#send me a bob or tp ship and a number please i'm in the mood to write old man fic
almost-a-class-act · 1 year
Writing prompts for aging - because sometimes it's nice to imagine our characters getting older!
Finding that first white hair.
Hurting oneself doing a simple task (and taking three times as long to recover!)
Reaching a milestone birthday.
Realizing they haven’t been ID’d in a while/getting ID’d but this time for the senior’s discount.
Finding it hard to drive at night.
Looking around a venue and noticing that everyone is a child (aka twenty).
Someone thinks that they and their much older SO/parent/older coworker are siblings or similarly-aged peers.
Forgetting something important/something they normally never forget.
Having to take a light out to read a menu/give in and increase the text size on their phone.
Needing glasses or another assistive device but refusing to get them.
Trying to get out of going somewhere because it starts after eight/ends after midnight.
Leaving an event because there’s nowhere to sit/the music is too loud.
Having a minor crisis because they can’t find their purse/car stash of ibuprofen.
Figuring out they can’t get to sleep because they had too much sugar/caffeine/whatever else never affected them in their twenties, damn it!
A realization that half their friends are getting divorced/their kids are growing up.
Trying to play a sport they haven’t played since college without stretching first.
Singing a song or referencing a film that no one else has ever heard of/Hearing a song from their teenage years on the oldies station.
They don’t know any current celebrities/all the celebrities they know keep dying.
Receiving an invite to their X year high school reunion.
Realizing some major event happened an entire X number of years ago/Referencing a store that “just opened” or a song that “just came out” and realizing it happened years ago.
Having a hell of a time recovering from a hangover.
An unexpected health scare for them or a similarly aged SO/friend/family member.
Being asked for some sage advice.
Having to get affairs in order/sell a home for an aging parent.
Being referred to as old or similar.
Finding out they’re becoming a grandparent, great aunt/uncle, or similar.
Deciding to hire someone for a household chore or repair instead of doing if themselves.
Making a wild purchase and trying to convince themselves it isn’t a midlife crisis.
Deciding to make a change to look or feel younger.
Their first ‘get off my lawn’ moment.
Realizing they are now the age when one of their parents did a Significant Thing, or older.
They’ve officially started going to more funerals than weddings.
HR keeps nudging them about going to that retirement planning course.
Having a pleasant realization about how far they’ve come and how settled they feel.
Napping – on purpose or not on purpose.
Googling a new slang term and the answer is undecipherable because it contains more slang.
A younger friend/family member/acquaintance acts like popular media of your character’s youth is vintage/retro material and wishes they were there when it came out.
Having to buy a pill organizer.
Hearing a youngster debate the exact same thing your character did when they were their age.
Their doctor is younger than them.
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