#then get lucky and freaking latch onto you like a koala
eldritch-spouse · 2 years
Think about Belo jacking off and moaning your name, only to get walked in on by his deity, before they ever even did something sexual.
Fluff boy must be panicked, not to worry tho, you are far more benevelont than his former masters. Why, you might even help your loyal servant.
[Doing something really short because I think it's cute. Fem reader.]
TW: Unhealthy glorification, cultish mindsets.
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Belo is weird.
You know that. You've known it since you met the guy. But he's also the only angel you've ever met in your life, so maybe this is just how most of them are, for all you know. Point is, you personally consider him to be very odd.
Even odder still is the way he's latched onto you like a baby koala.
He just... He presented himself to you as if you were a goddess. He called you that even after you tried to specify, oh so many times, that you're just a human! If you doubted it before, then his consistent refusal of your arguments against your own supposed "godhood" make it very clear that his unshakable faith is truly the mark of an angel.
It's bizarre. Everything has been really bizarre so far... But it could be worse. Belo is a very organized, polite and gentle monster. He usually doesn't overstep boundaries and hardly complains about anything. You tell yourself you're not taking advantage of Belo's kindness when you let him handle the house chores or run errands outside, that you're not abusing your influence over him when you seek his guaranteed validation. But sometimes, it feels like you're enabling his erroneous, idealized perception of yourself.
It's hard not to. Worship is almost addicting, lulling, guilt very quickly plays second-fiddle to immense gratification. You know this isn't really healthy, Belo needs help, not enabling-
But at least it's mutual.
It's not just you enjoying the ego-stroking perks of having an angel at your feet, no no. Belo needs you, legitimately. He needs someone to lean onto, the separation anxiety on this monster is scary. It genuinely seems to put the angel at ease when you're around and he can "serve you", and besides, out of all people out there he could swear subservience to, you'd like to think you're not the worst. That maybe he's a bit lucky to have someone moderately normal.
That doesn't mean there aren't some bumps in the road. Oh, there have been a couple alright... One such was finally getting to leave the house by yourself. The amount of mental gymnastics you had to pull to convince Belo that no, no one will try to viciously attack you without him by your side, was monumental. Truly, you're proud of yourself. Teaching him how to figure out a phone probably helped, he knows you'll call him if you need anything.
Nonetheless, it was very liberating to spend an evening away from his stifling attitude. Granted, you spent that evening running more complex errands Belo's out of the loop on, but it was still a breath of fresh air. You like that he's starting to trust you on these matters a bit more, it's better that way. You were ready to come home and shower the angel in praise for not freaking out or calling you every five minutes, though your plans were cut short the moment you arrived.
Usually, you don't even need to call out, Belo will either be stationed by the front door (exactly where he was when you left), or nearby enough to quickly greet you with a bow. This time, the angel is seemingly nowhere to be found. Huh. It's almost weird not to have him here, ready to take the bags off your hands or remove your coat. Shrugging, you drop your belongings by the hall and remove unnecessary layers of clothing. Maybe he's asleep, you've seen him resting every now and then, not too often.
By the time you're ready to call out, a noise startles you. You know that sound, a heavy rush of air caused by none other than the flutter of mighty wings. So he's home, at least that.
Smiling, you stroll down the hall and head straight for the angel's room, which he hardly uses, preferring to nap on your bedroom's armchair at night. "For safety", he argues. The pleasant expression you wear cracks into a wobbly, wide-eyed gawk at what you see past his open door.
It's always been no secret to you that Belo keeps what you can only call an altar in his room. Entirely dedicated to "the light of his life", his goddess and lady, you. You found it to be a tad creepy, and it still irks you a bit, but Belo assures he only intends to be respectful and prove his admiration with it. It's harmles really, a spare desk furnished with various pictures of you, candles, personal trinkets you've long since stopped caring about, one or two folded articles of clothing and a lock of hair you're not sure if he cut off you at some point. It's... Well, at least it's clean? Yeah, glass half full.
That's not the point here.
Belo kneels directly in front of this altar, barren of any and all coverings, his fluffy white fur in full display as massive wings spread and twitch sporadically, flirting with the flames of lit candles not too far away. His back arches and his chest expands with quickened breaths. You don't need to be a scientist to put two and two together, those parted legs, bucking hips and quiet gasps tell you everything you need to know about what Belo's doing. When he moans, this melodious, gorgeously filthy noise, you have no choice but to shiver and heat up.
That's... You've never heard the angel make a vaguely erotic sound, this is all very new.
It's not as if Belo isn't a sexual being, you've seen him get flustered on a myriad of occasions, and you don't miss the stares he sometimes spares you, even if he's extremely apologetic and ashamed whenever he's caught, you know that can only be lust. And, in a way, you understand the poor guy. He doesn't seem like the type who uh, "gets around", in spite of his rather handsome features. You don't mind that he finds you attractive or looks at you longingly, not at all- You've even considered trying to start something intimate with the angel, but he's so... Prone to dramatic outbursts about anything that's "unclean" or "blasphemous" that you fear it might just rupture what the two of you have going on. That's the last thing you want.
So this... This makes you really happy.
If you lean your head just the slightest amount, you can see the frenzied motions of his hand, spot the pale pink appendage between that blur of white, he grips something else with his other one. The more noises Belo makes, the more your own breathing hastens, watching luridly. The little part of you that screams about how disrespectful what you're doing is quiets down as soon as broken words escape the angel. He's clearly saying something, whispering? You edge closer, laying low.
" I love you I love you I love you I love you- A-Ahn- "
Chanting. That's chanting. Too rhythmic and practiced to be a mere murmur. Each stroke accompanied by a mewl of a declaration. The same three words droning on and on like a broken cassette player in complete mania.
" I love you I love you I- I- My goddess- "
Something tells you he's about to finish, and while some pervy side of you would rather sit and enjoy the show, the desire to claim that end for yourself wins. Cheeks burning, stance wobbly, you carefully inch your way behind the distracted monster, gently smoothing your hands around his tense shoulders.
The reaction is instantaneous.
There's an embarrassing squawk, followed by helpless wing flapping, Belo jolts like a feline and accidentally ends up knocking some items off the altar entirely with his right wing. Oof. At least the candles didn't fall... Not that he looks wounded, just scared. Very scared, if shrunk pupils floating in a sea of lavender have anything to say. Those three eyes contain all the panic the world could ever hold, his body shakes slightly and only after a couple seconds does he have the wherewithal to cover his shame.
Too late, you already got an eyeful of that pretty pink cock, slick and heavy between furred legs.
Something clatters to the ground. A pendant. Your pendant. Probably one of the first things you gave Belo when you caught him touching your jewelry. It's quite simple, just an elegant golden feather. That's what he was grabbing? You'd expect something like a pair of used panties. It's almost heartwarming, in an unexpected way.
He can't seem to spit out a word, or maybe he's genuinely panicking, one thing's for sure, you won't let him enter a babbling fit.
" Belo. I'm not mad, it's okay. "
It doesn't look like he buys it, blinking erratically. " B- M-My lady? "
You think about the type of language he uses when referring to you, what makes him comfortable. A soft smile sits on your face when you start reaching for the buttons of your shirt.
" You know, there's a lot of ways you can worship me, Belo... "
His shuddering is delightful.
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hoe-doroki · 3 years
Hey Ana, new follower here ! How are you ? ☺️ First of all, I want you to know I am absolutely in love with your writing, the way you depict a whole atmosphere, the reader really gets to enter the scene, it always feels genuine and… I just love it ! Also your writing advice tag has been a blessing, it’s really helpful as I started writing a couple of months ago
Anyways I do have a real question (and I hope you never had to answer it before…) : I’m writing a short BakuDeku fic and I was wondering how do you usually find a beta reader ? My introvert ass doesn’t know anyone in the fandom yet and I feel like you can’t just reach out to people and say “Hey, you wanna read this thing I just wrote ?“ How do you find someone who’s kind of on the same page as you AND is willing to make the effort to give a real feedback ? (Damn I talk a lot haha)
I am doing well, thank you! I hope you’re doing well too. And wow, thanks for coming and following me. I hope you enjoy your time here! Hehe, I think that atmosphere is one of the things I’m not so great at, so I’m flattered you like it!
I don’t think I have answered that question before! Honestly, I’ve never had to go out and ‘find’ a beta reader before because I have one friend who I found wayyyy back in the day on ffnet by commenting on one of her pieces and she’s looked over all my stuff for the past eight years and I hers. Now, with bnha, I have a bunch of friends here who either offer when I mention I’m working on something or I’m in a discord where I can ask a group. (I also just don’t usually have my oneshots beta read.) So my personal experience won’t be of much help, unfortunately.
People usually find me as a beta reader using the beta reader tab on ffnet. I know, I know, everyone here talks about ffnet as a relic of history, but that’s actually a very useful function that it has that ao3 hasn’t ever utilized. Just sayin.
BUT implicitly, I think you’ve answered your own question here. Because what you have to do, as judging from my experience with my friend, is you just have to start making connections in the community. Which is what you’ve just done! Because look. You said bkdk. And I would die to read this fic, omg. Please, please, please take me on as your beta! I just finished my last project yesterday, pleeeeease, I beg!! I’m a hoe for my boys!!! I’m not even kidding!!!
Also, I’m glad the writing advice tag helps!! There’s SO much good advice out there and, of course, I’m always thrilled to talk shop and answer any questions.
Oh, but the part about finding someone on the same page on you who’s actually a really good beta? That’s just luck, tbh. You have no idea what kind of a beta someone is until you start. I’ve definitely had, um, awko taco moments like that. But, lucky for you, I’m a fantastic beta. I swear 😈😈
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twstdreams · 4 years
Tackle Hug
Sometimes you just have to be a little more aggressive to get your dose of physical affection!
Riddle Rosehearts
Running is not always uncommon at Heartslabyul. Obviously, you’re not supposed to run in hallways, but sometimes the flamingoes escape or you’re about to be late for a tea party! So Riddle isn’t pleased to hear fast steps but not completely surprised either
He lets out a shriek when you tackle him and you both go down. No matter how much affection the act is filled with, he’s now fallen to the ground, even if it’s in your embrace
This must be breaking some rule and if not, some societal rule or norm. You’re 2 seconds away from being beheaded until you tell him because you wanted a hug, specifically one from him.
Riddle’s face is as red as the rose he wears from some odd amalgamation of affection, anger, and embarrassment. He’s still chiding you but it comes out a lot more like a flustered mess than a sharp lecture
Leona Kingscholar
What are you doing? Guess the herbivore has a lot of energy
Why are you coming so close? So fast? No way, there’s no way ... You couldn’t possibly be aiming for him, right?
Your arms latch around his torso, and Leona stumbles a bit from the unexpected impact but manages to keep the two of you upright
He says he caught you because hearing your friends whine about you getting hurt would be too troublesome, but his heart knows it’s because he has a soft spot for you. 
All this for a hug? You could have just taken a nap with him. “What an annoying herbivore,” Leona mutters but his arms still hold you in a loose embrace with his tail wrapped around your frame
Azul Ashengrotto
Azul hears frantic footsteps approaching him and swiftly turns around to face you. You look like Floyd when he’s chasing down someone who hasn’t fulfilled their contract with a chaotic grin to match
“What are you doing?” he asks as you break out into a run towards him. Azul is about to sidestep out of the way of your random rampage when you gleefully tell him it’s because you want a hug!
The answer is so unexpected that it freezes him in his place and unfortunately sends you two falling to the ground. He’s just not used enough to his land legs to support the two of you during a spontaneous collision
He’s chiding you for being so reckless, now his suit is crumpled, he’s rambling a bit but the light dusting of pink on his cheeks are undeniable. 
Try nuzzling your face into his neck and he might even shut up for once
Kalim Al Asim
BAM! Kalim goes from thinking about how much fun the latest light music club session was to tumbling on the floor before he even knows what’s happening
He lets out a yelp but it soon dissolves into a fit of giggles when he realizes what’s happened. A tangle of limbs, bouts of laughter, crinkled clothes, but you’re both happy
Kalim tells you to let him know next time so he can properly catch you, but neither of you are complaining. 
Be careful! It might end up as a little competition between the two of you to see who can give the other more surprise hugs.
Vil Schoenheit
Vil does sidestep out of the way when he hears you stampeding. He has no intention of encouraging your zealous affections when they come with a dose of recklessness
Yes, he did say that he was someone worth dedicating yourself to, but he didn’t mean like this! Vil strives to be elegant and never show clumsiness which hardly goes hand in hand with a tackle hug
Vil scolds you about your impetuous display of adoration, warning you of the dangers of rashly charging about and how it lacked both tact and grace.
However, he helps you up after you tumble and fixes your uniform with gentle touches that contrast the harsh words slipping from his mouth. Even if his actions are covered with a bitter coating, the centre is sweet
He finishes off his lecture by saying that next time you should just ask for a hug, silly potato
Idia Shroud
You’re running towards him and honestly it kicks in his fight or flight instinct and now suddenly you’re both running
Too bad Idia skips out on gym too much, so you’re able to tackle him with your affection whether he likes it or not
He freaks out because he thinks you’re gonna hurt or bully him. Why else would you tackle him, if not in a blind rage? Is this the destruction flag event he was supposed to avoid?
You cut off his rambling and explain you hugged him as a show of fondness. 
Idia.exe has stopped working please return at a later time. He practically combusts on the spot but makes no move to wiggle out of your arms
Malleus Draconia
What are you doing? Is this a game of some sort? He’s not really concerned given you don’t really have the capacity to hurt him but you look quite odd, scurrying towards him and then suddenly opening your arms
You’re lucky the other Diasomnia members aren’t here right now or else they’d definitely intervene in fear that you had ill intentions
The goofy grin on your face indicates to Malleus that he’s safe but even after you collide, though Malleus doesn’t even stumble despite the force you came at him, Malleus merely quirks an eyebrow
Now you’re clinging onto him like a koala and he’s unsure of what is supposed to happen next. He asks what your intentions are and to discover it’s that you wanted physical affection from him causes the arrogant smirk to fall. 
Soon enough he’s smiling. Ah, so you’re brave enough to touch him without hesitation? Good for you, he shall permit it to reward you for your boldness. 
Malleus hugs you back and you feel safe in his strong arms. He feels delighted by your tight embrace and bright expression looking up at him. Perhaps he could get used to this
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gingwrites · 3 years
Teething Time - ot7 vampire au
Yoongi, a recently turned vampire, is teething. Jimin and Jungkook are the only two home, but don't remember the signs of teething so they freak out, thinking something is wrong with Yoongi since vampires can't get sick.
Baby vampire Yoongi is teething and not feeling well, with doting Jimin and Jungkook (after a small freakout).
“Come on, baby. Time to get up,” Jimin shook the younger vampire, but Yoongi wouldn’t budge. “Time to eat. I just drank your favorite, A positive!”
Yoongi let out a small whine and turned over to face Jimin, but didn’t get up. Prying one eye slightly open to glance at the other, Yoongi pouted, but held out his arms to signal that he wanted Jimin to pick him up and carry him to the kitchen for a feed. Yoongi had always had trouble waking up as a human, and it seemed to get a little better once he was turned, but lately, it had been getting worse.
“Fine,” Jimin huffed, acting put out, but a small smile made its way to his face. Leaning down, Jimin scooped the smaller man into his arms, Yoongi’s arms and legs quickly wrapping themselves around Jimin like a koala.
“You’re lucky you’re the baby. I wouldn’t do this for just anyone,” Jimin commented, turning and making his way out the door. 
Yoongi was the newest member of the Kim coven, having only been turned a month prior. Jimin had found the baby vampire in an alley underneath a pile of cardboard boxes, trying to hide from the sun. Baby vampires couldn’t tolerate any sun, but as they got older, they could begin to walk out in the sun again. Jimin found the baby curled in on himself, burns lining his arms where the cardboard boxes had fallen away and were letting small strips of sunlight in.
Jimin quickly whisked the baby home to his coven leader, Seokjin, after realizing that the other’s sire had abandoned him, a crime in the vampiric world. 
Baby vampires were almost helpless once turned. Most didn’t know about the vampire world before turning, so besides not knowing the laws of being a vampire, baby vampires couldn’t feed on their own or be out in the sun. Jimin had been surprised that Yoongi survived as long as he did. Babies didn’t have their own fangs yet, so they either had to drink from a pouch or directly from another vampire, neither of which Yoongi had before being accepted into the Kim coven.
Making his way down the stairs, Jimin kept a constant flow of conversation, mainly telling Yoongi that the hyungs (Namjoon, Seokjin, and Hoseok), as well as Taehyung, were all away from the house today on business, but would be back in a couple of days. Jimin didn’t think Yoongi was actually paying too much attention, too busy gnawing on Jimin’s neck, but he figured Yoongi appreciated the sounds rumbling out of his chest based on the content sighs he was hearing.
“Aw, was the baby tired this morning?” Jungkook questioned once Jimin walking into the kitchen with Yoongi in his arms. Jungkook had been the baby before Yoongi had been found, but he had still been turned almost 200 years ago, so he hadn’t been a baby vampire in a long time. Jungkook had been happy to give the title of baby over to someone as cute as Yoongi.
Jimin hummed in acknowledgment and settled down into the chair opposite Jungkook, situating Yoongi on his lap so he could be more comfortable while he fed.
Pushing Yoongi’s head away from his neck, which caused the baby to let out a small while, Jimin quickly nicked the side of his neck with his fingernail so the younger could feed.
Yoongi quickly latched on, needing relief from his burning throat. Sighing in relief, he relaxed on Jimin’s shoulder, sucking lightly on the older vampire’s neck. Jimin smiled fondly before turning to talk with Jungkook.
Not even five minutes later, Yoongi pulled away from the cut on Jimin’s neck, licking over it a few times to help it close. 
“Baby?” Jimin asked, shocked that Yoongi had stopped drinking. He hadn’t been drinking for long, and as lightly as Yoongi had been drinking, it definitely hadn’t been enough for the baby to get his fill. As a baby vampire, he needed blood a couple times a day, while the others in the coven could go a few days and maybe even weeks before needing something to drink.
This was odd for Yoongi, to say the least. When Yoongi was first brought home, he couldn’t get enough blood. Part of that was because he was a baby, but Seokjin theorized it was also caused by the trauma of being abandoned. Yoongi had been starved for days before he was found. His brain still didn’t think he was completely safe, so he ate as much as he could when he had the chance, still scared that that meal might be his last for a while. It took about a week for that to subside, Yoongi finally learning that he was going to be taken care of as part of the Kim coven. 
“What’s the matter, honey? I drank your favorite this morning. Do you not like it?” Jimin continued, worried that maybe something was wrong with the blood, even though it had tasted fine for him this morning.
Yoongi just whined, turning his head back into Jimin’s neck. He knew he should be hungry, like he was every morning, but that just wasn’t the case today. The little blood he had seemed to fill him up. He wasn’t really in the mood to eat anyway. His mouth hurt, he felt hot all over, and he was cranky from getting woken up, but luckily he was so tired, he didn’t feel up to really talking and getting upset at anybody.
Remembering that gnawing on Jimin’s neck earlier had seemed to help the pain in his mouth, Yoongi quickly started chewing at the older man’s neck again.
“Why did you lick it closed if you’re still hungry, sweetheart?” Jimin chuckled once he felt the baby’s small teeth on his neck again, a wave of relief washing through him. “Hold on, more food’s coming.”
He quickly reached a hand up and cut himself again so Yoongi could eat, but Yoongi sat up quickly as soon as the blood started flowing in his mouth, letting out another whine. 
“Baby? What’s the matter?” Jimin felt the relief from earlier wash away. 
“Maybe the blood was bad?” Jungkook asked, also confused as to why Yoongi was acting this way. “It didn’t taste funky to you?”
“No, it tasted fine. I think I would be feeling bad if something was wrong with the blood,” Jimin replied. Now he was starting to get worried. And of course this happens while all the hyungs were away from the house.
“Why don’t we all go lay on the couch for a while,” Jungkook suggested. “Maybe he’s not awake enough to be hungry yet. I did hear him tossing and turning a lot last night.” 
Jimin figured that was as good of an idea as any, so pulling Yoongi closer to him, he made his way to the living room, Jungkook following behind. 
“Here you go, baby,” Jimin laid Yoongi down on the couch, pulling the blanket off the back to lay over the small man. “Why don’t you just go back to sleep and we’ll try again in a bit.”
Yoongi just hummed, eyes already halfway closed. Not even 30 seconds later and the baby was out like a light. 
Sitting down next to Yoongi’s head, Jimin ran a hand through Yoongi’s hair, hoping to soothe not only the baby, but himself. Bringing his hand back up for a second runthrough, Jimin paused. No, that couldn’t be right.
Jumping up from the couch to kneel in front of Yoongi’s head, Jimin laid his hands on Yoongi’s face.
No. It’s not possible.
“What? What’s the matter?” Jungkook asked, curious as to why Jimin was acting this way.
“Come over here and feel his face,” Jimin replied, not explaining himself.
Jungkook crouched next to Jimin, gently placing his hands on Yoongi’s face, not wanting to wake the baby up. 
“What am I supposed to-” Jungkook cut himself off, realizing what was wrong and why Jimin was acting like he was. 
Yoongi was warm. Warm.
Vampires didn’t get warm. It was impossible. Something was seriously wrong if Yoongi was warm.
“I’m calling Jin,” Jimin jumped up, running out of the room for his phone, leaving Jungkook kneeling next to the couch, biting on his lip in worry.
“Hyung, something’s wrong,” Jimin all but cried, running back into the room, worry evident on his face. “I don’t know what’s wrong, but something is. Yoongi is warm. He’s warm. That’s not possible for a vampire.”
Jimin started pacing the room waiting for the older vampire to speak.
“Calm down, sweetheart. Take a deep breath and tell me what’s been going on,” Jin spoke steadily through the phone. 
Jimin did as he was told, sucking in a huge breath. Even though vampires didn’t need to breathe, it did help calm him down some.
“Good boy. Now, tell hyung what’s been going on this morning.”
Jimin went on to tell the coven leader what had happened that morning, starting with Yoongi not wanting to wake up to him barely drinking breakfast.
“Something is wrong with him, hyung. He’s got to be sick or something. I don’t know how since vampires can’t get sick, but he is. I just know it, hyung. You have to come back and help us,” Jimin pleaded.
Jin hummed.
“What’s he doing now?” 
Jimin stopped his pacing to turn toward the couch. Jungkook had moved onto the couch, replacing the spot where Jimin was earlier next to Yoongi’s head. Yoongi was still fast asleep, but his hand had moved up to his ear and Jimin could see a small puddle of drool on his pillow. Jimin told him as such.
Through the phone, Jimin could hear Jin let out a small chuckle.
“Sweetheart, do you remember your time as a baby?” 
Jimin didn’t know whether to think it was good or bad that Jin didn’t seem too upset or worried about what was happening.
“No, hyung. What’s that got to do with anything?”
Jin let out another chuckle. 
“I know it’s been a while since you were a baby, but I would think you would remember going through this. You acted the same exact way. Always had to be holding on to someone, wouldn’t let us leave you alone for days,” Jin reminisced. 
Jimin let out a small sound, still confused as to what was happening with their baby.
“Honey, he’s going to be fine. He’s just teething. This means his fangs are starting to come in. It’s a good thing,” Jin reassured. 
“He’s going to be okay?”
“He’s going to be okay.”
Jimin finished up the call, getting reassurance from Jin that nothing was actually wrong and also tips on how to take care of Yoongi until the others got home. Jimin couldn’t remember his own teething phase, but then again, it had been a long time. 
Hanging up the phone, Jimin turned back to the couch, relieved to see Yoongi still fast asleep. Sleep would be good for him.
“He’s fine?” Jungkook asked, finally taking a break from chewing on his lip. He’d only heard half of the conversation, but it didn’t sound like anything bad from what Jimin had said.
“He’s going to be okay,” Jimin repeated Jin’s words from earlier. “He’s just teething. Our baby’s growing up and is getting his fangs.”
When the others returned, cutting their trip short, they found Jimin and Jungkook wrapped around the baby, curled up on the couch, fast asleep.
I've seen a lot of vampire teething fics lately, so I decided I wanted to write my own. I'm also a sucker for ot7 supernatural fics, so this is what I ended up with. And there's a huge lack of maknae-yoongi fics, so I decided to fix that.
I was super lazy and didn't edit this at all. Literally wrote it in one go and didn't even read through it.
Let me know what you think! It's been a while since I last wrote, and I'm trying to get back into writing, so drop a request if you want (could be this universe or completely different). Also, check me out on twitter (yoongismandu) or ao3 (newtmasofficial).
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5hfanfiction · 8 years
my b
on watt @ longerr_hours
So Camila’s having a really extraordinarily bad day. She’s had bad days before, tons of them but this one just takes the cake as the worst day in history of bad days.
It started out with waking up after her alarm, a furious mother coming in rambling about “the sixth tardy in ten days” and “just set multiple alarms if you know you’re going to sleep through the one.” Because of her delayed start, Camila had to skip out on eating breakfast, but since Camila’s such a strong advocate about the most important meal of the day, she made Dinah get her a coffee from the school’s cafe.
This coffee of course just led to the inevitable spill not only on her light pink sweater, but also all over her flash drive with her english project. Luckily enough she’d saved the project onto google drive but she’s pretty sure she had a small heart attack when she thought she’d ruined it for her and her group. Obviously she forgot about the google file at first and spent her study hall retyping what she could, only noting the wasting of the period once she realized she had the back up, and not getting her math homework done.
She tripped on the stairs in front of her crush on her way to history, making her blush like an actual idiot, even more when she saw the amused smile on Lauren’s face. Then she tripped again while trying to play it cool. The two of them weren’t friends at all though, so it’s not like she could play it off by laughing at herself and making a joke, especially since she lost all ability to speak without sounding like a complete moron when the older girl was around.
The rest of school she managed to get out unscathed, but she isn’t as lucky when she misses her bus ride home after school and has to walk because Dinah has student council meetings after school. She trips on the curb at one point, which not only adds a bit of a limp to her already clumsy walk, but earns laughs from the sixth grade boys hanging out at the basketball court she does it next to.
Getting home she had realized she left her textbooks she meant to pick up after school in her locker meaning she has to go in early to do any of her homework, then finds out that her laptop is dead and her charger is another thing she meant to grab.
Sofi who’s never anything but a sweetheart is learning from Dinah how to be full of attitude and prank ideas, which would normally just lead to playful bickering, but when Sofi throws confetti at Camila when she rounds the corner with her plate of dinner, she kind of snaps, yelling at the younger girl and then having to deal with feeling guilty for the rest of the night but not wanting to be the one to cave and apologize first because she’s stubborn like that.
The cake on top is her parents arguing which has been happening a lot lately and she knows it’s just because the election results and changes have been stressing everybody out, but it just kind of makes everything feel a hundred times worse because now she’s thinking about how that disgusting excuse of a man is the president and how her parents are fighting a lot lately.
Calling Dinah is kind of second nature. She doesn’t crack until half past eleven, meaning Dinah is well into her beauty sleep since it’s a Thursday and she needs a full ten hours daily, but Camila needs her and she knows Dinah will answer.
It takes the second call to wake Dinah up, grumbling a “this better be good,” before Camila goes into a rant about how awful everything today and just in general lately has been.
Dinah just listens for her part and that’s how they always go about it when one of them needs to vent about something. She hums to reassure that she’s still awake occasionally, but she just lets Camila pour out everything she needs to before responding to any of it.
“You up to go out right now?” Dinah proposes after Camila’s finally gotten to the end of her long list of complaints.
“I am,” Camila mumbles out with a shaky breath, more grateful for Dinah than she has been in a while because she’s just such a good friend. “I really just need a hug and some sad food and maybe a chick flick and also a nap but I can’t sleep and-” she begins rambling and feels herself getting more trembly-voiced because she’s getting emotional but Dinah cuts her off before she can get too deep.
“Chancho don’t cry yet, I’ll meet you at our spot then we can go get ice creams and cry together okay?” Dinah says hurriedly over the other line and Camila can hear the ruffling of movement meaning Dinah is already up and moving.
Camila knows how good of a friend Dinah is, but it’s always emphasized when she does stuff like this. Dinah “sleep forever” Hansen waking up once she’s already asleep and moving at all just because Camila is having a rough day shows how much she cares about her and makes Camila remember why the sometimes overly sassy girl is her favorite person in the world.
“I’ll be there in ten,” she hears Dinah confirm and nods, remembering a moment later that Dinah can’t see her so voicing her agreement before hanging up and making her way down to get her keys and take off. She doesn’t bother telling her parents she’s going out because she’s pretty sure they don’t care at the moment whether or not she’s within the vicinity.
Camila gets there in five minutes since the park is closer to her, and waits in her car for a moment before deciding to head to the tree they usually meet at with the view of the small pond.
The two had stumbled upon the quiet area when they were in seventh grade and playing tag like six year olds. Camila had been the one to trip down the hill obviously and Dinah the one to follow down chuckling and then they’d both stopped their game to admire the peaceful aura they found themselves surrounded by.
But it’s almost been ten minutes so Camila makes her way down to the hidden area slowly, knowing Dinah is usually late so she has time to kill. She’s shocked however when she turns the last corner to get there and sees a figure sitting on the rock her and Dinah usually take up residency on.
Now, Camila had had a bad day, as stated before, and she’s not had a lot to look forward to in a while, so ice cream and Dinah’s hugs is something to excite her, right? Right! So instead of greeting Dinah in the normal way that people do, she decides to take the better approach of sneaking up and jumping on her in a koala hug.
Bad idea.
“What the fuck?” a voice that is definitely not Dinah’s screams out in fear as the arms Camila has latched around flail out in attempt to break free from the hold they’re under.
“Get the fuck off I have mace and rape whistle I’m not afraid to cut a bitch,” the voice continues and-
okay Camila has already let go as soon as she realized that it wasn’t her friend, but that wasn’t as smooth as she would’ve liked since she was literally hanging off of the stranger and is in result now on the dirt with a pain in her tailbone to add to her list of bad things (buybadthingsoniTunes) of the day.
She’d let out an equally as surprised yelp when she had hit the body and realized it wasn’t Dinah, but now she’s narrowly avoiding a heart attack as she realizes who exactly she had accidentally attacked in her mistake.
And of course it’s Lauren Jauregui, the one girl she’s unable to form any sort of logical explanation for.
Camila recognizes her voice after the second question because it’s Lauren’s voice and it’s so hot it’s impossible not to recognize, but also because the girl is squinting down at her as she rolls around in pain to try to figure out whether or not she’s a threat.
“Fuck I’m- oh my god I’m so sorry I thought, Dinah was- fuck oh my god I can’t believe I just-” Camila rambles as her hands reach down to try to feel her tailbone for any clear sign of being snapped in half, squirming again in pain when she accidentally presses what seems to be an early forming bruise too harshly. “Holy shit I did not just jump onto Lauren- fuck Jauregui fuck I’m so so so-”
“Woah slow down, are you okay?” Lauren’s voice cuts in and, like okay Camila realizes it’s probably because she’s realized Camila is no threat whatsoever by her embarrassing squirming, but she also thinks it’s sweet that Lauren’s first concern is her after probably giving the green eyed girl a heart attack.
“Yeah I’m just dandy down here but holy shit no I’m not I’m mortified by- fuck I can’t believe I just-” Camila stops herself to press her hand against her forehead in attempt to maybe cover her face enough that she’ll disappear and never have to admit that she just did that or face what, “I am so unbelievably sorry I probably scared the crap out of you. I’m supposed to meet my best friend here and I just assumed you were her which thinking about it is a dumb excuse because why would I want to give her a heart attack when she’s the one being nice and coming out to help me get over my bad day and-”
“Hey calm down, nobody had a heart attack, but you may have broken your butt or something. Seriously are you okay?” Lauren jokes with a small laugh, trying to ease the tension as she perches down to try to assist Camila in getting up from where she’s lying basically in fetal position on the ground, on hand clutching her head, the other reached to cup over her lower back.
Camila let’s go of her head to reach for Lauren’s hand and props the other on the ground in attempt to push herself, silently freaking out at the thought of touching Lauren’s hand but more relieved than anything that Lauren isn’t kicking her and cursing her into next week for being obnoxious.
“Here let me help-”
“Fuck owe,” Camila snaps out on reflex as Lauren tries to pull her up completely straight and her back flexes. “Sorry reflexive thing, didn’t actually hurt that much,” she tries to play off but Lauren gives her a look saying she doesn’t buy it.
“Turn around and lift up your shirt,” she instructs with a neutral tone.
“Geez at least take me to dinner first,” Camila jokes to ease the tension she’s feeling at this point and is relieved when instead of faking a laugh or just groaning in annoyance at Camila’s humor Lauren barks out a loud laugh as she turns on a phone flashlight to examine the damage.
“Shit you’re going to be sore tomorrow, it’s a bit blue already but like I’m sure if you ice it it shouldn’t be as bad, I had something like this from softball last year and it sucked at first but like, after a few days it goes away completely,” Lauren explains as she gently lowers Camila’s shirt again and the smaller girl spins around to face her again.
“Darn it, I swear I have the worst luck out of everyone in the whole entire world,” Camila scolds herself slightly because like as if this day weren’t bad enough. “Look I’m like really sorry about jumping on you, like I said I’m supposed to meet my friend here - who by the way is really late now I think but that’s beside the point. If there’s anything I can do to-”
“You said you were having a bad day? If anything I’m sorry for intruding on you and your friends plans because this probably didn’t make it any better,” Lauren jokes lightly as she perches against the large rock again, Camila staying standing still because she’s pretty sure she can’t lean on anything at the moment. “But if Dinah is late, do you want to like talk about anything, it’s the least I can do for stealing your spot,” she continues making Camila’s eyes snap back up from where they’d been shamelessly attempting to check out Lauren in the dark because she’s like, Lauren Jauregui, how could she resist. (Plus she’s kind of assuming/hoping that it’s too dark for Lauren to see where her eyes are at).
“Oh god no I don’t want to bore you with my long list of embarrassing mishaps that pooled together to ruin my day,” Camila jokes and smiles a little when Lauren chuckles at that.
“Like tripping up the stairs maybe?” Lauren jokes back, and Camila feels herself flush at the memory but also wait a second that means Lauren recognizes her which i something.
“How’d you recognize me, same groan of annoyance when my feet fail to hold me up?” Camila jokes again and Lauren laughs back before replying.
“Actually Camila I just recognized the coffee stain,” she laughs and Camila feels herself flush again before realizing that holy shit Lauren Jauregui knows her name what the fuck. “Besides, I would’ve recognized the hug if you’d given me a minute, pretty sure you’re the only person I’ve seen give these out so it kind of narrows it down…” she trails off teasingly, nudging Camila’s arm who flushes again at being called out, but also at Lauren Jauregui knowing anything about her.
“Hey I’m obviously very sorry for the… brutality of my approach but you should be honored that you got to experience one,” Camila jokes and Lauren smiles brightly before the younger girl continues. “I feel like I kind of have to make up for almost scaring you to legit death though, I mean c’mon ‘I have mace’? You were scared shitless don’t try to deny it,” Camila teases and Lauren chuckles before holding up her hands in surrender.
“You caught me, I was pretty terrified, but you try being jumped on in the middle of the ight in a dark woods,” Lauren argues. “Maybe make it up to me sometime this weekend? Dinah’s bringing you ice cream now but how about you get me some later?” she proposes with a burst of confidence.
“Yeah umm, that sounds like- yeah that’s definitely something I could do to-”
“Just give me your phone dumbass,” Lauren stops Camila’s adorable rambling and holds her hand out to grab the younger girl’s. “Here,” she says, biting her lip and making Camila giddy as she enters her number then shoots herself a quick text, now we’re getting somewhere,” she jokes and Camila’s face is already covered with a bright smile because no way did she just get her crush’s number by ambushing her in the woods at night.
She’s about to reply, not knowing what to say but sure that her dazed brain will say something embarrassing to continue conversation, when a recognizable voice breaks the bubble, “Walz! I stopped early for the ice cream because I figured you’d want to sit here instead of- oh hello we have company,” Dinah stops herself, holding two cups of ice cream and shooting Camila a smirk and questioning look as her eyes find the green eyed girl who Camila was just complaining about tripping in front off on the phone.
“Hey, this is Lauren I don’t know if you guys-”
“Yeah we had accounting together last year, hey Laurenza long time no talk. Now what are you two kids up to in the woods all alone,” Dinah greets with a teasing smile towards both of the girls who are too busy trying to hide their own blush to notice the other’s.
“Umm nothing, just waiting for you and I bumped into Lauren,” Camila explains with a shrug, hoping Lauren won’t out her embarrassing tackle move.
“Yeah, but I should get going, I was just on a run and wanted to take a break but I’ll let you guys chat,” Lauren explains, smiling at Camila’s audible sigh of relief when she doesn’t tease her for koala attacking her. “I’ll see you around though?” she perks up and amila smiles brightly at that and Dinah is ignored because they’re too caught up looking at each other, but she is teasingly smirking from the sidelines.
“Yeah yeah umm, definitely I’ll text you or something to make up for- yeah,” Camila agrees nervously, blushing when Lauren chuckles at her reaction.
“Okay then I’ll take off,” Lauren smiles and Camila is kind of hypnotized by it but- “let me know how your butt is,” she winks and fucking fuck Lauren Jauregui just winked at her so Camila doesn’t even care that now she has to explain it to Dinah.
“I will,” Camila calls after the girl who waves over her shoulder. “Dinah,” she starts once Lauren is out of sight and she’s sure she can fangirl. “You have no idea how amazing this day was.”
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