#seriously being crowned at the age of sixteen sounds suck
tsukikoayanosuke · 2 years
Long Live the King - Harmonious Kingdom (TWST OC Royalty AU)
It’s always a young prince and princess’ dream to be kings and queens one day. Jonah was one of those prince. Looking down at his small kingdom by the sea, he was often being reminded that one day he would inherit it and he would have to protect it.
Jonah took the advice by heart which is why he didn’t join the war when the horn was blown. Despite worrying about his father and friends in the army, Jonah knows that he’s a precious asset to the kingdom. Losing him would cost the fall of a heirless kingdom.
And he was proven right. When the army came back, less than before, bringing his father’s corpse, Jonah knew his childhood was done. Preparations went down quickly, for his father’s royal funeral, for his coronation, for the restoration after the war. The economy was shambled, diplomacy needed to be done, ignoring every snickers because ‘can a child really rule them all’?
It wasn’t like he had a choice. He had to stand up for his kingdom or else his legacy will die with him.
It’s always a young prince and princess’ dream to be kings and queens one day. Jonah was lucky to be one of the princes whose dream came true, even if the timing came to early.
The throne felt too big for him. The crown felt too heavy for his head. But he still raised his chin, looking down at his people who looks at him with the highest expectation. 
For he is Prince King Jonah Argentum of Radiant Haven. Long live the king!
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