#shake that ass Alycia!
heda-in-the-clouds · 1 year
Alycia's first public TikTok with Laura
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lexa-griffins · 9 months
Because of your tags, I'm now zooming in on Alycia's booty shake... respectfully of course
There is just a small little hint of a booty shake that hhhhmmm 😳😳😳😳😳 of course, respectfully, nothing but respect in my whorish whorish stare 😳😳😳😳
Which bring us to the question.... /can/ Alycia shake her ass? And if so, where is the evidence 👀 Alycia, we need it..... for science!!
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lexavillanelle · 4 years
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helloalycia · 6 years
good news [three] // alycia debnam-carey
summary: Alycia had returned home now, and you are adamant on watching her character 'Lexa' in The 100.
warning/s: none.
one | two | masterlist
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Alycia settled into our flat pretty easily and without a hitch. It felt great having her back where I could just hang out with her without it having to be through a phone screen.
It wasn't long before The 100 season 2 aired on TV and I forced Alycia to sit with me every time an episode was relaxed. Especially the episode where her character debuted. Alycia revealed nothing about this season nor how her character was, so I was genuinely in for a surprise. I knew the basics from when she told me she got the part, but that was about it.
"Alycia!" I yelled, shaking her knee. "That's you!"
Alycia chuckled as she looked up from her book to the TV. Her character 'Lexa' was being debuted and I couldn't contain my excitement from seeing my best friend on TV. Alycia felt awkward watching herself, hence the book she was reading as I watched.
"Wait, I thought you were some badass Commander?" I asked her, not tearing my eyes from the screen. Her character was being presented as some poor peasant girl. "Did they change your character?"
"Be quiet and watch and you might understand," she teased, making me roll my eyes.
I continued to watch, screaming with excitement whenever her character would come back on the telly. Eventually, the end of the episode was near and Lexa's life was being threatened by another character, Jaha.
"No, Aly, you can't die! You were filming for ages!" I complained, on the edge of my seat.
"Just keep watching, Y/N...," she mumbled, too engrossed in her book to care.
Suddenly, Lexa flipped Jaha onto his back and I screeched with excitement. As she walked back, she said something in a different language before putting some sort of armour on with the help of the guards.
"OH MY GOD, YOU'RE THE COMMANDER!" I screamed, jumping off the couch.
Alycia laughed at my reaction, pulling me back onto the couch. "You already knew I was, you idiot!"
A grin was on my lips as I looked to Alycia. "That. Was. Iconic."
She continued to laugh at my reaction as I shook my head with disbelief.
It was a regular occurrence for me to fangirl over Lexa's character whenever she came on TV. Alycia found it amusing, meanwhile I was thirsting over a fictional character and a very real best friend.
There was one time when we reached a few more episodes in from her debut and I was heavily invested in the show. Alycia was beside me reading a book again (her usual action whenever we watched it) as I watched with anticipation.
I was up to the part where Lexa and the main character, Clarke, were burning Finn's body when Lexa was talking about losing her loved one, Costia.
"OH MY GOD, YOU'RE A LESBIAN!" I screamed, pointing to the screen.
Alycia laughed from her corner of the couch and I looked to her seriously.
"Obviously your character, not you," I clarified, "but still."
Alycia nodded, a playful smile tugging at her lips. "Thanks for reminding me." I felt my cheeks grow warm with embarrassment as she continued. "This was what I was talking about when I said there was something about my character you'd like."
Alycia knew I was gay and she also knew about my endless rants about the lack of LGBTQ+ characters in the industry. She knew how important this was to me.
I grinned. "She's a big fat lesbian Commander. Who would have thought?"
Alycia laughed all over again.
I sighed with exaggeration and sprawled myself over Alycia's lap, forcing her to close her book.
"This is amazing, I love her even more now," I said dramatically. "I'm falling in love."
She chuckled and looked down to me with her gorgeous green eyes. "Not too much, I hope," she joked. "That's me, idiot."
Oh, if only she knew.
I played along. "I already love you, Alycia, what do you mean?"
She rolled her eyes playfully as I laughed. I'd be lying if I said I didn't notice the faint pink blush warming up her cheeks.
The 100 night was practically a tradition for us now, even when certain things interrupted it for us. For instance, when I happen to have an out-of-the-blue date.
"So she's from your class? And she just asked you on a date?" Alycia asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yes," I confirmed for the tenth time as I pulled a bunch of clothes out of my wardrobe. "Is it so hard to believe, Aly?"
She smiled with embarrassment. "No, of course not, that's not what I meant–"
"I'm kidding," I cut her off from a probable never-ending ramble. "Now can you help me find an outfit, please? Or I will be tempted to go in my pyjamas."
She nodded and helped me dress up appropriately for my date. I wasn't even sure I like liked this girl, but she'd asked me out and I have a hard time saying no. Besides, what could possibly go wrong from me saying no? I might end up liking it.
"Remember, record The 100 and we're gonna watch it together when I get back," I told Alycia as I opened the front door.
She bit her lip. "What if you come back late?"
I gave her a knowing look. "Let's be honest, Aly. I'm probably gonna come back before the date is even finished."
An adorable smile fell upon her lips as she nodded. "Okay... have fun, Y/N. Call me if you need anything."
I winked. "You got it, Commander."
She rolled her eyes and practically shoved me out the door. "You really need to stop calling me that."
I laughed and waved goodbye as she shut the door. I realised as I was making my outside that I wasn't up to actually going out on a date with someone – I'd rather be sat on the couch watching TV with Alycia.
"She doesn't like you like that," I told myself quietly. I needed to get over my crush on Alycia and try to put myself out there. Maybe this date with Jasmine wouldn't be so bad...
I ended up completing my date with Jasmine. The two of us had a great time, but we agreed that there wasn't really anything between us but friendship. We discovered that pretty early, which meant the rest of our date was more of a hangout, but it was still fun.
I was glad to be returning home to Alycia to watch The 100. As I opened the front door, I saw her chilling on the couch with a blanket covering her. When she saw me, her expression lit up.
"Hey!" she greeted as I approached her. "How was the date?"
I flopped onto the couch beside her and got comfortable under the blanket.
"Good," I nodded, "but we agreed to just be friends. There wasn't really much there but friendship."
I wondered if I had imagined Alycia's shoulders relaxing when I revealed this.
"Sorry," she said, offering a small smile.
I shrugged. "It's okay, I'm not bothered. I do want to watch The 100 though, so if you don't mind..."
She chuckled and put it on for me before grabbing her book again. I sat comfortably as I watched the episode. Halfway in however, there was a part where Lexa and Clarke were having some sort of argument in Lexa's tent. Next thing I knew, Lexa had kissed Clarke.
"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god," I repeated, eyes glued to the screen. Never in a million years would I have imagined Alycia (who I was 99.9% sure was straight) kissing another girl, acting or not.
"Oh, Y/N," Alycia chastised playfully, shaking her head.
"This is something I can ship," I spoke my thoughts aloud, before dropping my jaw when Clarke pushed Lexa away. After telling Lexa she wasn't ready, she left the tent making me point at the screen with disbelief. "Seriously? This hot piece of ass kissed you and you leave?!"
"Y/N!" Alycia laughed, hitting me on the leg.
"What? I know I'm your friend, but that doesn't mean I can't admit that you're a hot piece of ass, Alycia."
She rolled her eyes, but stayed silent with embarrassment.
Feeling like I'd given too much of my crush on her away in such a short amount of time, I tried to push the topic away from me.
"How was it kissing Eliza Taylor? She's so hot so it must have been awesome."
Alycia's cheeks heated up as she chuckled awkwardly.
"Never mind, Leashy, sorry," I apologised with a laugh.
"Eliza is a good friend of mine, so it was a little weird," she admitted, avoiding my eyes as a flustered smile stayed present on her lips. "It worked though, so yeah."
I grinned at how cute she was. Yeah, maybe I never had a chance with her, but that didn't mean I couldn't imagine kissing her for myself. Was that weird? Probably. But I liked her so much and something told me this crush would be hard to kick away.
I tried, I honestly did. And I was sure I was concealing my feelings well enough to be considered nothing more than 'friends'.
There was a time when Alycia, Laura and I went for a day out, shopping and just hanging out. It was fun and I kept my feelings in check. I was sure I was getting over her, to an extent.
This time out was the first time Alycia was actually stopped in the streets for the recognition of her character, Lexa. It was adorable, meeting a fan that admired Alycia and her portrayal of such an important character. I knew that if Alycia hadn't moved in with me when she did, I'd probably be a fan, too. Heck, I was now, friend or not. She was that good.
After shopping for many, many hours, the three of us decided to stop off at the beach for an hour or so. Not to swim and play in, of course, but just to sit on the sand and chat.
As we parked our car and headed into the sand, I looked to Alycia.
"You're from Australia, right?" She gave me a knowing look. "I mean, you're from Australia, so, like, shouldn't you be tanned?"
Laura laughed from beside me whilst Alycia breathed out slowly and shoved me in the shoulder.
"What! It's a valid question!" I defended with a laugh.
"Her favourite question," Laura said with a humoured expression. "I asked her the exact same thing when we first met."
"So has everyone else I've ever spoken to," Alycia added sourly, making me laugh. "Can't a girl just be pale and not get questioned?"
I continued to laugh with Laura as Alycia pouted adorably. The three of us settled on the sand, sitting together and chatting about anything. We went through our purchases and Laura and I teased Alycia some more which was always fun. We were having a great time and the three of us took a selfie to which I posted on my Instagram. It didn't take long for my notifications to flood with The 100 and Lexa fans.
"Wow, you're very popular on here, Aly," I said with a chuckle, reading through some of the comments on my post. "A lot of thirst lesbians are heading your way because of this Lexa role you've got."
Laura laughed as Alycia took my phone to read some of the comments for herself. She smiled with amusement as she kept on scrolling. She handed me back my phone as she leaned back onto her elbows.
"Don't worry," I reassured her with a cheeky smile. "Only one thirsty lesbian has your heart."
Laura burst into laughter at my comment as the tip of Alycia's went red with embarrassment. Mere teasing, nothing more. Friends could do that!
I was sure I was getting over Alycia, despite the occasional bursts of feels I would get when she did something cute. That was just my gay self getting speechless because of a cute girl, not a crush. I was sure of it. Well, I was until...
"This is so good," Alycia said with her mouth half full of food.
We were at the diner I worked at, eating lunch. She'd been busy with some press and interviews this past week for The 100 whilst I had been busy with lectures and work. This was her first free moment all week and she was spending it with me on my lunch break, hanging out.
"I'll give the chef your compliments," I said with an amused smile.
We enjoyed the half an hour I had before it was unfortunately time for me to return to my shift. I would have much rather stayed there with Alycia.
"I'll see you back at home," I told her as we both stood up from our booth.
She smiled and leaned in to hug me. As she pulled away, she slowed down and kept her arms around my shoulders. I was going to question if she needed anything else, but was cut off when she leaned forward and pressed her lips against mine.
As soon as she kissed me, she pulled back, startled by her own actions, as was I. She kissed me.
"Uh... bye!" she blurted out before turning around and leaving.
I opened my mouth to call her back and say something, but nothing came out. I was too shocked to do anything because I couldn't grasp the fact that Alycia had actually kissed me!
"Hey," I heard my boss approach me. "I didn't know you and Alycia were a couple now. Congrats!"
Still dazed, I watched the spot where she was once stood. "We're not."
My boss merely laughed and patted me on the back before walking away. I was frozen for a second, before turning to clear our table. Still, I couldn't forget the feeling of Alycia's soft lips pressed against mine. It was quick, but it happened.
She kissed me.
Returning home after my shift had me feeling extremely nervous. I was unsure what would happen between Alycia and I. Did she like me? As in more than friends? Would she tell me that?
The thoughts were chewing away at me as I unlocked my front door. When I clicked it shut and dropped my keys on the small table beside the door, I saw her sat on the couch watching TV. When she saw me, she perked up and stood up nervously.
"Uh, hey," I greeted first.
She nodded. "Erm, hi."
I waited for her to say something else, but she didn't. I scratched the back of my neck as I looked to the floor awkwardly.
"You kissed me," I said, looking up to meet her nervous, fluttering eyes.
She licked her lips. "Yeah... I did."
I swallowed the lump in my throat.
"I should have asked," she blurted out. I shot her a confused look to which she added, "To kiss you. I should have asked. I shouldn't have just kissed you."
My heart was racing. "You should have asked?"
She stepped forward, moving closer to me. "Can I kiss you?"
My mouth felt dry. "Y-you want to kiss me?"
She moved even closer, leaving a small gap between us. Her eyes flickered down to my lips and she hovered, awaiting my permission. I hadn't realised how desperate I was to kiss her, properly, until faced with the decision
She wasted no time closing the gap between us and my breath hitched in my throat as her lips moved against mine. I let my hands fall to her hips as she let hers get tangled in my hair. I tasted her lime-flavoured lip balm as my lips trapped her bottom lip between mine.
We had to break apart for air sooner than I liked, and when we did, I was trapped in her green-grey eyes. I didn't know what she was thinking.
"I tried not to like you like this," she suddenly spoke, her voice soft. "I didn't want to ruin our friendship. But I can't help it, Y/N. I really like you."
I widened my eyes, never believing I'd hear her say these words to me.
"I like you, too," I admitted, and felt a load off my chest as I did. "I have done for a long time now, Aly."
Her beautiful smile graced her lips as she looked down bashfully.
"Do you maybe wanna be my girlfriend?" I asked hopefully.
She looked back up and nodded. "I'd love to."
We both had the same idea and met in the middle, sharing a kiss to seal the deal. I was too excited though, and my smile broke the kiss. She mirrored my expression and that's when I realised just how lucky I truly was.
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veneataur · 6 years
Whumptober day 30
Prompt: Caregiver
Fandom: Salvation
Title: Waiting
They’ve toyed with calling Grace or Harris. Neither of them has much energy, being just a couple days post fever and still recovering from the flu and it’s clear that Darius is sick. He’s pale and coughing so hard he vomits. They haven’t seen him really eat anything in a day and Alycia knows she saw Darius stumble. They’re not sure if he’s managed to catch their flu or if he’s sick from something else. They also don’t know how long this has been going on. Their days of fever from the flu are a mystery with a tendency to blend together. Grace and Harris are an option, but they can’t agree on it because the three haven’t yet patched their fractured friendship and the relationship that was blossoming between Grace and Darius is all but shattered. Calling on them was problematic as well because Zoey is quite pregnant and the last thing they want to do is spread the flu to her. That was part of the reason Darius had quarantined the three of them to the Treehouse. Their only visitor had been a doctor when Darius was concerned about their high fevers that wouldn’t break and the continual vomiting.
They’d managed to avoid hospitalization though and were now recovering with a lingering cough and exhaustion. Getting off their respective couches to go check on Darius, who’d very reluctantly gone to nap in his own bed for the first time in days, was challenging.
“One of us needs to check on him, Liam,” Alycia says.
“TESS?” Liam looks up at the ceiling.
“Darius is still sleeping though his breathing and temperature are elevated,” TESS answers.
“We need to actually get up, Liam,” Alycia says, irritation clear.
“I don’t see you making a move.”
“I had a higher fever.”
“Mine lasted longer,” Liam says.
“Yours didn’t start until I got sick and already had a fever because I was working to make up for you getting sick.”
“I had it the day Darius confined me here. That’s why he did.”
“It was nothing then because you didn’t feel hot to me.”
“Wha’ is… goin’ on,… you two?” Darius’ voice is raspy as he leans against the doorway of his bedroom looking on the two, his arms clutched tightly around him as though he can stay warm this way. He can’t hide his coughs anymore, hunched over as he tries to compensate for the soreness of his ribs.
“We’re fine,” Alycia says. “It’s you who’s not.”
“Me?” Darius coughs harshly, the dry cough developing a slight but clear wheeze. “I’m fine.”
“Do you hear yourself, Darius,” Liam asks. He swings his feet off the couch but finds himself getting lightheaded at the sudden change in position. Darius is right there to help steady him. “I’m fine,” Liam mutters.
“Yeah, right.”
“Do you really not hear yourself?”
“It’s just a cough. With everything… I’ve been through,… the cough is expected.” Darius had been through a lot in the last year and the harsh six months of pushing himself, dealing with the stress of presidency, and being tortured twice had left his immune system weak and he got colds quicker and easier, finding it difficult to shake them without more than his customary sleep.
“A cough? Do you realize that you haven’t kept much down over the last day you’re coughing so much? And I can feel the heat coming off of you.”
“It’s just a cold, you two.”
“We thought the pneumonia and ear infections were just colds, too,” Alycia says. “You need to let us take care of you.”
“You two are just getting over the flu yourselves. I don’t think you’re ready to look after me.”
“It’s us, the hospital, or Grace and Harris.”
“It’s just a little cold. I’ve been sleeping and that will help.”
“Darius, you need…” Liam begins.
“No, Liam. Darius is right,” Alycia says, giving Liam a stern look. “He’s doing what he needs to do. This is just a small cold. I’m sure he’ll be over it before we know it.”
“Alycia, you can’t be serious.”
“Of course she is. Now, is there anything the two of you need?”
“No, just go back to bed, Darius,” Liam says.
“I think we could both do with some juice and maybe a snack, Darius. Nothing involved. Toast or crackers will be fine,” Alycia says.
“Toast and juice it is then.” Darius is quick to disappear into the kitchen.
“What’re you thinking,” Liam hisses.
“Darius doesn’t give in easily. He won’t simply admit to this being more than just a cold until his body forces him. I learned that when I worked with him years ago. You haven’t?”
“No, I have. I’d just hoped we wouldn’t have to this time. How many times can he take getting so sick in a year?”
“He’ll be fine.” She’s not sure that she truly believes that, but she wants to. He has to be okay.
“Alright. I have juice here for the two of you and toast with just butter. If you can keep that down, we’ll move to less bland food.” Darius hands then each a plate with a slice of toast and sets their cups on the coffee table in between them. They thank him and watch as he coughs and walks back to his drafting table. He’s not spent a lot of time there the past ten days, but he has given those plans a lot of consideration.
They eat their toast, talking, and covertly watching Darius. Though the older man tries to focus on work, he’s interrupted by the illness he refuses to acknowledge and they can see that he’s getting worse. The coughing fits have only grown worse and they can hear him breathing when he’s not coughing.
“You okay, Darius,” Liam asks when Darius sits down with a heavy sigh and a muffled gasp.
“Yeah.” Darius’ voice is heavy. “Just… just going to get a drink.” Darius starts slowly walking to the kitchen.
“Why don’t you take a nap, Darius?”
“I’m fine, Liam.”
This routine continues for the rest of the afternoon with Darius forcing himself to keep going despite getting worse. Liam doubts their methods but Alycia reminds him that there’s no other way, though she begins to get concerned too when Darius trips walking over from the desk to check on them. He quickly shakes off their concerns and goes back to work. Dinner is chicken and rice soup which tastes better than anything they’ve eaten in the last week. Darius manages a few half spoonfuls before pushing the bowl aside with a careful swallow.
“Darius,” Alycia asks. Darius doesn’t answer as he keeps swallowing carefully and taking shallow breaths. One hand is on the table and the other on his stomach.
“You okay, Darius,” Liam asks. Seconds later Darius bolts from the table, making a dash for the bathroom where they hear him vomit with harsh hacks and a groan.
“I think that answers our question,” Alycia says as she and Liam get up to go look after Darius. Their lethargy from the day disappears as concern takes over, especially when they see Darius weakly leaning against the toilet, head hanging as he tries to regain his breath, coughing intermittently. Liam goes right to his side to ease him off the toilet and onto him. Liam sits back against the shower door as Darius leans against him. Alycia gets a washcloth wet and fills a cup with water. She hands the cup to Liam, letting him coax Darius into rinsing his mouth with the water. The first time, Darius coughs harshly as he’s rinsing his mouth and the water sprays over them but the second time works.
“O…kay…. Fine,” Darius says between breaths.
“What?” Alycia kneels in front of him to wash his face.
“You two win.”
“This wasn’t a contest, Darius. This was us waiting for you to admit that you were sick.”
“I’m just tired of it.”
“I’m sure but right now you have to face that you are sick, probably with the flu and you need to rest.”
“Maybe if you get some good rest it won’t get any worse,” Liam suggests.
“Doubt… it. Stupid… ass… asteroid.”
Liam and Alycia can’t hold back their laughter at Darius’ uncharacteristic word choice. Darius’ own laughter devolves into coughing, which quickly sobers the other two as they worry about the harshness of the cough.
“Let’s get him into something more comfortable and then into bed,” Liam says.
“And probably some ibuprofen and fluids,” Alycia says.
“Do you think he needs a doctor?”
“I’m still… here,” Darius says.
“Yes, but let us look after you like you looked after us.”
Darius looks ready to retort but stops himself. He does feel quite terrible, has for much of the day, and at the moment he doesn’t want to keep up the charade anymore.
“Okay.” He nods. They’re careful in their movements, from getting him to his feet to getting him changed and in bed. Despite giving in to their care, he feels guilty for them having to look after him again. Since coming out of the coma, it seems that’s what they’ve been doing.
“Stop it,” Alycia says quietly. Liam has gone into the kitchen to get some juice for Darius and find the thermometer. They know that Darius has a fever but they want to know how high.
“What?” Darius turns his head to look at her. The bed is more comfortable than it should be.
“You’re worrying again. Nothing that’s happened in the last few months is your fault. Think about if it was one of us. Would you be upset with us for getting sick repeatedly?”
“No, but…”
“But nothing. You didn’t ask to be tortured, twice. You didn’t ask to be president. You didn’t ask for the stresses and worries of the last several months. This is just your body responding to all that you put it through. It’ll pass and we don’t mind helping you while you work your way through it.”
“I am trying.”
“I know. It’s our training and it takes a lot of time to break. But, for now, just let us help you and don’t think about what dear old Nick would say.”
“Finally found the thermometer,” Liam says, walking back into the room with a glass of juice in the other hand. Darius has yet to replace the thermometer with something quicker, so it takes a moment for the digital readout to show up. “101.9. How do you feel otherwise?”
“Truthfully, please, Darius. We just want to help.”
“Fine.” Darius is clearly irritated exasperation fills his voice. “I’m cold, achy, and hot.”
“How about your breathing and nausea?”
“Still nauseous and breathing hurts.”
“You do sound a little wheezy,” Liam says. “You up for a nebulizer treatment to try to take care of that?”
“Do I have a choice?”
“Not really, but we can use the mask if you’d like.”
“I think I can manage to hold the pipe just fine.” Quicker than Darius would like, they have the machine set up and he’s sitting up, resting his back against the backboard holding the nebulizer pipe in his mouth. He’s not fond of using the machine and it only makes his guilty thoughts return as he wonders how long this is going to go on for. He wonders if this is his life now. He doesn’t deny that he’s been seeing signs of the Huntington’s flaring up but he’s dealing with them. He’s known they would be coming. This, however, to be constantly sick would be too much to cope with.
“It won’t last, Darius,” Alycia says, sitting down on the bed next to him where there’s just enough room that she won’t fall off.
“And even if it did, we’d still be here,” Liam adds as he sits on the opposite side.
“Are you sure?”
“Keep that in your mouth,” Alycia scolds lightly when Darius removes the pipe to speak. “And yes. Absolutely.”
“You’re stuck with us,” Liam says. “Now, sit back and rest. We all have some recovering to do so we can start playing around with the nanotech again.”
“Yes, we need to see what we can do with it and how to make it more economical.”
As they go back and forth talking about what they need to get done, Darius finds himself happily settling into his position between them. It’s warm and comforting to be bracketed by his family, these two young people who are brilliant and kind and want to be here with him, working with him and helping him. He doesn’t understand why Nick was so against this, taught him that emotional connections were dangerous. With the right people, they’ve only served him well and he can’t imagine his life right now without Liam and Alycia.
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Special Day For The Ass Lovers
Special Day For The Ass Lovers   This is a special one for you ass lovers. Today we bring huge ass Alycia Starr for you guys. She shakes and bounces her fantastic big ass from inside the pool all the way until she starts getting dick in her. The guy couldn’t help it but to […]
The post Special Day For The Ass Lovers appeared first on HDXPORN.US.
source https://www.hdxporn.us/ass-lovers/
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Nap dream
I also dreamed that Alycia Debnam Carey was in my living room with some of her friends. They were listening to music and trying to decide which of them shaked better her ass. All in front of me. I almost died right there. Afterwards we were going to watch a movie. I picked My neighbor Totoro, since she hadn't watched it. 2.abr.2017
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helloalycia · 6 years
good news [two] // alycia debnam-carey
summary: Alycia leaves to film The 100 and you find a way to constantly stay in touch.
warning/s: none.
one | three | masterlist
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Alycia left for filming within a month, as she'd said. It was a month of me literally spending every moment I could with her because I knew I'd miss her too much when she'd leave. We'd lived together for 2 years and in those 2 years, she'd only ever left a handful of times for roles, and never long enough to make me miss her too much.
But this was different. This part was the first proper part she had that was on an already established, successful show. It was important to her, so it was important to me. When she was gone though, I had to stop myself from wanting to ring her every two seconds. There were times when I couldn't fight it unfortunately.
I grinned when Alycia's face enlarged on my phone. "Alycia! Hey! I'm not disturbing you, am I?"
She shook her head, a toothy smile on her lips. "No, I'm on my break. I was actually just about to FaceTime you!"
I chuckled. "Great minds think alike." She rolled her eyes playfully as I asked, "So what's with the weird eye makeup? Smoky eye gone wrong?"
Another eye roll. "It's my costume, idiot."
I laughed at her suppressed smile. She had her hair pulled back into a half-up, half-braids do, and swiped across her eyes was some sort of black face paint. This 'Lexa' character must have been something.
"How is this the first time I've seen your costume?" I questioned, raising my eyebrows. "You're well into filming now."
She'd been gone almost two and a half months now, yet I'd only ever caught her on FaceTime when she was at her hotel or when she was about to get into costume. It wasn't always FaceTime calls either – that was a luxury. It was usually texts (which she didn't enjoy) and phone calls.
She sighed, offering a small, apologetic smile. "I've been pretty busy, Y/N, sorry."
I realised I'd made her feel bad and that definitely wasn't my intention. "Aly, I didn't mean it like that. I know you're busy and that's okay! I'm thrilled for you and this part. It's huge!"
Her shoulders relaxed, betraying any pent up tension she must have had. "Thank you. Now... how are you? How are things back home?"
I glanced around our flat from my position on the couch, before shrugging and looking back to a knowing Alycia. "Alright. It's not messy, I've not died from starvation and nothing has burned."
Alycia laughed, making me smile at the sound.
"Glad to know everything's still intact," she teased, flashing me a smile, making my stomach do somersaults.
"How is everything over there? You got anything to share about this new character of yours?"
She knew I'd caught up on her show The 100 since she'd left and I was eager to have spoilers for the second season, but she was reluctant to share anything.
She pursed her lips and glanced up, thinking, probably to what she could spoil. A bright smile filled the screen as she realised something.
"There's one thing, actually," she pointed out. "I can't say what exactly–" this earned a pout from me, "–but I can say that there's something about my character that you're really gonna love."
"Alycia!" I complained like a child. "You can't tease like that."
She smirked playfully and honestly I didn't know if it was the dark Lexa makeup or what, but I had to look away because I could feel my cheeks heating up.
"You'll love it," she promised, adding what I thought was a flirty wink, but was most likely just me projecting my feelings on her actions.
It was calls like this that became a rare occurrence between us both. Timing was off, with our conflicting schedules busying us, so sometimes we'd have to work with what time we had.
For example, there was one time when I was getting ready for a party in my bedroom when she called. I was already running low on time, but I missed her too much to ignore the call, so I answered.
"Aly." I smiled, noticing her makeup-free face and messy hair. She must have just finished a shoot.
She returned the smile. "Hey, love. How are you?"
I rested my phone on my desk, leaning it against the wall so it was focused on me, before moving back to my bed to pick an outfit.
"I'm doing good," I called out whilst choosing a shirt. "How about you?"
As I held the shirt against my torso in my mirror, I heard her reply. "I'm good! A little tired, but glad I have some free time for the evening. I thought we could chat or something, but I take it you're busy?"
I turned around and lowered the shirt, smiling guiltily at the camera. "Sorry, Alycia, I don't mean to be rude. I'm just trying to find an outfit for this party I'm going to..."
She perked up a little. "Party?"
I hummed in agreement and tested out another shirt in the mirror to see how it looked. "Yeah. It's just some dumb frat party I was invited to. Nothing big."
As I decided on my flannel and ripped jeans, I heard Alycia say, "But you hate parties."
I chuckled and pulled off my shirt. I didn't mind changing in front of her since she was my best friend and I'd practically seen her naked after I'd accidentally walked in on her in the shower when she forgot to lock the door in our earlier months of friendship.
"Yes, but I have literally not left this flat aside from uni and work since you left and I need something to do." I changed into my clothes and headed back to my mirror to see if I liked it. "I'm bored without you here, Aly, what can I say?"
I smiled when I actually liked what I saw. I'd curled my hair earlier and was yet to put some jewellery on, but for now, I thought I looked pretty good.
"Okay, well have fun, Y/N," she said adorably, forcing me to turn around and see her smiling a little. "Be safe, okay? And don't do anything stupid, not that you will, but still."
I chuckled. "Gee, thanks, grandma."
She rolled her eyes playfully. "Yeah, yeah, I get it, I'm a spoil sport."
I stifled a laugh as I went back to the mirror to see whether I should tuck in my shirt or not.
"Okay, how long are you gonna be?" she asked dramatically. "I've seen your arse like five times now. Could at least look at your phone, hm."
I laughed and looked over my shoulder. "What can I say, Alycia? It's a nice ass!"
I moved forward to pick up my phone and managed to catch a quick image of a flustered Alycia. I was surprised since she rarely got embarrassed that easily.
"Whatever...," she mumbled, avoiding looking at the camera.
"You didn't deny it," I teased further, and when she looked up, I winked for added effect.
The camera quality was good enough for me to see a faint pink blush forming on her cheeks. That was enough to make me grin at how easily flustered she got.
"Come on, I can talk for a little longer before I need to leave," I said, giving her a reassuring smile. I jumped onto my bed before looking at her beautiful face. "Tell me how your day was, Leashy."
Conversations like this were shared more frequently closer to her arrival back home which made it easier for me personally. It wasn't abnormal for me to miss her as much as I did. It was just, when you get used to someone's presence for so long, it's odd and unusual when they suddenly just leave. I wasn't sure I'd ever get used to it really, but that was a thought for another time.
Alycia returned after three and a half months and I couldn't have been more thrilled. She needed to be picked up from the airport, but I had other plans.
"I'm in a lecture then, but Maia offered to give you a lift!"
Terrible excuse, I know, but she was too tired to argue so she went with it. In reality, I had set up a small welcome home party for her, consisting of Maia, Marny and Laura, (some of her friends in the industry), and her mum. Her mum had wanted to fly in for her return which was where I got the idea to do the little party. She supported the idea and agreed to surprise her daughter of her presence, too.
So that's where I found myself the Friday afternoon when her flight was coming in. Alycia's friends were helping me set out the food and drink (just some nibbles here and there, along with some wine) whilst her mum was prepping some chicken for tonight's dinner. She'd insisted, so who was I to stop her?
In no time, Maia had sent me a text, letting me know that they were walking up to our flat now. We all got into position and waited for the door to open.
"...she wanted to be here, Alycia, but she said it was an important lecture..."
Everyone grinned to themselves as they heard Alycia and Maia chatting as they opened the door. I could hear Alycia fiddling with the lock and it took a lot of self-control for me not to rush up to the door and open it to give her a giant hug. I was shaking with excitement – I missed her so much!
After what felt like forever, the door finally opened and Alycia had stumbled in the doorway with her suitcase.
We all stood up from behind the couch, grins plastered on our faces.
"Oh my god," Alycia got out between smiles. Her eyes looked between us all as she said, "Hi!"
I laughed and was the first to make a move forward. Her eyes lit up at my presence which made me grin, and I pulled her in for a hug.
"Welcome home, Aly," I mumbled into her shoulder before pulling back.
"Y/N, oh my god! I thought you had a lecture!"
"All a lie to set this up for you," Maia butted in from behind, a cheeky smile on her lips. "Sweet, right?"
Alycia chuckled and met my eyes. They were gleaming. "Right."
I waved my hand dismissively. "It's nothing, I just missed you is all. Now. Stop being rude and say hello to your other guests, Aly!"
She shot me a playful smile before moving on to her mother.
"Mum, you never told me you were coming!" she rushed out as she pulled her mum in for a hug.
"It wouldn't have been a surprise then, would it?" her mum teased, before kissing her daughter on the cheek. "I missed you, honey."
Alycia relaxed. "I missed you, too."
After reacquainting herself with Laura and Marny, the six of us took to the living-room to hear everything about Alycia's time away. She hadn't seen Maia, Laura and Marny in a while, even since before she left for her work, so she also took the time catching up with them. I didn't mind listening in to all of their conversations – I was thrilled that Alycia was back and happy and safe.
"I'm gonna go grab some water," I said, before standing up. "Anyone want anything?"
Everyone shook their heads, but Laura added, "I'll come with you."
The two of us headed to the kitchen, myself grabbing a glass of water.
"Looks like your little surprise was a success," Laura commented, offering a smile.
I smiled, too, taking a sip of my water. I glanced over Laura's shoulder to where Alycia was sitting. She was listening intently to whatever story Marny was telling, her lips pursed in thought.
"Yeah, I guess so," I agreed, looking back to Laura. "Thanks again for coming on such short notice."
She shook her head dismissively. "Of course. It's been a while since I've visited Alycia. She seems to be doing well with the upcoming roles she's got. First this, then Fear The Walking Dead. It's amazing for her."
I furrowed my brows with confusion. "What? Fear The Walking Dead?"
Laura nodded. "The new role she landed? Didn't she tell you about it?"
I chewed on the inside of my cheek as I looked to Alycia again. "Erm, no, she didn't."
Laura shot me a reassuring smile. "Don't worry too much about it. I'm sure she was waiting for the right moment."
I nodded, though I did feel a little hurt she'd kept the news from me. We told each other everything... why hadn't she told me this?
"Come on, we should get back to them," Laura caught my attention again. "God knows what'll happen if we leave the Australians to themselves."
I cracked a smile as she laughed at her own joke, before following her and joining the others again. When I sat down, Alycia's eyes flickered to me and she sent me a tired smile. I realised how exhausted she must have been since returning from her flight. It was an early flight she'd taken, which had been delayed in itself. She would have been awake for at least ten hours. Flying was tiring for anyone.
"Guys, I appreciate you all showing up on such short notice," I thanked everyone when a short silence formed, "but maybe we should leave Alycia to get some rest."
The others nodded, but Alycia was shaking her head. "No, I'm fine, honestly! You can stay!"
I stifled a chuckle as the others laughed at her obvious exhausted expression.
"We should get going anyway, Leashy," Marny reassured her. "We'll check in on you soon, okay?"
Alycia frowned but was too tired to argue. "Okay. Thank you for coming."
The girls bid Alycia, her mum and I a goodbye before leaving.
"Come on, let's get you to bed, Aly," I mumbled, helping her up off the couch.
"Wake me for dinner!" she said, though her eyes were barely staying open.
"Whatever you say, honey," her mum laughed, giving her a kiss on the cheek. She looked to me, adding, "Get her to bed or she will literally fall asleep standing up."
I smiled. "Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised."
I helped Alycia to her room and the older girl flopped onto her bed, instantly fighting to get under the covers.
"Not even gonna change, hm?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
She mumbled an inaudible response, making me chuckle. I tucked her in and leaned down, seeing her eyes were already closed. I'd have to ask her about her new role tomorrow.
"I promise I'll help clean up later...," she mumbled tiredly.
I rolled my eyes. "Get some rest, Alycia. Goodnight." I leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss on her forehead.
She didn't reply, so I left her room and clicked the door shut behind me.
Miss Debnam-Carey and I chose not to wake up Alycia that evening for dinner, since she was fast asleep and unmoving. Instead, we ate dinner together, (it wasn't as awkward as you'd think because we had spoken and met on enough occasions for it not to be), and saved Alycia some for tomorrow.
Her mother slept in my room, which I'd cleaned and put out fresh sheets for her. I took to the couch which had an (uncomfortable) pull-out bed that I would never think to subject Alycia's mum to for the few days she was here for.
I woke up the next morning to the pressure of someone sitting beside my head. I yawned as I turned around, forcing my eyes open tiredly.
"Hey, sleepy head," Alycia's voice rang out. I realised she was sitting beside me, leaning back against the couch.
I sighed before forcing myself to sit up beside her. I noticed she was eating from a plate of pancakes.
"You didn't have to sleep here, y'know," she pointed out. "Mum could've shared room with me."
I rubbed my eyes to rid my tiredness before responding. "It's okay. I'm sure she'd do anything not to share bed with you."
Alycia rolled her eyes playfully before nudging me with her elbow.
"Y/N, honey, good morning!" Miss Debnam-Carey's cheery voice called from the kitchen. "You can go get ready and a plate of pancakes will be waiting here for you when you come back."
I mumbled a tired 'thank you' before purposely shoving Alycia out the way to get out of bed. She laughed as I groggily made my way to the bathroom. I showered and got ready quickly enough, soon finding myself at the kitchen island eating pancakes.
"These are amazing, thank you," I told Alycia's mum with a grateful smile.
She smiled in return, but didn't get chance to respond because I dropped my fork, startled when Alycia wrapped her arms around me from behind.
"Alycia, what on Earth...?" I asked, though I rested my hands on hers with a smile.
"I missed you," she mumbled into my neck.
I breathed out before turning around and pulling her in for a proper hug. "I missed you, too."
When she pulled away, I saw her mum leave for the bathroom over her shoulder and took this as my chance to ask what had been in my mind all night.
"Alycia, did you get another job opportunity on a new show?" I came right out with it, making her knit her eyebrows together with confusion. "Fear The Walking Dead?"
When she realised what I was talking about, she tensed up.
I frowned a little. "Alycia, that's amazing and I'm so proud of you, but why didn't you tell me?"
She tensed her jaw guiltily before taking a seat on the stool beside me.
"Look, I wanted to tell you, but I was waiting for the right time," she explained, avoiding my eyes. "I found out a few weeks ago. I got a call on set from my manager."
I nodded.
"I was supposed to ring you straight away, like I always do, but I felt bad because I was already away for filming and I didn't want to make you feel horrible about me possibly leaving again."
I shook my head, resting a hand on her knee. She looked up.
"Alycia, no, I don't want you to feel bad about that!" I told her, feeling guilty that it was my feelings that had stopped her sharing this amazing news. "I'm a big girl, I can handle some time without you." I offered a teasing smile. "I'm happy for you. This is huge."
She smiled with relief. "It is... It's a big role. I'm part of the main cast."
I widened my eyes with surprise. "That's even better!"
She grinned.
"Come here, idiot." I pulled her in for another hug, this time not letting go. "I'm so proud of you, Aly. You don't even know."
When she pulled away, she said, "The writers aren't sure if they're filming in L.A. or not, but there's a high chance they will be which means I may not be leaving to film. I'll be here."
The thought of her staying here made my stomach do somersaults.
"Even if you left, it would be okay," I reassured her. "And never hide something so big from me, okay? You deserve this."
Her eyes sparkled with happiness. "Thank you."
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