#seriously though dugtrio is so underrrated
goth-goro · 2 years
ok sO. i work at a hotel at the front desk, and there’s a collection convention in town, so a bunch of vendors are staying with us since we’re right by the convention center. and one of the vendors was checking in the other day wearing a pokemon hat (specifically Ghastly) and i said i liked it and she said “oh we sell them! what’s your favorite pokémon, maybe we have one of them!” and i said like. probably not, my favorite is dugtrio because i think it’s just the dumbest little thing and the idea that a pokemon was so dumb that it’s evolution was just “fuck it there’s three of them” is super funny. (i also showed her that i keep a dugtrio card in my phone case for moral support.)
and then!! like a half hour or so later! her partner comes to the front desk and just!! hands me a dugtrio sticker like it’s a drug deal and goes “this is for you” like!! that’s so sweet!!! nothing else to the interaction they just wanted to give me a little sticker!!!
and i thought that was the end of it but then they came by the other day and asked what my favorite was again because they were opening decks, and i said i love diglett and dugtrio, and she basically said alright and walked away. and then TODAY, i come into work and my coworkers handed me an envelope with two diglett cards in it. and i just. god humans can be so nice sometimes. like these people were selling at a convention and were opening card packs and got a few they didn’t want and instead of just putting them in a box somewhere they thought hey. that kid at the front desk might want these. didn’t leave a card or a name, wasn’t trying to get me to buy their stuff. just wanted to make a stranger smile, and went out of their way to do that.
i know the world sucks sometimes but these are the moments i remember that i really do love people. i can be pretty nihilistic but i think that the things that give me the most hope are the little ways most people are always thinking about the people around them, and i think we’ll be okay if we just nurture that sort of kindness.
anyways. i hope you enjoy my waxing poetic about diglett cards.
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