seongnamkrp · 4 years
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june meanders it’s way upon the campus, and with it brings the toil that comes along with the last leg of the spring semester -- deadlines, an overtime of repeated all-nighters, and the dreaded finals week. it’s a stressful time for both students and faculty alike, doing the best they can to wrap up the semester on the best foot they can manage. but with the anguish that comes with june also comes some relief in july -- the annual end of the semester camping retreat is plastered upon every bulletin board within the campus area, advertised within each student run publication and media known -- it would be difficult to not know about the heavily advertised trip.
this year the retreat is taking place in yeongnyu, a scenic town three hours away from seongnam which hosts the starlight resort, a well known luxury camping resort where nature is handed to you upon a silver platter. the entire expanse of the large resort has been rented out for those who have signed up for the trip for the 3 day 2 night stay that starts after finals week on july 1st, and runs throughout july 3rd. those who are going will meet up the morning of the 1st to travel to the town via executive coach bus, and will return back to the campus the evening of the 3rd. check under the cut for accommodations, activities, and a new idea -- the roleplay roulette!
as for accommodations, students and faculty will be split up by major departments into 6 camps ( a list of the split up is here ), each of which has clusters of luxury safari-style tents that rooms up to four people, and a dining pavilion where gatherings can be held ( and will be every night ).
the starlight resort takes place on a former national mountainous park, and provides an unfiltered connection with the natural beauty of countryside of south korea amidst a landscape of impeccable rustic elegance and comfort. some of the most popular wilderness adventures or outdoor activities include ( but isn’t limited to ):
it wouldn’t be camping if it didn’t have the most essential camping activities: you can go fishing within lake salmon, go hiking around the many nature trails specifically made for hiking, even around the mountainous terrain. there are also many rest spots throughout the resort that was made for stargazing -- and there promises to be a meteor shower on thursday night ( july 2nd ), in which a section of the camp will be dimmed in case you want to get that perfect view.
there’s a lake house upon the shores of lake salmon that provide several lake activities: zoom around on a personal watercraft such as jet skiing, waterskiing, wakeboarding, or water tubing, or maybe instead relax and have some fun with paddleboats or a floating trampoline.
the resort is home to many horses that roam around the backcountry, so why not join a group of other trail riders and go horseback riding? you’ll go through spirling meadows and cut through fresh streams while taking in breathtaking sights during the excursion. or maybe if you don’t want to be the one at the saddle, try going on horse drawn carriage rides so all you’ll have to do is sit back and enjoy.
or maybe if you need a need for speed, try taking different trails while driving an ATV or bike instead!
there’s also many exhilarating outdoor games to play, such as a section for capture the flag, a go-kart track, and paintball, as well as various sports.
indulge yourself in the many workshops that the resort has to offer! there will be around 5 classes a day that are taught by experts and are meant to enhance your camping experience. some are related to cooking, another about outdoor & wildlife photography, a paint and pour class where an artist will guide you to paint while drinking ( wine provided, but you are free to bring your own drinks ), and even a jewelry making class
the skyline aerial park adventure is an aerial rope course which will push the boundaries of your comfort zone. the introductory course includes 10 separate platforms, complete with rickety bridges, spider nets, swinging platforms, tight ropes and a heart-pounding 40-foot free fall. and if that isn’t enough, there’s a challenger course that will take you through elements that are more difficult and higher off the ground.
and lastly, every night there will be a gathering every night in each camp’s dining pavilion in order to produce harmony and bonding amongst student of the majors. feel free to play party games or have sing alongs around the campfire, drinking games within the pavilion, or just mingle, chat, and make new friends! participation is highly recommended, but not required.
OOC WISE, this event will start TODAY and will run for three weeks, so you have until JULY 10TH to post about the event. as always, you are free to continue your threads after the deadline, but no new threads can be made. please tag all threads relating to the event as SGN:STARLIGHT.
we are also doing something new for this event, called the roleplay roulette! there will be a new post made after this one calling for all of those that are interested to like the post on all characters you want to participate. all of the characters will be paired up randomly with another, given one of the activites above to set the scene, and will be given two sentences ( taken from sentence starters ) to use for your plot or thread -- it’s mandatory to use at least one of the sentence starters, but feel free to use both and make all of it work!
so take for example: person a & person b would be paired together, and then given paintballing as their activity, and the two sentences may bye “i know your secret,” and “why are you bleeding?”. all the who, what, when, where, and why regarding all this information and how you make the sentences work is between you and your partner! once enough people like the roleplay roulette post, we’ll reblog with the partners and all other information needed to start plotting. there will be multiple roleplay roulette posts so that brand new characters who want to join the event can do so, and you are free to do more than one for a character if you so choose.
also please note: please make sure you will be willing to plot with someone you haven’t before and actually rp with them if you like the post. the last thing we want to find out is someone who attempted to reach their partner but they won’t respond. we will give out warnings if we find out people are doing this, since you are agreeing to the above terms by liking the post when it’s made.
and that’s it! if there any other questions or concerns, please feel free to let us know!
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sgnactivities · 4 years
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                                 SEONGNAM OLYMPICS !
the new semester is officially back in full swing! in order to welcome students back with a bang and to maximize school spirit for the rest of the term, the seongnam program council has been working hard over the summer break to bring the first annual seongnam olympics, taking place for a full week from august 17th to august 21st. just like it’s more official namesake, the olympic games will consist of an open ceremony, a week full of both traditional and recreational sports, as well as a celebratory closing ceremony at the end.
the olympics will usually take place within the evenings starting around 5pm, when a good number of students are finished with their classes for the day. the opening ceremony is the first up, with the burning of the olympic torch ( in which torch runners have been seen around campus the prior week ) to start the games, as well as singing of the school song by the glee club. the student government will also give speeches to kick off the event and encourage friendly competition and school spirit, and following will be a pep rally along with a performance by the cheerleading team to hype up the rivalry between each of the four teams competing, separated by color --  fresh green, royal blue, radiant silver and electric white. once the rally is over, the games will officially begin! read below the cut to learn more about the event as well as the event’s point system!
in order to compete within the olympics, you must sign up for one of the four teams. once done, you may sign up to compete in one of the sports listed below -- you may sign up for as many or as little as you like, and each will have several heats to declare a winner. you may also sign up in smaller teams for those sports who require them, but naturally, you all must belong to the same one.
monday, 21 / 08
tuesday, 22 / 08
track, 100m race
track, 100m hurdles
wednesday, 23 / 08
table tennis
thursday, 24 / 08
tug of war
three legged race
friday, 25 / 08
varsity basketball
varsity soccer
varsity track
varsity volleyball
varsity swimming
the very last day will belong to the varsity teams, competing against each other in the form of practice games that will be open to the public. because of this, and to not create an unfair advantage for non-atheletes, those belonging to varsity teams are not allowed to compete in the sport they belong to during the week. ( i.e if you are a basketball member, you can’t compete in the basketball round on monday. ) members are free to compete in the others sports they do not belong to, however. each sport will take place within the proper athletic place for it ( track upon the track field, volleyball and dodgeball in the gymnasium, etc. ) and spectators within the bleachers are encouraged! support your teammates so that your team can bring home the gold and victory!
for those games that involves teamwork, like basketball or volleyball, you are welcome to create smaller teams of players to join the games -- but you all must be apart of the same overall team. a character with electric white couldn’t join a character in fresh green to compete together.
the varsity games will take place all day on friday, in order to make room for the closing ceremonies which will start at 6pm  -- in which the awards will be rewarded to the winners of each sport, the winning overall team will be crowned, and there will be a large outside party held within the quad until 11:30pm with a dj. not only that, but flyers have been seen around the campus advertising cinth’s after party at the cinth house with a toga theme in order to keep with the olympic motif. it promises to be a rager that won’t stop until the last person leaves the premises.
and while competition is all good and fun, how will the individual winners be created ooc wise? this is where we decided to bring in a points system specifically for this event! it’s very simple -- we have divided everyone on the masterlist into one of the four teams, and for each thing that is done below, you will gain +1 point for your muse and your overall team:
to explain it easier, if you have signed up for the dodgeball event, anything thread that revolves around that event would earn you a point. this includes a thread about actually competing in the sport, thread about getting hurt and having to see the nurse afterwards, practicing for the sport before hand, picking out what you will wear for the competition, etc. we’ve decided to do it this way because limiting writing to a round that probably lasts 5 minutes would
also, both characters writing the thread will gain the point, regardless of teams
you will earn an additional bonus point ( + 1 ) if you are threading with a character that you haven’t before
same rules as above apply, though your muse will be the only gaining the point even if other muses are mentioned
moodboard that has something to do with the event
outfit posts: what will your character be wearing for their event? the only thing that is required is to wear your team’s color, but everything else is up to you!
any other kind of visuals or edits as well
have a theme song that your character uses to pump them up? inspirational songs? songs they’re most likely to listen to for their event or that describes their thoughts / mood? create a playlist
twitter, instagram, snapchat etc. posts that are related to your muse’s event will gain you a point
and now, for things that will gain a point for your team only, not for the muse individually:
in order to create conversation! this must be done like your muse is commenting on the post ic wise.
and i think that’s about it! make sure to tally your points, because we will ask for you to send in your tally at the end of the event to the activities blog, and we will be keeping track on own to make sure things are being done fairly. the official tag that should be used is sgn:olympicgames, and for point threads that involve an event should be tagged correctly as well:
etc... i think you all get the point! this is just to help the admins to know what your thread pertains to.
the event will last from friday, august 14th to friday, september 4th. we will ask for point submits to be sent on september 4th and will announce the winners that weekend, if not the next day on saturday, september 5th. if there are any questions or concerns, please feel free to ask us! we hope that this isn’t too complicated, and that you all have fun!
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seongnamkrp · 4 years
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                        SEONGNAM SPRING FESTIVAL !
with the last remnants of winter withering away underneath the rising temperature and blooming of vibrant flowers, it serves as a reminder that spring has finally arrived and with that, festival season is officially underway across all the colleges within the country, especially in may. seongnam is no different, and the annual spring festival is an event that has become a staple within the university culture, bringing locals and alumni alike to come and marvel at what the school has to offer. the festival is free to anyone with a valid student or faculty id, and will be held from friday, may 1st to sunday, may 3rd. the student activities board has been working tirelessly to provide many activities for this years festival, so check under the cut for a list of them all as well as ooc information!
there will be several booths will be all around the campus, each one hosted by a different club, sport, or social club in order to promote their organization as well as raise money. some of the more popular booths includes ( but is not limited to ):
the cooking club’s booth where they sell sweet treats made by the students for a cheap price.
the kissing booth hosted jointly by the social club organization, where volunteers from every social club work in shifts. a kiss on the cheek is 10,000 won, while a kiss on the lips is 20,000. it’s said that if you give 100,000 won, you can get a fast pass that places you first in line for the member of your choice.
the photography club holding a showing of the pieces of their choice, even going on to sell them if they so choose.
an assortment of carnival games will be set up within the surrounding area as well, with classic games such as ring toss, balloons and darts, dunk tank, and many more with prizes galore! instead of using your own money to play, each game will cost a number of “tiger tokens”, of which and abundance can be bought starting at 1,000 won. they say the games are rigged in order for you to buy more tokens, are you willing to find out if it’s true?
a ferris wheel has also been installed as well, placed in a spot that gives you a scenic view of the entire campus and surrounding area from every angle of the ride. the ride is only a five minutes long whirl, but it’s more than enough time to make some pleasant memories.
need to relax and unwind? seongnam has got you covered -- the cherry blossoms that decorate the outskirts of the quad bloomed in april and are as vibrant as ever, and the campus is inviting one and all to view the falling petals and recline underneath the shade. blankets and chairs can be rented, and it’s highly encouraged to have a nice picnic underneath the view!
in collaboration with seongnam’s animal rescue group and animal shelter, the spring festival also provides a petting zoo filled with adorable animals that everyone is able to show a little love to. they will only be available in the mornings and afternoons, leaving at night, so make sure to see them while you can!
one of the more new and exciting events takes place at the old technology building -- what was used during last year’s spring festival as a laser tag area, this year it has been converted to a space for a name tag elimination game, as inspired by the popular show running man.
games run either an hour-long, or end whenever there is one person / one team remaining. the premise of the game is to rip off your enemy team’s name tags from their backs.
you will need to sign up for a specific time with a team of six ( or sign up alone and be paired up with another group ), and three teams of six will enter the building to compete against each other. you are free to sign up and enjoy the rest of the festival while you wait for your turn, and text reminders can be sent if provided with your cell phone number.
you will need to show up with your team 15 minutes before your selected time to verify information, and also to write your name on your nametag with a marker.
once in the building during your game, you are given two minutes before the game starts to do as you please -- hide, set up strategies, etc -- and no name tag ripping is allowed. once the game starts, all bets are off.
there are cameras set up in every room and hallway, all streaming to a locked control room where the game master team is located, to supervise the game as it goes on as well as announce eliminations. there are also “referees” within several areas of the building monitoring as well, so no foul play or roughhousing or you will be asked to leave.
and lastly, the most anticipated event is the live music and concerts. during the day, there will be clubs putting on performances to promote their organization, such as the glee club, the dance team, the drama club, along with other organizations and musicians taking the stage for nonstop entertainment, but it’s when the celebrities show up at 8pm every night that the entertainment area is crammed with all people within the surrounding area. tickets cost 4,000 won to get in ( 2,000 won with a student / faculty discount ) and the line up for each day is as follows:
friday, may 1st: beenzino, chungha
saturday, may 2nd: hong jinyoung, twice, psy
sunday, may 3rd: dpr live, hyukoh, iu
ooc wise, this event will start today and will run for three weeks, so you have until may 22nd to post about the event. as always, you are free to continue your threads after the deadline, but no new threads can be made. please tag all threads relating to the event as sgn:springfest and if there any questions or concern, please don’t hesitate to shoot us an ask. thank you all for reading this far, and have fun!
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seongnamkrp · 5 years
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it’s valentine’s day and love is in the air at seongnam! 
although the campus is on break mode for most ( and winter session mode for those unfortunate souls who sign up for the 4 week semester ), it’s quite obvious to see that a popular choice for students is to remain upon campus until the new school year starts up again in march. seeing this, the student government starts promoting the sale of lovestagram ( an upgrade on candygrams ) on the week of valentines, starting from february 10th and ending the night of february 14th. a booth is set up specifically within the student government office located within the student center, showing what they have to offer:
there are several different lovestagrams to send -- either one with a simple box of assorted chocolates or candies, another with a bouquet of fresh roses, one with a teddy bear holding a heart, and one with heart shaped balloons attached to it. each comes with a note so that the sender can write a special message for their special someone. feel free to mix and match! the lovestagrams will be delivered throughout the day on february 14th, valentine’s day, and will be delivered to the person’s doorstep of their housing. and while this day is usually reserved for women giving gifts to men, the office is promoting that these gifts are free to give for all on today.
and while the lovestagrams are a sweet treat indeed, many keeping their eyes wide open to see who receives what from who, the main event that’s the talk of the campus -- or even the talk of the town, in all honesty -- isn’t taking place on campus.
club insomnia’s holiday bashes are well known to the point that some would even say that they’re iconic -- it’s certain that you’ll always make memories to last a lifetime ( and some mistakes that you would want to forget ) at least at one of their parties; even with the line outside almost wrapping around the building, some say it’s worth the wait. they’ve decided to host a party this year on valentine’s night with the theme of sins and virtues -- in order to get into the venue, you must dress up ( yes, it’s a costume party ) based on one of the 7 deadly sins or 7 heavenly virtues. every wall and room within the club will be decorated with heaven and hell to match the theme, and along with hosting a costume contest, photo wall and photobooth for the instagram generation, a room filled with foam bubbles ( please dress appropriately ) and having the hottest djs to set the mood, it’s certainly setting the stage for a night to remember. doors will open at 9pm and the doors will close around 4am.
a little sugar to start the day off while ending it with a little spice, what more could you ask for?
ooc wise, this event will last 3 weeks as well -- starting on today, february 14th and ending on march 6th, just in time for the new semester! 
if you would like to send a lovestagram to a muse:
please send us a submission with the title ‘lovestagram’ that has the muse’s name that you are sending it to as well as their url, the items you are gifting them, and the ic note that your muse would write to them. also if you wish for yours to be anonymous, please either state that or submit it on anon as well! don’t worry about formatting, we’ll handle that and will be sending them out as they come in throughout the event.
as for the sins and virtues party, it is encouraged ( but not mandatory, obviously! ) to make edits / moodboards / whatever you like related to the costume that your muse will be dressing up as! especially if your muse is going to be participating in the costume contest. we haven’t made up our minds if we’ll have an actual ooc poll to vote for that as well, but we’ll see! also please note that your character has to be 19 years or older in order to get into the club!
tag all related threads to the event as sgn:valentines and as always, feel free to continue your threads after the march 6th date! new ones can not be made once that date has passed. if you have any questions, please shoot us an ask or an im and we’ll help out as best as we can! have fun everyone, and a happy valentine’s day to you all ~ ♡
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seongnamkrp · 5 years
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the halls of seongnam seem to grow a little more quieter as the holiday of seollal, the korean new year, slowly rolls closer. as is with a national holiday, many students and faculty members make plans to leave the campus to spend time with their families for the three days occupying the holiday, as this would be their last opportunity for some relaxation before the end of the school year come the next week -- which brings final examinations along with graduations. but as is with a residential university, there are many students who decide to remain. so as to liven up the listless atmosphere, the university has decided to host some seollal celebrations from january 24th through january 26th.
the lim village streetscape will be transformed into a festival market square filled with celebratory booths related to the occasion. there will be traditional games such as yutnori, neolttwigi, tuho, chajeon nori, and many more! other games and activities such as tug of war, ssireum, recreational soccer, knife throwing and kite flying will be held through out the three days as well. along with that, the college will host one “old” and one “modern” film within the theater located in the student center each day. viewer discretion is advised, as some movies might contain heavy content!
on january 24th, the food court will be decorated for the occasion and will be hosting a  dinner catered by one of the finest eateries in the nation. the menu will mainly consist of traditional new years food, but there will a selection of non-traditional food as well. dressing your best for the occasion isn’t required, but highly encouraged!
on the night of january 25th, all are invited to write their wishes for the new year to attach to the daljip, a huge bonfire made of straws and twigs with a door to the east for the moon to enter when it rises. once the full moon rises, the daljip will be lit on fire to ward away evil spirits and bring good luck for the coming year. this will be held on a more secluded area of campus for safety reasons.
and lastly, on the night of january 26th, there will be a sky lantern festival located on the quad. people are free to decorate their lanterns with wishes and art, and they will be released into the air around the same time to create a spectacular scene to remember.
ooc wise, this event will run for the next three weeks, starting on january 24th and ending on feburary 14th. you are free to continue your threads once the event has ended, but no new related posts should be made after 2/14. all posts related to the event should be tagged as sgn:seollalfest for easy tracking. have fun, and if there are any questions, do not hesitate to ask!
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sgnactivities · 4 years
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                             DAHLIA MASQUERADE BALL !
those who desire to get away from the monotony that life on campus brings should be delighted by the news that spreads across the school grounds like wildfire, confirmed by the flyers and posters advertising the event for all to see. organized by the dahlia social club, they have decided that this semester’s big philanthropic event will be a masquerade ball that is open for all to attend and enjoy. the event will be taking place on saturday, september 26th in one of the most glamorous ballrooms within sowon, at the silver millennium hotel. a ticket purchase is required to enter, and all proceeds of the night will be given to a-pad korea, a disaster relief group that is assisting those who have been negatively affected by the recent floods nationwide.
the theme of the night is “celestial bodies: a night of fantasy” insinuating an evening of magical decadence, and formal wear along with masks are required to enter the premises. the evening will start with a pre-dinner party ( additional ticket purchase required ) starting at 6pm within the silver millennium’s dining room, with a 4 course meal catered by the finest chef’s korea has to offer. the actual event begins at 8pm, where the ballroom will be decorated from head to toe and a grand illusion of sun and moon imagery, along with other out of this world adornments. while there will be several djs to keep the party going through out the night, there will also be live performances from different dance troupes, a circus troupe will be providing gorgeous various aerial dances, along with magicians and fortune tellers to keep the fantasy theme alive through out the night, making sure that this will be a night to remember. there will be an open bar available as well as finger food, and the doors to the hall will close at 1am.
ooc wise, this event will last from today, september 11th until october 2nd, a total of three weeks. as always, you are free to continue your threads after the end date, but no new threads are allowed to be made. please make sure to tag all threads and other related things as sgn:masquerade, and we encourage edits of what your muse will be wearing to the ball! if there are any questions, please feel free to ask -- and have fun!
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