Erectile Dysfunction
From Infertility to Erectile Dysfunction- "Bedroom Issues" you must know about
Topics like sex and anything around it are generally hush-hush in our country. In today's internet era and free access to information, these topics are still not discussed openly, especially issues related to "bedroom problems." Issues such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and infertility that men face are considered as a blemish on the "macho man." It is seen as something that questions a man's manhood and, hence, is kept under wraps. In an attempt to understand these issues, we take you through one of the issues here.
What is erectile dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction is the inability to get or maintain an erection. Having trouble with erections occasionally should not be a cause for concern. However, if it is a recurring problem, it is essential to understand what causes it and seek treatment.
What are the main causes of erectile dysfunction?
The underlying causes of ED can be varied- from physiological to physical. Neurological disorders and vascular diseases are leading biological causes that affect the nerves and blood supply to the penis, which results in no erection.
Psychological states such as depression, anxiety, lowered self-esteem and trauma (recent or from childhood) also lead to ED.
Is erectile dysfunction treatable?
The treatment for ED depends on what causes it. Medical intervention and psychological counseling are the best way to treat ED. With more awareness about Ayurveda and its ability to treat sexual problems, people are now gravitating toward more healthy and organic medicines that are just as effective.
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