dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
@sevarix-blogs replied:
he's very pointy
JKFGJHGF sev, unfamiliar with local tellius man: -touches gently- pointy...
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dmclemblems · 2 years
does 3hopes reveal gatekeeper's age?
me in the middle of ship bingo: and then, gatekeeper.
not that I've seen! a lot of his personal information is a ~mystery~ like how if you ask him for his name he just says "got it" as a liked response when he wonders if people even know his name.
maybe someday when Gatekeeper gets a Heroes alt we'll get more personal info on him. 🤣
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
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@recurringwriter I'M SORRY I tried to add him but I could only put ten options on the poll so I wanted to have the most story relevant dads! he was a little bit of a stretch since we never see him interact with his family, but I wanted to include all the dads and Tumblr wouldn't let me. </3
@sevarix-blogs fr tho lol, Rodrigue has the most votes rn by a landslide. that makes me happy tho bc I know a lot of ppl think he's a terrible father but hopefully me and the other Roddad posters have convinced ppl that he's trying his best!!! and also, I think he's a perfect mix of gentle, good, doing his best, and scolding when necessary (to both Felix and Dimitri)! he's not just all good things, and I voted for him too bc I appreciate the mix of genuine parenting that we see from him on top of all the good things. 🥺
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 10 months
@randomnameless replied: Willy's my oc now
lbr now, at this point he basically he is lol.
@sevarix-blogs replied: i have a 3h oc... i never talk about him 😅 he is aroace so i don't ship him with anyone
same with me lol, I don't talk about my OC (in this fandom).
interesting to hear he's aroace! I don't really see that around. my OC differs romantically depending on the series/game/etc. like, she could be aroace in one, demiromantic in another, biromantic in another, etc. since she's the main OC I use in any verse, I tweak things to fit with that verse.
@reneethegreatandpowerful reblogged/replied
no worries, I don't mind! if you're not a mutual but follow me, it's either bc I haven't looked at your blog yet to decide or bc there's a lot of multifandom (and not enough FE or other series I'm highly in love with) and/or political posts going on (not just about you but it goes for any of my followers!). non-mutuals can feel free to reply to my stuff! in this case I just mentioned mutuals because I was just actively seeing a bit of an increase in OC content among my mutuals and their mutuals.
a mage! I used to love mages most and would always make Kris a mage, but I've leaned toward cavalry over the years (FE4 is probably responsible for that since my favorite in-game country is chock full of cavalry lol).
another Miklan romance! :O like, I ain't thought I'd ever see the day.
at least now i can imagine two girls fighting over miklan and him being so fucking confused bc ain't nobody ever straight up fought over him romantically. 🤣🤣🤣
not that that would actually happen (i think) but it's funny to consider.
for me it's Houses and Hopes both, but obviously Houses was a bit more uh, tragic.
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 11 months
@sevarix-blogs replied:
he shined up his armor between games
this is a correct assement
he also got a huge promotion
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
sevarix-blogs replied:
kagetsu and jade so low smh
Kagetsu isn’t for me but I don’t think he’s bad. I just find that he, like most of the people in his tier, were very shallow characters. Slightly less shallow than the ones below them but also just not my thing.
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dmclemblems · 2 years
also for the ship bingo- yurileth? :)
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bingo truly eludes me
the concept is definitely better than the execution to me and I feel like there was plenty more possibility for them than what canon provided. Yuri is basically an assassin in his own right. assassin and mercenary team? huwwow? they're basically professional killers who are gay and do crime if male Byleth and bi and do crime if female Byleth!!
for me I think my favorite ideas always tend to lean toward them both being powerful and captivating people who get the attention of everyone around them. everyone is enamored with both of them canonically (Yuri is charming and uses it to work his way through high society, and Byleth always gets people's interest and people tend to feel comfortable and/or safe around them. if Byleth wanted to they could do exactly what Yuri is doing). feels like a power couple waiting to happen. also love the fact that you can make that canon in the game, mainly in VW because Byleth becomes queen/king of Fodlan, so their spouse would be a queen/king by marriage too. if it's another route then Byleth becomes the archbishop and Yuri has expressed that he's very devout which is still a perfect combination.
it feels like they could be a perfect match but the canonical execution didn't use those factors enough and had so much unused potential.
charming power couple relationship goals where both people involved learn to open up with someone!
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dmclemblems · 2 years
I'll ask you 1 and 2 in return! :D
Which of your fics would you keep the basic plot of but rewrite completely?
I don't know if I'd rewrite it completely, but my first chaptered dmcl fic, probably mostly. The worst part is that it's still ongoing but I don't have the willpower to redo 33k words. I'll probably do minor tweaks or something at some point, but there's a lot of it I'm unhappy with. It's a CF AU and I still want to go with that plot, but
I was trying to stay true to at least part of CF... which meant... Rodrigue died. 0/10 do not recommend.
Ingrid also died but I'm more distraught that I let Rodrigue die and I may never be whole again.
I don't think I focused enough on Claude slipping up with his identity (barring his real name). While it technically would happen the same way, I don't think I put enough... weight to how much Love Made Him Stupid. I was planning to focus on it in the upcoming chapter, but I really think it comes across as a bit less of a big deal to him than I intended for it to. Basically Dimitri wanted everyone to know they were together, and with it being the first time Claude had fallen in love, he was less alert about politics and such, because woooo new feelings and Dimi accepting him no matter what, so he felt more fearless about it. After it was out in the open he ends up regretting it and talks to Lorenz about it in the chapter that is currently a wip, but my main issue with all of it overall is that I feel like I glossed over the fact that Claude let himself go, which was because he wanted Dimitri to be happy and he felt like between the two of them that they could actually get to the future Claude was fighting for. It was basically like... he felt like it could actually happen for sure now, and he's intentionally (by the writing, not from his perspective) supposed to drop the bomb too early than he would actually be comfortable with. Like, you wanna do something and you actually believe for that moment that you can, but you forget patience because something made you motivated and happy for it and you just kinda ??? fuckin oopsie ??? So yeah, that... has kinda been part of what has kept me from continuing that fic for so long now lmao. I wanted to fill in those gaps before continuing with the fic because they feel too important to leave out.
I wanted to implement Sylvix into the fic more than I have so far. I mean okay sure, it's only three chapters so far so it's not like I don't have time, but I was worried about my wordcount and cut an entire Dimitri+Sylvix bonding scene over them anguishing about Ingrid and Rodrigue. I kept part of it, but I chopped out a pretty decent chunk. I might still write it in a later chapter, but I wish I'd done it when I'd originally planned to.
Rodrigue tho.
Anything that you'd like to write but feel like you're unable to?
Darker, more mature themed AUs. Things probably bordering on dead dove, maybe not quite, but the thing stopping me is that I keep being like, no, I have to write everyone in character. Obviously that prevents me from going past certain boundaries, because in my mind if it feels ooc (even if it's not by the context of the fic), I start backtracking. If I can't find a probable way for something to happen then I usually don't write it. Unfortunately in this case pretty much any instance of dead dove or anything bordering that for most characters in the Fodlan series would be ooc anyway technically, and it keeps me from actually writing any ideas.
I can read that stuff just fine and I enjoy fics I've read that definitely ignore canonical personality boundaries, but for some reason I still struggle to write those things.
Honestly, anything that feels ooc is a struggle to write, and by ooc I don't mean just their characterization or personality, but things they would or wouldn't do. think like, i don't know, byleth as a telemarketer. i would have no idea how do that. now yuri, i could make him a telemarketer, but byleth? confusion. but hey, maybe you could write a telemarketer yuri calls byleth and that's how they met and hooked up jfkhsiuftg
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dmclemblems · 2 years
@sevarix-blogs replied: cuddling in bed is the best hc for all otps i love it so much
Me toooooo!!! I am also weak to the idea of “don’t wanna do politics today, just wanna cuddle”. So many characters in FE deserve to just C U D D L E and not deal with all the strife and drama. Even better if they’re in charge, because then nobody can tell them no. >:)
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