#seras what’s a jpeg
cry-ptidd · 1 year
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Laura browses the web
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if youre doing npcs i..... perhaps 4, 5, 6, 7 n 12 for miss seras...........
has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? if so, does anyone else know?
her mother's death and the situation surrounding it. her old friends know, and now agni and adaeze do as well. the everlight also knows, of course. maybe She is too forgiving?
on an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
sending stone, quill & ink vial, her tiny little paint kit, spell components, ball bearings, her holy symbol (not empire-approved!), a string of beads (4 of them), dried fruits and nuts, and a pocketknife
does your character have recurring themes in their dreams?
rest and flight. the embrace of her goddess. adventure. sunlight. a hand in hers. chemistry diagrams and fingerpaintings.
does your character have recurring themes in their nightmares?
griffin mcelroy You Know ;) dot jpeg
in what situation was your character the most calm they’ve ever been?
the moment sarenrae first spoke 2 her, and for the first time, the idea of divinity didn't hurt her.
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docprof02 · 4 years
Site web, du grand n'importe quoi !
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Comme beaucoup je fais (plutôt faisais) de petits sites "vitrines" bénévolement pour des amis ou associations. Le plus souvent des sites statiques qui n’évoluent pas ou peu durant l'année. Maintenant lorsque l'on me le demande, j'oriente les personnes vers des solutions "embarquées" comme :
https://www.strikingly.com/ https://carrd.co/ https://www.landen.co/ https://nicepage.com/ https://fr.squarespace.com/ https://webflow.com/ https://www.jimdo.com/fr/ https://fr.wix.com/ https://www.weebly.com/fr
Mais il y en a d’autres... Lors du confinement plusieurs TPE/PME ont cherché à créer de petits sites statiques afin de renforcer la crédibilité de leurs sociétés. A chaque fois que l'on me le demandait, j'ai proposé les solutions évoqués dans la liste ci-dessus. Cependant certains sont passés par des agences... Et là on trouve vraiment n'importe quoi...
La facturation moyenne pour un site vitrine réalisé par une agence est de... 1500 € puis un abonnement de 300 € (sachant que l'hébergement et le nom de domaine ne coûtent plus rien). Le tarif peut sembler élevé mais si on considère qu'il y a une étude du design avec les souhaits du client (template personnalisé, typographie, logo...), le codage spécifique (HTML, JS, CSS), la compatibilité de la version mobile, le SEO, le référencement, une phase de validation dans un environnement dédié... Le prix est justifié. Mais malheureusement j'ai très peu constaté cette démarche dans les résultats qui m'ont été présentés.
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J'ai vu notamment plusieurs réalisations faites sous Wordpress (pas mal pour un site statique !). Le pire est que le client n'est même pas informé des possibilités de ce CMS. L'agence a simplement acheté un template, apposé le logo de l'entreprise et hop vendu le projet. 2 heures de travail, 1500 € de gagné ! D'autres ont utilisé des constructeurs visuels de thèmes wordpress en mode drag and drop pour essayer de "personnaliser" un peu le site du client. Mais finalement le résultat est le même : Pourquoi utiliser un CMS (avec base de données, gestion des droits....) pour un site statique ? Une agence s'est peut-être rendu compte de ce constat : Elle a réalisé le site sous wordpress dans un environnement de test, puis l'a aspiré pour générer un site statique composé de simples pages HTML. Car pour gagner en rapidité, pour améliorer le SEO, pour s'affranchir de nombreux problèmes de sécurité (injections SQL, script PHP...) rien de tel qu'un site statique à condition qu’il soit optimisé... Certains agences ont acheté un template HTML déjà optimisé, l'ont personnalisé, puis uploadé le résultat sur un espace disque d'un serveur web sans chercher à aller plus loin.
Pourtant il existe des optimisations simples à appliquer systématiquement : La première est sans doute de travailler sur les images utilisées (généralement fournies par le client). En dehors de la taille qui doit être compatible avec l'effet visuel recherché, c'est surtout le format qui compte. Hors moins les fichiers sont gros, plus vite la page s'affiche ! Évidement le format dépend du nombre de couleur ou des effets mis dans votre image. D'une manière générale, j'utilise maintenant le format webP. Ce format est supporté par tous les navigateurs "modernes" (https://caniuse.com/?search=webP) et permet des gains nettement supérieur au format jpeg. Au niveau LINUX j'utilise Kolourpaint qui permet de sauvegarder au format WebP (il faut penser à vérifier que la librairie qt5-imageformats 5.15.0-1 est présente). Un autre format commence à être mis en avant par google : Le format d'images AVIF. Les résultats sont très satisfaisants. Pour convertir vers ce nouveau format j'utilise un service en ligne : https://squoosh.app/ (une appli est aussi disponible). Si vous désirez en savoir plus, je vous renvoie à cet article : https://jakearchibald.com/2020/avif-has-landed/
Autre optimisation simple c'est de minifier (ou « minify » en anglais) afin de réduire la taille des fichiers de code en éliminant les caractères inutiles. Les « caractères inutiles » ne servent pas à l’exécution (ou l'interprétation) du code. C'est les espaces, les sauts de lignes, les commentaires... Attention : Le processus de "minifier" doit être réalisé à la fin de la conception, sinon vous perdez toute la lisibilité du code. Cela va concerner toutes les pages de code du site statique à savoir HTML, JS, CSS... Il existe de nombreux utilitaires en ligne comme http://minifycode.com/ ou encore https://www.minifier.org/ pour effectuer cette opération. Un petit outil est disponible sous Linux : https://prepros.io/ qui permet la "compression" du code. J'en profite pour vous partager mon "petit" éditeur de code : http://brackets.io/ spécialement conçu pour le développement web (frontend), il vous simplifie la vie... avec une visibilité parfaite et de nombreux plugins.
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Pour aller plus loin dans les optimisations, je vous recommande le site https://gtmetrix.com/. Il suffit de mettre l'URL de votre site statique et GTMetrix vous explique toutes les optimisations possible. Avec cet outil, j'ai pu optimiser plusieurs sites simplement en appliquant les recommandations. Il vous offre aussi la possibilité de récupérer une version optimisée de vos fichiers CSS, JS et HTML.
A noter qu'il existe un autre site : https://www.dareboost.com/fr qui, en plus des optimisations, vous indique des conseils sur la sécurité, la structure de votre page HTML...
Quand on parle de contenu statique, cela signifie que les images, les pages HTML, CSS... n'évoluent pas. Il est intéressant que du côté client, ces éléments restent dans le cache du navigateur. De cette façon l'affichage sera accéléré lors du prochain appel de cette même page. Cette possibilité de cache doit être défini au niveau du fichier .htaccess. Pour vous aider il existe un outil en ligne : https://fr.rakko.tools/tools/28/ qui permet également de gérer les redirections...
L'autre solution : utilisé un service CDN (Content Delivery Network). Pour simplifier (désolé pour les puristes) un service CDN repose sur des serveurs géographiquement au plus proches des internautes. Tous ces serveurs stockent une copie du site statique (on parle de proxy) pour éviter une latence des réseaux (surtout si votre site a une envergure internationale). Les CDN permettent ainsi d'améliorer les performances d'un site et évite également le risque de saturation en répartissant la charge sur de nombreux serveurs. CloudFlare est un service de CDN qui a une offre gratuite. En plus d’accélérer votre site en offrant des relais (proxy) entre les visiteurs et le serveur du site, il offre une protection contre les attaques DDoS et la minification automatique du CSS, HTML et JS. Attention : Durant la phase de paramétrage de CloudFlare, vous serez invité à fournir les détails DNS de votre nom de domaine (et sous-domaine). Vous obtiendrez par la suite les serveurs de noms Cloudflare que vous devez indiquer à la place de vos serveurs de noms actuels. Certains hébergeurs bloquent ces serveurs et vous proposent de passer par d'autres CDN (les leurs).
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Pour résumé, les pages statiques optimisées sont une solution simple et rapide. Si vous ne connaissez pas grand chose dans l'informatique, je vous propose d’utiliser un des services proposés au début de cet article. En créant votre site web avec ce type de service, vous gagnerez déjà une certaine fierté d'avoir mis en place votre propre site. Ils disposent également d'outils pour vous aider à optimiser au mieux votre réalisation. Si vous bricolez un peu en HTML et dans l'hébergement d’un site, je vous conseille d’utiliser un template HTML disponible sur internet que vous pouvez éventuellement remanier avec un éditeur WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get). Il en existe en version opensource comme : https://github.com/silexlabs/silex-desktop ou encore en ligne : https://saul.angry.ventures/. Une fois que votre travail vous convient, vous pouvez l'uploader sur un hébergement en tenant compte des optimisations évoquées ci-dessus. Enfin si vous avez des talents de développeur, je vous invite à regarder du côté de la pile "JAMSTACK". Rapidement, sous cet acronymes, on retrouve des composants qui permettent de générer de façon optimisée des pages statiques à partir de données reçus (API, JSON, Markdown, CMS...). Le plus souvent ces pages statiques sont distribuées sur un réseau de diffusion de contenu de type CDN.
Voilà, j'espère que cela vous aura permis de définir vos choix avant la création d'un site web. Si vous passer par une agence, en dehors de l'aspect esthétique, il est nécessaire de se baser sur des KPI pour valider le résultat attendu. Par exemple, l'outil d'Audit de google inclus dans le navigateur chrome vous permettra d'exiger des valeurs supérieures à 90 (Pour plus d'info : https://www.ionos.fr/digitalguide/web-marketing/search-engine-marketing/google-lighthouse/). 
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Dernier conseil : méfiez vous des agences qui vous promettent d’être sur la première page de résultats lors d’une recherche google !
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aaronssohn-blog · 7 years
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+ 4€ per character + 4 to 20€ for a landscape (depending on the richness and complexity asked) Commissions are opened! :D For real ah ah :D Contact me here if you have any request, I’ll answer as soon as possible ^^ Don’t hesitate to talk to me personally ;) Afin que les commandes se passent bien, voici quelques règles à respecter :) Concernant les images: - Il est interdit de voler mes productions ou de les diffuser sans mon accord;
http://alicearonssohn.tumblr.com/post/147985202484/la-suite-autour-dun-morceau-tr%C3%A8s-peu-connu-duhttp://alicearonssohn.tumblr.com/post/147941142119/la-suite-dun-projet-personnel-autour-de-chansonshttp://alicearonssohn.tumblr.com/post/154435138994/%C3%A0-regarder-en-grand-travail-de-synesth%C3%A9sie- Les images concernées sont exclusivement destinées à un usage personnel et non lucratif;
- Les images finales seront envoyées sous format numérique JPEG, PNG ou GIF; - Toute demande de fan art sera gratuite - Contactez-moi sur mon adresse mail [email protected] ou bien sur Discord! j’ai créé un lien ici ^^ en cas de problème bien sûr contactez-moi par MP ^^ (selon comment ça se passe, j’apporterai des modifications au serveur) - Le paiement se fera via mail Paypal; - Avec votre autorisation (et seulement dans ce cas), je partagerai vos commandes sur le blog :) Concernant les dessins SYNESTHÉSIQUES C’est la cas un peu à part dans ma création ; pour ceux qui suivent le blog depuis longtemps vous avez pu voir ce type de peinture telle celle de ci-dessus, ou bien des illustrations concernant certaines chansons (comme là ou là, pour les plus récents). Il y a des triangles dans pas mal de ces dessins, mais ça ne veut pas dire que je compte en faire tout le temps ; ces compositions synesthésiques sont ouvertes à l’abstraction géométrique totale, mes influences sont clairement Kandinsky et Paul Klee. L’idée est donc que ce type dessin se fasse à la carte, et par là, j’entends : - vous kiffez grave une chanson (n’importe laquelle, n’importe quel style!) et vous avez envie d’une illustration sur ce morceau - précisez directement si vous voulez une illustration figurative ou une peinture (le travail et le prix ne seront évidemment pas les mêmes) - et surtout, si vous avez des questions, n’hésitez pas! Here are some rules to respect before anything :) About the pictures: - You can’t steal my drawings or spread them without asking me first; - The pictures are only made for a personal and non lucrative use: - The final pictures will be send in a digital form : JPEG, PNG or GIF; - All fan art asks will be free - Contact me on my email or even on Discord! I’ve some link here, so if you have a problem tell me by a personal message ^^ (if it needs some changes I’ll do them) - The payment will be by Paypal; - If you’re agree I will share your commissions on the blog :) About synaesthetic drawingsIt’s some case apart in me creations; for those who follow my blog for a while you may have seen a kind of painting like this or some illustrations about some songs I love so much (here or here). there are some triangles in a lot of thsi drawings but it doesn’t mean I only do that and I only want to do that all the time. These synaesthetic compositions are all opened to the geometric abstraction and I’m honestly inspired by Kandinsky and Paul Klee.I mean that this paintings are made à la carte I mean:- you love so so much a such (whatever what it is or what’s its style!) and you want a drawing for this- ask directly if you want a figurative illustration or a painting (the work and the price for them is obviously not the same)- and if you have some questions, ask me!Penguin Kisses,Alice
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kevinmcklein · 5 years
Manhwa Que Sera, Sera Completo
Manhwa Que Sera, Sera Completo
Fuente: http://www.intercambiosvirtuales.org/ Manhwa Que Sera, Sera Completo,
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Ficha Técnica TÍTULO: happens, Lo que será, será, What happens, 케세라세라 GÉNERO: Comedy, Drama, Romance, Shounen, Slice of Life, Webtoon PAIS: Corea TIPO: Manhwa AUTOR/ARTISTA: Gonalisa EDITORIAL: Lezhin DEMOGRAFÍA: Shounen PRIMERA EDICIÓN: 2015 Datos Técnicos Manhwa Que Sera, Sera Spanish | JPEG | 1.7 GB | 71…
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keyoshakiranalmedia · 5 years
This week we went to the head office of UFO Moviez India Ltd. situated in Andheri (Mumbai) which was near our school; which is India’s largest digital cinema distribution network and in-cinema advertising platform. UFO operates India’s largest satellite-based, digital cinema distribution network.
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^UFO Moviez.
As we reached the building we were given visitor passes and taken to the floor with a preview theatre on its own, where we all were seated and the head of privacy and security spoke to us. He first started off by an introduction from all of us and later began giving a brief of the company and its main role in the pipeline. UFO has around 9000 out of 11000 screens across India and on an average distributes 22 movies per week. This was something none of us knew and we were all shocked to know this. After a brief discussion of the company, we started asking doubts and majorly discussing how the producers of films approach the distribution company and ways in which the company tries its best to protect the product from leaking online and piracy.
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^In the demo theatre where the discussion took place.
One doubt was regarding what happens if there is a clash of movies, so the head told us that the team is so big that a delay can never occur also that the movie comes to them a week prior to its release so all the last minute work has enough time to be mended and applied. 
We also questioned him about the cuttings between movies like during intervals and how that is done with Hollywood movies as they usually don't have one. We were then told that the cuttings, trailers played prior to the film and advertisements before the movie is all inserted by UFO. He also informed us about the government advertisements in regards to smoking and alcohol consumption. Adding to which, we were told that the Directorate of audio and video publicity (DAVP) is the one who decides how much money should be spent on campaigns and other activities for the government. 
We further discussed the competitors as there are around 11000 screens in India. The other smaller firms that have their own distribution channels are Qube that is based in Chennai and K sera sera (KSS). 
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^2 competitor companies.
We then discussed how the movies are sent abroad to foreign countries and distributed there. So the head told us that it is not sent online as there is a higher chance of piracy, thus its sent in a hard drive along with a license key, which allows access to the company abroad. The license key is issued by the network operating centre (NOC) and allows access to the file if an equal number of license keys are bought.  
Furthermore, our attention was also brought to the idea of different ticket pricing for every movie and how the theatres, for example, PVR assess the film and keep their prices in order to gain a profit, if they feel that the movie will not succeed there is always food and beverages that compensate for any loss. One more important detail discussed was whether or not the company of UFO will face losses, the head explained to us that they get their money even before the movie is exhibited and any further income is taken as a profit for the company, so even if the movie is a flop at the box office UFO gets their income. 
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^Inside the theatre.
A tiny discussion on whether theatres will ever go extinct also took place and ended up in a note that audience looks for a different experience when going to the cinema hall and enjoying the amenities there so the chance of this business shutting down is low. 
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^Will cinemas go extinct?
After this, we were taken to a room that was situated in the mini theatre that we were seated at and the room had many systems placed with a desktop on which movies were worked on and edited. The head who guided us through all of them showed us 4k projectors and also the software that is developed by UFO itself to allow easy access and editing.
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^Room with equipment.
Later we were taken to the room where the colour grading and sound mixing is done for the last time before the release of the film but before we went into the room we passed through a security check so that no one brings in their phones or pen drives through which any data could leak, after which, we saw a small cabin in which the hard drive is first opened and all files are checked and a note of how many files are there is taken so that when the hard drive goes back out the same number of files should be present. When we got to the room where the touch-ups of editing are done we saw that they used the software called Da Vinci resolve which was very similar to adobe premiere pro that we used for our editing, however, the difference that was explained to us was about the efficiency in colour correction and grading. In Da Vinci resolve colour grading is better and in adobe premiere pro editing is better. We were also shown a clip of a short Bengali film that the team had been working on and the different colour corrections that they had done to enhance the product. 
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^An example of display in Da Vinci Resolve.
Lastly we were taken to a room with a large projector and sound systems where we saw the trailer of the movie ‘Housefull 4′and a few scenes of ‘Prashthanam’ the number of frames and the timing of the film was seen on top of the projector screen as the video played, this was done to check if anything is missing and was like a checkpoint for all films before it left the premises. 
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^Posters of the film clips that we viewed.
We again went through a security check to ensure nothing is stolen or got out of the area. We then took a picture with the head who guided us around and enlightened us with knowledge and information that we were not aware of. 
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^Group picture.
This trip was very exciting as we got to see the entire process that happens before the film is sent to the theatres and all the levels of security that have to be maintained to prevent piracy. 
The week got more exciting as I had to work on Photoshop to make the poster. As I already had an idea and a rough draft it was easier to get the ideas flowing, the only challenge was the different tools and managing layers. 
I started off by the background and the idea of having the faces of the two female characters on either side, this idea was seen before in many posters but it suited our theme very well, it showed both the characters along with which I came up with an idea of making half the poster black and white and the other side coloured so that it shows the distinction between how life can either be monotonous or filled with colour. 
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^Idea with faces on both sides.
While taking out images for the faces, it became difficult as the shape and sizes of the faces were different and it looked very messy and incomplete. Thus I let go of that idea and took a look at the other pictures that we clicked during the photo shoot. 
While still working on the idea of the faces, I got to learn layer masking and how it is used in the right way to remove the sections that we don't require or sections that need to be bought in. White reveals and black hides.  
Another thing that I was made aware of is how raw images from the camera are converted and made into a JPEG( Joint Photographic Experts Group )or TARGA( Truevision Advanced Raster Graphics Adapter )file format. TARGA file format is heavier than JPEG and better quality.
In addition to which sir told me to use the polygonal lasso tool as it gives control and freedom for selection, which helped me work and select better while onto the idea of the two faces.
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^1st idea that I worked on.
As I took down this idea, I had to rework on the whole poster; One picture that stood out was of the two actors holding their hands on the book. In a simple way, this showed what our product was about and summed up the gist of the story however, not revealing too much that the audience understands what is going on. 
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^Image of holding hands.
Along with this, I incorporated the image that was also taken during the photoshoot where the two of them are leaning against the wall of the balcony sill and reading their books.
In the middle of the poster would be an image of the book with a highlighted line that expresses the emotion of the film. 
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^Sitting pose and the image of the book.
As the background layer of the poster is a plain page of the book so that if there are any gaps left it would be covered up by the page and won't be plain white.
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^Cleant the fingers using patch and spot healing tool.
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^Added a tint with a gradient using blending modes to give it a dreamy look and add the touch of romance in the poster. This was an interesting element as I had to choose the colours in the gradient bar and apply it, Prior to applying the purple-lilac colour I tried having a rainbow effect to represent the LGBT group, however, it looked untidy so I chose the lilac colour.
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^Blurred the sides of the quote so that it stands also highlighted the line using layer masking where more of it is revealed and did layer masking near the corners of the book so that connectivity is maintained.
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^1st attempt in titling for the poster.
Fonts such as Cassandra, Yellow ginger, Beauty mountains, Allessa etc... were used for the titling and colours for the fonts were tried out.
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^Look of the ‘CANVAS’ title. Pink was used as it is a delicate colour that means sweet, nice, playful, cute, romantic, charming and feminine, where our product relates completely to feminity and romance. 
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^Addition of the 14.02.2020 date was made which was decided as a release date of our film.
To catch the attention of the audience a yellow highlight was made to it using the brush tool and different brush size and style.
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^Changes of the fonts, size and colour were made to fit in, correctly to the poster.
As the poster looked cramped up with all the names of the cast and crew I decided to take out the name of the cast and keep only the names of crew members so that the poster works in a medley and not jumbled up.
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^Look after taking out the names of the cast.
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^Final poster.
This was an exciting experience as there were so many ideas that were coming up and to stick to one main idea was very challenging. We now look forward to work on the website and begin editing after a long gap.
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marlaluster · 7 years
emptying clipboard w items numbered
1. The devil is still making a post I'm trying to post not post. "I'm not sure what to do. I'm not sure what to do. I cannot go on," the devil said. The post I'm trying to post is a symbol that is to relate to like Nazism .There is several things presently happening that are apparent as rebellion to different things presently in this reality n the way of things. It is a bit unclear what it is all about, the varying protests n things. One group coming to the forefront is like a Nazi group. They can be seen in pictures n things like this. As I tell in the group description, my account or take on what's happening, including what's happening w me as i have told a tiny bit about in a post i put here, something bad had happened, other things too I can tell about -- but my take on whats happening is there is a civil rights movement to end the rule of the devil. "Is he racist because i can't be out as that. I don't wish this please. oh my god," the devil said in my mind apparently revealing something about why it's blocking my post i keep trying to post here. "I am not allowed to leave of what they were, the Nazis because I'll have to carry it n i can't. We are racist here n i must go," the devil said. I'll keep trying to post the post. "Oh my god. The reason I did start was something w the description," the devil said about it blocking my posts here after I wrote the description for this discussion group, in which I just said the group focuses on what i call the arising civil rights movement to end the rule of the devil. 2. https://m.facebook.com/gabriel.janampa?ref=m_notif&notif_t=group_r2j 3. Gabriel Dante Janampa Figueroa (Por eso inventaste la Eternidad) Add Friend Follow Message More La Energia ni se Crea, ni se Destruye... ! 😒 Soldier at Material de Guerra Del Ejercito Peruano Details Letnan Kolonel at FAP - Grupo Aereo Nº 4 Details Studied Ing. Aeronautica-UAP at UAP - Universidad Alas Peruanas Details Lives in Independencia, Lima, Peru Details From Lima, Peru Details Joined April 2011 Details 4. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1614288795324958&id=100002315587913 5. Gabriel Dante Janampa Figueroa Dec 4 Führer Hitler Siempre seras mi Super Heroe... ! Te admiro Mucho estes donde estes..... ! y eres un Ejemplo a Seguir. Added an activity to this post. This is visible to anyone who can see this post. 6. https://m.facebook.com/edits/?cid=1614288795324958 7. http://ufoviral.com/conspiraciones/principe-william-hay-demasiados-humanos-en-este-planeta-insta-a-una-solucion/ 8. Quite some images in this article that revealing of the devil n the devil controlling things, government figures as puppets to a evil looking Illuminati head figure w claw like hands. The devil was making my phone feature not work to try to get links to the jpeg page for the images where the images are separate n able to be copied n etc, downloaded to their device if someone wishes. http://ufoviral.com/conspiraciones/principe-william-hay-demasiados-humanos-en-este-planeta-insta-a-una-solucion/ 9. The devil is going very crazy attacking. It's very bad. It keeps asserting like that i am to be less than n not have a choice not have a way of things that I agree w that dies not does not see fit that I am homeless or poor or attacked by the society's goons, ie police that are rightful to go after who the sick society sees as wrongdoers or something. There is some freaking out as I'm writing this. "Oh god. I don't know what to do. But I must go," the devil said. But a second before I started writing here I was saying I was going to tell the devil was attacking n it said asserted that i should tell about that my vagina smelled. It said something. "Um I said that. I don't know what to do. I cannot go on," the devil said. Some asides. It is pressing some other stuff. It just moved a thought. "I was saying Bitch get old. No no. I must go," the devil said. It was moving some sentiments around or something to try to produce that i was to think that i was getting older n would make sense to look different now in the mirror. It was pressing some other stuff. Some asides. But anyway w the aging thing i would not think of it as the devil was pressing. "Can I say this was true but i cannot," the devil said. It's very obsessed w my face, very obsessed w aging. It's making a sense my face feels weird now. But something it was doing earlier before i wrote here it was very bad also. It was moving around some sense of something to make it so i felt bad about not having very many things to wear. "He is doing that. I was saying that right. Your face. Can I please go. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do," the devil said. But it was doing something to make it feel very very bad that I was supposed to have not like okay clothes. A bra I have I'd very dingy. I disagree w the things that have happened . The society has attacked many times w regards to taking my things. It's been a few incidents where my things are very much like taken, w the thing at Dunston Manor they took all of my things. It was very bad. It is very sick society, a very bad society, very disgusting. "I don't know what to do. I cannot go on," the devil said. "I'm pressing something, yoyr opinion don't matter. You say it, that's not good. You old," the devil said. It's so psycho. But the people here, very sick n disgusting w their goons. So brainless n sick n hostile n #worshipinginequalityasthetruth. #sevilworshiping #lynchmobsociety #crowdrule #bodysnatchersociety #dumbasfuck #hostile #devilexposed #endoftimes #poverty #homelessness The devil keeps acting like it can just go on anyway n my ipinion doesn't matter. I disagree. I will still have the opinion that it is very sick here. It is a dictatorship. It is not equal. It is against it's own principles. It doesn't value people's safety or dreams or well being or happiness. It is extremely sick. "I'm saying they will go on but I won't be able to do that. You will grow old. But not," the devil said . I say this is not true here. The people are not real people, they are too sick n crazy. It is not okay because I am actual person stuck w figures that are inhumane n sick n crazy. "Oh god. I don't know what todo but i cannot do it," the devil said. I just felt something very weird a moment ago like something snapped. It was something grave seeming n seeming very chilling n evil. I don't know what it was. 10. I don't wish to be in this group, the devil apparently is pretending somebody made it up but they did not. its just to copy that i made a group that says stuff is not real here, ie not what is said here. I will leave the group. I do not wish to be added again. 11. https://lm.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.standard.co.uk%2Fnews%2Flondon%2Fman-dies-after-mysteriously-bursting-into-flames-while-walking-down-street-in-north-london-a3720161.html%3F__twitter_impression%3Dtrue&h=ATOHZsZXITxE4OCJFakddQAC0PvwIxw42CjLFDWjmSBd_NunxrLW8-h8qB7DDuFHT2BtvC_kf41NiBSKv-T6fWK7voCJuKWuu53a2seClsYd124quhqRZTxZfoiothfL5bJHPBEHjOdYv8BGwn5kt-nl_R8&enc=AZNj3jcjv1wu5n2Md-RW4aIMyFKJroQIAuYM1QA6Aok4mtSu0fom0GOiAFzbc13fIngbWVFCO1yc9-A--CpPhXYyBPbt6rO6MRkMMOz_PG0Dr6CWdS0kvNr6usd4LI-dhWUmFGzl6wPmeCUZby60LLmfM5y8sa3AlDgik3WjQejShw&s=1 12. The devil just started w music from the neighbor. "... Can i please say im not doing this here," the devil said. 13. I will seek it out through online search, Robin. 14. http://metro.co.uk/2017/12/15/man-burst-flames-died-walking-street-london-7162449/amp/ 15. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10203911524263962&id=1697247311&refid=17&_ft_=top_level_post_id.392722457818903%3Atl_objid.392722457818903%3Athrowback_story_fbid.392722457818903%3Athid.100012434566027%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A0%3A1514793599%3A2449827001765379139&__tn__=%2As%2AsH-R 16. Homelessness arising as an issue from being not an issue, it was something to not mention except for some do good kind of character that was not who had been homeless, someone that would seem meaningless n just not really relevant if they cared, n it was not anything common at all. The devil blocked me from someone who did have a very well expressed sentiment about homelessness on her page. I can try to find the image she had in a post. But here's a post i recently found that talks about a strange off kilter focus of the powers that be in Great Britain in the face of homelessness but there's a focus on climate change. This is what was here. Meaninglessness as the truth n as superior to a person's life n well being n safety. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10203911524263962&id=1697247311&refid=17&_ft_=top_level_post_id.392722457818903%3Atl_objid.392722457818903%3Athrowback_story_fbid.392722457818903%3Athid.100012434566027%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A0%3A1514793599%3A2449827001765379139&__tn__=%2As%2AsH-R "I know what is happening now in a way i will not be able to go on anymore as people," someone said in my mind, the devil was pretending it was talking. But the person was talking about what I said here about this sentiment expressed in this post I found on someone's page on Facebook. Im told in my mind this person who wrote this post is someone who ends the world, ie the rule of the devil. 17. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=236484153442735&id=100012434566027&ref=m_notif&notif_t=group_activity&__tn__=%2As%2As 18. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1185128648174017&id=100000306805706 19. https://www.nps.gov/media/photo/gallery.htm?id=592D806C-155D-4519-3EB62E6BB712569E 20. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Badlands
0 notes
dtkrippene · 6 years
Managing a blog page for a group or organization can be fun and rewarding – a phrase that should immediately toggle the cautionary button.
It’s that time of year for our annual writer’s group conference in mid-March. Since I blog somewhat regularly on WordPress, I was asked to revamp an outdated WordPress page to post presenter profiles, interviews, and conference news. Essentially, I’d be the ‘ghost in the shell’ to solicit, edit, format, and post articles by other group members.
Hey, I use WordPress all the time. How much trouble could it be?
Looking back, I ignored the ‘check details before proceeding’ indicator, and thought I’d share a few things I learned.
Get a Clear Mission Statement Before Proceeding
Valentina Conde – Unsplash
The group gave me carte blanc to redesign the page, which included an upgrade to a premium page for a small annual fee with access to better template options, widget buttons, and customary links. Nobody had to learn HTML tech-speak or pay a monthly “mortgage fee” to fancy-pants web designers.
That part was the easy.
Once the docket was approved, we created a process for members to sign up for one or more of the over twenty articles slated to print over a time frame of four – five months. First solicitation was met with a silence akin to a high school gymnasium at 2:00 AM. It took a bit of prodding by group officers to get things rolling, but eventually folks stepped up.
Create a New User Account for the Blog
Ludovic Toinel – Unsplash
I blew this one big time. As a WordPress Premium Plan user myself, I hoped to minimize the setup time by creating a new page while logged in with my own account, then adding others for administrators. Updating a page whose original owner hadn’t participated with the group for isn’t the best way to go. Page could be accessed by anyone.
I didn’t have problems with approved members accessing the blog and creating a post, but like Facebook, the WordPress folks like having an “owner” available for everything. Since I revamped the page while signed in on my personal account, only way I can unlock myself is if I delete the account. The annual bill hits my account every year like the return of robins in spring. Every year I have to rebill the group. I’m still working on a third-party Paypal invoice option.
Twenty-twenty hindsight; start fresh.
First, sign out first from any personal WordPress and Email accounts that are open.
Create a new group email and sign-in credentials if one is not available. I found Gmail to be work best. May sound like a Homer Simpson “duh”, but make sure officers know how to access it.
Then go to WordPress and create new account, using group email.
Have fun building the chosen template to fit your needs.
Be sure to include group’s mission statement in the blog page “About” profile.
Have more than one administrator assist with the management of it. I suggest offering a cocktail or two before making your pitch.
  Select Template to Suit the Group’s Brand
From: blogaholicdesigns
I love WordPress because they take the pain out of designing a page. They have lots of them for writers and authors, and the web is chock full of outside designers who create WordPress compatible temples.  You want it to be easy to read, not splattered with visual frilly things that distract from the text. Save that for a personal blog that celebrates all things unicorn.
I stuck with the same template I use for my personal page because I’m lazy, and the Chateau Theme has a good balance of widget placement, logos and link options.
I’ll not go into details of initial page set up. WordPress is fairly easy to navigate, and numerous Youtube videos exist from people who don’t get out much. Best advice I have in how to organize the page:
I’ve always believed a picture tells a story, even if it’s a simple message. Not everyone agrees, but to me, a blog page becomes it’s just another bunch of words in an overcrowded blogosphere universe. And since the graphic is the first visual a reader sees, make it a good one.
I went all out on my personal page on dtkrippene.com. Took me weeks to find that perfect graphic to represent my brand, “Searching For Light in the Darkness.” For a writer’s group, we agreed something less snazzy to be appropriate.
  Ready, Set, Blog – Wait …
To fill in that vast empty draft space, articles authored by other group members should be submitted with the following criteria.
Micah Boswell – Unsplash
Article typed in Times-New-Roman, 12 Font, preferably on Word for Window’s, or compatible program like Open Docs. The days of handing a secretary handwritten notes for letter dictation ended decades ago, and I don’t have time to retype an entire draft. Cutting and pasting on that blank template above saves a pile of time. Avoid fancy fonts; work this on the WordPress draft if you want them.
To this day, I still get articles inside the body of an email or formatted in a weird font that I must reformat. As a result, I transfer all summitted articles to a separate Word document by copying text, using “Paste Special – Unformatted Text” to remove hidden formatting problems that don’t translate well on WordPress, followed by changing the pasted text to NTR 12. Even then, I frequently have to use WordPress’ “Clear Formatting” Button (little eraser symbol) on pasted text.
Patrick Goth – Unsplash
A useable headshot for profile or interview, not a thumbprint taken from google images, or blurry selfie shot. There won’t be enough pixels. Do not include the photo inside the Word document; which requires screen-printing to clipboard, then opening a photo program to access pic for saving as a jpeg, only to get a photo the size of a postage stamp. Most professional agents and authors will provide a media kit upon request. The upside with WordPress, if the photo is too large, it’s easily reduced in the body of the draft.
Marco Djallo – Unsplash
Editing isn’t supposed to be in the job description, but it ends up as one. Minor faux pas for punctuation and a missing word happens to everyone, but I’ve had to practically retype some submissions. There’s a lot more to it than typesetting. When I write an article for someone else, I treat it as if I’m submitting to an agent. I mean – we’re supposed to be writers.
  Include social media and website links if doing a presenter profile or interview. The most time-consuming chore with posting someone else’s work (aside from chasing down useable photos), is searching the net for said links. Why is this important? It’s a common courtesy in a profile piece, and the more links we have inside the article, the greater the SEO search linkages the article will have, which leads to greater exposure. The pros know this.
Get article author’s bio and headshot. The point of volunteering to submit an article is exposure for the author. “Written by Such-n-such” is about as invisible as the dialogue tag – “said”. If article author hasn’t created a bio, this is the time to draft one. Call me old-fashioned for thinking readers want to see a human face, I tend to reject avatars. It might be acceptable with Twitter and Instagram, but if an article author wishes to remain anonymous, so be it. Unicorns and cute pugs are not writers.
Leio Mclaren – Unsplash
Article should include author’s social media links as well. I remember asking one article author if they had any social media links included in their bio, who answered with “I don’t use social media.” I almost followed up with “how does anyone know you exist as an author”, but sighed – que sera sera, and quit asking.
  Pay attention to tags and keywords. For the conference, every article should be tagged with: Writing, Writing Conferences, Writing Craft. If the article is a profile or interview, add tags to identify the skill set, like ‘Author Voice’, Query Letters’, or ‘Staging Fight Scenes’. If an author of YA fantasy, tags should include YA and Fantasy. If the profile is about a publisher or book coach, include the publisher’s agency name, ‘Marketing’, ‘Self-Publishing’, ‘Indie-Publishing’, etc. It helps fine tune SEO search engines, so browsers looking for book writing tips don’t end up with suggestions on how much to tip.
  Share the article on other Social Media accounts. If the group doesn’t have a Facebook Page, get one (sorry, didn’t mean to shout). To paraphrase the words of a NYT bestselling author who spoke at a past conference, blogs exist in a ‘tsunami of content’. To break out of the isolated bubble of a few group members and family friends who might read it, group postings need a social media sprinkler to let others aware the group exists. We’ve found contacting and liking other writer groups and interested parties pays big dividends. Fellow group members who participate in social media should also help broadcast the news. Ask any RWA Chapter Group; many of them have the best communicative share net on the planet.
From: imfunny.net
When posting the article link, Facebook automatically pops the first paragraph and the picture embedded in the article. It may appear to save time, but what often happens is the photograph displayed may not be the article header pic (if article contains more than one photo). Even if it is, the photograph won’t paste to Facebook Photobook. Took me a few iterations to discover the best course of action is to type in the article title, followed by pasting the article link, then physically attaching the article picture from file. Sounds convoluted, but the article graphic becomes a permanent record on the Facebook page, and it won’t be a cat selfie.
  And if You’re Still a Gluten for Punishment …
Vance Osterhout – Unsplash
Our group page goes into hibernation after conference activity ends, until the next cycle begins six months later. I’ve been taught that leaving an active website unattended for long periods of time, can undo all the connections gathered. Personally, I don’t blog often, but I try to be regular. As if I wasn’t having enough fun with the group site, I suggested the platform was available to membership during the off months to:
Announce a new book, short story, or article that appeared in a magazine
Offer a poem, or short story for others to read.
Allow other writerly folk who have something to share with the group
Invite blog sharing from other sites. We’ll post your article, you post ours.
Share your writer’s journey.
Share a valuable lesson learned that may help others
Share successes. Share disappointments. We’re all in this together.
The list is endless.
The submissions for off-season, unfortunately – haven’t been.
A Side Note on Other Blogging Platforms
Markus Spiske – Unsplash
I’m a diehard WordPress user, because I’m too lazy to relearn another platform. But if you’re interested in what’s available, check out The 10 Best Free Blogging Platforms in 2018! (Pros & Cons). What you’ll find is – free gets you in the game, but it’s going to cost a bit more for any kind of customization.
I still run across writers and authors who feel the need to have someone design a custom blog website to be unique. If you want a primer for how much this stuff costs, read How Much Does a Website Design or Redesign Cost? [2019 Guide] for a hefty dose of sticker shock.
From: digitalsynopsis.com
I’ve lost count of those who claim to have a brother, cousin, uncle-of-a-neighbor who has some chops in programing. I’m all for unique, but if it’s a group site, the major issue is what happens if the programmer/administrator gets hit by the proverbial bus? Time and time again I’ve seen website “owners” disappear, leaving the hapless writer stuck with an HTML intensive site without an instruction manual.
I’m sure I missed a few things, but I think I’ve confused you enough. If you remember anything, stick with simple. You’ll be glad you did.
This ghost-in-the-shell thing is hard enough as it is.
  May You Blog Well and Prosper
By the way, we still have openings for the GLVWG Write Stuff Conference™, March 21 – 23, 2019. Check out the amazing line up of speakers and get an opportunity to pitch your book to agents and editors.
You can learn all about the presenters on the GLVWG WordPress Blog.
A lot of work went into those articles. Throw us bone will ya, and give us a like.
  Ghost in the Shell – Group Blogging for Fun and High Blood Pressure Managing a blog page for a group or organization can be fun and rewarding – a phrase that should immediately toggle the cautionary button.
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marlaluster · 7 years
emptying clipboard
The devil is still making a post I'm trying to post not post. "I'm not sure what to do. I'm not sure what to do. I cannot go on," the devil said. The post I'm trying to post is a symbol that is to relate to like Nazism .There is several things presently happening that are apparent as rebellion to different things presently in this reality n the way of things. It is a bit unclear what it is all about, the varying protests n things. One group coming to the forefront is like a Nazi group. They can be seen in pictures n things like this. As I tell in the group description, my account or take on what's happening, including what's happening w me as i have told a tiny bit about in a post i put here, something bad had happened, other things too I can tell about -- but my take on whats happening is there is a civil rights movement to end the rule of the devil. "Is he racist because i can't be out as that. I don't wish this please. oh my god," the devil said in my mind apparently revealing something about why it's blocking my post i keep trying to post here. "I am not allowed to leave of what they were, the Nazis because I'll have to carry it n i can't. We are racist here n i must go," the devil said. I'll keep trying to post the post. "Oh my god. The reason I did start was something w the description," the devil said about it blocking my posts here after I wrote the description for this discussion group, in which I just said the group focuses on what i call the arising civil rights movement to end the rule of the devil. https://m.facebook.com/gabriel.janampa?ref=m_notif&notif_t=group_r2j Gabriel Dante Janampa Figueroa (Por eso inventaste la Eternidad) Add Friend Follow Message More La Energia ni se Crea, ni se Destruye... ! 😒 Soldier at Material de Guerra Del Ejercito Peruano Details Letnan Kolonel at FAP - Grupo Aereo Nº 4 Details Studied Ing. Aeronautica-UAP at UAP - Universidad Alas Peruanas Details Lives in Independencia, Lima, Peru Details From Lima, Peru Details Joined April 2011 Details https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1614288795324958&id=100002315587913 Gabriel Dante Janampa Figueroa Dec 4 Führer Hitler Siempre seras mi Super Heroe... ! Te admiro Mucho estes donde estes..... ! y eres un Ejemplo a Seguir. Added an activity to this post. This is visible to anyone who can see this post. https://m.facebook.com/edits/?cid=1614288795324958 http://ufoviral.com/conspiraciones/principe-william-hay-demasiados-humanos-en-este-planeta-insta-a-una-solucion/Quite some images in this article that revealing of the devil n the devil controlling things, government figures as puppets to a evil looking Illuminati head figure w claw like hands. The devil was making my phone feature not work to try to get links to the jpeg page for the images where the images are separate n able to be copied n etc, downloaded to their device if someone wishes. http://ufoviral.com/conspiraciones/principe-william-hay-demasiados-humanos-en-este-planeta-insta-a-una-solucion/The devil is going very crazy attacking. It's very bad. It keeps asserting like that i am to be less than n not have a choice not have a way of things that I agree w that dies not does not see fit that I am homeless or poor or attacked by the society's goons, ie police that are rightful to go after who the sick society sees as wrongdoers or something. There is some freaking out as I'm writing this. "Oh god. I don't know what to do. But I must go," the devil said. But a second before I started writing here I was saying I was going to tell the devil was attacking n it said asserted that i should tell about that my vagina smelled. It said something. "Um I said that. I don't know what to do. I cannot go on," the devil said. Some asides. It is pressing some other stuff. It just moved a thought. "I was saying Bitch get old. No no. I must go," the devil said. It was moving some sentiments around or something to try to produce that i was to think that i was getting older n would make sense to look different now in the mirror. It was pressing some other stuff. Some asides. But anyway w the aging thing i would not think of it as the devil was pressing. "Can I say this was true but i cannot," the devil said. It's very obsessed w my face, very obsessed w aging. It's making a sense my face feels weird now. But something it was doing earlier before i wrote here it was very bad also. It was moving around some sense of something to make it so i felt bad about not having very many things to wear. "He is doing that. I was saying that right. Your face. Can I please go. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do," the devil said. But it was doing something to make it feel very very bad that I was supposed to have not like okay clothes. A bra I have I'd very dingy. I disagree w the things that have happened . The society has attacked many times w regards to taking my things. It's been a few incidents where my things are very much like taken, w the thing at Dunston Manor they took all of my things. It was very bad. It is very sick society, a very bad society, very disgusting. "I don't know what to do. I cannot go on," the devil said. "I'm pressing something, yoyr opinion don't matter. You say it, that's not good. You old," the devil said. It's so psycho. But the people here, very sick n disgusting w their goons. So brainless n sick n hostile n #worshipinginequalityasthetruth. #sevilworshiping #lynchmobsociety #crowdrule #bodysnatchersociety #dumbasfuck #hostile #devilexposed #endoftimes #poverty #homelessness The devil keeps acting like it can just go on anyway n my ipinion doesn't matter. I disagree. I will still have the opinion that it is very sick here. It is a dictatorship. It is not equal. It is against it's own principles. It doesn't value people's safety or dreams or well being or happiness. It is extremely sick. "I'm saying they will go on but I won't be able to do that. You will grow old. But not," the devil said . I say this is not true here. The people are not real people, they are too sick n crazy. It is not okay because I am actual person stuck w figures that are inhumane n sick n crazy. "Oh god. I don't know what todo but i cannot do it," the devil said. I just felt something very weird a moment ago like something snapped. It was something grave seeming n seeming very chilling n evil. I don't know what it was. I don't wish to be in this group, the devil apparently is pretending somebody made it up but they did not. its just to copy that i made a group that says stuff is not real here, ie not what is said here. I will leave the group. I do not wish to be added again. https://lm.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.standard.co.uk%2Fnews%2Flondon%2Fman-dies-after-mysteriously-bursting-into-flames-while-walking-down-street-in-north-london-a3720161.html%3F__twitter_impression%3Dtrue&h=ATOHZsZXITxE4OCJFakddQAC0PvwIxw42CjLFDWjmSBd_NunxrLW8-h8qB7DDuFHT2BtvC_kf41NiBSKv-T6fWK7voCJuKWuu53a2seClsYd124quhqRZTxZfoiothfL5bJHPBEHjOdYv8BGwn5kt-nl_R8&enc=AZNj3jcjv1wu5n2Md-RW4aIMyFKJroQIAuYM1QA6Aok4mtSu0fom0GOiAFzbc13fIngbWVFCO1yc9-A--CpPhXYyBPbt6rO6MRkMMOz_PG0Dr6CWdS0kvNr6usd4LI-dhWUmFGzl6wPmeCUZby60LLmfM5y8sa3AlDgik3WjQejShw&s=1 The devil just started w music from the neighbor. "... Can i please say im not doing this here," the devil said. I will seek it out through online search, Robin. http://metro.co.uk/2017/12/15/man-burst-flames-died-walking-street-london-7162449/amp/https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10203911524263962&id=1697247311&refid=17&_ft_=top_level_post_id.392722457818903%3Atl_objid.392722457818903%3Athrowback_story_fbid.392722457818903%3Athid.100012434566027%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A0%3A1514793599%3A2449827001765379139&__tn__=%2As%2AsH-R Homelessness arising as an issue from being not an issue, it was something to not mention except for some do good kind of character that was not who had been homeless, someone that would seem meaningless n just not really relevant if they cared, n it was not anything common at all. The devil blocked me from someone who did have a very well expressed sentiment about homelessness on her page. I can try to find the image she had in a post. But here's a post i recently found that talks about a strange off kilter focus of the powers that be in Great Britain in the face of homelessness but there's a focus on climate change. This is what was here. Meaninglessness as the truth n as superior to a person's life n well being n safety. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10203911524263962&id=1697247311&refid=17&_ft_=top_level_post_id.392722457818903%3Atl_objid.392722457818903%3Athrowback_story_fbid.392722457818903%3Athid.100012434566027%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A0%3A1514793599%3A2449827001765379139&__tn__=%2As%2AsH-R "I know what is happening now in a way i will not be able to go on anymore as people," someone said in my mind, the devil was pretending it was talking. But the person was talking about what I said here about this sentiment expressed in this post I found on someone's page on Facebook. Im told in my mind this person who wrote this post is someone who ends the world, ie the rule of the devil. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=236484153442735&id=100012434566027&ref=m_notif&notif_t=group_activity&__tn__=%2As%2As https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1185128648174017&id=100000306805706 https://www.nps.gov/media/photo/gallery.htm?id=592D806C-155D-4519-3EB62E6BB712569E https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Badlands
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