sensory-rp · 7 years
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we’re now open!!
we’re now open!!
we’re now open!!
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artdepleurer · 7 years
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luz coronado / thirty / devout
grew up in a giant coven in L.A. that eventually split between traditional witches and techno witches
tried to cling onto the the Old Ways™ for the longest, until realizing that her family’s magic would eventually die out if it didn’t evolve
had some dodgy teen years since her brothers convinced her that robbing liquor stores and conning people out of their money across the country was the best way to use their magick but who hasn’t amiright ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
now she stocks inventory and reads fortunes in the back of her great aunt’s botanica in washington heights and leads a relatively low profile life
if you know to ask and have the money, she’s also a healer (especially effective for those w cybernetic enhancements) 
literally has a 5 ft tall bedazzled statue of santa muerte in the botanica so Plot Ideas (basically latin american gods hit her Up)
she likes feeling like she makes a difference, genuinely ~just wants to help~ but her help tends to get into some moral grey areas, definitely eavesdrops through the radio waves and knows everybody’s business in the neighborhood possibly to be used at a later date
she’s superstitious & petty (will shamelessly curse you if you skip in line at starbucks or do her wrong in any way)
still engages in some ~dubious dealings~ bc old habits die hard and she is above all a self-preservationist, not immune to greed
basically a lawful evil that thinks she’s chaotic good lol
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blueskiddoodle · 7 years
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             > ANUBIS
the basics;
- it’s your boy, your favorite dog of death, just like you remember him from those mythology books and a little more.
- the protector of tombs, guide of souls, weigher of hearts. they kept him busy.
- had a great time in the height of egyptian civilization, at least until greeks rolled in and thought they could mash him together with hermes and no one would notice. he noticed.
- but he’s stuck around. shout all to all those kids with an obsession with egyptian mythology–y'all are lifesavers.
- isn’t TOO worried about this old vs new thing–he’s seen kingdoms rise and fall and outlived them all–but there’s something grating about being relegated to a fifth grader’s diorama while the real worshippers are out there fawning over like, the god of hbo or whatever the kids are into these days. it’s embarrassing.
- at the moment you’ll find him living as yasin almasi, second generation egyptian immigrant and native new yorker.
- technically a medical examiner for the NYPD, here for all your homicide needs, but. well. they don’t pay that great and they really don’t like it when he experiments with the bodies.
- which is why you’ll also find him as a black market surgeon. he’ll dabble in cybernetics to pay the bills (installation only, so don’t expect any software updates. he’s a doctor not a technician, jim) but his real passion is shapeshifting. very very interested in pushing the boundaries of the human body and medical science and getting paid large amounts of money to do it.
- known on the street only as sawbones and he takes great pains to keep it that way. he’s one of the most sought after shapeshifting surgeons in the city, and one of the hardest to get in touch with. going to jail is not part of his five year plan.
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atlcs · 7 years
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CROWLEY HARVOR. deity (dionysus). owner of the devil’s swing. 
whom is gender honestly
Grade A Garbage
certified party animal 
basically this video
every freckle accounts for one of their Sins
owns a seedy nightclub in nyc called the devil’s swing; it’s the kind of place that’ll make u feel weird the next time you see your parents
it has that weird vibe u get whenever you step inside a going-out-of-business blockbusters 
is that person who knows a guy who knows a guy who Knows a guy
lowkey ruthless as fuck; actually i lied they’re highkey ruthless as fuck. if u read the bacchae dionysus basically had this guy torn apart by his mother/aunts/etc for not believing!!! 
it’s all fun and games until Someone gets a limb ripped off
is down for partying with the new gods as long as they know who’s boss 
probably founded denny’s in their past life honestly 
but like honestly at this point in time??? after living so many lives and watching the old gods losing their strength?? they’re kind of fucked up
high functioning alcoholic, never been sober a day in their life since they turned fifteen—always acting like they’re running out of time and they don’t care
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bnvolio · 7 years
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VIRGINIA LOCKE c. 500 BCE — deity (lady liberty) — defense attorney
virginia is liberty and freedom personified, the embodiment of the ideal government – which, for as long as she can remember, is democracy. she’s changed a lot over the years, and seen a good chunk of the world.
greek origins (athens what’s good!!) but she has a massive soft spot for the big stupid us of a
fun fact: the statue of liberty actually looked like her when it was sculpted!! marianne busts in france have also borne a slight resemblance
that being said, virginia locke is not a new yorker. philadelphia is where it’s at. cradle of liberty y’all!!
she currently works as a defense attorney & public defender, hoping to better the lives of of those who need freedom the most. but witnessing all these systemic faults and failures over the years has been extremely disheartening, to say the very least
every day she seriously considers quitting and opening a diner in manhattan because that would probably (definitely) be more fulfilling
the only thing that keeps her going is the other highly motivated partners at her law firm, twin sisters who are the embodiments of lady justice and prudentia – hmu if interested!!!!
surprisingly low-tech. still makes mixtapes, has an old walkman, and uses her landline
aside from liberty and justice for all, she likes only 3 things in this world: philly soft pretzels, apple pie, and bruce springsteen c. 1984
has a hard time admitting her faults and wrongdoings. she’s been getting better at it... but then again, she’s had thousands of years to master the art of acknowledging her fuck-ups, she should be better at this by now!
feels guilty because her powers of persuasion & empathy often come at the expense of those who really need freedom :(
kind of sort of a mess
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auxtrousses · 7 years
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 VALERIE KANE-NOVAK ➴ deity (artemis) ➴ NYPD (indefinitely suspended), vigilante girl gang leader
➴ artemis, goddess of the hunt, wild animals, chastity (lolz), and childbirth, is very tired. throughout her very long life, fate has seen her live through centuries of war, disease, and environmental decay. many of those memories are lost in time but some she can never forget.
➴ in this life, she is valerie kane-novak, or just valerie novak, or just “novak” will do. she’s a snarky, increasingly self-destructive veteran who walks a fine line between cynicism and idealism. a true chaotic good, she puts her faith in vigilante justice and the common man.
➴ valerie is half irish, half jewish gal born and raised in brooklyn. her dad owns a boxing gym in crown heights and her mom runs the deli/bakery next door. she has a twin brother who has been sliding out of the womb just after her for centuries now and he has the sun shining out of his ass (if you’re interested in making apollo, hmu).
➴ she lost an arm, both legs, and her hearing during her service in the marines but thanks to technology (which she wholeheartedly rejects for the most part), she is now able to function pretty normally (except for the debilitating pain and PTSD thing). she became an officer for the NYPD and worked her way up to detective before her husband and daughter were killed which caused her to go off the rails, break protocol, and sorta get fired-ish.
➴ the artemis in her gives her a soft spot for strays (both people and animals). over the past year, she has formed a sort of girl gang (inspired by the hunters of artemis/mad max wives) who deal out vigilante justice by night. all of these women (and one man) came to her for various reasons but share her commitment to fighting a broken system. if you’re interested in THAT, pls hmu.
➴ she’s pretty disinterested in the old/new god war after deciding that if her immortal soul dies, she’s not gonna be too miffed about it.
➴ valerie cares deeply about the welfare of women, environmentalism, and overthrowing the establishment. she’s afraid of getting too close to people and enjoys her daily breakfast of prescription drugs and irish coffee a little too much. she’s sarcastic, competitive, nerdy, and bossy but somewhere beneath all that, she’s got a heart of pure gold. 
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corsaairs · 7 years
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GENESIS VALDEZ thirty / deity (hope) / vigilante (?? i haven’t figured it o ut wh OOPS)
if you looked up the definition of Cinnamon Roll in the dictionary, you’d probably find her photo
she’s the kind that curses with “frick” and “shoot” (she will only actually curse in spanish, altho her favorite word to use is “malcriado”)
the personification of hope, she has SSS (Seen Some Shit) in her lifetimes. Hope never truly fades away, but man, she just doesn’t get a break
because while other gods are actual gods, hope is more of an emotion and it’s heavily reliant on the circumstances around each particular life time instead of physical actions
in this lifetime she’s known as genesis valdez, born and raised in queens to a father who worked 14 hr shifts and was barely home and a mother who cleaned houses (but damn they never missed that sunday morning church service)
they were killed in a bus accident when she was 11, leaving her and her 14 yr old sister in the system
at 16, she and her sister ran away bc f u CK the sysT EM
honestly after that the streets of new york raised her (is she sweet? yes. can she break your nose in one swoop? def.)
after she and her sister had a falling out when her sister got tangled with some hella shady hackers and became Greedy and disliked that genesis was trying to just be a g OOD sist ER and Warn her (whatever it’s not like genesis is still salty or anything)
manhattan’s been her home since she was 18. she’s worked odd jobs here and there to keep food in her stomach. currently works at a coffee shop type (and abuses her ability to get free coffee for herself and anyone who she likes tbh) and possibly also goes out at night to beat up bad guys and get pizza afterwards??
has flickers of her past lives (more like flickers of emotion) and is currently in a low ~faded state b/c lbrh hope these days is such a fickle thing. b/c of this she is vaguely aware of the war between the old/new gods but either way she wants everyone to Get Along
(unfortunately has a hero-like complex, rip)
still probably the most optimistic bab.
she’s also super in love w/ this dude named anwar and is totally crushed he doesn’t remember her but damnit she’s not giving up bc she has hope (l o l)
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eintr · 7 years
name: myka  pronouns: she / her timezone: est favorite myth: hades and persephone, the valkyries, amaterasu, honestly idk lmao what you’re looking forward to seeing: c y b e r p u n k is all i’ve ever wanted in life, honestly, i just love how creative you can get with the fancy tech, hackers getting way over their head, old af gods getting used to the rapidly changing world favorite plot ideas: smol and tol, enemies to friends to lovers, mutual pining, mentor relationships, bad people with good intentions a gif that describes you:
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by-birdie-blog · 7 years
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let justice be done though the world perish;
let justice be done though the heavens fall
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totenkinders · 7 years
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Isabel Echevarria Mateu - almost flirty thirty - noveau riche goddess
some Ursula from little mermaid vibes going. you give up something you value, Isabel hooks you up with riches and power and fame. all your greedy little heart desires. no take-backs.
how to find her? look for the neon crown in HK/Clinton. there’s a hashtag on twitter and instagram. Don’t waste her time with small fry stuff.
on the other side of the coin, if you’re interesting enough, she can really help you out without extra tax.
Isabel has a scary amount of people in her contacts list and will check up on you when the time is right. She gets a lot of party invitations.
she was named after a queen and she is every inch a queen.
seals her deals with a kiss, expect dizziness, loss of time, and slight bleeding!
her favorite contracts are actresses looking to break out into stardom and those lucky fellas in the finance game. Half of Wall Street is her bitch. 
contrary to popular belief she had no dealings with the windbags in office, but she did propel Jesse Eisenberg and Mark Zuckerberg. The Social Network is practically a love letter.
she will definitely fight the old gods, but she will also fuck them, really depends on her mood. 
speaking of which, hella bi babe with polyamorous tendencies. currently looking for a lady love!
Isabel doesn’t think of herself as evil so much as filling a demand that has always been there. What won’t people do for some financial security amirite?
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sensory-rp · 7 years
We’re so happy to see all of the reserves flooding in! Please feel free to post your characters and requests and anything else in the tag. 
Like we said, we’d also be releasing the Discord link and some info on the applications so you can all start working a head of time.
Discord link: https://discord.gg/BtWUaYy 
As for the applications, it will be profile apps! That means when you go into the Control panel you will see fields for anything to enter. It does allow for HTML.
There will be two main sections: the general info which lives under tabs (name, birthday, residence, portrayal, etc) and then the ‘timeline’ section which is where the app will be placed. There is a minimum of 800 words for that section. Below are the image sizes for avatars and app images:
Avatar: 300x300 pixels (will resize if you make it smaller or larger) Application Top Image: 1000x400 pixels  Application Mid Image: 300x300 pixels
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artdepleurer · 7 years
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techno witch aesthetic 🔮✨
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aloysensory · 7 years
New Gods/Goddesses Ideas
Hey guys, so I’ve been having these ideas bounce around in my head, feel free to use them or reblog with more ideas.
Deity of:
Caffiene (possibly takes the form of different coffee brand mascots like Media)
Social Media
Rock and Roll
Rap / Hip-Hop
Electronic Music
Crafts (i.e. yarn work, paper mache, etc)
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atlcs · 7 years
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...but if the bar isn’t really your scene, peep on downstairs for the nightly orgy that’s guaranteed to make you feel weird the next time you see your parents.
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bnvolio · 7 years
i’m gonna be pretty busy this fall so here have some plot threads/character ideas that i probably won’t be able to play myself but would love to see regardless
regular poker night with a group of trickster gods turns sour
dad gods of long island who get their grilling on and wear only the freshest new balances because after centuries of running the world they have fucken Earned It!! hamptons confirmed for new mount olympus
two words: zodiac signs
a siren who has learned to manipulate spotify because who even listens to the radio nowadays?? she shows up in the spotify connect and randomly stops and starts whatever music her victim is playing but it’s ok because somehow her music taste is always better??? and then she kills them to the sweet, sweet sounds of hall & oates
two hacking groups, both alike in dignity, in trash nyc, where we lay our scene, et cetera
theseus and ariadne, but also hackers. the minotaur is a furry
there’s a megacorp trying to create self-replicating robots with advanced AI that consume biomass as fuel. i just played horizon zero dawn so no spoilers but i’m all about this trainwreck waiting to happen
capitalism’s favorite food is planter’s peanuts because they have a capitalist peanut selling out his brothers and sisters for a profit and let’s just say capitalism is all about that life
zeus definitely got a mortal pregnant again but the only people picking the story up are trashy tabloids
a movement against neuro-enhancements is gaining traction and becoming increasingly more militant
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auxtrousses · 7 years
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