#seriously between this and the shocking accuracy of my pre-ep fic
B-15's Backstory: Incoherent Thoughts
Because I'm still not over this, and not likely to be over this any time soon. I've been sending my friend near constant stream-of-consciousness texts about this all day. Now you get to deal with it. Headcanons, theories, reactions, etc. Spoilers for Loki episode 2x05 and probably Loki: Agent of Asgard.
I'm literally just typing up my texts about B-15/Verity, so they really are incoherent/stream-of-consciousness. I'm not kidding when I say I've been thinking about her all day. I'm aware this is almost certainly just an easter egg, but my brain does not work that way when I get a hint of something I love.
She found him before Mobius did. She's been with him all along!!!
Besides Sylvie he loses her last in episode five. ;.; She finds him first in 1x01, and she's the last agent he loses in 2x05.
If Tom Hiddleston does not say "Verity" at some point in episode six I won't know what to do with myself. Then again if he does, I'm going to have to pause the episode to cry for twenty minutes.
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I wrote this TWO WEEKS AGO. A part of me knew.
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I complained about Loki not being on my birthday month for my calendar but IT'S VERITY I'M OKAY WITH IT. [The thing draped over her is a palm from Palm Sunday. It's the only place in my apartment it's able to hang.]
Oh my god if B-15 is not outright confirmed to be able to detect lies in the next episode I'm gonna ignore everything the writers try to tell me and I'm going to do a whole rewatch explicitly to catalog all of her interactions and assess if I can conclude that she has this power in the MCU. She already only needed Sylvie to tell her to her face that Sylvie didn't create C-20's memories and she believed her.
Personally I want that scene from the mid-season trailer where Loki's like "I'm a fast learner" and everyone else just takes him at his word, but then I want B-15 to be like '...This boi's acting sus.' And everyone else gets to work, and she pulls him aside and is like, "What are you up to?" And he's like, "Nothing." And she's like, "I know you're lying." Basically if someone (Loki) says something in the episode that I know as a viewer is a lie and they do a fairly decent job of acting convincing (none of this over-the-top terrible lying bullshit to really drive home to the audience that they're lying), and B-15 says the words "I know you're lying," I'm sold. I won't rewatch everything to figure it out. I'll be convinced she can detect lies.
No but Sylvie and B-15 becoming ride or die bffs, no romance, like Loki and Verity are in the comics would give me LIFE.
I've come up with another way they can imply B-15 can detect lies next episode. If at some point Loki just starts telling his friends about their lives on the timeline instead of doing the memory magic, and he turns to OB and goes, "You... are a brilliant writer." And B-15 is in the frame, and she doesn't say anything, either in that moment or as an aside to Loki, but she just twitches a little at the lie. I'll lose my fucking mind. If that and the one season one interaction with Sylvie is all we get as implicative confirmation, I'll fucking take it. My girl can detect lies. Sold. Done.
[Not really a headcanon or anything, but just to show you I'm a fool irl too] Also I came in, [my dad] said, "Hi, what's up?" And I said, "B-15 is Verity Willis." And then I grinned like a lunatic even though he has no clue who Verity is and I know he has no clue who Verity is.
We currently do not have any evidence that B-15 is not ace, so Verity is still 100% ace in the MCU, too.
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