#senran kagura fan
a-titty-ninja · 14 days
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「Yumi (Senran Kagura)」 by Lindaroze | Twitter
๑ Permission to reprint was given by the artist ✔.
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The cute little cows Toki and Kazakiri. 🐄
Name: Senran Kagura
Art by : Surippa1010
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"Love and Peace~! Or something like that..."
Hibari~! Senran Kagura~! Spent a late night doing this. Very cute, huh? I'm pretty dang proud of it.
Special thank you to the absolute legend behind @hibarieveryday for her work in compiling so many good pics of her that I could use as reference. She'll get new cards eventually. Hopefully.
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girlspecimen · 10 months
does anyone else remember when they gave this bitch a giant penis gun. why did they do that
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prometheus20x · 1 year
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weeblmaodotcom · 1 year
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Senran Kagura fans be like , Meme by Weeblmao.com
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theliterarywolf · 1 year
When you play as Juliet, you're given prime view of her ass, it has noting to do with "cracking eggs" or whatever weird shit twitter wants to push which is mainly why dudes (and me!) Played her in the first place it's the same reason why dudes back in the 90s played Tomb Raider
Anonymous asked:1 As a female fan of Bayonetta way back when, and knowing some other female fans of Bayonetta at the same time: You literally got so much shit if you liked the game. Hell, I'm a WlW, and I knew several non-straight women, and one of the common insults/accusations we got was that we were sockpuppets for dudes, esp during GG, and that we just didn't get it. And obviously we were lying about being attracted to women, because a male gaze character like Bayonetta could never be appealing to actual women. I remember the bullshit I had to go through, and even when pointing out the designer for Bayonetta's design was a woman, I still got bullshit thrown at me. Don't get me started on the overt racism against the designer, Mari Shimazaki, when talking how Bayonetta was HER power fantasy of a strong independent woman. Trying to rewrite history, and pretending she was always an icon, is fucking insulting after all the shit us OG female fans went through for years!
I think it really is just showing how a lot of the, oh what to call them... Terminally-Discoursed folks are slowly starting to realize that 'hey, sometimes you can just... enjoy things' but they're going through withdrawals from not being negative and confrontational all the time.
So that's why you have this strongarmed effort to rewrite who the original audiences were for things like Bayonetta, Lollipop Chainsaw, and I think I even saw someone try to pull this for Senran Kagura.
I also think this relates back to why so many people had such a vitriolic reaction to Bayonetta 3 ending with Bayo Prime being in love with Luka, thus resulting in Viola. Even though it's not like it erased Bayonetta being wlw because 1. Bisexuals exist and 2. Bayo Prime is literally just ONE Bayonetta out of thousands so it's very much possible that Bayonetta (1) and Bayonetta (2) are still shacking up with Jeanne.
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somechubbynerd · 18 days
What do you think of Senran Kagura?
I don't have any experience with it, but I believe Garek is a fan.
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kurenaicrush · 3 months
Omega Quintet first impressions and a rant about it's character Takt
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So I just started playing Omega Quintet and I've got about 5 hours into the game. I'm enjoying it so far, so I'd like to give my first impressions. It's a game I've been thinking about getting into for a while and a recent sale finally persuaded me. I was really interested by the premise of it, it sounds very similar to Symphogear, an obscure anime I really like. 
Omega Quintet is a half jrpg, half visual novel game. The world is thrown into chaos by an entity known as Blare (or Beep in the JP ver.) Blare produces monsters called MAD that cause mass destruction. Blare can be destroyed by a special girl known as a Verse Maiden, one who can use the power of song to defeat them. Otoha is a young girl who always dreamed of becoming a Verse Maiden like her idol Momoka. Her dream finally comes true when a certain incident gives her a chance to step up to the plate. 
Other than this I won't go into much detail about the story since I'm not that far in yet, but it's a good premise so far! I'd mostly like to give my thoughts about the gameplay itself and a certain critique I have about the game so far.
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Early thoughts about the gameplay:
The battle system feels very complex and they throw a lot of information at you that you won't digest right away. I don't fully understand how it all works yet, but it's at least fun so far! I'll explain what I do understand for now. The game features the same combo type system that other Compile Heart games like Death End re;Quest and Neptunia have. You can pick multiple skills to chain together in a combo and it feels pretty satisfying. The animations are decent too! The battlefield seems to have different layers/rows to it that make certain attacks effective at a particular range. There are many different weapon and element skills, some having different effects like knockback. 
There's a character named Takt that I'll talk more about later. He's basically like this game’s Jack if you've played Mary Skelter. He supports the Verse Maidens in combat by adding an extra attack in the girl's combo chains and can also block an attack for a party member. He also has other supportive abilities that I don't quite understand yet. 
Now this wouldn't be a Compile Heart game without some kind of fan service. I don't quite fully understand this mechanic yet either, but Omega Quintet features an outfit break system. If a party member receives too much damage, their clothes will start to tear off and you'll lose any buffs you had applied to that particular outfit. I know it's really silly, but I honestly love it. I've always personally thought that battle damage in stuff like Dragon Ball Z or Senran Kagura was the coolest most epic thing. It just adds an extra sense of drama and intensity to fights, despite the intent to show off some panties. 
These are the main points I wanted to mention, but there's so much more to the battle system, including Voltage. Like I said, it's very complex. I hope to get a better understanding of it as I progress.
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I'd briefly like to mention the game's art. This Compile Heart game has a different artist that I'm not familiar with, but I really like the style! It's all really cute and pretty and I think it really fits the characters. It's hard to describe, but everything just feels super girly and I love it. The character designs are so good! It's cuteness overload for me! There's also a few visual novel illustrations too!
The rant about this game's negative:
Sadly though there is one negative I have about this game so far that I feel the need to criticize. Do you ever consume a piece of media that has a character so badly written and integrated that it almost ruins the experience of the whole thing for you? Well for me that character is Takt. Takt is this game's male secondary protagonist support character that Compile Heart games commonly have. Takt and Otoha are childhood friends who grew up together. They're the closest thing each other has to family since they both had no parents.
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I have a couple problems with Takt. Firstly is his personality, or lack thereof. Really his only personality trait is being cold and disinterested and he really doesn't contribute anything significant. It feels like he only stays friends with Otoha out of obligation, again always acting cold and disinterested when interacting with her, even being a little mean to her at times. The story wants you to think that deep down he genuinely cares for her, but they haven't shown much to make it convincing. Aside from that, he has his moments where he acts recklessly heroic, but only because the plot needs him to be. I'm curious to see if maybe Takt will have any character development that will make me think better of him, but I have my doubts about that due to my secondary reason for not liking him. We're really off to a rocky start for this one.
My second reason for hating Takt is how the game needlessly pushes him as being a self insert character. A lot of the game's story feels like it is viewed through Takt’s perspective. He also doesn't have a visual novel portrait in cutscenes, I assume because he's supposed to represent you viewing the story. You also control Takt instead of Otoha when exploring the Verse Maiden headquarters before accepting a mission. I just feel like a self insert for this kind of story was really forced and unnecessary. The game would've been so much better without him. Takt has no likable qualities and doesn't contribute much to anything. He just feels shoehorned into the game because the developers wanted the game to be more appealing to the male audience I assume. He literally just has no reason for being present, once again he barely contributes anything to the plot. Even some of the actual characters in game make comments about his useless presence, almost as if the game is self aware. The game's excuse is that Otoha gets nervous without him being there, so he always has to be following her around. This eventually leads to Takt becoming the Verse Maiden’s manager and he supports their team in combat. The worst part about it is how uninspired and indifferent he is about everything. He's not even interested in helping the girls, he's only there to keep Otoha company because he's got nothing else better to do I guess.
Speaking of him helping in combat, I've got another thing to rant about! For the gameplay he just gets a big ass anime sword and powers for literally no reason. I kid you not, the game gives absolutely no explanation as to how he obtained all that. I don't know if it'll get explained later, but so far the game hasn't acknowledged it. His abilities have no story relevance so far. The characters just comment on having an uplifting energy when being supported by him. 
That one fish from SpongeBob: “Oh brother, this guy stinks!” I'm so sorry reader, but the rant doesn't end here I'm afraid. Sadly there’s still more! So I'm not too far in to really see where this goes, but there's also a relationship mechanic. You can increase your affection with certain characters. Not sure what this does yet though. I'm just mad because of course the writers have to make all the girls like him too, because he totally deserves it (sarcasm). 
To top it all off, let's talk about his design. He's even got that cookie cutter boring protagonist anime boy look to him. His design feels very uninspired compared to the rest of the game's characters. Takt just feels like an insult to an otherwise good game, which is why I felt the need to criticize his unnecessary inclusion. The only redeeming quality about him is his role in the gameplay is a neat mechanic, but this easily could've been replaced by a different supporting character instead of forcing a self insert.
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Alright so that's all my thoughts for now. If I continue to put a lot of time into the game I may give an update to how I'm enjoying it. Thanks for reading and I'm sorry this turned into a big rant. I didn't originally plan for that lol, but Takt was just too insufferable for me. But when I criticize something, it's because I like that thing and think it deserves better. Omega Quintet is so cool so far, it really didn't deserve to be held back by this character. Takt’s existence is negatively affecting the experience for me.
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a-titty-ninja · 22 days
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「四季ちゃん🦇」 by ぽんぽんまる | Twitter
๑ Permission to reprint was given by the artist ✔.
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dangan-kagura · 8 months
Why I Love Senran Kagura
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I need to use this blog for things besides Danganronpa stuff. Now, for the first time, I’m finally gonna talk about something related to Senran Kagura.
If you’ve never heard of Senran Kagura, it’s a series of anime-based games involving big breasted ninja girls. The theme of the series is of course fanservice and the genre depends on the game, but officially the main games are of the beat ‘em up genre. For this blog, I’m gonna talk about how I got into Senran Kagura, what I love about it, as well as the downside about being a fan of the series in the 2020s.
How I Got Into It
I can’t remember if it was 2016 or 2017, but one of those years was how I found out about it. I went to Youtube and saw someone’s video of Ikaruga’s story in Shinovi Versus. The gameplay is kinda what caught my attention. It was an anime game that wasn’t an RPG. At the time, I had learned about the Neptunia series from the same Youtuber (who closed his account in 2017 I think) and even though Neptunia is a series of RPGs, I wanted to be a part of it because I loved its fanservice moments and its concept of being a parody of the video game industry, so I played their hack ‘n’ slash spinoffs.
Moreover, at the time, I stopped playing Guilty Gear because I couldn’t tolerate how people were favoring Blazblue which I didn’t think was as cool as Guilty Gear, and also because I couldn’t stand to see the fandom obsessed with Bridget. So trying to find a new series to replace Guilty Gear was almost challenging because most anime games aren’t fighting games, for the majority, they’re all RPGs, and nothing came close to what Guilty Gear is like. Senran Kagura however was a beat ‘em up/hack ‘n’ slash game, which were genres that I was more into. As soon as I found out about the theme being fanservice with big breasted anime girls, I probably thought to myself, “Holy shit! I gotta play this game!” By summer 2017, I finally got the opportunity to play Senran Kagura Estival Versus and have been a fan since then.
Now, I’m gonna explain what I love about this series.
1. Gameplay
The main Senran Kagura games are action beat ‘em up games. Its gameplay is similar to games like Dynasty Warriors and Streets of Rage, but without the mission-based stuff from the Warriors series. A key thing is Shinobi Transformation where the girls will change into their ninja outfits and have increased stats and the ability to use Ninja Arts which work like super specials. At the end of each stage, you’ll usually fight one of the other playable girls, and as you do, using Ninja Arts will cause the opponent to strip their clothes. If successful, you could strip your opponent until they're only in their underwear, or even until they're fully nude.
The spinoffs are also interesting. There’s Senran Kagura Bon Appetit which is a rhythm game, Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash which is a third-person shooter involving water guns, Senran Kagura Reflexions which I can’t really describe since it’s not an action game, and Senran Kagura Peach Ball which involves pinball. Out of these four, Bon Appetit and Reflexions are my favorites.
Basically, because of its gameplay and different genres, I saw Senran Kagura as a series that stood out from other anime games, since the majority of them are RPGs.
2. It’s Rated M for Mature
Since stripping is something you’ll see in the series, of course it would have to be rated M by the ESRB. By comparison, most anime games are usually rated T, which feels just as average as playing your typical Japanese RPG that isn’t rated M. Like, I mentioned that I do enjoy certain Neptunia spinoffs, but the fact that the series is rated T wasn’t enough to satisfy me. So because Senran Kagura was rated M, again, I saw Senran Kagura as a series that stood out from other anime games. Strangely, only the first game Senran Kagura Burst, released for the 3DS in 2013 (localized) that game was rated T, so Burst is not quite as explicit compared to the sequels.
I mean, the fanservice in the sequels are a little more explicit. Like, when you strip the girls naked, there’ll be shining lights where their breasts and private area will be. The only time the series ever showed the girls’ breasts was in the OVA. It was quite shocking to me and felt more like I was watching High School DxD. While I do have some taste in fanservice, even I have limits and High School DxD was too much for me to handle. Why would I be into Senran Kagura fanservice? The answer is in the next section.
3. I Hate My Little Pony and Can’t Stand Bronies
This next section is quite longer so heads up.
I’m not ashamed to admit it, I don’t like My Little Pony and don’t take very kindly to that subculture of adult male fans. Now before you come after me ranting that I should at least consider watching Friendship is Magic, I already have 10 years ago and didn’t think it was that good of a show even to this day. Literally, MLP looked like a really cheap kids cartoon.
It’s like this, when I compare My Little Pony to some of my favorite childhood cartoons, like the ones by Klasky Csupo (e.g. Rugrats, The Wild Thornberrys, Rocket Power, As Told by Ginger) MLP just falls flat for me. Everything from the songs, jokes, writing, animation and art style, it has no appeal to me. And knowing the real kind of target audience that show has, no way in hell would I wanna be an enthusiast for the franchise. Yet it sickens me to see that there is a group of people out there who actually have a thing for it. There’s other things about the show I don’t like, but I’d rather not talk about it here. And I would share my other taste in childhood cartoons, but maybe some other time.
Now you might be wondering, what does this have to do with being a Senran Kagura fan? Easy. To me, Senran Kagura is my way to counter all the brony nonsense I see on the internet. Ever since I learned about bronies in 2014, I only learned about the toxicity they came with, such as making dark humor jokes and fanfics that depict the ponies as serial killers. And it might not be toxic, but I was disgusted from seeing bronies make dubstep remixes of songs from the show. It was so ridiculous, I didn’t wanna trust dubstep nerds out of concern that all dubstep nerds are bronies. Moreover, the majority of bronies don’t seem that interested in other kinds of kids cartoons (except for SpongeBob), by stereotype, bronies would instead talk about their taste in violent video games.
Things only got worse years later. In 2016, every time I went out in public, I saw lots of people wearing shirts that had that mascot guy from the Fallout games. Obviously it was to capitalize on the release of Fallout 4, but I was suspicious that these people were all bronies, because I was aware that there was a Youtube series called Fallout Equestria (or something) which if I’m right depicts the My Little Pony cast in the Fallout series setting. I mean, I probably thought that because I was also aware that there was a pony mod in Skyrim, so in other words, I couldn’t trust fans of either The Elder Scrolls or Fallout due to suspicion that everyone in their fandoms was a brony. The fact that I don’t trust bronies is pretty much the reason why I chose not to play either of those two games.
There was no escape from bronies, they were everywhere on the internet, and I don’t just mean p0rn sites. Later in 2014, I was visiting TASVideos to see tool-assisted speedruns for my favorite classic games. Yet some people on the site were bronies that I didn’t want to interact with. 2015 was the year I learned about Twitch, and sure enough, there were occasions when in the comments, someone would try to put a pony reference and I didn’t think of that person as trustworthy, because I figured that person was your typical brony stereotype, someone who would watch an episode or two for an hour, and afterwards they would play their favorite violent video game. Since then, I’ve done my best to avoid anything related to bronies, even if it was something like avoiding The Living Tombstone’s music.
Basically, ever since I learned about bronies, I lost all faith in humanity. It's one reason why I hated the 2010s. It’s also one reason why I don’t have many friends, because I don’t want to make friends with someone who actually likes to watch a cheap-looking cartoon about ponies that is meant to have a little girl's target audience. But my prayers were answered when I got into Senran Kagura years later, because I knew that it had what a man like me is looking for. I don’t get off on ponies, I get off on big breasted anime girls, and thankfully, I don’t think anyone I’ve met in the Senran Kagura fandom has admitted that they’re bronies, and frankly, I don’t even wanna know. So when someone throws brony or pony shit in my face, I’ll do my best to ignore them and just think of Senran Kagura instead. So long as I’m a Senran Kagura fan, I’ll think to myself that it makes me a better person than bronies. And if you’re a brony reading this, I do apologize if I might’ve offended you or sounded prejudiced.
The Downside About Being a Fan
This won’t be divided into sections, I’ll try to briefly explain the recent downside about being a Senran Kagura fan in the 2020s.
Basically, the series creator/righteous boobage producer, Kenichiro Takaki, left the series’ publishers Marvelous, and it was announced that Senran Kagura 7even was canceled. Why? Well, since 2018, the latest PlayStation games with sexual themes, which mainly includes anime games, have been given censorship regulations. For the localized PS4 release of Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal, a minigame where you can tickle the girls and kiss them ended up getting removed. This new regulation, to my knowledge, caused Senran Kagura 7even to face development hell since they knew that what they intended for the game was not gonna be approved. Fans like me were pretty upset about this.
Currently, the latest game in the series is Senran Kagura Peach Ball, released for the Nintendo Switch in 2019. Since then, there hasn’t been any new kind of announcement for a new installment to replace the unreleased Senran Kagura 7even. But that doesn’t mean new games aren’t being made. In 2020, Kenichiro Takaki released Kandagawa Jet Girls before leaving Marvelous. It has the same fanservice theme Senran Kagura is known for, and I like that it’s a racing game. Of course, the game is rated T so it's been toned down, and unfortunately, it's a stand-alone title so there isn't a sequel. And in 2021, Senran Kagura got to have a crossover game with Neptunia. While it doesn’t have a lot of characters, it’s probably my favorite Neptunia spinoff, I say Neptunia because Idea Factory, not Marvelous, own the publishing rights, not to mention the setting is more related to the Neptunia universe. The only other latest news regarding Senran Kagura comes from the Japan only mobile gacha game Senran Kagura New Link. Since it probably won't have a localized release, obviously I don’t get a lot of news about it (to my knowledge, the latest update for New Link includes a crossover special with Azur Lane).
Getting back to the reasons I got into Senran Kagura, some of them are for the same reasons I got into Danganronpa. For that series, I love its gameplay (the class trials I mean), the fanservice and the series being rated M. With Senran Kagura not doing well recently, I really hoped that getting into Danganronpa would be a new kind of love. Boy was I wrong, the Danganronpa fandom was not what I was expecting it to be. I thought fans would have the same point of view as me and were into things like the fanservice and which girls were their waifus. Instead, the fandom would make headcanons that certain characters were gay, and before I knew it, the most popular Danganronpa ships involve either yaoi or yuri, any straight ship just gets a ton of hate.
Not only that, but there have been recent occasions on TikTok where I would meet a western Danganronpa fan who is also a brony. As I said, I do my best to ignore those kinds of people and just think of Senran Kagura. Yet the fact that Senran Kagura isn’t doing so well makes it hard for me nowadays. Not only was Senran Kagura my remedy from having to deal with bronies, but I now like to think of Senran Kagura as a remedy from having to deal with all the Doki Doki Literature Club nonsense I’ve been seeing in the Danganronpa fandom. I’ve already written a rant about just how terribly awful DDLC is, yet I didn’t think the game would be THAT popular in the west. It makes no sense to me that today’s gamers and otakus (at least in the west) would think that a visual novel about suicidal anime girls would be something enthusiastic. It’s not, suicide is not okay and should not be enthusiastic!
I mean, chances are, it’s probably gonna be like that no matter what kind of anime fanbase I end up joining in the future. Like, if I get into a new kind of series and find out that the majority of fans are making memes using DDLC references, that’s not cool to me and it might make me lose trust in the anime subculture. Heck, I’m not even sure if there are people in the brony subculture making My Little Pony memes using the DDLC setting. That’s just fucking toxic and it’s enough to make me think that DDLC fans are no better people than bronies. Me? I don’t get off on ponies and I don’t get off on suicidal anime girls. I get off on big breasted anime girls. If I had to choose between seeing the DDLC girls kill themselves by stabbing themselves multiple times with knives or seeing Katsuragi sexually harass her classmates in Senran Kagura via groping, I would much rather see Katsuragi grope the other girls. Yet because Senran Kagura doesn’t have a new installment, it makes it hard for me to counter DDLC’s western popularity.
Even so, at least Neptunia is still doing well. I mean, I’m trying my best to not get too involved with that series’ fandom. Like, I don’t want to come across anything hateful regarding Neptunia ReVerse having some censorship issues. I mean, the later games after that one don’t have any other issues, and frankly, I’d rather not find out. But even so, it’s not a big fandom like with Danganronpa, but at least I haven’t met anyone who calls themself a brony. And seeing cute girls transform in magical girls is still and always will be better than watching cute girls commit suicide. So if I wanted, I could use Neptunia as another remedy to deal with bullshit from either bronies or DDLC, but even with Neptunia still going strong, it doesn’t come close to being as sexy as Senran Kagura.
Overall, I love Senran Kagura no matter what is happening to it right now. Yet being a fan of the series in the 2020s has become difficult for me. There aren’t any new games, and in terms of what other anime games are out there, they don’t come close to what Senran Kagura is like. But that doesn’t mean I’m gonna stop playing the series. I’ll still play my favorite installments and spinoffs no matter what happens to this series.
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As a massive kingdom hearts fan (who read the manga, character design, figures, plush and excited for the anime) I find it annoying for Lily to compare Kingdom Hearts to other JPRG Games without bashing on to anime. I don’t compare Kingdom Hearts to other games like Tales of series, Sakura Wars or Senran Kagura series.
JRPG is my ultimate game I would love to try and they both fave different flaws and strengths that makes it entertaining
I actually feel like comparing Kingdom Hearts to every other game out there does a GIANT disservice to what makes Kingdom Hearts unique.
It isn't like x game. It's its own ball of madness and fun, and trying to claim every other game is just like it just makes it seem so generic and average.
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briceterry04 · 1 year
Intro Post:
I'm Brice Terry, an autistic, aromantic, dorky, Marie worshipping manchild who was born on September 5th, 2004, I unfortunately live in West Virginia, Which is an all red state, which is not a good place for an autistic, aromantic person like myself to be hanging out in, I'm a nerd as you can see from the posts you're viewing, and Fictional characters give me life, and I love Nintendo and SEGA and I prefer VHSs and DVDs over streaming services, and I'm anti AI.
I am also pretty known for my embarrassing musically account, my four dead Youtube channels, my very controversial opinions on Angry Birds nowadays, and my very, very, very BIG waifuism towards Marie from the Splatoon series (Which you can clearly tell with the profile picture and the color scheme.
I wanna try to get a job in Voice acting because I've been practicing and practicing in my room since 2020, but they didn't have a class for voice acting at my high school and I still have anxiety on being on someone's project.
I post incorrect quotes, random posts, Meme posts, art, and rarely posts about life updates.
Also, if the name "Brice" feels familiar to you, then hi, I'm back from the dark realms of Musical.ly and YouTube, and I'm back and cringier than ever. But I promise that I won't be THAT cringy. I'm probably gonna get very cringy with the chances I get. Hell, I'm already cringy because you're gonna see this stupid aromantic autistic manchild simp to Marie from the Splatoon series... A LOT!!!
I'll do my best to answer your questions. (No sexual questions please, people who view my stuff are minors, so please don't make things weird)
My Favorite Fandoms:
Super Mario
Sonic The Hedgehog
The Legend Of Zelda
Senran Kagura
Undertale (And Deltarune)
Sanders sides
Rance series (I'm not one of those people who f*p and only f*p to it.)
Danny phantom (Thanks for the ectoplasm thing, Sarah.)
Classic SpongeBob SquarePants
Hyperdimension Neptunia
Date A Live (I'm not a Kurumi fan, She's pretty overrated, I'm more of a Yoshino guy myself, she's like a cute little cousin I don't even remember having)
Classic FNaF 1-4 (Sister Location - Help Wanted 2 aren't that good)
Classic Minecraft
Dork Diaries
Re:Zero (Rem is better than Emilia)
No Game No Life
Sword Art Online
Blue Archive
Monster Musume (I wanna give the girls all hugs, I wanna give them big ass hugs)
Super Sonico (She a lovable dork who needs to be protected at all costs)
One Punch Man
One Piece
Kingdom Hearts
Wander Over Yonder
John Mulaney
And Bo Burnham.
I also have a Pinterest, Wattpad, Discord and Facebook account all of them have the tumblr name: Briceterry04. (My Facebook account just uses "Brice Terry")
On Pinterest, you will find Posts, and fun comments on some posts on Pinterest that have to do with Mario, Splatoon, Sonic, Kirby, Zelda, and KH related.
On Wattpad, I have many things like my very own series "The Idiot Group" which is basically a parody of Fanfiction, self insert fanfics, and Crossovers in of itself. I also have "Brice Talks" where I talk about something I wanna talk about, "Brice's movie Review" where I will review a movie that is good, or bad, or everything in between.
On Facebook, I post Memes, Life updates, random posts, and Live streams, which may be coming to Tumblr because Facebook is becoming Twitter AKA Xwitter so you might get a voice reveal if I do go live here.
I also ask questions but here are some rules:
1: please don't give me questions about current events going on in the world, I'm trying to be happy here, and i'm trying to spread positivity here on Tumblr.
2: No spam links or links to porn sites, my content is 16+ (swearing, sexual references, dark themes) abd I'm not gonna lose my virginity anytime soon, because I'm aromantic.
3: If you ask a question and adding a picture of Marie on it, Your question will mostly be answered. (If Baldy McNosehair said it work with desserts, then for me it's Goddess Marie).
Also here's my Inkling persona if you're interested:
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Social media (That isn't Tumblr):
My Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-5273-4881-7609
(PSA: I won't be talking about related problems in our world... Welcome to your (probably) only escape on Tumblr, also, a lot of my posts features a lot of swearing, so if you don't like swearing... I don't know what to say.)
Well I hope you can find something here to love!
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dakota-colors · 2 years
What are those Senra Kagura books?
I've never seen those before.
Oh those are very special for me!!! The one with Yumi in the cover is a little book I got from a Japanese magazine when the game was released there!!! and the other one with Yumi and Yomi is a licensed book published by marvelous with some Senran Kagura fan arts!! I really like to watch the illustrations of this one because I wish one day one of my drawings could appear in a book like that!!! :D
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hibarieveryday · 2 years
PSA: Nintendo 3DS eShop closing in a little over a month
I’m sure you’ve all heard about it, but just in case, I thought I’d remind everyone. I assume anyone following this blog is a Senran Kagura fan but there are varying levels of fans. If you want to play the original Senran Kagura Burst or play Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson, I recommend grabbing them before the eShop closes on March 27th 2023. They are not on Steam as of this post. In fact, playing Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson is currently the only way to play Naraku and Kagura’s story. Also the 3DS has region locked games so the option of buying outside of your region is not an option.
I will now return you to your regularly scheduled Hibari posting.
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keeperofoverlookhotel · 10 months
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Kani-chan thicc than usual🦀
As o fan of both Senran Kagura and Azur Lane i can't complain about SK girls new design, but but sadly for me Miyabi not presented.😢 Hiromi Hirata do some voice acting for Azur Lane before (Duca degli Abruzzi), but it's seem she stop voice acting completely or decreased it to less as possible.😢😢 It's sad, despite the small number of roles she is on my favorite 5 since Read or Die.😢😢😢
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