#serving lewks at the airport
thesingingrevolution · 10 months
30 Day Bias Challenge 🩷
Day 7: Airport Fashion ✈️
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🐣 | sorry I couldn’t pick just one picture, I like these the most, they look comfy yet sophisticated. the blue shirt one mostly because the style suits him so much. for the black shirt outfit….. I specifically chose pictures that highlight the accessories because they’re so good
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azkabqn · 6 years
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Was kindly tagged by @askmoonyloonylupin for a selfie, and since I currently look like Cousin It from the Adams Family you can have this one from last week~
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1eos · 2 years
hi! so I am a casual fan of kpop and tbh I know next to nothing aside from knowing a few group names, anyways do you know how much control/agency idols have when it comes to their wardrobe? like is it the stylist or the idol that makes leo hot and taeyong a clown is what I'm asking
ANON GKAOGAGOOGAOGAOGA PLEASE THIS DISMOUNT KILLED ME. im no expert by any means im just nosey but from what ive gathered it’s a mix of everything? like it depends on the idol, their company, the age of the group, the event etc etc. if theyre just out and about on their own or at an airport that tends to be their own wardrobe nd i think most ppl use that to gauge personal taste. 
with work stuff on stage or at fashion shoots occasionally if idols are more fashion inclined so they’ll input more with stage outfits nd even design some (like key did w shinee’s concert looks for swc5) it was common for idols to have some sway years ago nd these days its even more common for idols to basically come up with styling concepts for better or for worse.......  
wrt taeyong my friend is a big tyongf nd she gushes to me abt how he’s interested in fashion nd tings so i think he would dress eccentrically on his own time but nct stage outfits are a product beyond one persons mind (derogatory)
nd w leo for one he just is a natural model….like he left the venue in mismatched pajamas nd ate lowkey even tho the outfit was hideous nd he served cunt in chelsea boots (sick) but he mentioned sumn recently abt really putting effort into le fashion so he might have some input in his looks even on stage esp during solo schedules. but i also think his stylists Know his style cuz theres minimal difference btwn on and off duty leo lewks on a good day LMAO
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toadpaws · 3 years
this is a psa for the ladies. i know u like serving lewks in the airport at four thirty in the morning but i am thinking that perhaps a bralette as ur only means of covering ur tiddies is not a good idea. just a thought
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lihikainanea · 5 years
Bill is serving lewks these days and honestly I just need him, all stern and threatening, helping me with the following:
1) Stay awake. I’m off of 36 hours of air time and my internal clock is a little messed up tonight. I just want to nap but I know that if I do it’ll mess me up even more.
2) Make me eat something, or make me something to eat. I’m tired. I don’t know what day it is. I have to be back to work in about 6 hours. I feel like I haven’t had a vegetable in like, a week. And I’m too tired to eat but also mildly hungry.
3) Rub my belly. Just soft pats and rubs from a big warm hand and a gentle voice shushing me when I whine about not needing belly rubs.
4) Reminding me gently where I am, what day it is, and what time it is. Not laughing when I ask. Some airport staff is genuinely so kind and good at this, they won’t laugh if I ask them these questions, no doubt because they are genuine questions to me and they can clearly see I’m exhausted. Others just laugh because they think I’m kidding. But anyway waking up from a nap to a gentle reminder like this would be wonderful.
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harryfeatgaga · 5 years
I knew we would get airport pictures. That’s hat is so nice he looks So COOL.
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clarkgriffon · 6 years
to all the boys i’ve loved before
Reaction post, beware of spoilers:
I didn’t know Janel Parrish was in this??
“can we go back to talking about how you’re sad?” #sisters
why is this airport so grey and cement-y what the heck
3 sister dynamic is my jam I so relate
we’re only five minutes in but I can already tell lara jean is gonna serve us lewks
how could you possibly make fun of someone’s footwear while wearing uggs?
okay but my librarian wouldn’t have allowed ANY food in the library
this little sister and her helmet are so EXTRA I love her
“you need a boyfriend how about the guy you almost killed the other day” sounds like the foundation for a relationship jroth would like
“2 more laps for you Covey” AND SHE SPRINTS AWAY what an icon
“says you, dr. man” -me, when im on my period
did she just FALL off her HOUSE what the FUCK
girl if you leave your bike sitting like that it’s gonna get stolen
it’s a fake dating AU. That’s it. That’s the movie.
okay but the cinnamon-tography… it ain’t bad
“I could write you notes everyday” and you’re trying to tell me this boy isn’t already in love? Yeah right
okay but peter writes “ski trip” in super chunky letters and in the next shot it’s in squiggly-lara-jean handwriting so? What is the truth?
it’s a Yakult?? It’s not that good?
lara jean’s expressions in reaction to literally anything are gold
don’t touch her scrunchie!!!!!!
meeting the families oh my god yall are in too deep
christine is a mood
“you must really like yogurt.” Dead.
how does this last 30 more minutes they’re already together pls I don’t want any drama
I SAID I don’t want the drama wyd
my bby lara jean doesn’t deserve this shit
sister hugs: it’s pure, it’s right.
josh being a decent guy and not the Douche Dude they could’ve made him into is great
my girl wants a contract for her real relationship
kissing in a field it’s beautiful im dead
i want to date both lara jean and peter k and THAT’S the bi agenda
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wigwurq · 7 years
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We all know who wins at the end of the Battle of the Sexes, the 1973 tennis tournament/public spectacle between 29yo Billie Jean King and 55yo Bobby Riggs and yet it is a win that we all needed to see again in 2017 in movie form. I really wish this movie had come out on November 10, 2016. It would have been cathartic to see the reaction shots of misogynist men seeing a lady reign supreme and, well, it still felt cathartic now, almost a year later. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE WIGS? Let’s discuss:
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When we first meet Ms. King as played by tanned insect Emma Stone, she has  subtle Farrah waves. This wig isn’t terrible. Meanwhile, Sarah Silverman serves up Jacqueline Susann realness with some extra frosted action in this gingham fantasy cocktail dress. YAYYYS MA’AM. I think I need to renew my wedding vows so that my mom can recreate this lewk.  
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 Anyway, after getting no respect from Bill Pullman (yes, BILL PULLMAN), Billie Jean decides to start her own damn ladies tennis tour (wurrrrrqqqqqqqq!) and nothing says the start of ladies tennis tour like a trip to the salon, amiright?
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There at the salon, BJK realizes that she might have some feeeeeeeeeelings for the lady hairdresser. This is also where the movie gets really boring (nothing against lesbian love, obvs - sadly it is expressed as really moody and boring in contrast to the fun of the rest of the movie!)
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 Anyway, whatever - you go, gurls. Again, this wig is fine.
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As is this shorter shag the lady hairdresser/new mistress gives her.
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Oh meanwhile, BJK was apparently married at the time to a blonde Ken Doll and possibly the most supportive husband of all time. Dude straight up looks the other way at lesbian affairs, will totally ice your knees, lawyer up all your Virginia Slims tennis deals all while looking like he’s going to escort Barbie to a date at a 70s disco ski lodge or something. 
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Back to Emma Stone’s wig, I guess my biggest problem is that is just doesn’t look like BJK’s real hair. HERE is the real BJK and Bobby Riggs (who looks pretty much exactly like Steve Carell - a good dude wig for once!) But BJK? NOPE. I don’t know why it’s so hard to find a feathered 70s shag wig that has the body and texture of this hair. WHY IS THIS SO HARD TO DO?!
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The other ladies of the Virginia Slims Tennis Tour all serve up (that is actually a pun here - ugh TENNIS) some good lewks - most of them wiglessly. Oh and if you look into the center of this picture you will see a Becca/Jules SuperBad reunion! They’re also apparently really good friends in real life - thanks internet! 
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These lady tennis players also serve up FASHION. JUST LOOK AT THESE EFFING TENNIS DRESSES. Here is where we get to the true stars of this movie:
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ALAN EFFING CUMMING and also Wallace Langham (aka Josh from Veronica’s Closet) play the dudes who design these glamorous tennis gowns and also provide support, wisdom, and general sassiness. If this story were a fairy tale, they would obviously be the fairy godmothers (all puns intended).
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I think that Alan Cumming’s hair is just styled into the coif it should always be and Wallace Langham is wearing a wiglet but DAMN IT WURQS SO WHATEVER. Also at the end of this movie (absolutely no spoilers) Alan Cumming absolutely does his best Rupert Everett in My Best Friend’s Wedding impersonation and it makes me wonder what Rupert Everett is up to and can he be in a movie with Alan Cumming please? Thanks.
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Oh also - basically everyone is in this movie INCLUDING ELISABETH SHUE. She doesn’t wear a wig but I just want everyone to know that she is getting work and looks AMAZING.
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EVERYTHING SHE IS DOING IN THIS PICTURE WURQS. I amend my previous statement: I want to be Elisabeth Shue in this picture when I grow up. 
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