juniminabloom · 2 years
Yandere! Chef Saltbaker x reader (2nd part!!)
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A/N: Well, you guys REALLY liked the first one! And I’ve had multiple people request a part 2! This time, I’d like to mention @sensitivebish26​ and @chipichopi​ for part 2! Love you guys <3 If you need to read part one, link is here! The headcanons are there as well :D
Now, ONTO PART 2!!!
~Word count: 0.6k~
     You’re at a loss for words. What is going on? First he seems jealous, and now he’s cuddling against you like frosting on a cake. You’re a little uncomfortable, but you try to play it off calmly. This is so strange to you, your best friend... like this.       “Chef, I think it’s getting late, I need to head home-” You smoothly say. You lived in a small house in downtown Inkwell Isle 4. It’s not the safest place, you living near a gang, the “Moonshine Mob” is what they call themselves. Just a bunch of troublemakers. But you don’t want to be in this position any longer, and just want to make it home and sleep it off.      “But why don’t you stay here, Y/N? Your place isn’t the safest,” Saltbaker asks softly. “You can take the bed, and I take the couch? Doesn’t that sound nice?” he finishes, pushing you into the side of the couch with more cuddles.      “I’d stay, but I really want to get home now. There’s, um, dishes I need to do! And I need to feed my rat,” You reply. You don’t even have a pet rat OR dishes to do, you just want to get away from the situation, and hope that he’s “better’ tomorrow. But Saltbaker doesn’t comply, he instead stands up and bends over, placing a hand on your stomach so you don’t try and get away.      “No. Don’t you live near mobsters? If it’s getting late, it may be their chance to strike on such a beauty,” He tells you in a serious tone. “You’ll be staying here tonight. No questions asked. You’ll take the bed, you hear me?” His voice grows louder, scaring you a bit. Seriously, what has gotten into him!?
   You nod, to worried to reply. He starts walking away to the back room, opens the door, and heads in. It’s just you and your thoughts now, and you really don’t want to stay the night. But those yellow eyes can’t mean anything good. Should you really try to escape after seeing them again?
     You decide to just comply and stay the night. What’s the worst that could happen? You really just want to sleep, today was just downright cuckoo. 
     “Chef? Uh, where am I supposed to go?” You shout, hoping he’ll hear. All of the sudden, you hear glass shattering, stomping, and loud muttering. He doesn’t answer your question, the only response you get instead is silence. Not very helpful.
     So you sit back on the couch and start twiddling your thumbs, waiting. Whatever broke must’ve been pretty important if he didn’t answer you, he always gives you his upmost attention. Just then, a door swings open, and a panting Saltbaker makes his way over to you.      “You can -pant- sleep in there -pant- tonight,” He says, pointing in the direction of what looks like his bedroom. “Just don’t look in the closet.”      A little odd, but you’re only here to sleep and get your mind off of what happened today. No need to look at anything personal. Besides, you’d never go against something a friend told you. Unless in a dire situation.
     You get up, hug Chef a goodnight, and head over to his room. Although you don’t look back at him, you worry if you should have given him that hug after what happened on the couch.
     You enter the room and shut the door. It’s definitely his room, there’s trophies stacked on shelves, medals on hooks, pictures of food on the wall, and a 4 little photos above his bed- they’re of you, Ms. Chalice, Cuphead, and Mugman. How sweet!
     It’s a fairly-sized bed too, with a light blue blanket and white sheets. You make your way under the covers, and slowly but surely, drift off into sleep.
     But you didn’t notice him watching you through the night.      And boy, was he glad about that.
~Okay, now I DEFINETLY have to write a part 3!! This chapter was a little less spicy than my first, but I plan to make the 3rd part a little more “enjoyable” for all those simps out there (Including me LOL)~
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juniminabloom · 2 years
Yandere! Chef Saltbaker x reader - THE FINALE!
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Since I can’t really mention all 65 followers, I will mention those who were there since the beginning, and my biggest fans. You all are incredible people and I love you guys so much!! These people include: @soillky   @kirlias452​ @sensitivebish26 @chipichopi @gloomyfood @slavic-angelo @lovepaperhearts  @etherealninfa​ @roska-roska​ @leftcatbouquet @7cat7
Now, ONTO THE FINALE!! Note: This story has 2 DIFFERENT ENDINGS!
~Word count: 0.8k~
     The sugary sweetness of his lips against yours makes your heart thump violently. Out of shock, too. It’s your first kiss! Succumbing to the wonderful feelings in your chest, you pull him into a warm hug, a happy giggle escaping your lips.
     A couple seconds later, he pulls away with a wavering smile. His pupils look like hearts, and he has a slight pinkish tone to his cheeks. You can’t help but blush too. No words are spoken, just soft hugs and small pats on the back. Until you hear a faint whisper, “I love you, Y/N.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip: 1 Week~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     Saltbaker had gone to apologize to the three cups for his actions. They were upset, but they eventually forgave him. You four had also began hanging out, usually at his bakery, where he baked pastries of all types for you, the cups, and him. It’s always fun! One time, Cuphead made a stupid joke while you all ate, and Mugman smashed a tart in his face!
     After one of those hangouts, you offered to help Saltbaker clean up and wash the dishes. He accepted, and after you both were done, he had something to ask you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip: Present Day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     “Y/N? Can I ask you something...?” He asked, pressing his index fingers together. He was nervous. “Of course! What is it?” You replied.
     “Well... um...      I guess it’s not so secret, but I’ve liked you for a really long time. I started to develop feelings a few days after getting to know you. It was like you were an angel sent down to bless me.
     But on that day, y’know, with the Wondertart? My vision of you had changed. I needed you in my life, no matter the price I had to pay. I even went as far as almost taking Mugman’s soul. I was stopped, but I still needed you.
     Now, I understand my actions and I know and acknowledge that they were harmful, shameful, and downright wrong. But, my question is:
Do you love me back...?” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ENDING 1: Salt and Pepper go great together (💗)
     Of course you did! He’s always been there for you in the past, and will surely be in the future. You understand what he’s done, but you forgive him.
     “I do!! I do, Salty!” You exclaim, overjoyed. His eyes light up with a glamourous twinkle, and he can’t help but laugh and blush. He picks you up bridal style, and he spins you around, the both of you laughing and smiling, hearts filled to the brim with love. ~~~Epilogue for ending 1~~~
     It’s been 4 months since you two started dating. And he has shown you nothing but love. He always showers you with compliments and hugs, and the occasional kiss on the cheek. 
     Remembering the strange dream you had, you decided to try and learn the saxophone. You’ve gotten pretty good at it, and Saltbaker loves to hear you play. He even decided to take up the trombone to duet with you.
     Dating him was the best thing that could ever happen to you. No moment in your life with him has been bland. It’s always full of love and happiness, and even if your sad, he’s always there to cheer you up.      Life will be different, but it’ll still be enjoyable! You can’t wait for what the future brings. But little do you know, that when the right time comes, Saltbaker has a perfectly sized ring..... He’ll be looking forward to the next step. But only when you’re ready. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ENDING 2: Nobody wants to eat spoiled food (💔)
     No. Goodness no. There is no way you could love that man after all he’s put you through.
     Staring at him with a cold glare, “No. I don’t love you back. I’m sorry, but even after all you’ve put me through, I just can’t bring myself to love a man with vile intentions.”
     Saltbaker sighs, looking down at the floor with a defeated look. You turn around and start to head out, but you hear Saltbaker whisper, “Wait...”
     You turn around to find a rolling pin smashing against the side of your head.
~~~Epilogue for ending 2~~~
     It’s been 4 months since you and Saltbaker started dating. Not that you wanted to, but you were forced into it. He needed you in his life. He would go to any extent to make that happen. So, he had told you, “If you don’t stay with me, I’ll make sure that all of this isle will go up in flames.”
     You spent your days working around the bakery. No one had ever found out that you two were a “couple”.  After the day was over, he would pick you up and place you in his room, where he locked you and himself in the room. You could do whatever you wanted, but you usually sat in the corner next to his bed. He’d always try to comfort you, but you never spoke to him, you only shoved him away with a glare.
     Who knows how long you’d be there? Who knows if you’d develop feelings? That’s surely what he wants, and he’ll try his best to make it happen.
But for now, he’ll only greet you with a wistful smile. And he’ll keep dreaming.
Now, for that surprise! I will announce it 7:30 AM tomorrow!
I hope you all enjoyed the story!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH AGAIN FOR READING!!! Love you all <3
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juniminabloom · 2 years
Yandere! Chef Saltbaker x reader (Part 3!!!)
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A/N: Oh my goodness! You guys are making me feel out of this world! What started off as a small oneshot for a friend is now getting a 3rd part!? How crazy is that!
This time, I’d like to mention: @sensitivebish26, @gloomyfood, and @slavic-angelo​ for part 3! You three seem to be falling head-over-heels for this! Love you guys!! <3
If you need to read part one, link is here! And if you need to read part 2, link is here!
Now, ONTO PART 3!!
~Word count: 0.7k~
     A bright golden light hits your eyes, making you squint and slowly wake up. At first, you’re confused by the surroundings, but then remember you slept over at the bakery. Relieved that you remembered where you are, you get out of the bed and head out to find the Chef.
     After a few minutes of searching, you hear a door open and the Chef walks out of what looks like a bathroom. He doesn’t look like he slept well last night at all, being he has slightly darker circles under his eyes.
     “Hey Saltbaker, good morning, are you okay? It doesn’t look like you’ve slept well,” You ask, weirded out. 
     “O-oh! Y/N, I slept well, don’t worry. I’m fine!” He says, giving a bright smile to you. “The shop opens in an hour and a half, you can head home and get ready.”
Oh good. You can finally head home! “Okay! I’ll be back as soon as possible!” You say, and start to rush downstairs. You make it to the door and exit, but you don’t run home quite yet. You let out a heavy sigh of relief.
Thank goodness, some alone time.
Afterwards, you start running home to get ready.
     You make it home and through the door, heading straight to the bathroom. You surely need a calming, warm shower after that experience. You turn on the water, undress, and step into the running water. Ahhh...            But the entire time you were showering, you felt uneasy. Like there was another presence in the room. What if it was one of the mobsters...? The thought made your skin crawl, you’ve never been harassed by any of them and don’t plan on that happening. Ever.      You finish your shower and peek out of the curtain. No one’s in the room. You let out another sigh of relief and step out, and wrap yourself in a fluffy towel.
     After you’re done with the bathroom, you head to your room and put on your usual bakery attire. It fits perfectly as always, and the apron is so cute!
     And now, you start heading to the bakery. But as you run back, you remember what Saltbaker had told you.  “I don’t want you working as the cashier anymore. I don’t like how many people end up complimenting you. It’s... unnerving.” You were still disappointed about that, you wanted social interaction with the people of Isle 4, not to be stuck in the kitchen baking pastries for hours. 
     You make in to the bakery right before it’s about to open, so you quickly rush inside and shout, “I’m here! I’m here.” Saltbaker peeks his head out from the kitchen doorframe and welcomes you back with a smile.
     “Ah, Y/N! Are you ready to open shop?” He asks. “Oh, and one more thing, you aren’t working as cashier today, okay? You can help bake some treats.” You nod with a slight frown, and turn the sign to “We’re Open!”. You head back to the kitchen, and see some pre-made baked goods. At least you don’t have to do that much baking today.
     Saltbaker gives you a hug, slightly lifting your feet off the ground. Surprised by his movements, you can’t help but tense up a little. And just then, a customer walks inside. Hopefully they didn’t see that.
     He lets go and drops you to the floor, a small shade of pink rising to your cheeks. You don’t say anything, and just head over to the counter, and get ready to start baking.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     And after what seems like forever, the shop finally closes. Boy, aren’t you tired. You’re hoping that you don’t need another “talk”, and that you can just relax at home. As you walk out of the kitchen to tell the Chef that you’re going home, he’s nowhere to be found.
     “Chef? Are you there? Where’d you go?” You shout, curious as to where he’s gone. He’s not on the first floor, so maybe he’s upstairs. So you start heading upstairs, and he still isn’t anywhere. You’re starting to feel a little worried.
     “Chef! Where are you?” You shout again, hoping he’ll hear you and come out. But he doesn’t. Maybe he’s in his bedroom? You think that’s where he’ll be, so you walk over to his door, and knock three times.
     No answer. At this point, you’re pretty worried, and you bite your lip. “Alright Chef, I don’t know where you are, but I’m gonna head home! I’ll see you tomorrow?” You yell. There’s still no answer from him, so you give up and start heading for the stairs, sad because you didn’t say goodbye.
     Just as you reach the top of the stairs, you take a deep breath- “Sorry.” And your vision cuts out.
     -So this part wasn’t exactly all that spicy, but I PROMISE you guys that the next part will be spicier, I promise <3 I also want you guys to know that I will NOT be updating until Thursday or Friday, I’m going tent camping with a friend of mine! I’m so sorry! But I hope you enjoyed this part, and feel free to ask me anything while I’m gone!! I’ll answer everything I get asked when I come back. Love you guys!!! <3-
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