#seven years later they'll visit you for a week and you'll have the time of your life before a global pandemic hits
hoe-doroki · 3 years
Hey Ana, new follower here ! How are you ? ☺️ First of all, I want you to know I am absolutely in love with your writing, the way you depict a whole atmosphere, the reader really gets to enter the scene, it always feels genuine and… I just love it ! Also your writing advice tag has been a blessing, it’s really helpful as I started writing a couple of months ago
Anyways I do have a real question (and I hope you never had to answer it before…) : I’m writing a short BakuDeku fic and I was wondering how do you usually find a beta reader ? My introvert ass doesn’t know anyone in the fandom yet and I feel like you can’t just reach out to people and say “Hey, you wanna read this thing I just wrote ?“ How do you find someone who’s kind of on the same page as you AND is willing to make the effort to give a real feedback ? (Damn I talk a lot haha)
I am doing well, thank you! I hope you’re doing well too. And wow, thanks for coming and following me. I hope you enjoy your time here! Hehe, I think that atmosphere is one of the things I’m not so great at, so I’m flattered you like it!
I don’t think I have answered that question before! Honestly, I’ve never had to go out and ‘find’ a beta reader before because I have one friend who I found wayyyy back in the day on ffnet by commenting on one of her pieces and she’s looked over all my stuff for the past eight years and I hers. Now, with bnha, I have a bunch of friends here who either offer when I mention I’m working on something or I’m in a discord where I can ask a group. (I also just don’t usually have my oneshots beta read.) So my personal experience won’t be of much help, unfortunately.
People usually find me as a beta reader using the beta reader tab on ffnet. I know, I know, everyone here talks about ffnet as a relic of history, but that’s actually a very useful function that it has that ao3 hasn’t ever utilized. Just sayin.
BUT implicitly, I think you’ve answered your own question here. Because what you have to do, as judging from my experience with my friend, is you just have to start making connections in the community. Which is what you’ve just done! Because look. You said bkdk. And I would die to read this fic, omg. Please, please, please take me on as your beta! I just finished my last project yesterday, pleeeeease, I beg!! I’m a hoe for my boys!!! I’m not even kidding!!!
Also, I’m glad the writing advice tag helps!! There’s SO much good advice out there and, of course, I’m always thrilled to talk shop and answer any questions.
Oh, but the part about finding someone on the same page on you who’s actually a really good beta? That’s just luck, tbh. You have no idea what kind of a beta someone is until you start. I’ve definitely had, um, awko taco moments like that. But, lucky for you, I’m a fantastic beta. I swear 😈😈
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qianinterprises · 3 years
WayV Reaction: to you flirting with their younger sibling
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Pairing(s): WayV x Reader
Genre: crack, fluff
Warnings: none
Word Count: 2.9k
Author's Notes: Hello anon! I'm sorry it took me so long to get to your request! I really hope I interpreted your request accurately! And thank you! I'm so glad you like my content! (I also want to mention that I used younger brother for all of them because I thought the request said brother until I went back and looked. Then I didn't want to change everything I'd just written so I just went with it. I'm sorry).
Tagging: @treasuretaeil @hachanbaecon
Shortly after Kun was announced to be joining NCT in 2018, he also found out that his mother was expecting a second child, which, naturally, came as quite a shock. He was already an adult. Had his mother decided on more children when he was younger, a teenager even, he wouldn't have even batted an eye! But his little brother or sister would be 22 years younger. That was just weird.
However, that didn't stop Kun from nervously sitting in the waiting room holding your hand the day his little brother was born, vowing to always protect the sweet little bundle of joy.
It was that promise that led to where you both were now, Kun holding his babbling three year old brother in his arms as the boy waved to his retreating mother.
"I'll pick him up tomorrow morning," she called over her shoulder as the door closed behind her.
"So what do you want to do now?" Kun asked, looking between you and the little boy squirming in his arms.
"I wanna dance with (y/n)!" the little boy declared, wiggling out of Kun's hold and reaching for you.
Laughing, you took hold of the boys hands and led him into the center of the room, sending Kun a wide grin as he played music on his phone.
"It would be an honor to dance with you kind sir," you responded in an overly posh voice, taking his smaller hands in yours and spinning around the living room.
He let out a giggle as you spun him around before picking him up in your arms and swaying to the new, now reasonably slow song.
"You're an even better dancer than your brother!" you cooed.
The boy beamed at you.
"Hey!" Kun argued, biting back a laugh as you turned to look at him.
"You can't go stealing my significant other away from me!" Kun said, playfully glaring at the young boy in his arms.
Said boy, seeming to take his confidence from to much time spent with Ten, leaned up and pressed a kiss to your cheek, smirking at his brother.
"Wait for me to get older!" he said before squirming out of your hold.
"I'll wait forever, my prince," you laughed, placing him on the floor, watching him run over to YangYang, who had just entered the room. The maknae leaning down to scoop the boy up, disappearing back into his own room.
Kun stood up from his place on the couch and placed a kiss to your cheek.
"He really likes you," he hummed, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close.
You just smiled, resting your head on his shoulder as his hips suddenly began to sway to the music still playing, coaxing you to follow his lead as he danced you around the living room.
"I'm a much better dancer," he whispered.
You leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to his lips in response.
The whole world knew that Ten had a younger sister. She was never hidden away, taking her camera confidence from her older brother as she took the newfound attention that came with her celebrity brother in stride. What the world didn't know, however, was that Ten also had a younger brother, one year younger than his sister. A brother that was extremely shy, choosing to hide behind his older sister rather than face the limelight.
Both had been over to visit the dorm countless times, though Ten's sister could only visit when Yukhei wasn't in the dorm after the large man had gotten slightly drunk and stupidly confessed to finding his ge's sister incredibly hot. His brother, on the other hand, was always welcomed and often found himself visiting once every few months for a week when WayV had a little less packed schedules.
You and Ten had picked the younger boy up from the airport two days prior and he'd been laughing and goofing off with the other members (especially Sicheng, to Ten's surprise). Today, however, the younger boy had been surprising glued to your side, always offering to get you a drink or a snack or share a blanket with you, which only made the older boys grow smirks as they not so subtly teased the boy.
"I think he likes you," Ten muttered, eying the boy retreating to the kitchen to grab a water.
You nodded, leaning against your boyfriend and desperately trying to surpress your giggle, not wanting the boy to feel awkward or bullied.
"I don't like it."
You slapped Ten's chest softly.
"Let him be, it's puppy love!" you cooed.
"Puppy love or whatever. You're mine."
You rolled your eyes at the older boys antics and gave his brother a soft smile upon his return, taking the water he offered you.
"Thank you, sweetheart. You're so nice!" you grinned, reaching up to lightly ruffle the boys hair.
Pink dusted his cheeks and he looked down, but he couldn't had his growing smile.
Ten gently elbowed you in the side and pulled you closer to hiss in your ear.
"Flirt with him again and I'll make sure he hears you screaming my name later," he hissed in your ear.
"Come on Ten! He's your brother for goodness sake! It's not like he's going to ask me out. It's harmless!" you argued back.
Ten let out a grumble and turned back to the television, tugging you closer slightly.
"You're going to be the death of me," he grumbled.
The day Sicheng found out that he had a half brother on his father's side, he didn't know how to feel. On one hand, he ecstatic. He'd always wanted a younger brother. On the other, what was he supposed to do with this information. His estranged father had never had any intention on telling him that he had a brother, so why now.
It seemed the answer was easy enough to figure out as the eight year old boy was suddenly dropped off at the dorm after Sicheng had been blindsided to watch the male while his father and his step-mother went on a seven day cruise.
While Kun had promised that it was fine, Sicheng knew the leader would rather do other things than help Sicheng take care of an eight year old on their only week off, so Sicheng had called you to come help, promising that he'd take you out for a fancy dinner if you helped him babysit for the week.
You didn't need promises to spend time with your boyfriend, even if it was babysitting.
When you entered the dorm, the first thing you noticed was Sicheng's younger brother playing game with Kunhang on the living room television, and from the looks of it, the eight year old was killing it.
"I win again!" the little boy declared as Kunhang gaped at the television.
"I- how-" he muttered.
"You must be really good to beat Kunhang!" you piped up, sending the younger male a teasing smile.
To the new voice, the eight year old looked up and the controller dropped from his hands.
"Your hot," he declared matter-of-factly.
Your eyes widened. You certainly hadn't been expected that, but a small laugh bubbled from your lips.
"Your not so bad yourself," you retorted with a wink.
"Are you flirting with my brother?!" Sicheng asked, voice sounding scandalized as he approached the two of you, holding a small cup filled with fruit punch for the young boy.
"How can I not when his looks rival his brothers." you responded, sending a wink to the young boy before pressing a kiss to Sicheng's cheek.
The boy had red rising to his cheeks and he took a sip on punch to distract himself as he awkwardly toed at the floor. Kunhang let out a boisterous laugh from his place on the couch.
"This is so weird and so comically!"
"Bet I can beat you again even with this hot person sitting beside me! They'll give me good luck!" the boy decreed, hoping up onto the couch beside the other member.
"Don't call my signifiant other hot!" Sicheng whined.
You gave Sicheng another peck to the cheek and leaned against him.
"Let him have his fun," you muttered, reaching down to grab Sicheng's hand in yours.
Yukhei and his younger brother had always been somewhat close. They spoke on a regular basis and his brother had certainly spent time at the dorms, but he was also a busy person.
Unlike Yukhei, who had given up taking over his fathers company to be an idol, his brother was being groomed by their father to be the next CEO of said company, which meant that the boy didn't come around a whole hell of a lot. Which also played into the reason why he'd never meant his brothers significant other. That is, until you opened the door to the dorm while Yukhei was being scolded by Kun for letting Bella pee in the house again.
"Can I help you?" you asked, eying the tall man.
Right away, you knew this person had to be related to Yukhei in some way. They two were practically identical. This man might just be a little shorter and not quite as stocky.
"I believe it is I who can help YOU, beautiful," he said.
Immediately, your cheeks heated up from the awkwardness. Clearly this man had no clue that you were sleeping with his brother. Or maybe he did and he just didn't care.
"I uh... come in... handsome..." you mumbled back awkwardly, having no clue how one should respond to such a greeting.
"So are you their maid or something? Because if you come work for me, I guarantee I can treat you better."
This guy was shameless!
"Uh... the others are this way... But I'm not a maid so..."
He followed behind you into the dorm and you could practically feel his eyes on your ass. You didn't think you liked Yukhei's brother very much.
"Come on babe, I know you're a shy little mouse, but give me something to work with here! Aren't you at all interested!"
"Well... you are handsome. As handsome as your brother but-"
"My brothers got a girlfriend! If you like him, surely you'll like me! Come on, one date!"
"Yeah her boyfriend doesn't really want her going on a date with her boyfriends little brother," Yukhei said, swooping in and draping an arm around your shoulders.
You felt yourself relax into his side, especially as the male in front of you realized the error of his ways.
"Oh my God! I am so sorry! I don't know why I just assumed you were single! Can we start over!" the male requested, getting on his knees to beg for forgiveness.
Ok, maybe this guy wasn't so bad.
"Get up you idiot. You're acting like you've never met a girl before!"
At that, a loud laugh erupted from your lips, making them both look at you.
"It's really ok! You didn't know! Just don't do it again," you laughed.
The thought of Dejun having a younger sibling was something that had never crossed his mind, especially when he'd turned 16. He just never considered his parents would want to have more children until his mother informed him that she was, in fact, pregnant once again. Six years later, he didn't get to spend much time with his baby brother, but when he did, he tended to make the most of it. So when his mother offered to let Dejun babysit for the afternoon while she did some shopping, he couldn't have been happier. Especially because you'd finally get to meet the little boy.
When he was dropped off, you were blown away by the cute little boy that you immediately pulled him from Dejun's arms, cuddling him to your side.
"You are the most precious thing I've ever seen!" you cooed.
The boy cuddled against your side and placed a kiss on your cheek, one that had you beaming.
"You're so handsome! When you get older, you're going to have all the heads turning, just like your big brother!"
The boy giggled at that and wrapped his arms around your neck, hugging you tightly.
"Can I date you too when I get older?" he asked.
Dejun scoffed in the back of his throat, but you could see the fond smile on his face.
"Why of course you can! Unless you already have a partner!" you beamed, ruffling the boys hair.
At that, Dejun crossed his arms over his chest and stared at you with a pout.
"I don't wanna share," he whined.
You rolled your eyes at him, letting out a small little laugh as you pressed a kiss to his little brother's forehead and patted his back, sending him off to Kun, who promised to make the younger boy ramen for lunch.
"Are you seriously jealous of your little brother?"
"You shouldn't flirt with other guys," he whined.
You cooed at the male and leaned in close to press a soft kiss against his lips.
"You're the only one for me baby," you promised, laughing as you overheard the younger boy requesting that Kun make you a bowl as well.
"He's getting too attached," Dejun mumbled.
You kissed his lips again and took hold of his hand.
"I'm yours babe, and nothing is going to change that," you promised.
Kunhang thought his parents must really like having children. And, to be fair, his childhood had been a pretty happy one. However, he was the youngest of four and the only boy. He was the baby and it showed. He was constantly being doted on by his parents and even his sisters who, at one point, would dress him up in make-up and make him pretend to be their fourth sister.
However, all of that changed when Hendery was 10 and news of his mothers pregnancy reached his unwitting ears. He had been angry. Angry because his youngest sister had told him "horror stories" of what it was like for her when he was born. He wasn't exactly ready. However, when his brother was born, he had a friend. Even if said friend was 10 years younger.
Now, a twelve year old boy sat perched on the couch between Kunhang and Ten, eyes glued to the television as they watched Harry Potter for the thousandth time.
"Does anyone want anything to eat? I'm going to make a sandwich," you called.
When no one responded, you set to the kitchen to put your own sandwich together when a figure suddenly appeared behind you.
"I bet your sandwiches are delicious! Could you make me one?" he asked.
You glanced back to give him a wide grin.
"Sure thing honey bunches! What would you like on it?"
He listed off everything he wanted on the sandwich and you set to work assembling it for him. You sliced the sandwich in half triangle style the way you usually ate your sandwiches and gave him a wide smile.
He sat down at the island and took a large bite, humming a little over-exaggeratedly at the flavor.
"It's so good!" he said.
You laughed and ruffled his hair before opening the fridge and handing him a 12 ounce bottle of coke.
"Only the best for you! Gotta keep those muscles growing if your gonna play spots when you get older!"
"Mom says I'm made for the soccer field! She wants me to try out to be a professional player! But I want to be an idol like Kunhang!"
What he said surprised you. Kunhang hadn't told you his little brother had interest in joining the entertainment industry.
"I'm sure you'd be great at it!" you encouraged.
"Do you think I'd fit in with NCT?" he asked.
"Are you kidding? You'd put them all to shame with your looks and talent! No one could beat you!"
"What are we talking about?" Kunhang asked, moving up behind you and wrapping an around around your waist.
You picked up half of your sandwich off your plate and offered it to him, to which he took a bite straight from your hand.
"He's interested in joining the entertainment industry!" you beamed.
Kunhang looked over at him, eyebrow raised.
"Ok, but stay away from my partner with those good looks and talent that could put us all to shame," he mocked, kissing your temple before plopping down beside you.
YangYang was born five minutes earlier than his identical twin brother, which he had kept a secret from the prying eyes of the fans. His brother, while sharing his same facial features and eyes, was very different from YangYang.
His twin was more introverted and, unlike YangYang, had 0 interest becoming an idol. Rather, he wanted to become a veterinarian to go along with his love of animals. So, when YangYang went away to train, his brother was taking medical classes and it just never made sense for either of them to mention each other, specifically because YangYang's twin didn't care much for access media attention.
The members, however, were very aware of YangYang's twin, although they'd found out the hard way when his brother had come to visit and Sicheng had accidentally yelled at him to get his "damn shoes out of the hallway."
It had been hysterical when it was all said and done and his twin had quickly bonded with the older boys, letting them pull him out of his shell to find the energetic boy that liked to compete with YangYang on everything.
While you knew that YangYang had a twin brother, and that they were identical, the thoughts didn't cross your mind as you showed up at the dorm to spend time with YangYang. When Dejun opened the door, he informed you that YangYang was finishing up a shower and would be out soon, directing you to his bedroom.
When you walked in, however, you found "YangYang" sitting on his bed playing a game on his phone. Assuming he'd gotten out of the shower before Dejun had realized, you thought nothing of it and sauntered over to the boy, taking his phone out of his hands and plopping down on his lap.
"I missed you," you said, leaning back against him, letting your head rest against his collar bone.
"I um..." the boy stammered.
You'd never known YangYang to get flustered, but chopped it up to the members being in the dorm.
"What's wrong baby? Cat got your tongue?" you cooed, sending him a mischievous wink as you purposefully wiggled your bum on his lap.
"What the hell is going on?!" a very familiar voice tore through your reverie and your eyes shot up to the door where... YangYang stood, towel wrapped around his waist, another drying his hair.
"YangYang?!" you gaped, jumping off the lap you were sitting on. "But who?!" you turned back to the man on the bed and then it dawned on you.
YangYang had mentioned earlier in the week that you should come by to meet his twin brother. Somehow, that had slipped your mind and now...
"Oh my God!! I am so sorry!" you screeched, voice going up an octave as your cheek flushed a bright red.
The boys shared a look before both burst out laughing, doubling over with hilarity as your cheeks burned.
"This has got to be the best mix up I've ever seen!" the real YangYang cackled, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you against him.
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mksc77 · 6 years
For a couple of weeks, Sharon filled her days with sipping a couple of mugs of coffee on the porch and getting things done around the house in the mornings, enjoying the pool in the afternoons, and reading in the swing in the evenings once dinner was in the oven. It was a much-needed break after retiring, her honeymoon, and visiting her parents, but she tired of it fairly quickly, just as she'd known she would. On a Monday in June, she was enjoying her last day of idleness, as she planned to go to St. Joseph's the next morning to inquire about volunteer opportunities. For today, she was floating around in the pool with her book and Captain Morgan. She felt like she'd read more in the last few weeks than in her entire life, but she wasn't complaining. The weather had been mostly in the seventies and low eighties, so it hadn't been too hot. She had music playing from the porch, and she never knew if it was music that made her want a drink or alcohol that made her want good music, but her rum and pineapple juice with a splash of cranberry and sprite was melding pretty well with John Mellencamp. She hadn't made a habit of drinking during the day, but she'd allowed herself a couple of light drinks two or three afternoons a week.
The winter days, they last forever
And the weekends went by so quick
Went ridin' around this little country town
We were goin' nuts, girl, out in the sticks
One night me with my big mouth
A couple guys had to put me in my place
When I see those guys these days
We just laugh and say do you remember when
That's when a smoke was a smoke
And groovin' was groovin'
And dancin' meant everything
We were young and we were improvin'
Laughin' laughin' with our friends
Holding hands meant somethin' baby
Outside the club "Cherry Bomb"
Our hearts were really pumpin'
Say yeah yeah yeah
Say yeah yeah yeah
Seventeen has turned thirty-five
I'm surprised that we're still livin'
If we've done any wrong
I hope that we're forgiven
Got a few kids of my own
And some days I still don't know what to do
I hope that they're not laughin' too loud
When they hear me talkin'
Like this to you
Emily came out of the house, dressed in her swimsuit, and got on another float in the pool. At almost seven months, she was getting more uncomfortable, but a float in the pool usually did the trick. She and Emmett hadn't wanted to rush to get married before the baby was born, so they'd set the date for December. It didn't really matter, as far as the church was concerned, but Emily wanted them to be married before the baby was baptized. "Blair just called, and she and our other high school friends want to give me a baby shower. She told me to go ahead and start thinking about dates for a wedding shower, too."
Sharon looked over at Emily and noticed that she didn't seem too happy about it. "Your friends want to give you a couple of showers? That sounds just awful!" She said, with mock sympathy.
Emily rolled her eyes. "I just feel like I'm doing this all in the wrong order. I don't feel like I've done anything wrong, but with the wedding and the baby getting more real, I kind of wish we'd just gone ahead and planned a quick wedding before the baby came."
"Em, there was no need for you guys to do that. Unlike me, I'm sure this will be your only wedding." Sharon gave her a wry smile and sipped her drink. "You should enjoy it. You and Emmett are giving this baby a family that loves her and will take care of her, and that's all that matters. The order in which you do this isn't important."
"I know, but with the showers that are being planned and everything, it's just making me more aware of the fact that I'm having a baby before I'm married. Everyone's been great about it, and I haven't really thought much about it until now, but it just seems off or something."
Sharon was a little surprised that Emily was starting to feel the old Catholic Guilt, but she understood. "Once things pick up and you don't have time to overthink everything, I think you'll feel better about it. This in-between stage is unsettling, in general, and I know you've never liked change."
Emily nodded. "I think you're right. Thanks, Mom."
"You're welcome." Sharon placed her drink beside the pool and flipped over to lie on her stomach. Despite slathering herself with sunscreen every day, she was still getting a little bit of a tan. Any skin damage she had from the sun had probably mostly happened during the baby oil and iodine days of her teenaged years and young adulthood, anyway, when the sun's rays weren't thought to be anything but healthy. She wasn't in the pool for the purpose of tanning, but she loved to be in the water and feel the sun soaking into her skin. She'd never been much of a swimmer for exercise, but she'd been making herself swim a few laps most afternoons. Once she got herself settled into a more productive routine, she planned to take either morning or evening walks around the neighborhood, but she'd stick with floating around the pool for now.
A couple of hours later, with dinner in the oven, Sharon assumed her evening perch in the swing with her book and a glass of wine. Andy came home soon after that and joined her on the porch. "Am I just going to have to get used to being a swing widow?" He teased. Their evening dynamics had definitely changed since they moved. At the condo, Sharon sometimes sat on the balcony for a while in the evenings after watering the flowers, but she was still usually inside for most of the evenings. Now, she usually went inside just long enough to eat dinner and help clean the kitchen before going straight back to the porch.
"You can always come out here," Sharon pointed out.
"But the game will be on in there," Andy protested.
"True..." Sharon looked around. "We should put a TV out here. It would be nice to watch football out here this Fall."
"Then you'd never go inside." Andy pecked her on the lips. "How was your day?"
"It was nice, but I'm ready to get out of the house. I'm going to start at church tomorrow, but I think I'd like to pick one or two places and stick with them for a while instead of doing things here and there like the people at church do. I know they'll be able to steer me in the right direction, though." Sharon closed her book. "What about you? Is Captain Hernandez any better?"
Andy heaved a dramatic sigh. "She sent my paperwork back three times before it was finally good enough for her! And I thought you were a perfectionist."
Sharon had been a stickler about paperwork at the beginning, but she quickly learned to appreciate the talents her team had in other areas of investigations and gave up on perfect paperwork from them. "She'll learn to pick her battles, just like I did."
"Pick your battles? You sound like you're talking about toddlers!" Andy whined.
"Well, some days I felt like I was dealing with toddlers." Sharon kissed Andy and went inside to check on dinner, and Andy went inside to change clothes. Sharon peeked into the living room first, and Emily was watching TV with a jar of pickles in her lap. Sharon still wasn't used to Emily not being pencil-thin. Her face had filled out a little, and her legs were actually a little bigger than twigs. "Dinner will be ready soon...By the time this baby comes, I'm going to forget what you look like without a jar of pickles in your hand!"
"I know, right? If it's not pickles, it's watermelon. At least I'm not craving something terribly unhealthy."
Sharon nodded. "Yeah, like the strawberry ice cream that's still on my thighs thirty-five years later."
Emily rolled her eyes. "Whatever, Mom, your legs are, like, perfect."
"They're not perfect, but I'll take it.”
The rest is on ff.net
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