · 2 years
@hayliel​ location: the streets notes: they say that a hero can save us
A snap resounded around him as Ezekiel’s neck forced itself back into place and blue eyes opened again, hunger stirred inside of him and his throat burned. He couldn’t think clearly, couldn’t think of anything really besides how starved he was. When the vampire tried to move he found that he couldn’t, marshal chains had him firmly bound, a parting gift from Rhiannon as the vampire writhed and squirmed in place. All younger and desire as he rocked back and forth, jaws snapping like a caged monster. Bitch, he thought, I’m so hungry- I’m going to- it felt like his body was drying up, his veins turning to stone, his limbs slowly desiccating as tears streamed down his cheeks. “Help me!” Ezekiel could smell the other’s blood, he rolled around on his back, all aching teeth and burning limbs. A drop, two, that was all he needed. He didn’t want it to end like this, burning away from the inside, somehow it felt right, maybe it was what he deserved. Ezekiel thought about Hazal, he was sorry and he wouldn’t get the chance to say it. “Please!”
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astralyavie · 2 years
@meryasek​ location: THE STREETS notes: post plot drop 2
Farenduil was safe, Yavie could feel as much because he’d left the wedding early. Something that the eladrin couldn’t help but be thankful for now. Mery though, Meryasek’s royal blood would have been all the more appealing to these feral creatures and without a warder he was more vulnerable than the chancellors. 
The streets were a warzone, so above Rome Yavie’s song carried him along with the wind, soaring above as he tried to find his friend amidst the throng of vampires below. From Lupercalia more beasts were emerging, though Yavie put them from his mind until he caught sight of an emergence of foliage and trees that could only have been a product of the prince’s magic. 
“Mery!” Yavie called out as he landed near him, catching sight of the fey that the prince was sheltering. “Something’s wrong -  the court-” Rome be damned, something was going on in the Otherworld. 
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theograves · 2 years
@sumeyyezorlu​ location: Vatican City notes: oh no your pussy went crazy
Elessar’s blood wasn’t a scent that Theo would ever forget, Sumeyye would regret attacking the man that the vampire loved. Fueled by rage and aggression, he’d caught sight of her amidst the chaos and descended upon her immediately. “Oh no,” Theo declared as he grabbed the other and held her by her throat. They’d been in this position many times before, though the circumstances were vastly different. “you’ve lost your mind-” Theo said as he pressed harder, he could smell Ely on her still, a fact that only enraged him further. “looks like I’ll have to keep you from hurting anyone else.” 
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