#seriously I don’t blame Azi at all
elavoyyy · 9 months
Every time they talked about forgiveness, seems to me that Aziraphale is essentially begging for Crowley to forgive himself, to accept that there is still good in him. Every time he says ‘I forgive you’ it’s right after when Crowley proposed that they run away, that they should be isolated from heaven or hell because they are not accepted by either. But Aziraphale simply doesn’t think that they should be running. The difference between A/C and Gabriel/Beelzebub is, Gabriel in the show doesn’t really have any morals to begin with. And Beelzebub has no problem with being a demon except for a never present boss and idiotic subordinates. But Aziraphale is naturally compassionate, and compulsively wants to be good. In season 2 he is more sure of himself, he no longer associates obedience with ‘the right thing to do’. He believes that he is good even though he was cast out by Heaven, therefore Crowley, who is his soulmate, is also good, fallen or not. But then at the end of season 2, Aziraphale gets an opportunity to make Heaven as good as he thinks it should be, a heaven that represents inclusiveness and love, a heaven that accepts someone like Crowley who asks questions. It makes sense that he would want this above all else. Because it means that his ideology and the reality can finally be aligned. It means what he recognises as good (Crowley and himself), will be good to everyone, and eventually Crowley himself. To Aziraphale, if Crowley accepted his offer to go to heaven, he can make Crowley see that there is nothing to forgive, Crowley can be who he is without any guilt or shame or feeling of abandonment. If they had communicated properly even just once in the last 6 thousand years this wouldn’t have been so difficult. Then in the end, they ran out of time.
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lil-miss · 6 months
Azi’s Zim is Disabled Essay
So there are a lot of different interpretations about Zim being defective that exist. There are a lot of interpretations about what it means to be defective in the first place. I would like to propose that being defective, not only relates to neurodivergence and “non-desirable” behavior (anything that goes against the Irken regime) but also certain physical disabilities, in specific chronic illnesses.
I would like to draw a line here because I firmly believe that the Irken Empire would not give a shit about limb differences. They are technologically advanced (even if their technology is mostly stolen from other species) so, to them, it would be entirely cosmetic and one could simply get cybernetics. However, a problem with the body’s systems cannot be as easily addressed. Thus, Irkens with conditions, like these would be considered defective. Due to their condition, they cannot contribute in the same way as others if they can contribute at all. They would be considered a liability. That’s right, the space fascists are probably also eugenicists (shocking no one). I mean seriously, that’s pretty easy to see. They literally genetically engineer their own people to near perfection.
The only way for a genetic issue like this to happen with the way smeets are made would be because of some kind of cloning error. Anyone reading this probably knows that a popular headcanon about Zim is that he is the product of some kind of cloning error. This is a headcanon that I agree with. So, if Zim is the product of a cloning error what saying that he doesn’t have some kind of invisible disability like a chronic illness.
Putting the lore side, when you look at the Irken Empire, as a satirical representation of America, its greed, its disregard for citizens, and its imperialism, having Zim be disabled makes thematic sense. Zim is actively disregarded by and pushed out of Irken society, many people tend to interpret this as Zim being autistic or another neurodivergent parallel, which I agree with. However, why not take this a step further, why not make a Zim physically disabled?
The closest thing within fandom spaces that I’ve seen to interpreting Zim as disabled, is making Zim autistic or deaf/hard of hearing. However, when this is written it usually has little to no bearing on the plot of whatever is being written. It is almost always a superficial detail of some kind like the occasional mention of Zim having a hard time hearing something, not understanding subtext, or wearing a hearing aid.
I don’t think this is a problem within the Invader Zim fandom; I am well aware that there is just not much fic about disabled characters in which they are actively discussed as being disabled or their disability is important to the plot in some way. I am not blaming anyone for this issue, it’s just the fact that not many people write disabled characters. I think this problem mostly comes from the fact that people are scared of messing it up. Quick message: if you think that you have a good writing idea that involves a disabled character, make sure you do your research, but fucking write it! Even if they aren’t anywhere close to implied to being disabled in canon. What is the point of fanfiction if not to give fans the space to interpret the character however they please?
Apologies for the tangent but it was important. I’m going to shift the topic a bit, onto examining a symptom of chronic illness that I see in Zim within the canon. Specifically, I think that it explains one of the main inconsistencies in Zim’s character.
Many people including myself have noticed the fact that Zim is simultaneously very smart, but also very incompetent at times. This seems to be a contradiction because someone as smart as he is shown to be, logically, shouldn’t be making some of the mistakes that he does within the canon. And I have a plausible solution to this: brain fog. Brain fog is an overarching name for a collection of symptoms that includes an inability to focus and concentrate, confusion, unusually inhibited logic skills, feeling disoriented, as well as trouble remembering and comprehending information. If Zim was intermittently experiencing these symptoms, the inconsistency of him being simultaneously a genius and on many occasions almost completely incompetent would be explained. Brain fog is a symptom of a lot of different things, personally, I interpret it as chronic pain and immunodeficiency for my Zim headcanons and my AU.
Being able to deep dive into Fem Zim’s experience with her disability as she continues her story is important to me. Describing her chronic pain is important to me. Not having a fix for her condition is important to me. Having a character that is not just disabled, but who talks about their disability, has prose dedicated to their symptoms, and has it as an important part of their character building and development is something that I do not see. Let alone anyone with a similar condition to me. Zim is that character for me, whether it’s me going into specifics about Fem Zim’s symptoms within my own AU, or me as a kid, first getting into Invader Zim, and seeing so much of myself in Zim as a character.
You can interpret Zim however you want, I’m not telling you what to do. But I would like to point out that this is an entirely underutilized interpretation that in a fandom that has existed for over 20 years know I do not know of any other genuine instance of.
My only explanation for that is that y'all are cowards. /j
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buddha-in-disguise · 4 years
You step away for a hot minute and it all blows up.
Listen, I have had run ins with Sanvers fans that have been pretty terrible. I'm not a fan of a lot of them. It also doesn't mean I blame every single one. Far from it.
I certainly don't wish to engage with the ones I have had problems with previously. I genuinely can't recall the last time I saw posts from them.
Equally, I am not going to berate them over posts from an online convention and conversations they might have had with Floriana. Why? Because at the end of the day, it simply has absolutely nothing to do with me.
I sure as hell am not going to start use disparaging terms for her or her fans, because that makes me no better than the ones I've faced.
I’m also reiterating what I’ve said many times before - if I find a user offensive enough to report them I report them.
If I find them offensive enough to be concerned but not to report & I can, I quietly try to speak to them to raise the issue. If I find a user has posted something that I know is not what I’d normally see from them, I again try to quietly speak to them & usually unfollow.
If I see a user who I don't know post something I don't like, that isn't something that can be reported, I ignore them, block or mute if I wish.
To all fans, regardless of Fandom: No-one else deserves to bear the brunt of how you react or feel, no-one. That is your responsibility. Own it. If you can’t own it, then you need to seriously ask yourself why. To quote Azie, see what she has said over this.
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You also cannot continue to have others demand they support or respect canon lesbian representation, when by the same token you’re tearing down other canon lesbian representation, even if it is no longer part of the show. Actually this goes for fanon ships as well. Stay. In. Your. Lane.
I’ve repeated this so much, and yes that goes both ways.
I also keep saying representation comes in far greater areas than you might see or recognise. Don’t demean what someone else sees, even if you can’t. You might feel it’s shit representation, others might see it as being great representation. We all view things from different perspectives. Don’t place your bias on others. Again, this is directed at everyone.
One final note.
Azie has said of Floriana, on more than one occasion, that they are friends, that they chat, and only in February this year after a party that both were at in Vancouver, Azie had to state as much on Twitter!
Chyler is also friends with Floriana. Do you wish to dismiss her friendship as well? Do you truly want to be that sort of person?
Do you really, truly believe Azie or Chyler would be happy to see these posts going on?
I sincerely doubt it.
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SC stan here,
I was surprised other day when I saw some tweets comparing Chris and Katie..
I was confused. Whats with some Kmcg stans constantly pitting her and chris against each other? She is living own life, Chris is living his own life!! Why are you even comparing these two persons? I even saw few persons tweet that Chris is jealous of Katie, threatened by her presence? Katie makes chris feel insecure. And then looked deep to know why are they even saying Chris is jealous of Katie then I realized those people are the ones who ship Melissa/Katie for real, I was really shocked. The extent they go to prove something that's definitely not there? Instead of getting angry at them I pity them. I also saw so many tweets of Katie stans calling Julie gonzola, Andrea brooks, Azie, that actress from Dracula as her wife 😳
Man, they desperately want Katie to be a lesbian 😓 so they started shipping her with any woman that says "hi" to her. I have never seen a Fandom like this before. Like I said I pity them. And hate towards chirs is because they are jealous of him because he married Melissa and the father of her child. They take their anger out on chris and other male actors in SG. They were jealous of Mehcad because he was close to Katie and posted pics of her kissing his cheek, hugging him, pic of Katie's lipstick on his lips and that's the reason Meh received lot of hate, they sent death threats to him.
And everytime Melissa talks to Katie or just smilies at her they make it sound like they "Melissa has never smiled before nor had any fun"
Mel had way more fun with Chris, Jeremy, Mehcad, Chyler, David on set. Does that mean you are going to ship her with all these ppl too? Like what is wrong with all these ppl? What are they trying to achieve by doing all this? Cast members, arrowverse Fandom, Lot of other lesbians hate SC fandom and I honestly don't blame them. And feeling really sad both chris and Melissa.
All these bullying and harassment from Katie stans will only stop if she dates a woman but let's be honest that's never gonna happen. She have only dated men. Mentioned that she got her dog ushy after her bf dumped her, took her bf to King Arthur event, there is a video of her kissing this guy, mentioned in an Interview one day she wanted kids. What more proof they want to know that KT is only interested in men. She even made a sexual joke about hozier's d***..
Honestly stans twitter is so crazy. You can't enjoy anything these without people mixing fiction with reality. Few more months and all this is gonna be over. Looking forward to it. But I am ngl I am afraid who they are gonna harass when Katie gets cast in other shows!!
Hey sc stan! Hope you are doing well!
Yeaaaaaaaaah, I have seen shit like that and it's not the most gross what you can find. The funniest shit is they claim they joke about it and ship smeltie as friendship. But you know, I have never seen any other fnadom or group of people doing this kind of shit just for fun. I seriously didn't know hating on an innocent being can be "fun" but I guess I have different standards? *sarcasm*
Tbh with you, I kind of think they treat Katie and Mel as brainless dolls and just pour their headcanons and wantings on them. So you are right, they don't really treat them as humans.
The saddest thing is how they treated Mehcad in s2 (aka poor black actor who was ignroed and downgraded for a white slave owner) and in s3 (suddenly he became problematic, transphobe, woman hater etc. - wonder why, huh?).
The worts thing is how becasue of them WHOLE sg fandom is going to be seen - as a bunch of crazy horrible gross online abusers.
Tbh, I'm not interested in McG's personal life and who she dates, whatever, I wish her luck with a male or woman or single. The problem is her fans want to force what they want on her what is once again, treating her as a doll. Also, i wonder how many roles she is going to get with a fandom with this kind of amazing reputation *sarcasm continues*.
Well, whatever goddamned poor fandom that ends with her is fucked. And that's a fact.
Seriously, thanks to her fanatics I guess SG is going to be the last fandom I'm going to involved my ass.
Anyway, thanks for the anon. Stay safe :)
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ruffiorocks · 5 years
People hating on Katie McGrath because nothing bad happened at SDCC this year.
So I was shown a link to someone who said they wished that Katie McGrath would speak out against all the bullying the cast receive and come and 'collect her fans' because it's all done in her name. 'She' , apparently posted all the pics of her and Mechad (because somehow she got hold of his phone took selfie's and then posted them to Mehcads instagram and Twitter, she then wrote a caption in his voice and then replied to all the comments still using Mehcads account and pretending to be him??) but she's nowhere to be seen when he's being bullied, she also pops up in the Nikazie pics but when trolls come out she'd nowhere to be seen.
Note: Mehcad actually stated under a pic of him and Katie that she had seen the comments and wasn't happy. Mechad even said that Katie didn't want Social media when someone in his comments told him to tell her to get it. He clearly supports her decision not to.
They say that Mehcad,. Nicole and Azei get abuse and they speak out. Grant Gustin has 'finally' spoken out against the abuse Candice gets.
Ok, so... what? You are all aware Katie doesn't have social media right? She has never had Social media (save WhatsApp) and is a very private person. She's so private in fact that no one really knows much about her at all, we only know her birthday because of a SOCIAL MEDIA mistake. Katie even said at SDCC that the fact even if her phone is in airplane mode she can still be tracked is scary.
Katie isn't responsible for shit other people do. Mehcad, Mel, etc Azei and Nicole are the examples used? Yeah.. no, the fact is that they all choose to put their lives out there onto social media. They IN NO WAY deserve the crap thrown at them, but the fact is celebrity along with Social media means you will get a degree of criticism, it is the risk you take and they are perfectly capable of defending themselves and their fans do it to. It sounds harsh but you can't be niaeve enough to be famous and publish your life and your sometimes controversial views on line and expect everyone to either love you or ignore you. That doesn't justify bullying, but social media comes with the risk of criticism, it's just the way it works.
Mehcad gets hate - Katie takes pics with him ans gives permission for them to go on social media. In Interviews she also talks about how much she cares about him, his talent and even his looks.
Nicole gets hate - in interviews Katie is shown to be fully supportive and to adore Nicole.
SDCC this year was a non stop cuddle fest between all the cast. If they were p**sed at her for not having social media and defended them well they sure as hell are worthy of Oscars!
Katie is ridiculously shy as well, remember how she needed support when she's at a ComiCon? This year she seemed a bit more relaxed. She can't even bring herself to watch herself act. She is in no way obligated to break what she's comfortable with to start more controversy. It's all well and good people saying the others cast members have been called names and they've spoken up but Katie hasn't, but I don't see the cast ditching Katie, I don't see Mehcad, or Azei or Nicole condeming her, you know the ones actually being bullied? No they continuously post pics with her and declare their love and admiration. If the actual victims aren't bothered then neither should anyone else be. Katie praises her cast mates all the time, that's her speaking up. Didn't Azie and Nicole state that their advice to newcomers was to get Katie's number? That she was the welcoming committee? Sounds like they real dislike her right?
Plus 'white privilege' was brought up, im out at this point, it's everyone's answer for everything. A white woman doesn't go on social media and start calling people out and the only people bothered by it aren't even the POC or Trans victims affected. It's ironic that white privilege is used to describe Katie for not getting bullied while she is being bullied??
Sorry but people blaming Katie for not getting involved with online drama are just looking for someone to blame and trying to justify hatred ('i don't hate Katie but....' 😑) for the actress because they don't like her character and think she's taking time away from Kara. You know? The EXACT same thing people got upset about over Mon El? How best to fight and contridicate an argument? Use the same exact argument apparently.
Lastly, I saw posts hating on Katie because in one of the interviews when Mel was talking about her reaction to Lena punching Kara, Kaite said 'she deserved it' and they ALL laughed. Apparently this JOKE is being taken seriously and people are saying nasty things about Katie. I understand why though, it's easy, the concept of SARCASM is lost on these people. They are desperate to be offended by something, honestly at this point they are acting like being offended is their security blanket. They aren't actually happy unless they feel like they have something to be upset about . Katie did this in interviews back when she was on Merlin, she and Colin would act like Merlin and Morgana and Katie would send Colin running. It's called sarcasm and having fun. Just like Katie saying that Lena was the first to give Kara pants and pretending to be annoyed about that not being addressed, she's just playing.
Lastly, they're having a go because she defends Lena, just like she defended Morgana. Katie is asked questions about the depth of the character she is playing, about their thought process. Katie isn't just going to read the lines and not think about the character, she wants to understand her character and where she is coming from, just like the others do. It's not just Good or Evil one dimensional characters. If you didn't want to hear about the characters why the f**k would you watch a panel where they are asked about them?
In conclusion, nothing bad happened this year at SDCC, nothing at all. But this isn't sitting well with the people who were clearly watching for something to be offended by. Nothing major happened, so what to do? How can we keep our blogs updated and stay relevant? Oh I know! We'll hate on one of the most unproblematic people ever, we'll call her out for not defending her cast mates! Oh no we don't care that they love her and they're family! It doesn't matter, we've decided that Katie is bad because essentially she isn't obsessed with social media like us and she isn't doing what we want her to do, plus we don't like her character.
Hating on Katie is just ridiculous. These are the same people that got upset (actually rightfully so) because Chris Wood got hate for being Mon El.
The cast love Katie, YOU know nothing about them other than the small percentage they let you see. Stop pretending to be offended on another person's behalf when they themselves have no issues with the person you are condemning.
Learn to understand sarcasm and an actor/actress understanding the character she's playing. Oh and for God's sake stop WANTING to be offended.
Rant over.
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I feel so frustrated shipping stucky like i still do but alot of shit in the fandom makes me not want to participate just ship it like in my corner. Idk i know if your fandom is popular you are more likely to have more shit people in it but hydra cap frustrates me so much that i can't stand seeing it at all not even one reference to it.
I know there’s some good stucky shippers but y’all let the bad ones represent you so it’s very hard to feel bad for most of you cause none of you tell each other to chill out.
Pretty much every Marvel fan hates the whole Hydra/n*azi universe thing and i don’t read the comics, but from I’ve seen and heard it’s very sad, annoying, tasteless, and disrespectful and Marvel is out of ideas. And it sometimes makes me question why anyone would even bother to ship anybody with Steve now in any shape, form and capacity because of his new problematic occupation and even though he’s not Hydra in the MCU years in the future people are going to call any ship with Steve ugly because he was a nazi for some time and the association will be there.
I can let people ship what they want, but most of your fandom is still very bitter about Staron and they just about lost everybody’s else respect from the Marvel fandom because from my understanding you guys were as annoying before CW- a lot of you hate the idea of Sam/Steve, still- most of you are bi-phobic. And another thing that turned me off was the #givecapaboyfriend thing that trended for like a few hours because y’all didn’t really list any other candidates aside from Bucky and it just made y’all look embarrassing.
I’ve encountered few others personally, they were all ugly too.
And we sure as hell are not popular lol, I’m not sure if you’re talking about us Sharon fans when you say we have “shit people”, but literally everyone I’ve meet are nicer than any Peggy/Stucky stan I’ve encountered. I know some have had those ships ruined because people from other sides wouldn’t/won’t leave us alone and try and make us feel bad lol. And I can’t blame the ones that really do hold a strong grudge.
If we didn’t take shipping so seriously like it’s our life and blood this fandom would be much more enjoyable and tolerable. I mean they’re fictional characters.
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