#sg whirl basically immediately gets attached to baseline Optimus.
transingthoseformers · 11 months
Okay I know I'm like spamming your inbox but I send a message leave tumblr so I'll stop and then I have another idea.
So some of SG autobots are super jealous about how loving and kind the Baseline autobots are and they like go to be try to be mean to Baseline Optimus and then they just get treated with respect and dadded and they're just so confused but they feel loved and this is how a little less than half of the SG autobot army left to join the SG decepticons because they want to be treated like this.
Also any conversation between SGOp and Baseline Megs is going to get intense because Megatron can do some pretty messed up things and even he thinks SG Optimus has gone to far and so I think an argument between them could be fun
Yes on the first suggestion, so many of the sg autobots are so jealous (a nice amount of them are confused on why they are jealous because no way that environment allows mecha to explore emotions much, also that feeling when you're in a bad situation but try and Stockholm yourself into saying it's okay)
I've seen many depictions of SG Optimus and baseline Megatron interacting, and they always include just how shocked Megs is about how sg Oppy operates (and how different he is from his Optimus). I did not forget the shrike-esque "decorations" around SG Optimus's base. Bitch is a whole nother level of brutal compared to baseline Megatron (especially if you consider which iteration of baseline Megs you are talking about, because for some reason I'm imagining one that's in this odd space between g1 Megs and mtmte Megs)
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