#serenade urakawa
cylikaart · 1 year
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Long overdue WIP!
I need more Blues/Serenade in my life! Gonna do it myself!
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sminny-wew · 4 months
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You didn't think I was gonna stop at just Lan and Megaman did you???
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suranet · 2 years
How's MerNavi!MetalMan's backstory? Some kind of MerNavi equivalent of a martial artist?
in the MerNavis AU... Metalman's pretty much similar to how i view him in canon.
he was a regular MerNavi who befriended Tamako Shiraizumi when she was young. Tamako's older sister Kimie eventually grew up and married into the Urakawa family, making Tamako Mamoru Urakawa's aunt. Metalman became a close family friend to the Urakawa and through that mutual connection, he and Serenade got acquainted.
no martial arts involved.
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tentokki · 7 years
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So @officialforteexe is making EXE designs for Classics and Xs that didn’t get a Navi design and I get to help with the Xs....!
This is Nana.EXE. She’s Kimie Urakawa’s NetNavi and Serenade’s assistant. She’s a non-combat Navi whose ability is manipulating luck to her will.
(You can bet your damn ass she helps Serenade troll Forte)
Next up is probably Palette!
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cylikaart · 1 year
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They are so cute they are so cuuutttee 😭🙏❤️🧡
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cylikaart · 2 years
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Happy 20th Anniversery of BN3
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cylikaart · 2 years
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cylikaart · 2 years
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suranet · 5 years
For the character ask, Forte.exe?
overall: who? | i hate them | i don’t like them | kinda wanna fight them | eh | they’re alright i guess | i like them! | i love them | actual love of my life *accidentally drops thousands of pictures of them* ♡ ♡ ♡
opinion: again, who??? | sweet fellow | cinnamon roll | who knows really | sinnamon roll | the problematic fav
OTP them with: Rockman/Forte, Serenade/Forteship them with: same as above tbh. i have no other serious ships for him romantically. he’s not good dating material.#noromo/friendship them with: familyship him with Cossack (and Kalinka, in the very specific MMBN AUs where she exists), and friendship him with Serenade, Rockman, the Gospel Virus, and i’d love to picture him and the Urakawa family getting along once he matured somewhat.crack ship(s): the Battle Story manga made... a case for Shadowman/Forte. a very, very strange case.favorite headcanon(s): i have too many headcanons for him to pick a favorite. Forte doesn’t stay in one place too long, but he has several little bolt-holes filled with basic necessities, and recovery data tucked away in various locations deep in the Undernet for the rare occasion he needs to lay low, or just to recover in a secure place from injuries instead of floating around, bleeding data. he never keeps anything personally identifiable or incriminating in them so in the unlikely case somebody else stumbles across it and somehow gets inside, it just looks like some random ol’ NetNavi’s hideout.
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suranet · 5 years
overall: who? | i hate them | i don’t like them | kinda wanna fight them | eh | they’re alright i guess | i like them! | i love them | actual love of my life *accidentally drops thousands of pictures of them*
opinion: again, who??? | sweet fellow | cinnamon roll | who knows really it’s the banana king | sinnamon roll | the problematic fav
OTP them with: Serenade/Forteship them with: i have no other romantic ships for them.#noromo/friendship them with: familyship them with Mamoru, his mom (Kimie) and Mamoru’s aunt (Tamako), and her NetNavi (Metalman) and Dr. Urakawa (Mamoru’s dad, passed on), and friendship them with Yamatoman, Darkman, Forte, Rockman, and Colonelcrack ship(s): Slur/Serenade as a ridiculous rivalshipfavorite headcanon(s): too many to pick a favorite. mmm. the reason why Rockman and Netto had an easier time reaching the Undernet and being granted the GigaFreeze than they might otherwise have had is because Serenade took note of their continued kindness towards Mamoru even if they had no idea of Mamoru’s real identity, and softened towards them.
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