#senritsu usually uses her changing liwuids red as a partytrick
hunting-songs ยท 5 months
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When Senritsu first made the Water Divination Test the water turned a deep scarlet, which her first Nen-Master used to explain to her that there are superstitions about the results of the water Divination Test and how they could be used to make prophecys for the Nen-Users Future. Her first Nen Master than just notes that the water turning red usually predicts bloodspilling in the Nen-Users future. To sooth a young Senritsus open worry, he than just added that in her case menstruation or just a tendency to get injuries on the fingers during carving could also fall under that category already. However, a few weeks later her father was executed, a year later she met Ask with his skinned red hands, ten years later Ask would play the Sonata of Darkness and a few other years later she is a bodyguard in Yorkshin which very much ends with the town beeing bathed in blood. Senritsu is not superstitious, everything she can not explain in the world around her can be explained by Nen. Yet the colour of the water is caused by her aura and the idea thatshe had turned into a magnet for bloodspilling is making her really uncomfortable. She is specifically looking after the people around her more keenly, just to make sure that the bloodspillign following her would not catch up to them.
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