#servilla au san
darrowsrising · 4 years
How do you think Haus Arcos will react to the losses they suffered in DA?
I don't think they'll resent their allies if that's what you're asking. I think they'll focus their anger on their enemies, but if they don't, Virginia could remind them. After all Lysander may be an Arcos on his father's side, but he killed the rightful heir of House Arcos, Alexandar, and not in a fair duel. If anything, they should hate the Society even more.
We may meet Lorn's grand-daughter - the one who had a baby girl in Golden Son, she may take over and become Primus of House Arcos.
Anyway, although anything's possible at this point, I don't think House Arcos will turn against Virginia. The could have sided with the Rim and stood on Europa after the Battle of Illium, if they loved their ways so much and wanted nothing outside of that. But they chose Virginia as their liege and remained loyal to her.
I am sure that whatever Lysander would promise them or pretend of them, they won't stand for that crap. At the very least, I hope so, because it seems so far-fetched of them to turn coats.
Thanks for the ask!
Howl on!
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thehaemanthus · 5 years
here--be--lions replied to your post “Quick question, how is Kalindora (au San) related to Alexandar? I know...”
We also find out Alexandar’s mother’s name in Dark Age: Servilla au Arcos (née au San, presumably)
Ah yes! I vaguely remember. Thanks guys, for reminding me of all the things I forget
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darrowsrising · 4 years
So if Romulus is dead, shouldn't Diomedes rule the House Raa?
No, because by that logic, Cassius should have been Primus of House Bellona after Tiberius died. Tiberius died in the Lion Rain and Julia became the Primus. Cassius remained the heir. His self-imposed exile could be interpreted as him giving up his rights, but 🤷🏻‍♀️.
Now, I believe that Dido is Consul and Primus of House Raa after Romulus died. I think it would have been mentioned if Diomedes became Primus.
It's not unheard of - Virginia is Sovereign and Primus of House Augustus, Nero was ArchGovernor and Primus, and so on.
Julia and Dido have been treated as outsiders - Julia had to get what she wanted behind the scenes, because she is originally from a less powerful House and she had to stay in Tiberius shadow. Dido comes from an equally powerful House, but from the wrong part of the Solar System, ao she too had to grab power in her own ways. Yet, just like Servilla au San, no one questioned their capabilities to be Primus of the House the married into, because they earned the right.
Servilla married into House Arcos and led it ever since Lorn died. She is dead now and Alexandar and his cousins too, but there are another two Arcos women who kick arse, so one of them is surely Primus.
In the medieval era, it would be normal for the male heir to take the role of head of the house after his father died, but this is not that era or the ASOIAF medieval inspired fantasy. This is the 8th century PCE, the mother/widow has all the rights.
I think it's different for people with multiple marriages. Agrippina au Julii had two husbands, but after she died, none of them touched her stuff or her position. Victra was her heir, so that made it easier for her to get back her birthright from Antonia. Or, let's say, Nero's 3rd wife, she never claimed the Primus position, maybe because she had no child of her own, or maybe because she knew not to stand in Adrius's way 🤷🏻‍♀️.
I think Agrippina au Julii is way too underestimated in the fandom...STAN THE OG JULII QUEEN, YOU COWARDS! She was as awful as Nero, that's why they never married. I bet they were too similar, lol.
Later edit: Basically anyone can be heir, though. Karnus was the oldest Bellona child, but Cassius was his father's favourite. It's not exactly the rule of the firstborn. It's a prefferance thing more than anything. Although Kavax certainly loves all of his children, he most probably thought that Daxo would be the best suited to be Primus one day. He was already helping his father, especially in political matters.
Howl on!
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darrowsrising · 5 years
is (was) alex the eldest of lorn's grandsons or was he just the heir??? i mean how does the heir thing work??i suppose a woman can be heir to a house as well??
Yes, females can be heirs it just depends mainly on primogeniture (I hope I spelled it right) - the law of the first born. Daxo and Victra are firstborns, so they were their parents' heir.
Cassius is the only known exception to that, because he was heir of House Bellona, but Karnus was the eldest child. So I'd say that it is usually the law of the firstborn, but a parent, if they have many children, can choose who they think is more suited for the role.
Nero had two viable heirs in Virginia and Adrius, but he considered neither. So basically, anyone can be heir to a Gold House as long as the current Primus wants that.
The common thing, though, is the aforementioned law, but suitability and prefference are factors. If Daxo didn't want to be heir, he wouldn't be, Kavax wouldn't have forced him. Agrippina left Victra her heir out of prefferance as well as law, because she was her firstborn and we all know that even the evilest witch would prefer Victra to Antonia.
Alexandar is mentioned at Dramatiis Personae in Dark Age as the eldest grandson of Lorn and heir to House Arcos. I guess Servilla was the Primus after Lorn died. Technically, because the last remaining son of Lorn was Brutus, it is safe to say that he was the heir. When he passed, it should have gone to his son, Lysander. But Lysander was considered a Lune, not an Arcos. And truth be told, that's how it should remain.
Lorn has a granddaughter that has given birth to a girl in GS. But there are 3 daughters in law of Lorn and they make decisions together, so I guess they decided on Servilla au San - Alexandar's mother - as Primus and her lieneage to follow in her footsteps...
I don't remember Alex's age exactly, maybe he is of the same age as Lysander and Rhonna. But still...Alex is the best heir no matter how you spin it. And him leading the Arcos Knights is a testament to that, because those were his cousins. They all agree that he is the heir too. Otherwise why follow him to even death?
Thanks for the ask! Howl on!
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