#seriously whoever invented cucumber sandwiches and cucumber rolls should be cut in half by juuzou's jason
juuheizou · 7 months
Since taste is one of juuzou's most important senses;;; what are his most favourite foods(besides sweet things and candies ofccc) and what are the foods he doesn't like and what are your hcs of the foods he DESPISES and will absolutely NOT eat?
Ooh, I love this idea! Honestly I never *really* thought about it before, and there is NOT MUCH in canon for me to riff of of, but I think I took what little is there in moments where we see him eating actual meals (which he has to do to be a physically strong and energetic ghoul investigator for the multiple years the series takes place over, so I can totally see why you would wonder) and ran with it somewhat logically. ANYWAY!
Besides sweets, a lot of Suzuya's favorite foods are snack foods. Think chips, crackers, cheese puffs, things like that. Texture is just as important to him as taste if not more, and on top of him just liking them, part of his love for sweets is that the textures are often very same-same and easy for him to eat. Starchy snack foods also fit that bill.
As far as more substantial meals, finger foods seem like a good happy medium for him, being so on-the-go in addition to his texture sensitivities. Not to mention his enjoyment of cute things! I mean, one of the meals we do see him enjoy (at least in the anime but my memory has gaps after nearly a decade of obsession lmao) is a little café sandwich at Anteiku. Put something with pleasant textures to eat and lots of choices in front of him, whether it be little tea sandwiches, sushi, dim sum, anything like that, and he's one happy man!
When he does sit down for a full entree, one thing that has crossed my mind and I've put actual thought into, is I think he retains a taste for things that remind him of Madam's scraps. That's his first and longest-lived idea of what food is. So he loves a good raw, rare, or organ meat dish. Fried liver/animal guts, a barbecued head of some animal, mystery meat croquettes, or even simple old sashimi. With whatever things he knows and likes and has available to make it a square meal.
In a way, it's easier to headcanon things he DOESN'T like, because some of his canon sweet tooth, in my mind, is born from a degree of sensitivity to certain tastes and textures. They often have to be prepared in specific ways to make them edible, and I don't see him being perfect about it, but believe it or not, he does eat his fruits and veggies, especially in :re when he has his shit a little more together. He's creative and finds his way around things.
HOWEVER, the ones that retain the taste and texture he hates no matter what he does with them are a hard no for him. Some examples I can easily project pull from real life are most of your chilies and peppers, onions, citrusy-type fruits, cucumbers (common ruiner of those finger foods I mentioned him liking!), I guess anything that isn't leafy or a little starchy.
As much as I can see him liking to experiment and mix up things he DOES like, mixed foods with things he DOESN'T like are probably his worst edible enemy, because not only is there stuff he doesn't like, but it's even harder to avoid. Think salads, sauces, dumplings and things with mixed-up fillings, stuff like that. He'll pick them apart, but one bite of something noxious he missed, and he gives up.
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