#shade is my fav in terms of cuteness but also i love the implicit hcs i've built of mercedes in my mind.....
nekooru · 1 year
Could I request some headcanons of how each of the heroes of maple would cheer you up when you’re sad?
Am I doing this right?
₊ ☾⋆ maplestory heroes hcs pt. 1 ⋆⁺₊⋆
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freud. mercedes. aran. phantom. lumi. evan. shade. x reader
synopsis: the heroes of maple discover you're upset and comfort you to the best of their individual ability.
tags: slight drabble headcanons, individual pairings, fluff, comfort, maplestory, heroes of maple
wc: 1243
a/n: hi new friend!!! ty for the request, u did absolutely perfect <3 hope u enjoy ! 🥰
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Freud hums behind you, and lowers his chin to rest on your shoulder. You glance at him as he stares, blue eyes half-lidded, at you.
"Oh, come now. What's wrong? I can tell something is weighing on you."
You smile and sigh. Nothing ever gets past him, and you're not quite sure why, although you suspect something magical. Freud could be sly like that, but perhaps he just paid more attention to the smaller details than you thought.
After you explain, he nods and looks you up and down. With a brief word of comfort, Freud will gather you in his arms and take you to bed. He knows exactly what makes you feel better, which is his worship and undivided attention as you nestle into him arms— which, in your opinion, is the safest place in the world.
In the coming days, Freud will neglect his studies to pay special attention to you until he's absolutely sure that you're in better spirits.
Mercedes is thoughtful, but insecure of herself; she's hyperaware of your emotions, and sometimes convinces herself that you're upset because she did something wrong, when you're really lost in thought or something.
You're patient with her, and are sure to mention feeling down as soon as it comes to mind. You know how she struggles with overthinking when you allow yourself to fester in your sadness alone.
Mercedes will spoil you senseless, (moreso than her usual love language of service,) and demand for you to remain in your comfort zone, wherever that may be. She'll arrange her luscious pillows into your preferred angle to rest on, and run a warm bath full of floral essences and fresh, powdery pink blossoms. She'll try her best to prepare your comfort food, braid your hair, and rub dew-crafted toner into every inch of your skin.
At the end of the day, your limbs lie intertwined with hers under the covers, and you whisper sweet nothings into each other's ears.
Although "emotionally intelligent" wouldn't be the first words anyone would use to describe Aran, she isn't oblivious by any means. A change in voice tone or energy levels will prompt her to ask if you're upset, and sometimes she hits the mark, but not every time.
When you're sad, Aran comes behind you and wraps her arms around your waist, laying hungry kisses down your neck and along your shoulder. You giggle, and for a few moments, she squeezes so tightly that you can barely breathe.
After that, she asks if you'd like to take a walk outside. It's good for you, mentally and physically, she says. You oblige, talking back and forth until your mind is solely on her instead of whatever was bothering you.
Her hand always finds a way to intertwine with yours. You smile; you know you're never alone as long as she's near.
Phantom is perceptive even to the most subtle changes in expression from your norm— it's nigh impossible to hide your feelings from him.
When he realizes you're feeling down, he turns the charm dial up to max and begins to envelop you in the prettiest words and promises, all the while running his hands over your form or engaging in a playfully romantic dance.
"My love, let us sail through the stars in whichever direction you fancy, as I beg on my knees to feel the skin on your knuckles at my lips. The Master Thief, Phantom, is at your beck and call; tell me of the most expensive jewel you desire— or the prettiest, of course— and it will be yours before the moon glows radiant at the top of the world tonight."
You think he's rather ridiculous, but his boyish grin and melodramatic tendencies never fail to put a smile on your face before you realize it.
At some point, Phantom would have opted for a more cool and distant playboy approach, but he's now forever aware of how time can elude him. He would rather cherish these moments and never regret missing an opportunity to make you happy, for humans are fragile and everything could change in a second.
As a practically born researcher, Luminous has spent his entire life studying an array of physical and metaphysical components, mostly of magical origin. Out of every ounce of knowledge filed away in his mind, he's proud to say that his fondest subject is you.
His eyes narrow as he observes the quiver in your lip. The heightened speed at which you flip the page of your book, and the way your irises, frequently and slowly, wander until you pull your attention back.
It's always clear to him— he knows you far better than he knows himself, at this point.
He carefully sits next you, slowly, as if he were afraid you would be spooked and subsequently hide away. Without a word, his hands find themselves at the small of your back and gently tangled in your hair. He waits for you to lean into him. And you do.
Luminous is a quiet individual, but you sense the significance of care in his tender, calculated, and somewhat maternal touches. He places light kisses at the corners of your eyes, and pets your hair lovingly. His heart paces faster as you melt further into the embrace.
Evan usually doesn't realize when you're upset unless your expression is visibly distraught, or you explain in words. His denseness occasionally frustrates you, but for the most part, his carefree attitude and optimism is something you appreciate as encouragement to persevere.
When he realizes you're upset, panic quickly sets in. He'll wrap his arms around you tightly, bury his nose in your neck and apologize, before exclaiming, I'll be right back!
He scurries off to convene with Mir briefly and brainstorm ways to cheer you up.
"Mir, what do I do? I can't bear seeing them so sad! How do we cheer them up?"
"Hmm. I could set you on fire! I think that'll make them laugh," Mir replies, pulling back his snout into a mischievous smile.
Evan pouts and puts a thumb to his chin. "No, their sense of humor isn't as cruel as yours."
When he realizes he's left you alone for a bit too long, he sprints back, trembling, and hugs you again. Evan clutches you tightly, and Mir carefully rubs his side against your back. Evan doesn't know exactly what to do to cheer you up, but he'll try his best to comfort and serve you for the time being, and encourages you to let him know if something specific will improve your mood.
Shade will ease you into talking about anything that's bothering you, oftentimes before you even realize you're bothered. He seems to be particularly skillful at rousing the feelings of others with a simple conversation, his intent listening, and careful responses that incite a deeper thinking.
He coos and clicks his tongue when you begin talking about your worries, and moves behind you. His hands brush against your shoulder, and glide onto your back, where his thumbs push circular motions against your taut muscles. He lays soft kisses against the back of your head while massaging you.
He'll ask if he can fetch anything for you, like a special blend of tea or a hot towel for your neck. Whatever your answer is, he'll kneel before you, take your hand in his, and stroke your knuckles with his thumb while he looks at you with doe eyes for a few moments.
"I was so lost before you came along," he says with a faint smile, "In far more ways than one. It brings me joy to be a beacon for you sometimes."
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