sofxrst · 9 months
“Not all those who wander are lost,” Sofia spoke softly, glancing up at the other who had just walked into the room. Her chest rose as she took in a long breath, not moving from her spot on the floor. “But you look a little lost there, dear wanderer. What’cha doing?”
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masonwarner · 9 months
As he took the first drink out of the very green looking drink in his cup, his face betrayed the disgust he felt. "What the hell is this?" he asked, sour look still on his face. "And why do I get the feeling I'm literally drinking grass right now?"
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drjavery · 9 months
He was almost out of the hospital doors when Jackson realized he'd left his car keys back in his locker. He was pretty sure he'd forget his head if it wasn't attached to his shoulders. Letting out a soft sigh, not relishing having to walk all the way back to the locker room to grab his stuff when all he wanted to do was head home, he wasn't paying much attention as he made his way up the stairs when he missed one and nearly fell. Looking around, he spotted someone nearby and his cheeks started to turn pink. "Well, that could have ended a whole lot worse. Think we can keep this embarrassing moment to ourselves?"
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annabellesloan · 9 months
"I may have accidentally caused a couple to get a divorce today, and I don't know if I should feel guilty or be amused that the dude was so stupid he came to the same shop to buy the exact same outfit for both his wife and his girlfriend." And people said working retail was boring.
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chiefsawyer · 9 months
“Yes, I’m making note of it now,” Elaine spoke monotonously, leaning back in her chair and very much not making any sort of note. One arm crossed against her chest, the other begrudgingly holding her phone to her ear. Eyes flicked up to the figure in her doorway, not really paying any mind to who was there, but rather that the interruption was her saving grace. Sitting up slightly, she nodded, “I’ll actually have to call you back later, Kimberly, I’ve got another situation on my hands.” A fake smile blossomed as the woman on the line continues speaking, and with that Elaine spoke a quick “thanks for reaching out” before practically slamming the phone down onto its dock. Letting out a sigh of relief, Elaine looked back up, “to what do I owe the pleasure of this little visit?”
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docmarksloan · 9 months
Mark glanced at the person sitting next to him and then glanced down the hallway at the group of interns that looked more lost than he thought should actually be possible. They'd been at the hospital for the last month and somehow still didn't know how to get from one section of the hospital to another, even with the signs and symbols meant to lead patients and families in the right direction. "Sometimes it's hard to understand and remember how hopeless interns are. And then the new group comes in and I'm reminded all over again."
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camirobbintorres · 9 months
"honestly, if i'm going to listen to people's problems all day long i should've become a thearpist. who knew being a bartender was like that but with worse pay and then having to clean up after drunk crying people." cami shook her head, as she wiped down the bar in front of her and smiled. "what can i get you?"
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carinad · 9 months
"I delivered a woman's twins in the elevator this morning," Carina said, letting out a heavy sigh. "This is why when you're coming here because you're in active labour, you don't go to the gift shop first," she added, shaking her head.
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dr-shephcrd · 2 years
She wasn’t hiding. She simply just... wasn’t sitting in a visible spot. So, when someone came into the room and was making a phone call, Amelia thought it would be extremely rude to interrupt the call to make her presence known. It didn’t help that things were just getting interesting by the time she’d processed what was going on. After waiting... and waiting... and waiting, the call finally ended, and Amelia sat up a little straighter. “That sounded delightful,” she quipped, shining a bright smile in the other’s direction. “I’d like to be kind and go about my day forgetting all of that, but I’m not going to do that for free. It’ll cost you some details. Come sit, my friend.”
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kenzieshep · 9 months
Kenzie had gone for a walk and found herself in one of her favorite parks in the city, where she was currently sitting on a bench, scrolling through social media on her phone, lost in her thoughts. She'd been so sure that college wasn't for her, given how difficult high school had been, but seeing all her old friends talking about how much fun they were having in the dorms was making her a little envious. Shutting off her phone and putting it in her pocket a little more harshly than necessary, she looked around at the surroundings, noticing someone walking near her.
"What brings you out here today?" she asked, standing up from her perch to start walking again. "I didn't think very many people knew about this small park."
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captandyherrera · 9 months
Andy was seated in the hospital waiting room, tapping her fingers lightly against her leg. One of her rookies had done something stupid on a call that day and had ended up with a bit of a nasty injury to his leg thanks to a beam that wasn't structurally sound. He was still being tended to and as the Captain, Andy had decided to stick around until there was a clear idea of what was going on. People had been walking by her non-stop the past hour or so and so when someone stepped up to her, she was almost surprised. "Oh, hey."
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presleyxshepherd · 9 months
Presley rubbed at her face in frustration, looking over all of the changes that that had been made to the script that they'd been working on for the past month. She didn't understand how it had taken this long for the director to decide that they weren't happy with everything, but it was more than a little frustrating. Hearing the sound of someone walking toward her, she looked up from the pieces of paper in her hands and forced a weak smile. "Any chance you might be willing to help a girl run some lines?"
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dramberk · 9 months
Amber stood in line in the cafeteria, a banana and ham sandwich in hand before she stepped up to pay, making sure to grab the bag of taki's beside the register before paying and making her way toward one of the tables. "This seat taken?"
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ellisheps · 9 months
Ellis stood in the middle of the Target aisle, basket on the ground in front of her as she stared at her options. She often ended up here when she needed to relieve stress or in this case, when she needed to go shopping. Grabbing the bottle of gummy vitamins, she tossed them in the basket, standing up straight before going to move on before fully slamming into someone else. "Oh my god, I am so sorry, are you okay?"
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sofxrst · 2 years
“Is this more appropriate?” Sofia held up her next clothing option with furrowed eyebrows, just before glancing down at what she was already wearing. “I’ve never actually been to one of these things, so I have no clue what the hell you’re supposed to wear. Sue me.”
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pedskates · 2 years
This was embarrassing, completely and utterly embarrassing. Arizona was settled in an on call room, leaning against the wall as she sat on the bed, hacking up a lung. Who came to work sick? Not her usually to be fair, but in her fevered state, she may have said some things to piss Callie off that she had no explanation for and now here she was banished. In between hacks it was only then did she realize that someone now stood in the doorway, and she gasped. “Please don’t tell anyone you saw me like this. I’m begging you.”
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