sgnyideun · 4 years
he’s not superstitious by any means. seriously. one-hundred percent would be down to walk into a haunted house and leave himself bare and exposed to the forces of nature. being haunted? sounds sexy. yideun wouldn’t mind too much. natural selection, survival of the fittest, yadda yadda yadda, maybe he’d be flattered.
there’s a lot to unpack here. a lot he doesn’t want to unpack. who the fuck just goes around calling ghosts sexy? oh, well, maybe there is one person—
“hey, dumbass,” yideun grits out, kicking at a clod of dirt on the path in front of them. a clod of dirt that turns out to be a fucking rock because it’s dark as shit and they’re hiking for some reason (hiking, which is great. but at night? probably one of their—or maybe just @sgnjoowon‘s—worse ideas). had the fates spun their needle and thread in his favor, yideun wouldn’t be here, period. but he is, and he wants to make the most of it (allegedly), but this—this? “are we lost?”
he’s not superstitious by any means.
but something about wandering around an eerie, unfamiliar nature trail at ass o’clock when it’s probably prime time for demons and ghosts and whatever else goes bump and eats your soul in the night? well, yideun’s only human (allegedly) and he isn’t sure if this is the kind of stroll through the woods he’s particularly keen on.
that, and while (only when joowon isn’t listening) (and literally no one else is in the vicinity) (so he’s literally just talking to himself) (and sometimes he doesn’t really say it out loud either, so he supposes he’s just kind of thinking it) joowon’s undoubtedly his best friend, something about their years of friendship have led yideun to believe that were they to stumble into a life-or-death situation a la blair witch project, neither of them would be particularly useful. (and maybe on a worse day, yideun might volunteer joowon as tribute.) (just joking.) (maybe.) 
a twig snaps. probably a wolf. or the start of a really kitschy c-grade horror movie. 
“jesus christ, are we even on the fucking trail anymore?” he mutters, mostly to himself, squinting (with much futility) to try to get a clear look at the path. “isn’t this, like, the ideal setting for slenderman to just come out and eat us alive.” 
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