sgnhyunjae · 4 years
boy who cried wolf;
       with @sgnjiyul
meeting jiyul had been a rollercoaster of emotions. hyunjae was made aware of jiyul’s existence when the other fell asleep on his shoulder while they were on the bus. he didn’t mind at first, he understood how days could stretch into nights, how sometimes it’s impossible to catch up on sleep in your own room—how the only opportunity to rest your eyes is while waiting for your next destination to arrive. it was why hyunjae didn’t push jiyul off of him, until the older woke up on his own.
after a series of apologies that hyunjae insists jiyul doesn’t need to express, it became apparent that the other isn’t going to back down from making it up to him—which jiyul said in a strangely malicious tone, and hyunjae wondered if there was supposed to be another meaning to that. jiyul started quite literally hunting him down all throughout campus, with many speculating the older was out for hyunjae’s life—they seem grateful about that—only for jiyul to tell him that he meant to treat hyunjae to lunch.
hyunjae ended up tricking jiyul to sit in the cooking club and eat his food instead, and that gradually became routine. it’s not out of the ordinary for hyunjae to send the older a vague and ominous text, for jiyul to run over and try his cooking.
there’s nothing wrong with that, right?
nevertheless, it’s one of those days where hyunjae is simply having a mood, plopping his switch’s controller to the ground as the win screen appeared yet again. he huffs, this is an emergency.
(  ✉  )     outgoing   →   jiyul  !
sent: hurry up over here sent: i can’t do this alone anymore
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sgnhyuk · 4 years
     for real, today is just a normal day for him. 
     he’s heading to the art building after lunch, having grabbed a sandwich from a nearby cafe and brought it back to his studio, wanting to work more on his designs. after fucking up, hyuk had needed to really crack down and discipline himself both with not partying or drinking anymore as well as making sure he was always on top of his deadlines. 
     there was a design he had been working on for a class he was retaking, something that had been stuck in his brain since his first class had started that morning and he was itching to finally have time to sketch it out and maybe start working on it. he was glad he was also in graphic design, considering that had made it infinitely easier to create his logo for neon star.  
     either way, today is just a normal day until he sees someone’s deliveries (?) being brought in from the front of the building and he’s about to just slip past the workers when he sees a face peek out from behind a box, probably to check to make sure they weren’t going to trip over anything, and it stops him in his steps. 
     okay, scratch that. today is not just a normal day. 
     apparently today is the day the universe decided to have him reconnect with his old roommate ( @sgnjiyul ) from yesteryear that he had accidentally lost contact with after changing his phone number and consequently making a new kakaotalk. 
     “jiyul ...-ssi?” he adds the honourific belatedly, unsure if he could default to banmal even though they were the same age. and. friends (?) “did you ... become a delivery person?”
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sgnhyuk · 4 years
clumsy hearts
     after the shock of having @sgnjiyul dragged over and introduced to him—by seungjun of all people—has worn off, hyuk finds himself itching to find his friend (?) again. he’s still not sure what to consider them, since they’re not really friends even if they’ve started eating lunch together again whenever their schedules allow them to. it’s ended up being about twice a week and sometimes three times if his morning class lets out early on fridays, and he won’t deny that he really enjoys these times. 
     he had been required to mingle and it had drained him enough that he wanted to find someone familiar to talk, and since most of his other friends seemed to be fully preoccupied with networking or trying to find people with the added obstacle of masks, he deems it safe to seek out jiyul for some refuge. 
     walking around after claiming a champage flute for himself—to prevent other people from offering him a drink, not to actually drink—hyuk wonders idly where jiyul would be. the other male wouldn’t have left right? he has half a mind to text his friend (he’s decided they’re friends again) before he gets a very distinct ~jiyul vibe~ by the wall and he glances over to see that it, indeed, is jiyul. standing by the wall. 
     during a ball. 
     it’s a shame that he knows the other student probably doesn’t want to dance or anything, but at the same time? it didn’t hurt to ask. sidling up to him, hyuk clears his throat with a smile playing on his lips once their eyes meet. he hopes that he still looks as good as he had when he had left his dorm earlier that night, and he runs a hand through his scarlet hair to ruffle it slightly, so that even if it was a bit messy it hopefully looked like it had been done on purpose. or something. 
     “fancy a dance with me?” he asks, entirely forgoing the teasing pickup line that had briefly crossed his mind as he made his way over. “or maybe not—i can feel how much you don’t want to be here from across the room, you know,” he teases, an easy grin on his lips.
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