#serena hellebore
cassioppenny · 10 months
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cooking something with @citrongarde :3
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cafedivinity · 2 years
Hello! Could I possibly get some name suggestions for a piglin headmate? My name is Coldhoof but I'd like a more.. human name... Maybe names relating to cold or quiet-ness? Or maybe floral names that sort of fits? I don't know... Thank you 💜
- 🌄✨(🐷)
btw, we're a system and our "base" anon tag is 🌄✨ and the brackets shows whoever is fronting and making the request. so it's vibes to just tag as 🌄✨, brackets is mostly for ourselves lol
Hi Coldhoof!! Your name suggestions are below the cut! Hope some stand out to you!! ^^
-Serena -Calum -Alex -Findlay -Pyry -Hellebores -Pieris -Axel -Oliver/Olive -Paz
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}every OC in the Carina-Hellebore Continuity™ as potential Servant classes (EXTREMELY ROUGH DRAFT):
Reav: archer/assassin/avenger/foreigner
Nero: archer/assassin/ruler
Tori: archer/lancer/ruler/shielder
Jade: saber/caster/berserker
Kirá: saber/assassin/archer/rider
Kro: saber/berserker/archer/foreigner
Thea: saber/caster/archer/shielder
Merry: caster/lancer/avenger
Carina: saber/lancer/archer
Alve: saber/caster/ruler
Kade: saber/assassin/caster
Eta: saber/assassin/berserker/archer/avenger
Kana: caster/berserker/ruler
Atah: archer/ruler/shielder
Sylv: archer/caster/foreigner
Tria: lancer/saber/caster/shielder
Viol: caster/rider/berserker
Mags: caster/archer/lancer
Iris: caster/assassin/berserker
Serena: saber/archer/assassin/berserker/rider/foreigner
Hope: All Of Them (or at least 7)
Anne: saber/caster/rider/lancer
Mari: assassin/archer/lancer/berserker
Atri'il: lancer/avenger
Hana: assassin/lancer/saber/berserker
Aria: All Of Them (see Hope + shielder)
Sondr: lancer/berserker/assassin
Qor: caster/archer/assassin
Ada: saber/shielder/foreigner
Nyx: lancer/assassin/berserker/rider
Layla: saber/lancer/assassin/rider
Winter: saber/archer/assassin/lancer
Marie: saber/caster
Satsu: caster/rider/foreigner
Yama: saber/archer/rider
Aylo: archer/caster/berserker/shielder
SARA: archer/foreigner
Socorro: saber/berserker/shielder
Ave: assassin/berserker
Andr: saber/lancer/ruler
Lilith: caster/lancer
Syln: berserker/lancer
Jill: caster/assassin/rider
Dahlia: assassin/archer/caster/foreigner
Aidan: assassin/saber/berserker/avenger
Harmony: archer/saber
Jen: archer/lancer
Aisha: archer/assassin
Reisen: saber/berserker
Kero: beast/lancer/berserker/avenger
Liola: saber/lancer
Xen: beast/lancer/foreigner
Tia: saber/berserker/rider
Dori: archer/caster/avenger
Gina: assassin/archer/caster
Aeris: ruler/caster/lancer
Astra: caster/assassin/rider
Krys: caster/berserker/lancer
Avro: beast/berserker
Bazel: berserker
Mati: lancer/berserker/archer/caster/assassin
Hama: saber/rider/shielder
Rahn: rider/archer/caster
Akora: rider/saber
Virelai: rider/saber
Michelle: rider/caster
Soleil: rider/lancer
Cressida: rider/lancer
Drea: rider/berserker
Verity: rider/caster
Zayn: rider/assassin
Skadi: rider/archer/assassin/saber
Asmo: caster/assassin/lancer/rider
Aya: All Of Them (yes.){
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cassioppenny · 8 months
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the most normal french person
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cassioppenny · 1 year
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realized that i should probably draw something for xy's birthday so BOOM!! two minute serena doodle
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cassioppenny · 1 year
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me getting ready to become a living(?) battery for a super death laser that my girlbestie needs to save me from so we can use it against the rich people deathcult guy who has been manipulating me after i miraculously came back to life after he fucking shot me in the heart so we can explode him
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cassioppenny · 1 year
best friendships in milesverse GO!!!!!! ooooor if there’s any fun facts about serena hellebore id like to hear them (rotating her around in my head)
HOENN TRIO THE FRIENDSHIP EVER they're so important to me. guy who runs away because he's mad at his dad, little guy who runs away so he can go on the whimsical adventure that he has always dreamed of, and girlie who's just tags along so she can pet all of the funny animals. they're besties :3
anyway fun hellebore fun facts🔥🔥
she doesn't really understand why she cut her hair after she came back to life. she just found scissors in a bathroom and cut it off. (it's because deep down she felt like she's no longer the person that died in that cave and she doesn't deserve to look like her but she's busy thinking she can't feel things anymore to realize that lmao)
her aegislash was given to her by lysandre. she ends up giving it to sycamore post xy. im thinking about giving her some kind of therapy pokemon idk which one though
lysandre doesn't call her by her name once either avoiding saying it or just calling her zygarde near the end of the game
doesn't have a heartbeat lol
she becomes friends with rosa post xy and agrees to act in rosa's movies hoping it'll help her learn to emote more since she's still struggling to after xy
drifts away from the kalos gang as the story goes on stopped traveling with them by the time the ultimate weapon shit happens
malva fucking HATES her post lysandre death and tries (and fails) to kill her again after serena becomes champion
she was dressed up to look more like zygarde when she was being used as the ultimate weapon's power source. she like completely fucking out of it while this is happening she hasn't slept in weeks and has no clue what team flare is doing to her she's just doing what they tell her to do. she may have been given alcohol too idk
she comes back during the rainbow rocket stuff to beat the shit out of lysandre. may or may not have stolen his gun during the fight and shot him. might be a little too extreme though idk
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cassioppenny · 11 months
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i think it'd be funny if i did this i think
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cassioppenny · 1 year
okay list of pokeverse guys im thinking about including so far in the hunger games sim
dawn kurusu
serena hellebore
marnie lotus
cherry kurosawa
ethan suzuhara
lisia nakamoto-wells
cheren kurosawa
trevor donnadieu
rn i just have milesverse and neelaverse guys (plus one cherry from tomodachi life) so let me know if you want your guys in i have 14 spots left lol
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cassioppenny · 1 year
winner gets ice cream and therapy
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cassioppenny · 1 year
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the internet has been down since last night so i can't post stuff from my tablet💔
anyway serena hellebore jumpscare 💥💥💥
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cassioppenny · 1 year
serena hellebore kin list
anthy himemiya
mafuyu asahina
michael afton
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cassioppenny · 1 year
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Being silly and putting blorbos in situations AND making amvs in the head. Handshake emojis
I DIDNT EXPECT YOU TO LIKE CHAINSAW MAN YOOOO serena hellebore's coming back thing may or may not be inspired by how denji dies and undies lol
anyway putting blobos in situations and making amvs in your head is so real my favorite activity is put on a vocaloid song and imagine a milesverse scene to go with it
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cassioppenny · 1 year
So yeah sorry for another question but whats up zygrade ? something to do with may i think?
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okay so zygarde has nothing to do with may lol you're thinking of serena
anyway basically quick rundown of serena hellebore lore she moves to kalos and the beginning of xy happens blah blah blah shauna has a big gay crush on her.
sometime after they kalos gang goes to lumiose and meets lysandre, serena wonders into a cave and walks into lysandre and some flare scientists looking for a zygarde core they detected in there. serena overhears lysandre discussing using zygarde as the power source for the ultimate weapon and his evil plan stuff. serena realizing the very surprising plot twist that lysandre is evil she charges in and tries to stop whatever their doing you know like a pokemon protagonist.
however instead of doing a pokemon battle or whatever lysandre just shoots in her heart and kills her with a gun so his identity as team flare's leader doesn't get out.
unluckily the zygarde core they were looking proceeds to go inside serena's dead body and becomes her heart, basically completely reviving her.
she's brought to a hospital by lysandre and gives sycamore along with serena's friends a fake story about him finding her bleeding out while walking nearby. serena can't prove him wrong because she doesn't remember anything from right before she died.
lysandre then begins to manipulate her into thinking that she's not human anymore because of the whole zygarde heart thing. she thinks she's unable to feel emotions, doesn't need to sleep, ect. he also makes serena distance herself from her "ugly" friends. this is so he could manipulate her into becoming the ultimate weapon's power source.
then shauna comes in to help her escape lysandre and stop the ultimate weapon through the power of gay
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cassioppenny · 1 year
yeah nice character development you got there anime serena with your haircut or whatever... *steals the haircut idea and makes it fucked up for hellebore*
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