biositecleanup · 1 year
Sharp objects such as broken glass, sharp metal fragments, and needles can pose a significant hazard to people and animals if not handled and disposed of properly. Professional sharp object cleanup services are necessary because they have the necessary equipment, training, and expertise to safely remove and dispose of sharp objects. 
It is best to leave the cleanup and disposal of sharp objects to professionals such as Biosite Cleanup.
Read More: https://biositecleanup.com.au/blogs/why-do-sharp-objects-need-professional-pick-up/
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biositecleanup · 7 years
Sharps are items that are potentially contaminated with blood or body fluids and are capable of causing a cut or puncture in the skin.
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biositecleanup · 7 years
The FDA recommends a two-step process for properly disposing of used needles and other sharps.
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