#send it to me instead stop fucking harassing random people on the internet the block button exists for a reason
whore-crusher · 10 months
WAIT OKAY RECAP FOR ME, SOMEONE WHO LITERALLY JUST GOT HERE: i saw you second post, peaked in to find the first, and was like 'huh, weird to ask someone to not use a name, you don't own it', then did a lil hunting of my own cause i Did Not know who you were talking about but i'm Nosy
and i saw the post that pup made and was like 'damn, sad they're not around anymore, but i got my own problems with the hlvrai fandom, have fun getting better ig' and i scrolled a bit on pup's blog and was like 'oh okay, you wanted a distinction between Your gordie, and other gordies, sure, you went about it weird but ig i understand. big ol miscommunication' and MOVED ON
and then. hours later. i'm scrolling. people are jumping down your throat ?? because APPARENTLY that big old giant long post was made Because of you being like 'that was fucking weird to ask me not to use a NAME' and ?? pup got SO FUCKING UPSET that they just LEFT THE INTERNET
i'm so confused. what the fuck.
THEY LEFT??? Anon, I'll be so honest, I made my posts as a one-off "hey isn't this kind of weird and funny" thing for my friends and the like 2 followers I have. I woke up today, sick as all hell, opened Tumblr and had hundreds of notifications from people either dming me like "Hey sorry you're being harassed" or sending me anon asks calling me insults for daring to have an opinion on Tumblr. I haven't checked pups account since I made the og post + have ignored most notifications I've gotten since I prefer to have discussions instead of being yelled at. I only knew that they left discord, not THE INTERNET. OVER ONE POST.
It only shocks me how chronically online someone has to be that a single post, where they went completely unnamed, got them so upset they had to LEAVE the INTERNET. And make a post that has made me be actually harassed by random people (most of whom that I can't block if I wanted to since they're sending anon asks) when my post was not harassment by any means and did not tell people to harass her.
Also since it WAS just a miscommunication she could've just... literally DMed me. "Hey Simon, saw your post, here's what I meant: [blah blah blah]" and I would've DELETED IT..???? They could've stopped this whole thing by replying to me on AO3 with an explanation instead of just deleting the original comment those months ago.
Anyways Thanks for being Just As Confused as this whole thing is making me. And for not calling me 6 bajillion slurs like most people in my asks see fit to do right now!
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I do not have the energy or care to spend any more thoughts about the CK situation but there's something that has been bothering me. I wish to start off that I do not support Tom, I haven't supported him for quite awhile before this happened because of other actions he did. However, even though I do not like Tom, I do not approve of people sending him death threats and causing him to leave. Do I think some of the things he said were shitty? Absolutely! Especially the stuff about racism and his hispanic/latinx ocs that are walking stereotypes! Do I think people should have gone to the extent they did to harass him? Fuck no. Goodness, we are a community, for the most part, of adults. Start acting like it, and if it truly bothered you so bad then just block his account and tags (when he was here)
As a POC, it's really bothered me that people have glossed over the things like how uncomfortable his only two hispanic/latinx character's were very fetishy and becoming insulting stereotypes but at the end of the day what can I do? Oh right, move on from it because there are other important daily life things to worry about than random people on the internet that have no direct contact to me and don't interfere with my real world life. Does it suck? Yes. Should I spend every waking breath breathing into my mic raging? No. I just can't fantom this behavior from either side, this isn't pointed at one side by the way, its at both because I quite frankly think people on both sides are acting ridiculously to internet drama we should be moving on from/shouldn't have let it come to this. That's all, I'm quite frankly tired of it because it does suck but it's a tumblr fandom, I have to keep reminding myself it's always been like this since joining this website 9 years ago it'll end up falling into the toxic internet culture bag. By the way, congrats on figuring yourself out with genderfluidity!
Anon...... I love you, take this ✨️👑✨️
In all seriousness, I have a high HIGH respect for you, and thank you for taking the time to do this. I completely agree and understand where you are coming from! I still stand by saying that this all should have just been handled privately, not just from the person who made the post but Tom as well. Like you said, we are all adults here, and this was all just the wrong way to handle this situation. We are all adults and this is one of those times that should have been handled privately first instead of out in the open where some people didn't even take the time to read the posts from both sides and just took the chance to threaten and harrass the opposite side. (Idc if you agree or not with someone, harassment is never okay and I'm sorry if you dealt with any of that anon) It's going too far at this point and just tiring to see both sides threaten one another over this. This happens. It's life, and people move on. As someone that I have talked to on here said, people mess up and make bad decisions. It happens and it's life. If you aren't happy or comfortable, then no one is stopping you from leaving. Your comfort is a top priority, and it's the internet. If you don't like something, then block or leave it. You, my dear anon, have said it so well that I don't even know what to add! UwU
As for the racism part of Tom's post(s), that was one of the things I did not agree on. I didn't take it personally(I am a white as fuck irish person who has only heard the "Lol alcoholic potato" jokes)and I can't even imagine how some people felt. I feel like I have no place to comment on it because I don't want to act like I know how it feels. It wasn't okay, in my opinion, and besides saying that I didn't agree with that, and it was upsetting to read. I wish I could add more, but you seriously said it a lot better! TwT
(I genuinely wish I could add more, but holy shit did you make such a beautiful and inspiring post, Anon! ^^ Thank you for taking the time to send me this, and I hope you have a wonderful stay here, we love and appreciate everyone here, my friend, SO YOU BETTER ACCEPT IT!!! ❤️ >:0)
(P.s. Thank you so much!!! Also, you dropped this ✨️👑✨️)
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BTS Reaction: Their normally bubbly, kind s.o roasts someone who is badmouthing them
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This is literally me lol. I actually had a lot of fun writing this one!
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You and Namjoon were walking hand in hand down the street on the way back to your apartment. You were coming back from your date and yes, you looked damn good if you say so yourself. You were wearing a low cut shirt and tight jeans that hugged you in all the right places. You walked past a group of guys when one of them decided to make an offhand comment towards you. You almost barely heard him but sure enough, your ears heard the word “Slut” come out of his mouth. You felt Namjoon immediately tense up next to you and he was more than ready to defend you, however when he turned around he saw you grabbing the man by the collar and already defending yourself. “Excuse me? What the fuck did you just say to me asshole?” Namjoon couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of your mouth but if he was completely honest it just made him even more attracted to you. “What I wear is of no concern to you. I dressed up nice for my boyfriend not for you. So next time you want to say something to me I’d think twice and keep that ugly mouth of yours shut unless you want me to stick my foot in your mouth and shut it for you.” You released the man and walked back to Namjoon, your bubbly smile back on your face as he just stood there and stared at you in complete shock.
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Jin had warned you more than once not to read comments from the fans online but you were bored and couldn’t help yourself. Majority of the comments were nice and supported your relationship. However you did find some not so nice ones and after the 5th one you read you snapped. I just don’t understand why Jin is with someone like them. He’s world wide handsome. Y/n is not good enough for him and never will be. You let out a scoff and immediately started smashing your fingers against the keyboard. Jin could tell something had upset you so he came over to see what you were doing. “Jagi! I told you not to read those what are you doing?” “Listen Jin my parents didn’t raise no bitch I am not going to sit here and let this little hussy talk shit about me over the internet.” “Y/n. You can’t engage with people like this it is just going to add fuel to the fire.” “Jin, I love you. But let me handle this okay?” He let out a huff as he sat back and watched you typing back to this random person, not fully understanding why this bothered you so much. Listen here. You might think you are big and bad because you type this shit on the internet but I would bet my house that you wouldn’t dare say this to my face. Actually you know what? If writing hates comments makes you feel better about yourself go right ahead because guess what? At the end of the day it’s me he’s coming home to. It’s me that he is kissing passionately before we go to sleep at night. So if being mean to me makes you feel better about that fact that you will never have him go right ahead. Jin began laughing hysterically. “Damn I had no idea my sweet bubbly y/n was such a badass. I better be careful from now on behind that sweet exterior is a demon that shouldn’t be messed with.”
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Today was one of the rare days you actually were able to convince Yoongi to go out with you and you wanted to look extra nice for him. You put on your best pair of ripped shorts, and a crop top. Yoongi’s jaw almost dropped to the floor when he saw you, he thought you looked absolutely gorgeous. As you were walking with him you noticed some guy up ahead staring at the both of you. You gripped his hand tighter feeling uncomfortable with the way he was looking at you. When you walked past him he gripped your other arm and pulled you back from him. “What’s a sexy thing like you doing with a tiny guy like that? Don’t want you want to be with a real man?” Insulting you was one thing, insulting your boyfriend was a completely different story. “Are you serious right now? Get your fucking hand off me before I cut it off you son of a bitch.” He actually let go which boosted your confidence even more. You started stalking towards him, shoving him against the wall with your hand gripping his collar. “You insult my boyfriend one more time I’m taking you into that diner over there and sticking your dick in the blender is that clear? Yoongi is more of a man than you could ever dream to be. Now fuck off.” At that Yoongi came up behind you, his hand tightly gripping your waist. “You heard them. I suggest you leave.” “You’re both crazy.” The guy said as he walked away from the both of you. Yoongi then had you pinned against the wall, his hands on either side of your head caging you in. “I had no idea my sweet little prince/ss had such a mouth on them. What else have you been hiding from me? Shall we go back home and find out?”
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You were out with Hoseok shopping at the mall. He suddenly could feel you tense up next to him as you began approaching a group of girls that were inside the store you were planning on going in to. “Um. Actually Hobi can we go somewhere else?” “What? Why? This is your favorite store.” “Those girls used to bully me in high school. Think Mean Girls but 10x worse and 10x more petty.” “Honey you can’t be afraid of them forever. If they say something to you stand up for yourself!” You walked into the store and sure enough one of them came up to you and tried messing with you. “Oh! Y/n! I haven’t seen you in forever!” You tried to ignore her but she wouldn’t let up. “Still the same weak and timid person you’ve always been I see. Gosh you make it so easy.” You couldn’t take it anymore and you finally boiled over. “Alright I was trying to be nice and ignore you but since you still seem to be as stupid as you were in high school and can’t take a hint let me spell this out for you as simply as I can so even you can understand. Go.Away. I hated you in high school and I still hate you now. Only difference is I am not the same weak girl you new back then and I won’t hesitate to put a bitch in her place. So I suggest you take your merry band of idiots and fuck off somewhere else.” Hoseok couldn’t help himself as he started cheering for you. “YEAH! GO BABY DRAG THAT BITCH!” You grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the store. “Did I do okay Hobi?” “Good? Baby you were amazing! Who knew my sweet little angel was capable of all that! I’m so proud of you!”  
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When you and Jimin were enjoying your night out at the movies together the last thing you expected was to run into your ex. Knowing your ex you knew they were going to say something snarky to Jimin and with his short temper you knew this situation was going to be bad. As you were walking into the theater you could hear footsteps fast approaching the two of you. “So this is the guy you’re with now?” “Don’t say anything Jimin just keep walking he’s not worth our time.” “Tch. I was more than worth your time when we were together. Couldn’t keep you off of me in fact. Why don’t you quit playing games with this boy and come home with me?” At that Jimin immediately whipped around to confront him but you stopped him. You kissed him firmly on the lips. “It’s okay babe. I’ll handle my ex don’t worry.” You turned around and immediately dug you finger into his chest and were jabbing it into him as you yelled. “Okay. Let me make one thing clear. We broke up for a reason. You were an asshole, who has no idea how to treat or please another person the only thing you cared about was yourself. Couldn’t keep me off of you? Give me a break. You want to know what a real man looks like? He’s standing right here and his name is Park Jimin. Don’t forget his name. With how loud he has me screaming it I’m sure you’ll be able to hear it later.” With one final jab of your finger you sauntered off to where Jimin was and planted another kiss to his lips. “Let’s go babe.” “I don’t even want to watch the movie anymore. Why don’t we go home instead and make good on your word? I wouldn’t be able to concentrate on the movie anyway. The only thing I’m going to be thinking about is what other things you’re capable of. Such dirty things coming out of such sweet lips.”
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You were at home with Taehyung when you started getting text messages from an unknown number calling you horrible names. You couldn’t help but frown down at your phone as you texted a response. Who the fuck is this? Unless you want these texts to continue I suggest you break up with Taehyung. I know where your apartment is and I don’t think you want me to show up there. At that you couldn’t help but laugh. “Great. Now I have some crazy sasaeng texting my number threatening me. Honestly I am not even surprised I was waiting for this day to come actually.” Taehyung would immediately come and sit next to you, concern evident on his face. “Baby? What do you mean? Is someone harassing you? I can call the company right away and they can do something about this.” You reached out your hand and ruffled his hair. “It’s okay Tae. I got this. Come closer for a second.” He moved closer to you and you pressed his lips to yours and took a photo. “Y/n what are you doing?” “Putting this crazy hoe in their place.” “Jagi! I’ve never heard you talk like that before where did my sweet little angel go?” Taehyung was fake crying into your shirt as you laughed and immediately started typing your response. You sent a message along with the photo. Nah we’re good. Thanks though! Feel free to stop by I am sure Tae would love to have a word with you. I’m sure the police would to. You do realize their company has ways of tracking your phone? They will find whoever you are and I don’t think you really want the police at your door do you? So kindly, go fuck off and bother someone else. I’m tired of crazy fans trying to interfere with our relationship and If you so much as show your face within a block of my apartment I won’t hesitate bitch. As you hit send Taehyung would pull you into his arms and chuckled softly. “Remind me to never get on your badside. You are scary when you’re mad. That babyface of yours is a lie”.
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You went out dancing with Jungkook. It took a lot of convincing on your part but he finally gave in and agreed to go with you. He left you for not even 5 minutes to go to the bathroom and during that time everything went to shit. This random girl that you had no idea who she was just decided she was going to start shit with you. She insulted your clothes, your makeup, everything. The girl was drunk as hell and most likely had you confused with someone she knew but that didn’t stop you from roasting her ass anyway. “Listen you stupid woman. I don’t have any idea who you are or why you are starting shit with me but you need to get the fuck away from me. I don’t care if you’re drunk and sloppy as all hell you lay one hand on me or say one more word to me and I will knock you on your ass you hear me?” Jungkook had finally come up behind you and grabbed your hand to lead you out of the club pinching the bridge of his nose. “This is exactly why I hate coming to places like this. There’s always drunk and stupid people trying to start shit. You’re lucky that was a girl messing with you because if I came back to a guy harassing you I would have had a lot of explaining to do to the company.” “I’m sorry Kookie.” “It’s okay. I never would have expected you to say things like that! My innocent little y/n has turned into quite the little demon.” You playfully smacked his arm and continued to talk and laugh with him as you headed home.
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tellywoodtrash · 6 years
status update:
So, I got a few friendly, good-natured asks on how I was doing, and what’s up with my life (work, Chandler, etc.), so I suppose this is as good a time to tell everyone: I quit my job earlier this week.
Early followers of the blog may be aware that this blog started as an attempt to find some kinda peace during some very trying times in my life. Since then, I’ve been burning the candle at both ends (I guess, in some kinda misguided attempt to move on with life) and... it’s finally caught up with me. I’m fucking exhausted and at a breaking point. Physically. Mentally. Emotionally. ('Spiritually. Ecumenically. Grammatically.' Name that movie!) And so, I'm giving myself a break and am going to be taking some time off to focus on my mental health.
However, this hasn’t been an easy decision to make, as it means bye-bye financial independence and my ~~riproaring Sex And The City life (snort, NOT) and that I will now have to pack up my entire life and leave the country I (and Chandler!) call home. So the next few days will be even rougher; full of transition and second-guessing myself. But in the long run, I think I need to do this now before things get much worse.
Poor Chandler has no idea what’s coming up; that he’s about to be unceremoniously stuffed into a box and flown many thousand miles to a whole new country, with strange new smells and creatures (including my relatives who will want to come around every now and then and friendly-ly harass our socially anxious butts.) I just hope we both survive this move!
As for what it means for the blog, it’ll mostly be business as usual, I suppose. I will have more free time, but it’s going to be invested in moving, and settling in, and recovery (first I have to recover from the moving and settling in, and only then can I focus on *actual* recovery) so... I’ll do as much as I can. Yes, there's lots of new shows, most of them better than IB, and I might wanna watch them too, but.... idk, I don't seem to have it in me right now to get invested in a whole... new.... thing. We'll see once I'm properly settled into a restful routine where I don't feel so battered in the brain. On the plus side, moving to India means proper access to Hotstar and Sony Liv and alllllllll the platforms; I won’t have to jump through hoops and diddle around with VPNs to access what I wanna watch! Yaaaaaaay!
There are a few things blog-wise that I just have to address though, because they’re srsly stressing me out a lot lately:
Messages asking me to explain WHY stakeholders in the industry (actors, makers, the channel) make the decisions they do. Bhai main kahan un sab ke ghar ya boardroom mein ghussi baithi hoon, ki mujhe pakka pata hoga???? All I can do is speculate like the rest of you. Which is what I do. I look at the facts that I do have (social media posts, TRP reports, etc.) and put out MY theory. But it’s all it is. A theory. I do not have any kind of information that you also do not have access to. Asking me to explain the inner workings of complete strangers' minds is just nonsensical. I do not have the complete information based on which I can give you an accurate answer. So please just stop asking me these. At this point, idek why *I* do half the things I do, let alone have any surety of anyone else’s decisions.
Complaints. Look, all of us have complaints about the shitshow that is IB, and the Tellywood industry at large, and its affairs both off-screen and on-screen. But just think of my plight when news breaks/an episode airs and I get like 10 anons in an hour, most of which are filled with cribbing. OVER SOMETHING I DON’T HAVE ANY CONTROL. You have all the right to complain, sure, but not IN MY INBOX. I only publish about 30 - 40% of the asks that I actually do receive, and because of that you may think that you’re the only person sending in this to me; but trust that more often that not, you’re not. I most probably have already received least 5 messages about it, in varying degrees of negative, and it’s exhaaaaaausting for me to wade through it all.
"Asks” that are just STATEMENTS, with no real question to them. I get these and whether I agree with your statement or not, my only reaction is “.... haan, toh???” What really is the point of these? I have nothing to contribute to them. It’s just YOU deciding that your opinion is sooooooo important that you must come tell ME it. In my inbox. On anon. Which is not just stupid, but also RUDE af. What you're doing is the equivalent of going and ringing the doorbell of a stranger's house and monologuing in their face about a random topic when they open the door. Like, I literally did not ask?????? Especially since you’re on anon and I have absolutely no personal equation with you. By having an open inbox, I didn't consent to being the receptacle of every opinion wrt Tellywood under the sun. Like, the whole point of this blog is so I can shout MY dumbass opinions into the void that is the internet without bothering anyone else about things they might not care about/agree with. Anyone who follows/engages with me is here by THEIR choice. Why don’t you do the same? Go make your own blog, instead of using mine. There’s only place for one person here on this blog, and that’s me. Please read your messages before sending them and ask yourselves: Does my tone/content leave anything open for discussion? (FYI: Just putting a question mark at the end of a sentence does not make an engaging question that opens up a discussion.) What contribution am I inviting from the recipient with this message? If the answer is “no”/"nothing", then please don't send it.
The rise of combative and contrary asks; ones that don't come out of a genuine curiosity, but with the intent to mindlessly argue, talk in circles without a point and overall, and just belittle the opinions I’ve expressed by engaging in whataboutery. There's a point at which "healthy discussion" ends, and "debating" starts, and I’m not here to engage in Debate Hour. The open askbox (or replies function) is NOT an invitation to pick at ONE sentence of some post (often missing the context; those other sentences are there for a reason y'know) and demand explanations from me, for which I have to then bend over backwards to clarify to some random faceless person on the internet. Not only does it take tremendous amounts of time and energy (for what is largely a pointless endevour: these people aren't really here to have an exchange of ideas or even try to see my point of view, they're just trying to force THEIR contrary opinion ON me), it really sucks the joy out of the blog for me. Look, I am not an idiot. I can correlate writing patterns and associate them with previously seen comments/opinions and make educated guesses on who these may be coming from. I've been holding off on blocking anyone yet, but these comments and asks have me seriously considering it. (And FYI: blocking an anon blocks you via IP address. So don't think ki 'oh ho ho, I can just hide under the anon function, coz that has no consequences.' All you'd be doing is proving my guesses right, as to who is whom.) I don't WANT TO go to such extents, and want this still to be a place where people can approach me, but this gross disrespect of my time and boundaries is beginning to wear on me now. Before coming at me, please think to yourself if what you're saying is actually necessary. If it's just a passive-aggressive counter-argument to my opinion that's all conjecture/opinion (i. e. things without factual basis and based on feelings) then please; you're very welcome to whatever you believe, but I don't care. If I wanted your opinion, I’d ask for it. If I care for your opinion, I will engage with your posts (by liking or commenting or reblogging or sending you my love in your inbox.) I just really really don’t care what anyone's opinion ON MY OPINION is. Please stop being contrary just the sake of it and ruining my day and mood. Go chronicle your opinions on your blog/twitter/whatever, instead of using MY blog as a platform and arm-twisting me into participating in this unpleasant exchange. I just don't have have the energy or interest to engage in this fuckery anymore.
Look you guys, I love getting stuff in the askbox. I do. If I didn’t, I’d just have closed the askbox and called it a day. I’m just asking that you be a little THOUGHTFUL about the recipient, me, AS AN ACTUAL LIVING PERSON WITH FEELINGS AND A LIMITED AMOUNT OF ENERGY AND TIME, instead of some kinda faceless robot who just processes your messages in binary and spits out an answer. Before engaging, please re-read your message to consider your tone and content and the impact on the person on the other end. Despite this request, if you just decide to engage in the above mentioned ways, I’m sorry in advance if you end up getting blocked; but things have reached a point where I have to look out for myself, and my comfort, and what I want from this space. I would like this blog to be source of joy in my (and others’!) life, not something that I feel resentful about, or as a source of draining what little energy I have left.
Sooooooo, that’s how it is! Things should be the same around here barring some periods of inactivity occasionally due to moving/spotty internet (but the queue should be running anyway.) A lot less negativity and gloom, hopefully! Wish me (and Chandler!!!!!) luck and please send us all your good, restful, soft and fluffy vibes!
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(The restful slumber of a poor fluffy bastard who has NOOOOOOOOO idea of what the next few weeks have in store for him.)
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