alekgray · 6 months
@serkanxulusoy location: full moon fitness notes: beat and piss
Alek's face hit the floor of the ring in the gym, Serkan was a seasoned fighter who'd been in the cage at Dante's for what was probably the better part of a decade. Alek, no longer a volatile, and no longer alpha, was just a scrappy guy who'd been in a couple dozen street fights. "Bro-" he rubbed his head as the den of curls shifted before he got to his feet near Serkan, spitting out some blood. "I don't know if you heard but I just had brain surgery, again." He grinned, wolfish, a little bit violent, and eager. "Can't you take it easy on me, for old time's sake? How many times you gotta do this?" He whipped is knuckles forward and smacked Serkan on the nuts, "And why is your dick hard my guy?" Alek joked, playfully, as he bounced on the balls of his feet a bit and moved away. Somehow the two had ended up as friends, Serkan was Alek's only friend so that made them - best friends? That sounded fucking lame but they'd beaten the shit out of each other enough times to be really cool with one another now.
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darethxshiral · 1 year
@serkanxulusoy​ location: the WOODS notes: beta!serkan
Taken once more to the lyre, Dareth plucked a few strings as he tried to produce the sort of music he’d once been capable of. He was rusty, that went without saying, and his fingers didn’t hold the muscle memory that had been instilled in them once upon a time. Lazy chords plucked as Dareth fumbled his way through the song that he was trying to put together. Technically he was keeping watch, but Dareth could both protect the forest and clumsily play his instrument at the same time. He looked up at the approach of the former alpha, the lycan was one that Dareth easily recognized. Had their last conversation gone differently, the man in front of him probably would have retained his rank - but the city as a whole would be in a very different position. “Here for a lesson?”
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danteragnulf · 1 year
@alphaserkan​ location: Lupercalia notes: blowing you a kiss
Dante had missed most of the gauntlet, meandering over to the stands when the fighting was nearly over to catch the tail end of it. Sharp ears picked up on some bets that were going around, most people hadn’t expected the Arno alpha to be competing, but here he was trying to prove a point: he was also the obvious choice to win. Idly Dante thought that he reminded him a bit of Anders, how he’d always smile when someone took a swipe at him. Some people thrived on violence, Dante wasn’t one of them. Unsurprisingly, Serkan had made it into the tournament. A pair of shades fell out of the alpha’s pockets and Dante scooped them up, chasing after the alpha, “Hey man, you uh, you dropped your sunglasses.” Dante said as he offered the acrylic monstrosities to the man who was all thighs and broad shoulders. 
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akselsolak · 2 years
setting: arno territory, some shitty bar
notes: cousin lovin’
Aksel remembered when Serkan was little more than a scrawny kid with a bad attitude, the human son of a human father that was like a withered branch of an otherwise proud family of witches. The Amaranthus had been home to the Solak family for generations, and while Aksel did not go around boasting of his connection to Arno, the Alpha of the pack would always know the truth.
The side of town that the Arno had been pushed to generations before wasn’t the sort of place that Aksel frequented often, if at all. But the Amaranthus witch had reason to seek out his cousin, even here in some grungy unnamed bar where there were countless fleas undoubtedly living in the floorboards. “Nice place, you living here now?” Aksel commented as he looked around and took a seat opposite Serkan, it was a joke in bad taste, but the witch’s expression was despondent. His lip curled with obvious disgust when he lifted his arm and heard the audible stick of his wrist to whatever was on the table.  “Your pack is causing problems.”
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alekgray · 1 year
@serkanxulusoy​ location: Dante’s notes: Few weeks post op, after one of Serkan’s fight
It was a habit of his, he’d wander to Dante’s and watch the fights. The violence was entertaining, he’d done this time and time again, even when he’d been little more than some scrapper nipping at the heels of the former alpha. Alek cheered him on for different reasons now, in the ring was one of the few places that Serkan looked happy. That characteristic scowl was still writ across the man’s brow but at least he wasn’t wearing those ridiculous fucking sunglasses on anymore. Serkan wasn’t the only one with a life outside of the pack and Alek made it a habit to check in, keep his ear to the ground and support people where he could. Happiness wasn’t something the volatile was well-acquainted with, even now, his surgery had gone well but there was another mountain to climb. Would Clara have botched his brain he’d be blissfully ignorant of his own rage right now, or maybe if he’d never woken up he wouldn’t have to live with the weight of expectation from every fucking wolf in the pack. Traitorous, gutless dogs, if he’d learned anything recently it was who he could count on and whose resolve was built on quicksand. 
“Good fight.” Alek offered as he clapped the other on the shoulder and took a seat next to him, most of the place had emptied out by now. The fights were done and the bets were won, Alek’s pocket a little heavier thanks to the other. There was discontent that emanated from Serkan, in a newly-formed town full of people eager to start over and break away from the senate, the beta at the bar stook out like a sore thumb. Alek had his hands full lately, but he’d meant every word that he’d said to the man before: so of course the alpha noticed. He gestured towards the bartender for a beer. “You’ve been coming here a lot lately.”
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alekgray · 2 years
This party was lit. It smelled fucking terrible but Alek was with some of his friends by the Raveyard, a bottle between his lips as he jumped from headstone to headstone. Whatever he’d done to Cloe had happened while he was shifted - besides - Serkan always said he didn’t care about what they did. So Alek lost control when he shifted, how much of it was really his fault? He didn’t choose this life, Burak attacked him and he’d been dragged head first into this lifestyle. Alek laughed raucously as him and his friends howled up to the moon before he felt the alpha’s approach. He looked pissed. “What’s up boss?” Alek joked as he hopped down from the headstone and looked up at the man. 
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