#seventeen kwon soonyoun fanfic
juniormint1125 · 2 years
Jealous - Kwon Soonyoung (Seventeen) x Reader
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Kwon Soonyoung (Seventeen) x Reader Summary: Soonyoung is jealous of the relationship one of the other members has with his best friend. Word Count: 4,208 Genre: fluff Warnings/Contains: light cursing, alcohol consumption
Every eye is on the door after it slams shut behind Soonyoung. For seemingly no reason, he abruptly stopped dancing and stormed out of practice.
“What was that about?” Jun whispers to Chan who was practicing with Soonyoung.
Chan shrugs. “His mind was definitely somewhere else. He never took his eyes off the mirror.”
“Maybe you should go talk to him, Y/N,” Mingyu suggests. “He listens to you.”
“No,” Jihoon interrupts, thrusting his arm in front of you. “I’ll go.”
You’ve been Soonyoung’s English tutor for almost a year. In that time, he’s become your best friend. But you’ve never seen him like that. You’ve seen him frustrated with pronunciation or irritated that he messed up a choreo, but you’ve never seen him livid like he was when he charged out the door. You’re relieved Jihoon offered to go after him. Frankly, you were a little scared.
“Everyone back to practice,” Cheol orders. He zeroes in on Vernon who’s been chatting with you in the corner for the last half hour. Vernon smiles at you and squeezes your hand, then runs over to join the formation.
You were only at practice that day because a couple months ago, Soonyoung asked if he could have extra tutoring sessions between his practices. He told you that he had a specific goal he was anxious to accomplish. But when you asked what it was, thinking you could plan your lessons around it, he refused to tell you.
Since then, you’ve been coming to the studio five times a week. Practice almost always runs late, so you spend a good amount of time waiting for him. You don’t really mind waiting for him because one of the members is always available to keep you entertained. They’re all friendly and easy-going and you enjoy spending time there.
Vernon’s the one who keeps you company most often. You appreciate the break of being able to speak English with him. He always has your favorite candy for you, every time you’re there. And you can both geek out on Star Wars for hours. Surprisingly, you’ve also had some really deep conversations.
You started to get a little worried though, that he’s got a crush on you. He’s a sweet guy, but you just don’t see him that way. You’ve tried to be subtle about steering him away from you because you’d hate to lose your friendship over it.
Vernon had been the one keeping you company today while you waited for Soonyoung. Usually, he works doubly hard to finish up faster when you’re waiting for him. But today, he was moving at a snail’s pace. You continuously watched him, worried he might be coming down with something.
And each time you looked at him, he’d been eyeing you in the mirrors. Usually if he sees you watching him, he smiles or winks discreetly, but today you knew he wasn’t himself. Though he was looking at you, he seemed to be looking through you at the same time. It made you feel tense and uneasy.
You’re thinking about what could be wrong when Jihoon finally comes back to the practice room. He looks at Cheol and shakes his head, then jumps into the choreo like nothing ever happened. Something’s going on and you need to find out what it is. You wait until both Cheol and Jihoon are immersed in practice before you slip out of the room. You’re not sure where to look for Soonyoung so you wander the hallways for a while, hoping to run across him. When that doesn’t pan out, you decide to try Jihoon’s studio. You’re about to head in that direction when Cheol calls your name.
“Do you know where Soonyoung is?” you ask him before he can say anything else. “If he’s upset about something, maybe I can talk to him and —“
He cuts you off mid-sentence. “No, Y/N.”
“What’s going on, Cheol? Why are you and Jihoon so adamant that I stay away from him?”
He looks regretful and a little sad. “Look, he just needs some time, okay? Maybe you guys should take a break from each other for a little while?”
“What do you mean by a break?”
“Soonyoung needs to be away from you, Y/N.”
“Oh,” you whisper. The same tense and uneasy feeling as before surges through you. Why do you feel a sudden sense of loss? And where did the pit in your stomach come from?
Cheol reaches for your arm. “Don’t worry, okay? Just give him a little space.” The smile he gives you is full of pity.
“Yeah, sure,” you agree. “I’ll just get my things and head out.”
He walks with you back to the practice room. Soonyoung’s back, standing in the corner, talking to Jihoon. You get your bag and as you’re about to head out the door, he looks at you. You give him your best smile and a tiny wave. His eyes are filled with pain, and he turns away.
When you get home, you leave a trail of belongings on the floor behind you. You go straight to your bed and crash. The only word you can think of to describe how you feel is awful. Nothing feels right anymore. Your stomach twinges, your brain aches, and your heart feels…broken.
There’s something that’s not right about what happened. You can’t stop thinking about Soonyoung’s eyes as you were leaving. He looked dejected and devastated. What could have happened to make him feel like that?
No matter what Cheol said, you can’t leave it alone. You take out your phone and text him. What happened today, Soonyoung? I can’t figure out what I’ve done to make Cheol say you need to be away from me.
You reach for the stuffed tiger at the foot of your bed. Soonyoung gave it to you for your birthday. He bought one for himself too. He said they were tiger best friends, just like the two of you were best friends. You’d suddenly felt nervous at his words, butterflies taking over your stomach. You hug it tight to your chest.
Your phone vibrates on the nightstand, and you immediately reach for it. You just know Soonyoung has said something funny to diffuse the tension and everything will be back to normal. He always makes everything better. You open your messages and your heart drops.
Maybe it is best if we don’t see each other for a while.
That’s it? That’s all he has to say after the tantrum he threw? What the hellis going on? You know there’s got to be more to the story.
It’s not you. It’s me.
That’s ridiculous! You’re not going to let him get away with spewing crap like that, so you call him out.
This isn’t some middle school romance where you can just throw out some bullshit excuse like that and then walk away. What’s going on? What are you not telling me?
You’re fuming. You watch the screen, waiting for his response. He’s typing and then it disappears. You wait for him to start typing again, but nothing comes. You can’t believe that he’s really not going to answer you.
Are you serious right now?
You’re taking all your anger out on your phone’s keyboard.
Yes, I’m serious.
You feel betrayed.
I guess the Kwon Soonyoung I thought I knew wasn’t the real man after all. Just a mask hiding someone I could never recognize.
Maybe this isn’t the real me, but I’m not the one who’s been wearing a mask.
You have no idea what he means. Is he accusing you of being fake? You’ve never once acted like anyone other than yourself; you’ve always been honest with him. You’ve never felt like you needed to wear a mask with him. From the moment you met, he’s made you feel accepted and cared for and you’ve not once been scared to be yourself.
Before you can think of a reply, Vernon texts you. Some of the guys are going to grab drinks and he’s inviting you along. You start to decline, but then change your mind. You need to forget how angry you are with Soonyoung, so you say yes.
They’re already at a spot close to your apartment, so you throw on some fresh clothes, put your hair into a ponytail, and grab a hoodie hanging by the door. Damn Soonyoung. With enough alcohol, you won’t care about what he said.
You walk into the bar and hear Vernon call your name. He’s there with Joshua, Mingyu, and Chan. You wave and make your way over to the table.
“Woah, Y/N,” Mingyu comments. “You okay? You look like you could kill someone.”
“I need a shot,” you reply.
Chan orders a round of tequila. You down it as soon as it arrives then grab another. You down that one plus one more before you say another word.
“Hey guys,” you smile sweetly.
“Feeling better?” Joshua chuckles.
“No, actually. What the hell is Soonyoung’s problem?” They live with him. Maybe they know something.
Joshua and Chan exchange some sort of look that you can’t decipher. Mingyu shrugs his shoulders, uninterested as he checks out a girl at the bar.
“Do we have to talk about that?” Vernon whines. “We came here to relax.”
“You’re right,” you agree. “I’m not going to let him ruin the rest of my day.”
Chan brings another round of shots. Vernon talks animatedly but you aren’t really listening. You said you weren’t going to let Soonyoung ruin your night but he’s the only thing on your mind.
“Y/N!” Vernon shakes your arm. “Did you hear what I said?”
You pat his hand. “Sorry, guess I zoned out.”
“Probably thinking about Soonyoung again,” Mingyu mutters.
“What is that supposed to mean?” you growl then down another shot.
“Come on, Y/N, even I can see it.”
“You can see what, Gyu?”
“You and Soonyoung. You — “Chan elbows him, cutting him off.
“What about Soonyoung and I?”
“Nothing,” Mingyu brushes it off. “I’m going to the bar.” He stalks off toward the girl he’s been eyeing.
Vernon grabs your hand, pulling you from the table. “Come on Y/N, let’s dance.”
You forget how angry and confused you are once you’re on the dance floor. The music is so loud you can’t hear yourself think anyway. Vernon smiles at you. You’re glad you came out; you needed the distraction.
You’ve been dancing for a while when a slow song begins playing. You turn to leave the dance floor, but Vernon grabs your hand. “Dance with me,” he pleads.
You chuckle, shake your head no, and try to pull away. Something about this doesn’t feel right. You shouldn’t be dancing with him like this. But he’s already pulled you close, and you don’t want to make things awkward so you follow his lead.
“There’s something I’ve been wanting to say.” His mouth is next to your ear, his breath tickling you as he speaks. You giggle. If you hadn’t already had too much tequila, you’d have realized that your giggle was giving him the wrong impression. But the alcohol’s already traveling through your system and the only thing you’re thinking about is how funny it feels.
“I like you, Y/N.”
You jerk out of his arms, the alcohol fog clearing enough for you to realize what he said.
“I need some air,” you mutter and run off the dance floor. He follows you, catching your arm in the hallway by the bathroom.
You turn to face him, and he’s smiling. It makes you feel terrible for what you’re about to say. “I’m sorry, Vernon. But I don’t feel the same.”
His shoulders slump. “It’s Soonyoung, isn’t it?”
“What are you talking about? What does he have to do with this?”
“Boo told me not to confess. He said it was obvious you like Soonyoung, but I didn’t want to believe him. Now I know, it’s true.” He turns away from you and takes off down the hall.
You call after him, but he keeps walking. “Vernon, I’m sorry!”
Damn it! This is exactly what you didn’t want to happen. You make your way back to the table where Mingyu’s once again joined Joshua and Chan. He’s alone. He must be having shitty luck tonight too.
“Where’s Vernon?” Joshua asks as you sit down.
You stare him down angrily. “Did you know he was going to confess?”
“Oh, damn,” Chan winces. He slides a shot across the table to you. You wonder if you should stop drinking, but the knowing looks on their faces make you even angrier.
You take the shot then turn on them all. “You knew?!”
Joshua begins. “We thought he might. And we thought if we came along, then he’d chicken out. And everything would go back to normal.”
You roll your eyes. “What’s ‘normal’ supposed to look like?”
“You and Soonyoung, Y/N,” Mingyu abruptly interjects. “God, sometimes I think you’re denser than I am.”
You slam your fist on the table. “There’s been a lot of talk about me and Soonyoung as a single unit. You guys are acting like we’re a couple and Vernon just tried to steal me away from him or something.”
They look at each other like you’ve just stated the most obvious fact in existence. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion.
“Isn’t that basically what just happened?” Chan shrugs.
“We’re not a couple,” you declare assertively.
“You are. A couple of idiots,” Mingyu sneers.
Before you can retort, Joshua cuts you off. “Look, Y/N. I’m not sure it’s really our place to say anything — “
Mingyu scoffs. “Someone needs to say something because this is getting ridiculous.”
Joshua continues. “It’s a fact that Soonyoung likes you. And it’s pretty apparent that you like him to.”
“That’s the craziest thing I’ve ever heard!” you stutter.
“How exactly did you respond to Vernon when he confessed?” Chan smirks.
“I told him that I didn’t feel the same way about him.”
“And what did he say?” Joshua asks.
“He asked if…” They all look at you expectantly. “If it was because of Soonyoung,” you mumble.
“Ha!” Mingyu laughs. “See? Vernon knows you rejected him for Soonyoung. How can you not see what’s going on?”
Your mind starts racing with thoughts of your relationship with Soonyoung. You think about the gifts he’s given you that match ones he bought for himself. Looking back, they all seem like couple gifts.
You picture the way he stands over you, his chin resting on your head and his arms around you when you ask him to read a passage in English. And the way you’ve caught him twirling your hair around his fingers when he’s supposed to be listening to your lessons. It all seemed to flow so naturally; you never thought his touches meant anything more.
You’re overwhelmed by so many unrealized feelings bombarding you all at once. You storm away from the table, heading straight for the bar. You plan to drink yourself into forgetting, but you end up analyzing every moment that’s transpired between the two of you, looking for the clues you somehow missed. How could you not have seen the myriad of ways he showed you he cared about you?
You chastise yourself. What did you think it meant when he ran his hands soothingly over your back and listened to you vent to him about your bad day? Was there any other possible meaning when he pulled you onto his lap and fed you his birthday cake, bite by bite? And how else could it have been taken when he tried to teach you to dance and you felt his heart pounding through your chest when he pulled you close? Those things don’t happen between people who are only best friends.
You’re trying to wrap your head around what it all means when Joshua comes up behind you. “They nominated me to talk to you. Because I can speak English.” He smiles, shrugging his shoulders.
“I don’t think this would be any easier to understand in English,” you sigh.
“What’s there to understand, Y/N? Soonyoung is head over heels for you. Even though you were too dense to realize it, you’re just as crazy about him. There’s nothing keeping you from being happy, except yourself.”
You look at him. “Is it really that obvious to everyone but me?”
He pats your hand, trying to comfort you. He’s always the logical one. “How do you feel when Soonyoung brings you coffee made exactly the way you like it, even when he doesn’t have a lesson?”
You think for a minute before responding. “Important, like one of his priorities. Special because he’s memorized how I take my coffee.”
“How did you feel when he stormed out of practice today? When he turned away from you before you left?”
You don’t have to think too hard about your answer this time. “Awful. Confused. Desperate to fix what was wrong with…us.”
You sigh. Realization is breaking through the alcohol. He asks his last question.
“How would you feel if Soonyoung was here right now, if he had come here just for you, to take you home and take care of you because you’ve had way too much to drink?
Your answer’s immediate. “Loved.”
He’s smiling. “Then turn around, Y/N, so you can feel loved.”
You mumble a cross between what and how before looking behind you. Your eyes are blurry with tears, but you can make out Soonyoung’s silhouette. You’d be able to recognize him anywhere.
He walks toward you. When he’s close enough that you can smell his mint toothpaste, he sighs. “What were you thinking, Y/N?”
You scrunch your nose in a frown. “You didn’t have to come all the way here to berate me.”
“I came all the way here to bring you home.” He tries to take your hand, but you pull away.
“I don’t need a babysitter,” you growl at him.
“I’m not here to babysit you. I’m here because I care about you.”
You cross your arms and turn away from him. “You have a funny way of showing it.”
“Y/N, I’m sorry about what happened today. I shouldn’t have told you I didn’t want to see you. Please, just let me take you home. We can talk about it there.”
You turn to snap at him but lose your balance. He calls your name and the next thing you know; he’s scooped you up in his arms.
“I’m taking you home. Now.”
You don’t think to resist him, not even for a second. His arms are sturdy and safe, so you lean in, inhaling the fresh, sweet scent of his cologne. As your nose brushes against his neck, he shudders. You giggle and he looks down at you, frowning.
“Don’t do that, Y/N.”
“Soonie, you smell good,” you coo. You’re blissfully drunk, and now that he’s here, you’re unable to stop what comes out of your mouth.
He stops. “What did you call me?”
“Soonie.” You touch his cheek and his eyes flutter shut. “My sweet, sweet Soonie.”
He swallows hard. “You’ve never called me that before.”
“You don’t like it?” you pout. “It’s cute, like you.” You boop him on the nose and giggle.
“You’re drunk, Y/N. You need to go home.”
Once you’re outside, he sits you down on the sidewalk. You grin at him then squeeze his biceps. “You’re so strong, Soonie.”
“Come on,” he mumbles, grabbing your hand tightly and pulling you down the sidewalk toward your apartment.
“Are you coming home with me?” you chirp. He doesn’t respond. “That’s so scandalous!” you add, drawing out your words for emphasis. He still doesn’t reply.
You stop walking and pull your hand away. “I’m not going anywhere until you talk to me.” You stomp your feet like a little child.
“Please, Y/N. Just let me get you home, then we can talk all you want, I promise.”
You grin mischievously, crossing your arms. “Only if you give me a piggyback ride.”
His eyes widen. “You’re serious?”
“Absolutely. If you don’t, then I’m staying right here.” You plop down on the sidewalk to emphasize your point.
“Get up, Y/N.” You cock your head to the side waiting for him to give in, which he does. “Fine!”
You spring to your feet. When he turns around, you jump on his back. He holds you with ease and takes off down the street again. For a few blocks he carries you in silence, your chin nuzzled against his cheek. He’s warm and comfortable and you start to get sleepy.
“Do you know why I wanted you to carry me, Soonie?” He shakes his head. “Because I like your muscles,” you giggle. “You’re really handsome, you know.”
You feel his body tense under you. “What’s wrong?” you ask.
He puts you down. “Nothing. We’re here. Where are your keys?” You shrug your shoulders, and he groans. “Give me your purse.”
He holds out his hand, and his stoic look turns to irritation when you only stand there giggling.
You can’t stop laughing. “If you want it, come get it,” you challenge him.
“I’m tired of playing games, Y/N! Just hand me your purse so I can find your keys.”
You don’t move, so he takes a step closer. Hesitantly, he reaches into the bag that’s draped across your shoulder. He carefully rifles through the pockets looking for the keys.
“Soonie,” you whisper.
“Hmmm?” He’s still looking through your purse.
“What, Y/N?” He looks at you, exasperated.
“I’m tired of playing games too.”
You wrap your arms around his neck and pull yourself up on your tiptoes. You close your eyes and lean into him, your lips pressing softly against his. He’s stiff with shock for just a moment, then his lips melt into yours. You hum with delight. You had no idea how delicious his kiss would taste.
Suddenly he pulls away. “What are you doing, Y/N?”
“Um, obviously I’m kissing you, silly.”
“We can’t do this,” he mumbles.
“Why not?” you object. “Shua said you like me.”
“It’s not about me, Y/N.” He sounds angry and you don’t like it. “What about Vernon? You shouldn’t be kissing me when you two like each other.” He looks away from you.
“Vernon?” You’d forgotten about his confession after the last shot of tequila. “Don’t worry about him, Soonie.” You try to grab his hand and pull him close to you again, but he jerks away.
“What do you mean ‘Don’t worry about him’? I’m not going to kiss another man’s girlfriend!”
When you realize where his thoughts are headed, you burst out laughing. “What’s so funny?” he snaps.
“Vernon is NOT my boyfriend, Soonie. And he never will be.”
He drops his eyes, his face turning crimson. “Oh,” he mutters.
You touch his chin, tipping his face back up so you can look in his eyes. “Vernon will never be my boyfriend,” you continue, “because I like someone else.”
“Oh,” he repeats. He tries to look away again, but you don’t let him.
“Ugh! Kwon Soonyoung!” you gasp. “Sometimes you can be such an idiot!” His eyes widen in confusion, and you playfully punch him in the arm.
“It’s you, Soonyoung! You’re the one I like.” For the longest time, he stares at you. “Are you going to say anything?”
“I thought that you liked Vernon, that’s why…” he runs his hands through his hair nervously.
“Why what?
“I overheard Vernon telling Boo that he was going to confess. And I thought you liked him too; you always smile at him, and he buys chocolates especially for you. Then I saw you talking and laughing today at practice. I thought you guys were a couple.”
“Maybe you should have stuck around to hear all of their conversation. Boo told Vernon not to confess because everyone already assumed that I like you.”
He shoves his hands in his pockets, looking at the ground. He’s too embarrassed to look at you.
“Wait a minute,” you tease him. “Is that why you threw a temper tantrum at practice? Because you were jealous?”
“I wasn’t jealous!” he shouts.
You reach for his hand again, drawing him close to you, and brushing the hair out of his eyes. “I think that it’s absolutely adorable that you were jealous of Vernon.”
“I wasn’t jealous,” he pouts. “And it wasn’t a tantrum; I was upset.”
“Oh really?”
“I thought you chose Vernon…because I wasn’t good enough. I thought I had lost you.”
“My sweet Soonie,” you murmur, caressing his cheek. He presses his forehead to yours.
“I love the way that sounds,” he whispers.
“When I call you Soonie?”
“No,” he answers, looking into your eyes. “When you call me yours.”
Cautiously, he brings his mouth closer to yours. When his lips are just out of reach, he whispers to you. “Can I please be yours?”
“You already are.”
You close your eyes and the kiss that follows is the most tender moment of your life. His arms envelop your waist, and your bodies meld together in contentment that’s been way too long arriving.
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kwanisms · 5 years
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Difference threshold is defined as the minimum noticeable difference that someone will be able to detect at least fifty percent of the time.
⤑ genre: smut, angst, fluff, Best friend!Jihoon, Neighbor!Jeonghan ⤑ pairing: Jihoon x Reader, Jeonghan x Reader ⤑ warning: angst, angst, mention of sexual assault ⤑ summary: After the events of the last chapter, (Y/N) and Soonyoung await news regarding their friend’s condition while he’s in surgery. While waiting, (Y/N) remembers various events in the past that led up to this part of her life. ⤑ word count: 4.7k
⤑ 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | {09} FINAL 
tag list: @younghee-17 @woohoney
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“There’s been an accident.” Your words hung in the crisp air of a winter that refused to fade away to spring. Moments passed before you heard the sounds of life on the other end of the phone you held tightly to your ear. “An accident? What kind of accident?” Soonyoung managed to ask. You tried to force your sobs into submission, but they weren’t so easy to beat.
“Jihoon,” you began, your words failing you yet again but that was all Soonyoung needed to hear before you could hear the sounds of him rustling about, no doubt grabbing his things. “What hospital?” he asked and you looked around for the name. “Uh…” you said, looking frantically but Soonyoung cut you off.
“Never mind, if it was near your friend’s place, I know where they took him,” he said and you heard the ding of the elevator, one you knew too well. “Stay where you are, I will be there soon, okay?” he asked. You managed a shaky yes and Soonyoung told you he had to hang up. He did, leaving you to your thoughts.
You took a seat in the waiting room, waiting for any news, whether it was good or bad. You rested your head in your hands, your eyes closed as you reflected on this morning. Why did it have to be now? When you had finally come to your senses, the universe had different plans for you. It seemed as though the universe was bound and determined to undermine you every chance it got.
As you sat there, another memory came to the forefront of your mind. A memory similar to this one.
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You ran down the hallway masked in neat white tiles. It was the kind of hallway that screamed sterility. Your destination was the waiting room for the trauma center. You entered, eyes scanning for a familiar face. You found it in your best friend’s parents. You hurried over, offering apologies and excuse me’s as you squeezed through the seats. You reached your friend’s parents and they immediately stood up to greet you.
Jihoon’s mother pulled you into a tight hug. “He just went in!” she said fearfully and you gulped, looking over her shoulder at the doors into the trauma wing. You turned to Jihoon’s father and he gave you a hug as well. “We told him to wait and that you would be home soon but you know Jihoon. He’s so stubborn,” his father added. You nodded, a small smile playing on your lips as you remembered all the times he had been stubborn and hardheaded.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you thought about the severity of the situation. You sat with Jihoon’s parents, resting your head in your hands before you heard the shuffling of feet and felt a familiar hand on your shoulder. Looking up, you saw Soonyoung had joined you. He greeted Jihoon’s parents before sitting next to you.
You looked up at Soonyoung who looked back, giving you a kind and encouraging smile. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders. “He’ll be okay,” he whispered so only you could hear. “He’s gonna be fine. He has to be,” he added. You said nothing, nodding your head instead of speaking.
Time seemed to freeze as you waited for an update. After being in the waiting room for about 40 minutes, the doctor came out and approached. Jihoon’s parents stood quickly, hoping to hear good news about their sons condition. You sat up straight and looked at Soonyoung who stared back wide eyed. The doctor stopped before Jihoon’s parents and sighed.
“He’s stable.  He’ll need to stay in bed for a while and he’ll probably be out of baseball for the season, but he’ll make a full recovery,” the doctor said in a low voice, but not low enough you couldn’t hear him. You turned to Soonyoung and let out a sigh of relief. Soonyoung, too, relaxed as you both knew your best friend was okay.
“Please, doctor, when can we see him?” Jihoon’s mother pleaded and the doctor nodded. “He should be awake in about an hour but you can go in now,” he said before looking at you and Soonyoung who had just stood up. “Family only, I’m afraid,” he added and you felt your heart tighten in your chest.
Jihoon’s father gave you an apologetic smile before he led his wife away and you sat back down next to Soonyoung. “Prick,” you heard Soonyoung say under his breath. You lightly swatted his arm. “He’s just doing his job,” you said before leaning over and resting your head on Soonyoung’s shoulder.
“Still, we’re practically family,” Soonyoung replied and you nodded. “We’ll get to see him soon,” you said softly. “Just be patient.” Soonyoung rested his head against yours and he stared at the chair across from him. “We could just break in,” he mumbled and you laughed quietly. “No, we can’t,” you replied and looked up at him. Soonyoung gave you a smile and you resumed your original position.
“Alright,” Soonyoung said after a few moments of silence. “We’ll wait.”
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You heard the sound of rapid footsteps and looked up to find Soonyoung frantically searching the waiting room. When you locked eyes he ran over, dodging other people as he made his way to you. Standing up from your seat you started to explain but the wind was knocked out of you as Soonyoung collided with you, pulling you into a tight hug.
“Are you okay?” he asked in a strained voice. You nodded and he pulled back and looked you over. “Tell me what happened.” he added guiding you back to your seat and sitting you down, kneeling in front of you, his hands holding yours. You started to explain, trying to hold back your tears. You had cried enough today but your body seemed to have other ideas.
“The guy came out of nowhere and ran the light as Jihoon was making the turn. I barely even had time to think, I just acted. I ran over and pulled open the passenger door. He wasn’t moving and there was blood running down the side of his face, Soon, I-” you said but Soonyoung shushed you, squeezing your hands. “Don’t. Don’t try to process it right now. Just put it at the back of your mind. Let’s wait to hear what his condition is before we think about it, okay?” he said softly and you nodded.
“Did you tell anyone else?” Soonyoung asked. You nodded. After him you had called Jihoon’s parents who were abroad in China but they were making their way back to their hotel and taking the first flight they could get out to come see their son. “Good, they’re going to want to see him. I called the guys. Thought they should know,” Soonyoung said and you nodded.
Silence fell over the two of you. Soonyoung took a seat beside you and it was like high school all over. You leaned into him, resting your head against his shoulder with his arm wrapped around you. A few minutes passed before Soonyoung’s phone vibrated in his pocket. He sat up straight and fished it out, checking the caller ID before he answered. “Hey!” he said into the receiver. “Yeah, we’re in the waiting room,” he added. He paused while he listened to whoever it was on the other end.
“Yeah, see you in a bit,” he said and then hung up. You looked at him curiously as he put his phone away and he sat back. “That was Mingyu. He picked up Vernon and Seungkwan. They’re in the parking garage. They’ll be here in a few minutes.” You nodded before settling back against him.
Right on time, the three entered the waiting room and made a beeline for you. Mingyu pulled one of the chairs across from you up and sat in front of you. “What happened?” he demanded. Soonyoung protectively pulled you closer to him. “Don’t start,” he said narrowing his eyes. “Gyu,” Vernon said shaking his head as he sat next to Seungkwan.
Mingyu sat back and eyed you quietly. You avoided his gaze and instead looked down at Soonyoung’s knee. The five of you fell silent. Time passed agonizingly slow as you waited for something to happen. News of Jihoon’s condition, someone else to arrive, just anything. But nothing happened. No one else showed up. The doctors didn’t come out.
You weren’t sure when it happened but your eyes had shut and you had slipped into a quiet slumber and you were being gently shaken awake by Soonyoung. You looked up at him. Vernon and Seungkwan were passed out, Seungkwan’s head resting on Vernon’s shoulder but Mingyu was nowhere in sight. “Gyu went to get food,” Soonyoung said as if sensing your building question.
“I’m gonna step out and make a call, I’ll be right back,” he said and you nodded sleepily. Soonyoung stood and walked toward the end of the waiting room as two familiar faces appeared. It was Seungcheol and Jeonghan. The two spotted you and hurried over.
“Are you okay?” Jeonghan asked kneeling down in front of you. “I’m fine,” you said hoarsely. “You weren’t injured?” Jeonghan asked looking you over. You shook your head. “No,” you replied. “I wasn’t in the car. I watched from the sidewalk.” Jeonghan let out a breath of relief.
“What about Jihoon?” he asked as Seungcheol stood next to him. You shook your head. “We don’t know anything yet. The doctors haven’t come out yet.” Jeonghan took the seat across from you, Seungcheol next to him.
No one said anything, a calm silence falling over the group.
You sat up a little straighter and turned to look at the doors to the trauma center. ‘How long has it been?’ You looked at the clock on the wall and saw that you had been at the hospital for about three hours now.
You turned and looked back at Soonyoung at the end of the waiting room. He had his phone to his ear and was speaking to them while looking around. His gaze met yours and he gave you a kind smile before returning to his call. You shifted in your seat and looked away, your eyes looking around the room. Soft footsteps drew your attention. 
Mingyu had returned, his arms loaded with snacks and drinks. He handed you a bottle of water and you thanked him softly. He stood across from you, silently before pushing Seungkwan’s knee to wake the younger man. Seungkwan stirred and looked up at Mingyu. “Here,” Mingyu said handing him a bottle of water. Seungkwan took one and then a second before nudging Vernon awake. 
Mingyu sat down and began sorting through the snacks. He handed a couple bags of chips and some candy to Seungkwan to split with Vernon before he turned to you. He held up a bag of chips but you shook your head. “No, but thank you,” you said your voice cracking. Soonyoung returned and sat next to you. Mingyu tossed him a bottle of water and a bag of chips. “Thanks,” Soonyoung replied.
You sat in silence before turning to Soonyoung. “Who was that on the phone?” you asked and he shook his head. “It was the police,” he said simply and you didn’t think to question him further. You just wanted news. You needed to know that Jihoon was okay. You needed to know he would be fine. Soonyoung’s hand found yours and he squeezed it gently, reassuringly as if he knew your thoughts.
"He's gonna be okay," he whispered soothingly. "He has to be."
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Soonyoung wasn’t sure who had thrown the first punch but he was aware of the shouting and screaming. It was a split second before he realized his best friend was in the middle of a fist fight with Ryuu, a fellow teammate. Soonyoung dropped his glove and rushed over, effectively halting the game to pull the smaller man away from the larger one.
Jihoon barely registered that Soonyoung was there. His eyes were still on Ryuu, hurling obscenities at him.
“How fucking dare you?!” he spat, struggling against Soonyoung’s grip. Several other teammates had to intervene and help him, one of them being Wonwoo the first baseman and the other was Seokmin, the pitcher. The referee stopped the game as the rest of the home team came running to see what was going on in their own ranks.
“Are you jealous, Lee? Mad that I got some of your precious little friend?” Ryuu asked, his split lip oozing blood. “Or are you mad I wanted to shared her?” he asked, laughing. Soonyoung realized what Ryuu was hinting at and it took all his willpower to not let Jihoon go and jump Ryuu himself. ‘How dare he? How dare he talk about you like that.’
Jihoon growled, struggling harder against Soonyoung, Wonwoo, and Seokmin’s collective hold. “I’ll kill you!” he shouted as the coached came from the dugout. “What is going on?!” one of the coaches yelled. Ryuu smirk and turned to him. “Nothing, just friendly rivalry,” he said but Soonyoung had had enough. “He raped our best friend,” he said, defending Jihoon’s actions.
The coach looked surprised and looked from Ryuu back to Jihoon and Soonyoung. “That is a serious accusation,” he said. “Check with the police,” Jihoon snarled freeing himself but standing several paces away from Ryuu. “She took a rape kit. And seeing as he didn’t use a condom, his DNA will be all over that rape kit.” The coach sighed. 
“You two know the rules, regardless of the circumstances,” he said looking between the two. “I have to eject you both from the game.” Jihoon nodded. “Permission to leave?” he asked. The coach hesitated before nodding. “I think that would be best,” he said. Soonyoung returned to grab his glove from the field. “Where do you think you’re going?” the coach asked as he headed for the dugout.
“I’m leaving, too. If I have to keep looking at that face, you’ll be ejecting me from the game next,” he said before exiting through the dugout. Soonyoung ran to catch up with Jihoon. “Don’t worry,” he said. “The police will catch him,” he said. Jihoon scoffed. “When have the police ever been reliable when it comes to rape cases?” Jihoon asked and Soonyoung bit his tongue. He had a point.
It was a week later when the police arrested and charged Ryuu. As a result, he was expelled and kicked off the team. As Jihoon predicted, they never went to trial. They settled out of court. An unmentioned sum of money but you never said anything about how much they gave you. It still went on his record as per the agreement.
Only a few days after that, Soonyoung got a call from you, in hysterics. You told him Jihoon was in the hospital. Soonyoung raced to the ER as fast as he could, running the entire way there. You were in the waiting room, your face stained with tears. Soonyoung rushed over. “Hey,” he said breathlessly. You looked up and started sobbing again. Soonyoung sat next to you, pulling you into a hug. He rubbed your back and stroked your hair to calm you until you could speak.
“He was jumped,” you said in between hiccups. Soonyoung knew immediately who it was. ‘Ryuu.’
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You weren't sure how much time had passed but you had fallen asleep again, your head resting on Soonyoung's shoulder. He gently shook you awake. As you came to, sitting up, Soonyoung stood. You turned to find a surgeon walking over, removing his hat. 'Oh no.' You stood up, your heart hammering in your chest. The surgeon stopped just before Soonyoung who asked, “how is he?”
The surgeon nodded his head as he spoke. “He’s very lucky. Despite being hit very hard, he has very minor injuries. We had to close several stitches but he has no internal bleeding. We will need to keep him for a few days to make sure there’s no damage to his brain. He did hit his head very hard in the crash.” Soonyoung let out a sigh of relief and you felt like a weight lifted off your shoulders.
“When can we see him?” you asked leaning forward in your chair. “He’s still being cleaned up but he’ll be moved to his own room soon and after that, you can go see him. He’ll still be asleep but he’ll come to soon,” the doctor said. “Thank you,” Soonyoung said, shaking the doctor’s hand and turned to relay the news to the rest of the group.
You leaned back in your chair, relieved that Jihoon would be okay.
After being transferred, you were finally allowed into Jihoon’s room. You thanked the nurses for giving you a little privacy with him. You peered around the white curtain shielding him from view from the door. He looked so peaceful, sleeping soundly. You walked around the curtain and sat on a chair next to his bed.
There were so many things you wanted to say to him. ‘I’m sorry,’ ‘I wish I could have stopped this from happening,’ ‘I love you.’ The list was endless. You settled for taking his hand in yours gently. You just watched him as he slept. “Under any other circumstances,” you whispered. “You would think me watching you sleep is creepy as hell,” you joked. You sighed and hung your head.
“It’s still creepy,” you heard a hoarse voice say. Your head snapped up as you took in Jihoon peaking at you with one eye. Your face burned under his gaze. “The doctor said you would still be asleep!” you said, your face turning red. “I got bored,” he said simply. “You got bored of sleeping?” you asked. 
You leaned forward, pressing your free hand against his forehead. “You must have hit your head pretty hard,” you joked. Jihoon pushed your hand away, a smile on his face. “I liked sleeping on my own time,” he said looking around. “Where the remote to this thing?” he asked as he searched the bed.
“Here it is,” you said grabbing it from the holder and handing it to him. Jihoon pressed the up arrow and slowly started to rise. “He liiiiiiiiives,” you said laughing. Jihoon snorted as he rose up, stopping in a reclining position. He set the remote down. 
“So,” you started and Jihoon turned his gaze on you. “What do you remember?” you asked.
You had been dreading this. You were afraid that Jihoon might have slight memory loss and that he might forget that you two had made up. He might have forgotten your confession. Where would you go from here?
The last time he received a head injury, he had forgotten the two of you had broken up. Eventually he remembered after much insisting from your friends. What if this was the same? What if he forgot that he spent the night on the couch with you? What would happen?
Jihoon shrugged his shoulders. “I remember everything. I was coming to pick you up, we were on the phone, and then I remember being in a lot of pain and then I was out. Next thing I knew, I woke up here and you were holding my hand,” he said looking from his hands to you.
A wave of relief washed over you at his admission. You didn’t have to worry any longer. There was a knock at the door. It opened and shut before Soonyoung peered around the curtain with a wide smile. “Oh!” he said when he noticed Jihoon was awake. “You’re up!” he said. Jihoon nodded.
“Yeah. I’m awake,” he replied. Soonyoung stepped out from behind the curtain carrying a tray. “If I had known, I would have brought you something to eat,” he said with an apologetic smile. Jihoon shook his head. “You’re fine. I’m not very hungry right now. I’m sure (Y/N) needs to eat though,” he said. You glared at him and then turned to Soonyoung. “Thanks,” you said as he set the tray on the table next to you. “I guess I should eat something.”
The visit continued as you ate the chicken sandwich and chips that Soonyoung bought you. Jihoon and Soonyoung mostly talked, bringing up the last time you and Soonyoung had visited him in the hospital. “You know,” Jihoon said suddenly. “I think I am getting hungry. Could you find a nurse?” he asked Soonyoung who got up quickly. “I’ll be right back!” he said before dashing out the door.
Jihoon turned to you. “Do you want some?” you asked, offering some of your sandwich. He shook his head. “I’m not actually hungry. I just wanted him to leave for a bit.” You smiled looking down at your food. “Come here,” Jihoon said patting the spot next to him on the bed. You got up, wiping your hands on a napkin before sitting on the edge of the bed. Jihoon sighed, reaching forward to grab your wrist.
He pulled you further onto the bed, pulling you into him and wrapping his arms around you as he rested his cheek on the top of your head. “Are you sure this is allowed?” you asked softly. “What are they gonna do? Kick me out?” he smirked. You snorted. “Maybe not you but they can certainly kick me out,” you mumbled. Jihoon turned his head, pressing his lips against your hair. “Shush,” he said.
A couple minutes later, the door opened and Soonyoung appeared. “The nurses- oop!” he said when he noticed the two of you. “I’ll just,” he said backing out, a smirk on his lips as he disappeared. “He’s never going to let this go, is he?” you asked, looking up at Jihoon who shook his head. “Never.”
You had spent several hours in Jihoon’s room. He had long since fallen asleep and you sat at the small table, playing a card game with Soonyoung. He was winning and you were losing. Typical, you thought.
It was silent before Soonyoung spoke, keeping his voice low as to not disturb Jihoon. “You remember the night we had that heart to heart talk?” he asked and you looked up from your cards. You did remember that. That was the day Jeonghan had first kissed you, causing the rift between you and Jihoon.
“Yes,” you replied looking back down at your cards. You made a match and set that aside. “Why?” you asked. Soonyoung looked at his hand and then up. “Aces?” he asked and you shook your head. He drew another card before speaking again.
“I never said anything but after you went to bed, I went out on the balcony and Jihoon came out. We had a long talk,” he said. You looked up from your cards. Soonyoung met your gaze. “What about?” you asked.
Soonyoung raised  his eyebrows. “What do you think?” he asked. A slight blush settled on your cheeks. “I asked Jihoon about what was going on in his head. He told me that he still loved you, which I already knew but then he told me that he wanted to ask you out again. Properly. He wanted that relationship back.”
Soonyoung set a matched pair down and looked back up. You scanned your cards but you could focus. Instead you set them face down and looked at Soonyoung, who did the same.
“What else did he say?” you asked. “The usual. He wanted you two to date again. He wanted you back. He wanted you marry you. Start a family,” Soonyoung said, shrugging his shoulders.
Your heart leapt into your throat. ‘Marriage?? A family?’ You looked over at Jihoon’s sleeping form and wondered if he still wanted that. If he did, you wouldn’t be opposed. “What about you?” Soonyoung asked, drawing your attention from Jihoon. “What about me?” you asked.
Soonyoung smiled. “Do you want to marry him? Start a family?” he asked. You turned your gaze back on Jihoon before a soft smile spread across your face.
“Yeah,” you said. “I think I do.”
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“Babe!” you heard Jihoon’s voice call from the living room. “What!” you called from the back room. When he didn’t answer, you sighed, setting the power drill in your hand down and got up, crossing to the door. 
In the living room, you saw Jihoon struggling with a box. “Do you remember which box the champagne glasses are in? The ones your mom gave us at the engagement party?” he asked as he dug through the box in front of him. You smirked and walked over to the cabinet next to the fridge.
You pulled it open and cleared your throat. He looked up and noticed the open cabinet, full of glassware you had already unpacked. He rolled his eyes. “When did you do that?” he asked, walking over to retrieve the glasses he asked about. “While you were putting the couch together,” you reminded him, nodding at the piece of furniture behind him.
Jihoon returned to the kitchen island and set the glasses down before he revealed a brown paper bag. He reached in and pulled out a bottle of champagne. “You did not,” you said laughing. 
Jihoon smiled at you as he opened it. “What about the cork?” you asked, leaning back, away from the scene. Jihoon stopped and nodded. “Good thinking. I’ll uhh just go out on the balcony,” he said. He walked to the sliding glass door and pulled it open to step out onto the balcony. 
You pulled your phone out of your pocket to check a few texts. Soonyoung was one of them.
Squishy [13:02]: Are we still on for tonight?
A smile spread across your face.
You [13:03]: yep! You’re still bringing Bo Ra, right? Squishy [13:04]: of course! She’s excited to see the new place. So am i! (: You [13:04]: Awesome. Let us know when you’re on your way and we’ll order pizza (: Squishy [13:04]: will do! (:
One of the text was from your mom. You would check that later. The other was from Seungcheol.
Cheollie [12:47]: when is the housewarming party again? You [13:05]: next friday evening! Bring a bottle of wine or tell Han to make those dumplings that he made for the engagement party. Those were so good! Cheollie [13:06]: I think I can swing that lol Cheollie [13:06]: we’re gonna miss you guys living next door but we’re so excited for you, really. You [13:07]: awww is my Cheollie getting sentimental? (‘: Cheollie [13:08]: pfffttt no! (maybe? lol) when’s the wedding? You [13:08]: November 18th! You guys got your invitation, right? Cheollie [13:09]: of course! Han can’t find it though. I told him to put it on the fridge but he didn’t [eyeroll] but we’re so excited! We wouldn’t miss it (:
A few moments later you heard a loud pop and looked up. Jihoon was stepping back inside with the now open bottle of champagne. He walked over and picked up the glasses to fill them. He set the bottle down and handed you a glass as you hopped up to sit on the counter. You thanked him, taking it. “What should we toast to?” you asked.
Jihoon thought for a moment. “How about starting a new chapter in life?” he asked and you nodded. “Cliche and cheesy, but it works,” you laughed. The two of you gently clinked your glasses together and took a sip. After a few moments, Jihoon set his glass down and moved to stand between your legs. “So,” he said, his hands gently caressing your thighs. “Should we finish building the bed and break in the new apartment?” he asked leaning closer and nuzzling your cheek.
You let out a giggle, setting your glass down on the counter. “Not even married yet and you’re trying to get me pregnant?” you joked as you wrapped your arms around his neck. Jihoon smiled and shrugged his shoulders. “And what if i am?” he asked. Your heart leapt into your throat. ‘A baby?’ 
“Are you serious?” you asked and he shrugged again. “Why not?” We only have a few months left before the wedding. You’ll still fit into your dress. It would be a great announcement. We could tell the parents before obviously. And only if you want to of course!” Jihoon said. He was rambling. You took his face in your hands and kissed him deeply. When you broke apart, you smiled at him.
“Okay,” you said nodding. “Yeah?” Jihoon asked and you responded with another kiss. “Yeah.”
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a/n: There you have it! The conclusion of Crossing the Threshold. I hope you guys liked it! I am sorry it took so long to finish this series. It’s been over a year since I first posted it. It’s bittersweet for me because this was my first series I posted on here! It holds a special place in my heart! ;; I hope you guys will continue with me and check out the other things I have planned! Thank you for all the love you’ve shown this series! ~K
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