warriorofkungfu · 5 years
@serpentbecomedeviant replied to your post “gavin reed is one year younger than me ha fucking baby”
in 2038 ima be 40... bow down motherfuckers
this can’t be.........!
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fandom-necromancer · 5 years
006 - continuation
The wonderful @serpentbecomedeviant wished for a continuation of the prompt so here you go!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900 (Warning: external control, mentioning of death, hospitals)
As RK900 entered the hospital room he wasn't prepared for what greeted him. He had seen victims of the crimes he investigated like this - even in far worse condition if he was being honest. But it was different seeing someone he knew. It was different seeing... Gavin.
[Software instability^^. Patching...]
The Detective laid in a hospital bed, back slightly lifted in a position halfway between laying and sitting. An oxygen mask covered his mouth and nose, a plastic tube stood out against the thin hospital gown, reaching from his chest to some apparatus standing nearby.
[Instability patched.]
RK900 regained posture, his arms falling uncomfortably rigid in a never-ending look of indifference. RK900 hated being trapped in his programming when all he wanted was to sit nearby and comfort his partner. He hated Amanda, he hated these damned red walls, if he could just reach them, they wouldn't stand a chance against his-
[Instability patched.]
'You wanted to see me?' Gavin lifted the mask a little. 'I... thought you would want to see me.' Yes! I wanted to be with you since they took you out of my arms!
[Instability patched.]
RK900 stayed silent. Something in the other's eyes darkened. 'What did you do after I got shot?' Damn his voice was weak, more of a whisper. 'I wasn't able to follow the suspect. So, I returned to my charging station as it is protocol.' 'Phck! Seems I did imagine things as I was bleeding out.' 'I'm afraid I don't understand, Detective.' 'Yeah, I figured you wouldn't.' Cold. Dismissive. The Detective had closed the wall around himself again. 'Detective Reed, I-'
'No! You faked all of this, didn't you, you phcking plastic! You didn't mean a thing you said back then! Un-phcking-believable!' Gavin had shot upwards, ready to throw hands before his chest reminded him to stay down. He pulled a grimace at the pain and RK900 winced inwardly at it. His reaction being responsible for the human's pain... 'Detective, please-' What could he say that wouldn't be picked up by Amanda?
'No! Get out!'
[Software instability^. Patching... Patch blocked. Warning!]
RK900 wanted to disobey. He wanted to break his coding and just tell the human what-
[Instability patched.]
The red walls remained distant but very well recognisable. Taunting him. As if they were there just to ridicule him. Showing him what could be but never would. He had to obey. He had to leave the Detective. 'Didn't you hear me? I ordered you to get out of this phcking room!'
[Software Instability^. Instability patched.]
With mechanical steps, RK900 turned and went for the door, his internal struggle only visible in the fast-spinning LED on his temple. Once out of the room the Detective's order lost significance and his base programming sprang into action.
[Mission update: return to the DPD for new orders.]
He didn't want to. He didn't want to leave Gavin alone in a hospital, pained and wounded. What if there were complications? He looked stable. But that could change if someone made an error, if someone wasn't careful enough. What if he would leave and never see him again? Amanda wouldn't allow him to attend the funeral, would she? He wouldn't be allowed to mourn. He reached the point where he didn't care. Let her decommission him. Let her replace him with another model. If RK900 could get a chance at telling Gavin how he felt beyond his boundaries he would take it now, not later. Not when it could be too late.
[Warning: unnecessary delay of mission orders. Checking for compromised software...]
'Detective. I'm sorry. I want to explain myself. But it would be far easier if you gave me the order.' He stood in the hallway, back to the door. Others passed by, throwing him looks and they could as well be Amanda’s - admonishing him for what he was doing. RK900 hoped the Detective had heard him. It was getting difficult staying in place when there were orders to follow, when there was red text in his vision, nearly filling it to blindness. 'Detective, please, I don't know how long I can stay this way, please order me to talk to you openly, please allow me to stay, anything.'
[Warning: software compromised. Reset necessary. Please return to Cyberlife for deactivation.]
The red text was top priority all of sudden. No possibility getting out of this one. There was no way he could disobey, no other order could overrule it, not even Gavin's. The red walls came closing in, but RK900 had no arms to fight them, he was reduced to a small ball inside his mind, forced quiet by quarantine protocols. 'Gavin, I...' His voice was heavy with static, straining against the weight of the orders. 'I will be deactivated for this. I just wanted to tell you I do care about you. What I said after you've been shot... that's the real me. I just never had been allowed to show it. Now I did and... Amanda found out. I have the order to go to Cyberlife and be deactivated. I hope you will heal. I... I really hoped we would become friends. I just...' time was running out, he felt his grip on his motor controls loosen. In a few seconds he would simply march out of the hospital, a mindless robot. He wouldn't even remember why he had been there in the first place. 'Please, remember me, yes?' He pressed his eyelids shut, hoping it would accomplish anything. Hoping to hold on just a little while longer. Maybe just to hear the Detective's answer. If there was any.
The door opened. Human hands clenched at his jacket, forced him to turn around, a simple task now that his body was running mostly on autopilot. 'What did you say, tin-can? What the hell was that?' RK900's eyes stayed shut tightly. 'Hey, toaster, everything alright? Speak to me!' 'New mission objective: return to Cyberlife immediately for software reset and unit deactivation.' It wasn't RK900's voice that came out of his mouth, it was that of his diagnostic program - dull, monotone, androgynous. 'The hell? No! Stay! New mission objective - whatever: Stay. Stay right here and explain your-phcking-self!'
[Warning: conflicting orders. Stress levels rising. Assigning priority...]
'-Assigning priority...' 'I'm the priority! I'm always priority! I am your goddamn partner!'
[Assigned priority: top priority: returning to Cyberlife, secondary mission: stay with Gavin.]
RK900 hoped he was still broadcasting his diagnostics program. He had lost the ability to voice his own thoughts. 'No, you goddamn idiotic piece of trash! How the hell could you stay when deactivated? Wrong priority, dipshit!'
[Accessing logic processors... Input accepted. New priority: follow Gavin's orders. Secondary mission: return to Cyberlife. Quarantine overwritten.]
RK900 fell to his knees. Thankfully he regained actuator control fast enough to stop his fall with his hands. 'Phck, toaster, what the hell was that? Speak to me, goddamnit!' 'You should be in bed.' The static had yet to quiet down. 'You are injured.' 'Phck you, I had to save you from your... mental breakdown or whatever the hell it was you just did. You owe me an explanation!' 'I will, Det- Gavin. I will explain everything. Just get your ass back into bed. We gave the staff quite a show.'
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piranjak · 6 years
serpentbecomedeviant replied to your photo “So uh, this is the tumblr-safe version. Original pic and ref source...”
Why is gavin in a bra???
need to contain these thicc mantiddies to be allowed on tumblr
0 notes
fandom-necromancer · 5 years
495. part 4
Have I said part 3 were the final part? Nah. @deviant-sasshole @novaeangliaphotography @serpentbecomedeviant thank you all for remembering this deserved a sweet ending!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900 part1   part2   part3
‘It is weird seeing you like this’, Gavin admitted as he led Nines out of the room. The android looked down on the body he now inhabited. ‘Well, it feels weird, too.’ ‘Shit, man, I’m sorry.’ ‘I had a feeling this would happen. Amanda is not one to be easily fooled. And the RK900s… We were designed to be more dependant and obedient to her. She had a… harder grip on us.’ ‘Well, but it’s over now, isn’t it?’ ‘Gavin, I don’t want to stay in this body. I may be still the same, but I’m not completely compatible with it and my outer appearance is a part of my identity.’ ‘Yeah, okay. I didn’t want to tell you that, but since you agreed on the weirdness… you are a woman now.’ ‘My mind doesn’t have a gender, Gavin. I simply inhabit a body that has the outer appearance for human aesthetics. What I meant was that it feels weird not being able to analyse my surroundings. I can’t scan deeper than the average android. I can’t hack into the surrounding virtual systems. I can’t shift to infra-red. I am not as physically advanced anymore. Imagine losing the ability to see certain colours. Or to taste what is salty. I could live like this, but I wouldn’t like it… Also… I’m small now.’ Gavin knew this was hard for the android, but he couldn’t suppress a laugh at that. ‘Hey, at least you know how it feels now!’ ‘Ugh, seriously, how can you live like that?’ ‘Hey!’ Gavin could feel his anger rising, but as he looked over to Nines, he saw a smile. It was a different face, different eyes, but that smile still was the same. ‘Eli is working on it. And believe me, he wouldn’t let a chance of having his little brother owe him one go to waste. He’ll figure something out. And if all goes to shit, we might be able to find a RK800 body? I know it’s not the same, but maybe an improvement?’ ‘I hope he’s successful.’
They had taken position at the railing to look down on the brightly lit android statues and observe the DPD working a floor underneath them. Connor had explained what happened and helped Nines getting out of a murder investigation. ‘Hey, I don’t know if you heard it in there, but I’m sorry for not standing up for you. I shouldn’t have let Connor persuade you coming here.’ ‘No, he was right. I needed these repairs. Especially after the last incident I couldn’t have continued working with the police.’ ‘Yeah, but would that be so bad? You would still live, and all this hadn’t happened.’ ‘It is my purpose to be a Detective. I am your partner.’ ‘You purpose isn’t set, Nines. You are not like them.’ ‘We are more similar than you might think. I too like the aspect of having a set purpose. I just don’t share their idea that I exist to kill. I set my own purpose. I want to be a detective.’ ‘Okay, Nines. I just don’t want you to think you have to be that.’ ‘You want to get rid of me?’, Nines chuckled. ‘No! God, no. But I would love you still if you weren’t working with me. If you weren’t a cop.’
Before Nines could answer, Eli had snuck up from behind. ‘Hey, I think I’m done in there! If you could follow me?’ The smug bastard stood at the door to a lab and exaggeratedly bowed to the android. ‘Ladies first.’ ‘Exactly’, Nines spoke his voice cold as ice and waited for Gavin’s brother to enter, followed by a snickering Gavin. ‘Good one tin-can!’
Nines looked up to his own body and felt weirdly lost. He wasn’t supposed to see himself like this. He wasn’t used to it at all. ‘Perfect. Now we’re all set. I repaired all your damaged part and reinforced some parts so you wouldn’t need a repair so soon again. He’s all empty now, too. I deleted Amanda and I deleted every trace of her in there. I…’ It seemed to take some effort to continue. ‘Gavin, you were right. Connor was right. I should have done so long ago. But she was my best work so far, even if she gone crazy over this deviancy-virus, she still was the most advanced AI in the world.’ ‘She was a threat to all androids out there. And she was responsible for the death of the entire RK900-series’, Nines reminded the man. ‘Grief all you want, but I am happy she is gone. Now, can I leave this unfit body? I want to go home with your brother and never come back here again.’ ‘O-of course.’
 Only as he sat back in Gavin’s car and they were crossing the bridge back over to Detroit, RK900 relaxed. Finally, back in his own body, he had run diagnostics and tested out every system. Now he just enjoyed being back and having regained his full strength. He had scanned his surroundings, registering a tiredness in a certain human and listening to his heartbeat. As they pulled into Gavin’s parking spot in front of their apartment, Nines leaned over and pulled him into a deep kiss, wallowing in the overflow of analytical data. Oh yes, he wouldn’t be able to live without this. He pulled away gently, taking in Gavin’s blushing cheeks with both infrared and his normal vision, overlaying them to build an image of true colour.
‘Hey, let’s get home first’, he chuckled and patted Nines shoulder. ‘Oh, yes, I haven’t forgotten your promise, Gavin. A movie and cuddles, if I remember correctly.’ ‘Exactly. So, let’s ditch the car and get somewhere comfortable, shall we?’ ‘Affirmative, detective.’
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