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I normally do not make gifs from sad scenes (and once again it only was a working gif in the preview!!)
When I saw the little promo of 318 I was like ‚do not give me the ‚he just does it for love‘-shit! I could not even bear to watch the promo till the end, but then after refusing to watch the full ep foudn myself putting all my other duties aside after to get through with it. I was kinda hoping they would screw it up and make it illogical and ridiculous so I would not have to be sad. But as much as I hated the whole situation – and have both Alec and Magnus acted well!! - the thought of Magnus being left alone by the first partner he has trusted after closing himself off for so many years still just makes me wanna scream. It is so unbearable. >/p>
And as much as I hate to admit it, I get it. I get why Alec did it - hell yeah, I do. The entire ep was built on showing him what ppl would do for their loved ones and always having been a protector of his family and friends it was only logical for him to not go the way Jace would. Being selfish. But in this one particular moment it might have been the best thing to do. And then sit down with his friends and consider second options. And the part that really bugs me apart from all the other horrible aspects is that Izzy did not try and keep him from giving in to Asmodeus – ASMODEUS AFTER ALL!! – more. She brought up almost all the important arguments against the deal with him and after that was of course most concerned about her brother‘s feelings, but why did not one consider that a fully re-powered demon of Magnus‘ class might turn into a ticking time bomb and WHY THE HELL DID NO ONE ASSUME FOR A EVEN A TINY SECOND THAT ASMODEUS MIGHT HAVE ULTERIOR MOTIVES?! I get that when you are all caught up in your love life drama, you might overlook things, but then ppl around you need to help you. And Izzy is a clever girl and I am kinda pissed that the writers did not let her react in a different way. And all in all I do not want Malec drama. I want sweet and domestic and happy Malec with fucking sprinkles and rainbow dust covering them.
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