immortalhusbandsxox · 5 years
So we got the best-friends in Edom bonding with Clary and Simon.
There was the mutual respect formed and the not-as-much-of-a-dick-as-I-originally-thought trope with Alec and Lorenzo.
AND THEN WE GOT FUCKING JACE AND MELIORN: THE COMEDIC DUO WE NEVER KNEW WE NEEDED give me more of the exasperated and low-key gay partners pls
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paper-mashe · 7 years
Ok, can we just talk about how much my heart broke for Alec when he lots Jace for a like half a second! Like hold the fuck up guys! You cannot just do that to me. Even if I have read the books a bazillion kajillian times and was well aware of what was going to happen, I was definitely not prepared for my cold stone careless heart to suddenly FEEL EVERYTHING and send me into a quivering mess of ugly tears over my ramen noodles. THAT’S NOT COOL! Everything maybe semi- alright in shadowhunter land now, but I’m still here questioning whether I’m going to be able to leave the house again for the next week! JACE! NEVER DIE EVER AGAIN!
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immortalhusbandsxox · 5 years
lol but can we appreciate Luke for a minute here
he woke up in a strange room, naked nonetheless, and the only thing he’s mad about is that this son of a bitch praetor shaved my god damn beard??
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