getwebbed · 5 years
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@cptsrogers​​ sent  🎯  for a random headcanon
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peter can cook. he’s not the best cook in the world, but he has a decent handle of things in the kitchen to make basic meals. he just usually… doesn’t cook because he lacks the time, and also the money, to be able to keep his fridge and cupboards properly stocked. (also he spends so much time being spider-man that he forgets to even use the things he buys, which means things will expire and he’s just wasting more food and money, so…) 
anyway, it’s why he resorts to quick things he can throw together like sandwiches (i won’t even explain how he upgraded his toaster to toast his bread even faster than normal), cereal & milk, and coffee. it also means he drops more money on immediate takeout like pizza, burgers, chinese food, and snacks like energy bars, bc it’s just 10x easier for him when he’s got such a frantic and scattered schedule. additionally, he does have an increased metabolism due to his enhanced powers, so the fact that he’d have to prepare more food than he used to just so he can feel filled for a while was just not plausible in the long run.
(and despite the fact he can cook a bit, he’s terrible when it comes to baking. for a guy so scientific, he’s not so good at baking when it’s like the ‘science’ of cooking.)
i digress. anywho, peter first learned some kitchen work when he was younger. he liked to help may and ben prepare meals from time to time. he certainly wasn’t the best, but he tried and had fun. when he was older, he hated that may was always the one prepping his food (she already did so much for him), so he started to take on more responsibility and pitch in wherever he could. then, once he moved into his own place, he figured he should learn how to cook a little… better for himself, though he rarely gets to use the skill. he’s just lucky he’s not prone to starting kitchen fires that often. it’s definitely happened a few times in the past (usually him burning shit), mostly because he got distracted by news related to leads he was trying to track down, etc., but otherwise, he isn’t completely hopeless in the kitchen.
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