#seraph (FFVI)
siverwrites · 3 years
Fictober Day 3: Partings and Complications
Fictober Day 3. No prompt today.
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34258309
GT FFVI AU. A small scene in Mobliz in which Jowd bears witness to a conversation that only seems to further complicate matters
Jowd didn’t intend to watch or eavesdrop, but the usable portion of the building they stayed in was hardly big and his gaze kept sliding over to Cabanela standing in front of the ramshackle table. The table was a small round thing; it probably once held something decorative. It looked the sort they had in some rooms of Figaro, and he startled at that odd nearly forgotten familiarity. Well, like Figaro there was no place for such niceties anymore. Only Sissel and a bunch of kittens and young cats roamed the ruined village of Mobliz now.
He absent-mindedly stroked one of those kittens that had taken up residence on his lap. Now that table held two magicite, together at last and the cats would be joined by two Espers.
“You’ll look after these kiddos, won’t you?” Cabanela said.
Seraph’s voice was gentle and laced with fondness. “Of course. To help our young kin has been my only purpose since the world cracked. I cannot leave him now. And now that we’re together again…” Jowd winced at the sheer amount of feeling put into the word. ‘Together’… “…maybe good things can still happen here,” Seraph continued.
“Can and wiiill,” Cabanela said. “The world’s not ended yet, baby.”
“Some might say it has,” Phantom said dryly. “Nevertheless we owe you a great gratitude.”
“Think nothin’ of it. I told you we’d find her and that’s all there is to it, baby.”
“You’ve filled your promise.”
Jowd tried to focus on the black furball kneading happily at his knee, but couldn’t block out Cabanela’s suddenly soft tones.
“Thanks for that.”
“Cabanela?” said Seraph. “May I ask you to lift my stone?”
“Sure thiiing. Somethin’ I can do for you?”
“Only permit my curiosity.”
Jowd’s fist clenched as a different image arose. Cabanela—no, the Jester—surrounded by a ring of magicite. The greed and hunger twisting that face. Jowd resisted the urge to knock Cabanela aside, and yet here… There was only tenderness as he lifted the magicite.
It glowed and there was silence and stillness until Seraph spoke.
“I’m sorry. I only wished to confirm something I thought I felt in that dark place last we met.”
“You felt it, too?” Phantom asked.
“I’m…not certain. I don’t understand you. I feel Ramuh’s magic and she, kin of Shiva, left her mark upon you and yet…I can almost feel the touch of another, warm and familiar.”
“I thought I felt it too,” Phantom said, “as we rested together. But it’s like a whisper outside the range of hearing.”
“I am what I am,” Cabanela said with a careless shrug. “And whatever the doc saw fit to do,” he added in a tone that was too brittle for the lightness he clearly intended.
“One of many…” Phantom said distantly.
“It may be of comfort to you to know this does not have the feel of that vile creature’s work.”
“It is.” Cabanela gently lay Seraph’s magicite beside Phantom’s. “There’s a lot of mystery in the past few years of my life. One mooore doesn’t make much difference now.”
Jowd stared at the floor. What had that been about? Who was Cabanela anymore? And what right did he have to ask such questions now?
“We’ll see each other again,” Cabanela said.
“We wish you success and the joy you’ve helped to bring us,” Seraph said.
“Some dreams are only that,” said Phantom, “and some, for good or ill may be more, remember that.”
Jowd glanced up to catch Cabanela sweeping them a bow. He immediately averted his gaze as Cabanela spun round and he caught sight of his expression, distant and longing. He couldn’t avoid Cabanela entirely, however. He sauntered over and as Jowd dragged his gaze back there was no trace of that expression, only a flash of a grin as Cabanela stopped just close enough to be in speaking range.
“Sissel tells me there’s a chocobo stable not far from here. We can see about gettin’ ourselves some birds and the trip to Nikeah will be a breeeeze, baby.”
“Right,” Jowd said and before he could think of anything else worth adding Cabanela had already moved on to check over their supplies.
Jowd sighed and stared at the kitten who had finally made himself comfortable and now slept in his lap. What was it like to hold such simplicity?
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azurefishnets · 3 years
Light Heart (Day 7)
AO3: AzureFishnets Fandom: FFVI/GT AU Summary: Spells lead to silliness as joy returns slowly following an explosive confrontation. The prompt today is from Discord and thanks as always to my favorite co-conspirators, @laughingmango & @siverwrites! Word Count: 762
Light Heart
Cabanela zapped the last wormlike monster with ease, slamming the thing into the still quaking ground. Alma relaxed, wiping ichor off her sword before sliding it into it sheath and beginning to turn away before looking down at her feet with surprise. She was still floating, the spell left over from earlier in the encounter. When the worms had begun throwing earthquakes at them, Cabanela had merely laughed, then cast a countering spell to lift them all from the trembling earth. The battle had ended fairly quickly after that, with Jowd easily knocking the worms for a loop with one of his blitzes, then Cabanela taking a turn again before she’d even managed to get another hit in herself.
This was the first time she’d consciously had this spell cast on her and her feet didn’t move quite the way she expected; she struggled for a moment on the frictionless unground before Cabanela noticed. She scowled at him as he began to chuckle, which only made him laugh more.
“I’m glad you’re amused,” she said with dignity. “A little help please?”
“Oh, you got it, baby.” With the dexterity and grace that only Cabanela seemed to be able to master, he seemed to glide on air over to her and, as her mouth rounded into an O of surprise, scooped her right up into his arms and whirled around. “Nothin’ like it!”
Put me down, she inexplicably didn’t say. Maybe it was Jowd, watching them without expression from his floating perch. Or maybe it was just the warmth of being held against his surprisingly solid chest, or… her introspection ended as he put her down again after a moment of breathless twirling and dispelled the effect on her. He tossed her a teasing grin over his shoulder as she staggered and made a face at him.
“Watch this, baby,” he said, and slid back over to Jowd, skating around him with a mighty flourish when Jowd didn’t move, then attempting to sweep Jowd into his arms, just as he had with Alma. Jowd didn’t budge. Cabanela strained for a moment, but ran into the same problems as Alma had. There simply wasn’t enough friction for him to gain purchase.
Jowd went from stone-faced to determinedly straight-faced, then said, “Too much natural gravity,” and let loose with a guffaw at Cabanela when he finally gave up, the spell losing its grip on both of them as they came back to ground with a small thump.
“Natural?” Cabanela snorted. “Suuure.” He eyeballed Jowd, waiting for the punchline.
Jowd’s eyes twinkled as Phantom spoke from their current place in his pouch; “Well, perhaps not entirely natural when you have a Demi spell keeping you in place…”
Alma, along with Seraph, began to giggle as Cabanela gave Phantom an affronted stare. “Gangin’ up on me now, baby? Is that it?”
Jowd snorted and scooped Cabanela over his shoulders with one movement as he strode heavily back to Alma. Unlike Alma, Cabanela protested mightily but he was laughing too when Jowd put him down, and they all giggled like fools for a moment, lost in a shared camaraderie that once had seemed gone forever.
“Are we going into town or what?” Alma said at last, getting her composure back. “We only stopped for supplies; they’ll be wondering where we are back on the Vanguard.”
Cabanela nodded, then slipped his scarf into a hood over his head, sobering as he swept into a low bow. “Leeead the way.”
Alma blinked in surprise as Jowd reached out and pulled the hood off of Cabanela’s head, not coincidentally mussing Cabanela’s coif as the scarf puddled onto the dusty ground. “Let them see you. It’s South Figaro. They should get used to it.”
Cabanela shrugged, almost carelessly, sweeping his hands over his head as his hair almost magically regained its usual panache. “If youuu say so, my King.” He picked up his scarf, running it introspectively through his fingers before settling it back around his shoulders, meeting Jowd’s stare with his new, paler regard.
Jowd’s mouth twisted just the slightest bit at some unspoken irony, but he said nothing as he turned to lead the way into town. Cabanela fell into step behind him, and Alma trailed behind, ostensibly watching for more monsters but in actuality, watching him. She also let the silence reign, but noticed that Cabanela was floating again, and smiled to herself with satisfaction at this evidence of their knight’s irrepressible light-heartedness returning to him. Surely, it always would. Surely, she could take this as evidence that nothing had truly changed.
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mooglepalooza · 7 years
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