#sentinel karma
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bekkomi · 1 year
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Ruined Karma/Sentinel Irelia commission
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krii-bolts · 1 year
god the URGE to make Murder Drones X Rain World a reality is SO SO TEMPTING.
I could do it. I've Thought through it all, and its REALLY COOL
Humans - Ancients (Tessa's ""Space Suit"" being all golden and such + Funky Name and Title)
Planets - Iterators + Their Facility Grounds (Copper 9 - "Nine Copper Coins" as an example)
Worker Drones + Disassembly Drones - Slugcats (Worker Slugcats having Black Face masks as "Screens") (Disassembly Slugcats being Combinations of other Species + Machinery like Miros Vulture Wings and such)
Absolute Solver - Corrupted Karma. Just deadass A corrupted version of the Karma System and all, with side effects of Rot Horror and Echo-Effect and all that funky bio-horror jazz :P
I'd Probably either call it "Murder World" or "Rain Drones" if I do draw it
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nevermindtheweights · 3 months
this tutorial is going on for a while tho...
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marvelman901 · 2 years
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The New Mutants vol 1 2 (1983) . Sentinels . Written by Chris Claremont Penciled by Bob McLeod Inked by Mike Gustovich Colors by Glynis Wein Lettered by Tom Orzechowski Edited by Louise Jones . Shaw's and Gyrich's Project Wideawake was out to get the New Mutabts, with Sentinels... . See more relevant content here: #marvelman901newmutants #marvelman901bobmcleod #marvelman901moonstar #marvelman901cannonball #marvelman901professorx #marvelman901brood #marvelman901sebastianshaw #marvelman901hellfireclub #marvelman901sunspot #marvelman901karma #marvelman901wolfsbane #marvelman901sentinels . #newmutants #sentinels #80s #bobmcleod #karma #psyche #moonstar #mirage #sunspot #cannonball #wolfsbane #professorx #xmen #brood #sebastianshaw (på/i New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CowJ5Z0NSjs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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What if Sentinel prime just straight up turn into a little kitten one day just out of nowhere while on earth. How would the elite guard and Optimus's crew react to this.
Sentinel-Kitty retains his bot mind but has a hard time controlling his new cat instincts. One second he's screeching because he stepped in a puddle and now his fur is wet and the next he's chasing laser pointers. He straight up considered walking into traffic after he coughed up a hairball for the first time.
-Remember how Optimus laughed when Sentinel was just a head? Yeah, he's laughing his aft off, especially when Sentinel-Kitty makes the most unhappy expression his little cat face can manage. Still, once he's calmed down, he's going to do what he can to help turn Sentinel back to normal. Until then he'll try and take care of his former friend. Feed him, house him, all that jazz. Of course, Optimus' going to have some fun in the meantime as well. So many cat-puns, cutesy nicknames.
-Ratchet straight up sticks Sentinel-Kitty into a cat carrier the moment he starts acting up. Makes fun of Sentinel for now being one of the organics that he so despise and jokes that maybe this will serve as a life lesson. Hah! Fat chance, Sentinel will never learn. Part of Ratchet honestly wishes that Sentinel will stay a cat forever since he's way easier to handle this way. At least like this he can't say anything stupid.
-Bumblebee laughs and points of a long, long time. He bends over, slaps his knee, coughs due to how hard he's laughing. A lot of cat jokes, most of them absolutely trash. Keeps trying to poke Sentinel-Kitty, provoking him, only to earn some scratches and bites in retaliation. Quickly grows bored of pestering Sentinel-Kitty and moves on to more entertaining stuff.
-Now Bulkhead, while he can see the humor in the situation, is mainly kinda jealous of Sentinel-Kitty's whole situation. Being a cat looks like a lot of fun! Lazing around all day, laying in the sun, chasing birds and all that. Thinks Sentinel-Kitty is super cute and says that a lot, which makes Sentinel super mad. Tries to feed him cat food but accidentally gives him enough food to feed at least 20 cats.
-Prowl, like Bulkhead, is also jealous of Sentinel's sudden transformation. What an opportunity, to see the world from the point of view of a cat. How different would it be? What knowledge would he gain? Such an experience is wasted on someone like Sentinel. But at the same time, Prowl also finds the situation hilarious. That's some serious karma right there. Does not spend a lot of time with Sentinel-Kitty but whenever they cross paths he makes a snarky comment about his situation.
-While Ultra Magnus does not particularly like Sentinel, he does value him as a subordinate. Reversing Sentinel's sudden transformation is in the autobot's best interest. Until then, however, he is off duty. He is a liability like this and should be kept out of way least he get accidentally trampled.
-As much as he tries to keep it in, Jazz can't hide his amusement. A small smirk and a quiet snort of laughter escapes him. Makes a couple of jokes but honestly does his best to calm Sentinel down and assure him that this whole thing is only temporary. Sneaks pets from Sentinel-Kitty whenever he can.
-The jettwins, Jetfire and Jetstorm, are completely unhelpful. First, they laugh. Then, they make light of the situation. Similar to Bumblebee, they poke and prod at him, pull at his tail and pet him too harshly. They don't mean to be cruel, they just have no clue on how to take care of cats.
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synthwolf · 5 months
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Sentinel Irelia x Ruined Karma
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moonlight-tmd · 1 year
So i was thinking what would happen in Cons Are Good AU and what i said in this post. You should also read this one to know what i’m talking about.
After the autobots semi-crash the wedding, Blitz and Bee go somethere for a honeymoon. Somewhere in that time Optimus goes on patrol and bumps into Megatron, they talk and come up with a plan to end the war once and for all.
Optimus and the other autobots know that the council is not saint and with the little true information acquired at the afterparty of the wedding it’s clear that the cons are the real victims. 
Thus- the rebellion is created. Earth cons and bots secretly work together to get the dirt on the council and present it publicly. Whenever the Elite Guard shows up, they all act like nothing ever happened, but the tension between Optimus and Sentinel is certainly bigger with every meeting.
When the time is right, both teams along with the con army and some other autobots arrive on Cybertron. They try not to kill anyone unless necessary. Optimus and Megatron break in the council’s hall and present the truth, all while the speech is heard on the streets over the speakers they hijacked. 
The council is overthrown and Megatron assigns himself and Optimus as respective leaders of the factions.
From then on Cybertron is becoming a better place. Laws are changed and enforced, more houses are build and people can finally relax for once. Everything is as it should be. 
Bonus fun-facts:
> During the preparation period, Bee finds out Longarm is Shockwave. There is a bit of arguing but Shockwave firmly states that what he did with Wasp was to help Bee, as well as many other bots he’s tormented. So they’re good. The other bots find out some time later.
> After everything has been settled and both Magnuses take control, everyone finds their own thing. Blitzwing and Bee are assigned to stay and help out on Earth, they like it there and they hang out with Sari a lot. Megatron and Optimus stay on Cybertron and get things right, eventually becoming closer as well. Prowl and Jazz return to Yoketron’s Dojo and continue their training, eventually becoming Sensei’s themselves. Bulkhead helps out with rebuilding Cybertron and cities become more colorful. Ratchet retires and is living his best life with Arcee. Ultra Magnus retires, Sentinel is still an Elite Guard but he is much lower in rank, karma comes back. Lugnut bonds with Strika and is still praising Megatron, tho now he added Optimus to the list too. Shockwave/Longarm is helping both Magnuses with work and eventually bonds with Blurr.
> The earth autobot team keep contact with each other and hang out on special occasions.
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anon-e-miss · 7 months
The Desert Blooms - 10
“I know it wasn’t an easy decision,” Jazz told Prowl. 
Crowds had lined the streets cheering as they had ridden to the temple in a sedan chair. They had not come across as vindictive or wrathful to Prowl. He had searched the faces of thousands of mechanisms for hatred and he had only found jubilation. With singular joy, they had cheered the return of Amalgamous’ sparkline to the throne of Polyhex far more loudly than they were cheering Barricade and he taking the Touch of Adaptus. The worst of the indolent fool’s excesses had been well hidden and well managed during his life. If he had not been assassinated while serving as Prime in Iacon, there was no telling how much worse it would have gotten for Polyhex. He had named Zeta Major, Prowl’s eldest uncle his heir. The same uncle who had first attempted to murder Camshaft when they had been small sparklings. Zeta Prime had known who had arranged for this and had allowed his originator, the Emperor to collect on his debts by invading Polyhex. Perhaps it was karma that Zeta had been assassinated by Sentinel. Regardless, Prowl did not grieve the mech and unlike Amalgamous there was no cult in Praxus celebrating him. Windbreaker had only made a token show of anger at the murder of his first emerged. A simple bribe had been enough to see him turn his troops away from Polyhex. Sentinel had overpaid. Those troops had been simple conscripts pained to look like noble creations, trained from emergence for war. Zeta had not been worth even a single battalion of Praxus’ elite troops.
Barricade and Ricochet had been ushered off into their own room. Prowl wished he was not here to endure this but Barricade would not go and Prowl had made his peace with it. Jazz kept him company as they waited. As they spoke, priests were brewing the tisane that would unmech him. He had come to the temple wearing his armour, polished to a shine, he would leave in a silk gown. Already, it was hanging over the chair in the sitting room. The material was so fine, that Prowl hardly felt it against his sentio-metallico. To think this was what he was to wear for the rest of his life. It was unlikely he would be permitted to wear armour as Punch did, no matter the circumstances. Though having seen the welts and sores armour left on the revolutionary Touched, Prowl did not believe he would be terribly inclined to break that convention. In for a thoughtful touch, Punch had woven the cloth himself, creating a beautiful floral pattern. He had woven silks for Barricade as well in rich purple and black. It had been the norm when Punch had been Touched that the silks they wore to be perfectly sheer, simmering white. Prowl thought he understood why and it had nothing to do with the fragility of the Touched. Pigment and embroidery, done correctly added some modestly to a Touched’s garb and modestly was not their due. Would there be grumbling when he stepped out in his for the first time? The gown was sheer where there was no embroidery but there was embroidery over his array and his wells. His spark chamber would be bare between the panels of silk that made his bustier. It could hardly be called a chest plate.
“It was not as hard as I would have wished,” Prowl replied, twisting the soft silk of the gown’s skirt with his digits. 
His vestigial claws had been painted gold. Punch has not been sure if they would fall off as he was changed or if they would impale his digits internally if they were sheathed so for the time being, they were on display, perhaps they always would be. Would they still grow? The Emperor’s were long, as long as each digit in length and he kept them painted red and viciously sharp. His originator had always kept his claws short and unpolished and Prowl had always done the same. Camshaft and not seen the point of lacquer when he dug in the garden as often as he could. 
“Barricade would not have liked it if I had chosen death but he would have understood my reasoning, even though he disagreed with it. I could not have explained it to Bluestreak. He would have only known more pain, more loss. I was not sure if his little spark could take it. After I spoke to Ratchet, he confirmed my fears, there was really no choice at all.”
“Do ya regret’m imprinting on ya?” Jazz asked.
“No,” Prowl replied, smoothing the silks he had wrinkled. “Maybe I should?”
“Ya got a spark for love, nurture‘n protection,” Jazz declared and Prowl found his cheek plates warming. “Ya don’t regret doin’ what ya did for my framekin, do ya?” 
“Even now?” Jazz asked. “Knowin’ that they celebrate what’s comin’?”
“Do they not see it as a blessing?” Prowl asked. “In the Lower and the Least?”
“Yeah,” Jazz replied. “They don’t know better.”
“Exactly,” Prowl replied. “They do not know better.”
“Y’re a good mech,” Jazz replied. “I can’t give ya the life ya deserve but I’ll do right by ya.” 
“Thank you,” Prowl said. “Punch is a fine mech, one of the finest I have met. You and Ricochet do him great honour as his creations. I believe you will show yourselves worthy as kings.”
“I hope you’ll be willin’ to advise us.”
“Of course.”
Punch brought Bluestreak to him a final time before the ceremony. The bitlet all but threw himself from Punch’s arms and into Prowl’s. He clung so hard, digging his tiny, clawed digits into his armour. Bluestreak latched hard, harder than he ever had and he suckled with great urgency. Prowl stroked his back and crooned to him. Since Bluestreak had fully imprinted on him, the bitlet had not been away from Prowl’s side for even a moment and this mega-cycle they had been apart for two joors already as Prowl had been detailed from ped to helm and the pure bitlet was beside himself. The violent loss of his biological family was still far too fresh, Prowl realized and he just could not cope with a prolonged separation. What were they to do after the ceremony?
”Seems like yer gonna have to bring Bitty Blue to us soon as ya think Prowl can handle it,” Jazz said as he stroked Bluestreak’s helm. The touch helped to reassure Bluestreak further and he became less frantic in his nursing. Prowl sighed with relief and he nodded.
”I will,” Punch promised. “I’ll take good care o’m. I promise.”
Prowl trusted him. He knew Punch would dote on Bluestreak even more if only Bluestreak would let him but Bluestreak had become very clinging as soon as Prowl had begun to lactate for him. Punch was one of the two mechanisms that Bluestreak could enjoy a little snuggle with, Barricade was the other. He loathed Ratchet at the moment. All the pain and confusion he had endured had been overlaid onto Ratchet. In time that would fade, Prowl hoped. Eventually, Bluestreak would be old enough to be reasoned with but he was just a tiny bitlet, not even a stellar-cycle old. Prowl wished he knew what his procreators had designated him and what they had been called themselves but their Praxian neighbours had all fled and no Polyhexian neighbour had come forward with information. It was unfair; their creation deserved to know them.
“Y’re sure?” Jazz asked as the temple bells rang. It was time. Prowl cocked his helm.
“Would you prefer if I changed my processor,” he asked.  
“Primus no,” Jazz exclaimed. Prowl raised his doorwings in surprise at the force of Jazz’s cliffs.
“I believe you,” Prowl sighed and his doorwings drooped with relief and he found himself flushed again. Jazz smiled at him and it was a charming smile.
“I don’t wish the Touch on ya, but I wish for death less,” Jazz replied with simple sincerity. “I wish I could think o’ some way to spare ya this that wouldn’t mean war with the chiefs. I wish, I didn’t think sacrificin’ ya was the best answer we were gonna get.”
“I do not wish for any more harm to your framekin,” Prowl said. “They have suffered long enough. I was always intended to be a sacrifice. In this way, I can serve as a shield against the Emperor’s machinations, rather than a convenient excuse for war.”
“I hope some mega-cycle I get to tell yer ori what a good pair o’ mechs he raised,” Jazz replied.
“I cannot imagine Originator being permitted to come here,” Prowl said and he grieved that with all his spark. He missed Camshaft dearly. He wished he could tell him that he was going to the temple and to the Touch with a clear helm. If Camshaft ever did make his way to Darkmount, it would not bode well for Jazz or Ricochet.
“From what ya told me, he ain’t the sort to ask permission,” Jazz replied.
No, Camshaft had never been inclined to ask permission from the Emperor and unlike the adage that it was better to ask for forgiveness than permission, Camshaft did not ask his originator’s forgiveness when he did as his willed. But Windbreaker was both cruel and petty and he knew his second creation perfectly well. It would hurt him to be forever separated from his creation, just as it would hurt Prowl, the most reviled of his grandcreations and Prowl had no doubt Windbreaker would make it all but impossible for them to reunite. Prowl prayed his originator faced this cruelty with stoicism and not temper. He did not want Camshaft killed. Perhaps, in time, one of his uncles, or perhaps his aunt would draw the focus of Windbreaker’s ire and Camshaft would have the chance then. Windbreaker hated Camshaft even more than he hated Prowl. It would take quite a grievous error to distract the emperor’s wrath from spiting his Second emerged.
Symbolically, it needed to appear that the one to be Touched went to the blessing willingly. The fact force was applied in the background, as it had been for Punch, as it was now for Prowl and Barricade, could not be on show. Prowl imagined there had been times when mechanisms took the Touch fully willing but Prowl suspected more often than not there was familial pressure and manipulation behind it. No mechanism after Prowl and Barricade would be faced with this pressure. Jazz and Ricochet had stayed out on the burning sands until the playing on their legs and arms had burnt and blistered to ensure they found every crystal and destroyed every one. They would go out again, Jazz had told him, at least once a vorn to make certain no new crystals ever grew.
Prowl stood in the doorway and waited. He saw Barricade take a goblet from from the priest at his own door and brush past the mech mid-blessing. He walked past Prowl to join him in his room. Prowl lightly dipped his doorwings as Ricochet followed after him. Prowl took poisonous tea from the high priest as the priest Barricade had interrupted, rushed to join him and the priests blessed them both as they exalted Adaptus. Jazz waved them off and closed the door. This was a private thing. Though Prowl would be presented when the ordeal was over, to show all, mostly the court, it had been done. Setting the poison down, Prowl removed his armour as Punch had advised. Prowl shrugged his doorwings as the others watched anxiously as he retrieved the poison and drank it down.
He screamed but no sound came out. Prowl felt to the floor, saved from falling flat on his face by Jazz’s quick catch. It felt like Jazz’s digits were digging into his plating. Over and over Prowl wretched as it felt like shards of glass carved their way through his fuel tank and energon lines. It felt like acid was burning through his array. Servos cupped his helm as he writhed on the floor. The carpet scratched his sentio-metallico; it felt like hundreds of small knives cutting over and over. A keen deafened him and for a moment Prowl thought it was his own but his spark flared and Prowl dragged himself onto his knees and he crawled towards the door. Bluestreak. Bluestreak was hurting. His legs gave way as the poison burned like acid through his array. Was he leaking energon? It felt like he must have been. Though it felt like the carpet would skin him, Prowl pushed himself up onto his elbows. Bluestreak. Bluestreak. The door flew open and the keening became louder.
“What’s wrong with him?” Barricade demanded.
“He feels it through the bond,” Punch explained. “Jazz, help’m sit up.”
“I don’t wanna hurt’m,” Jazz sounded distressed.
“Ya will,” Punch replied. “It can’t be helped.”
“‘M sorry Prowl,” Jazz crooned and he pulled Prowl into his arms. Prowl thrashed. A cry finally escaped his vocalizer. Jazz was crushing him!
“Hold the bitty to his chassis,” Punch ordered.
“Won’t that make it worse?” Jazz asked. A weight like a boulder pressed against his chassis. Bluestreak’s spark screamed against his and Prowl stopped his thrashing and crossed his arms over the bitlet and trembled with pain beyond agony. His ventilations came in hisses as he tried to still his spark so as to soothe Bluestreak.
“No,” Punch replied. He stroked a tear from Prowl’s faceplate. “Their sparks were feeding off each other, creatin’ a loop that mighta been strong ‘nough to gutter’em both.”
“Fraggin’ pit,” Jazz cursed. “‘M so sorry Prowl.”
“Are they okay?” Barricade asked.
“I think the worst is o’er,” Punch said. “Barricade…”
“Ya don’t gotta do this,” Ricochet sounded panicked as he caught Barricade’s wrist. Prowl looked up at his brother and saw a will of fire.
“I only waited in case this was some trick,” Barricade said. He pulled his wrist free and took a step back. Prowl locked optics with his brother. “You aren’t getting rid of me.”
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oldworldwidgets · 8 months
here she is. officially. my beloved fallout 4 oc delilah !!!! first piece done by @zetobii and the second by @leavingautumn13
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i dont draw so all art of delilah comes from my dear friends who draw her for me/with their ocs and tell me i can post it OR from commissions. what i can do, however, is write <3 and make playlists and pinterest boards for visuals <3 so prepare urself <3
speaking of which, you can find her playlist here and her pinterest board here!! theyre chronological, so listening/scrolling in order should more or less tell her story too
ok so: her appearance, personality, stats, story, and some fun facts are here under the cut (its a lot fyi ok i just love her so much) pls enjoy
delilah lore (delilore?) be upon ye:
24 years old, 5’10”
very fair skinned with bright green eyes and jet black hair
her hair is wavy and flows down to the middle of her back. she has one small braid behind her right ear
covered in freckles, from her nose to her knees. she has a tiny scar above her mouth from a past split lip and a slit in her opposite eyebrow from a past black eye
midriff is heavily discolored from past bruises - the pigmentation never fully went away - and marred with keloid scars from deep cuts from things she refuses to talk about. if her dress has a high enough slit, bruises can peek out near the very tops of her legs
large black kingsnake tattoo wrapping up a her left arm with its head near her shoulder and its tail near/on her hand
she can almost always be found in her wine-colored silk dress that reaches only about mid-thigh, nails manicured and lips painted to match. it has spaghetti straps and is loosely bodycon.
she wears stacks of gold rings (as many as possible, really) and dangly gold snake earrings
the only things she keeps on her person are the dagger and the gun strapped to her thighs under her dress. her gun was a gift from KL-E-0. it is a custom gold-plated, silenced 10mm. lilah named it "Mine"
if fo4 had a karma slider, lilah would land pretty firmly on evil. on a dnd alignment chart, think chaotic neutral or neutral evil
SPECIAL: 2, 8, 2, 10, 7, 4, 3
she's not strong nor has much endurance, but when you're as smart, perceptive, and charismatic as she is, you can charm people into carrying your stuff for you anyway.
her perks are party girl (alcohol/chem resistance), black widow (damage/persuasion against men), night person (higher int at night), and intimidation (pacify, instruct, and force opponents to attack). and deacon's cloak and dagger, of course.
cold, calculated, distant
cares about very, very few people (and even fewer things) but is fiercely loyal to those people. she's a railroad agent, but only because deacon cares about the cause and she begrudgingly cares about deacon
she and deacon clash. he refused to even vouch for her admission to the railroad. she gets along much better with glory, but she still gets assigned to run jobs with deacon because they keep each other in check and are deadly efficient as a pair (theyre also in love but they keep it a secret from everyone including each other)
she cares about very very few people but it fiercely loyal to those people. she is a railroad agent, but only because deacon cares about the cause and she "begrudgingly" cares about deacon (she cares literally so much do not let her fool u)
her moral compass is not magnetic. right and wrong is whatever she wants it to be. she takes no issue killing people if they wrong her. sexual harassment or subterfuge/targeted deception send marks to the top of her hit list.
her story:
her birth name is allie eden
she is not a sole survivor; she was born into the capital wasteland chapter of the brotherhood of steel. despite sentinel lyons' best efforts, delilah responded far better to scribe training than to combat training
she and arthur maxson were the only two kids in the citadel, and they became fast friends, even after the lyons pride crumbled and maxson was appointed elder.
he appointed her his sentinel, second in command, which she embraced until she saw how terribly the wasteland was faring under his leadership.
she promptly absconded and, because she had been so sheltered until that day, quickly lost herself to chems and alcohol.
months passed in, thanks to all the blackouts, what felt like hours. one night, allie woke up in a warm bed that she did not fall asleep in. a man named dante deangelo had pulled her body from a D.C. gutter and made sure she was safe.
in no time, they fell in love and decided to escape to the commonwealth. they found a small, basement apartment in goodneighbor and allie began tending bar at the third rail.
dante, slowly but surely, became more abusive. he left bruises and deep cuts on her body anywhere her third rail uniform would cover. she stayed, though, because she'd been raised by the brotherhood to believe that love was harsh and painful. to obey without question. to submit to authority.
eventually, she tired of that life and snapped, killing dante before he could leave any more marks on her. something... shifted. maybe it was allie eden who entered their apartment that morning, but it was delilah who left it that night.
KL-E-0, who was quite fond of allie and is far fonder of delilah, fitted her with pistol, Mine.
instead of hiding behind the bar like she had when she was with dante, she began to use it to her advantage. every dusty drifter with full pockets full of caps left her bar empty handed. but it wasnt enough.
she began targeting triggermen, who she knew were peddling chems for... someone in goodneighbor. the moment a man started flirting with her (which she hated), it was like a red dot sight appeared on their foreheads. she'd seduce them, take them back to her apartment, get her caps and chems and information, and the men would never be seen again.
morowski, goodneighbor kingpin, eventually approached her at work about his shrinking pool of chem peddlers. they struck a deal: he would slip her into his operation as his newest arm candy, and she would peddle his chems at her bar.
it worked flawlessly until morowski actually fell in love with her. go figure. unless, of course, that was lilah's plan all along...
while she's still participating in this farce with morowski, she meets drummer boy, who she ends up truly enjoying the company of even despite her general distaste for men. eventually, he convinces her to join the railroad with him
because morowski is in love with delilah, she has no issue squeezing information out of him when deacon asks her to: morowski is an institute informant. lilah quickly, uh, deals with that problem, and the next days, morowski is found dead in his office at the rexford. cause of death: self inflicted gunshot wound. what a tragedy.
because delilah was his "other half," his unofficial widow, she inherited morowski's whole chem operation
now, she happily spends her days directing the triggermen and tending her bar - for fun and for information, at this point, because she certainly doesnt need the caps. when she needs to run for the railroad or her beloved friends need her professional black widow skills, whitechapel charlie is "happy" to cover for her. as happy as he can manage, anyway.
fun facts:
she is terrified of storms, heights, and violent outbursts from people she trusts
her name comes from the bible story of sampson and delilah, where delilah is paid by the government to seduce sampson (a man of god) and tempt him to sin by telling her what gives him his inhuman strength. after three attempts, she is successful. sampson tells her that god gives him his strength through his hair. she then cuts his hair, which ultimately leads to his death. i mean what a bad bitch
she is still deeply unhappy even after she wraps goodneighbor around her finger because she still doesnt know who she is
she's skeptical of maxson's move to the commonwealth. she is very much on the run from him (and the bortherhood as a whole), and ham happily vets drifters for her to ensure theyre not undercover brotherhood before letting them into the bar.
she and maccready arent exactly "friends" but they harbor mutual respect for each other since they spend so much time together. mac had to call her off like a guard dog when winlock and barnes paid him a visit, so shes confident he would do the same if the brotherhood ever came knocking.
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dirtyriver · 5 months
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Mekanix #1-6, December 2002 - May 2003, written by Chris Claremont, interior art by Juan Bobillo (pencils) and Marcelo Sosa (inks), covers by Cecilia Calle
Taking a break from the X-Men, Kitty Pryde goes to university in Chicago, takes a job as a bartender, reunites with Karma, meets Genosha survivor Shola Inkosi, and together they fight hate group Purity and adaptive sentinels.
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mmprviolet · 4 months
Misogyny is bad but sometimes a character just sucks even if they are a girl. I cannot stand lanolin at all she's just as unlikable as Namaari in raya and the last dragon. A supposedly strong female character who in reality is a violent bully because she's too insecure to work on herself, we're led to believe she's a hero and is just stressed. She acts like sentinel prime from tfa except he gets karma for his misbehavior at least. Lanolin just gets away with it too much.
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krii-bolts · 11 months
Fuck it. More """Doodles""" of Murder World AU!!!
along with commentary or sumn, idk
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NUZI!!! Along with Concept design for N!!! Yes I gave em Rivulet Gills, it just fits for him! Goofy Ship art :3
(N's ear design unintentionally look like horns to me, weirdly enough. Might leave it as is, idk.)
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ALSO THAD, LIZZY, AND DOLL CONCEPT DESIGNS!! Or, rather head designs lol
Decided to turn Lizzy's bow into her ears cause uh. Genuinely wouldn't know how to Rain World-ify her bow in any other way
Also Torn ears for doll, Fits her Character in all aspects
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YEEAAAAHH!! CREATURE DESIGNS TIME!!! Aka Robots into Purposed organisms!!!
Turning Sentinels into Hybrids of Red Lizards and Miros is both Fitting and IRONIC. Ironic considering Miros Birds are the ones that get Flashbang'd by Slugcats, not the other way around lol
At the very least, I give em Flash-Spit instead of. Well. A Flash.
Decided to turn roaches into a SUB-SPECIES of Centis, into SILVER CENTIS. And the Gold / Gilded / Key roach becomes a Bio-Mechanical, purposed creature by becoming a Living Citizen ID!
Or... Lab ID rather, hehe...
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And Finally.. Solver Uzi- Uh, KARMA UZI!!!!
If the Disassembly Slugcats have Miros Vulture Wings (Seen in THIS post), then Solver Users like Uzi got Standard Vulture + ROT + Ancient features !!! And bits of a ECHO effect / Pattern on em, ofc.
And little Tail chomper becomes a LIZARD HEAD!!!!
And uh. Yeah. Patterns becoming Yellow = Possession by the Absolute Karma. Or, "Karma of the Absolute Void".
Might make another doodle page full of Key Items from Show to AU. Like Door Keycard, Uzi's Railgun, Branded Pen, etc etc who knows
Below Cut is full Doodle Page.
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nevermindtheweights · 3 months
There's so much crazy stuff going on
but i am very invested
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amageish · 5 months
So we got some more Exceptional X-Men info... and I have some thoughts!
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First off, the press release didn't provide pronouns for the new characters which is unfortunate as I really would like to know how to refer to them! Still, their designs continue to look cool - and I hope Melee keeps their unique body type across different artists.
The solicit did have one tidbit that stands out to me though...
EXCEPTIONAL X-MEN begins with Kitty trying to get as far away from all things X as she possibly can. After the actions she took during FALL OF X, Kitty craves normalcy and takes a job as a regular-degular bartender. She’s definitely NOT getting ready to head up an all-new team of wayward young mutants while avoiding the watchful gaze of Emma Frost. Nothing but work, dating and staving off depression. That’s it. Let’s see how long it lasts…
It looks like Pryde is going back to being a bartender! It was previously announced she'd be a barista, but it seems like they've switched back to full-on Mekanix vibes, which I am quite excited by - and feels pretty appropriate to this story?
For reference, Kitty Pryde became a bartender in a 6-issue mini-series written by Claremont in 2002/2003...
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The books was partially Claremont grappling with the changes to the status quo made by Grant Morrison, whose work he did not agree with at the time... but his method of processing these changes was sending Pryde back to Chicago where she tried to be "normal" while processing the trauma caused by the destruction of the mutant nation of Genosha...
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So uh. In other words, this is basically Exceptional X-Men's premise 20 years earlier - it's also about Pryde in Chicago grappling with identity and trauma related to a mutant island's destruction.
Comic storylines are always cyclical, for better and for worse, but this is a really interesting one to revisit IMHO! I am very curious how Ewing will tackle the subject matter - and especially the idea of what mutants have the privilege to pass as human and hide their mutant identity...
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Mekanix is also, uh, a pretty notable book in the queer history of Kitty Pryde too, as it starts her relationship with Xuân Cao Mạnh... When a building collapses around them, they nearly share a kiss before being attacked by sentinels - causing Kitty to state that people like them can never relax their guards, which feels like an intentional double-reference to their mutanthood and their queerness...
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This moment is also relatively unique among Kitty Pryde queer moments as it has consistently been followed up on? New Mutants Vol 2 has Xuân talk about to Dani, without naming Kitty specifically.
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Liu's Astonishing X-Men also references it, with Kitty continuing to be close to Karma and her siblings...
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And Trungles' Karma in Love mentions it pretty directly - with Karma apparently having some complicated feelings about Pryde that she doesn't want to address... as she straight-up just runs away when she sees her.
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ANYWAY. The point being: This book could also be a good one to explore Pryde's potential queer identity, if Marvel Corporate is on-board with them actually, uh, doing that now...
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