#shall we begin? ✧.. rp starter
wickedlittlepuppy · 1 year
-- STARTER FOR @absoluteangsty --
Well now, this was unexpected. The worker drones never had weapons before! Uzi had missed the first time, but the fight she was putting up only fueled the disassembly drone's insatiable desire to feed. Prey that fought back instead of running just made the hunt more thrilling - there was an actual risk in this pursuit, and with the risk came a high reward.
However-- when her next shot narrowly avoids blasting his head off, N briefly freezes his advances towards the downed drone. His own oil snaked down from the burned rip in his pilot's jacket, an open wound on his shoulder the only visible sign that Uzi had hit him at all. The X across his visor flickers, a few giddy chuckles leaving N. It hadn't hindered him all that much though it certainly stung like nothing else he'd been harmed by before; even so, he starts pressing forward again, bladed claws flashing in the pale streams of blue-toned light that illuminated the remains of human civilization through harsh blusters of snow.
❝ You missed. ❞
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blasters-and-sabers · 5 months
Fandom: Star Wars
Muse: Vesper (OC)
Looking for: OCs, Crossover or Original era characters
Plot: It's a rare slow day at the Mos Eisley Cantina, and Vesper is bored. Prior to her joining the rebellion.
Vesper sighed softly, arms crossed as she leaned against the bar at the Cantina that seemed to almost always be a hotspot for criminals. Normally she would be cleaning up messes....or being the one forced to break up fights. But today was one of the rare days where things were incredibly slow, and frankly she was bored and she needed something to entertain herself.
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katakankollector · 6 months
DARK FAIRY-TALES SENTENCE STARTERS Sentences were taken from two wonderful songs by Lilith Max ( Peasant’s Throne & Big Bad Wolf ) and shall suit such topics as betrayal, royalty, intrigues, murder, temptation, shapeshifting, monster, werewolf, survival, fairy-tale, folktale, downfall. Slight changes occurred for rp needs. Change names and pronouns further as you see fitting.   [ art credit: "The Beauty and The Beast " by Matt Mahurin ]
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I don't need a sword
You've come to take my skin
You've come to make some coin
My hunger still roars
It's just a whisper, I breathe in [ his ] ear
I came upon you so sudden
I watch [ his ] eyes, as they roam through the crowd
Yet your hunger roars more
I clean the stains of their fine blood
I wondered how I would catch you
I sit above while the peasants bow below
Only the forest will know
Little nightmare, you have beautiful eyes
Bow down and swear servility
I'm the bad wolf of fables 
I can see all the stories where beast go to die
The forest hides the truth
Now suddenly I see, why they call you a monster and not me
Come, feast upon all that is yours
Should I play with my prey
I can see all the stories where I'll go to die
[ He ] cannot see the world, from below like I do
[ His ] thoughts veil his view
You've come to wrap my teeth round your throat
Let me feast upon all that is yours
Little did I see the hunter in you
I fear there are traitors in our midst
From the highest tower, [ we ] watch the fight begin
And then it is too late
The one that stands before [ him ], is the one who stole [ his ] throne
I am the king
The rest is history
The smirk on your face is  far crueler than mine
I should have seen it all come close
Not noticing my hands on [ his ] crown, bringing it all down
I failed to notice the glint of your knife
A blade cuts through the air
There's one tale that begins deep, deep in the forest
I don't need advisors
[ He ] wonders who it is
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doublejango · 15 days
Starter for our beloved daddy hoot hoot, @stolas-arsgoetia-rp
"From what I understand," the smooth-voiced bastard purred, his taloned foot pressing down harder on Blitz's windpipe, "you don't have the... shall we say, protection? That you once enjoyed. Did you think, little imp, that the rest of us wouldn't notice? That we were unaware of what Stolas was doing?" One of the Goetia's toes curled in, digging the talon in harder against Blitz's throat; if the imp's skin weren't so tough, it would already have torn open, but it was already on the verge as it was.
Blitz's feet scrabbled uselessly against the ground, but his hands were both wrapped around Vepar's leg. Snarling, he squeezed as hard as he could--but he was learning. Fuck, he was learning. He knew now just how gentle Stolas had always been with him, how careful. The Goetia were Hellborn, but they were so far above the imps when it came to their powers, their strength, their resilience... If Stolas has wanted to, ever wanted to, he could have crushed Blitz like an insect and never needed to look back, and all of Blitz's strength would've been useless to stop him--just as it was now, barely enough to even slow this fucker down. Still, he wasn't going to give up. Snarling, he squeezed and twisted, digging his own claws in as hard as he could.
"Yeah, birdboy? You like watching, huh?" Blitz's eyes were half-lidded as he said it, his grin one of pure suggestion, despite the fact that he might well be fighting for his damned life here. "I never figured you for the type, but hey, what do I know? Those who can't, watch. Or something like that."
"It's those who can't do, teach," Vepar corrected in exasperation. He pushed harder, leaning into it. "What did Stolas see in you?"
That actually got through to Blitz, a question that touched on too damn much trauma--a question that immediately triggered the anger. "Maybe he liked someone else seeing him," he snapped, and he bucked as hard as he could--not to get this beautiful damn bird off of him, because that wasn't going to work, but to get his tail out from under himself. His tail, and the weapon clipped around the spade, which this arrogant fucking bird probably hadn't noticed.
Vepar laughed. His rich voice was so low and warm, but the laugh came out as a titter, light and airy and sweet.
Blitz hated it. Someone who was trying to fucking kill him shouldn't sound so sweet.
"What is there to look at, imp? As far as Goetia go, Prince Stolas really is rather plain. He's--" But whatever else the bird might have been about to say was choked off by a screech of shocked pain.
Blitz snarled, thrusting the blade in deeper to the man's thigh with every ounce of strength his damn tail possessed. And the second he felt the foot on his throat lose its grip, he twisted free, rolling away entirely from the beautiful monster. Now would be the time to run--but that would be the smart choice.
Blitz wasn't known for making those.
Vepar was gripping his leg, black blood pumping out and flowing down. He looked up in surprise and seemed to be about to say something--and Blitz bowled into him. This fucker had abducted him. Mocked him. Tried to kill him. Mocked Stolas. After how horrible the last few weeks had been since Verosika's party, low as Blitz's spirits were, worn down as his resilience was, he was done. Done, done, done, done....
It was early morning, just before the sky would begin to lighten towards its usual red, that Blitz came to. When he tried to sit up, his head and neck seemed to explode with pain, throbbing and stiff. Swearing under his breath, he pushed himself to a sitting position. His entire body hurt, it felt trashed, but he was alive. For a moment, he didn't understand why he hadn't expected to be alive...
But then he saw the feathers.
Beautiful iridescent blue-green feathers, strewn across a marble floor. Blood everywhere. Some of that had to be Blitz's, he was torn to shreds, but more of is, so much more, had to belong to the Goetia laying there...
Blitz's eyes widened and everything in him went still. He stared, willing the man to move, to breathe--but he didn't. After long minutes passed, each an eternity, Blitz finally started to crawl towards him. The blood under his hands was cold, sticky, half-dry. The feathers stuck to him. He was vaguely aware of his own wounds, gouges and lacerations all over him, but he couldn't stop to think about them. He had to know...
Hand trembling, he reached out and rested it on Vepar's chest--and immediately covered his mouth with his other hand, to keep in his horrified cursing. Vepar was cold. There was no life in that body. No life, no movement, nothing. He was cold and dead.
Don't panic. Don't fucking panic. You just... you just murdered a fucking Duke or whatever the fuck he was, you just murdered a Goetia, it's fine. It's fine. It's fine... don't... just... just keep your shit together. He was going to be fucking executed for this. He--fuck. Fuck. Blitz started digging through Vepar's feathers. He didn't remember how the fight ended, but it obviously had ended, and it had been his victory, and--
Buried in the Goetia's stomach. A glittering angelic-steel blade, of sorts. A beautifully filigreed spade-cap, made to clip around the end of his tail, deadly-sharp on both sides... and it had gone up through the Goetia's belly and into his heart.
With shaking hands and huge eyes, Blitz pulled it out. He put it back on, not wanting to carry it. The Duke's blood, dripping from it, weighed it down more than ever. Fuck, it was a newer weapon to him, but it was so light, and he had only just started wearing it and--when did I do this? When did I kill him? HOW? How...?
"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me." Blitz got to his feet, shaking. Hating this. He remembered taunting the fucker, remembered the start of the fight...
A sharp sound made him jump, then swear. It sounded like pots and pans were starting to be clattered in the kitchen. Of course. This fucker probably had staff. They were going to get up for the day and fucking, and fucking find him.
Blitz smashed through the nearest window without a second thought.
He should have gone home. He really, really should have gone fucking home. He meant to go home. But home was so far away, and when he passed by Stolas's palace, the familiar longing, the ache of the lost happiness, the realization that after this shit, he was never going to get to see him again because there was no way these fuckers weren't going to find him...
Blitz climbed the fence. It didn't matter that his wounds were starting to ache, that he could feel slit flesh gaping open. It didn't matter that his hands felt cold and numb, or that his tail still felt strange and heavy with the weight of the life he had taken. He just needed to see Stolas one more time. And given how early it was, Stolas was probably still asleep. Which meant as long as Blitz was quiet, as long as he just perched on the balcony railing and watched, maybe he could get a few minutes of pretending before everything fell apart.
He wasn't particularly graceful, but he made it up to the balcony off Stolas's bedroom and hunched there, like the worst sort of gargoyle, looking in at the darkened space. He didn't even know if Stolas was in there, but all the same, just being here... it felt... It felt like... Fuck. Blitz swallowed down the rising tide of emotion.
Just a few minutes. Just a few minutes, and then he would go.
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findroleplay · 1 year
Looking for DR rp partner
Hey, I'm an 19-year-old female, who currently looking for long-term rp partner who is 18–22 to do a Danganronpa Saiouma RP with. I am not replacing anyone; I am just looking for someone to role-play with.
I am semi-literate and prefer rp in text format.
Kaede:-giggles-Of course, I am okay with it....not bad for a "first date"huh?
As you can see, I don't write large paragraphs. Sometimes if I am really getting into the rp or for a starter. At best, you will get 5-7 sentences.
Also, I am prone to make misspellings and grammar mistakes sometimes, so please bare with me.
I am in Central time.
Personally, I don't like rp for too long, so I would like to cut it short and then come back to it later.
This isn't a requirement but I like talking ooc during rp occasionally.
One thing to know about me, I don't like putting too much thought into the plot, usually, I think of the basic outline before starting. And whatever I have oc or au idea, I like to use rping as a method to explore the possibilities of the idea. Not all the time, of course, just giving head up that the ideas I have posted below are kinda in the beta stage,
I can play up to 3 characters, and I can do 6 if I am feeling it but 3 is my limit.
characters I am able to play as:
Chiaki Nanami
Sonia Nevermind(still getting hang of her)
Peko Pekoyama
Himiko Yumeno
Gonta Gokuhara
Miu Iruma
Tsumugi Shirogane
Angst with no happy ending(or hopeful ending)
What I can offer
(nearly)24/7 rp partner
open to doing(almost)anything
I have ALOT of ideas,so you will never get bored
what I want
As the description says, I want to do Saiouma RP, though I am open to doing other ships such as Sonia x Gumdam or Tenko x Himko after. As well as some fanganronpa RPs such as SDRA, SDRA 2, and Project: Eden's Garden.
RPGs I usually like to play have 18+ things, such as smut (all characters of 18 or up. If not, they are aged up) and gore. It is not a complete deal-breaker if you are not up for one of these things.
And if we do choose to do smut in RP, I shall state my kinks before the rp begins
I also have plenty of ocs that would I like to rp with either for fun or test run.It perfectly understandable if you are not up for that
I am open to doing a cookie run or undertale/deltarune later down the line.
Sayanora despair
This is a version of a non-despair AU where all students go to Hope Peak and nothing bad happens. But with a little twist, the fanganronpa games (I know) are in this as well. You don't have to know them all; however, one or all can be left out.
SDRA and SDRA2 are the next generations in this AU. Years after all of the canon game characters have graduated and are adults,
Project: Eden's Garden is a rival school to Hope Peak, and they will sometimes hold competitions, leading a selected group of students to win against the group in events.
Anyway here are my ideas on what I want to do in this AU
Kokichi and shuchi reconnected years after their graduation
Kokichi and shuchi were forced together on a project
Maki is meeting kaito for the first time.
Sora and Akane find out about their twins.
Hibiki wants to give something for Valentine's Day to setsuka
tenko is MAYBE a bit protective of her girlfriend, Himko
Blood & Lies(Vampire AU)
Disclaimer: Hope peak academy doesn't really exist and all characters are adults in this au
Shuchi has trouble falling asleep, so he often goes around the city to clear his head. One night, while on his usual walk, he spots a lone man swinging in an empty playground. He feels drawn to them, so he decides to strike up a conversation. Despite his overdramatic antics and lying, Shuichi finds himself quite fascinated by this stranger who goes by ".Almost every night, Shuichi goes out and spends time with Kokichi. Both learn more about themselves, a little more on Shuichi's end once he finds out the liar's secrets.
Plot:The students of the three main games are swapped in settings. The v3 students are in TTH,meanwhile the TTH students are in Goodbye despair,and lastly the GD students are in killing harmony.What new story possibilities will open due this change?Let find out together!
Side(undeveloped) ideas
Maki and kaito go on a date
Miu takes a much smarter approach to try to end kokichi, forcing kokichi to take her life. (Chapter 4 canon diverge)
Kaede and Shuichi celebrate their marriage anniversary.
Kai Montage x Damon Matisu.
Ground rules
1. things I am uncomfortable with: Peeing, farting, vore, feet, Gore(used in a sexual context), rape,vomiting, bestiality, Pedophilia, and Pooing(More will be added)
2. As previously stated on the first rule no rape, or pedophilia though I am willing to give them passed IF they are only used for story purposes and ONLY implied or referenced.
3. Again someone around my age. (18-24)
4. please put some effort into the story, I do not want to be the only one driving the story,
5. Someone who is most active online not 24/7 but active enough that we get most of the rp done.
6. Please state things you aren't comfortable beforehand
7.NO rping with people in real life
I shall update this when needed. If you are interested,here is my discord number:Cheesecakemermaid1048#4393
please message me in dm"Moonlight"
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runtimerrxr-blog · 6 years
[ open starter ]
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        “ FLIPPER - come on. “ everything had become an impossible task. walking the dog, working at All Safe, even checking in with Shayla for the occasional morphine hook-up. the only thing keeping me grounded was my weekly therapy session with Krista, and even she couldn’t help me shake whatever it was inside my head that was pushing me out. being a bystander to your own thoughts. i only snapped out of those thoughts when i felt a burning sensation coming from my fingertips. ‘shit.. how long have i been standing here?’ long enough for my once lit cigarette to turn to ash in my hand. ‘did anyone notice? better leave before....’ flipper had already begun to sniff out the incoming stranger... or was it?
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fragmented-lineage · 6 years
x[[ @unapologeticallyxmbitious ]]
It hasn’t been long since the incident...just a week prior, Angel had managed to escape her most recent owner, Luke, and is now a wanted android on the run. Still trying to keep herself concealed as best she can, she didn’t think she’d be able to do this. She landed a job at the Detroit Police Department, somehow...she doesn’t know how she did it, but she managed to get the job. Concealing her LED, her left eye, and any other feature that would make her stand out as an android, she managed to convince the staff that she isn’t an android, blending in (mostly) with the others. Sure, androids make up part of the police force...but with her very recognizable features, it would be difficult to prove that she isn’t the AX300 everyone is after. She’s registered in the system, but she’s off scot-free mostly because androids are based on human appearances and some of them strongly resemble real people...not only that, but her model is so rare and rarely seen that no one would really be able to tell except for other androids if they scanned her. One would think she’d be extra screwed because of the last fact, but...surprisingly not. Somehow, she’s off scot-free.
She counts herself as very lucky...as well she should.
A few days into their runaway trip, Angel realised she needed to get a job to get food for Skylar...the food supply she had brought along for him was quickly depleting, so she needed to find more, and she most likely wasn’t going to find much for a vegan. She went for the nearest job...and managed to land it.
It’s her first day on the job, and already she’s experiencing stress from all of this...a very recent android uprising has sparked numerous investigations into deviants, making everything so much worse. An android detective is here, on the lookout twenty-four/seven...and Angel is hiding in plain sight. The android revolution is here...and she’s terrified of being discovered. She had shut off her LED since she didn’t have the guts to take it out herself, worried that it would be painful...deactivating it temporarily keeps her from being found out, her hair styled to keep it concealed. Most of her brown hair covers it completely, thankfully.
The short secretary walks toward the break room area to try to de-stress at least a little, looking up and jumping a tiny bit as she realises she isn’t alone in there. She wears a large yellow sweater with a large turtleneck and long sleeves that almost cover her hands, a pair of dark magenta jeans, short white boots, a pair of gold ball studs for the standard lobes while she wears a pair of small pink diamond earrings for the upper lobes. With freckles all over her face and hands, a round face, large doelike hazel starburst eyes, a button nose, and only one eye visible, she definitely stands out compared to the rest of the department.
She dreads encountering humans...specifically this one.
Gavin Reed, obnoxious and arrogant detective, generally a giant dickhead to everyone within an infinite radius around him. With a temper about as bad as the Hulk’s and an ego rumoured to be the size of the ever-expanding universe, of course she’d be afraid. She’s not well-known at the department yet...she’s just the secretary. A face you see at the beginning and end of work, usually pretty forgettable. She had signed Gavin in this morning, despite her obvious fear about it. As she had been eyeing the DPD for a job, she had seen people come and go, and Gavin...scares her.
She stays silent, not wanting to draw any attention to herself of any kind...she knows how well that would go over. She can feel her thirium pump beat faster, her body trying its hardest not to shake as she quietly walks toward one of the tables, pulling herself up to sit at one of the chairs, facing the detective and his friend while trying to keep her eyes on the TV, though she’s clearly fidgety, jumpy...nervous.
God, she wants to see Skylar right about now...
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thedetectiveofinaba · 6 years
@whimsofenvy liked this post for a starter! (which is late sssssh)
Naoto hadn't expected her work at Tokyo to be easy all the time this ampunt of work had been unpredictable. She'd been recruited temporarily to Tokyo PD to help catch the Phantom Thieves of Heart and while it was intriguing and an accomplishment she could've ever dreamt of she was dead tired. The clues were nowhere to be found and the confession files weren't useful. It was as if the victims under some kind of influence or placebo effect when telling they'd abandoned their evil ways and regretted everything - and it sounded really suspicious if you asked her.
The bluenette and the head prosecutor of Tokyo District Investigation Unit had been trying to get any ideas or missed clues from the evidence they'd acquired - others such as Goro had left already. She looked at her superior and asked her where she had the determination to keep going despite the late hours. "Niijima-san, how on Earth aren't you tired? We have been trying to look for information for over three hours in row." She rose from her stool and announced she was going to make some coffee before she fell alseep when standing. "Would you like if I got you a cup as well? You look like you need it."
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wickedlittlepuppy · 11 months
Hide & Seek
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It's an especially bitter-cold night on Copper Nine; eerily silent aside from the howl of wind, it would be hard to know what monsters lurked around in the inky blackness - broken up only by blusters of white-blue snow as it's whipped up from the ground. Vague flickers of yellow made their way through the unforgiving environment, a death omen to those who didn't also share the lantern's light. There was something patrolling in the dark, silent outside of the low oscillating hisses and wailing growls of its mechanical body moving through the snow and ice.
Yellow-orange sights are set on a small figure moving through the wastelandᅳ an anomaly; something that didn't belong out there: a worker drone. While that would be concerning to any other drone on the horizons, the creature watching that small shape was well-equipped for handling such things. Warm saliva drips from an opened maw, razor-sharp teeth bared in a grin; metallic, hooked claws much like talons dig into the building it'd been perched upon before bladed wings fanned open to lift the beast from the dilapidated surface in silence.
It seemed like the worker was looking for something. Low chitters and clicks sound in the distance, faint and almost inaudible. Its claws lock into the side of a different building, wings shifting before folding at its back and a long tail swaying beneath it - that death lantern at the cable's end gives off a tantalizing glow; much like an angler fish with its prey, the light was both a warning and lure. Shining yellow eyes watch, observe, and then the monster starts to scale its perch to disappear from sight entirely.
Though many others would near immediately launch themselves into a fray to take out prey, this beast in particular liked to play and learn. It would stay just out of sight, waiting for the most opportune time to sink its teeth and claws into pliable flesh to draw the oil it needed for survival into its maw. This worker drone's hours were numbered, she just didn't know it yet. Perhaps, however, she would feel the unwaveringly oppressive sense of being watched after long enough.
The question remained then...
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What is following you, Uzi?
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blasters-and-sabers · 5 months
"Why pretend that it isn't you?" OPEN STARTER
Fandom: Star Wars (prequels/clone wars)
Muse: (OC) Belle Fior
Looking for: Open to all, including OCs and Crossovers
Summary: After a long mission, Belle's past has come back to haunt her. Having fought her former master, she has returned...but is questioning herself..and if her former master's words are true. She can hardly focus on anything else and ends up crashing into your muse.
Inspiration: This Song
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Belle sighed as she paced the halls of the jedi temple. Why? Why was she letting those words get to her? She shouldn't be so bothered by that but she was. You're still one of us, why pretend it isn't true? Those were the words that seemed to be ringing in her mind none stop now.
She left the dark side years ago...in favour of her current life as a jedi...but now she was left to wonder. Was her old master right? Could one ever truly leave the dark behind? What if it never truly left them?
She hated this. Her mind was all over the place and she could barely focus on anything else but the questions invading her brain.
She was broken from her reverie when she crashed right into someone else, grunting slightly as she stumbled a little before landing flat on her back.
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zawazawanightmares · 2 years
Kotonoha Katsura & Thick, Busty Futa Hisuian Lilligant
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You, Kotonoha Katsura, are connected to Thick, Busty Futa Hisuian Lilligant Your partner selected the 18+ server. Your partner has a starter. Type /starter or tap here to see it.
Kotonoha Katsura: /starter
Thick, Busty Futa Hisuian Lilligant: https://imgur.com/a/5TI1buv Woah. Sick. A surprisingly toned, thick plant girl. Yes she's able to crush a melon between her thighs. No, she won't do that to your head; she's a gentle, sweet girl who loves caressing and rubbing. ...Well, most of the time. She has a name. But you have to get to know people to know what their names are, so ha. I like starting in-character. Sorry, socializing just takes a toll on me since I'm an introvert. In-universe Pokemon RPs not required and actually somewhat discouraged.
Kotonoha Katsura: H-hello...um, I got separated from my group on the field trip. Would you mind telling me where I am?
Thick, Busty Futa Hisuian Lilligant: "--Ah? Oh, yes, I believe..." She looks around, pursing her lips. "...Actually, I'm not sure where this is exactly, myself. I can assure you that you're in a forest, if that helps?"
Kotonoha Katsura: Kotonoha suppressed a weary sigh, choosing instead to smile sadly at the Lilligant. "It's alright...you did what you could do help. Thank you." She put a finger on her own cheek, confused. "Speaking of...what kind of costume is that? Something for a festival?"
Thick, Busty Futa Hisuian Lilligant: "My apologies." She brings a hand up to her chest, smiling at her in return. "Oh, this? It's my regular outfit. Not for any special occasion." The Lilligant shook her head, pausing. "If you'd like, by the way, I could come along with you and act as a sort of personal guard."
Kotonoha Katsura: "But...we just met. And you can get hurt?" The amount of bullying Kotonoha had experienced had made her completely unable to comprehend why anyone would want to stick their neck out for her
Thick, Busty Futa Hisuian Lilligant: "Oh, yes, we did just meet. But I don't consider that an obstacle in my willingness to protect others." She closes her eyes, puffing her chest out proudly. "I'd feel terrible leaving you so defenseless, after all. Nobody deserves to wander around alone and lost."
Kotonoha Katsura: Her chest is not as big as Kotonoha's...but it's rather cute. Kotonoha blushed faintly as the Lilligant declared her protective intentions towards her. "A-alright...I accept your help."
Thick, Busty Futa Hisuian Lilligant: "Lovely. Just treat it like...an escort, I suppose. Whichever way you go, I will follow." She reassured. "Were there any...notable landmarks, you came across before stumbling into me?"
Kotonoha Katsura: "Escort?" Did she mean...Kotonoha found herself blushing brighter. There's no way this eccentric woman could be propositioning her already...could she? "I-I remember a large tree...I even left a few rocks there."
Thick, Busty Futa Hisuian Lilligant: "A large tree..." She trailed off and gazed around. "Hmm...there's one in that direction. Shall we try retracing your steps?" She smiled back at Kotonoha.
Kotonoha Katsura: She gave a shy smile back. "I would like that...thank you."
Thick, Busty Futa Hisuian Lilligant: "Of course!" She closed her eyes with a happier smile, taking the girl's hand to keep her close, walking her towards said large tree. "I'm Jeanette, by the way. It's a pleasure to meet you."
Kotonoha Katsura: "Jeanette...I'm Kotonoha. Kotonoha Katsura. It's a pleasure to meet you." When was the last time she held hands with a peer? Hell, when was the last time she held hands with anyone outside of her little sister? Kotonoha tried not to smother this stranger with affection but, having been in a desert of social interaction since junior high, she couldn't help but interlock their fingers together.
Thick, Busty Futa Hisuian Lilligant: She seemed content with letting their fingers interlock, giving Kotonoha a side smile, coming up to the tree a few minutes later. "So, this..." She begins looking for a few unnaturally-placed rocks.
Kotonoha Katsura: There were indeed a few on the ground..."...This isn't it." Kotonoha lied. "But if we keep looking, I'm sure we'll find it!"
Thick, Busty Futa Hisuian Lilligant: She quickly spots the rocks, though tilts her head from Kotonoha's comment. There wasn't really much to go off of, just a few rocks...so she believes the girl. "Mm...yes, I think that's the right attitude to have." With a chuckle, she continues searching with the girl. "You know, a rule of thumb is that if you walk in a straight line for long enough, eventually, you'll leave the forest."
Kotonoha Katsura: "Is that so..." Kotonoha took Jeanette's arm and held it between her breasts, not even entirely sure of what she was trying to do. "I hope we don't get lost then..."
Thick, Busty Futa Hisuian Lilligant: "Don't worry; we aren't going to get lost. Eventually, at the very least, we're going to come out into an open area where we can see things a lot easier." She reassures, giving her a warm smile, continuing to walk.
Kotonoha Katsura: Open area huh...that means they'll run into others...others who can help her out of the forest! ... "Ow!" Kotonoha suddenly fell, favoring her ankle. "I think I hit something..."
Thick, Busty Futa Hisuian Lilligant: The Lilligant turned and stopped suddenly. "--Oh, goodness..." She knelt beside Kotonoha. "Are you alright?" Jeanette leans down to inspect the girl's leg.
Kotonoha Katsura: She was fine. "I think I sprained something...can we rest here?" She looked at her with a hopeful expression.
Thick, Busty Futa Hisuian Lilligant: "Mm...of course." She nods, turning to sit down on the ground. "We can rest as long as you'd like, Kotonoha. Do you need me to do anything?"
Kotonoha Katsura: "No...you just being here makes me calm enough." She said with a blush.
Thick, Busty Futa Hisuian Lilligant: "Oh, that's...rather flattering." Her cheeks lit up. "I'm glad, though! I'm really, really happy to help in any way."
Kotonoha Katsura: She smiled. She's not sure what she wanted from Jeanette yet but this moment, to have a peer express concern for her without being interested in her body...it was nice. "Could you...hold me?"
Thick, Busty Futa Hisuian Lilligant: "Ah...of course." She warmly smiled. Reaching over, she gently pulled the girl into her lap, lightly hugging her arms around the girl's stomach, holding her close. "How's this?"
Kotonoha Katsura: Kotonoha turned crimson, slightly regretting her request...but being so happy she asked for it. "This is...nice. Thank you so much."
Thick, Busty Futa Hisuian Lilligant: "Mhm.~" She nodded and lovingly hummed, closing her eyes as she brushes her hands across Kotonoha's tummy. "You're very warm. I hope I don't change that."
Kotonoha Katsura: Kotonoha shivered as she felt an alien but not unwelcome feeling below her stomach. She felt her breathing hike up and began to panic when she found out that she couldn't even answer Jeanette's compliment. Feeling she had no choice, she turned her head and pressed her lips to hers.
Thick, Busty Futa Hisuian Lilligant: "--Mmh...!" Jeanette was surprised from the kiss, taking a few seconds to comprehend what was happening. "...Mm..." Slowly, she hums and closes her eyes, falling into the kiss as she lovingly embraced Kotonoha, hugging her closer.
Kotonoha Katsura: Kotonoha wrapped her arms around the Lilligant, clumsily deepening the kiss as she pressed her sizeable chest against Jeanette's. The kiss continued for some time before Kotonoha broke it. "Sorry..." she said sheepishly with a spit trail connecting their lips.
Thick, Busty Futa Hisuian Lilligant: "Mm...aah...~" She softly gasps for air, her expression half-lidded as she gazed down at Kotonoha. "Oh, don't apologize...I liked that a lot.~" She gave the girl a smile and a giggle, curling a little part of her hair around her finger.
Kotonoha Katsura: "Can we...do it again?" Kotonoha asked with a flustered expression, feeling strangely hot as she looked into Jeanette's eyes.
Thick, Busty Futa Hisuian Lilligant: "Can we? Oh, absolutely we can." She traces the girl's cheek, staring deeply into her eyes. "...But I want to do it again." Grinning slyly, she tips Kotonoha's chin up and deeply kisses the girl on the lips, lovingly making out with her. "Mmmnnh...~"
Kotonoha Katsura: Kotonoha held the back of Jeanette's head, keeping her in the kiss on the off chance she changed her mind. Her other hand wandered down her body, lowering down her chest until it found her groin, mildly surprising Kotonoha when she found a bulge.
Thick, Busty Futa Hisuian Lilligant: While it wasn't necessary at all to hold Jeanette's head, she loved the affectionate embrace, taking anything she could get as she gives Kotonoha as much love as she deserves. "Mhhn~...hmmn...~" She hums and moans against the girl's lips, her cheeks lighting up as the girl notices the particular shape between her legs.
Kotonoha Katsura: "This...is this...?" Kotonoha broke the kiss to feel up Jeanette's crotch...before snaking her hand under her leaf to stroke her. "Is this...okay?" She asked.
Thick, Busty Futa Hisuian Lilligant: "Ahhn..." She lets out a soft, needy moan, gasping as the girl began to stroke her underneath her strange leaf clothing. "O-ohhhn~...I-I certainly think so...~" She blissfully smiled at Kotonoha, brushing a hand across her cheek.
Kotonoha Katsura: Kotonoha kissed her again while stroking her faster, enjoying the feel of the Lilligant's member. With her free hand, she slowly undid her top, revealing a white bra that she was undoing the top on to bare her buxom chest...
Thick, Busty Futa Hisuian Lilligant: "Ahhh..." Her jaw hangs open somewhat as the girl continues stroking her surprisingly thick length. She looks down to see Kotonoha showing off her large, bountiful titties. "--O-ohhh, my...~" Her shaft throbbed eagerly at the sight. "I didn't notice you were so...bountiful...~" Jenaette giggled.
Kotonoha Katsura: "I know...maybe, these will be useful?" Kotonoha hated her chest. She developed early in junior high and the other girls turned on her quicker than a traffic signal because of it. All they brought her was torment, isolation and back pain. But here, in this moment...they can bring someone that she likes a lot of pleasure. And that almost made them worth having. Almost. She took Jeanette's shaft in between her breasts, stroking it with them as she licked and sucked on the tip.
Thick, Busty Futa Hisuian Lilligant: "Ah...!~" She tensed up, watching in awe as Kotonoha wrapped her breasts around the Lilligant's shaft, squeezing them together as she stroked her cock with those huge tits. "A-aahh~~...oh, yes, very useful...~" She helplessly moaned out, every inch of her cock assaulted with some form of pleasure.
Kotonoha Katsura: She stroked her off faster, happy at her lover's reaction as she felt her cock throb in between her tits. She was on cloud nine right now...and Jeanette was somewhere even higher.
Thick, Busty Futa Hisuian Lilligant: "Ahhn~...oh, Kotonoha...~" She passionately moaned out, utterly addicted to the feeling of those massive jugs stroking and massaging her shaft, her tip beginning to drool a steady flow of precum. "Uhhnf...Kotonoha, I'm...already so close..."
Kotonoha Katsura: "Let it out..." Kotonoha implored her while still massaging her shaft with her breasts. "I won't any of it spill..."
Thick, Busty Futa Hisuian Lilligant: She huffs, allowing the girl to continue massaging and stroking the Lilligant's cock with her massive breasts, pushing Jeanette closer and closer. "Ah...a-ahh~, Kotonoha...!~" She cried out in a moan, finally reaching her climax and blowing many immensely thick, viscous ropes of cum into Kotonoha's mouth, giving her a delicious, thick helping of nutritious seed.~ "Uhaahn...!~"
Kotonoha Katsura: Kotonoha dutifully and joyfully swallowed all of her seed, tilting her head back to make sure none of it spilled. She looked at Jeanette with a pleasant smile...before suddenly tearing up.
Thick, Busty Futa Hisuian Lilligant: Once she's done, Jeanette huffs, softly panting, gazing down into Kotonoha's eyes. Seeing them well up with tears...she suddenly felt guilty, instinct kicking in. "--A-ah, Kotonoha...are you okay? It wasn't too much, was it...?"
Kotonoha Katsura: "No...I'm sorry..." She wiped at her eyes while sniffling. "I lied to you about something important..."
Thick, Busty Futa Hisuian Lilligant: "...A-ah?" Curiously, she tilts her head. The girl...lied? When? "What...is it?"
Kotonoha Katsura: "The tree earlier? With the rocks? That was the tree that I left the rocks by earlier. But...I was having fun with you, you were being so nice, and you were so pretty...I lied so that we could spend more time together."
Thick, Busty Futa Hisuian Lilligant: It turned out, that slight hunch she had earlier ended up being correct. But even after learning of this, Jeanette smiles and shakes her head with her eyes briefly closed. "Kotonoha...stop apologizing." She affectionately brushes her hand across the girl's face. "I love you. I don't care if you lied...I'm just as happy as you are."
Kotonoha Katsura: "You...love me?" She held her hand to her face, trying to find out if this moment was even happening.
Thick, Busty Futa Hisuian Lilligant: "Of course I do." She nodded plainly, giving the girl a little kiss on the forehead. "I couldn't ask for anything more than to give you all of my love, Kotonoha.~"
Kotonoha Katsura: Tears streaming down her cheeks, she leaned forward and pressed her lips to hers, euphoric that she found someone who accepted her...and who loved her unconditionally.
Thick, Busty Futa Hisuian Lilligant: "Mmhn...~" Jeanette happily and deeply pressed her lips against the girl's, passionately kissing and making out with her as she hugged her arms around the girl's back.
Kotonoha Katsura: During the kiss, Kotonoha reached under her skirt and pulled down her panties, mounting Jeanette and grinding on her lap to get her hard again.
Thick, Busty Futa Hisuian Lilligant: "Mhh...mm...mmnnh...~" She moaned and hummed against Kotonoha's lips, blushing intensely; even moreso as she ground against the Lilligant's shaft with her exposed pussy, already hard and needily throbbing. Slowly, she lifts the girl up...pushing the head of her cock into Kotonoha's pussy, still not breaking the kiss. "Mnnnnf...~~"
Kotonoha Katsura: Kotonoha took the rest of it in, moaning in her mouth as she felt the Lilligant take her maidenhood. She began to bounce on her cock, keeping Jeanette in the kiss as she rode her member like it was going to disappear any second.
Thick, Busty Futa Hisuian Lilligant: "Mmmf.~" She groaned against the girl's lips, holding onto her hips as she bounces in the Lilligant's lap, taking every inch of her cock with surprising ease. With the girl pressed up against her, their sets of breasts squished together, Kotonoha's clearly overtaking the plant woman's as she bounces up and down in Jeanette's lap. "Ummnf...~"
Kotonoha Katsura: Kotonoha sped up her self-pumping, already planning out hers and Jeanette's future while she railed herself on her cock. She would introduce her to her family, they would get married, have children, dismantle the military complex, return the world to an anarcho state where everyone takes care of everyone else...
Thick, Busty Futa Hisuian Lilligant: But...most importantly, maybe, is that they'd each have someone to love. Jeanette pulls away during the kiss briefly, leaving a mess of stringy saliva between their lips. "Haah~...Kotonoha..." She groans. "I love you...so much..." She uttered out, before pressing her lips deeply against the girl's once more, Kotonoha's ass rippling and jiggling with every bounce in the Lilligant's lap, taking every inch of that fat futa cock in and out of her pussy, and even her womb.
Kotonoha Katsura: "I love you Jeanette...I love you so much!" She returned the sentiment before kissing her again, her pussy tightening on her cock as she kept bouncing, feeling herself nearing her first assisted orgasm.
Thick, Busty Futa Hisuian Lilligant: She keeps a firm grasp on the girl's hips, as she bounces, and bounces...plap, plap, thwap, thwap, thwap...every single bounce pushed the both of them closer and closer, until... "Aahhn~...mmnnn...!~" Jeanette tenses up and moans longingly, every inch of her cock buried deep inside of Kotonoha's pussy as the Lilligant shoots thick rope after thick rope of cum directly into the girl's womb, her virile, gooey seed bloating Kotonoha's belly with muffled 'blorts'. "Uaaahhh...~~~"
Kotonoha Katsura: Kotonoha groaned in pleasure, having her biggest climax since she discovered grinding on the pillow. Riding it out, she planted kisses all over Jeanette's face, finishing with one on her lips. "My teachers...are probably looking for me..." She said, her face inches away from Jeanette.
Thick, Busty Futa Hisuian Lilligant: Once she's finished pumping all of her thick cum into the schoolgirl's womb, guaranteed to fertilize and impregnate her, she pants and lays back on the ground as Kotonoha peppers her with kisses. Each kiss, she desperately and weakly leaned her head up to try and steal a lip kiss, thankfully satisfied from the very last one. "Mmh~~...ah...you're right..."
Kotonoha Katsura: "...When it's nighttime, we can go back to the tree and wait." She said with a smile.
Thick, Busty Futa Hisuian Lilligant: Jeanette faintly smiled at her, her mouth open, still taking the occasional breather. "Ah...oh, Kotonoha...you're so pretty..." She muttered, gently stroking the schoolgirl's cheek. "I'm sure...you'll make a perfect mother.~"
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kusunokihimea · 6 years
[ Tag Dump - Org 1 ]
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hyuuchiha-a · 6 years
[ tag dump - organizational 2 ]
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RP starters inspired by ITV’s Endeavour (part 3/3) Feel free to change pronouns !  
“ If the pelican can, then so can you. ”
“ If I spent my days in contemplation of such questions, I should drink rather more than I do. ”
“ It's nothing sinister. I'm just getting a seed-cake out of the oven. ”
“ He's a fist with a warrant-card! ”
“ I can't sit by the window, waiting for someone to tell me my life can start. I can't do that any more. ”
“ What's all this? In disguise or hiding from someone? You don't look like you. ”
“ Not lost the old charm, then? ”
“ I know you're smart. We all know you're smart. You don't have to prove it all the time. Take a day off. ”
“ I'm a figure of ridicule to be openly mocked and scorned. ”
“ I hope you're a more convincing liar when it matters. Your life may depend on it. ”
“ It's not easy, stepping into a dead woman's shoes. ”
“ Love should be brave, don't you think? ”
“ I don't think I've been a very good wife. ”
“ We are not friends. Nor, I am very happy to say, are we ever likely to be.” 
“ A moment's courage or a lifetime of regret - that's always the choice. ”
“ You know, there is a line. I just hope you're on the right side of it. ”
“ Sorry was all I wanted. ”
“ No one's coming. It's how we come into the world. You. Me. All of us. We're born and we die alone. ”
“ New year. New decade. New start. ”
“ Every man has his price. I shall make it my life's work to find yours. ”
“ You don't know what the opera is until the overture begins. ”
“ A goodbye might have been polite, but... nobody died. Nobody owes anything to anyone. ”
“ The chief stoker never leaves the engine room. ”
“ Is he a lunatic of some sort? ”
“ I don't want to confess. I just want to know that you forgive me. ”
“ I'm here to keep you on the straight and narrow and tell you when I think you're barking up the wrong tree. ”
“ Let's not clutch at straws to save our blushes. ”
“ There'll be no repercussions. He just made a mistake, that's all. ”
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xtswifts · 6 years
Tumblr media
in all my years on tumblr, this is still one of my favorite gifs of tay in existence, so i shall use it now on my mega ooc appreciation post.
i am still on hiatus — it has been a ROUGH 36 hours my dudes — but i did want to drop in and post some ic/ooc appreciation things while this week is still here because i am all in the business of sharing the love. it’s one of the many reasons i absolutely adore this group. this group has always been about love, for me, and would probably be the singular word i’d use to describe my experience here.
i joined this lovely bunch back in july, i do believe? i had actually just finished up writing and self-publishing my third book which wound up being a behemoth (seriously it was a lot) and while i was absolutely and completely braindead when it came to writing, i still wanted to write. i’m a writer. that’s who i am and that’s who i’ll always be. i wanted something a lot more low-stakes, kind of go-with-the-flow, no real pressure and more collaborative than the isolating fun of novel-writing, so i turned back to roleplay. hollywood rps have always been my absolute favorites in the rpc for whatever reason; i have such fond memories in hollywood groups and it’s a fun and creative way for me to just project the love i have for my faves. after a few experiences in groups during late 2017 and early 2018 i was pretty sure that i was done with roleplay. it just wasn’t the same for me, no matter where i went. priorities had shifted and it was no longer about writing because you loved to write. but, me being ever the optimist, i decided to dive back into the tags and see what was still around or had recently popped up. i found this group and i saw that they had just had a taylor swift removed from the group, and hi hello nice to meet you i am taylor swift trash no. 1!!!, i felt like it was all Meant To Be or something like that (plus, she was taken in every other group and that’s who i really wanted to put a hand at writing). so i put in an app for her, got accepted, and i have been plaguing your dashes ever since :~))
in the four-ish months that i have been here, so much has happened in my life. i started my (outrageously stressful) junior year of college, i lost my grandma, i went to go see queen swift in atlanta and meet my baby princess camila, i have had major friend complications and doubts about my career track and i have had just really boring, empty days where everything was going seemingly okay. this group has been there for me through every high, low, and in between. this group has been my escape to run to when i’m stressed or up late at night and can’t sleep or just really looking to be social or want to write something. this group has been so welcoming, warm, and fun; i have had the opportunity to explore my character any which way that i please and form awesome plots with people, and even more awesome friendships ooc. some of you send really, really kind things my way which, fyi, i’m super grateful for and have probably cried over because this was the first time i not only felt welcomed in a group as taylor, but felt welcomed in a group as me. i am so grateful that i get to call this place my internet home and there is absolutely nowhere else i would rather be spending my free time writing. i stand by what i say: this is the best group in the tags, hands down. you could not ask for a more inclusive, diverse, welcoming, creative playground to spend your time on. to all the lovely admins over on main @hollywoodfamerp​ thank you for doing the heavy lifting and giving us a safe and warm place that we can call home. the work you do never goes unnoticed. you are appreciated and you are so, so loved. ♡  
some ~personal~ shoutouts:
@nhxran​ — peyton, you are without a doubt one of my best friends both in this group and just in general. we had an immediate chemistry as writing partners from that very first starter reply and nothing about that has changed. you are the writing partner i always hoped i would find in a group due to how generous you are in every reply, the way you are willing to headcanon and brainstorm (even at the craziest of hours) and i still remain in awe of you as a roleplayer with the way you juggle such diverse characters, all of which have their prominent voices that never seem to overlap. you are the roleplayer i wish i could be. even though we might sometimes be ships in the night ic, ooc i know that you are always there and you always have my back, and i truly hope you know that the same goes for you. i love you, you intelligent, creative, witty, beautiful, heart-of-gold woman you. i would not have stayed in this group if i had not met you. you are one of my favorite people, period. thank you for being one of my dearest friends.
@cara-x-delevingne​ — mickey, the first person to ever pop into my ims and say hello (and you were FAST about it too, lol), you have been one of my favorite people to write with! the way you breathe a life into your characters is almost unparalleled to any writer, much less any writer in a hwood group. you have such a talent and not only that, you are funny and kind and inclusive and i am so glad that there are people like you (and you) still out there in this world. we need more people like you. thank you for one of the most epic friendships i’ve ever written in a group and always challenging me to step up to the plate and bring my a-game with taylor. you inspire me and i love you. never change.
@armiehmmer​ — graaaaace, the law to my swift! you were actually one of the reasons i joined this rp; before i joined i stalked a few blogs and as i have told you (and you have probably seen via my wildin’ ass on twitter) i love jen, so much. i saw how dedicated you were to your jen and how included she was, which i thought was amazing because like my girl t, some people just aren’t about. i figured if you could put in the effort and grind hard enough with her and get positive results, i could do the same for taylor. and here we both are, killin’ it. you are such a lovely person who has always been nothing but kind, i am still endlessly jealous you were in pasadena for rep tour but we’ll let it slide for now, lol. i love you, thank you for being the epitome of grace in this roleplay. you’re a pure light and the dash is dimmer without you on it.
@jstntimberfake​ — nicki, or should i say, GOD, i don’t know where to begin with you. you are the reason i almost took home a jt standup from 2nd and charles. i love everything that you do on both of your characters. you become them, they stand so far away from the person that you actually are and i think that is the testament of a true, talented writer: they are able to convince you that they’re someone else. and you do, every time. i’m just really, really happy that i get to say that i’m in the same rp group as you because it makes me feel like a Cool Kid on the playground who has light up sneakers. you are so cool and it sometimes lowkey intimidates me, how amazing and talented you are. thank you for always putting a smile on my face. love ya love ya  
@itsscarjo​ — aria, my magnificent love. you are so well spoken and kind and as my clumsy twin, i have no choice but to love you dearly. it’s so nice to just have somebody to talk to sometimes and every time we’ve talked, it’s like being all bundled up in a warm fuzzy blanket. you are so easy to talk to and i cannot wait for the things you and i do on all of our people now that our lives have calmed the heck down and we can come on and write. thank you for being such a spectacular, inviting person. i had several other people sing your praises to me when you joined the group and i can wholeheartedly agree with them. you are one of a kind. big love
@aubreycplaza​ — marissa, i mcfreakin’ adore you. i’ll be honest, i have not had the best experiences with aubreys in the past but that all goes out the window with you. i’m obsessed with you and all of your people, and to know you and get to write with you is an absolute pleasure. thank you for being so much fun to write with, thank you for giving me so much quality stuff to stalk while i’m on the dash and feeling like trash, thank you for being so understanding of me constantly feeling like trash, i adore you. can’t wait for tay and aubrey to finally go on their fuckin girls trip and become little jetsetters together (forevaaaa)
@jamesrodriqez​ — hello stranger idk you but i think you’re pretty cool! and i think that you have been one of the most entertaining, fun people to write with in these last couple of weeks when i feel like i’m barely able to write two sentences that haven’t been written onto a powerpoint that i’m copying off of. you just give me so much excitement about writing and plotting and that excitement is something that can be difficult to find again after you’ve gotten comfortable in a group. thank you for keeping things refreshing and new for me and taylor. i’m excited to get back to all of our fun shenanigans (and to love on your new people bc yes amen) #jandrea forever
@jarpadking​ — nikki! first of all, i’m in awe at how fast you can come up with replies on TWO characters that are so well-crafted and authentic to that person’s voice. i struggle just writing a single coherent reply on taylor half the time, lmao. you are one of the hearts in this group, the way you make it an effort to branch out and talk to every single person and create connections with both the mun and the character. you’re one of the unsung heroes and if we could all be a little more you like you, we’d be the best roleplayers around. love you so much, my dear, and of course, thank you for being so warm and inclusive. people like you are rare
@itskeeoone​ — i have spent all day binging pll because that is how i choose to veg out and every time i see keegan on screen now, i think of you, em. you just write him so wonderfully and truthfully and i don’t ever want to let you go (please don’t ever leave this group or i’ll cry). taylor and keegan have given me all the life, they are very similar people and i’m happy that my 15 year old self’s dreams are coming true by their worlds colliding here in the group. i’m so excited to write even more with you now that the holidays are coming and i’ll actually, y’know, BE AROUND, but yes. love you.
@goddamnjade​ — lucy, you know anybody that is as big into the dance scene as i am HAS to get a spot on this appreciation post ;) but also, you have just been one of the loveliest people ever? i think you’re one of the hearts in this group, the reason that it is why it is and the reason that it’s so warm and welcoming. you are so inclusive and fun to write with and i really hope that i get to talk with you more ooc because i adore youuuu!
@yosebstan​ — rileyyyy, gotta admit, sometimes you intimidate me but it is only because you are an absolute fuckin’ legend in this group, and not just because of your admin status. your characters have something that a lot of people try hard to encompass but can’t ever capture, and that’s longevity. your characters never feel stale, they always feel new and fresh and like real people, not just tropes or over-concentrated personality traits and i get so excited every time i see one of your people on the dash. i’m lucky to be in a group with you, so so lucky. i sometimes hope your natural inclination for rp will rub off on me and make me a better writer. love you, and i really hope we get to do some fun stuff in the future!!
@jpgsasha​ — cami, you and i clicked so fast when we started replying to each other’s stuff back when you still had camila and i cannot WAIT to write with you as my honey sasha (seriously, a fuckin’ plus switch). we had some of the LONGEST replies on the dash at one point but when you’re inspired, you’re inspired! thank you for inspiring me and being one of the most down to earth people in this group. you deserve all the fuckin’ love. please love me so i can give it to you.
@avycias​​ — katieeee!! it legit surprised me to find out how close we are to one another #hurricane watch friends, lol. you are so sweet and your alycia is absolutely legendary, i was biting at the bit to write with you from the minute i joined this group. i hope we get to do all of the things with taylor and alycia because writing with you makes me so happy. you are wildly talented and the way alycia comes to life every time you type something is magical. you write her with a conviction and you make her your own and i think that’s why i adore her so much. thank you for being you. love you much babes
@milesdominic​ — marie! miles and taylor had one of the cutest friendships ever and it needs to make a comeback asap, because 1) that, and 2) writing with you comes so naturally (*plays naturally by selena gomez and the scene*). i barely have to think about what i want to reply to you with because there’s a chemistry there that is hard to replicate; thank you for keeping me on my toes and my brain alert and being such a fun person to write with. you give me the chance to explore sides of taylor’s voice that other people look over and that i love, and that’s all anybody could ask in a writing partner, someone who allows them to run wild!
@blccmtroye​  — fiona, i fuckin’ love your troye. he is too much fun to interact with, and i am thankful that you gave this group a shot (and that you gave me a shot). i couldn’t imagine this place without the wit and the charm that you supply with every single post you make.
@flynnpls​ — marie, i’m just in love with all of your people and you. you’re one of the people i feel like i admire from afar because i stay in awe of the way you write and how effortless it seems to come to you. you balance all of these different personalities with finesse and i really do feel like i’m talking to or reading the words of the actual celebrity in every single reply. i am crossing my fingers that i get the opportunity to write some really incredible things with you here in the future because i have such mad respect for you.
+ to everyone else that i either forgot to mention, have not really formed connections with outside of replies or haven’t had the chance to talk to you/your babies due to my super fun hiatus: i stalk so many of you on the dash and keep up with your plots and where you take your characters and it really and truly is such a privilege to be in the same group as you. they say that birds of a feather flock together and if that’s the case, i am simply a reflection of all the things y’all are. kind, funny, clever, creative, welcoming, intelligent, and a part of something, and i could not ask for more. i love all of you, whether we’ve talked or not (believe me i probably stalk you and just love you from afar) and any time you ever need a friend, call me beep meeeeee. i’m always game to do things with taylor and explore her more through whatever plots or connections we could create, and i promise that if i don’t respond to an im, it’s because i’m off on hiatus or it got eaten. i want to do ALL the things with ALL of you. come hit me up! let me love you! k thanks!!!
obligatory thank you note to my queen taylor alison for existing. love u bitch.
xx, caroline
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Conquest and Empire
(A starter for @the-winter-dork-rp​)
“The survey is completed, Pilot Rago.” Saburo stated, bringing up the results screen as a section of the planet was marked out. “That is the place... It even has a source of radiation nearby. We can harvest it. This will be ideal for the purpose.” He nodded. “Are the Quarks charged?” He inquired, tapping at the control panel. “All units at full power, this is only a Level 3 planet, their technology poses no threat. Begin landing sequence.” He ordered the computer. “Acknowledged, Commander.” It replied, engines powering up as they left geo-stationary orbit, soon entering the atmosphere. “We’ve secured the facility, but we’re having difficulty stopping the countdown, the reaction is increasing.” One of the agents stated into his earpiece, having found another Hydra Super-tech facility which was now being hit by a small squad of agents and a few of the Avengers in case of anything particularly advanced. The local scanners were unable to pick up the incoming ship due to higher cloaking technology as Hydra drones were destroyed for no apparent reason, having gotten within visual range of the alien ship. “There’s a strange signature... Iron Legion will investigate.” One of them commanded as the 5 robots flew off to the area where the drones had stopped responding, the rather large silver spacecraft landing in the forest, having crushed the trees underneath the drive power. “Drive powering down, entering energy conservation mode. There are lifeforms located 6 units from here and primitive mechanical drones are approaching.” Rago asked. “Absorb the local radiation and open the bay door, I shall investigate the approaching machines with 2 Quark Units. Continue to scramble their communications and maintain scanner contact, I will bring one of the life forms here for assessment as potential labour force.” Saburo ordered imperiously. “Command accepted.” Drawing a shape in the touch screen, the ship whirred a little. “Wait... We’ve lost all power in the nuclear bolt. Zero reaction, I repeat, zero reaction. It’s like the plutonium rods just... stopped being radioactive.” One of the agents explained to Steve. Not 2 minutes ago, the nuclear bolt powering the facility had been ready to turn the surrounding area into a smoking, radioactive hole in the ground. Now the power was out, even the backup generators failed. “I can’t reach the others, the comms are dead.” Agent Santana explained, looking at Bucky.
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