rinphoria · 2 years
hey kai !! ive been doing good recently and i hope you have been too :)) i started watching a show called the mentalist and i love it so much. its about a CBI consultant whos chasing a serial killer called Red John (he killed his wife and daughter) as well as him solving other homicide cases. its literally the most clever show ive watched and im in love with it. i just found out who red john is and omggg im shitting myself. it so so good !!
i also went to a cafe with my friend the other day and i had the most amazing french toast. honestly words can't describe how beautiful it was. there were lots of fresh fruit and cream on it and i also tried dragon fruit for the first time !! it wasn't particularly nice, so i don't think ill be trying it again tbh. im also preparing and shopping for an internship im starting in a week. im a little nervous but hopefully it goes well :))
that's all i can remember, my memory is so so bad. oh im also planning on going to a pottery cafe with my friend, where they let paint clay plates and stuff like that. it looks really cute and i can't wait !!
what about you my lovely ?? please tell me about everything and don't leave out any details, i wanna know and im interested (only if you're comfortable ofc). i hope you're having an amazing day my love <33
lija hi!! ahh i smiles so hard when i saw this in my inbox :)) lemme reply under a read more so i don’t make a super long post haha
that show sounds vaguely familiar, like i’ve heard of it but haven’t watched it. i’m pretty into true crime though so i might check it out! i just finished my third watch through of criminal minds so it would be nice to give something else a try. your meal sounds like it was amazing!! i’m more of a waffles person but you can’t beat fruit and cream, ahh i’m glad you enjoyed it! ooh an internship :o are you excited for it? tell me about it if you’re comfortable :) wishing you luck with it as well! i’ve been to one of those pottery places before and they’re lots of fun! i’m far from artsy but it was a fun time so i hope you and your friend enjoy yourselves
this past week has been a little busier for me lol, i only have a month before i move back on campus for school so i’ve been trying to enjoy the rest of summer while preparing for that. my cousin convinced my to pick up kdramas so i have a couple of those i want to get through before i have school work to worry about again
i also ended up reconnected with this guy who i went to middle school with so we’ve been hanging out :) i think we’re going to go the amusement park next week so i’m looking forward to that!
thank you for telling me about how you’ve been! it’s so nice to hear from you 🫶🏽
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rinphoria · 2 years
lija please this made me giggle 💀 but no need to apologize! i am indeed live laugh loving my way through life at the moment lol thank you!
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rinphoria · 2 years
omgg ive heard a lot about criminal minds, especially about Spencer (??). it seems like a really good show and i actually might give it a go too soon. i can only watch one show at a time because my brain can't process two shows at a time, but ive nearly finished the mentalist so i might try that next !!
icl, my friend thinks im a complete weirdo, but i don't like waffles or pancakes. they're not very appealing to me and i would never choose them when eating out. i quite like potato waffles though, they're beautiful !! i remember as a child my mum used to buy the smiley face shaped ones and id secretly take them out of the packet and try to eat them raw ,, i have no idea why 😭😭 i used to think i was the baddest bitch ever.
yk with the internship, i have no idea what to expect, but at the same time im excited for all the doors it opens. the company is basically a research and consultancy agency that works with big corporate clients like McDonald's and also with the public. they do research and then present their findings to the clients to try and help them become better brands and whatnot. i don't really care about the consultancy part, but i can't wait for the research aspect. im trying to go into psychology for university, and me having experience in research will hopefully (i pray that it does) give me a leg up into the research world and work placements while im an undergrad.
OMGGG I HOPE YOU HAVE THE BEST MONTH EVER BEFORE YOU MOVE BACKK !! YOU DESERVE ALL THE REST AND THE HAPPINESS AND IM PRAYING ITS AN EASY MOVE BACK !! i honestly applaud you, idk how you do it. i go camping for 2 days and im literally crying and throwing up because i miss my mum. i literally stayed up until 3am to phone her and tell her i wanted to go home 😭 you're so strong kai and i'm so so proud of you. hopefully moving back is easy and peaceful for you !! also i have so many kdramas to watch, and shows in general, but im so so slow at getting round to watching them 😫 i hope you manage to do everything youve been planning on doing within the next month !!
reconnecting with old friends makes me feel so fuzzy and warm on the inside. something about finding eachother again makes me feel like the friendship was just meant to be and that's why you both found eachother. im so so happy for you and please, feel free to let me know how the amusement park goes (only if you're comfortable with sharing of course). i love hearing about other people's days and experiences, i feel like im living vicariously through them lmaooo
IVE JUST REALISED IVE SENT A REALLY LONG ASK AND I AM SO SORRY ,, I GET SO CARRIED AWAY AND I END UP WAFFLING ABOUT THE MOST RANDOMEST THING please feel free to ignore this btw, its actually so long wtff I'm sorry about that 😭😭 anyways, thank you for sharing your day with me and i hope you have millions of more amazing days to come <33
noooo i would never ignore you!!
i def recommend criminal minds if you have space on your watch list! (it’s pretty long lol) and yes spencer is a fan fav, i really like hime but that’s bc i find intelligence attractive haha. OMG I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOURE TALKING ABOUT i haven’t had those in so long 😭😭 bad bitches ate the little smiley potatoes 😌 your internship sounds like it’ll be really interesting! i did a lot of research for my major last semester and it gave me such a headache but i also learned a ton so it really does sound like a great opportunity. i hope you learn a lot and are able to enjoy it :)
i always hate the move back to school, it can be rough lol but thank you so much!! i totally get what you mean about getting homesick, my school is two hours away from home and on the first day of my freshman year my parents had been gone for maybe three hours and i ended up calling my dad and crying on the phone bc i missed them 💀 and to think i was considering doing school out of state lol i would not have survived
ahh yeah, i was really shocked to see him again since he transferred in middle school but turns out he goes to college where we grew up. it’s been really nice catching up with him :) and i would be more than happy to tell you about the little outing bc i too love living vicariously through others haha
AHHH LIJA ILY 🫶🏽🫶🏽 thank you for indulging me, you’re a sweetheart :))
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rinphoria · 2 years
your new theme is absolutely stunning, im speechless. it genuinely looks so so good omggg !!
ahh thank you!! you’re so so sweet <33
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rinphoria · 2 years
i've just seen that you've been recommended to watch seven deadly sins and i have to say you are in for a ride... not a particularly pleasant one, but still a ride
okay in all honesty the first season or so, from what i remember, isn't too too bad, i adored the talking pig,, buuut i remember feeling iffy about it afterwards because of the MC and later on because of some things that happened. i really wouldn't recommend it to anyone though tbh
yeah i’ll give it a shot but i’m not above dropping an anime if i don’t like it lol
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