#sending u bunches of health n love <33 stay safe lightning!!
inkykeiji · 3 years
i hope you are doing good mentally physically and emotionally if not remember its okay to feel down sometimes we all have our moments but what matters is that we stand back again and be better than before♡
SO I WAS JUST READING THROUGH THE ASKS and i found out you too love rain and winter🥺ahhh that made me really happy cause almost eveyone around me prefer summer cause its viewed as happy and fun time i get it too lile ice creams beach people but i dont exactly vibe with it
but when it comes to rainy time especially winter.. smth is just so beautiful idk wether its the comforting silence or my love for cold as i literally prefer everything cold like my drink my food my water temperature or wtv it is! it should be cold snth about it just calms me down
or maybe its the fact its during my birthday time 27th dec perfect time for birthday for me i just loveee the Christmas decorations the lights the fairy feeling end of the year all that are just sappy feelings just makes me feel like im exploding with emotions in a good way
one of the reasons my snowman and me series is so dear and so close to my heart
when it comes to rain.. the whole mood is just so comforting i can pour out all my feelings and my place if covered in plants and trees like its just so beautifully green after the rain.. god is it the most spectacular view and the weather right in the middle after it rained and before the sun starts to shine... the perfect. i just love it so much i will always make sure i get drenched cause i love dancing in the rain no matter what if it rains you can see me outside :>
plus points if it has thunders and lightnings cause they are just so beautiful.
stay safe drink lots of water and remember if you ever feel like you are alone I'm right here♡
HEHEHE aw lightning bb <33
you're so precious!!!! i'm feeling a little weird today; last night i was suffering from sensory overload rly bad but today i just feel really jittery n anxious :( but!!! i have asks queued for today which always makes me feel better and makes me feel productive!! <33
yes!!! i actually hate summer so much LMAO >.< it usually makes me feel even more depressed, which is hilarious ahaha but i've felt that way since i was about 13ish??? i also hate being hot (like it makes me ANGRY) and i absolutely despise sweating, so summer and i don't often get along well </3
i agree with you!!! i love the cold (and cold food/drinks, too!!!) and i too find something insanely comforting about the rain and the snow; i find it very cozy <3 i dunno, it's quite hard to explain!!! i think, for me, there's also a personal element to it as my happiest memories as a child seem to all be in the winter/around christmas, and now i just automatically associate summer with all of the bad experiences i've had lmao
AHHHHHHH LIL LIGHTNING BOLT LISTEN I LOVE CHRISTMAS LIKE I LOVE CHRISTMAS SO SO SOOOOO MUCH!!!! i also really love halloween, but if i absolutely had to choose one favourite, it would be christmas <3
ah see i have a very complicated relationship with my birthday, which thankfully is not in winter hehe <33 but i can understand where you're coming from!!!
i love the smell of rain, and i love the sound of it against windows and roofs when it's really pouring hehe <33 i like to describe it in my writing a lot and i am possibly writing a lil something with rain in it right now 🙊 hehe <3
AH MY PRECIOUS LIL LIGHTNING BOLT i love you so very much, you comfort me as well bb <333 it's very very nice to know that you are here for me and that i am here for you!!!! <3 i hope you have a lovely weekend sweetpea <3
ps. it seems that i picked the right emoji for u, huh!!!! lightning bolt is very fitting <33
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