please follow them. <3
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m-ansnoozie-blog · 12 years
"Frosty? Oh. I've been buds with him for awhile. He acts more like my kid than my friend, actually, but since I met him I've been meetin' all kinds of interesting people. I met... Ah, what's her name... The Tooth Fairy?" she smiled, trying to remember Jack's friends she'd heard about. "But other than that my friend Vanellope tells me what the kids at school tell her about Santa and the Sandman, the Easter Bunny, things like that. I got curious."
Sandy nodded his head in agreement to Tamora's relationship with Jack Frost, glad that his friend has made some new friends of his own. He very much approves it, and it was also nice to hear about Toothiana. He was glad that his friends were making friends in general. That was always good news to hear. Vanellope. The pretty lady sure talks a lot about this child. He should go pay her a visit sometime to say hello. Sandy was sure he would be able to find her with the help of his dreamsand, no worries! Then he blinked curiously at how Tamora mentioned being curious and it got him thinking. Had she never heard of them? That would be very strange. A question mark formed on Sandy's head, as if to ask if the woman what she meant by 'curious'.
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ivanellopevonschweetz · 12 years
sergeanttammycalhoun said: What the hell are you talkin’ bout ya little cavity?
[Where had her guardian gone off to for so long?! Holding in her excitement and questions, the racer proceeded to explain.]
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Y'know, my Loli'Pops. Mah old man. My dad? A bunch'a chumps didn't think he was a real character. They thought Turdo made up the avatar.
I mean c'mon, really? What does this look like, The Sims?
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"Well the ones who matter will be the ones who understand it was a magic thing that got ya," she smiled, kissing the top of Vanellope's head
The kiss to her head made her giggle. She looked up through her eyelashes, "Thanks. And I won't tell anyone you got all mushy, okay?" She knew Calhoun prided herself on her tough-woman exterior, and she owed her one.
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best-man-felix-blog · 12 years
"You're sweet," she smiled, leaning down and kissing the top of his head.
"Your just to good for me." 
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sergeanttammycalhoun replied to your video: Happy Christmas, Felix! Also,...
aww, this is adorable Fix-It
I think so, too!
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"Heh. No need to be thankin' me. All I did was scare the bejeezus out of both of us," she answered quietly, placing her chin on top of Vanellope's head once she felt the weight on her shoulder. "I'm just glad you're back..."
"Me, too... But I made a lot of people mad." She shuddered at the thought. So far, the important ones had forgiven her. She only feared the ones that wouldn't.
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best-man-felix-blog · 12 years
*stares at those anon messages* y'know, I knew Gene would probably be the end of me before any Cy-Bug
* giggles* "Are you sure? Because your one tough dynamite gal."
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"Well if you weren't in control, why worry?" she asked, smiling slightly for him. The blonde shook her head at his worrying about making things a big deal and giving him a squeeze. "You worry because your heart is probably as big as Ralph is, and that's understandable, but you can't beat yourself up about it if you couldn't help it."
"But...but what if I said something really cruel?" He bit his lip. He knew that a simple 'sorry' wasn't going to cure the fact that they'd heard him say something mean in his own voice, regardless if he'd actually meant it or not. "I don't want to be that kind of person... I'm the good guy! It's not in my code to be like that!" He did manage to hug Tamora back, but he didn't seem all that comforted -- at least, not at the moment.
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ivanellopevonschweetz · 12 years
World Jumping.
A small hand slipped through the front door of the apartment. Easing it open with as little creaking as possible, Vanellope soon popped her head in the ajar opening and peered inside. Good. So far so clear. Tiptoeing in, the girl shut the door behind her and made for her room as quiet as possible. Passing the living room area, she got a look at the clock and her hazel eyes widened. It was already 5:30?! Surely Sarge was making dinner in the kitchen. Sweet monkey milk, she was in for it if caught!
Often, Vanellope would wander around and explore outside until dark. Sarge knew this well. Usually those days were spent looking for a certain wrecker...and with no luck. Today was just like any other. But this time, she was home with candy--before dinner. A no-no to the blonde that was housing her. But maybe if she got to her room, she could hide the handful of Spree and Kitkats under her pillow before getting busted. Just as she thought she was in the clear, a floorboard creaked beneath her sneaker'd foot. Flinching, she froze and listened for the continuation of Sarge stirring something on the oven.
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The blonde smiled, ruffling Vanellope's hair gently as she gave her a squeeze. "Y'know, it's kinda growin' on me too."
She laughed a little, "Heh. I get it... 'Cause it's your hair." She giggled a little more, then leaned her head on Calhoun's shoulder. "Thank you."
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best-man-felix-blog · 12 years
"I do say so," she answered, kissing his cheek
*Felix blushed* "Jimminy jamini."
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Tamora sighed, pulling Vanellope closer as she cried and the blonde woman rubbed her back gently. She wasn't really good at comforting people, she knew that, but since meeting Felix and the others and getting separated from them, Tamora seemed to have grown a motherly side when caring for her own Vanellope. "It's alright, kiddo... Shh..."
"I didn't really mean anything I said." She shuddered and leaned back some to look at her. "I actually kinda like your hair." She sniffled.
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